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Something was off, Ren could tell just at a glance at her door, the same feeling he got before entering a strong shadow palace, yet it was oddly cozy. He wasn't sure what could be causing it, but he figured it had something to do with Futaba since it was her place he was standing outside of. She had stopped coming to their meetups a few days ago, though she had been generally moody for the last few weeks. Sometimes she had to be pushed, but it was always a delicate balance between helping and forcing, and clearly this one required the latter more as he sent another LINE to Ryuji. The last five were all on read with no response since he went to check on how she was doing earlier. The last one he sent was something cryptic about Futaba sending him something weird and that he would go over to see if she was okay. Hardly the first time that happened given the random meme vids she'd frequently share without context, but there was an ominous tinge to it the longer he went without responding.

Shockingly there was a near instant ding this time, a scribbled out apology of a message with an indecipherable block of text right after.

"Sorry! Multi tabbed and missed the notifs. I must seem terrible ugh. But I forgot to share that cool thing I sent to Ryuji! Here give it a-"

Ren slid down to read more, realizing all too late the block of text was a link, the kind of malicious pop up that seems to always jump up right as you tap. Before he knew it, his phone was flashing, selfies of Futaba skipping from one to the next as they flashed incoherently mixed with an orange and black spiral. It was sucking him in, his eyes stuck open as a barrage of Futaba flooded in. Futaba sleeping. Futaba yawning. Futaba eating. Futaba naked. All interspersed with a slowly approaching figure every few frames, Ren grunting as something launched into him, slamming him back into... Futaba's front door?

His phone was back to normal, though half the battery had seemingly evaporated, or maybe he had just been standing there? No wait. When did he even enter her apartment? There was a sensation he couldn't begin to describe running through him, the flurry of Futaba burned into his mind like a sunspot, a feeling of being watched and paranoia filling him as he stumbled from the door, suddenly scared of what was outside.

"No this isn't r-right."

Despite saying it, the feeling persisted, almost like something was gently breathing across his brain, fogging up the bits of reason he needed to actually do something. He needed to find Ryuji, but a part of him was also nervous. *Ryuji-paisen was very extroverted* and that... scared him?

There was that feeling again, stronger. The breathing was more frantic as thoughts tossed and turned like a restless sleeper, odd references and jargon popping and vanishing as he stumbled a little. He felt taller somehow, his body awkward as he stumbled to the corner wall, catching his breath when he heard strange noises from down the hall. It was a mix of heavy breathing and what sounded like broken sobs, his name occasionally echoing out as he moved towards the sound. It was definitely Futaba's voice, cracking and whooping, something wet mixed in that was rhythmic, the squeak of springs joining at irregular intervals. A dull blue light flashed from the door, tension building as Ren creaked the door open, unsure if she was in pain or trouble. Nervously he pushed the door open, prepared for anything he thought till he saw what Futaba was doing.

She was watching porn and fingering herself with a fervor that seemed almost dangerous, her squeaks of bliss so tortured and scratchy that he couldn't tell how long she'd been at it. Her eyes remained shut, the illicit images before her losing on mute to her own want as she continued to coo his name every time she jabbed her fingers deep in a forceful thrust. He almost apologized but the sight was entrancing, that gif from before playing again as his cock grew hard, that hardness feeling weird to him, but a good weird, like trying out a random anime and finding a fav or-


Ren gave a quiet groan, struggling to keep it in, his arousal flaring as the more he watched, the more he swore he could feel her pleasure, the unimaginable itch being scratched deep inside, his body trembling as he heard her moan his name, Ren, her savior, her princess carrying L! Oh god he's just so-

...w-was he seriously just turned on by himself? Futaba didn't seem to mind the thud as he braced against a side wall, too focused on her own fun. Ren knew he needed to give her privacy, mortified at the thought of someone seeing him do something so embarrassing, s-so lewd. And it felt so-


A trickle of cum dribbled down his thighs, the phantom thief moaning as the room spun more, almost rising to meet him. He crawled on his hands and knees like a toddler, feeling weaker, his clothes hanging slightly off him in odd spots almost like he had lost a belt size or two. It was demeaning to crawl like this, but it was what she deserved for being born so low. She was almost as bad as a redditor. He snorted at that, unsure why, that tossing feeling in his brain getting more frantic as he slipped into Futaba's room. It felt so cozy, so right, Ren's entire body relaxing as he gave a loud shriek, cum wetting his pants as he collapsed to the floor.

He could feel his strength fading, muscle decaying and spewing out, his thoroughly slickened thighs riddled with liquified energy, or that's at least what it felt like as his build became lanky, his skin almost loose on his own bones as his energetic moaning faded to a pathetic sputter. His cheek scraped the plastic edge of a discarded takeout box, Futaba's room littered with half crushed energy drinks and crumb laden plastic. The only semi neat area was a circle around her desktop chair, even her bed littered with mismatched socks and a few empty bags of chips. In the lumpy stack of blankets, Ren might have mistaken the massive clump in the middle for just sheets if his loud squeals hadn't made it suddenly jerk and stand like something out of an indie horror flick.

"Yaaaaawn~ ugh great now I'm up. Thanks sis. Keep it down next time."

Somehow another Futaba yawning and leaving the room was only the second biggest surprise, her calling him sis sending a whole new wave of activity through his body, Ren groaning as his MP suddenly surged as if he was about to use an attack. Another Futaba greeted him, only this one was in his head, a sleepy severity greeting him.

Why's it feel so comf- Ah crap crap did Rutaba finally send out the link?! Of course it’s when I finally go to sleep at a reasonable time... Or was it 3 PM? Well at least I can finally get to work and take care of you Mr. Too Good To- Agh-what?!

The veins in Ren's forehead bulged, the voice of Arsène booming GET OUT leaving a ringing in his ears.

What? No! I literally JUUUUST got here! Besides he's got that ‘can affect multiple personas thingamajig’ so there should be room for-


Aww did you practice that speech in the mirror? Fine this is what I get for trying to be nice!

That was all the warning Ren had before a gap suddenly punched into existence behind his cock, his screams growing choked as the mask of his arcana formed and dissolved.

It wasn't just the gap that made it impossible to hold back, but the lips at the end of it, an alien wetness rubbing unseen behind his erect cock, a deep shudder running through as bliss became his standard state, the endless need constantly dipped into by the base of his groin. He was being sucked off from within, countless doujins filling his delicate brain as he couldn't even begin to fathom how to stop what was coming. All his MP, his arcana, his personas, all of it was being funneled towards the gap, Arsene's cries rising to a panicked shriek as Ren felt it pool in his balls, his face screwed shut as shoots of orange chaotically popped from his scalp.


Black sludge shot from his cock, spilling down his legs as it pooled around his calves. It took three orgasms to completely drain him of Arsene, a defeated Ren gasping for air as the releases stopped, but the inwards rubbing of his cock to the space behind it was already growing maddening again. The Futaba in his head could relate.

Wooow~ no wonder Rutaba screamed her head off. I don't suppose you'd have any more antags hiding in here would you? Though I'm kind of exhausted from that. No I can't go back to bed I gotta do work and clean up your mess. Let me just slip in right- Oooh~ yeah.

His breathing hitched, panic and arousal merged into one as an invisible sensation snaked its way into his arms, almost like something was trying to wear him, and succeeding. There was a sort of deep stretch going on as the force slipped into his fingers, twitching them like a stubborn glove that wouldn't quite fit. But then the stretch happened, Futaba's ghostly hands flexing, his fingers following as her nails slipped under his, all growing out to nerve bitten, but longer peaks. The skin seemed to snap into place when she let go, his fingers and palms both stretched dextrous and cute, any impurities and hair popped off as girly hands rested at the ends of his arms. Hands he no longer had control of.

Bit long. Lets see if we can fix that. What was that stretch called? The one people do in gym class in all the competition episodes?

His hands lead his arms, Ren helpless as they pulled him towards the bed, getting him slumped half up as they stretched behind his back. He felt pops in his elbows and shoulders, moaning as the lanky shape of his arms slimmed to fit the wearer, the excess length turning to plush, feminine fat, a warm weakening wave of bliss removing every last trace of athleticism from them. That mixed with the ever present throbbing of what he now knew to be a pussy ever so slowly sucking on his cock from the inside was enough to get him hard, the Futaba in his head cooing.

I guess that cliche is right. All men ARE the same. And here I thought you didn't like me.

"Wh-What are you d-hooooing t-to me? Why are- OOOH~!"

He regained control of his arms, feeling the inner Futaba shifting about, only for her fingers to begin stroking his brain. His eyes spasmed, lips open in confused bliss, the sensation of her hands stroking his thoughts, his personality, really feeling it as she began to fuck with his brain was beyond orgasmic as images began to flash, new memories he realized. Shadow Futaba's memories.

I'm fixing a mistake. Clearly you can't be trusted with Futaba's heart. The deal was to help her wasn't it? To fix anything that troubled her? Well I'd say you're doing a pretty crap job. You have the urgency of a Toei adaption and someone's gotta look out for Futaba! Since she was feeling lonely I thought a sister would help. Buuuut...

Flashes of Ryuji's transformation played out, the tall problem child dazed as the big screen flashed Shadow Futaba's attack. Her feelings were mixing with his, any fear outweighed by a sense of pride as his hair turned orange, his clothes shrinking his body down to size. There was a big surge of cringe when he started screaming, and not blissful ones either. Just lots and lots of pain.

It was my first time okay?! Besides I thought breaking someone in would work faster, but around here I realized that pleasure was a better-

They both blushed as Ryuji's shrunken body crumpled over, his hands pawing at his groin, Ren disgusted at his own arousal as he watched the bulge in his shorts shrink to nothing.

Unfortunately it turns out making an exact replica just reinforces both of their worst tendencies. Whoops. But see that was my issue. I listened to you!


She accented the 'you' with a finger under his right nipple, Ren seeing it wiggle about, its sensitivity gradually amping up as she rimmed the inside.

She doesn't need me as a part of her. She needs someone that fully understands her, someone that ACTUALLY know her in and out mmm~...

The moan slipped out of both of them, her hands back in control as they undid the buttons of his uniform, his pants slipping off as they rolled onto Futaba's bed. His nipples were standing rock hard, a pink so intense they almost seemed to glow. They already had such an intense ache to them, the brushing of his tossed off jacket already enough to have him ready to burst.

"P-Please Futaba d-HOOOn't d-doooOOO this there's another a-a- MMPH?!"

She was kissing him like a sloppy makeout with her own reflection, his lips bloating as her eager self makeout began to warp his face. Rena could hardly deny how good it felt, more of Futaba slipping in as clumps of orange spilled down their back, her tongue getting in on the action as his jaw rounded, his fingers passionately flicking his own nipples before teasing them in deliberate circles.


They bucked, Renba cursing as they came. He had thought nothing could have beaten the previous ones, but the pressure of his releases made his crotch push deeper into the gap, both of them screaming as a decent length of cock pierced into their aching snatch. It didn't soften either, their masculinity refreshed by the double action going on up above, Renba acutely aware of how Futaba's, o-of how their real body was naked inside, her erect nipples scraping the insides of his own, surging, pushing against the pecs. Each push was another scream as their cheeks rounded, Renaba dazed as the next orgasm made them buck so hard their spine curved instantly.

So many genderbender doujins felt like copouts now, this being everything she imagined when she first fingered herself to-


Renaba didn't know why they were so happy, the dopamine of their topster animes nothing compared to the burning bliss as her arched back forced Futaba's breasts to emerge, the world slightly blurry with their increasingly ill fit prescription, her eyes bursting wide as orange waves teased their petite frame. Speaking of oranges that was about the size of her breasts too, her hands giving them a quick squeeze, Retaba not ready for the corporal pleasures of her new body. The thinning gush of cum was both lubricant and propellant, the two minds smashing together as Retaba was fucked by half her cock and balls.

Despite how dommy Shadow Futaba was being, she was still a sub at heart, verbally keymashing as her hips were forced to split, unable to handle the girth otherwise. She could feel the remnants of her crush still struggling inside, their throat feeling parched as she gave a loud gulp.

"Mmm~ fuuuuuck oh fuuuuck can you feel thAHHHT R-Ren?" Her hands traced their way down their twisting core, their whole body one massive weak spot as their horny thrashing whittled away his once athletic frame from lanky to petite as could be. She wondered how much height she had come out over the last few minutes, hugging her svelte waist. Sure his half shrunken cock was right below and she could probably shove it in in one go, but where was the fun in that? This is why she was a weekly kind of girl rather than a binge watcher. She wanted to relish his trapped cock for as long as she could, his fading pleas making it feel like a lewd roleplay more than reality.

At some point during the cumming her socks had slid off, but the black remnants of her former arcane were still there, the black pooled loosely as a pair of thigh highs bunched at the knees, the left almost ready to slide off. She grabbed the lip of the left one and pulled, panting as the flimsy fabric proved stronger than the leg it was encasing, Futaba barely hearing any resistance left in her head as a the foot was strangled to daintiness, her calf outlined beautifully by the singular thigh high as she pulled and pulled. There were a few solid crunches, inches of height forced out of her leg, all of that mass pulsing upwards as it bloated around her cock. Something about the way the plushness squeezed her ball, rubbing the leaking shaft as her horny bouncing rolled it inside her throbbing pussy, the restraint just left as her fingers went from feeling up her thigh to ramming two fingers into the sunken, tortured ball.


Shadow Futaba mentally made a note that camgirl wasn't out of her future possibilities with the performance she was giving, her balls fucking her in spots she never knew could be teased, splitting, plunging, carving. She was tangled up in sheets, a discarded skirt dangling from one leg as the remaining thigh high was propelled by her orgasmic wheeling. It was truly an impossible combo to beat, Rutaba melting into the flood of Futaba, struggling to find the motivation to resist. There was some vague fear of being changed but when it felt this good? Plus some of her quitter mentality had definitely leaked in and it was just so hard to think amidst such a flood of anime and gaming knowledge. And given her constant hacker training it shouldn't be a surprise how easy it was to fully take over a... She was talking to herself wasn't she?

Well there was no use delaying the inevitable, she just had to-

"Hff ahh?"

That was weird. She suddenly felt really really tired. Sure this was more exercise than she usually got in a week with all the flailing and stuff, but she couldn't be that weak could she?

"Hff NNGH hff ahh ah c-c'mon y-oooh~ can y-you can- H-AHHH~!"

Yes. Yes she was. Apparently she had used up all of her strength and now she just had to let gravity do its thing.

It was hard to decide if the next fifteen minutes were heaven or hell, Futaba squealing as she rolled over, grinding her nub of a cock down against the sheets, feeling her tip slowly seal as clear fluids leaked from her spreading slit. The worst was the final ten minute stretch, her cock all inside her pussy, still not inverted, her meek thrusting unable to reach what she needed to pop. In the end she just desperately fondled her breasts, wheezing as one ungodly surge of pleasure suddenly rolled through, a last clear gush staining her sheets.

"Hnngh hff h-holy fuck I'm spent."

She hadn't felt this exhausted since End of Eva, her eyes drooping as she pulled her former glasses off, cursing her own physical weakness. The plan was to get out and be the introvert the other Futabas needed. To be productive. But god did that seem like a lot of work now that she wasn't a shadow any more. But she had to end their loneliness somehow!

...She could just spread the gif everywhere. Technically everyone becoming Futaba would mean they just gained like a billion friends. But then no one would make new anime and manga... But their backlog was already so big. sigh She'd sleep on it, and the fate of the world would depend on if she felt energized to go do something. Though given how comfy her bed was and how good that had felt... maybe at least the rest of the Phantom Thieves. And she'd go from there...



Do you mind if i plagiarized "verbal keymash"