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Corivas was lost, trying to find his way around New York for a meetup with some online friends. He didn't think he'd get lost in a place where all the streets were numbered, but then again this wasn't even in Manhattan. It didn't help that his phone was dead after too much texting on the trip to the city so he only had the directions of the few random strangers who even looked his way when he came asking. The area he was in was rather seedy looking too, not that he was scared. This wasn't the New York of the nineties, and he was certain that nothing at all would happen to him. Still he really wanted to get out of this warehousey looking district, before something ha-

"Lost little boy?"

He spun around instantly, his hands in a mock martial arts pose as if that'd help as all that did was cause the woman behind him to laugh.

"Mmm what a cutie. Looking for something?"

Now Corivas was nervous for a different reason altogether, the woman before him some kind of sexy cosplayer though he didn't recognize the character. She was delectably fit, her breasts straining against the small athletic top, a fur lined jacket on the rest of her exposed body as her hips sashayed in her tight booty shorts. Her thick thighs were covered in tight pink latex, and half her hair was dyed pink, though it was the most natural looking dye job Corivas had ever seen for such an unnatural hairstyle. It wasn't the hair that was odd as much as the two cat ears on each half of her head, seeming to bristle and react like real ones, two large tails curling and swaying behind her in ways that defied explanation as she swayed towards him.

"U-Umm I'm l-looking for Quay street and- O-Oh you're really close uh..."

His nervousness only seemed to egg her on, her tails moving like second arms as he felt himself dragged into her body, her teeth gleaming as she began licking his neck with a raspy tongue.

"Oh I have just what you're looking for right here kitten"



There was a brief flare of pain, only one of her teeth piercing skin as something hot flowed into the nape of his neck, his squirming less resistant as much as it was... horny? Corivas didn't understand what he was feeling, the catgirl's saliva licking the puncture mark clean and healed as that hot flow felt like pure arousal circulating through his body. Sweat dampened the contours of his shape, the want spreading with every beat of his heart as his white undershirt soon grew sticky and translucent, the heat traveling down to his fingernails, buzzing around his skull, his cock popping into a full erection when the lust swelled over his nipples, a sudden sensation like his shirt was rubbing two cocks making him tremble in her grip.

"Aww, does kitty like what Matsuri gave her? That was just the primer cutie."

Her hands were teasing at his clothes, pulling off his light jacket while her tails slipped into his pants, tugging them off with a rough jerk that popped off the front button, stripping him to just his undies as her hands began to roam all over.


If the heat inside was arousal incarnate, her hands were the pinnacle of masturbation, not even rubbing his cock as she seemed to be turning his entire body into an erogenous zone. Her touch was warm and teasing, every inch of his body feeling malleable as she rubbed under his shirt, her tails swiping up his legs as hair ran down his sweaty body, her hands leaving his skin smooth and silky.

"Ahh yes. Moan for me kitten. You're becoming so much fun to pet. Don't you want to be Matsuri's little pussycat?"

Corivas was on the verge of cumming, but in the sweat soaked haze of pleasure tightening over his mind, he could feel strips of hair spilling to his shoulders, caressing them as he realized just how long his hair was growing.

"N-No this isn't p-AWWWssible! It- OHHH~!"

Matsuri was done playing around, her tails parting his ass as she thrust inside.

Her pink tail did the initial plunge, drilling in slowly, Corivas's asshole trembling as his hard cock throbbed like it was hyperventilating, slick drops of precum dripping to the floor as Matsuri took her time prying his asshole open and sliding deeper. Her black tail’s job was to act like a paddle, stroking his ass cheeks before rearing back and giving them a firm, sharp sounding slap.


Corivas squealed at every spank, his cock harder than he thought possible, each rough blow seeming to loosen the muscle, his asshole growing only easier to probe as the pink tail continued to worm and fuck its way deeper. After every spank the black tail brushed by the red cheeks, making him moan as the caress sent tingles through the raw flesh, that looseness swelling spank by spank back into firmness, but it was wrong feeling, the caresses feeling noticeably more sensitive as his posture helped him realize his ass was bloating out.

He let out a gasped moan as her tail pulled out before ramming inside, this time stabbing straight through into his prostate, the feelings too much as it felt like a massive cock in his ass, the tail end coiling around his organ like a snake before giving it a slight squeeze.


Something bubbled in his cock, Matsuri brushing it with her thighs as he erupted down below, mewling as pump after pump spilled down their legs, but when he glanced down, he was shocked by the color of it, cum mixed with a blue, glowing liquid, each dribble fading in color from the initial neon spew.

"OHHH Ohhh ohhh..."

He didn't know what was draining as her tails continued to massage and fuck his ass, his trembling shoulders melting down, his body slimming under her grip as his shoulders gained a rounded slant to them, her hands squeezing his arms as they feminized to slender things in her grip, his fingers twitching as the nails began to sprout.

"There there kitten. Let it aaaall out. You'll feel much better soon."

His ass was now round and perky, the muscle given into tightly packed fat that bounced against Matsuri's tail, her pink one still slithering inside his crack as every ten seconds it upped the pressure on his prostate, Matsuri purring as she drank in his horny, desperate screams. Nothing about what he was feeling made any sense, his cock usually spent after one orgasm, but if anything it was only making him hornier as the blue speckled fluids sent him into a fourth orgasm, his body growing hotter as Matsuri's tongue began sliding up his neck. It paused at the small bump left, mostly melted from her injection earlier, but she tongued it happily all the same, flattening his neck as her mouth bypassed his lips for the edge of his face, her tongue slipping into his left ear as her teeth nibbled on the edges.

There was an indescribable ecstasy trembling into his brain, Corivas feeling her tongue scrape away at his humanity, swirling down the canal as her nibbles slowly dragged it upwards. The left side of his face was rounding, shifting as she tugged the ear up higher as he squeaked in protest, moaning  as it was roughly tongue fucked higher and higher, slotting at the top of his head as her lips released it, the roof of her mouth done shaping it to a tender cone that trembled as pink and light blue fur sprouted from the cat ear. The new anatomy was rewiring his brain, Cori screaming as Matsuri fondled it with her hands, his left nipple and ball twitching as his brain no longer recognized their shape as normal. The more she teased the ear the faster his cock pumped out the blue, one eye widening to a dull, submissive amethyst, his agency and resistance spilling onto the concrete below.

His ear was now linked directly to his other erogenous zones, Matsuri snaking her free hand to pinch a nipple, hearing his moans turn to mewls as it swelled under her fingers. Inversely his cum began to thin, his left ball sinking as it began shaping into a new, feminine form.


The catty squeal was driven out as Matsuri continued fondling his left nipple, her lips tracing a trail of kisses down the shape of his face as she nuzzled his right jawline into a soft angle. His sides were shrinking, bouts of cum draining their mass as a nascent, but visible curve grew clearer on his form, her fingers pulling now as the ripe nipples spread from the muscle beneath, letting plush, orgasmic fat flow in. Corivas could feel an alien pressure diving in below his cock, getting worse the more she teased his nipples, her tail probing with its tip as the body continued its erotic torture of his prostate. It was digging into his insides, stirring them as the penetration grew addicting, his left ball pulling in tighter as it stirred the thick broth of organs between his thighs. He was squealing when her tip found the sunken ball, teasing one of the tubes that attached it before swiping downwards in one fast, clean move.

His hips bucked, Corivas's squeals cracking as drool ran down his chin. With a wet noise like a cork popping, the start of a gaping slit gushed out sperm and testosterone, his testicle rammed into the left side of his hips as the pressure of her tail and his inverting ball cracked apart the bone, his left knee angling inwards as he scrabbled against Matsuri, mewling like a stray cat begging for sympathy. There was none to be found in Matsuri, her hand gripping the plump, but small breast and tearing at it like she meant to pull it off, her screaming query unable to do anything but cum more of his masculinity away as it swelled into a thick breast, his newly fashioned ovary dousing Matsuri's tail in estrogen as it pumped fast and free through his system.

"Ahh~ Kitty seems to be enjoying being my plaything. Isn't that right? You love this?"

She didn't give him time to respond, her mouth clamping over his other ear, her tail spanking his ass and thighs as she tore at the ear, ready to make him her pet.

Corivas's thoughts were a mess, his identity trying to stay intact the more his body was corrupted, his inner voice even feminizing as the black tail finished its stretching of his ass, the plump booty being groped by the brick of the walls behind as her free tail began teasing the slit his left ball had slipped into. The words 'mistress' and 'master were echoing in his thoughts, others like 'submissive' and 'neko' equally corrosive to who he was as his grey matter was fucked pink, Matsuri's tongue feeling like it was scraping his brain as she dragged his remaining ear up to match. His face was a mismatched mosaic, moaning as the outer edges of both ears sprouted dark hair, the insides still cotton candy colored as Matsuri moved her mouth somewhere sweeter. Soon their lips were sliding, her tongue training his to be adventurous as the force of their makeout rounded his features, shrinking his nose to a slender blade, his remaining eye slanting as his brain sent that same message of wrongness to his right side as the left.

He just couldn't take anymore of this, his master's teasing too strong, his will puddled to the ground as her tails double penetrated him, not giving him a chance as his mewls turned to the rabid screeches of an alley cat being roughly fucked. Matsuri's front fucking made quick work of his remaining testicle, his horny body thrusting in between the tails, either direction having them fuck him harder as his thrusts became needy, wanting, his hair tying into small little sidetails as his cock spilled the last of his seed.

"You want this kitten? You want to be my pet?"

Matsuri asked it like she knew the answer, Cori's body answering for him as he thrust his breasts against hers, grinding his cock against her black tail as he yowled out, "NYESSSS! YESSS! MAKE ME MASTER'S PUSSY! MAKE ME YOUR- NYAAAA~!"

There was no longer any blue in the cum spilling down his thighs, Matsuri's tails digging deeper until he felt them meet somewhere in his forming pussy, the shock making him screech as his erection softened, the pleasure thick in his hips as only the tip of his cock seemed able to harden. All that estrogen coursing through him was making his thighs swell, the feminine pleasures fucking his brain from all sides as she stopped seeing herself as male, just master's pet Cori as her toes shrank, the nails sharpening to claws as she let her master domesticate her.

"Aww is kitten ready to finish?"

Cori nodded, drooling over mistress, hissing as her hands scrabbled at the desperate heat in the pit of her stomach, her ass sore where it joined with the spine.

"Hmm I don't know if you mean it. You want to please my every desire don't you Cori?"

Again she nodded, hungrily licking Matsuri's breasts, her fingers finding her mistress's slit as pleased purrs poured from Matsuri's mouth as her black tail slid out of his half formed pussy.

"Mmm I knew you'd make a wonderful pet. Let's get rid of that tomcat and then we can have some fun."

The tail in her ass clenched, Cori yowling as her prostate was shaped into a womb, clear juices spilling out as she thrust needily, her cock flopping limply as Matsuri now had both tails freed, the black one propping it up as the pink one pressed on his tip.


She pushed it inside, letting it unfold and split inside, the pleasure finally making Cori explode as her spine shot out the edge of her ass, a dripping black tail wagging as Matsuri crushed his cock into a clit, her mistress not ending the fucking until Cori was a soaking, shriveled mess moaning at the edge of the alley.

"Nyaa... ahhh... m-mistress... nyesss..."

Matsuri had enjoyed that, but she was still horny, craving more entertainment as she left her new pet to recover, going through his tossed out pants as she plugged his phone into a portable charger, reading his texts as a group picture of his friends with the caption "where are you" sent some time during the fucking. The more she went through their messages and read their rp's the more excited she grew, fondling Cori's breasts as she roused her new pet up from the ground.

"Oh no Cori, your friends! You've left them waiting for you!"

"Nyaa? B-But mistress's needs cum first! Cori can't- NYAAA~!"

Their tales were coiled, Cori still not used to the appendage as they coiled and made her pussy dripping wet once more.

"Oh my needs do come first Cori, but these friends of yours don't realize it yet. And it wouldn't be good to not show now would it?"

Cori nodded, just agreeing with whatever her mistress said, getting hornier and hornier as she just wanted to be dommed by master. Matsuri was definitely happy to dom, but seeing so many submissive targets who she knew were just begging to become her pets was too tempting to leave behind. Dragging her half naked pet with her, she prepared herself for a fun night, ready to turn her pet into a full litter of horny little sluts.


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