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"What is this?"

"...my uniform."

"I can see that I just meant... This was the surprise?"

Yuuta wasn't sure how to respond to his girlfriend's intense blush as he stared at her spare uniform neatly arranged on the bed before them. She kept fidgeting and blushing, not really saying anything as she kept giving vague smiles towards it as if she was too embarrassed to talk. Not too uncommon a sight for her all things considered, Yuuta well versed in Rikka's abundant shyness in intimacy.

Sure they had started going out a month ago, but she seemed to melt at even the most banal of intimate actions, her face bright red from hand holding or even just his presence. She knew it was a problem and seemed to be working on something she called "Secret Project 63: Tyrant Eye Duplication" which hardly narrowed it down, though he made sure to encourage her since it sounded like she was at least trying her best. His heart did race more than a bit when she had happily announced its completion and told him to come over, her usual upfrontness dragging him up to her bedroom as for once Yuuta seemed to be the awkward mess. Was he about to cross that barrier every student dreamed of? Something far more real than one of Rikka's imaginary spells or evil organization traps. The answer seemed to be yes when she stuttered out a meek, "N-Now s-s-s-strip please!"

Yuuta was perhaps a bit too hasty to have some fun, his uniform top shrugged off, pants pooled by his feet as he noticed Rikka was still fully dressed. She was staring between half closed fingers with sounds like an overboiling kettle, but she was staring nevertheless. Shit had he misunderstood her? Maybe she meant just like the top layers and not the full thing.


She stammered it out, still entranced by his dick, Yuuta suddenly self conscious as he squeezed his thighs shut.

"I f-found a way to get more i-i-intimate with you. B-But you have to put on th-the k-key to unlock my love that's on the b-b-bed!"

He struggled to make sense of it. No, that wasn't true. Yuuta almost immediately understood what she was implying. He just really, REALLY wanted to be wrong.

"You want me to put on your spare uniform?"

He was ruffling through it, blushing at the pair of panties, even a spare eyepatch nestled atop it. His blushing girlfriend nodded.

"You understand I won't fit right?"

He towered over her to make his point, though rather than looking up she was still staring down at his unsheathed "sword" before murmuring out, "B-But you fit into my magical girl o-outfit just fine!"


Shit. He regretted ever letting her convince him to crossdress. It seemed rather than any demonic powers awakening all he had done was give his girlfriend a new fetish.

"I-It was so much easier to talk to you like that. A-And I wanted to help you get p-past your own i-issue. S-So I thought..."

Well he supposed that made some kind of sense. She did seem to be a lot more hands on with other girls, so maybe this would help them get closer, though hopefully this wouldn't become too common a thing.

"Fine I'll do it."

He didn't really get what issue was on his end, but he figured he might as well wear something, starting with her pantyhose as he slid his feet in. It was surprisingly soft, stretching easily to fit his thicker legs, warm like they had just come out of a dryer, an embarrassed blush on his face as he stifled a slight moan as he rolled the lip over his dick. He really didn't want Rikka to think he liked this kind of thing, though every movement had this gentle pressure that rubbed against his skin nicely, her panties next as he kept having to suppress tiny coos, the soft silk snug on his bulkier frame, making it rub against his cock in a way that was far more erotic than he was expecting. It was all so warm and pleasant, his face a bright red as he moved towards the skirt, unaware how smooth his legs now were, his cock throbbing as his complexion turned spotless.

Wearing women's clothing wasn't supposed to be this enticing was it? Yuuta was legitimately worried about his own awakening going on as he slid the skirt up, having to take it slow on his frame. There was a bit of blockage as he struggled to get it past his hips. He tugged a few times, his blocky shape squeezed subtly by the pantyhose and strips of panties, Yuuta missing the quiet pops happening as it slid up slowly, his hips rounding near the bottoms as he let out a surprised moan. The skirt had slid up, Yuuta more concerned about hiding his burgeoning arousal as he played with the pleats of the checkered skirt, missing the slight widening of his hips, causing the panties to press slightly harder between his thighs, a little more intimate of a hug on his groin as tiny internal spasms winched his hips apart slivers at a time.

He was oblivious, only knowing something felt incredibly good every few seconds, a bead of moisture embarrassingly dotting the panties as his feet tapped nervously against the floor, the pantyhose gradually wearing them down as muscle broke down in barely noticeable slivers.

Rikka's white dress shirt proved to be the hardest obstacle yet, the starched white material not nearly as flexible as the rest of her clothing. Even his hands could barely fit in her tiny sleeves, stuck around where her cuffs started, fingers flexing as the whole thing felt snug and stuck almost like a poorly designed straight jacket on his obviously too large frame. That's when he noticed the ribbon, the red girl's substitute for a necktie slithering up his shoulders, one end pulling under the collar of the tight shirt as it wrapped around his neck. He struggled instinctively, though his hands were fully stuck, the sleeves feeling even tighter as he groaned on the bed, trying to free himself. The other end popped out below, both ends tying together as the squeeze of the neck became excruciating, Yutta struggling till a loud crunch echoed, followed by orgasmic screams.

It was confusion more than anything clouding Yuuta's thoughts, his body thrashing in the bed as the room felt like it was shifting beneath him. Maybe he was just getting caught up in one of Rikka's delusions, his own cringey chuuni phase sending shivers down his body, or maybe that was just his explanation for the plucked remnants of every body hair above his hips and below his eyes fluttering away, his complexion more visibly paling as something wet splattered down his thighs.

What had just happened? Rikka's ribbon had seemingly come alive which was impossible, then tied itself around his body which was also impossible as it squeezed tightly till it felt like his body was going to pop like an overstressed balloon until something crunched. And whatever had crunched had felt so insanely good his mind had stuttered a bit, the sticky stuff running down Rikka's stockings becoming obvious with a beet red flush to his face.

"I-I didn't- Rrgh..."

He tried to clear up at least some of the awkwardness, only for more of that terrible shifting feeling to get in the way, Yuuta grabbing his stomach as- Wait his hands were... free? A better question was if they were even still his hands, the fingers twitching so slender and dainty, the tightness fading from Rikka's sleeves as he watched in a trance almost, the slow slimming of his arms, the gentle pressure and pleasure building as he gave another squeal.



The room felt larger, more warmth spilling down his thighs. Something was leaving him, the ribbon tying tighter as he could now feel his frame shrinking as the buttons of Rikka's shirt did themselves from the bottom up, like a tight, inescapable hug of fabric. Each one made the room shift, his spine arching more, inches of height forcibly releasing as thick wads of pleasure as he felt himself getting smaller, his shrinking body thrashing on Rikka's bed as he came, moaning in embarrassed bliss at the mess he was making, rolling over onto Rikka's eyepatch.


The white square suctioned against his right eye, leaving him half blind as something intangible flowed into his skull, his shrieks cracking up an octave as it felt like his skull was deforming under his skin. He felt so hot, his whole body sweating under the layers, his uncovered brown eye tearing up as the murky color was purified to teal. Another button done up meant more inches blissfully expelled, his wails downright girly as his once towering height in comparison to Rikka was within tiptoe range, said toes flexing as his feet continued to shrink, his muscle almost all melted away as the uniform continued to work its magic, adding curves to softer flesh left behind, his cock trembling as the first hints of Rikka's thighs brushed against its sides.

It was tremendously hard to think with such pleasure torturing him, shocks of blue running through his brown mop as his ahoge wilted forwards, tripling in length as the ever tightening ribbon forced his voice to finish shifting to Rikka's spritely soprano. At some point Rikka's jacket had slipped on too, barely struggling past his slender arms, Yuuta giving a sharp blissfull shriek as his shoulders finished their inwards push, a few last inches dribbling out his stiff cock as his arched back trembled against his weakening core.

He stumbled onto tiny feet, steps unsteady as his ankles relocked, weak calves curving at the back as his lips trembled, cum continuing to spill from his cock as each step rubbed increasingly thick thigh fat against the unbearably tender organ. He felt so tiny, so weak, so horny, his face red as his cheeks finished rounding with fat, his wide blue eye watering as he stumbled towards his girlfriend.

"Wh-What the hell are you d-HOOOOing to mEEEEE~?!"

It was obvious Rikka had intended this to happen, no shock on her face as much as fervent curiosity and excitement, her eyes wandering approvingly over his changing body, eyes that were in line with his own as his calves popped into place, more cum splattering out as he toppled forwards only for Rikka to catch her changing boyfriend.

"Don't worry Yuuta my Tyrant's Eye has decided to share some of its power with you. It shouldn't take too much longer. You should have enough essence by now."

"I-I don't gehht how this h-EHHHHLPS~! AHH AHHN~!"

The uniform had finished buttoning itself, his waist slim, stomach hugged tight and flat as more mass was squeezed out between thickening thighs. This meant the fabric was buttoned tight to his chest, the lack of a bra becoming evident as the cotton turned half translucent through his own sweat. He wasn't an idiot so he knew what it meant that his chest was getting so sensitive, his brow twitching as he tried to hold back the moans as two pink lumps pushed against the shirt, his thighs feeling really good as they squirmed against his cock, a large spurt leaving as his ass rose slightly off the bed. His blush only worsened as Rikka climbed on top, smiling as she began to undo the buttons that had collapsed his frame to hers.

"W-Well it's not like I couldn't do l-lewd things. They just felt easier with erm... myself. And so I had this idea to- Oh wow so smooth..."

She was rubbing his stomach, all slender curves and soft definition, her fingers sliding upwards to tease his nipples. Each flick felt electric, Yuuta squirming under his girlfriend as she continued to strip him, his cock peeling away from the cum sodden skirt and pantyhose as it sprung up and burst.


He didn't even know what he was begging for, just begging in general as she pulled on his nipples, the eyepatch pulled tight as his personality gained an infusion of shyness, his balls feeling tight as they pushed towards his navel like an overwhelming power he had to hide from the world.

"I know how much you probably want to deny it Yuuta, b-but I know you had your own shame t-too."

She seemed unphased by the last of his spunk gushing out, splattering over his chest as she continued to form breasts from his sagging pecs. Yuuta continued to squeal, endless ecstasy tearing through him as his own violent thrashing ripped through the white dress shirt. I only made it easier for her to grope his swollen chest, Rikka not the most gifted up top but it seemed to Yuuta like that only amplified just how much sensation was there as her hands worked at his breasts, his cum turning clear as the tightness turned to a sucking sensation, Yuuta's screams devolving to shocked gasps as he felt something punch into his groin, the world erupting to light as clear shocks of cum sputtered from his now balless cock.

"There let it all out. I know you've been trying to ignore it for so long, your 8th grade syndrome like it's a disease, b-but I wanted you happy with yourself. And I kn-know you still like to imagine stuff c-cause you like me right?"

He could only gasp and moan in response, feeling what he imagined to be his internals shifting, two hot pokers of heat splitting apart as the stream from his cock weakened, a noticeable sensation of the room's AC blowing against something that hadn't been there before, the chill inside making his stomach tighten as the sudden clench made a length of his cock slide inside.

"And see Yuuta? Because I did this, I can do things like... this."

Unimaginable pleasure coursed through Yuuta's body as Rikka found his softening cock, stroking and pushing as she ushered her boyfriend into her new girlfriend.

She was a mess, her body soaked in sweat and the last of her cum, the panting Rikka clone blushing at how easily Rikka could keep her pressed down now, her tiny, weak body trembling under that fact. And she kind of liked it. Just like how putting on her girlfriend's uniform had been surprisingly stimulating, she was starting to realize she might be more of a sub than she realized, especially as Rikka casually teased her clit as the sensitive new girl came again.

"S-Stahhhp that Rikkaaaa~!"

It was hard to sound annoyed while moaning every other syllable, but she got the point across, Rikka stopping with a nervous look on her face.

"Y-You didn't like it? But you were moaning so loudly I th-thought..."

Yuuta could have yelled at her about a dozen things at that moment, slinking out of her wet jacket as she felt just how smooth her new body was, her blush constant.

"The truth is..."

Really she had every right to break up on the spot if she wanted to, or boss Rikka around which she still might do. There were all sorts of things she could be doing.

"The truth is I'm a former prince whose power was too strong so I had to be changed into this form. Only a true love's kiss can turn me back!"

There was a slight pause as Rikka stared back.

"B-But I already kissed you!"

"Oh right... fine uh you must find the source of my power through love or something, just go with it I can't contain all this horniness Rikka! My power is overflowing!"

That got her to laugh as she started stripping, the two girls quickly getting as close as a couple could as their bodies twisted together, every piece of foreplay announced with some kind of grand name or spell classification.

"You're so cute Yuuta. I knew you wanted to let your inner power out!"

She nodded in return, moaning as their slits rubbed together. Maybe she was too hasty in casting away her fantasies. Something told Yuuta she'd stay in this one for a long, long time.



Hey this scenario seems familiar (and just as good as I remembered it :DDDD