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Luke often avoided the crowded craze of the city when he could. Sure he had expected some bizarre things when he moved to Japan, but mostly cultural. It hardly seemed like a day went by where he wasn't seeing some new impossible sight, whether it was battles out of anime or alien ships casually hovering over city centers. He got used to it eventually, but he still didn't want to be caught up in any of the rumors he was hearing. Perverted tentacle monsters, guns that turned people into cats or girls, ravenous space girls hungry for cock. Okay, maybe that last one wasn't too bad, but then again the few people that had gotten involved had apparently vanished soon after. Or at least that's what the rumors said. All he knew for sure was to stay well away from Sainan High, the center of the bizarre maelstrom encompassing the city. At least it was all generally just some minor inconveniences. Alien hair battle leaving the main street closed for a day to traffic, flying saucers interrupting the bird watching. It was all bizarrely quaint in its own way.

Today he was milling about, spending some time in a cheap little internet cafe way on the outskirts, trying to focus on university assignments for his semester abroad, gradually being distracted by the circling gait of a child across the street. It hadn't been all that obvious at first, seeing them cross the bus stop once, waiting for a bit before circling around, but then he started to notice the dazed look on their face, a slight black splotch leaking down the back of their head and by hour three of their dazed stumbling, he grew worried. It was a hot day and they were wearing a suit, two big earmuff looking things on their head as he went up to them.

"Hey little... guy?"

He couldn't really tell their gender, but they continued to move in a circle, Luke grabbing their shoulder.

"Do you have a parent or someone looking for you? Anything I can do to help y-"

"Help? Help help help, must help princess Lala-sama."

"Er, are you okay?"

"I was flying to the princess. Got distracted and hit a building. Where are- Princess Lala is that you?"

There were definitely a few screws loose. Maybe literally, the black stuff flowing down smelling like oil.

"I don't know who the princess is, but it's not me. I'm Luke. Should I call someone or-"

Okay he definitely heard something whirring at the sound of his name, the kid twisting their head as they yelped out, "Princess Deviluke! It is you! Let me commence healing protocols! I needed your permission first. Ah let's get you out of that dreadful outfit first!"

Alright maybe it was time to stop being nice and just abandon the freak to the side of the road. He didn't like the way they were smiling, or the way his body was unraveling down the center in a flurry of living ribbons like some kind of cloth venus fly- Oh wait what the fuck-

"Oh shit oh shit get the fuck away from me you- GAH!"

This was one of those impossible things he had been skirting around in the city, not a child but seemingly a living being of cloth, coils of it wrapped around his arms, leaving him defenseless, his flailing limbs unable to even tear it as more strips wrapped around his body. He screamed for help, but anyone who peaked their eyes out for even a second immediately darted back inside, no one wanting to be caught up in whatever mess he was in, Luke closing his eyes and accepting the inevitable as it slithered around him, his entire body swallowed and hugged by the tendrils of cloth as any second he expected the horror to start.

Instead he felt... weirdly nice? It was a bit stuffy, like having a blanket over your head, but as his entire body was cocooned the fabric was warm and comfy, enveloping him, having the faintest buzz as it rolled over every inch of skin, thinning as he groaned. It was jerking his cock, tugging at his clothes, the clothes' voice worriedly looking him over as it squeaked, "Oh dear your measurements are all WRONG princess!"

The cloth cocoon suddenly bristled, feeling like an endless set of rollers lightly tugging and pricking at his body, teasing him relentlessly as his shirt and jeans dissolved in rough patches.

"I don't know why you had such inferior garb on, but I could always use some new material to craft with. Alright strip first!"

The rest of his clothing tore at once, swallowed up by the now clear layer covering him, leaving his body bare to its influence, Luke blushing as a moan slipped out, his cock hardening under the ever shifting grip. It wouldn't stop stroking, making him stumble, his body left bare to anyone passing by, his cheeks bright red as he tried to get a word in, failing as the clear layer immediately rushed into his open mouth, coating his insides, subtly weaving into every orifice until he was completely outlined. He could feel it in his nostrils, gagging his resistance, squirming with intense need at the coating throbbing inside his dick, fondling his prostate as the slips of fabric met.

"Alright Lala do not concern yourself. As your wardrobe I am not just here to tailor your clothes to suit your every need, but to tailor you! I do remember your settings after that accident in the lab made you a femboy. First a genetic bath of your body's usual form!"

The transparent layer was no longer just warm, but warm and moist, thin droplets melting into his skin. The sensation was hard to pin down, a feeling like peeling mixed with arousing pressure, his skin sparking as the solution mixed from within and without, strips of hair and blemish melting to the firm grip of the alien cloth. There was a certainty that he was getting... softer? Yes like his body was becoming easier to play with, putty to the buzz, his resistant groans more and more resolving in pleased, feminine whimpers. Soon his entire body was sleek and hairless, plucked to a shiny sheen as his cock bucked, the fabric not letting him cum, instead focused on tugging at the pit of his tailbone.


It was a meek little grunt, the film around his shoulders sloping, his body being squeezed into a new shape, the voice tutting at the shape of things.

"It's a good thing you're so tall, I'll have to use some of that to lengthen your tailbone. Now this might pinch a little."

A little was a gross understatement, Luke popping his ass out as his tailbone was gripped, something thrusting against the skin, making it stretch, something slithering between the cloth and his prostate as his cock continued its strangled tweaking to and fro. Whatever was trying to pop out was strangling his g spot, his thighs clamped around his cock, the smooth skin only making his insatiable lust worse.

A subtler thrusting was happening above, his dark hair rising out, strings of Peke's omnifabric merging to create pink shoots, strips of them slinking out from the cocoon. It was all connected, the tugging on his scalp felt in his spine, worsening the struggling thrusts around his ass as the skin began to part. In a terrible, orgasmic tearing his muffled screams echoed, pink hair squirming out his roots, his battered spine crunching as the vertebrae grinded, Luke struggling to stay conscious as his prostate finally popped into a new shape, his tail erupting out in a glistening, black spade.


He didn't care if people were watching, his naked body grinding against the ground, trying to satiate a lust his body just wasn't allowed to satisfy. Inside his hips something new throbbed, feeling trapped, cramped, its insistent throbbing rubbing against the bottom of his shaft giving him the addicting sensation of being fucked from behind till his cock was made a sleeve.

"Uh oh I can see you're in distress Princess Lala. Don't worry your regal figure will be returned soon. Now lets see, you were 87, 57, 89 if I remember. Well lets start with the middle..."

The cloth was buzzing harder now, his body unable to resist its gradual cinching, his shoulders creaking as the bone simply gave. If before he was struggling to cum, now he was struggling to breathe, each one in accompanied by the cloth following, refusing to budge as it gently sloped his waist, any useless fat mashed and compacted away, a finger of it teasing his navel as he sputtered and moaned, his tail slapping against the concrete sidewalk as he found out that his tail was somehow even more sensitive than anything else in his body. There was no comfortable positions, his cock's tip widening from the continued cramped thrusting of his internals. Even without the press of cloth to squeeze his core to shape, other changes were quickly running through, the serum for before making his fluttering eyes widen, emerald coloring the irises as his face wriggled inside its bindings.

The face of a princess was molding itself from his former mediocrity, the genetics of an alien princess not easy to hold back, each lusty attempt at a squeal and a moan scrunching his chin, his face grinding against the pavement protected by the cloth as his nose shrank, lips swollen with drool. There was a cherubic cuteness to his face now, plump lips opening and closing mutely as the decidedly feminine genes taking over didn't react well to the lump in his throat, fizzing as he coughed between moans, his throat losing its bulge as the looseness from his hair made more of the clear film over him tear, his face escaping the choking clutch as he coughed the last of his male voice out, a sultry voice gurgling out as he squealed out, "STAAAHHP~ I'M NAAAHHT TH-NNGH TH-TH PRINCESS!"

For a second there was hope, the clear cap of fabric paused as the living cloth seemed to consider what he was saying. And then it spoke.

"I see you must be confused with all this testosterone. Don't worry, let's remove all this dreaded masculinity in one fell swoop princess!"

The fabric stretched, Luke half expecting it to smother him, only for black designs to appear, two mirrored spirals almost like eyes. They began to turn, the spiraling screen making him feel dizzy, confused, following his every head jerk as a voice whispered into his ears repeatedly, "You are Lala Satalin Deviluke. You are the princess. You love your body. You cannot fight the changes."

He struggled at first, his eyelashes growing, the fabric infused flutterers keeping his lids raised as he was forced to keep watching, keep hearing the voice as the spirals dragged him into their hypnotic embrace. Weird thoughts were spiking inside his trembling mind, half of him wanting this, the other half scared, even his hungry jerking from the horniness interspersed with a bizarre desire to finger a crevice that wasn't there, his strangled balls trembling each time his fingers dove into them, that deep thrum feeling more and more right as each downwards jerk was accompanied with a thrust to his balls, Luke trying and failing to remember his last name, but then again wasn't his last name Luke? Or was it Iluke...

"Ahhh~ W-WAAAAIT!"

All he wanted was to cum, the thrusts inside making his cock jerk about like a garden hose with too much pressure, his tail teasing his tip as it stuck the spade in, slicing a cut in the covering, his hips thrusting forwards as he felt his brains melt in mind breaking ecstasy.


The name just felt right to scream in pleasure, his hips unable to thrust fast enough, cum endlessly rocketing out as the spade tail twisted like a drill, widening his cock as he imagined an orange haired boy drilling into him, squealing his name louder and louder as he stopped jerking and thrust into his balls. It was a lifetime's worth of pent up releases, glopping into the clear fabric, painting it white as Luka Viluke stabbed at his groin with gloved fingers, screaming in pleasure as she tore open a new hole.

It seemed like a flood gate had opened, one he couldn't close, his waist losing even the feeblest of resistance as it shrunk inwards with a tight squeeze, every inch of it a curved delight as  his chest and ass were accented by the contours of his svelte waist. Each squeeze twitched the muscles in his core, his cum thinning as it gushed, the spirals ingraining more and more literally alien thoughts as he struggled to remember who he was. He had come from a foreign country planet. H-He was an only child daughter of the king and queen of-


In his messy thrusts, his thumbs hooked on his left ball, shoving it in with little fanfare, his cum thinning to a soapy looking mixture, more clear than white as his knees knocked together, the pleasure burning through his body. The longer he kept cumming, the more the suggestions repeated in his ears the harder it was to ignore them, Laka Viluke feeling more and more, that intense need for the orange haired boy in his fantasies, his muse, his love, his husband!



The submerged testicle was being teased by the internal fabric, inverted and torn through a channel, something hot bubbling out as his perked nipples shuddered, the fabric gripping breast and ass as something pumped into them, his thoughts spiraling into the gutter as the fabric cinched decisively around his waist.


With little fanfare she speared her remaining testicle, imagining her fingers were Rito's cock, her body jiggling as the genetics and estrogen made her flat ass and chest surge all at once, her shrunken waist accented with a dual blast of absurdly perfect curves. It started with her hips, a wet sounding crunch spreading them apart, her womb finally ending its teasing fingering of her cock, but the hunger for being penetrated remained, her fingers sliding in and out with practice as her curves did the impossible, and tore apart the fabric trapping her.

For a second she felt thrilled to be free, but couldn't help the worried thought of "How did Peke even tear? I thought we got rid of that in Beta?"

The relief didn't last long, her cum running clear as rippling shudders rolled through her body, the orgasms growing in intensity as she rolled about. Each one made her thrust, some new piece of her thickening, curving, her raised nipples surging out with growth, turning all the more sensitive as her fingers left her snatch, feeling them through the fabric as it swelled, every orgasm making her shaft scrunch, actively pulling into itself as her pussy's deepening dragged on her cock.


The only response was a shift in the suggestions, the voices repeating, "You are Lala you are Lala you are-"

Holding onto her memories was like clutching a fist of sand, the harder she clenched, the faster they spilled out the cracks as her former self dribbled out, her hips plushened with fat as her thrusting hips cushioned her ass with thick, jiggly cheeks. There was little left of whoever she had been even left in there, and as much as it was scared to be subsumed, at a certain point her fantasies took precedence, the flat side of her devil tail clutching her cock, flattening it as it eased it in with her pussy's hungry gulps. All this fear and worry, all of it paled to the pleasure of her own groping fingers, the ecstatic shocks that greeted her teased nipples as they swelled to proper tits, her thighs crowding over her cock as they pushed it in with every rippling surge. She couldn't take it any more, slamming her thighs together, digging into her rising breasts, finally screaming out what she knew to be true with a final squeaking acceptance.


It didn't take much to finish her off then, her nub of a cock popping inside with a smack of her new lips, her body heaving as she moaned Rito's name, indulging in her fantasies as she came as a Deviluke.

Lala's mind felt rather empty after her orgasm, pausing as the aftershocks faded to a pleasant tingle, her eyes glancing around the unfamiliar street.

"Peke, where are we? And why am I here? My mind's all fuzzy."

Most people would be more concerned with their nakedness, especially in the sketchier areas, but then again most people aren't alien princesses. Plus it didn't matter how hot of a girl she was, after the show she gave, no one wanted to even look at her lest the change into a girl thing was contagious.

"Ah it's my fault Lala! I wasn't watching where I was going and got caught in one of those drone things humans like to fly. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but you came to help me and I helped fix you up after... an accident in the lab?"

Lala tapped her cheek, trying to remember more, but it was hardly the first time she had messed up an experiment badly. She really did need to work on her itchy trigger finger with her experiments. Ah well, she better get going, though it was strange, as she walked around it seemed people were avoiding her, giving her the strangest looks. Almost like something was wrong with-

"Oh of course! Rito said I should keep my clothes on at all time. Well it's hot out and I remember we did the bikinis at the beach so... Peke if you would."

"Right away your majesty!"

It wasn't much, but a bikini formed over her, Peke's insignia a hair pin as she looked for a local landmark, hoping to find her way home soon. She didn't want to miss a dinner with her future husband after all!


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