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"Could I HELP you sir?"

There was a tone Ishidaira was familiar with, an icy annoyance that dripped with barely held back contempt, a polite anger radiating off each syllable as he turned, ready to bark at her.

"Actually I'm..."

He hadn't really clocked it when he had rushed in, but the librarian had an awesome rack, his eyes glued to it, though to her she seemed to mistake it for interest in the book she had clutched to it with the firm grip of a mother to her newborn.

"Ah I see. So you do like books. No wonder you're spending your morning in a library so early. How wonderful! Isn't learning amazing?"

He nodded even though he was here to skip out on school and this was pretty much the only place a broke bitch like himself could hang for free without getting into too much trouble. He didn't really give too much of a singular shit about reading, but he had found the next book in a series he had forgotten to check out years ago and started reading without even thinking.

"Yeah I'm like an afficiator on books heh. Love em."

He tried to make a cool pose, but that only made the librarian smirk.

"Ah yes an aficionado like yourself would be an expert. But there is always more to learn. Like proper book handling etiquette."

Ishidaira wasn't sure what she was getting at, reading like he always did with the front cover folded against the back, dog earing pages as he went along.

"Er, yeah proper book handling stuff. I know that."

"Good so you have your library card on you in case you damaged something correct?"

...did he need one of those? He just thought libraries were where you could bum around all day for free. Seeing something in his response, the librarian just smirked, looking both ways in the mostly empty building before sliding the book she was carrying towards him, a clear hint of tease in her whisper.

"Well since you misplaced it, why don't I make a new one for you? I can tell how much you love books. Try this one. I found it life changing..."

Ishidaira had to clear his mind not to blush, the librarian clearly showing some interest in him right? Well he was a senior and people said he looked like a college punk which meant he had to be mature looking or something. She really seemed into the book too, her face clearly blushing, her breathing excited as she watched him pick it up, Ishidaira unaware of the black cover paint oozing down his fingers as he handled it, the black seamlessly spreading down his fingers as his own blush flared up, the librarian satisfied to leave him be as the ends of his fingers were clearly getting slimmer.

"I'll leave you to it then. I looove watching someone read one of my favorites, but I'll have to settle for asking how you liked it afterwards. I wouldn't want to interrupt your first time, though do please remember to be quiet in the library..."

She gripped his chin lightly as she said it, firm dexterous fingers moving his head in a nod to make sure he understood, Ishidaira too focused on how close her massive rack was to his face for him to even feel his chin slimming down, his fingers slimming down to the second and third knuckles as the forming black latex gloves formed past the meat of his palms. He thought it was just regular arousal when he gasped, face thoroughly red as she let him go, his hands flexing as the joints relocked into place, his fingers dancing over the pages as he set forth to devour this stupid book so he could talk with this hot librarian some more.

Unfortunately it wasn't exactly his kind of thing, one of those informational college level texts about book handling and history.

"So this is what gets that book chick going? Weird but I guess I've seen weirder shit onl- HKK AHHK HNNNGH~?"

He was doing his usual thing, opening the front cover and bending it against the back like some kind of flip book. But it felt wrong this time, the delinquent moaning as the more he stressed the book's spine the more his bent till a POP left him quaking in his seat.

Sitting down blunted the impact, the cheap plastic chair doing it's job as he slumped back, confused at why he had moaned suddenly. Sure there was the embarrassment of making such a lewd sound but there was another thing nibbling at his brain, Ishidaira wondering if anyone had heard him, if he was being too loud... Quiet... softer... yes he had to be more thoughtful of where he was. It was weird, Ishidaira actively lowering his gasps, his mind feeling similar to like when he sneaked Ritalin in before a test or a final studying session, that level of focus drowning out all auxiliary details like why auxiliary was in his vocabulary now or how the muscle in his arms was starting to fade, even the inches of height lost from his spine arcing inwards hardly mattered as he more respectfully opened the book to a random page, making sure not to stress its recently patched up spine any further.

It seemed to be a section on the history of paper, Ishidaira scratching his head at some of the high level words, his spiky blonde hair trading gel for conditioner as spikes of it drooped over his brow, the color darkening as he struggled to piece the words together.

"Looking for a use after carving up thew and shaping bone, the final remainders of the pursuit was the animal's dermis, pluhhcked free of hair and d-dyyyed to a uniform complexiuuhn~!"

Small moans aside he was whispering as he read aloud, certain connections firing in his brain, dark shocks of black dying various follicles as the drooping locks slid past his cheeks, the sensation of each connection similar to the thrill he got when he found a discarded porno mag, that discovery and excitement urging him onwards.

So many new words were fluttering about his head as he read, making inferences his brain never would just minutes ago, his skin alight in sensation as he moved from papyrus to pulp paper in a single page turn. Like the material, his own skin was shedding imperfection, tan fading to pale cream as he continued.

He should really commit a few of these pages to memory if he wanted to impress that librarian chick, impure thoughts making his nipples twitch as they hardened beneath his shirt, a delicate finger prodding at one as if it was second nature, a shockingly feminine moan leaving his lips as he once more looked around nervously, hoping no one had heard him. He really had to be quieter, softer, the repetition causing the dregs of his Adam's Apple to fade as his elegant neck cooed in a familiar alto. What was he doing again? Oh right the book he should keep track of important passages.

Without a second thought he pulled out a pen, ready to underline the passages that sounded the coolest, only for a shock of revulsion like a sharp rap on the head to immediately stop him. This wasn't right was it? A single dot of ink had stained the pristine paper, but thankfully it must have been the hardened deposits atop his pen's nib since it faded away. Phew he had almost ruined Hayasameru's favorite book! He smiled, unaware of the beauty mark under his lip, his bottom one shedding its chapped features as the surface turned glossy.

But if he couldn't underline how was he supposed to mark pages? He didn't have a bookmark and there wasn't any kind of sleeve to mark it. Once more without thinking he reverted back to bad habits, deciding to dog ear the corner, gripping the paper gingerly before folding it- Wait when did he put on glov-


This time he managed to purse his lips tightly, spreading the glossy plumpness to his top in the process as an incredibly captivating sensation of rightness made his cock leak a little in excitement. He took a few deep breaths, unsure of what just happened, his fold seemingly undone. Half his brow had collapsed from the dog earing, the other half sinking into place as he tried again, and again, his cheeks slendered, nose made cute, every inch of his face refined from delinquent to bookish beauty before the lesson was learned.

Ah how silly of him to think further marring the book would fix anything! No truly it was best to memorize and learn naturally, that would earn Hayasameru's favor for sure. Yes it was almost like he could feel the knowledge filling his head, tenderly caressing his thoughts as his blush deepened. His eyes drank in every word, every letter, his lashes surging in length, dark, dreamy eyes filled with a lust for knowledge completing his head's metamorphosis as the last specks of blonde were inked over in black.

He was starting to get why this stuff wasn't as boring as he initially thought. It had a kind of, er, what word would fit... Like a dainty poetic vibe to the wording, the passion over books infectious to him as his hair tied into a neat bun, his slender arms shivering with delight as his shoulders gradually scrunched together like the individual pages of a book being pressed down to uniformity. Though as he read on, certain words were a bit tricky, Ishidaira leaning forwards as not just his mind was taxed but his eyesight.

He leaned till his stomach was flush with the table, quiet coos leaving his lips as he tried not to moan too loudly even as his averagely muscled torso grinded against the table, losing all it's show offy strength and intimidating bulk for something slimmer, elegant and better for slipping between the tighter shelves of the library. Just imagining himself roaming through tight corners and finding new books made a warmth flare in his navel, Ishidaira having to stifle his excited groans as his sides pulled in, nipples hungrily throbbing for more knowledge as he was nearly touching the book with his nose.

Why was he so close? Was he blind all of a sudden? Looking up, the answer was yes, the whole library a blurry undefined mess, his eyes straining to make sense of it as he mindlessly rifled through his backpack, pulling out a silver case that held the cigs he'd usually smoke even though they tasted like shit to feel cool with his... friends? No that didn't sound like the kind of crowd he'd hang out with in college. A noticeable pain was ravaging his head, stray thoughts flickering out, strange incongruities in his thinking popping as he tried to remember what was wrong. Did he really even smoke? Wouldn't that distract from his duties in the library? He gripped his head with one hand, the other opening the silver case to reveal... his glasses?


Ah he really had to contain himself, his hips jerking upwards as his thighs felt coated in something. Was the dehumidifier working? He didn't want the books to get any water damage after all. Slipping them on made the headache intensify, his delinquent thoughts struggling to make sense of it, not able to find the words to fight back, to resist, Ishidaru whimpering in as hushed a tone as possible as memories of blonde spiky hair and skipping class were overwritten by college dissertations and books, sooo~ sooo many-

"Ahh~ ah MMMNNGH UGH..."

Ishemaru was left panting, feeling the odd blockage in his mind fading under a soothing wave of bliss, his empty glasses case sliding back into his purse as his thighs hugged his shaft, his pants more cramped than he remembered, but it all faded with the turn of a page, the calming arousal of reading getting him past whatever strange bodily hiccup had struck just then.

He thought he could jump back in now that his glasses were on right, but it was the content itself now giving him a roadblock, one of the more academic sections filled with four syllable words, each more inscrutable than the last. Before he could pick up on context clues as he added them to his vocabulary, but some of them were chained together sounding more like gibberish than anything coherent.

"I'll have to grab a reference dictionary..."

He stood, a little light headed at first, his oversized clothes gradually shrinking to fit his slender body. Each step was natural, thoughts of which books he had put back recently triggering as he had to stifle the more unsavory sounds exiting his lips, his nipples pushing with every memory, rubbing against his more fancy dress shirt as he moved towards the reference.

At first he was stomping towards it like a gorilla at feeding time, but once he realized the noise that made on the uncarpeted sections, his steps turned daintier. Each one maximized how much his thighs rubbed against the sign of his burgeoning book fetish, the library forever entangled with arousal as he prattled to the oversized dictionary he needed. Just a touch made his knees tremble, snapping together as he remembered fixing it, rebinding parts of the faded cover, adjusting the headband, gluing the hinges of it. His own thick glue was being smeared down his legs, his jeans feeling a few sizes too small as he walked back. He'd have rubbed at an odd tingling surge in his rear, but he needed both arms to carry such a hefty book. He grew ever more excited when he took his seat, the cheap plastic feeling luxuriously cushioned as he gasped, the heavy tome slipping from his grip and slamming down on his erect cock.

"NNGH MMMph mmm MM ah ah mmm~! Oh dear..."

It took both hands to stifle the moans, all this dense knowledge bearing down on his crotch, Isemaru feeling every page as his hips pushed up against it, his erection sliding in shocking bursts of ecstasy, his balls trembling unsure whether to swell or shrink as pleasure unlike anything he ever felt flattened his cock to half its length. Iyasemaru knew he had to act fast, not letting the pleasure cloud his judgment as he quickly put it back on the table, biting his lip as an amount of cock equal to a through c in the thick tome  eagerly inverted, his tip half sealed as his balls continued to strain.

There was such a strong need... to learn. Yes Iyasemaru's eyes scanning the thick dictionary, words and ideas that had never crossed his mind filling his mind to bursting as he flipped through, filling other things once his brain could scarcely memorize one more syllable. Learning was pleasure which made every section of the library an adult one, Iayasemaru feeling each new idea swell with a fluttery warmth in his heart, and luscious fat in his chest.

Faster and faster his breathing hitched, his nipples sore and needy, hungry for more ideas, more knowledge, more stimulation. Every scrap urged him on to read faster, deeper, better, his mind racing while he kept on having to muffle his own shrieks, desperately reminding himself it was a library. He needed to be quiet, even as his breasts jiggled, cups surging past the alphabet in tandem with his own flipping through the dictionary. He was so close he could feel it, rubbing his large knockers between his elbows, whimpering as the pleasure grew too much to hold back. It was just an academic study he had to squeeze them just once, the librari- h-his breasts so large and eye catching and just begging for a-

"Ahhh ah ohh yes..."

She came, unable to fully quiet herself, her balls shrunken nibs next to a stub as her massive breasts rose up and down. What a mess.

"Thank heavens the library is generally dead at this hour."

Iayasemaru's smock was damp with cum, just a small nub pushing out the only remnants of her fading sex. She calmly, yet quickly returned the reference, her calves slimming from the excursion as she grabbed her sister's book, taking long strides to get behind the counter before dropping all pretense of professionalism as she scampered into the back room and shut the door. It was a thick oak, so she felt confident enough to let out the longest, loudest moan in her life, her smock's puddle up front spreading to soak nearly the whole garment.

"I see someone's having too much fun again."

She turned towards her sister who was in the final stages of making her new ID card, the plastic still warm from ink and laminating as Hayasemaru grabbed a hole puncher. Normally someone would be embarrassed to put on such a display, but Iayasemaru was used to it, both of them helpless horny book nerds who loved knowledge to a point that could be called disconcerting. It wasn't the first time this had happened and knowing her sister it wouldn't be the last as she stripped down and rifled through her sister's locker, putting on her spare swimsuit in lieu of proper undergarments.

"Well I'm not the one who lost their sister's ID now. And you know how much this book gets me going. You're not innocent in this either! At least Shirai wasn't here ye-EHHHH~?!"

Hayasemaru smiled as she punched a hole into the plastic, or tried to at least, a ring forming but no proper penetration. The same couldn't be said for her sister however, Iayasemaru nearly buckling to the floor as her left ball popped inside, clear liquids streaming from the hole as the tip of her shaft was laminated shut.

"Stubborn thing. Let me try again."

Now there was a crunch as it tore through most of the ring, the librarian ignoring her sister as she rolled on the ground, her remaining ball gone, only one barely visible lump that was halfway melted into her vaginal walls showing any sign of her former self. Similarly a dented ring hung on for dear life as she slotted it in for one final click. Iayasemaru could hardly think through it, unsure what was making her so dreadfully horny. All she could do was try to calm herself, remembering where she was, who she was, all of her arousal peaking in an instant as cold medal tore through her ID card, the newly instated librarian, moaning happily as she felt all that strange tension vanish between her thighs, only the library left in her mind.

It didn't take long to get redressed, her backup uniform at least stuffed in her locker as she slid on a matching white dress shirt, black dress pants and green apron with her sister. She didn't have a moment to waste after all. Soon there would be customers galore who needed books for all manners of things and she had to be there to help, so many students requiring that expertise only a professional like her could grant. Well, at least the good students, though it was hard to imagine a delinquent willingly coming to a library during school hours. Yet that rung a strange bell, perhaps a book she had been reading? Oh dear she couldn't think about reading too hard or she'd ruin another pair. Clearing her mind, the two sisters eagerly left to patrol the shelves once more, both excited to see what new stories and knowledge would come their way in this wonderful little library.


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