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Obi Wan stared warily at the dusty landscape before him, not a smidgen of life detected in the vicinity of the stone walkway. Yet he had his guard up. It was always quiet at ancient force temples, there long before the Jedi and Sith split. They existed, back when it was just a tool with little thoughts to morality involved. This particular pain in the noggin had been calling out to them for weeks now, the more sensitive members of the Jedi council feeling the quivers of a disturbance first, though eventually it reached him as well, a summons that was rather peculiar given how rarely the force ever had intention save for the occasional prophecies that were sensed down by the chosen few. More worrisome was that it was a summons for him in particular, his eyebrows raising when the first member had said that, certain they were just trying to send him away out of annoyance. But then he felt it too, more images than words but the context was clear enough. The force had some grand purpose for him, though given how rare such interventions were, it felt more like a grave tiding than an honor.

The rest of the weeks had been him tracking the source of this call, the pull enough for him to gather a general direction, but it was a dim signal as he was forced to go track it down. It wasn't easy to hunt for something vague in the galaxy far away, but then again it was at least easier to search in silence than to deal with his troublesome apprentice, Anakin often unable to spend time in solitude without speaking for long. In some ways this journey was almost like a vacation from his regular duties, no Sith to chase, no criminals to fight, no assassins to worry about. It was just a simple, boring hunt through the stars, his only sign of progress how strong the pull had grown. Finally, after weeks of searching, his destination was in sight, a large red swirl of a planet, the tugging insistent that he must come immediately.

He made landfall near the temple, which would have usually been difficult to find if it wasn't almost yelling inside his head to come sooner. At least it wasn't as deafening as it could have been, but it was never a fun feeling having something in your mind, especially as a Jedi who could feel such intrusions. Thankfully the temple was on the meeker side of things, no endless corridors and traps to worry about, the whisperings ceasing finally as he entered the main plaza of the temple, the air humming as was common in areas with heavy concentrations of force energy. For a minute nothing happened, but while he was patient, Obi Wan was about ready to get things moving, tired from a long journey and anxious to know just what could have been so important to summon him like this. And as if sensing that thought, images began flashing in his head, dazing the Jedi as a future of horror and carnage played out.

The Jedi council was gone, the order slain down to the younglings. Great war machines were ravaging the galaxy and as the images were revealing themselves, great leagues of identical soldiers were overtaking defenses as an evil empire rose. It was all moving in reverse, showing the outcomes, then the causes, then the causes of the causes as with a growing sense of dread, Obi Wan realized it all seemed to be centered on Anakin. Disturbance was too small a qualifier for the images he had just witnessed, and he finally understood why he in particular had been singled out from the rest. Anakin was his responsibility, yet he had failed him, a failure large enough to make the force require rebalancing as it seemed obvious he was being given this knowledge to change fate. It was unfortunate, but it seemed like Anakin had to be eliminated, though he would at least give him a fair bat-


The force was displeased with his conclusion, that made evident as it took matters into its own hands as Obi Wan's body was floated above the ground, a great change about to start.

In all his years as a Jedi, he had never felt anything quite like the sensations coursing through his body. The force was moving around in circles, various spirals of pressure tugging at his skin as it slid under. Obi Wan could feel it bubbling back out, his skin rippling like fabric in wind as it felt oddly comfortable, the hairs on his body standing on edge as his pores quaked. Whenever a wriggling section of skin flattened from the force moving out it was greatly changed, hairs popped out from the skin along with drops of oil, the pores pulling taut as the process tore out the top layers of it, leaving what was under pale and sensitive, the patches looking rather sun deprived from his usual ruddy complexion.

There was a conflicting mishmash of emotions and sensations as the force ran through him, some spots highly uncomfortable like in his face, his features shifting like they were resting on a swamp bog as his well bearded jowls were plucked clean, his lips tender and sore as they felt thicker after it left, puckering as he tried to feel the added swell. Other areas felt... good to put it one way. Usually perverted verbiage wouldn't cross a sophisticated Jedi like Obi Wan's mind, but there was little in his experience that could explain the barrage in his chest and down below. The skin was silky yes, but the puffed nature of it translated to his nipples, his rough Jedi robes tweaking them as he began to shift in discomfort, unsure what exactly these sensations were as he bit his lip to avoid making any unsavory noises, both nipples plump and pink though he could only feel it behind his garb. Of course, his attempts at remaining chaste were rendered worthless as the final surge moved up his legs, waxing them before the grand finale stroked and rolled over his privates. It was a choked moan, but a moan nonetheless, his privates plucked clean, the stroking movements forcing his staff to extend for the first time in decades as a mesh of force energy hovered below.

It scanned over him, going from the bottom up, Obi Wan confused as an intense buzz of muscle falling asleep assaulted his soles. The feeling was ticklish and faintly erotic, a pass that seemed to loosen all the muscle it touched as it slowly worked its way up his calves, then his thighs. With a soft puff of sand, his footwear slid to the desert below, revealing some of what was happening, his feet looking shrunken and weak, the muscle gone as that ticklish feeling of muscle relaxation was more than just a sign of being held up too long, but of the muscles themselves straining from his body.

It was vexing how good it felt, Obi Wan tight lipped as he tried to avoid moaning, his shaft trembling as the pass went over it, the singular hard thing left about his bottom half as it rubbed between slippery, weak thighs, the flesh stirred into a frenzy as he tried not to tease it any further.

The vice grip was especially tight around his midsection, his muscled abs and trained physique fading past what felt normal, the droop of his robes showing an inwards curve that didn't seem masculine and as the sensations brushed past his nipples, he couldn't help but moan softly as a small trickle of enjoyment warmed his thighs, the Jedi panting as he was left slim, slender and aroused to his disgrace.

By this point he had some inkling of an idea of what was happening, though the question of why was all he could think of, unsure how any of this could help. More images flowed into his head, his features twitching, his short cut hair spilling down into long brown tresses, a level of conditioning and care to the strands that made little sense on someone so unconcerned with appearances. Yet that was all minimal compared to the information flashing through his mind, his mouth open in a confused, rising moan as his face shifted into the visage of what the force needed him to be.

The visions were pleasurably stuffing into his mind, overwhelming him with intention as his jaw lost its rugged angles, rounding to something slimmer, his cheekbones shifting about as they drew his cheeks into a cute, cherubic bliss. He could see Anakin and the princess, feel their budding romance as his shifting grew ever more fevered, his moans cracking every now and then as the lump in his throat was whittled down with every swell of arousal as the cries tumbled from his lips. With a slight crick his nose popped into a cute, pert upswing, his eyes dazed as a burnished brown peered from under plucked eyebrows, their romance getting steamier as he could feel the visions, his apprentice's phantom hands tracing his body's lines as the face of Princess Padme moaned from atop Obi Wan's body.

He was thrusting into nothingness, his vocal cracks happening more frequently as bitter fluids trickled from his mouth and cock. His moans were getting airier, more elegant, a hint of haughtiness completing the voice of a princess as his Jedi robes began teasing his nipples and cock. That really got him going, the visions of romance and her voice streaming from his lips mixed with the feeling of his robes suctioning and rubbing against his body led to the first of many releases, a hot gush of need spilling out his cock as Obi Wan could feel the harsh release viscerally tug on his balls. Worse, his clothes weren't teasing but reforming, splitting down the middle as the top became a tight, braless white shirt with a collar, revealing his pulled in midriff as the pants squeezed on his cock, their white form fitting fabric making sure his cock remained hard as sensation swelled on his chest, his moans nearly delirious with arousal from the subtle swelling of his nipples, his gyrating, twisting core shoving what little spare mass remained on his body upwards as an unbearable heat swelled against his chest.

While he was being floated by the force, it wasn't restraining him much, his arms scrabbling at the top, his fingers relocking into place as his hands turned slender and girly. But what mattered were the nails, their length growing as it made it easier to tear into the binding cloth, large claw like tears forming as he had to free his nipples, moaning as the muscle behind them wobbled and bloated in torturously ecstatic spurts of growth. They greedily drank in the cool air, his body trembling as his arms were finally forced upwards. The violent motion of it dislocated his shoulders, the issue quickly resolving as they slimmed into a slender frame, each one rounding as they locked into place. With his own moans turning him on as his body writhed in the air, he found himself helpless as he was forced to bear the erotic visions all the while feeling his breasts rise at a glacial pace.

The fabric strips added pressure to the rising lumps, feeling like groping hands as they trembled along their heft, his own movements causing them to slide along his nipples in a way that made his cock unclench, cum flowing freely down to the dust below as they spread the tears in his shirt, hungrily taking in more and more of his waist's meat in the process. If his eyes weren't being shown hallucinations of his coming role to play, he would have had front row seats to his midriff shaping into something toned and sexy. The already added curve from before was only growing more pronounced as his waist throbbed inwards, his panicked breathing stretching it and flattening its masculine elements shifting one by one. His navel was stretched to a slender little indent, his spine popping with every fevered thrust into nothing as his contortions brought it into a curve fit for a princess. With a high pitched gasp, his top half was finished, Obi Wadme opening his eyes in a daze as he finally understood what was going to happen, the knowledge not making it any less intense as his hips rocked apart.

There was still some Jedi pride in him as he tried to restrain himself the best he could. He was failing, but the effort was what mattered in his mind, unable to help it as his hips were spread apart, a series of loud crunches rounding them as his groin felt awkwardly stuffed between the new angle of his legs. Fat surged into his bottom, filling in the white pants that seemed to contour to every line of his body. It was expensive fabric, the touch soft and teasing, his cock unguarded as the swelling of his ass made the stretch lines caress his manhood, its time numbered as there was already a telling tightness behind it, a tension in his balls that was just begging to be resolved as moans spilled past his grit teeth and pursed lips. It didn't feel right to enjoy this, even though he knew now that it was necessary, his new role one of merged fates. Then again, he supposed he should consider it a blessing it wasn't painful, the visceral crunches and snapping of bone in his womanly hips not hard to imagine being painful in a different context.

His self control had lasted long past what could be expected of any man, through the surging of his breasts, the sensitizing of his skin, even his ass's grand jiggle not breaking him as he tried to keep his mind collected. But his thighs offered too great a hurdle, his control wavering greatly as his mouth wrenched open in a loud, lusty screech. Maybe it was the angle that made them squash so close, or the heightened sensitivity of his cock. Or maybe it was the levels of pleasure surging as his inner thighs were massaged thoroughly, bits of fat erotically threading into the muscle, the pampered skin of a princess gracing his cock with a lubricated, constant rubbing as he felt his balls seize, the last of his seed spent as the releases sputtered in the grip of her thighs. He braced himself, unsure of what he was about to feel, a shockwave of ecstasy tearing through as his balls shrunk inside.

The sounds he made were undignified, his thrusts desperate and needy and this far into the changes, he didn't care, the sensations pulling him into debauchery, or at least attempted perversion, his body was too bound to really act on it proper. Thankfully the force that bound him was all too happy to do the acts for him, the flesh of his manhood rippling as his balls felt like they were squeezing themselves into nothingness. Every orgasm had them burrowing in tighter, with nothing in their stores to release, their own mass substituted as they were swallowed down their own tubes. His toes clenched as clear fluids dribbled down onto them, their shapes slimming to something dainty and refined, his feet molding to the shape of heels as his calves curved, just in time for his legs to thrash as with two loud POPS his balls were wrenched inside, his cock giving its dying throes as he knew it wouldn't be long till it joined his cock.

Memories poured into his head, small pieces of himself washed away in the torrent of Amidala, making his body loosen in the final moments of masculinity. His moans became less forceful, less tense, his jerky movements resolving to a more sensual grind against pressure. As more of Padme's thoughts and mannerisms mixed with his own, it was easier to just enjoy the changes, feeling like the best sex of their lives as his shaft scrunched inwards, its hardness finally fading as it coiled under the pressure, the sections of cock rubbing itself in tandem as their tip pulled inwards. Their moans hastened, each inch a new revelation in pleasure, streams of vaginal fluid making sure it was a smooth transition as the mushroom tip ribbed against the forming slit of their pussy, only a slight catch before it drilled inside with a wet, aching slurp. Padme was left screaming, the changes ending in a mind rending orgasm as the newly fashioned princess came at last, gasping as the aftershocks ran through her, her bindings finished as she was completed.

"Hff Hff... well that was certainly an experience."

Padme was left sweaty and glad she was alone, her outfit's state not one she wanted seen by others. Besides, she needed some time to resolve the swirling thoughts in her head, an edited history of what came before playing back as she let reality settle down for her. It was odd to know she wasn't Padme only moments ago, or rather that a part of her wasn't. For all the universe was concerned she was and always had been, and her force training and abilities were just a part of her upbringing once it was found out she was sensitive to the force. Obviously her parents weren't about to sacrifice their one heir to the throne to the Jedi Order, and it wasn't all that difficult to find a person who while not a master, could give her the basics early on as her skills grew. It was funny, that added edit to her past made her and Anakin all the closer, a kinship they hadn't had before, though their relationship was just a part of what was needed of her.

Now at least she was strong enough to defend herself. More importantly, she had the political capital and sway in matters to actively destroy Palpatine politically. And knowing how he'd manipulate Anakin in the future only made it all the easier to poison that well in advance. She only wished she had been given more time, the trip back giving her only a narrow window to start official investigations into the clone facilities, and having a rough idea of how the Sith were communicating would take a lot of resources to crack in secret. It was rather bothersome to know that she was essentially playing second fiddle to a man who she was still conflicted about, one side seeing him as her student, the other as something more, but then again he wasn't the one the force had deemed necessary for its survival. She'd get dressed, get home and get busy. She had a man to seduce and a universe to save and she knew damn well neither would be easy.


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