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The hero of Hyrule tore through the dungeon, wondering where the princess had gone to. There was no great threat to the kingdom, more a series of small annoyances that Zelda and Link were in the process of clearing out. Ganondorf had been thwarted but he had all of these bothersome mini dungeons all throughout the land, obstructing trade, interrupting settlements and being a general eyesore and source of random monsters. Link had his guard up for the first few, but by now he mostly saw it as resource gathering, roaming around for rooms to scour.

He’d find Zelda soon, she always had a habit of running off to weird books and crannies, a large room was before him full of pots to break, chests to open and plenty of cool looking artifacts. But did he really want to spend all that time going through it? He chucked a bomb into the room, hearing it beep before exploding, an echoey crack resounding that got his attention.

Had he found a secret room? Some rare treasure? To his surprise it was neither, the furnishings hiding a large, dark tinted mirror, the cracks already healing as various loot sparkled on the floor. It looked promising so he chucked another bomb at it, expecting an ultra secret room, confused as the seconds ticked by with no explosion. The beeps had quieted, Link curious as he threw another to no avail. Walking in he bent over to look, two things shocking him. First he blushed, the bomb losing a beep for a buzz, the shape going from round to phallic as it joined a set of beads gleaming on the floor. The second only came to him as he tried to move, the hero stuck bent over in place, completely stunned. Slowly his head was forced to swivel, his blush flaring at the naked girl staring back. He tried to look away but he was forced to stare, feeling strange as he mimicked her movements. There was something familiar about her face, her ears, Link realizing she could have passed for his sister on a closer inspection, as his skin began to tingle.

“Nnnh ugghh…”

Even his mouth was sealed, his lips twitching as they moved to a smirk to match, every cell starting to buzz like some force was charging them, his clothes dying the purplish black reflection of the mirror, but his eyes focused on his left hand as it bent into a fetch pose. The triforce was glowing, the brightness dimming as the bright triangles leaked jagged black shocks, the triangle rotating 60 degrees, inverting with a visible click as his body jerked as if struck by lightning. Spittle misted from his smirking lips, tiny spasms rolling over his body as his heroism was filtered through the triforce, grunting as blissful, corruptive evil pumped through his  body.

It felt like a film caressing his innards, his left hand twitching as the nails and fingers lengthened, black polish spreading down the sharp claw like ends. He was helpless as the reflection pulled invisibly at his form, his other hand twitching as it slendered to match, stripping off his tunic as his body was bathed in reflective corruption. His mind was racing, sparks of ecstasy forcing his cock to flex, his eyes twitching as dark amber spilled into his irises. His inventory was tossed away, his body beginning to move, almost a mockery of feminine enticement as his hands ran over his muscular body. The reflection was giggling, his own throat jerking as of choked, each one gurgling as he felt something melt, the gurgles rising to a haughty, sultry titter. His hands felt so soft as they were made to brush his body, arousal building as the triforce gleamed with evil. It was making the corruption spread, hairs burning from his touch, muscle shuddering as his hand squeezed and brushed. He was getting weaker, his hands teasingly melting away hard earned muscle, sharp nails poking his nipples as a pleased giggle left his thickening lips, the nubs darkening as they hardened to tender points.

He was trying to think of a way out, disturbed at how good it felt, how quickly he was becoming addicted to the corruption. His fingers let up on his nipples just as they were starting to throb, hungry for something, his hands sliding up as they hugged his shoulders slimmer, his muscular thighs awkwardly sliding against his cock as his hands gripped his forehead. The laughs gurgled as corruption spilled into his kneaded forehead, Link screaming in horror as his temples began to creak as it hurt it felt so good to dominate his purity, such desperate cries laughed at as his slender throat lost any trace of that boyish tenor. God if only she could savor this moment forever feeling his weak thoughts squirm as she felt his hands pull on his hair, Link groaning in pain as his mid length blonde hair was torn down to his waist, the dark reflective magic tainting it’s shining gold with sludgy grey tones.

The corruption wanted him to know how easily it could snuff out his will, enjoying his reluctant pleasure, his hips sashaying as his eyes bled wider. He wished it didn’t feel so good, his hands driving him wild as they returned to caressing his swaying body, more of his jagged edges rounded, teased, his waist puckering slightly as his awkward hip and shoulder gyrations clicked tighter and tighter to nubile perfection. It was getting harder to think, the enticing sway of his own body hypnotizing, his own forced laughter mockingly feeling good, thoughts of giving in sending an especially brutal weakness through his deflating arms, moans mixing in with the mocking laughs as his bulky thighs softened. He needed to resist, the plushing brush of his swiveling thighs maddening, the villainess unable to even clench his disgusting cock as he gave a small buck, white smearing down his thighs, lubricating them as the hero blissfully squealed in torturous, self destructive pleasure.

He was trying so fucking hard not to give in, his thighs only getting plusher as they groped his swollen balls, the reluctant spurts becoming a stream. The releases sparkled, Link’s eyes fluttering as their pupils fully ambered as as his core squeezed playfully, his heart feeling thick and bloated as his purity spilled from his rolling cock. Zelda, he had to alert Zelda. She had healing magic. If she found him he could fuck her silly.


He tried to stop the thoughts, her unguarded naked body her plaything, her submissive little fuck-



His ribcage shattered beautifully, shrinking his frame to petite perfection, his perky nipples twitching as his cum darkened, purple mixed in as his corrupted heart thumped in his chest. Blood didn’t pump out, but fat, thick, plush fat that swelled his perky tits out. He was doing to himself what she was going to do to Zelda soon, plucking and tearing at her nipples, groping her swelling bosom as her dangling balls tightened to her body. Cum flowed hot and thick, sludgy as it darkened, her hip swirls splintering them further with every side to side flick.

God what she’d do to that stupid fucking princess, Link groaning as her reflection panted in need, her fingers slipping lower to plunge into her leaking slit. But didn’t he have a- Didn’t matter, his nails stabbing into a tight scrotum, thrusting harder and harder till she felt her master sword crumble. She needed to utterly fuck it, stabbing the obstructing balls, screaming as she grinded her cock against the mirror. Corruption spilled inside, her balls gushing as they were forced inside, her nails diving in and spreading as she fingered herself. She squealed, cumming as they popped, her cock shrinking with every thrust, imagined spanks to the princess making her own ass jiggle.

There was a small piece of Link left in her, one that screamed and moaned and came with her, that she left to melt into her mind, purposefully avoiding it as she relished in the hero’s final screams as a man and a hero. Her ears twitched, feeling an indescribable bliss as his cries slowly rose to her own haughty tone, his cock doing just as well as it sank into the sludge of her corrupted innards. Bubbling cum spilled to the floor as it stirred her innards like a cauldron, her fingering hastening as it shrank and shrank, finally finishing only after the last of the hero’s thoughts had melted in her mind, the villainess moaning in satisfaction as her pussy gave a bubbled, heaving gush.

“Mmm~ moooore!”

She needed it, her former cock dissolving in a miasma of evil, her reflection and her mirrored as she kissed the inversion, spreading her lower lips as she felt it twist and turn inside before popping. She gave a magnificently loud screech as she shed the last of her lesser self, her fingers coming out smeared in corrosive magic, smiling as it echoed around the dungeon. She put her clothes back on as she waited for her cry of ecstasy to snare what she wanted, already hearing the patter of heels running to see what was wrong.

When Zelda arrived to the source of the screaming she was utterly confused, finding a half destroyed room, bordered on one wall by a large purplish mirror, the glass smeared in glowing white purity. She stepped in, shivering as her body was reflected, feeling the curse as she raised her defenses instinctively at the magic she could feel trying to probe her. Or she would have if black stained fingers suddenly grabbed her from behind, thrusting into her slit as she groaned.

Ahhh~ s-stooop this ahhht~ NOOOO L-HEEENK SAVE-” The corruption thrust into her, the cowardly attack filling her with the slimy touch of violation, her knees slowly buckling as sharp nails tore at her dress. She viewed her assailant in the mirror, confused at the smirking form.

Oh I am saving you princess. Saving you for last, saving you from having to use that pretty little head of yours for anything other than pleasure.

There was only so much she could hold back, shuddering as her hero finger fucked her against the mirror, the corruption spilling into every corner of her body as she came.

Her triforce of wisdom was twisting with the release, the princess not just feeling her pussy gush but her brain as well. It was hard to explain, her skull squirming  as intelligence poured from her, a warm giggly feeling spreading as her reflection gained lingerie, her triforce of wisdom continuing to twist and invert.


She couldn’t stop, the corrupted wisdom making her hornier, her body on fire, her sexy hero like, really making her so horny!

Her eyes rolled upwards as the corruption plugged her harder, giggling as her eyes twitched. Link roughly through her onto the bed, fingering herself as she watched the wisdom spill from the princess’s black silk panties. It was just so hard heh heh like a cock to think with the corruption ramming deeper, her body like one big cocksleeve hehe.

She couldn’t stop the creep, tongue lolling as she jerked, thighs  slick as her brain continued to squeeze, rapturous giggles interrupting all horror as the warm bubbly bliss overtook all. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying super hard and stuff to keep her boring thoughts from spilling out, but that like amazing heat was fucking her super hard and like, oh god she could feel it in her brain it was vio- late teen her head stuff? Ooh fuck it felt so good it was like literally skull fucking her she couldn’t like ooh her thoughts her dummy ah ah yes-


Link grinned as the horny princess left a puddle of her former brains behind, the triforce of wisdom inverted to bimboism as her eyes glazed over, looking at the dildo’s and sex toys Link’s equipment had turned into when it scattered onto the ground.

Ooh like, I’m still not done Linky~! Use your like, evil tools already! I’m your horny captive toooy~!

Far away, Ganondorf smirked in his castle, shocked one of his many random traps had done what all his forces and his great power couldn't. Gone were the hero and princess, leaving him free to be Hyrule's eternal ruler. It helped to see them be embarrassed like this, his right hand tending to the admitted arousal he was feeling, groaning as his touch felt especially good, red hair spilling over his eyes as he jerked, feeling so victorious, so triumphant, so weak.


No he wasn't weak, he was the kingdom's princess, the monarch of evil and sunshine and pretty cutesy- Ganon looked down, two of the three triangles glowing on his triforce, their corruption leeching into the third, said ill fitting on such a muscled arm. Its fingers were so tiny, the nails gaining red ornate patterns. He couldn't stop from jerking, groaning as his muscles writhed like trapped rats, squirming under the skin, each jerk slimming him from the extremities as he tried to understand. This wasn't right, he had won, that inversion spell fully corrupting- Oh. Oh no oh-


His threatening bassy rumble turned boyish as he came, the gold ambition of his irises draining partially to blue at the top as his muscle spilled to the floor in steaming pools. His arms were so weak, his legs collapsing in their slender new forms, unable to support his barrel chest, all that muscle and power trapping him as he struggled on the floor to stop the changes, his triforce rotating as the pleasure intensified. His temples were throbbing, bits of elegance and pretty princess horror making them round and smoothen before his resistance pushed it back out, but it was a losing battle, the purity and weakness melting through all like one of her storybooks where the princes would usually- He whined like a stuck pig as the inversion drilled further, a blanket of red hair streaming down his back, the purification not just feeling good, but being good itself as it flushed through his body.


His voice was cracking, the thickness of his throat wriggling in as more power spilled from his cock, Ganon's stoppering it with all his power, the blue now halfway down his teared up irises as the squeeze sent more weakening corruption to overflow in his thighs. They swelled, soft and plush like her stuffed animals as he screamed, the white releases sparkling, glowing, his mounted animal hide turning to a knitted carpet, the dark magic being filtered to goodness as he struggled between the pleasure of his thighs and the need to squeeze them to stop more icky power from escaping.

The triforce refused to let this interruption slow its course, the third triangle now hot as purification spilled forth, the tricurse of weakness pumping his pretty little head with sweets and fun and table manners and the joys of a good ballroom. His temples collapsed, plucked brows arching as the pure blue color deepened, a desperately warbling moan rising as his lashes thickened, his evil plans like those silly games she played as a child, pretending to be the evil warlock some days, or the damsel in distress on others. His nose crunched, swirling more of his brains as the lost sharpness moved to his now elf like ears. Purifiaction made his sweat soaked skin lose all of its tattoos, the spellbound ink melting under her purified sweat as her throbbing cock began to glow with the essence of goodness building inside.

The end came when the good pulsed into her heart, its thump thump thump thudding against* his iron pecs, melting that iron into *the rush she got when she acted the princess, the thrill of her subjects praising her for being a good girl, such a very good-


Her nipples grew against the cleaned cobbles of her room, her hips snapping outwards as her freed cock let out the purifying force, all of her held back evil erupting out as her body deflated. The light that gushed forth expanded, filling the halls of her fortress of evil, Ganon screaming as her branch of a cock reverted into a seedling, planting fully into her leaking slit as a pure flower of maidenhood spread goodness to the land.

It happened too fast to resist, shadows drowned in light, condensed as their evil vestments frilled and primped into maid outfits, their conglomerated minds shrieking in subservient bliss as cursed swords melted into feather dusters and mops as they cleaned the now sparkling stones. In the dark holds of his castle, scaled monstrosities and denizens of evil were bathed in the light, their scales spilling to the floor as beads or playing cards, tails, talons and cocks all pleasurably sinking into their purified bodies as monsters picking their greasy nails in boredom became giggling ladies in waiting, painting their nails as they gossiped about the princess.

Zant did his best to put up defenses, a bit too late as blissful goodness melted through his arrogance, his wizarding staff barely lasting under the assault as a dazed meekly mage girl was left, adjusting her glasses as she looked around. What was she doing here? She had to protect her mistress!

Gayle had a silly little grin on her face, her fantasy of being ravished by the forces of evil proving far more provocative than she had expected. She was a tad annoyed at herself for falling off the bed though, her clumsiness cumbersome and ever present even with all her training. Blast this curse of weakness on her, making her unfit for battle, her perky curves resistant to muscle, making her at best fit, but with the stamina of a child as she looked over her wardrobe. At least her aura of purification kept her safe, the princess shivering at the number of foes sent by the cowardly evil trickster Linka and blushing at the bimbo queen Zelda's other gifts. She shook her head, such devices unfit for a lady like herself, though she was curious.

Gayle sighed, looking out the window of her castle, wondering how she could help her kingdom against such evil, the clumsy princess of Hyrule hoping she'd soon find her adventure...



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