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Hello, my wonderful crumpets! I hope you're doing well and had a fantastic July!

As you may have noticed, I haven't uploaded a new audio yet, and there was no livestream this month for the secret citizens. I sincerely apologise for this.

It's almost been two weeks since something I experienced. I won't go into detail, but it severely affected me in a way I didn't think it would. And ever since, I can't even think about writing boyfriend roleplays. I haven't thought about my work because I can't bring myself to, but that is unfair to all of you who await my content.

It seems that things have been happening one after another that hinders me from working, and it shouldn't be like that.

I think what I might try to do is focus on other aspects of my work, maybe different scenarios without the romantic elements in the hope of regaining some level of motivation.

Additionally, NSFW audios likely won't be happening anytime soon due to never being alone in the house anymore, and I don't have anywhere else to record.

I truly am sorry. I hate apologising so many times. I don't want to let you all down, but I feel like I have been. I want to let you all know that I will continue to try, and I won't give up, but I may need some time.

I hope you understand. <3



It’s ok, life happens. We’re only wishing and hoping that you’re okay, and know that your health and well being will always be above your content. Thanks for being honest and transparent with us. Hope you can recover from whatever it is you’re going through.


If there are happening a lot of things stopping you from working on audios, it's a sign to focus on your life in general and all the other aspects besides your work. And remember: You create your own thoughts. You can decide and change and form what you want to think. You are in control. Never forget that! Also I will ask my London crew if you can record somewhere else without payment! Don't be hard on yourself, we got your back!