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You and Xanthus travel to another continent, and he finally decides to share the secrets that stain his past. 


The duo has returned for another part of Xanthus' series! It doesn't seem like it's going to be ending soon, but I have a few cards up my sleeve I will most certainly use in the upcoming parts. They can only flee for so long until there is nowhere left to run, so we can only wait to see what lurks around the corner!

This was a SUCKER to edit, mainly because my recording situation has changed, so it might sound a little different in some places. However, you might tell that I'm still experimenting with my sound to try and make my audios as immersive as possible regarding the listener being the MC, so let me know what you think!



victoria za

You’re never gonna beat the jollibee allegations


This is remarkably well done considering you are not in a studio. I love how much history shines through. The storytelling is superbe; I liked the first part a bit better because his body condition and feeling add authenticity, and to me it felt like you did this part with more senses activated in the acting, it felt very natural. Do you sort of "feel" the characters when you write and record, or would you say it's more voice acting without added transformation for the part?


sorry if you already explained this in a live stream, haven't been around much because of work..


Thank you! I'd say I feel the character when I write and record. I have to try and maintain their particular voice and personality, so I already have an idea of how it should send when I go to record~