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James shuffled awkwardly on the beach, pinching the slight sag to his stomach, uncomfortably pacing in the heat. It wasn’t like he was ugly, but he was very self conscious. He could stand to lose a few pounds, his clammy pale skin more liable to burn than tan. It had taken all his confidence to just go to the beach, and now it was so crowded. Maybe he should just lea-

Oh~ what do we have here? Want to help a girl out?

James turned, not believing his eyes as one of the region’s most famous women was eyeing him up and down, a long lensed camera in her right hand as Nessa posed naturally, the epitome of a cool beauty. James turned around, looking for who she was really speaking to, shocked when she tugged his shirt closer.

What’s wrong? Nervous? I think you have just what I need for a partner. You just need to let it out. Here, say hi to your fans.

James stumbled over his words as the gym leader raised her camera, aiming as she began twisting the base.

Just need to focus on you cutie!

James was trying to find a polite way to say no, not in this model’s league or even her region, except as she focused he found his words dying on his lips, his body trembling as something was rolling through him, making the water inside his body tremble.



He couldn’t help but groan as the picture flashed, his skin crawling with subtle pleasure. The flash had blinded him, even now dazed visions danced in his eyes, his skin tingling.

Great job for your first! You could pass for a natural. Then again I did teach you everything I know. Including fashion sense.

He reeled, her voice entrancing, that strange watery stirring growing worse as sweat dotted his clothes as to James’s horror they began to dissolve.

“What the hell are you- Gyaa~! No!”

James struggled, his shirt bunching, more of his midriff revealed. The sleeves separated, spilling down and collapsing into wristbands, the ultra tight sports top squeezing his shoulders and bunching any spare fat tightly, his body wriggling as the tight folds pinched his nipples and roughly tweaked them. But that all paled to the latex monstrosity his swim shorts turned into. They held him in place, his face screwed tight as his junk was squashed inside, every fold of it clear as the latex buzzed around, slowly forcing him to harden as the unbearable tightness grew tighter.

Nessa grinned at the trembling form before her, raising up her camera.

I think you look great like that, but hmm the pic could be a bit better. I do love those little tweaks that make a shoot all the better, don’t you? Here let me adjust the brightness.

James tried to say something but the collar choked him. He’d have run but the shorts constricted over his hips like a snare making anything beyond a hobble impossible. And then came pleasure. Nessa was fiddling with settings, each click making James’s skin ripple as the image darkened, each layer tanning in small mocha increments, his groans quivering as it felt like the sun was stroking every inch.

Hairs withered and burnt to cinders, sunspots and moles swallowed by the darkening skin. Worse, with every increment of chocolate added to his tanned body came an uptick in sensitivity, each squeeze of the women’s clothing now as arousing as it was painful. James was sweating, trying not to moan as his hair spilled down, tickling his darkened skin as his body felt tight. Nessa herself gave it a stroke, loving the confused cries her new assistant made, giggling at the straining bulge in her shorts.

Oh I knew you’d love it. But we can still do better. Don’t you just want to be perfect sis?

Rather than adjust the settings, Nessa’s fingers were on the lens base.

First let’s try a telephoto lens. It has a way of FLATTENING any unwanted lumps.

She stepped as she adjusted, a good choice as James let out a loud shriek, cumming as his bones and fat began to writhe and shrink. Pain was secondary to the ecstasy as Nessa rotated the lens, the higher magnification crushing on all sides, fat wriggling like worms as it writhed inside to firmer, toned formations.

Dopamine sparked as his fat was rolled, the camera crushing all awkward lumpiness, small lines etching into his midriff, a toned tension replacing all flab as his exposed midriff writhed beautifully. Strength drilled into his core, rumbling the muscle behind his cock, the shifting strength brushing past in internal jerks that were beyond description. For the first time he had abs, their grinding flexing feeling amazing, his sides crimping to perfection as training hammered the ridges into firm muscle lines. Their increased strength meant his own flexing cock was being jerked harder, the tight black skin rolling against it as that tightness flexed between his balls, Jamesa squeaking as he came.

It flowed in spurts down his thighs, escaping the latex to smoke on the hot sands as he swayed side to side. Nessa snapped another pic, his whole body trembling, his shoulder bones rolling as they rounded, pressure shrinking him, making his muscles bulge further in toned plateaus that squeezed his balls dry.

Amazing expression sis, but you need some makeup work to really pop. I’ll do it for you.

Jamesa screamed as his balls emptied, wave after wave of painful ecstasy rolling through, attracting the eyes of the crowd. Noticing the attention he had earned did something too him, his stomach fluttering, his empty balls huffing hot air as his cock stiffened.


The tight shorts dug, Jamesa feeling his balls shrink, not just emptying but burrowing inside, more people staring as he bucked. Nessa was approaching, giving the lens one last swivel as the pressure amped just so.


His voice cracked with his scrotum, the added pressure enough to make his balls wriggle before popping under the latex, hot alien pleasure leaving him stunned as Jamessa felt the pleasure of being penetrated for the first time.

Nessa was there by the time he came back to awareness, a tube of lipstick in hand.

Please dohhhn’t make me your sister I don’t wahhhnna be amm mmph mmph!

She put it on his resistant lips, each one swelling under the brown tube’s touch, puckering fully as they silenced his resistance. Foundation came next, Nessa fixing up his cheeks as they lengthened, perfectly matching her own.

You don’t have to deny it any more. I saw how uncomfortable you were in your own skin.

The creases in his forehead vanished, a piercing blue color spilling into his irises as his temples shrank, moans muffled from his lips as his cock spasmed in her shorts.

Plus I’ve been spreading myself thin. I need a partner…

She shaped his eyes with the mascara wand, clear trickles of enjoyment leaking despite his attempts at protest, each dab of makeup crumbling Janessa’s resistance.

So why not use you? We both win don’t we? You love modeling don’t you Nessa?

She finished applying light blue eyeliner at her name, Janessa’s features crumbling into ecstasy as his pig nose shrank, a pleased cry echoing as the crowd stared to watch the burgeoning model cum, his thoughts giving into the pleasures of attention.

Now I’m just going to adjust some of the lighting CURVES and see how you turn out.

Janessa was struggling to fight through the new urges crowding his thoughts, the crowds vocal interest making it harder to fight as the attention felt amazing, his body half struggling to escape, and half trying to pose for the camera leaving him in deadlock. In the end, he was unable to resist as Nessa reached the camera, flicking through menus as Janessa grunted, feeling each click as his bones were tapped, everything grinding and clicking as Nessa began making her adjustments.

His already rounded spine crunched, his puckered sides sucking into perfect curves that emphasized his chest even for its flatness. His ass was upthrusted as well, his hips wagging as his new ovaries spilled estrogen into his system, a wave of feminine bliss accented by the sudden widening of his hips as he felt more and more eyes ogle his shifting form. A part of him wanted the attention now, savoring the whistles and approving cheers, his voice lowering to a matching purr as his hands and feet grew to fit his new model proportions. All throughout his thighs worked at his cock, rolling it, Janessa cooing as he angled it down in the tight spandex, the estrogen melting through the muscle as his dry cock gave a shudder. It slotted into the gap of his widened hips, Anessa cumming as two inches slid inside her moist cavern. There wasn’t any other way to describe it beyond pure ecstasy, the whole crowd trying to get a peak at one of the world’s top models, their encouragement egging her on as she struck poses, barely able to even remember why she had a cock in the first place. It was ruining the shot!

Nessa was thinking the same thing, the crowd around her sister making the telephoto worthless, though she wasn’t too upset. She knew she was going to have to end on a closeup as she confidently strutted through. She found Anessa gripping her forehead, struggling to hold in the last shreds of herself, her cock throbbing in tandem with her squeezed nipples.

Alright let’s get close and personal. When you go wide lens, it sure accents your FIGURE.

Anessa didn’t hear the final snide remark, trying to think of herself as a man, trying to remember who she was, how much she loved modeling for an audience, her sister’s order absolute as- The slow brainwashing was interrupted as Nessa began shrinking the mm size of the lens, her almost sister thrashing suddenly as the rotating inversions of the lens were mirrored by her cock. It was spiraling down in three separate sections, the smooth clicks of the camera announcing the end to her masculinity.


Her cock pancaked in the middle, pushed by latex, drilling into her quivering half formed womb as waves of estrogen surged, bolstered by every inch. Her lanky form was finally filling in, hot spurts of cum spilling to the sand as her nipples surged, fat caressing and fucking her innards as it bloated in her ass, pumped into her thighs, even her arms gaining a soft layer of perfection as her muscles gleamed with an appealing jiggle to them.


Who was she even? What was she fighting? The crowd all loved it and that’s what mattered, their cheers making her scream louder, lewder, her body twisting for their pleasure, the attention addicting as her sister continued retracting, barely two inches left as the pleasures of modeling drilled into her brain as hard as her shrinking dick. Yes she let her sister handle it all, she just wanted to model and bask in the pleasure, letting it fuck her into submission. She posed, feeling her breasts and ass jiggle as they finished, the clack of the lens fully going back finishing her off as she felt her tip collapse into a spinning pearl of a clit.



Nessa smiled at her twin, posing for the camera without a care in the world, the left behind beach towel and bag meaning nothing to her any more. When the session finishes she bounded over, as eager as a puppy.

Alright sis where next?! I wanna model cmon cmon cmon!

The excited twin was ready for more, not a glimpse of awkwardness left in her. Even if it was entirely selfish, Nessa was glad she could help out, as she prepped her for the first of many, many fanservicey shoots.


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