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I had started this one thinking it would be one giant battle scene. I quickly found that bulk combat is really hard to make sexy, so kind of skimmed that. Then I realized this thing would be dozens of pages long if I introduced all the units and Moms. I was pleased with myself to manage to namedrop or introduce them all while still fitting in some private time with the ladies. I especially felt like the ending bit with Black Malice, and with the factions I can see mixing and matching or just focusing on one team's camp per episode.

The Great Lady Hun looked over her army. It was a strong stock this year; many riders and archers while still bearing a good number of brutes. There were even a few lumbering ogers with their whole whittled trees for clubs. She had birthed many of them herself many breeding seasons ago, and with many more generations of warriors waiting in the tents. While Hun's thousands of spawn were less in numbers than the other Great Mothers, they had mobility. They were nomads and lived surprisingly well off a bandit queen lifestyle.

Hun mounted her trusty mare, always the very image of the raider Mother. She had strong and stern Asian features to her face, powerfully built in every way. She was lean and athletic in her limbs but busty and of stocky, childbearing hips, no throne-sitting leader to her people. She wore light armor of a thickly woven mix of wood, fabric and complex nano-fabricated metals, all of which hugged her hips and pushed up her bosom. A long spear was passed to her once she had tied her black hair into a lengthy ponytail, long enough to mingle with the matching hair of her mount's tail.

Great Lady Hun dug her boots into her horse's sides and shouted loud enough to echo across her entire army. They echoed her battle cry, letting her horse take the lead before the rest of them followed. The tromping of hooves mixed with the deep snarl of the ogers and the rumbling of engines as the jeeps and motorcycles followed suit. Her hodgepodge army was one of many left in the world lead by a Mother, which rode out once again to face another two of them.

It was a strange and dark world where Hun, Hera, Black Malice and the rest of the Mothers reigned supreme. A blight had struck the world of old, leaving many infertile while their greatest minds and leaders died in the chaos. In the worldwide panic, humanity fell back to their deepest instinct and source of safety. People found fertile women who were made into their leaders; the deified Mothers. People did not survive for long without a Mother to worship and mate with, and soon their concentrated populations swelled as they found ways to breed faster with healthier children. Their experimentation brought about some strange spawn and beliefs, not the least of which was that whatever their efforts, none could so much as land a successful strike on a Mother but a Mother. As what began as bunkers and small camps grew rapidly, they lashed out at each other for territory in what would become known as the Milf Wars.

"How are my darlings doing?" Sweet Caroline was a plump woman, her huge freckled breasts pushing her apron and dress out into a bottomless-looking pit of cleavage. The rosy-cheeked woman with her curly red hair looked at home in a kitchen, if not for the particular sharpness to the kitchen utensils and sewing needles in her pockets.

"The good boys have cornered a unit of Black Malice's attack slaves, mommy," one of the grim men in freshly-washed military fatigues reported from his console. "But her pain sponges with spinethrowers are trying to outflank them."

"Set a few guard dogs to reinforce them. And be a dear and send a care package up the supply lines for the main units."

"Right away, Mother Caroline," another of her war room agents reported as he sent the commands through his archaic computer console.

"Thank you, sweetie." Sweet Caroline gave the responding radio officer a big warm hug, briefly burying his face in warm, freckled flesh. Another agent's computer flashed red as her eyes went wide.

"Mommy! We have a full alert! Malice herself as arrived on the battlefield!"

"What!? This soon?!" Her precious children looked ready to panic, but Caroline's cheeks went redder with anger. "That dirty, no good, b... brash woman!" she corrected quickly. No cursing in front of her darlings, after all. "The nerve of her! Get the Little Angels out to cover for our losses. I'm getting the mini-van and I'm going to stop that hussy once and for all!"

On the battlefield, Caroline's troops fired their guns from their improvised cover. They wore the comfortable fatigues like most of Sweet Caroline's children (literal or otherwise), still smelling dryer-fresh despite the dust of the battle. Black Malice's spike slaves were growing desperate as they tried to rush out of their cover. Good Boy Rogers wasn't terribly surprised by the leather and stud-covered psychos so desperate to please their Mother that they came out psychos. They were picking them off as they came, their outdated spike-throwing weapons too short a range to get to them.

At their flank, their robotic guard dogs barked and harassed the pain sponge. They weren't likely to bring it down themselves, but they were quick and painful enough to keep the brutes busy. The sponges were big, bloated mutants that had proven themselves to Malice for how much of a beating they could take, clad in the thickest black leathers that coated their entire body apart from what they needed to breathe. With the guard dogs busying it, the rest of the troops could finish them off with gunfire eventually.

They had just shot down their first sponge when the whip struck. Three of Caroline's troops went down with one lash, two of them split in half while another took a bloody wound across the chest. The soldiers whirled in a panic as they fired wildly, but the whip snapped through the air like a lightning-fast serpent. Black Malice didn't even have to move so much as a finger for it to deflect the rapid gunfire.

Malice was most unlike Sweet Caroline, making them two of the more opposed families on the war-ravaged planet. She was tall and thin, almost abnormally so, especially when one considered how dangerous and strong the woman was. She held her long and trusty whip, dressed as a classic dominatrix from her black leather corset around her tiny waist and huge tits, to her thigh-high boots with sharp stilettos, to her small military-style cap. Her hair was blonde with large splashes of neon pink dyed into it, along with the occasional streak of what had to be blood. The sadistic domintrix Mother stepped towards the troops, who instantly cringed away from her as she licked her pouty pink lips.

"What a wicked bunch of children Carol has left for me," she purred in her low and husky voice that carried farther than it should. "Come quietly and I'll be sure to simply punish you myself. I'm told it's quite the experience by some of the new pets... like a nirvana for them to find their true goddess of pain."

The troops turned to flee when they froze again. The roaring engine of the battle van speeding towards them announced the charging dust cloud. It was a good few hundred yards away when the door flew open and Sweet Caroline covered the rest of the distance in one leap. The plump housewife glared at Black Malice as she landed in between her and the troops.

"You leave my babies alone!" Carol demanded, putting up her fists towards the sadistic Mother. Malice just laughed.

"There you are! You're so easy to lure out like this, Carol." The pink and blonde woman placed a gloved hand to her chin. "You know, you do care about those little ones far too much. They're insects to Mothers like us. Pawns to a queen."

"Shows how dumb you are, Alice," Carol scoffed. "Because the queen's the strongest piece who does all the real fighting!" She reached into her apron pocket and flung some sharpened knitting needles at her opponent. Malice's whip snapped through the air, knocking them aside before it struck out with a flick of her wrist. While it had been known to strike down tanks or whole platoons with a well-timed strike, Sweet Caroline's hand snapped up and caught the wriggling tip of her weapon out of midair just shy of her face.

"You are simply the naughtiest girl," Caroline growled before giving it a firm yank. Malice was flung off her feet and right towards the chubbier woman, who swung her slippered foot up and kicked her right in her abdomen. Even with her reinforced corset and the personal force field that most of the Mothers carried in some form, she gagged from the genetically enhanced power that they also frequently possessed. Malice doubled over, holding her stomach while Caroline tossed the whip away. She threw two meaty punches into her, one right into each of Malice's breasts as she drove her back on her high heeled boots.

The dom suddenly countered with a backhand slap that sent Caroline tumbling into the dirt. The battlefield was immediately singed by her forcefield and the impact of their combined power, leaving the milf rubbing her cheek as she moved quickly back to her knees. Malice raised one boot high before a sudden burst of flame shot from around her ankles. It rocketed her stiletto heel forward, stomping harder than ever on Caroline's chest and pinning her to the ground. The chubby woman wailed as her big, milky breast was visible pierced by the solid heel without breaking her skin.

"You're always so cute when you fight back," Malice purred, licking her lips as she looked down at her foe. "I'm going to enjoy being the first to slay a Mother... or better yet, turning you into my little pet cow."

Malice suddenly winced as a sound like a million mechanical bees came from above her. The Little Angels had arrived and rained their heavy machine guns onto her as they rocketed down from above. The machines were big, pink and bulky in a way that clearly spoke of Caroline's aesthetic, but they were among her heaviest units. Only the most capable of her Good Girls were able to pilot the mini mechs, their gunfire even enough to make the sadist flinch.

Caroline used the distraction to grab Malice by the ankle, lifting her up and sending a kick into her groin. Malice grunted hard as she was launched back, clutching her pussy and biting her lip. While most would have given a cry of agony (assuming their pelvis survived a direct hit from a Mother), Malice let out a sensual moan.

"I love the way you hurt me, Mommy Carol," she purred. "It's why I love our little games." Three of the pink robots landed in a triangular flank around the Mother while Caroline pulled herself back up to her feet.

"We've got her now, mommy," the filtered voices of one of the mechs reported. Their heavy guns whirred to life again, but there was a sudden metallic screech. A large arrow was sticking out of one of the robitic arms, cutting off its warmup as a thundering force of horses and bikes rode towards the skirmish.

"You! After the van. Raid it for anything we can! Rest of you! Scrap them for parts!" Lady Hun barked over the ruckus. "I'll be the one to slay their imposter queens!"

Hun's army replied with a unified, feral grunt as they swarmed over the startled enemy troops. "Hun, you pesky bitch," Malice mused, reaching up to casually catch an incoming arrow out of the air and licking the arrowhead. "This should be fun."

Hun's heavy horse shook the ground as she charged in, focusing her aim on the rival Mothers. She took care before firing, the nomadic army always one to value strategy and precision since they lacked the sheer numbers of the other forces to stay mobile. So when Malice gestured and her whip started to twitch, she let her single arrow fly and pinned it to the ground in midair.

"You're predictable, Alice!" Hun called to her as she closed the distance. She drew her spear and pulled it back as if ready to charge, but she rammed it into the dirt instead. It pole vaulted not only her but her huge horse, flipping through the air. Both Malice and Caroline had to rush out of the way to avoid its crushing hooves. Hun flipped off of her mount and swept Malice's legs out from under her with a sweep of her spear. Hun raised the business end of her weapon at the dominatrix, but Caroline threw a punch at her from the side.

The fist caught the Asian Mother in the chest, cracking her armor while Hun took a wild but expert swing with her spear. It left a slice up Caroline's cleavage, making her huge breasts bounce even further into view. The maternal warlord blushed and tried to pull up her top as she squared off with the other two Mothers. All the while her Angels tried to fight off the incoming raiders.

"We really should get together like this more often." Black Malice grinned at the other ascendant women once she had her feet back under her. "It must be lonesome at the top, after all. So far above the mindless pets."

"All my children are strong and special," Sweet Caroline defied firmly. She settled on tying a part of her top up, even if that exposed a bit more of her belly than she liked at the edges of her apron.

"Mine aren't," Great Lady Hun said with a shrug. "But they find ways to make themselves useful." Her eyes darted briefly off to the situation with the battle van. The mounted guard were pursuing it, but it was heading for the forests. It was said that anywhere green risked being the territory of Sacred Thorn, and she was in frequent fights with Golden Hera and her empire. If the van made it there, they'd have to break off and let Caroline's transport take their chances inside.

Malice couldn't help but strike first. She threw another high, rocket-powered kick at Hun's head, but she blocked with her forearm and swiped back with her spear. Malice caught the edge of the spear's head and twisted her wrist, bending the blade out of shape with her gloved hand.

"Happens to a lot of boys," Malice smirked, but Hun shifted her weight and smacked her upside the chin with the staff end of her weapon. Caroline caught her in a bearhug from behind, her skill for hugging clearly showing as the hardened leather of Malice's corset started to emit cracking and sparking noises. The sadistic blonde let out a quick scream of pain, but she swung her leg backward and slammed the stiletto into Caroline's crotch. The chubby milf instantly released her as Malice swept the legs out from under her, landing her pudgy belly on Malice's knee. The dom grinned wildly as she raised a hand, summoning a riding crop in a flash of light.

"I'm tired of your meddling, fatass!" Malice still said the words with a hint of glee as she started spanking Caroline's ass rapidly. Painfully stinging sparks sprang out from her weapon when it struck, making Caroline shriek and kick her thick legs from the pain. It didn't do a particular amount of damage, but it hurt like crazy.

"Augghh! Stop! You naughty bitch!"

"Ha! Is that cursing, mommy?! I thought you were too squeaky clean for that!" Malice raised her crop again, but she quickly learned that Hun had switched back to her bow. Another thick arrow shot it the crop out of Malice's hand, forcing the dominatrix to back off and shake out her hand.

"You girls just can't let me have my fun," Malice growled as Hun went after her with her spear. She worked with her bent blade, wielding it like a scythe instead of a spear to make up for its new curve. Malice threw a kick towards her midsection, but she raised the middle of her spear to block it and catch her by her high heel. Another firm swing of it sent her spinning to one side and crashing into the dirt. Hun raised her spear to finish her off, but Caroline's fist came flying at her to interrupt again.

Hun threw up her spear, blocking the blow but shattering it right in half under the force of Caroline's punch. Hun adapted quickly once again, twirling her two half-spears and whipping them down like batons on Caroline's bouncy tits. She yelped as they bounced around, slapped back and forth like a set of fleshy drums. Caroline stumbled back just as Malice returned the favor of her rescue by throwing a kick at Carol's gut. This time she saw it coming, letting Caroline grab Malice by the ankle before she hit and swinging her with her mighty strength. Malice and Hun both grunted as the human club smashed into her, breaking away both of their armor as their breast spilled out from the cracked protection.

Hun and Malice both went tumbling across the dirt, rolling until they were able to scramble back to their feet. All three women were sore and panting, eying each other warily while they tried to catch their breath. There was a trembling that went through the ground, getting all three of them to look up towards the remains of their battle.

A large and fleshy tube burst out of the ground there, somewhere between a giant worm and a string of intestine. It opened up a hole at the front and out poured a number of recycled zombies. The Mothers groaned at the sight of the main units of Lifeblood Jane.

"You know, this is why we can never kill each other," Hun pointed out. "It takes so damn long that every time one of us gets close, another one hears the ruckus and shows up to ruin it."

"Says the bitch who cut in on our little dance," Malice scoffed. "Well, this is getting too rich for my blood. I'll be seeing you." She whistled and summoned her whip back to her, letting the weapon tear in half to escape the arrow that had pinned it to begin with. She started to stride off, tapping her ear and issuing commands for any remaining units to pull out.

Hun and Caroline exchanged glances, but things really were starting to escalate as the feuding units started to all retreat as they fired on the patchwork corpses. Soon the slimey, naked green Mother slid out of the flesh tunnel, smiling madly. Lifeblood Jane had a pair of tentacles wriggling around blindly on her back, and her breasts were huge if mismatched in size by a few cups. She casually spat to one side, her saliva sizzling as it burned through the flesh of one desperately fleeing soldier.

"I'm not ready for that right now. Salvage all you can and flee," Hun reported with a tap of her ear. She grasped her spear halves in one hand and shoved it crudely into her sheathe. She gave Caroline a dry glare. "Do you know how long it takes to make a weapon that I can actually wield without breaking it?"

"Good. Maybe it will keep your meddling nose out of my business for a while."

Hun rolled her eyes. "If I don't, someone else will. At least we make a profit off it rather than stealing corpses like Janet." Hun nodded over towards the monstrous result of mad science as she went back to her mount. Hun's great-horse had rather lazily trotted off nearby. It poked around for grass while it ignored all the gunfire and earth-shaking blows. It looked like one of Malice's strays had tried to steal it, because the black-clad warrior was dead on the ground with most of its arm bitten off. Lady Hun gave a whip of her reins and it was off before Caroline's van pulled back around to pick her up, flanked by the retreating remains of her Angels.

Hun caught up with the rest of her troops as they started to regroup. She snatched up a spare poncho from one of her bikers as she gathered up the status report.

"Got some good scrap off one of the Angels. And some weapons and rations from the bodies," one of her barbarians reported. "Lost about a squad's worth on men and mounts." Hun nodded, but stared at him for more as she covered up her broad chest. "Three went missing. Captured. Two with Black Malice, one from Lifeblood's. Sweet Caroline's family looks like she lost a handful the same way."

Hun nodded with her same cold expression. "And?"

"They spared theirs. Thought it was better to let them live and try to save them. We were able to shoot one of ours that were going with Malice," he affirmed proudly.

Hun nodded again. Better than being tortured to death or being turned to her psychotic army. "Best we can do. Standard reward for the slayers who can show their kills. Send the scouts to find another camp and try to watch their step with all the rest of those bitches snooping around here."

"Goooood morning, boys!" The dark room became illuminated by a number of overhead lights. The three men blinked at the sudden change, seeing each other naked and similarly suspended off the ground by the chains on their wrists. Their blood ran cold and their loins stirred as they saw themselves in the presence of the Mother Black Malice. Every faction knew the stories, mostly about how her army was made of nothing but psychotic slaves who either craved pain or feared her so much that they would sooner die than disappoint the tall and slender blonde. She had cleaned up from her battle, shedding any signs of dirt or injury to maintain the ongoing illusion of Mothers as perfection. She wore a fluffy and loose black robe that practically fell off of her protruding breasts, showing her blood red thong beneath.

"It's so good to see you survived the night. You must be stronger than your former Mothers thought you were." She smiled, curling her bubblegum pink lips with her poisoned flattery. The two older men just glared at her while the younger gulped. "Now, I'm going to run a little test. I think you'll enjoy it, so just relax for me, alright?"

Black Malice stepped up to the first suspended male, flicking a remote so that he was raised a few extra feet. It placed the tall woman right in front of his groin, and she smiled as she fondled his balls. "Well, not too much. The noisy ones are the most fun."

Malice's powerful hands squeezed his balls suddenly, forcing a pained shout out of the hardened Hun trooper. She smiled as she opened her mouth, taking his thick manhood into her mouth with ease. She sucked nosily, her warm drool running down the captive's sac and lubricating her gloved fingers. The long-lived breeding queen played with his cock like a penis pianist, plenty experienced in manipulating and pleasing those that pleased her. She crushed his balls with her powerful hands before releasing, just to do it again like some warm and cruel machine, keeping him stimulated and hurting despite how erect he remained in her mouth. Her talented tongue and lips, even her teeth teased him perfectly.

"I swear, you monster bitch. Great Lady Hun will come and find you, and you will pay," the man growled.

Malice popped her mouth off of his shaft and gave his wet cock a firm slap. "Don't care," she chimed, suddenly punching him in the balls. He grunted hard, choking with pain as she ran her tongue up his cock. His body was pulsing from the various sensations, and just at his limits, Malice knowingly placed her mouth around the head of his cock. He came as if on command, the tall woman hardly twitching as she gulped down his cum. She pursed her lips thoughtfully before she reached into her robe, producing a small scanner-like device. She opened her mouth and carefully spat a glob of his cum onto the open hatch on the top, sealing it up and letting it run for a few seconds before checking the screen.

"Hmm. 35. Not bad." She pumped a part of her device and ejected a canister onto the floor before walking to the next man. "You were one of Carol's boys, I think..." The man glared back at her before spitting on her face. She slid out her tongue and licked up his spit without breaking her expression. "Or not. Men all start to look the same to me at this point." She quickly and casually took his cock into her mouth, sucking while grinding her teeth around his member. The man screamed in pain at her malicious blowjob, leaving it red and raw with a few strokes of her strong teeth. With him properly softened up, she parted her robe to take his cock between her breasts, pressing and pumping them together to rub painfully over his gnawed on cock. The fit man was in tears by the time she opened her mouth, not even properly resting his dick inside. She simply left her mouth and tongue hovering around it, her hot breath enough to force the next load from him.

She rolled his mess around on her tongue, spitting it back into the device. "Pfft! 22?! Sweetie..." She broke into a mocking laugh. "You are going to be in here for a loooong time." She turned her eyes to the last of them, a younger and slimmer male who swallowed hard as she set eyes on him.

"Please don't torture me into a monster, miss!" he blurted. "I'd make a terrible pain sponge or spiker or whatever you're thinking!"

Black Malice studied him for a moment of silence, then smiled wide. "Now this one I like!" She looked back at the earlier men, still dripping their cum on the floor. "You two could learn from him. THIS is how you get tortured! You don't spit and glare." She ran her fingers delicately over his shaft, the younger prisoner's cock already stiff by the time she reached the end of it. "You squirm..."

The boy kept waiting for a sudden punch or a crushing grip, but it never came. She stroked him slowly, drawing out their sensual interaction. She kissed along his stomach, getting his cock to throb just from being in the same proximity as a Mother's mouth. She ended up taking the head of his cock delicately balanced on one leathered finger, holding it upright so that his precum ran down her finger like a lazy river. She smiled proudly up at him, sending shivers down his spine and along his cock until she planted a long, warm kiss to the side of his tip.

"Ohhh shit!" he shuddered, shaking violently to thrust against her lips. Malice giggled and removed her mouth from him, letting him see the bright pink lipstick mark she'd left on his head like a brand. She rested his cockhead on the tip of her tongue, slowly flexing and rolling it until he shot his load inside her. She smiled wider still as she swished his cum around in her mouth and spat it into her gadget. It beeped rapidly a few seconds later and she raised her eyebrows.

"83! We definitely have a winner, boys!" She put away the scanner and flicked her remote, lowering the chains on the last prisoner and undoing his bonds. "You are a VERY special little mutt, you know that?" the Mother praised. She patted his cheek a bit more firmly than he was used to before gesturing to the other two and looking to a few of her leather-wrapped guards. "The fertility read on these two is a joke. Get to work on them. I'm taking this one to my quarters."

The younger prisoner didn't dare to look back at the other two before scampering after Black Malice, hands folded over his still twitching member. He watched her rolling hips bounce about ahead of him before she opened up a seemingly random automatic door in the black metal halls. Inside was a room so deep and dark it hurt his eyes for a moment. It wasn't entirely dark, but so full of deep purples and dark blues with low lighting that it felt like he was walking on a shadow.

"Um..." he started, but Malice ignored him as she went to one of the black wooden dressers.

"Put these on," she ordered curtly, tossing him a set of clothes. It was a simple silken shirt and pants, with even the underwear and the socks black of course. "My newest pet is going to look the part."

"Your... uh, okay." The young soldier started pulling on the clothes in his confusion.

Black Malice started to undress, shedding her robe and showing her slender body in nothing but her thong and gloves as she checked a dimly lit mirror. "Like I said, you are very special. Your fertility will be a valuable asset to me. For that, you will be treated special. I'll want you sane and healthy, so you'll be given genuine food like myself and my highest officers. You will mate with me twice a day at times of my request. Any refusal to do so will be ignored, but punished all the same. There are a few ground rules to adhere to if you want to stay alive, safe and happy."

Malice turned to face him again when he was just getting on the pants. "As your new Mother, I am your better. You can be replaced.  You are nothing but a small and useful penis to me. And you will never leave or betray me unless I order it. As such..." She reached behind her, picking up a thin black dog collar spotted with little silver stars. "You will wear this at all times. If you are seen without it on without my express permission, you will die." The prisoner quickly snatched it up and put it on, which made Malice smirk a little. She loved how afraid he was right now.

"Also, you will now answer to Boy. Your name and life are of no importance to you or me anymore. Do we understand, Boy?"

"Yes, Black Malice," he squeaked out.

"You will do nothing but attend me. If you are to wait while I am away or busy, you will be allowed to listen to the torture of your former teammates. I'm sure more will show up by the time they've broken, one way or another." Malice reached rather casually into the crotch of her panties, drawing a small but sharp knife from inside. Boy stared wide-eyed at it as she jammed it into the small table beside the bed. "And lastly, this will always be here. I leave this blade in my room by my bed because I know you will never hurt me; out of weakness, cowardice, or respect, you will not. It is not there as an opportunity but a reminder of those things. How you will either make me happy or you will die. Are we entirely clear, my little cum bag."

"Y-yes, Mother."

Malice's stern expression broke into a smile. She cupped his face as she leaned down, her huge breasts bouncing in front of him before her lips could reach him. "I knew you were something special!" she praised, kissing him firmly on the mouth. "Now let's test out my new favorite pet. I hope you're half as noisy in bed as you are in interrogations."



A very intricate world you've created, excited for more!