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Markus Prassler, a man the world looked on in envy; the scum in the subterranean slums could only imagine the luxuries he found commonplace. It had been a quick climb to the top, hastened by his ruthlessness towards any competitor, many careers tossed down from the miles tall penthouses of the J-Corp's offices to bring him to where he was now. As the branch head of the company's citizen security bureau, he had long found morals to be a hindrance to good business. It's not like the poor wretches at the bottom could do anything about it, his cameras monitoring every street worth looking, crimes and anti corporate talk punished daily from a top notch team of desperate peons he had lifted up, purely for the purpose of ensuring no one else could follow them.

It was hard not to see them as some other species after a while, a lesser group that he corralled for the profit of the company and the betterment of the country. Such patriotic drivel on the latter part certainly kept the press happy, a solid quarter of his high rise filled with suits and cutting edge fashion, his austere figure always gracing a few magazines when he had the time to schedule a shoot. He looked through any emails his secretary had forwarded, his hovercar driving over the skyline, the gaps in buildings like the streets he was too above to even grace. At one point the primitive kings of the past wished to rule the ground they walked on, now they rejected it, the dirt far below someone of his status. Scrolling through he saw more concerns about hacking insurgents, the name ReVo coming up more than a few times, but that's why he had those basement dwellers living in the computer banks below each company building. They were hired to do a job, and he paid them more than enough to outclass some urchins with discarded sim cards typing on mish mashed keyboards in abandoned hovels.

"Owner Prassler, you have arrived at Fall Home Upper Penthouse East Coast."

Dragging an ice cube from the whiskey glass he had downed earlier, he walked towards his doors from the roof entrance, a light show of scanners, barriers and verifiers glaring around him. His eyes flashed, a few security protocols linking to his neural network, scanning his bio signature as he tugged at his collar. A man couldn't be too careful when it came to protecting his castle, but perhaps he should look into downsizing his security detail. It took a minute to have everything unlock for him and it made the nanobots warm a disconcerting amount. Sure he knew it was all safe, his specially made and not the crap they put out on the market, but it always gave his skin that clammy wet feeling like a gloved hand dipped in water. A small price to pay for security, but he had the blood of a winner, and a winner doesn't-


He grimaced at the sound that greeted him as doors opened, sealing behind him with a pressurized hiss. He might have the blood of winners, but it must skip a generation, his useless son screaming like an overacting whore. Every day he still was annoyed the courts had granted him custody during the split, that fuck up his mother's son. Utterly useless, just a drain on his funds, enjoying the last of his teen years by wasting a gap year and making headway to being expelled from college. The hatred was mutual, but the optics would have been a nightmare and his brat was prone to making up shit, so here he stayed. But listening to porn and making such a grotesque show of it was more than enough to get his temples flaring. He had to be a cold, conniving type at work, his anger only allowed in hints, but here he could do whatever he wanted. This was his fucking loser of a son and he could-


Now he was confused, did his son bring a girl home? Markus didn't much care that she sounded less than compliant, more concerned with what kind of person that idiot had brought into his inner sanctum.

Markus was preparing any number of insults as he moved towards his son's room, hearing the bed creak as it was roughly shaken. He tried calling up Debra to tell her he was sending him there for the weekend but he was getting no signal, an irregularity he'd normally pick up on if he wasn't being distracted by the orgasmic wailing coming from down the hall. As expected the girl sounded like she was doing most of the work as her voice continued to climb, his son not even audible. It wouldn't be the first time he had thrown out a half naked woman from the condo, but he couldn't risk one of his rivals sending in a spy. Everything in his house was hooked up to the central network and it only took one unwanted intruder to-

Whatever his thoughts were evaporated when he slammed open the door. He had seen some shit at executive parties. He had seen even more at the tech demos studio, the name they gave to their privately owned prison for the more vocal dissidents who had the privilege of bug testing their new nanobot commands before releasing them to the market. But this was...


There was only a single person in the room thrashing and cumming on the bed, screaming as a hand pulled at a pantyhose bound cock, one thigh thick, the other one still thin but with each thrash it was thickening. His son's face was like a mismatched puzzle, a new piece slotting into place as pink overtook the black, large doey eyes taking over his weak watery ones as his sweat covered body thrashed. He bucked, his grip turning to a shove as he slammed on his shrinking cock. In a matter of seconds his 'son' came, thrashing as her shirt slipped down to reveal her glistening breasts, an arcing spray of release splattering down over the room, a singular drop hitting the back of his hand as the new girl caught her breath, looking around confused as she moaned out, "Huh? Where am I?"

For a moment he was stunned, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. His eyes moved to the open computer nearby, a retro keyboard hooked up wirelessly, a video on some video streaming site playing with a copy of the girl making muted noises. His 'son' yawned, stretching as she looked up at him, Markus half expecting her to scream or react, but her eyes quickly moved past as she moved to the closet, picking out an outfit with still wet fingers. To his surprise, when she touched something, the dampening fabric began to edit itself, sizes shrinking, his eyes moving to her cum stained bed as the sheets were turning pink, spreading along the stain as he shuddered at the remembrance of that drop of moisture on his hand. Or he tried to. Actually he wasn't just stunned by the weirdness, he was unable to move, every piece of him locked in place, his panic rising as he realized he couldn't even breathe.

"Activating your autonomic systems. Sorry about that."

The voice came from nowhere, shocking him to the point he would have jumped if he could have moved, but at the very least his chest was rising and falling again, warmth flushing in as his eyes could blink, his throat could swallow, but much more beyond that remained locked, each action set to a monotonous, machine like rhythm. He couldn't even grunt in disapproval, only wheeze slightly louder than normal as he could hear someone typing away on their keyboard.

"Alright what should we do with you? I thought we'd need to make Rose over there hug you after she finished. Can you believe she clicked on one of our fucking spam ads? Here we were halfway into a two year break in with contingencies up the ass, but in comes your son clicking on a porn ad to skip all that work. We decided to make him the girl he was gonna jerk it to, a brainless airhead like that easy enough to mold. I figure you'll take a bit more time you fucking pervert."

He wanted to say something against them, but speaking was impossible, hearing more tapping as the voice continued.

"You can probably guess who we are, we've certainly been a thorn in your sides for a while. Thankfully you couldn't get rid of us in time and now that little prick is an infection."

Markus could guess a hundred different groups being behind this, but the idealistic anger made him assume it was a hacker-

"Oh we're ReVo. Good job on the guess."

More tapping as his thoughts raced, trying to think of a way out of this, trying to-

"Good keep thinking. We're getting a map of your conscious and subconscious. That's how I know what you just thought, it's all on a screen in front of me. All the relevant data is being copied over for Rose to look at."

Rose? That's what they called his useless so-

"Daughter now, and she's currently getting years worth of coding and goals shoved into her pretty little head. It'll take a bit, but soon she'll be a rabid anti-establishment hacker girl and you... well we still need to figure that out don't we? Let's give the girl some privacy shall we?"

His legs began moving, making awkward 90 degree turns, his hips almost dislocating when he heard something swivel and his leg suddenly tried to turn 180 without the rest of him.

"Agh stupid tank controls! Where's your room? Left or ri- Ah you thought left thanks."

When he crossed the border of his room, his lips moved, his throat feeling like a hand was making it work as he choked out, "Soundproofing, on." a few mechanical whirrs shutting off all outside noise from the room, the girl in his ears ordering out, "Diagnostic Report, Current Model."

There was an uncomfortable feeling of pressure in his temples before the words came out, "Markus Prassler, Height 6 Foot 3, Weight 204 Pounds, Gender Male, Age 38, Sizes-"

"Alright, it's time to have some fun. Talking reconnected. Are you ready to have some fun?"

The barrage of cursing continued for a few minutes before petering off, Markus finding it hard to sustain his anger while essentially trapped in his body, only the tapping of keys any sign that someone was on the other end.

"Finally done?"

"Fuck you."

There was a chuckle on the other end.

"Your company's been doing that for ages. We just think it's our turn. Anyways it's initializing, we got what we needed mostly. But there's still what we need from you next."

Markus was unsure what they meant by initializing, only noticing a slightly discomforting warmth in the room, though it always got stuffy when he stayed in a soundproofed room for too long. Though he had only just gotten here hadn't he? Something was... off.

"Listen, my body is insured up to every atom. Copied and protected by the world's best security. You've been fucked the second you messed with me understand? I don't know what you did to my daughter, but-"

A slight pause there, his face screwed up in confusion, like he misspoke, but after decades of public speaking, flubs had been programmed out, his mental spellcheck apparatus sure of it.

"I'm a completely different ballpark. I know the limits of what you can do and nothing will stick understand? I'm not even going to offer to bribe you. I'll laugh all the way to your fucking executions once my tech people find your wavelength and make your arms choke yourselves as you prostrate yourselves in front of mmm~ m-me."

For some reason he was horny at the thought, the pleasure he took in dismantling rivals not usually so literal, but with these moral fanatics a strong front was a must. He crossed his legs, finding that more comfortable, squeezing his erection while picking at his nails, the thumbs beautifully manicured. Annoyingly, his threats had the opposite effect it seemed, a few muffled giggles echoing in his head, Markus daintily swatting a few locks away as he sourly grunted, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's nothing at all. Anyways you were saying about how you'll destroy us?"

They were getting on his nerves now, that frustrating smugness of the few superiors he answered to in their mocking tone. Well he'd show them how a future CEO handles things, cracking his slim knuckles.

"You don't know the kinds of things nanomachines can do. Have you ever seen a human body stress tested to the limit? You keep the repair factor up high and you'd be shocked what shapes you can break a person into. All you need really is the heart and the brain and your vessels connected. You have no idea just how malleable the-"

Again more snickers, like they all knew some big joke he wasn't aware of. It was ruining the mood, though his cock certainly wasn't dampening, unlike the rest of his sweaty body, his fingers tugging annoyingly at his collar.

He undid a button, fanning his sticky chest, wiping away a particularly thick patch of sweat as he stared at the black lines criss crossing his fingers, rolling some between his fingers as they dissolved. It didn't really seem important to him, some vague anxiety clawing at the back of his head, but he shrugged, trying to build back his anger. He had to be in the right mood to go for the kill. It was a weakness in him he knew. It's why he was only just clutching at the lower rungs of upper management. His bosses always complimented his work ethic, but he heard them demeaning him in private like these hackers, saying he wasn't a threat. It was all frustrating him. The heat getting worse with his lengths of black hair blanketing his neck and back, his erect cock barely contained by the elastic fabric of his pants. Just impossible to focus like this.

"Look! S-Stop making fun of me! I have all the cards here! You need me!"

That was odd. He stuttered. Well he guessed J-Corp had given him the cheap speech correcting software, shrugging his shoulders in annoyance as he stretched a little, letting some discomfort snap away.

Of course there was more fucking laughter. More fucking giggles over something he just wasn't getting.

"You know pfft, y-you could always just leave if you wanted to. I mean you're the one in control right? Surely you could- Stop nudging me I'm having fu- Crap forgot to mute the stupid-"


He sounded rather snooty as he crossed his arms, fidgeting with his sleeves as they looked baggy on him. Then again the hours he put in hardly gave him much time to focus on personal appearance. Mirkus looked at the door, mulling over their words, rubbing his toes together through his... socks? No they were connected to his... pants? No they were almost see through, and even if he had buttons on the top, the zipper was closing- No none of that mattered. They wanted him to leave, probably. He wouldn't do what they wanted!

"I don't n-heeed~ to-"

He paused, blushing at the moan, unable to help himself, his leggings feeling really good, Mirku poking a thigh as the muscle flexed nicely, something smooth to its feeling, his consistent thigh rubbings making his cock throb appreciatively. But no he couldn't be distracted, he had to tell them off! Even if he wasn't the best at confrontations. And it did feel good to just keep squeezing his thigh for some-

"Eh hem. I-I mean you didn't force me here so why should I leave? You have no sway over anything I do! S-So you should just stop and let me go okay?!"

He was a bit annoyed at how he didn't have the self control to stop playing with his slightly plump thigh, though there was something so lovely about it, his skin feeling incredible, his free hand for some reason hovering over his chest as if his horniness was leading him to do something there. What was he trying to-

"Let you go? But this was all your idea. Didn't you want to have some fun with us? You wanted to play right?"

Again that smug tone, like all those men in the office would take to... him whenever he piped up. It was like they had no respect for a regional manager. Sure it wasn't the highest rung on the corporate ladder, but it was still impressive for someone so young! Besides it was a pretty big region! He demanded respect! He demanded satisfaction! And now that warmth was really getting to him, his free hand teasing his nipples, as helpless as his thigh pinching hand as his thumb and pinky played with the hard pink cones, cooing as he rubbed the tiny lumps.

"What mmm~ does tha-ahhht~ m-meeeaaan? And whaaaaat's~ sohhh~ fuhhhhnny?"

Dammit why was he so turned on? The snickering was getting to him, making him weirdly fidgety for it.

"Well, it's just you suck at playing a dom. I know you don't like to admit it, but you're pretty subby aren't you?"

That brought a flush to his cheeks, an embarrassed blush deepening the aroused one, his left hand stopping its rubbing of his plump, spandex clad thighs to nervously play with his hair. It was a habit he always had when someone teased him, his bosses always making some vaguely teasing comment since he was so easy to get flustered. He loathed that feeling, b-but he also kind of, w-well it's not like he hated the f-feeling of being teased like that...

"Though I know why you're upset. You're annoyed that we were having some fun first with your..."

They left it open, making the silence awkward, Mirka squirming in it, moaning as his groin felt cramped and stuffy, his training bra sized tits perky but hardly noticeable, a lot like him. He was blushing all the more furiously knowing they were doing this on purpose, giving his left side bang a final twist into a braid as he mumbled out, "I-I'm not jealous over you m-messing with my sister! I-I'm just a bit n-n-needy at the moment. GAH!"

It was so embarrassing to say he wanted them to give more attention, Mirka burying his face in his chest, moaning as his chin dug into one of his b cups, his cock still rock hard. They were laughing at him he knew it, caught between wanting to whine and wanting to masturbate. Sure he was fairly young, but why'd he have to be a secretary of all things? Rrgh he was certain his humiliation fetish sprung from all those perverts at work, some kind of corporate Stockholm Syndrome making him want the condescension and dommy behavior to cope with the rest of it. O-Or maybe that was just a theory and he was just a-a... Ugh he wasn't a pervert! He had to sniffle back a tear, almost as blue and clear as his eyes as the titters continued to make him weaker, his tiny form coiled up in a ball on his bed.

"Well, want me to take over this roleplay Mika?"

More fidgeting accompanied the question, the meek thing squirming on the bed pulling her head up, blushing intently as she nodded. The world was blurry though, her hands patting around the bedding, finding the night table as they slapped against a watch, bringing it towards their face as a pair of red glasses brought everything back into focus.

"You need to say it."

She stuttered every other word, a horny mess.

"P-Please take ov-v-ver! You're b-better at it a-anyways..."

"Sure thing Mika. Let's continue your scenario. You're a rich CEO who can't resist ReVo's virus. You're becoming a meek, horny secretary who could barely order a coffee without help. And now your masters are telling you to finish yourself off. Do it Secretary..."

"Hff mmph ahh~ y-you monsters!"

There was a smile on her face, her right hand jerking her shaft, pushing on the bulge as she pulled on her nipples. It was such a nice fantasy to indulge in as she jerked it to her friend's prompt, moaning as she slipped fingers into her snatch, the heat finally fading as her breasts jiggled, one pleased sigh heaving out as she came.

"Aww done already? You're way too easy to tease Mika. I had a whole five minutes worth of ideas left to do."

She was fidgeting again, a different kind of warmth swelling between her legs, her fingers slowing in and out resuming their tempo as she whimpered a bit, feeling another satisfying gush of warmth spread over the blankets.

"W-We can do that after! This is dangerous!"

Urrgh why did she always let them talk her into whatever they wanted? Then again, at least here she got to consent to the teasing. Elsewhere she could hear her sister showering, getting ready for a ReVo raid probably, Rose always better with computers than clumsy old Mika. At least she could do this easily enough, double checking with her rp buddies that this was what they needed.

"You're s-sure I just need to send this t-to all the higher ups?"

It was a bit weird how she had so much access to everyone's accounts, but she guessed there was no point in a secretary if they didn't know how to reach anyone.

"Yep Mika. Just send it and operation nanothots will be complete and we'll have turned J Corp into something... much better. We couldn't have done it without you girl!"

It was nice to feel needed, to be relied on. God knows she barely had a reliable bone in her body, feeling guilty how often Rose seemed to make decisions, sending a mass email to everyone without knowing she was transmitting her program, only a glance needed to make the world's most powerful men into ReVo's playthings. She had other concerns on her mind.

"S-Sooo now that I've done this, d-do you think you could do another rp?"

There was more of that laughter, Mika shifting back and forth, excited to see what they'd come up with, waiting for a response.

In a top floor office a banker whose garb and mannerisms were as anal and tidy as his company books was thrashing in his chair, using financial reports as cum rags as he groaned, torn open armani suit bottoms slipping off twitching, shrinking legs, orange hair pooling round his slimming shoulders as a particularly harsh thrust into a set of expertly falsified earnings reports shoved his balls inside, his thicker thighs soon battering the rest of her cock inside as the new hacker sighed with satisfaction. Her nipples still buzzed under the dress shirt as she grabbed a cup of coffee, ready to start uploading every shady financial deal to the relevant authorities while draining all the company's war funds.

A branch head was groaning in his sheets, the kind of good looking figurehead who did as little as possible but soaked up all the credit for everyone's work. He was a muscled adonis, but all of that was compressing down, a different kind of thickness as his accordioning body bloated all over. Pudgy thighs, love handles that popped while massive breasts emerged from his melting muscular frame, everything appealingly plump as his well coiffed hair spilled into chaotic, messy tangles of black, his cock slipping with little fanfare into her plump body as her brain compressed into a clever diamond. She yawned, still lazy, but having plenty of work to do as she slowly began connecting the virus to the one manager that mattered, eyes drooping as she hit send.

Companies lived and died by their data banks, the great underground computer farms that trafficked everything, the company's appointed enforcer unsure what was happening as his hands refused to listen to him, his eyes glued to the email as he could feel each pump whittle away at his masculinity, his mind.


His flannels were parting, turning white, a hip flair and boob window forming as he pumped harder, shoving a testicle inside as his other hand began massaging his twitching face.


It pulled on his hair, tugging out long chestnut strands, drool pouring from plump lips as underpaid wage slaves moved away from the changing overseer, breasts bulging as his fingers palmed his crotch, each inch shoved in causing his hips and thighs to bloat, the pleasure reaching a climax as she squealed.


Gone was a tool for the company, in was a hacker with every server at her disposal, ensuring that every single member of every branch of the corporation would soon be a horny member of ReVo, fingering herself as she spread the virus to every last bastard at the top.

Back in Mika's bedroom, she was still waiting, the hackers clinking together what sounded like bottles of beer in celebration, her own sister cheering somewhere a few doors down as the soundproofing turned off.

"Don't worry Mika, we're just waiting for the rest of our friends to arrive."

She gave a little frown, confused by that.

"B-But you guys are my only friends!"

"Oh trust me Mika. Just wait a few minutes, and we'll have a whoooole party."


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