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"Ugh just give me a fucking Hu Tao banner you fucking assholes!"

Grant was so fucking tired of his dumb rolls. None of the new characters in the last few Genshin updates had been his thing and he really just wanted to finally add Hu Tao to his team. That's literally all he wanted having joined just a bit after her banner finished. He was optimistic a week after joining, less so a month. And now almost a year into playing the game he had sunk in more money than he'd like to admit to pull his favorite waifu in the game only to be met with increasingly frustrating misses. He still loved the game and played it regularly, but god did he fucking hate it too. One year almost done and not even a single chance to pity pull her as he went through his self promised last pull of the night.


Now if there was one girl he had more than enough of it was Ganyu. It was funny the first few weeks when he upgraded her instantly to a c6, reading from some whales how that was like a 4 figure investment. It got less funny as he kept pulling her, Ganyu making up two thirds of his overall pulls, primogems pouring in aplenty, all of which went into more pulls of Ganyu. Every time he saw her dumb, vague face it filled him with an unreasonable amount of rage as time went on. But she was his best character too, his first c6 meaning he had her leveled up beyond almost everyone else for all the new content, his team forced to be built around her.

It felt like she was consuming his life, his hard earned money drained away with every pull. As if to rub salt in the wound, the game played a jingle he had never heard before, Ganyu doing a dumb dance that repeated as a message appeared over her form.

Congratulations on your 1,000th pull of Ganyu! We offer you this special upgrade for the number one Ganyu fan out there.

Now he was fucking pissed, his anger reaching a tipping point as he tried to click out of it, the repeating gif of her dancing not even giving him the option to quit as no matter what he pressed, it wouldn't close. He was stuck watching the repeating gif, her hips swaying side to side, over and over, over and over, over and over, over and-

"Ugh s-stupid blue haired idiot! I'm feeling dizzy..."

The room was starting to spin, Grant watching her dance repeat again, losing track of the loops, his lips feeling loose as he whined. The disgust was just natural even for her admittedly sexy design, his dick standing to attention as the gif repeated endlessly. Strands of hair were sliding past his cheeks, spilling down his back, great tufts of silky blue encroaching the upper bounds of his sight but Grant didn't seem to notice, his eyes focused on the dance happening on screen.

"All she has going for her are her looks anyways. I can't believe someone so clumsy could ever become a secretary for that long. I bet all they saw were her horns and and big dopey eyes and though, 'love handles' to pass the time while she sucks at all her paperwork."

At this point his erection was raging, small coos mixed in with the slander as two bumps pulsed out the top of his skull, brown with red stripes emerging as his body felt warm, a red flush filling his cheeks as their angles softened.

"I mean she's been there for a thousand years right? Surely those old pervs had their way with such an easy, spineless nngh s-slut. I bet she barely even made any noise. She just... hic does what she's HIC t-told..."

Now his eyes were glued to the screen, a command to keep watching barely registered in his brain, just the idea that he had to follow orders becoming fact as his lips swelled, a bit of drool leaking down his cute chin as he gave a few more hiccups, his throat flattening as a soft, but serious alto replaced it. Still it felt natural, his eyes glazed over with purple as he found himself whispering.

He didn't really want to whisper, it just felt more natural, his demeanor getting more reserved in general even if he was still complaining, but the pure vitriol was dialed back to a polite sounding disagreement tone wise. His hands fidgeted awkwardly against his horns, a small rush of shame instead of confusion filling him even as it felt good to stroke the proof of his Qilin heritage. Though there was this crick in his back since he called her "spineless."

"I don't get why she'd even be a fighter. All that secretary work leaving her chicken arms devoid even even the b-barest hint of m-uhhscle. No wonder she's so stuhhhnted with that h-half Qilin bahhdy."

It's a good thing he was sitting, his body trembling as muscle faded across the board. It came as a wave of weakness, his arms and legs getting significantly thinner, the muscle groups shifting to match different life experiences. His rotator cuffs in particular crumbled as he spoke, a spryness filling the tenderizing muscle as they rounded down, suppleness spreading down his arms as they softened.

His fingers were turning dextrous, sacrificing girth for length, strength for flexibility which his cock appreciated as his right hand stroked it absentmindedly, though its added skill in fine handling was a bit lost as it was separated by a thick layer of denim. Normally he'd just strip but his mind was fully focused on Ganyu's swaying hips, the dizziness worsening as warm spots of pleasure rolled over him, urging him on as he shivered a little, a cryo blast freezing away any hairs and the top layer of skin to leave his body's complexion perfectly creamy. Grantu wouldn't have noticed if a hole opened up beneath him from how fixated his stare was on the dancing Ganyu, not even blinking when his spine snapped suddenly, a full foot of height sheared away as he swayed back and forth, mirroring her endless swaying moves.

"H-Her character is sooo dumb too. I mean she wants to be reserved and q-quiet but wears that revealing nngh p-pantyhose bahhdysuit. Ahhnd that behll. I-It's like she waants to be stared at with such fluttery fabrics atop that skintight outfit. No wonder she wears a bell. If I was thaaaht sexy I'd want ahll eyes on me..."

The sleeves of his shirt were peeling away, revealing his supple arms, his hairless armpits, the collar bunching as the fabric turned black and stretchy. Even his drool seemed to be swallowed by the spreading material, Grantu shifting with more nervous energy as his freshly smoothened skin was thoroughly hugged and teased by the shiny cloth. It was just so tight, collaring around his neck, outgrowths of a golden choker forming as a bell rhythmically rang with every shift, the repeated CLING CLING CLING diving his mind further into the hypnotic pace of change.

Even for how small he had become it was still tight, his swaying making the squeeze on his waist and looseness at the hips and bottoms more apparent as folds of it drooped against his twiggy legs. There was far too much positive conditioning happen to even care at this point that he was changing, not that he could break his trance, his jeans melting into the bodysuit just letting his slender fingers work his now tightly clad cock, every crease of his shaft and tip highlighted by the fabric. It was like a second skin the way his fingers so easily pleasured it. The general pleasure just stayed to the subconscious as he associated feeling good with her, his lust overtaking hate as her hippy dancing continued. Ganyu was just so mesmerizing, even through his hate the things he appreciated beginning to bubble up in his mind the more he stared at her form.

Speaking of bubbling up, that choker and half sash of a bodice grew from the shiny ooze of fabric, fluttering over his stroking fingers, his arousal spreading warmth up his core as he felt his nipples poke against the tight suit.

"H-Her body really is amaaazing. Even if I like s-someone more outgoing she really gets a laaaht done with those mahhhssive knockers in the way. Ah ahh h-her figure's so curvy toooh~ but I bet her weight's more-"

Granyu's eyes were spinning, his whole body shifting back and forth, embarrassment over his words springing up as he shuddered at the though of people speculating over his weight. Besides it didn't matter how top heavy he, Ganyu was since she moved really well. He needed to correct himself, that self reflection far more important than the slowly rising lumps on his chest, even as his thighs began running slick with cum.

"Y-Yeah I bet she works haaard to keep thahht figure. B-Besides a gooood sehhcretary has to be g-hood with figures. Even if I can't heeehlp myself when people give me their food I nehhver let my ahhffice job m-make me a couch po- a stool slime."

Yeah she had plenty of good points, more of them flowing into his swirling mind, his hips rocking back and forth now as the moans couldn't help but spill between his cute mutterings, his fingers leaving his cock alone as they moved up to play with his breasts.

He could really relate to her sense of fashion, his fingers running circles around his erect nips, fingering them as he lightly pushed against his beestings. Yeah even though his were just a cups, bras were too much work and so constricting, though Granyu had always been quite a grower. Maybe it was because of his heritage, the memory of that b cup bra snapping back in high school sending bad memories to the surface and he just wanted to feel good, squeezing his plush breasts as they stretched against his bodysuit.

It was only natural all that fat h-had to go somewhere right? And it felt so good to play with his melons, his thighs rubbing vigorously together as his tiny hands barely made a dent in his hefty bosom, the one part of his heritage he truly appreciated. Well that wasn't true. There were Ganyu's, h-his hips after all…

The repeating loop looked so fun, so easy, his breasts already swaying side to side, his eyes following the sway of Ganyu's hips as his thoughts spiraled to a Ganyu event horizon. He had to stand, just had to, feeling a giddiness reward every copied action, giggling in soft spoken glee as his sashaying made the folds of loose and tight pantyhose rub so sensually against his body. It really was a good work out too, worries about his weight forgotten as each enticing sway burnt through his blocky stomach, his sides crinkling in subtly with every energetic sashay, the rhythm of it coming naturally as the tightness around his waist he never noticed resolved to slender curves.

Not all of it was burnt away though, signs of his office work and inability to say no to a meal putting some meat to his tiny frame, enough for someone to grab as he relished in the soft minuscule jiggles of his tummy. After all Ganyu didn't need to be any skinnier no matter what he worried about weight wise, just one rub of his plush stomach was enough to quiet away those concerns. And then there's what the swell of his breasts and dips of his waist led to...

"Ahh i-it's so embarrassing to mmm~ think about!"

Hips were on his mind, their sway the focus of the special upgrade, their endless swirl what drew him in in the first place. Worship was too strong a word, just a thorough gratification for what his hips had done for him even if he blushed at any mention.

"I-I mean it was that beast's fault for swallowing me! I was just transporting papers for work! And its mouth was so small! Well it was its throat, but people choke on small things all the time like fishbones! Though it is nice to have such a plush seat for ahhhhll those long hours. And I guess my hips were wide enough to clog that ugly thing's throa- OH OHHHH~!"

The awkward sways were interrupted by the crunch of bone and parting of muscle, his excited dancing becoming more and more identical to the loop on screen.

All Granyu could feel was bliss, each sway widening the heft of his rear, the loose folds ironed out by the rising swell of fat. The loose embrace of fabric became a warm hug as his cheeks swelled, his large breasts no match for the truly massive rear forming as his cheeks went from flatly swaying, to trembling to a full on jiggle as each sway was rewarded with a small gush from his cock. Of course, it was only a small release because his thighs were joining in the jiggle, the repetitive motion of the dance made all the better as fat bubbled up into his thighs as it squeezed against his cock.

Before, her cock would have long since been spent, hardly able to even last one full shift of her dance, the jiggling of her breasts, the way the bodysuit shifted and swiped against her skin as her monster choking rear jostled to and fro enough to make any man blow his load in an instant.

"But that's whaaat's so great about GAAHHNyuuu~! I can keep going all n-n-hiiight lOOONG~!"

Her thighs sang against her cock, the switch to first person accompanied with Ganyu's own blissful squeaks, trying not to scream too loudly as her thighs finished swelling, gracing her cock with an endlessly repeating thighjob that wrung it dry and then some. It was so strange how flustered she had gotten over Hu Tao before, not like she had anything against the petite prankster but Beidou was so much dreamier, the Qilin secretary knowing exactly who she wanted to be dancing for as her calves worked into curves, her feet grinding against the carpet as they twisted their shape down to pretty pivots, her toes curled as the final changes ran through.

It only took a single swipe of her thighs to slide blissfully against her cloth bound cock, the material so tight and thin it hardly mattered for the pleasure, each pass pushing it in ever so slightly, nibbles of it melting inside as she came away her old memories.

She'd be more worried if not for how regular an occurrence this was, that feeling of forgetting something important just a part of being older than some civilizations, though her specific age was kept a secret. Not out of shame, no her weight was the number she truly never wanted people to know, but she had forgotten it a few centuries past. All that overtime had really fried her brain over the millennia, though it was all worth it for her people. Her previous self badmouthing was just one of her moods, her horns feeling very tender today as if they had just grown and that thing between her thighs, her...


Oh that pretty prompt had changed, the same message flashing as her mirror image danced, Ganyu moaning as her cock had been shrunk half its original length, a trickle of clear stickiness all that left her tip as she danced even harder. The prompt changed again to her delight, her swirling eyes not blinking as she drank in the sight of her own body, the command immediate and wonderful.



The gif was speeding up, Ganyu's hips swinging faster her thighs clenching harder, her own name repeating over and over as her swirling thighs squeezed her tip just right, an endless cycle of pushing and pushing and pushing and-



She was rarely ever this loud but the cycle demanded it, speeding up and up as she felt something round burst inside, the wonderful heat energizing her as her hip thrusts slammed it against one side, her desperate speed granting her even more bliss as the remaining lump  was stomped in by her quick thigh thrusts, smacking against her internals as her swaying body drank in the bliss of the dance, the beauty of her body.

The prompt kept flashing, Ganyu screaming her own name to the beat of her neck bell, whimpering and moaning as her battered tip scraped against a wet cavern, so close to completion, so close to the end. She was dancing so fast it was like she was trying to light a fire with the friction of her thighs, squeezing harder and harder as she had to keep up with the beautiful prompt, so happy to be the secretary, so happy to work for the good of her people, and the pleasure of serving made her own name ring out again and again as she barely even noticed the final spasms of her groin, her entire being coiling as she had to dance, to use every ounce of her body as her flexible thrusts made the new muscles clench inside, a high pitched shriek masking the noise of her pussy popping open.

"GAHHHH~ G-Gaahh g-g-g ganyu..."

Ah that felt good, the overworked secretary sighing as the former screen had ended, now just a book hanging on a small podium, her couch a cramped bed in her spare room next to her main office. It was rare for her to ever feel so exhausted, though her mind was fuzzy on just how long she had been at it, feeling like she had been working forever it seemed like...

No she couldn't doze off now. There was so much... work and she... couldn't just... She wondered if this was what Layla felt like half the time, her eyelids so heavy, the words blurring. Maybe she was right before, she felt so lazy, so incompetent. It was only five or six days since she last slept and there was always more... to... do...

"Zzz... zzz... zzz..."

Despite the last self recrimination slipping through, she felt nothing but contentedness as she slumped forwards. After all, one did not live thousands of years in the same job if they didn't love themself, and despite all her self misgivings, the half Qilin girl felt completely at peace with herself as she dozed off. She was right where she belonged, and that'd never ever change.


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