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"Hey I left something for you in the foyer. Could you just make sure they work? I have to go out and help cover for a friend so I'll be back in a few hours. Just tell me how they feel when you get back. It's a gift for someone special and I want to make sure she'll love them."

James looked up from his laptop, his friend Jack having barged in clearly in a rush. He had been saving up money for something James knew, and he partially suspected there was a girl inspiring him to take a part time job given the sudden motivation. At least he knew for sure now, nodding as Jack was already running out, only pausing to yell back inside, "Oh and don't play it too loud, it'd defeat the purpose if everyone heard them."

Well now he was curious, James wondering just what his roommate had bought. He looked around a bit, hearing Jack's steps fading from the stairway near their apartment door, at first missing them expecting something bigger, but once he saw what the gift was, they immediately stood out to him.


It was a pair of blue headphones, apparently bluetooth given the lack of plugs, the blue eye catching and seemingly carrying a slight glow to them. White circles surrounded a blue central glyph with white lines cutting a triangle into the blue center. He had been expecting more a tv or maybe some kind of record player, but they certainly looked expensive. James found it a bit odd how captivating they were, his fingers running over them, the grooves fun to play with in the design, fitting in his hands well, almost like he was used to fiddling with them.

There was one problem though with them being bluetooth, James unsure what to test them with, slipping them around his neck as he wondered if he should send a message to some other friends for song recommendations. The last thing he expected was for the headphones to suddenly beep, slipping up almost on their own as the cushioned muffs covered his own, a loud, poppy number playing as James stumbled onto the sofa.

It was overly loud, his fingers trying to find the volume button and failing, bubblegum bass pounding through his skull, making his cranium shake like jello as he spasmed on the couch. Despite only just turning them on, they were heating up like an overworked laptop, giving his ears a warm, sleepy heat as his lobes shifted in their grip, tiny holes for piercings cutting through as the heat mainly entered his canals and added to the jello feeling of his mind. It was hard to process, tears running down his eyes from the trapped heat, said eyes turning a blueish lilac as James's body felt stunned. Motor function was concussed away, leaving his body to spasm as the bubblegumy music stayed true to its name, gumming up his thoughts as bubbly, girlish vocals assaulted his semisolid brain.

His brain had never been more susceptible, the lyrics literally imprinting onto it as the joys of womanhood and makeup were passed around loudly in a chorus of voices, the pleasure centers activating as the backing vocals sang of enjoying it, loving it, each repetitive hook making his cock rise as he spit bubbled on his lips. His groans attempted to sing along, the taste on his lips sweeter, gloss plumping them as the loud shaking beats of the song made the interlocking bones of his jaw and skull rattle and pop. Their grip on his temples shrank them, his meaningless groans gaining a note of pleasure as the music wore his features down, his cheeks softening, the shape of his eyes widening as the beat made the jelly inside pulsate and spread. James had no idea what was going on, only able to process the lyrics, feeling like he was receding into himself as he let them lull him into a resting state, the pleasure aiding as his hair spread at each drum beat, the roots not just brown, but gaining a slight pink coloring as they spread past his cheeks. When the song had ended, he was a horny, malleable mess, barely given a chance to recover before the next began to change him further.

It was a punkier one, riot grrl vocals reshaping what little of his face needed changing, his chin crunching, nose melting back until his visage was nothing short of cute. The beat was one to headbang to, so in his stupor James began moving his chin up and down, the chorus of voices wanting to make him join in. The more he swiveled his neck, the smaller the lump inside it shrank, his voice quivering up to a huskier sound even as it rose up an octave. His short cut hair was spilling out longer, as if his weak headbanging was enough to pull it from the roots. Actually, it did feel like it, a pleasurable tug at each root as he suddenly couldn't get the image of Jack tugging at it, moaning at the thought of him roughly tugging as his hair spread down past his chin, pooling on his collarbone till it was finished growing.

His body had worked up quite the sweat at this point, Jamies shifting as his shirt stuck to him awkwardly. His jeans were equally odd feeling, his sweat making it stick tight to him below the mid thigh point, Jamies unaware of the darkening color of his pants as patches melded to just over his skin, the black texture of pantyhose forming. Why couldn't he get the image of his roommate though in the midst of this pummeling beat, imagining the position he'd be in for that hair pulling, the thought of Jack towering over him, making him, wait wasn't he taller than-


His shoulders suddenly slackened, rolling to the beat of the music as it reached a propulsive end, his shoulders rounding making his shirt lose, a few pleased, horny grunts sounding out as the dry, booming percussion had a few final hits for the climax of the song, his cock wet with some release as his spine snapped in time with the last three drum hits, moans echoing out as his body lost almost an entire foot, his sides curving inwards to bony, yet feminine shapes as the next song began playing.

This one was more of a ballad, one of those longing love songs of missing your lover's touch. Amies trembled at the singer's falsetto, feeling it caress his body, imagining Jack again as they ran their roommate's imagined fingers over every inch. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this turned on, hairs and moles shedding under the longing, his skin erupting into sensitive neediness as more and more of its complexion softened to a perfectly pristine peach color, just begging for a partner to touch it. It felt so good to rub after all, his thighs swiping side by side, his fingers finding the simple act of teasing his flesh to have a newfound eroticism to it that made his hard cock bubble up more thick cum. The fluids only served to make his rubbing thighs all the better to rub against the other, lubricating their smooth expanse as a small tear separated the blackened sludge of his former pants, his legs now encased in black pantyhose, hose he was trying to wriggle off with each shift of his lightly throbbing hips.

It was just so tight on his cock after all, his erection swaddled in the sheer material, Amiesu feeling the pleated skirt above rustling over like the quick touch of a confident lover, his moans quivering as he rubbed at it with a hand that felt too masculine, almost like Jack's now that she... he thought about it. The singer kept on getting needier, spurring him to rub, moaning out Jack's name as he tenderly caressed his cock, treating it like his boyfriend's as he let the back of his palm squeeze his balls. Something didn't feel quite right, like he was doing something wrong, but then again he had always been more reserved, so hard to take a step out of his shell. And it had been Jack, her sexy, handsome roommate who had helped him-

"AHHH~ ahhh gooood ohhh..."

It was an intense orgasm, his fingers twitching as they shrank, slender digits pressing on his balls as they had a need to finger, diving in as he gave a melodic screech.

At some point the song had transitioned into a funkier number clearly meant for the bedroom, Amiesu cumming as his fingers thrust inside, the singer's voice moaning for a lover, his balls giving in at the thought as he pretended his fingers were Jack's dick, bucking forwards as he carved out a wet entrance for them to slide down, his shrunken height making his shirt slip off to reveal erect, aching nipples. He was masturbating to the beat, a slow sax part playing as strings swelled in the mix. Speaking of swelling, his moans quivered, fat rounding off the bonier sections as his swooping waist turned properly curvy, his hips popping apart as fat rushed to fill in his thighs. They were clapping together on the 2 and the 4, cum squirting out as Amiksu moaned for Jack, needing him, feeling his cum thin as the creamy thick color faded to a soapy brew, soon turning clear as he thrust up to the second joint of his fingers, his breasts surging out as the song faded out.

At that moment he happened to buck backwards, the multiple orgasms making him shake as the headphones lost their death grip on his ears, falling to his shoulders as he actually had a moment to gather his thoughts.

"Ohh Jack I need you here, I need you by me. I need you IN... me? Eh?!"

Amiksu looked down at his body, suddenly realizing what was happening, squeaking out in fear as he tried to get out of the changed clothing, confused why he had breasts, why he was fingering his- oh god where the fuck had his balls g-


There was another surge, his fingers popping out, thighs thickening as he came, his breasts flopping forwards as they perked and rose blocking more of his sight. The pantyhose was teasing his cock, Miksu moaning as he felt it push down, an inch slotting inside as his hips spread wider to greet it, Miksu tearing off the pantyhose as he tried to fight it, stripping, tearing off the shifting clothing only for a romantic instrumental to hum from the headphones.

"Uuugh gaaawwd this song..."

It was one of those smooth jazz numbers, Miksu's body heating up, his hair getting pinker as the lust built inside. His body was growing so needy, so tender, Miksu stripping off more and more as just the brush of fabric was enough to make his warm cock gush out more of its girth. He was panting to the beat, kicking off pantyhose, throwing off his shirts, almost tearing his skirt as he pulled it off, another inch sliding inside as smoothly as the jazz lilting up to his ears. Jack was doing this h-he was-

"Ohhh J-Jaaaaack~!"

Fuck he couldn't, sh-she couldn't think of him it was too much, her body screaming for his touch, his influence, his dick. Her own was leaking, her fingers twitching as her thighs continued to thicken, her feet arching as they shrank, her body unable to stop its changing into what she knew her roommate desired. And it felt so good to become her sexy roommate's wet dream, this playlist made for her showing just how well he knew her, how much he loved her, how she needed to repay it all when he came ba-


Miksu could feel her cock pushing in, the sax solo especially breathy and tonguey as she could feel the soloist's technique eroding her cock, some legato notes making her scream as it shrank into little more than a quivering nub, her breasts growing one final time to plump, perky perfection.

She couldn't think, her body melting, the music calling to her, telling her to be perfect for Jack, to be perfect for her boyfriend. It was too hard to resist, a few more moments that felt like years making her give in as she slammed the headphones back into position, letting the music finish her, complete Jack's girlfriend as Miku screamed, the song ending with a wet glissando, her pussy quaking as her cock flipped inside of it with one loud orgasmic POP! The headphones fell back down as she sighed, hearing a knock as the playlist finished up.

"So did you like my gift Miku?"

She stared at her boyfriend, a blush immediately forming, though she was still finding it hard to believe she had landed her dream boyfriend. At least her pessimism was wrong in this one case as she turned to him, making no secret how wet she was as she gave a shy smile.

"I mean of course I'd love them. It's my favorite brand. And that playlist you made... let's just say I'm in the mood to give you a special thank you. And here I thought you had forgotten..."

He chuckled at that, already half out of his clothes as he stepped to the couch, crawling over her as he chided her.

"Aww you thought I'd forget our anniversary? What kind of boyfriend do you think I am? Besides what kind of gift did you get me?"

She smiled, knowing just what to say.

"Oh you're about to hear it. It's a new song called 'fuck me' and it's an improvised piece. I just need someone to get me going if you want to hear it..."

Needless to say, Jack was very happy with his gift, and was even happier with the headphones he had bought for his girlfriend. Though there wasn't much use for them that night as they made plenty of their own music to fill the empty space.


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