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"Hmm, I must be able to do something... Argh dammit all this thinking is making me stupid!"

Power was still unused to the concept of empanadas or whatever that thing that meant you cared for others was, but she knew she had grown that stupid human emotion over time. No not for random people, they didn't do anything for Power. And Kobeni was the opposite, her desire to bully overwhelming for some reason whenever she was around. Too meek. But Denji had done more than he had to for her, to the point that even she knew it. And now she was pacing back and forth trying to think of something to give him. The issue was he was kind of simple, which while that made him easy to read, it also meant his desires were easy to fulfill. In fact, all the stuff he wanted he already had. Maybe she could do that body grinding thing humans seemed obsessed with, but he had looked kind of disappointed when she let him grab her boobs. What did humans need that she could help with?

"Power! Put your shit back when you use it from the fridge! Makima said if I get another stomach ache mid fight it'll look bad on the department! Err, is Aki here? He could always find the expiration dates on these things."

Speaking of Denji, he was rummaging around the fridge, making a usual hodge podge breakfast of toast stacked with twelve types of jam, some candy bars and bacon. An idea popped into her head as she watched him down the tasty looking treat, remembering one of the reasons devils were superior to humans. Apparently all that stuff was classified as "unhealthy" due to a build up of coal tolls, or um, chorus stalls? Whatever, it was stuff in the blood and was bad, which meant that Denji could be uh... um... what was she thinking about? Oh right.

"DENJI! I the great power!"

She swung a foot on the table, shaking one of the jars and almost splattering his white button up with red bean paste.

"I have decided to HELP the pitiful YOU! From the graciousness of my heart!"

Denji continued to eat his toast without much concern, replying, "Nah it's my turn to watch tv today. You can have the remote tomorrow."

She watched him munch, thinking he didn't look unhealthy, but then again so did most of the inferior humans that died easily. Besides she remembered the stone guy yelling about how the bad stuff was invisible and in blood. The only reason she remembered it was cause it was her field of expertise, not that she really felt a need to understand the stuff that floated in her glorious domain. She'd be a hero, she just had to get him to agree.

"You are in danger Denji! And I am going to save you with my genius!"

"Just let me eat my- HKK!"

His whole body stiffened, Power's arm outstretched, her brow dotted with sweat as she tried to scan his blood, only realizing as she had him like this that she didn't know what she was even looking for. Shit, she couldn't ask him what co-lets for all was or she'd look stupid, which she wasn't. Honestly while she enjoyed the taste of other's blood, there was an icky stickiness to it she never really enjoyed, her body always assimilating it into her own that just felt better to her. Still she knew roughly what a healthy flow felt like as she squinted, feeling how his red veiny things were going, snapping her fingers as she felt a major choke point around the tastiest organ he had, his heart. That and it was missing something, something she had a lot of floating in her blood, and since she was obviously perfect she should probably fix that too.

"Do not worry Denji! You have a secret illness that I have found with my amazing powers! You can worship me after I get you healthy and then we can be even!"

She didn't know how right she'd be as she snapped her fingers, Denji foaming at the mouth as he suddenly felt the blood in his body fizz and boil, Power shifting it all closer to hers as the missing ingredient she felt, estrogen, poured into his seizing body.

Two thoughts immediately came to Denji as his blood was filtered. "Holy fuck I'm dying!" and "Holy shit I'm fucking horny!" What left his mouth though was an incoherent gurgling that sounded like a combination between a seizure and orgasm, the new hormone burning through him as his devil mixed body did what it was designed to do when he was given blood, 'fix' itself.

Power for her part seemed pretty annoyed that he wasn't thanking her, waiting for his gurgles to end with Denji's praise, but as it continued and he began clawing at his shirt, she couldn't help but worry that something wasn't quite right. His pallor was weirdly pasty, and something thicker than sweat seemed to dot his twitching features.

"Denji! Surely thou can handle such glorious health! Tis but a small amount of my power but- Yuch!"

She had poked him in the cheek, her finger covered in wet slime that melted off to join an increasing puddle of slickness, Denji's clothes saturated in it as she realized it was partially liquified skin. Looking closely, she could see it happening all over, patches of fresh skin peeking from the shedding mush, so at least her fears that she had accidentally melted him were proven unfounded.

"D-Do not worry Denji! I the great Power shall fix this mistake!"

She put her hand on his chest, trying to focus though her choice of words gave her pause.

"This mistake in your human biology of course! A-After all this is all going how the great me planned it! Tis impossible for someone as great as me to make a mistake!"

Flexing her palm, the blood devil quietly panicked as she tried to figure what the hell was going on in Denji's body. Thankfully she found it rather quickly, that icky sticky stuff apparently fighting her gift of perfection, a few of Denji's organs desperately pumping it out to fight her estrogen. Wasn't that something called canned sir? Well the solution was simple, fill it with estrogen till it admitted defeat and gave up.

Denji's body was on fire, parts of him seemingly melting, but more maddening was how it all seemed centered on his dick. His entire body was sensitive beyond anything he had ever experienced or imagined, the touch of his starched dress shirt like a sandpapery handjob, his pants a slightly smoother discomfort. Somehow it only grew more agonizing when Power's sharp claws tore through his shirt to slap against his chest, the slow boil already engulfing his entire body worsening as he felt the most disturbing kind of arousal dig into his most tender of spots.

It went beyond just stroking, his balls swollen with confused signals, Power's palm casually half laid across his left nipple, which slowly became a new center of focus as he felt it go from soft, to half chub to fully erect. His heart was beating like mad, Denji certain it was going to burst any second as he thrashed under Power's touch, incoherent screams eased as he tore his shirt off. The pants required even more spastic kicking, his hips wriggling opposite to his curled toes, the buttons popping as they slid down his legs with a few tortured hops. It felt way better once they flung themselves into a corner of the apartment, the cool air singing against his skin, Denji rubbing his legs together as his stiff cock tented his boxers. Feeling skin against skin, he realized just how smooth his body felt now, his hands rubbing along his stomach as his legs continued to tangle together.

Shit had it always felt this good just to rub his own body? It felt so silky and tender, Powers nipple grinding with her palm doing things he never knew were possible. Oh fuuuuck he was about to bust wasn't he? This feeling too strong, too absolute, so many new feelings overwhelming him. But there was this one sensation he couldn't understand as heat swirled inside his balls, the arousal different from wanting to fuck something. Maybe it was how his own blood was thrusting into him, b-but he kinda wanted to be fucked t-to be-


Denji didn't so much cum as much as erupt, screaming violently as the estrogen nibbled at his voice, the corruptive blood making it feel like hot lava was spilling down his thighs, the slickness making his own horny self cuddling all the more arousing as he screamed in agonized bliss. It felt slicker than what he usually got out, his balls twitching as organs churned out makeshift vaginal fluid next to semen, but viscosity had been replaced by volume as he gushed out another spurt. Fuck it wasn't stopping, his body trembling, his pleasure curled toes popping mutely under his shrieks, toes gaining more dexterity as the cuter digits curled into one another like they were shaking the opposite foot, his heels ground down to slender things as Power's special blood pumped through every cell of their dainty shape.

Speaking of Power, she stared aghast at the twitching thing in Denji's boxers, confused by its presence. What was that thing? Was this something all humans had? Perhaps it was some kind of weapon. It sure seemed to move vigorously enough as she peeled his underwear down with her free hand. Normally she wouldn't care about inferior species like this, but annoyingly it seemed to be connected to all the stuff fighting her. Sure it was spewing out the weird stuff her estrogen kept battling with and converting, but it was getting rid of a lot of her hard work too! And from the way Denji was screaming it was clearly giving him a lot of pain, her fingers wrapping around it out of curiosity, feeling it throb as Denji nearly kicked her from the bliss as she gave it an inadvertent jerk. Power scowled as it seemed to spit on her greatness, gushing its contents much like an open wound on a human.

"Ah so this is what's causing you pain Denji! Did you know you sprang a leak? How lucky you are that the great Power is here to tend to your health. You can grovel at my feet in thanks once I seal it."

He was desperate to make her stop, to make her undo whatever the hell she thought she was doing, but he couldn't even speak, the blood in his cock somehow buzzing and stroking as it grew hotter in her hand. He came again, but it was less satisfying, almost like less of it could get out as some backsplash rammed into his balls, the liquid penetration doing something he was only vaguely aware he needed as he tried to understand what the hell just happened.

Power was certain Denji couldn't understand what was happening, but she was sure he'd thank her for it. So many dangerous health things and he barely seemed to have noticed! Sure Denji was nice and all, but sadly he was still a human at the end of the day. Truly this was proof that they couldn't be allowed to take care of themselves! Thankfully sealing the leak was easy since the organ it had sprung in was filled with blood, throbbing and molding in her grip. It was a bit too hard at first, but she had her blood eat through the muscle, filling it with her special stuff as Denji screamed, though this time she could hear the gratitude and happiness in it. The offending organ was like putty in her hand after a few rounds of blood therapy, her thumb and forefingers pinching it shut as the tip swelled to a bright pink jewel, the shaft it was perched on wriggling about wildly, but cleanly.

"There feel-"

For the first time Power noticed how much shinier Denji's skin was, perhaps because he was mostly naked, or maybe it was all the sweat now that the slimy shed stuff was all melted and gone. Another improvement! Yes she definitely had to take credit for this, letting go of his weird worm since it seemed to be fine now.

"-better?! I fixed your complex zen! All of this is just like how I planned to-"



Had Denji's chest always been so... squishy? And why did it feel like her hand was being pushed? What the hell was going on?!

Denji was thinking much the same, confused by everything, his brain drowning in a hormonal powder keg. Speech was out of the question, even thought barely possible as he became hyper aware of everything, the pleasure having no outlet anymore leaving him to just experience every minute detail, time seeming to slow to a trickle. His cock was both hard and soft, a torrent of dying masculinity trying to escape from the heat caressing and converting it inside his shifting body. The waves of rebounding cum kept crashing into his balls, only a few seconds needed to push his sack to the brink. It was like his guts were gargling, unspeakable bliss surging as something inside him swashed his balls around, scraping his insides around and around only instead of spitting it swallowed.


Denji didn't have the anatomy 101 to fully grasp what had just happened, his virginity taken roughly by his own balls, but he sure felt how substantial of a change it was as the pounding liquids sloshed them to opposite ends of his pelvis, his hips feeling like they were gonna burst from the pleasure, all that need building and building. Power's initial infusion had long since replicated itself to something beyond what he could ever hope to fight. He was always submissive to girls but now even his genetic makeup was crumbling, the regeneration working its magic as all that escaping mass had to go somewhere now that his cock was no longer an option.

But on top of all of that, there was Power's chest bound hand, thoughtlessly flicking his nipples, squeezing his pecs, Denji drooling as the rush of estrogen wormed its way into the muscle, softening it like his struggling cock. Power was still trying to quietly fix things, only making it worse as more and more blood pooled into his chest, widening the areolas, swelling out muscle to fat. And when she gave that confused squeeze, the floodgates broke.

Above all else, Denji could feel it, his own aroused excitement fueling the changes, his heart throbbing fast as each beat sent quivering rushes of fat and blood into his growing breasts. Even Power's half hearted gropes felt beyond what he could have asked for, his own experience as the groper a lot duller than how good it felt to have his breasts groped. Fuuuuck he was so horny, and these breasts, h-his breasts just needed someone to suck and grope them till she-

Another orgasm failed to exit, Denji struggling to fight the pleasure. He had a dream didn't he? He wasn't supposed to be the girl in the relationship! But all he could do was moan as the regeneration curved his legs, his thighs steadily bloating as they rubbed his slippery shaft, each gush thickening to fat as they turned juicy. Before he knew it he was squeezing his cock between them, giddy at the feel of it sliding back and forth, imagining how much better it'd be to just lose that inferior human cock of hers and feel the POWER of-


The chair collapsed under his frantic heaving, all the bliss and newness giving him a slight headrush as he could feel Power's blood slosh in his brain. It was like someone had dipped his mind into boiling tobasco, trying to scald away his identity his dreams. It all felt confused, pain as good as bliss, his sore ass rumbling as he felt another orgasm coming. He didn't want to be Power! He didn't want to be some useless human scum! There wasn't any more time, he was about to burst, his hips creaking, his ass bubbling as his mind cried out for help.


For a moment there was peace, Denji vaguely feeling the pleasure as a faint numbness, his body unchanged from its usual state as he stared into a white void. It seemed familiar, but it was hard to focus, the memories of what was happening him still fresh. Was he disappointed he was back to normal? He almost wanted it to-


Huh? That voice... Looking around, he saw Pochita quivering, looking distressed. He remembered now. This was the space when he made his contract before. It was the same white void, with the same half used water bottles on a tatami mat floor... No wait that was just his apartment? Ugh something wasn't-



It went from a faint numbness to a light tingle, more of the white space becoming their apartment, Pochita's already light voice quivering up more as the devil dog's orange torso suddenly grew two feet. The sides were curved, orange fur falling to the floor as peach colored skin adorned a perfectly carved navel, its paws scrabbling against the floor.

"T-oooh~ much blood! H-Had to take it all in aaaas your heart b-huuut it's it's- OHHHH~!"

There was a snap as his spine crunched, pleased whimpers become husky moans as his forepaws wriggled uselessly, Pochita rolling to his side as the limbs stretched, gaining fingers, losing hair, claws turning to sharp nails, the pads palms flexing as the half humanized devil seemed helpless to stop them as they began to tug at his chest. Its pair of fangs turned to a set of jagged shark teeth as its overbite melted into plump, human lips. The orange fur on his face pinkened before detaching, stringing down his quivering form as the continued cupping and pinching forced a pair of breasts to burst out the almost fully humanized dog's torso. Denji could only watch as 'his' pulley tail wagged back and forth as it receded, the holder bar splitting in two as it reddened to a familiar pair of crimson horns.

"Th-hhhe more you give in-"

Every syllable sounded strained, a guttural moan interrupting as the chainsaw blade began to recede, 'his' tongue wagging as tan flesh rose to meet the blunted blade.

"Th-The MOOOre y-oooh give i-in."

Every blink left more gold in 'his' eyes, barely any will left to fight, the pleasure too strong, the perfection it was-



At once both tail and blade melted to Power, her crossed bullseye eyes slanting in orgasmic bliss, the added curve to her spine accenting her jiggling cheeks as she rolled onto her back. In no time at all with a few pumps of her feet nothing was left of the devil's previous form, the fiend moaning in carnal glee as she spread her thighs apart, a wet rip announcing her entry into womanhood. Dark liquids sloshed out her pussy, the smell of sex washing away the odor of gasoline as a pink hair power cooed, completely naked, grinning up at Denji.

"Wh-What did you do?!"

The void was becoming increasingly more apartmenty, the break about to return as the Power clone got huffy.

"Twas not me! It's your fault!"

"But I just saw you turn him into-"

"Nuh uh! I did not change, twas always my form."


That seemed to amuse her, Denji retreating as she crawled towards him, her naked body soon hunched over him.

"Oh really? But isn't this far too spacious and perfect a brain for Denji? Clearly I'm why you're feeling so good yes?"

She groped one of her breasts, Denji moaning as he could feel it, reality returning.

S-Staaaawp i-it's my head it's myyy~"

She was on top of him, almost grinding against his body as she gripped his cock, her mouth flush to his ear.

"Tis not your head fool. You are mistaken. You were always Power..."

And then she pushed.

The brief lull left Denji unprepared for reality, coming back just in time for his ass to triple in size, his cock growing increasingly frustrating as he desperately longed for release as his sore cheeks swelled with lust. So annoying, would be better if it just was all like Power. Perfect like Power. Fuck wait no his dick! He just felt it pull inside! H-He only had about uh, whatever those human measurements were. It didn't matter to her since she was a genius and soon it'd be all gone and she could focus on her nobel- He couldn't think, could barely talk. Just hungry emptiness behind cock beginning to suck that felt good, painful emptiness in head that hurt but also felt good and hollow feeling in chest that felt bad.


The voice urged him, his irises burning gold as his blonde lashes flickered longer. But he couldn't make it feel good. Only Power could do that and he wasn't Power. Was she?

Power had left while he had been spaced out, realizing there wasn't much to do so she might as well pretend she hadn't been home and was completely shocked. Besides she figured it'd all work out on its own somehow. And when it all turned out better she'd take credit for it being her plan all along. Truly she was a genius.

Denji no longer cared about who he was or what was happening, too confused to know who was who and too horny to worry over it much. What mattered was getting rid of the gucky stuff in his heart that was slowing her down! He groped his own breasts, moaning as he felt them fully in the palms of his hands. Fix it. Had to fix it. Memories bled into one another. His father's debt never existed. Not I. Finding his pet Nyakko. Cats made far better servants than dogs. Groping her own breast pads. No wait, she didn't need breast pads. She was perfect! Therefore her breasts had to be perfect too!

He wasn't just groping, he was directing, moaning as he felt the blood inside flow and shift, his voice finally matching Power's to a T as he made improvements, the thought of boobs fixing all as he squeezed and squeezed. Slowly they grew too large for the palm of his hand, the heat of his body helping to boil away any of his past dumb thoughts. It felt so good~ feeelt sooooo....


His cheeks were red with blush, the blood in it melting them softer, offshoots dripping down his irises to form perfect crosshairs. Each pull on them tugged his ripcord in more, her blood softening it, Power not sure why she made such a weird thing when that was Denji's... No she was Denji. Er, he was Power. He licked his lips, letting the blood thicken them, feeling his cock twist as it pulled inside more, the end in sight  as her spiky hair spilled down his cheeks. Her left hand squeezed her forehead, shrinking it, stirring her brain into a frenzy as she let it find every wrong memory left and squeeze till she felt it-



Power fixed the problem in her head, and getting a good release too, all those inferior memories bursting out the top of her skull as her fiend horns, blood trickling down before swimming back inside her ears. But there were still a few irregularities that needed to be fixed. She thought she could take care of them in the living room, but her knees kept giving out, the Denji thing needing something really really bad and she remembered vaguely about you doing that sort of thing in the bedroom.

"P-ErrRRRrrRRfect! POOOOwer! D-HEEENJI!"

Being so close to the end made the throb between her thighs all the more difficult, her head still fuzzy on what she was doing in Denji's uniform. H-Had to do something for him right? Be what he wanted or something. Making herself perfect...

She had never felt something lap so greedily at her own blood like the shaft between her thighs, its flopping mass only growing more tender the more it pulled inside. So many horny f-fools like Denji yes. Had to be sexier. H-Had to be perfect. More perfect since she was already p-per-

She gripped her waist, screeching as she urged her thing to melt, to pop, to do anything to vanish from this world and suck inside. It took all her focus to make it squash in, bliss radiating throughout, her still blocky core struggling. In and in she willed it all to suck, drooling as her sides began to creak, her stomach flattening as her curves grew even larger. She could finally feel it! Perfect pleasure, ready to erupt, screaming as her breasts surged out one last time swallowing her tie, her core even thinner, her former shaft giving one last throb before the blood keeping it erect vacuumed it inside with a sudden tearing of flesh. She cursed, she cried, she nearly fell off the bed, finally finding true release as she came the last of her imperfection out, feeling it ram deep inside as she learned the pleasures of being fucked.

"Marvelous! I feel REBORN! Like I've gorged on FIVE whole humans! Is this what mass patience is? No wonder Denji loves it so much! Now, what was I planning to do for him again?"

It didn't take long for Aki and Power to return, the mess, the fluids, and the bustier replica of Power making it obvious what happened. Of course Aki freaked out, bothering both of them, especially since neither one could imagine being a fake. After all they were perfect, so why did it matter who they used to be?

Whatever the case, they were both in agreement that Aki could figure it out on his own, the two twins discussing plans for world domination as they left him behind to sort with the mess. Now they both had a buddy who fully understood them and taking over the world was twice as easy! And now Denji had a pair of breasts to ogle wherever he... she, wanted. Yes it really was true, the entire mess clearly all for the better. Power truly was a genius. Both of them.


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