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This is a weird little monster that came about from my fiancee playing Persona 5 and not really knowing what's going on. This is kind of my interpretation, except they're all wet dreams and it's got more alien demons. Thought of keeping up the Tarot theme at first but ditched that for just themes.

"Hold it right there!" Dora struck her pose as she stood on the low stone wall. It wasn't the best location to do it in, considering that it was right next to the sidewalk and she was, naturally, wearing her uniform for the private school that included a skirt. Nevertheless, she looked down at the blankly staring Vicky.

"Okay. I'm holding."

Dora Mendez switched to a new pose, fists on her hips and her perky little chest puffed out. Her light brown skin and dark hair done up in pigtails shone through from her mixed Spanish heritage. "Smoking behind the building is a safety violation and bad for your health! I need you to put that out and move along, please!"

Vicky Stix frowned as she stood up. Even with the low wall she was standing on, the bleached blonde girl was nearly as tall as the boosted Dora. She wore the same uniform like they'd made her, but she wore it long enough to look like pants and her blouse buttoned low between a leather jacket over it all. She popped the cigarette out of her mouth. "Does it help if it's not tobacco in here?" she asked, streaming some smoke out of her nose.

Dora frowned as she actually thought about it. "Okay, a little bit. Lung cancer's no joke, and the science is still out on that... but STILL!" She hopped down from the wall, lining herself up face to bust with the blonde. "What if the actual class president or hall monitors found you instead of a warrior of justice?"

"Oh my god, that gay shit," Vicky grumbled as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "What is even wrong with you?" She started to walk away, puffing on her cigarette again. Dora had to jog to keep up with her longer legs, but the sporty brunette made do.

"Listen, I grew up here all my life! My pa and grandpa were always here. Mystery City wasn't always a great place, but we made it that way with lots of hard work and people looking out for each other. As the local guardian of this city, I shall not let it fall! Every citizen and building is my responsibility in some way!"

"So... dress up like a retard and go dish out vigilante justice like a normal person would. Nagging me about some pot isn't saving the world." Vicky tried to walk more briskly, but Dora kept up.

"I'm not saving the world, I'm just trying to save you. And everyone in Mystery City. Everyone's so nice to me because I'm nice to them, and- hey, Mr. Peckman!" The janitor waved back to her with a kindly smile. "And I cannot rest if there's one unhappy face!" Vicky frowned, which took more effort than she liked. She was a lazy punk of a girl to the core, and sometimes she didn't like how Dora's energy seemed to lighten everybody up.

"Well look. I've got places to be anyway," Vicky said. She snuffed out her cigarette on a wall and walked off the school grounds. "See you for more whining tomorrow, tiny."

"They're called speeches of justice! And I'll practice a new one for you!" Dora called after her as she stopped to toss her smoke into the proper waste disposal. It gave the blonde some time to ditch her as she went about her business.

Vicky went to the spot as she killed time checking her phone and drinking a soda. She slumped against the wall in the old parking lot until she recognized the beat up red car pulling up on Ink Street. She smirked as she crushed the can and tossed it aside as a tattooed girl in a red windbreaker with a dragon emblem climbed out. She had a sour look, thick lips, bright red hair and a (frankly) cool eye scar on her face.

"Stinky Studebaker," Vicky greeted in a chummy tone. "I guess you checked inside your panties and found the balls to show up!"

"It's Stella!" the tough girl growled. "At least you had the guts to show your dyejob ass!"

"Common courtesy for a challenge. Especially when you added those cute little bits about my mom." Vicky smirked and shook her hair out of her face. "You don't actually expect to win anything, do you?"

"I damn well do!" Stella barked. "And you know our agreement: you lose to a Star City Dragon, you give up your turf and become one of ours."

"Yea. Good luck with that." Vicky wound her hair into a neat ponytail with a spare scrunchie while Stella came charging at her like a maniac. "You've got no fucking style, Stinky," Vicky mused. She moved quickly and smoothly, elbowing Stella right in one of her wide tits. The outsider girl grunted and froze on the spot, making her easy pickings. Vicky hugged her around the waist, glad for the bitch's small tits so that they didn't get in her way. She lifted the stockier girl up before she twisted around, suplexing her into the pavement with a dull crunching noise.

Vicky rolled back to her feet in one acrobatic tumble while Stella clutched her head, kicking her feet like a little tantrum. "Yowwww! You bitch! I had you!"

"You did fucking not." Vicky sat on her back, pulling out Stella's panties and tapping some of her cigarette ash down by her ass. "So you give?"

"Not a chance!"

"What is with you lately?" she snorted. "Ah well. I know what always gets you out of my hair." Vicky cracked her knuckles, that alone enough to get Stella to yelp.

"No! That's not fair! Vicky nooAAHHH!"

Vicky reached between the stocky girl's legs and pinched her pussy. Stella always hated a crotch claw, even though for some reason a crotch stomp or knee didn't quite do the same level of effect. Stella was squealing and squirming in no time, beating her fists on the pavement. "Stop! Stop, I give!"

Vicky laughed triumphantly at her foe's miserable admission. "That's my favorite loser!" crowed the blonde. She gave Stella a firm smack on the ass, leaving a big red handprint behind. Vicky stood back up and cracked her knuckles, satisfied with herself until she looked around the lot. There was another half of a dozen girls moving in on her with the same jacket as Stella, making them as the rest of the Star City Dragons.

"Heh! You may have beat me (ow)," Stella grunted as she rolled onto her back. "But the rule still stands, doesn't it? I never said the Dragon that beats you has to be me."

"You dumbass bitches," Vicky snorted, flicking away her cigarette. The girls moved in with their fists at the ready. "Let's make this quick and fair as it's gonna get. Cuz I swear, my mom's making dinner, and I am gonna be super pissed if one of you shivs me and I end up running late."

Vicky rushed at the nearest one and took a swing. The Dragon was quick enough to dodge back, but one of her fellow members bearhugged Vicky from behind. She elbowed her in the head, but it gave the rest of them the time to gang up on her. She was quickly knocked down, arms out in front of her to block the worst of the stomping. One of them pulled at Vicky's hair while the other stomped on her stomach, getting all sorts of grunts and curses out of the alpha blonde. Even after protecting her turf for this long, she didn't like the odds of six on one.

"Justice Splash! HIYAAA!" Dora had a running start as she threw her entire body into three of the attacking girls. The other three were startled and confused enough for Vicky to kick one between the legs, taking her out in one shot.

"Now we're talking!" she grinned, shoving her way back up to her feet. The three were still trying to untangle themselves from Dora while she frantically kicked and clawed at everything beneath her. Vicky blocked a punch from her first attacker, yanking on her arm and forcing her into a headlock. The trapped Dragon flailed around while her face was buried in Vicky's breast, so she had all kinds of problems with breathing for the time being. The third tried to lunge at Vicky, but she kicked her in the leg and brought her to her knees. Vicky wrapped her neck up in her other arm, mirroring her partner as they both thrashed and mumbled against her breasts.

As she held them down in her submission, Vicky was impressed by how Dora was handling herself. They hyperactive short girl was like a raging little chipmunk as she took on the girls bigger than her. Dora kicked one in the nose when she tried to get up, keeping her hands free to grab another by the hair and beat her head repeatedly against the chainlink fence beside them. The third girl grabbed Dora by one of her pigtails, but the brawling little Spanish girl just swung her head back and headbutted her in the belly. The thug reeled as Dora rose up and headbutted her again right between the tits, getting her to hug her rack and scream in pain.

"Righteous Headbutt to the tits!" Dora declared. "And you'll all beat it if you don't want some more! So says Dora Mendez, guardian of Mystery City!"

"Hey! No fair bringing backup!" Stella objected. She had gotten back on her feet as well, but her legs were clearly shaking as she held onto her aching pussy. "That was our move! You just copied!"

Vicky glared at the stocky, scar-faced punk and pulled out one of her disposable lighters. She flicked it on long enough to heat up before throwing it towards her, letting it land right against her chest. Stella yelped and hopped around comically as she pulled on her top until the hot tool fell back out.

"You trying to piss me off even more?" Vicky warned grimly. "Cuz now there's twice as many to pound your pussy in. You want some more, slut?"

Stella finally shut her mouth and ran back to her car, leaving her girls to groan and shuffle off on their own. Vicky smirked as she rubbed a few bruises. She was even considering saying thanks when Dora tackle-hugged her around the waist.

"Ow! I know! We did it! Jeez, cut this crap off!" Vicky hissed as Dora hugged her aching side.

"I knew it! You're a guardian of the city too! That's why you keep beating up those punks from over in Star City!"

"I am not! I just don't want them fucking up this city!"

"That's the same thing I said but with more swears and punches!" Dora corrected happily. Vicky finally pulled her off, but the shorter girl was still beaming brightly. The blonde sighed and ran her hands through her hair. 

“Look, I’ve got somewhere to be in a hurry,” Vicky finally excused. “Did you… I dunno. You like pot roast?” Dora’s eyes lit up, and she could tell it wasn’t from the food. “Cuz my mom was cooking and…”

“Oh my god, are we best friends now!?” Dora gasped.

“No. You don’t have a best friend?”

“No. I have like twenty. But it’s nice to have another.”

It was a pleasent if uneventful evening after that. For all Vicky's attitude, her house was quite cozy and her mother very sweet. Dora didn't say anything when Vicky excused her assorted dirt and bruises as being from a game of soccer during gym class, and her mom casually accepted the coverup. They played some videogames and traded phone numbers before they called it a night and went their seperate ways.

When Dora opened her eyes, she was surrounded by shadows. They shifted and stirred like black water all around her, not quite a solid blackness. She sat upright and looked around, but the only thing close to her was Vicky's sleeping form. "Hey! Wake up!" She shook the blonde's shoulder, who rolled over and took a swing at her face (that Dora was quick enough to dodge) before she even woke up.

"Huh? What'd you fuck up this time?" Vicky grumbled as she pushed herself up. "And why are you wearing that?"

Dora looked down to see that she was wearing dark blue spandex, almost like a gymnast leotard with a matching set of boots. Now that she looked harder, Vicky was dressed in a dark blue trenchcoat over black jeans and a white sleeveless shirt. "I dunno... but I like it!" Dora decided. "Stylin', huh?"

"Yea, you would," Vicky grunted. Still, she tugged on her coat approvingly as she adjusted the shirt to fit more comfortably around her boobs. "So what are we doing here?"

"You two are the representatives, aren't you?"

The girls looked up to see a very tall woman standing behind them. There was a large and fancy-looking door with a silvery doorframe beside her and made of a bright red wood. The woman herself was roughly 8 feet tall and of muscular build, making her look even bigger. She wore a snug, sky blue suit that pushed up her similarly large breasts into her cleavage. There was a single, straight white horn poking out from her forehead between her dark green bangs. Her hands were folded patiently on a spiked iron club that was almost as big around as her torso.

"Whoa! Big girl!" Dora shouted as she jumped in surprise. She hopped back and took up a mockery of a martial arts stance as Vicky rolled her eyes.

The big woman smiled politely at them. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask. You are the representatives, aren't you?"

"Yup," Vicky said quickly. "That's us." Dora gave her a confused look. "Hey, I've seen Ghostbusters. You always say yes."

"Excellent! Things are all set up for you. I hope that everything is in order." The giantess casually thumped her hefty club on the ground, creating a deep and resounding echo in the darkness. The door opened up on its own, revealing Mystery City on the other side. The horned woman smiling at them as they entered, deciding that even if this was something strange, at least there were physical objects on the other side.

"Thank you!" Dora added warmly before darting through. Their dark clothes remained on the other side, but the city itself was different as well. The sky was red with black clouds despite no real signs of storms or a sunset to cause all of that. Shadows seemed to run longer now, and they even twitched randomly as if trying to decide where the light actually was. The apartment buildings and offices towered higher than usual, looming beyond sight. The colors were darker and bolder, and there wasn't a person to be seen there. Everything just seemed more... intense than it was in the old Mystery City.

"I knew this place was full of bullshit," Vicky muttered as she stepped fully out of the doorway. They were in the old parking lot from after school, even if the space it took up was wider than it used to be. The same broken parking meter and collapsing fence made that much clear.

"I think it's super cool. It's like being in an old comic book," Dora decided.

"You really need to get checked out sometime. I think your hallucinations are starting to rub off on..." Vicky cut herself off as she pulled on Dora's arm. There was a resounding crash where she had just been standing as a massive fist smashed a small crater in the pavement. The girls both stared at the girl towering over them, every bit as tall as the horned woman if skinnier and less muscular. She had chalky pale skin and wild hair that writhed like fire, and a yakuza-like dragon tattoo snaked its way up her body. She wore only a loincloth and a loose red coat, leaving much of her body visible as she snarled down at them.

"Interlopers," she growled as she stood back upright.

"This is freaking me out, tiny," Vicky said as she backed away from the monstrous woman. "This chick's got her tits and cooch hanging out, and I don't know any good guys who use the word 'interloper." Dora just let out a wild battle cry and charged the tattoo woman, tackling her around the waist. The pale woman barely budged, but she Dora kept grunting and pulling at her. "Dumbass! What are you doing?!"

"This is my town, you big creep!" Dora declared. "I don't care if it's a super shadow world version of it, but you're not allowed to bust up this place like you own it! Justice Suplex!" The short girl grunted and started to pull at her harder, but the lean and pale woman was obviously too heavy for her to move. She raised another big fist to bring it down on Dora's skull, but the short girl used her height to her advantage and struck low.

"Justice Cunt Punt!" A quick swing of her leg nailed the strange creature in the crotch, making her stop in mid-swing to grab her groin. Vicky used the opening to rush in and kick a leg out from under her, making her lose all her balance.

"Justice Suplex for real this time!" Dora shouted, using the leverage of her fall to lean backward and slam the tattoo woman's head and shoulders into the pavement. It didn't shatter the pavement like the woman's fist had, but it had clearly rattled her. Dora flipped back to her feet, but the monster of a woman was still rising back up rubbing her fiery head.

"You want some more, you freaky space invader? Cuz I've got more justice where that came from!" Dora started hopping around taking little jabs at the air, uncaring as she jiggled around in her leotard.

"This is our turf now," the pale creature snarled as she rose again. By then, Vicky had already uprooted the loose metal fence post and swung it like a spare piece of pipe. She always kept it there in case things got especially ugly, and the dull CLANK sounded as she spiked it into her stomach. The monstergirl grunted and doubled over, tits and ass flopping out before Vicky gave another swing that made an even louder sound against her skull. The strange woman staggered dizzily before she fell to the ground, vanishing into shadowy wisps like flame on the wind.

"Okay. Fucked up, but at least we can beat them if we outnumber them," Vicky muttered. She spoke too soon as several nearby shadows of buildings, street signs, and telephone poles rippled. They stretched and formed several more of the demonic and scantily-clad women, variously colored but all in the same garb and with pointed ears and horns at random.

"Hoo boy. I'm gonna need more justice," said Dora. Vicky backed off towards her with her length of pipe raised, but the monstrous women all charged at them.

"Our turf now!"

"Conquer! Conquer!"

"This realm is ours!"

Vicky readied a swing while Dora braced to jump into a dropkick, but there were six when they could barely take out one. They were ready for the worst when there was a flash of light... or darkness? Something blinding yet black appeared in between the two sides and there was a loud metallic sound. When it cleared, there was the horned woman in the suit from before, blocking all of the demonic women with her giant club. The door to the empty space of shadows was open next to her.

"Jeez, I don't know where my head is today," she tutted. "I almost forgot to give you your badges." She dug into her cleavage while the half-naked attackers were either blocked by her giant oni club or were staggering back clutching their breast where they'd bumped into one of its spikes. The big woman pulled out a pair of small items and tossed them to the girls. They looked like large stone coins with blue gems in the middle. "Looks like they're real rowdy tonight. Lucky I remembered, huh?"

"Yea... thanks..." Vicky said warily. She looked hers over, marked with all sorts of fine print in letters she didn't understand.

"Right," Dora agreed as she held hers out. "So it's been a while. How do...?"

"Oh, it's like a glowstick," the gatekeeper said, shoving once with her club and forcing the monsters back. "Just..." She gave a quick gesture like she was breaking something in half.

“Thanks a lot!” Dora said with a bright smile. Vicky started bending and twisting her “badge” as soon as she got it, but it didn’t seem to budge. “So what’s your name anyway, badge lady?”

The horned gatekeeper rubbed her chin like she was thinking about it. “You know, it’s never come up. I guess I don’t really have one.”

“What?! That’s bullcrap!” Dora objected. “What kind of mom wouldn’t name a big cutie like you something cool?”

The giantess just shrugged. “I’ve just been there a long time now. Anyway, I gotta get back to my shift. You guys got this?”

“No! How do you work this thing!?” Vicky went on twisting her pendant while Dora waved her off. The blonde resorted to biting it while the shorter girl stepped up to the monsters starting to advanced on them again.

“We sure do. You go think about that name of yours and do your job, cuz I gotta do mine!” Dora flicked her amulet up in the air like a coin, catching it again and snapping it in half between two fingers. “Time to protect me city for real!”

A burst of purple smoke shot out from the pendant, surrounding the small girl easily. Vicky and the monstrous punks jerked away as it swept over the ground, growing taller and thicker around Dora. “Shit, kid! Are you alright in there?!” Vicky called, but she didn’t answer. One of the tattooed monsters charged into the mist, deciding to take its chances instead of wait. It vanished inside for a split second before there came… a wrestling bell?

With a sudden burst of air, the smoke cleared and showed a smirking Dora standing there. Her arms were folded, but the monster was being held off the ground by its head. Floating just behind Dora was an incredibly buff and busty woman that could palm the monster’s head, every bit as tall as they were but with far more bulk to her. She wore a tight blue wrestling singlet that rode high on her crotch and ass, and a luchadora mask between her hair and the bridge of her nose. Three bright pink pigtails billowed behind her head from somewhere inside the mask.

"Dope," Dora said simply. She gave a small nod to the oversized wrestler, who hurled her beaten demon into the horizon with a mighty toss. "We're back in the game."

The guardian had vanished in the confusion, but The Wrestler quickly proved that it had the situation covered. One of the pale punks tried to charge for Dora, but the mysterious new woman lunged to meet her. "Bring it!" she barked in a husky feminine voice before smashing the demonic punk in the tits with a clothesline. Two more pounced at her immediately after, but the brawny spandex-clad woman grabbed them both simultaneously in a bearhug. Their faces were mashed in between her impressively bouncy chest, but there was an audible crunch from their ribs. The Wrestler arched her back sharply, driving both of the supernatural thugs into the pavement head first. Their loincloths flopped over their hips in their upside down state, baring their asses a moment before they broke apart into more embers and smoke.

The last three went down just as easily. The Wrestler caught her next attacker by the wrist, forcing her into a headlock between her beefy arm and meaty breast. The monster wasn't able to budge from that spot, stuck in between a rock and a hard place (and a boob). She dragged the choking monstress with her as she went on fighting, crushing one of the startled punks by spearing her through a brick wall without losing her grip on the first one. The trapped one was gagging and turning a pinkish purple when the last one caught The Wrestler by surprise, punching her right in the breast.

There came a resounding clang, the same ring bell noise that Vicky had heard earlier. The attacking monster looked horrified for a moment as The Wrestler looked entirely unphased beyond her breast subtly wobbling in place. The demonic punk fell to her knees screaming as she held her throbbing hand, as if The Wrestler's tits had actually been a pair of big brass bells. The spectral fighter never broke stride as she punched the last one back and forth with a few blows before she grabbed the back of her head and spiked it forward, bouncing her face off her other breast. There was another deep DING as her eyes crossed and she slumped to the floor as the other went limp under The Wrestler's armpit. They both vanished into their smoke and ash as the victorious... whatever floated back to Dora. The little Latina slapped her strange counterpart with a high five.

"Hell yea! Being a town guardian rules more than I thought!" Dora flexed her arms proudly and The Wrestler mimicked it, if with much bigger biceps.

"Yea, what the hell IS that?" Vicky finally asked when the thugs were all gone. "Why does your badge make a buff bodyguard chick for you and I get..." The blonde girl just grunted and tried to break her badge over her knee.

"I dunno. She just seemed cool." Dora indicated The Wrestler, floating a couple inches behind her and above the ground watching indifferently. "Like one of those good guy wrestlers on tv who sticks up for people. Like, beats up the bullies and runs into the ring when the bad guys cheat."

"You can count on me," The Wrestler said with a single enthusiastic nod.

"Awesome. Do you have a name? Cuz I just met this other girl and she didn't have a name..."

"I am The Wrestler," she said plainly, though the last words carried some deeper weight. Like Dora felt them echo and tingle in her soul. "Whenever you want something pinned, suplexed or smothered, you can count on me."

"See?" Dora gestured at her again proudly. "Like some kind of titty genie in my badge."

"Well then my badge is busted." Vicky held her little pendant up to Wrestler. "Do you know why mine doesn't work?"

The Wrestler gave her a dismissive look, but turned to look off at the rooftops as she folded her thick arms across her even bigger chest. "You can wield it when you have something to protect," she muttered cryptically.

"What?! Who are you telling me that I don't have-!" Vicky started to stomp towards The Wrestler but she vanished in another, smaller poof of blue smoke. Dora frowned at the air and tapped on her chest. "She's not gone... she's just hiding out for now. She'll be around if more bad guys show up."

"Cool. Then if you don't mind, I'll just keep this handy." Vicky tossed the metal fence post around in her hand as she glared around at the shadowed city around them. "So what now?"

"Maybe you're right... maybe we're just Ghostbusters now. We run around punching out those... sorta Star Dragons."

Vicky scoured the streets. They seemed empty and mostly the same. There wasn't anyone in sight, even if the demons had climbed out of the shadows last time. "Right there..."

"Where?" Vicky pointed toward a One Way sign that lead down one of the roads. "That's not there in the real world." She pointed further up the connecting road, which had another One Way sign pointing towards it. And another. "The city... or whatever this place is, it's talking to us. It wants us to go uptown."

"But why?" Dora pressed. Vicky shrugged.

"Either it's trying to help us, or lead us into a trap. Either way, you've got ol' bell boobs there to back us up, so I say we go pay them a visit."

"Sounds like a lack of a plan!" Dora held up her fist. Vicky bumped it as they started off down the path of arrows, calling out The Wrestler to punch out the occasional demon.

The monstrous punks seemed more spread out, so it was simple enough for The Wrestler to chop, dropkick or piledrive them out of this reality one on one. The dark red sky suddenly flashed and the girls looked up in time to see what looked like a blast of purple lightning striking from the sky and landing a few blocks away.

"Definitely not nothin'," Vicky noted, running ahead with Dora in tow. Sure enough, they reached what used to be one of the big apartment buildings in uptown Mystery City. The walls had been stripped down like a bomb had went off, but in the middle of the wreckage was a glowing blow orb. Inside was a dark-haired girl, fairly thin apart from some bouncy and perfectly round boobs. She was wearing some shorts and a loosely hanging tank top, and curled up like she was sleeping peacefully as she floated in the orb.

"You're not hiding in there forever! Come on out and face me!" barked a gravelly voice.

"Ah, not this again," Vicky groaned as she beat her pipe into her hand. There was a small group of the monster punks, but even taller was a slightly familiar face. Stella Studebaker was there, if blue-skinned and almost 9 feet tall. She had the same stocky build and jacket from earlier that day, and her eye scar was much larger and more jagged than normal. Her mouth was full of big sharp fangs, and a shark's dorsal fin grew from the back of her red hair while a long, ropey tail rested on the ground.

"That's Izzy Iris!" Dora gasped as she pointed. "I got math class with her. She's the one with the author for a dad and a birthday next month!"

Vicky gave Dora an odd look before looking harder at the bubble girl. "The geek girl with the rich parents?"

"Well yea. But what's she doing here?" Stella raised a blue hand and snapped her fingers. Another blast of purple lightning came down and shattered against the protective ball of energy.

"Nothing good, by the looks of it," Vicky grunted. "Hey, Studebaker! Why are you a shark!?"

The stocky girl whirled around and glared at them. "Oh. It's you two. I thought this world didn't have any guardians."

The girls' eyes darted towards each other, sharing their confusion before restoring their poker faces. "Wrongo!" Dora corrected. "We're totally the protectors of this city and all the... whatever this is!"

Stella laughed, her voice suddenly high and sultry in a way that made the girls pause. "Really now? You mortals protect the dream world and don't even know what you're doing? That's precious."

"YOU'RE precious!" Dora shot back defiantly.

"Not an insult, squirt..." Vicky muttered. "So what are you doing to Izzy?"

The strange mirror Stella grinned, showing off the sharkish fangs. "I'm only making her an offer. I saw her dream world, wishing for change and excitement. I can change things for her here. I can draw her into her perfect world. It's the power of we Temptresses."

"Real trustworthy name," Vicky snorted. "So you'd pull her into this world and give her everything she wanted. Basically, you'd put her in a coma?"

The temptress smiled wider. "And her body would be unoccupied. These processes can take a long time, so I find it best to take a form that they find interesting... or terrifying."

"So you literally became a bully," Dora nodded with a frown. "Well I don't like any of this."

"Same," Vicky agreed, raising her pipe and stepping forward. The demonic Stella laughed at the menacing blonde, but she shut up when The Wrestler appeared beside Dora.

"So you're the real deal guardians. What's she? You're deputy?" Stella looked disdainfully at Vicky.

"No way! She's my partner who's out to protect this city just like me!" Dora objected.

"So where's her Catfightsona? The embodiment of her will to save and sacrifice for others?" Stella smirked at the blonde with her common pipe still marching towards her. "You're just a little girl who thinks she's something in a world bigger than she is."

"So what if you're bigger than me?" Vicky suddenly darted the last few steps and clubbed one of the punk monsters in the knee. "I'll just cut ya down to size til I'm on top!" The monster went down to one knee, just to another CLANK as Vicky nailed her in the skull. One of the others grabbed for Vicky, but Wrestler grabbed her from behind and suplexed her into the pavement.

Vicky proved to be more of a helpful distraction against the monsters, but that was more than enough to let Wrestler pick off the other scrubs with her mighty submission holds. She just finished up the last of them when she dove out of the way of another purple bolt of lightning. "I'm sick of your corporeal types. So concerned with your fragile little bodies."

Shadow Stella lunged and hit Wrestler with a palm strike to the chest. There was the usual clang of her whenever something struck her tits, but she actually went flying back into a wall that crumbled from the force. Dora winced at the sight, with the various punks barely scratching the phantasmal fighter so far. Wrestler hurled a chunk of rubble at the creature shaped like Stella, but she smashed it apart in midair.

"I think this one's a bigger deal than the others, Vicky!" Dora warned as Stella charged after her prey. She opened her mouth incredibly wide as she dove at Wrestler, but she leapfrogged over her and let her bite a big chunk of concrete from the wall instead. Stella easily crushed it between her fangs, but Wrestler grabbed her head and leapt to the ground, spiking her face against the sidewalk.

"Then we get 'em at the source," Vicky decided. She raised her pipe, but her eyes darted towards Izzy and stood between her and the shark monster. "If we take out big bitch, I think she'll be in the clear and Izzy will be safe."

"You won't get the chance!" Stella snarled. She whipped her tail against Wrestler's ass, making her jump in surprise and let her go. She elbowed her in her toned and spandex-covered abs before she caught her by the leg and lifted her up in the air. Wrestler looked winded as she was whipped by her leg like a handle into the ground, grunting and moaning repeatedly at the impacts. When she was lifted up again, Wrestler suddenly slammed a double kick into the shark girl's face. She staggered back and clutched her nose, Wrestler launching herself backward. A trio of elastic ropes appeared behind her, making her bounce back and clothesline the temptress across the throat to send her spinning head over heels to the pavement.

"I won't stand for any evil jobbers!" Wrestler barked as she spun around and leapt several stories high, bending into an obvious elbow drop. While Stella was stunned, she still opened her jaws and bit deep into the elbow right before it hit her. There was a spray of blue blood as Wrestler howled in agony, recoiling and clutching her obviously wounded arm.

"I don't have time to play around with you," Stella snarled. She whipped her tail along the rubble, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris. The wounded Wrestler shielded her face from it easily enough, but when it cleared, Stella had Dora in a bearhug with her wide mouth opened right above her head. The short girl kicked and squirmed, but the boss monster was easily proving too strong.

"Neither of you come any closer or I take a bite out of her pretty head!" Stella threatened. Wrestler visibly went slack as she conceded the point immediately.

"She just said I'm pretty! She won't do it!" Dora objected, but the Catfightsona wouldn't move. Vicky squeezed her pipe tightly, but didn't move from near Izzy.

Stella grinned. "Good girls. Now step away from our dream girl there and we'll all leave here before long."

"Hey! No fuckin' way," Vicky snarled.

"Oh like you'll even stop me," Stella snorted. "A corporeal weapon in this world? This girl might be obsessed, but you care nothing for your insignificant little city."

Vicky grit her teeth at that. "City don't mean shit to me. Rip it all down for all I care. It's just chunks of glass and rock anyway. But I got my Ma living here. She doesn't got to know about the stuff I do to keep bitches like you out of my turf. She's happy and she's safe, and that's what matters. Spraypaint, break shit, walk on the grass... whatever! You don't mess with the people I give a shit about!"

Vicky didn't really think as she grabbed her badge out of her cleavage and snapped it with a flick of her thumb. There was a wave of smoke that made temptress Stella recoil, so Dora stomped on her foot and ran to safety. Stella made a grab for her, but a fireball the size of a basketball suddenly shot out of the fog and hit her in the chest. She shrieked and clawed at herself as her top caught fire, throwing the jacket away and leaving her with just her smoking blue breasts.

"Which one of you knuckleheads are fuckin' around with my family?" The smoke parted to show The Godmother, another tall and sexy Catfightsona. She wore a short formal skirt, a big fur coat, a fedora, and nothing else. Her partly opened coat showed plenty of her huge tits, and slick, groomed black hair ran over her shoulders. There was a tommy gun one of her hands, and a big cigar was stuck between her teeth that trailed blue smoke constantly. She looked something like the head of the porno mafia.

"Woo! You did it!" Dora cheered excitedly. "I knew you'd protect the city!"

"I'm not... Doors, I just had a speech and everything. Didn't you... y'know, forget it. Just fuck 'er up!"

"Right! You ready for round two?" Dora asked. Wrestler nodded and flashed a quick glance at Godmother before the burlier summon charged at the shadow Stella. The two of them locked up, pushing at a stalemate until The Wrestler's arms bulged larger than ever, her biceps nearly the size of her head as she drove the shark-like punk back a step.

"Bunch of stubborn mortal assholes," the temptress snarled. She drew back her tail to whip the legs out from under The Wrestler, but Godmother suddenly appeared at her flank. She fired another spray of bullets from her tommy gun, this time bright blue as they hit and froze her tail to the ground with a thick patch of ice wherever it struck.

"You ain't going nowhere!" The Godmother boasted, popping the cigar from her mouth and blowing a smoke ring down along her cleavage. "At least, not 'til she says so." With her opponent distracted, Wrestler suddenly leapt over Stella's head and used the momentum to fling her towards the nearest building. Even with her tail effectively stuck to the pavement, it ripped up a chunk of the sidewalk with her as she flew and crashed through a wall.

Stella shook off the rubble, but a few scuffs and scrapes showed that she was feeling it after the last attack. There was another spray of fireballs from Godmother's gun that made her recoil, just for it to suddenly cut off for Wrestler to rush in and chokeslam her. There was a disturbing crack as Stella contorted her legs to lean too far back, catching herself on the ground before her back could land. She sneered at Wrestler, but Godmother blindsided her with a set of brass knuckles slamming into her cunt.

"OAGGHH!" Shark Stella gave a quick gurgle of agony before Wrestler smashed her into the pavement with the rest of her chokeslam.

"This is so cool!" Dora chimed, hopping up and down in place. "That's such cool teamwork! Right... Vicky?" She looked around, just to see Vicky running towards the fight herself with her fence post in hand. The Godmother backed off as Vicky aimed her pipe's head at the monstrous Stella and whistled. The shark woman got to all fours and snarled before charging at her, moving like a tigress on all fours rather than bothering to stand up.

"I don't need to fight them if I just take care of you two!" she shouted, fangs open wide and about to take a bite out of Vicky.

"Justice Slide!" Dora dove and slid along the torn up street, kicking Stella in the ankle. She suddenly stumbled out of control, letting Vicky take a baseball swing that rang her bell something awful. Stella tumbled to a stop, clutching her head before rising to her knees. Her off-center eyes saw the worst coming as Wrestler and Godmother came flying in from either side, ultimately crushing her head between their tits like a busty trash-compactor. Stella's eyes crossed and she shuddered as the four tits crushed her face with a resounding sound of a ring bell clanging like crazy in her ears. When the Catfightsonas backed off, Stella collapsed to the ground. Another bolt of purple lightning struck her, and an image of a red-skinned, demonic-looking female figure floated out of the remains and vanished just before the body crumbled to embers.

"She'll be fine," The Wrestler said, nodding towards the embers. "The bully's memory. A bit more powerless, of course, so Izzy will have less to fear than ever."

Dora looked over to the chesty brunette inside her glowing orb. "Wait, so we're like... actually inside her head? Messing with her pieces?"

"Little bit," Godmother said, but she was looking up at the various damaged buildings. "My poor city. Lemme fix that right up." She floated off and waved a hand around, barking orders. "You bums get to work! Clean up this mess!" Numerous tiny figures looking like men in trench coats started to scamper around, putting the skyscrapers back together piece by piece. Above them, the sky started going from red to a simple black night sky.

"So... we win!" Dora chimed. "We cleaned house and saved Izzy and the city with it!"

"Until the next one shows up," Vicky grunted. "And I don't feel like waiting around playing whack-a-mole whenever one of these Temptresses starts to corrupt someone."

"So what do you think?"

"Well, we can get in peoples' heads, right? Let's go hunting with our only clue next time. Cuz I don't know about you, but I'm beat."

"Right!" Dora snapped her fingers in realization. "The one thing that we found here; Stella! Maybe she has a clue to all this somewhere in her head if she was the monster in here!"

"Bit of a stretch, but it's the best we've got," Vicky admitted. She looked down the road, finding another road sign pointing them to the large gate that had brought them there in the first place.

"I gotta ask," Dora started as they walked towards it. "When you ran out there before the whole double boob-bomb... were you really gonna fight her?"

"I mean, if I had to," Vicky shrugged. "But I knew you'd do some dumb teamwork thing like you do and we'd get through it." She gave Dora a playful punch in the arm before they stepped through the gate.

They woke up right in their beds. Their wounds weren't there, and neither were their amulets. Dora tried and couldn't summon Wrestler now that they were in the real world, just like Vicky with Godmother. They talked at lunch, and Vicky was ready to wonder if it really was just a dream until Dora showed her phone to her.

There was a text from an unknown number: "Nice work last night! That Temptress is behind bars where she belongs. Hope your dimension's safe from now on, but I'd keep an eye on when you're on patrol.

Love, you pal,

The Gatekeeper. Or just 'Geek' for short >_^ "

Vicky frowned at the phone and texted back. "Pick a better name, girl."

"Excuse me..." Dora and Vicky looked up from their lunch table. The awkwardly skinny girl with the oddly big boobs from their dreams was there in her school uniform, Izzy Iris adjusted her glasses that she'd been missing last night as she cleared her throat. "Were you the two in my dreams last night? The ones who fought off the monsters?"

Vicky made some indecisive noises before Dora spoke up. "Yea! Our first time and everything!"

Izzy nodded as she sat down at the table with them. "Perfect. I don't know what you're up to or why you're doing it, but I want to help out every way I can. My knowledge, my family's funds, whatever you need."

Vicky frowned at the idea before folding her arms. "Okay, well first and most important question: do you have a Catfightsona?"



i really like these characters


Yea, it was a little all over on my sex/comedy/action/story scale, but it was quick and fun! Definitely seeing some of those side girls again