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There had been word of heightened activity in the area, local monsters more brash and bold and the hunters guild had reported at least three parties gone missing in the last few days with reports of odd screams occasionally heard by the villagers nearby. And yet despite that, the current party had found very little to bother them as they made their way through the forests and crags, dispatching many a beast as they were on their third trip out, considering the other groups likely amateurs that didn't know how to hunt as a unit properly. This time they were after the biggest prize, legends of a special elder dragon with powers beyond compare spurring them onwards to where it had been seen nesting. Though on this fateful third outing they were all angry and disgusted, a slightly acidic pink slime splattered over their bodies from said query as they were all left confused by the entire interaction.

Longsword insisted the dragon had looked human, putting on the guise of a girl in dragon armor which caused her usual melee to falter, forcing Bow and Gunner to move closer to try and land a shot on an unwounded beast. Hammer was the most annoyed, his gleaming finisher weapon that was his namesake disgustingly clean as he grumbled about Longsword being off her rocker, though he did admit the dragon had seemed far more paltry than a beast of said legend should have been. It made a sound like a sniveling girl, the shock of the first few volleys from their long range attackers making it scream as a great bout of pink goo rained down from its throat, dowsing them all as the party panicked. Thankfully it didn't do much past sting a little, seemingly just a distraction as the elder dragon flew away in the short time they were caught unaware.

None of them heard it as it flew away, tears rolling down its cheeks as it cried, "S-Stop hunting me! Agh I can't help it now they'll be part of this too! I h-hope they don't try to m-mate with me l-later on..."

"Bah you wimps! My hammer didn't even taste blood!"

Hammer was garbed in Rajang battle armor, the skull helmet fitting for such a hulking, muscular man. He was obviously proud of his strength given how much of his skin was left bare, though the fur lined grieves and leggings did provide plenty of warmth to his extremities.

"If you hadn't messed this up Longsword we wouldn't have to track a damn flying beast again! We should be hunting for it now before all traces of the beast are gone!"

"Oh shove it up your ass Hammer!"

Longsword was a tomboy through and through, clad in the used parts of a Nargacuga she had sliced up herself. It made for a smooth, grey cover for her body, the inside always comfortable and the right hand was larger to give her longsword added force when she needed to press on the blunt end in battle. She hadn't been feeling right since she had been gooed, her stomach a mess, her skin gleaming with sweat, though she stayed silent, not needing any more of Hammer's crap as Gunner and Bow stepped in to interrupt.

"Come on Hammer, at least she tried."

"Besides, if it's not on land, you're not the one who's going to be doing the tracking this time."

Gunner and Bow were both long time friends, each other's confidant and companion as they always operated like two peas in a pod. Bow had armor from a Gore Magala he had shot down and Hammer had finished, the horns twistable to act as distance guides with notches for added depth. The rest was rather simple, their role not one usually of close combat so it was a thinner armor than the others. The gloves were the only other odd element, made to be skintight with added friction to aid in his notching, though the black dyed armor was currently dusted in pink smudges, water not enough to wash it clean.

Gunner's armor was similarly skimpy, only a Barioth tail for adornment to lye on for his shots, the white fur splattered. None noticed the subtle flexing of their armor, a dull throb binding it to flesh...

"Come and drink with us. We're not going out in the dark."

Hammer seemed offended at the offer, resolving to head out himself with a snarl.

"The damn thing's probably sleeping now. I'll bag its head and bring back some cutlets for you all when I get back."

Most people would yell about the folly of going out in the middle of the night in monster territory, but Hammer was half a beast himself and his long years of hunting had made him adept at avoiding notice unless he wanted it.

"Well then will you help us finish off this rum Longsword?"

Usually she'd be happy to have a contest with them, but she felt almost feverish, groaning as her stomach rumbled something fierce.

"I- nngh n-need to retire for the night, I'll be in my- mmh tent..."

The two were already well into their drink so they didn't notice the quiver in her voice as she stumbled back to her tent, her skin feeling flushed and feverish, her nipples sore as small pricks rolled under her armor.

"Fuck. S-Something's wr-ANNGH w-with... Ohhh~ n-NNGH shit..."

She had to strip, her flesh too hot, the world swaying as she stumbled to the ground, moaning as the narga fur in her breastplate stabbed into her nipples, an odd arousal flaring as the small hairs thrust into her pores, feeling like a sensual, melting invasion as her breasts and privates were furred as the metallic add ons hung heavily on her. She tried pulling her grieves off first, grunting with effort, gasping in pain as she tried to probe the seam between her forearms as blood trickled from where the nails of her hands had accidentally pierced. Looking at it, the armor almost looked fused, the blood a pale blue color than the regular red.

"What the he- AHHH AHHH F-HUUUCK~!"

The grieves were clamping down, scales melding to flesh as they ripples, tearing off the dermis as each glove became one, her nails flexing out the fronts as they became razor sharp, the skin underneath turning a deathly grey as her legs began to crunch to monstrous shapes.

"Where's that damn beastie lurking?"

Hammer was long gone from the party, an annoying itch ransacking his skin from all sides as he trekked through the forest, almost certain he had brushed past some poisonous plant in the dark. He was in the midst of a nasty mood, not noticing the way his skin was burnishing itself under his nails as they ran up and down, the smoothness unnatural as hair fell to the forest floor, scars of battles past slimming to thin lines before disappearing under a smooth array of tanned skin. At some point there was an odd element of eroticism to the scratching, his nails growing to golden claws as they continued to shave away imperfections, his hands running over his body as the pleasure offset pain elsewhere. There was an annoyed throbbing at his temples, Hammer unaware of the slow turns his helm's horns were making, the pressure not one of frustration but of actual force, tiny sharp edges forming on the adornments as they punctured through the metal, painlessly latching onto flesh as they slowly dug into his skull.

"Where is it dammit! COME OUT YOU FUCKER!"

He cracked his knuckles in annoyance, each one turning to a slender blade of a digit, the hunter trying to focus as he wracked his senses for any clue to the dragon's whereabouts. It was a mistake to have gone off without eating with the rest of the party, hunger dulling his focus, his stomach rumbling as the gleaming muscles of his core trembled, their bulk receding a smidgen though such minute changes were invisible to him in the dark. Oddly, the first of his senses to pick up on something was his nose, the bulbous instrument flaring as a scent tickled it, the edges of his nostrils pulling in as the large jutting bridge collapsed into a more delicate instrument as a rich, juicy smell rushed in. He was drooling through plumper lips, his eyes flashing red as they grew feverish with want, angling to something feminine and feral.

"SNFF SNFF... Meeeaaat..."

The pair by the fire were getting tipsy, said tipsyness shifting to sloshed as their tolerances cranked down, their bodies moving closer and closer as they began getting touchy, then handsy with one another. Neither could explain why, just that they felt a need to feel their partner. Sure they both had raging hard ons, but it wasn't like they were gay, it just felt so good to feel their skin against the other, something so pleasant about nuzzling together as they slowly edged towards friskiness. There was such a lovely smell in the air, and it was making them both cross boundaries they never would have been comfortable with only a few minutes earlier, though it was to be expected, their sweaty bodies leaking female pheremones as every move became an act of seduction, their bodies trembling as they gripped each other lovingly, moaning as their hands played over their bodies.

Gunner's head was swimming in booze and Bow's strong grip, his less combative nature twisting as he shifted his face into Bow's shoulders, trembling with need as his cock rubbed against Bow's thighs. This wasn't like him, yet he needed more, growling slightly as he moved back into a suggestive posture, almost begging his comrade to make a move. Shit what was he doing? He felt so hot, he couldn't think, fuuuck it was like he was going to-


It wasn't Bow that made the first move, but his armor, the plush tail he used as a rest suddenly drilling into his ass, pounding into a tender spot as cum gushed from his cock, Gunner squealing as it clamped down on the organ, his tail suddenly like a second, sensitive cock as it thrashed against the ground, draining him as his body lurched forwards into Bow's. Bow didn't understand what was happening, the aroused screeching only making him hornier as the heat of Gunner's face hastened the binding of his chestplate to his body, Bow moaning as Gunner's frantic shifting felt orgasmic as his nipples surged out into his friend's face.

Longsword was hoping it would stop, equal parts pain and ecstasy assaulting her as her right foot was already merged with the armor, a three taloned claw red that faded to grey as the lust surged inside. It was a natural urge, insisting on itself more and more as her eyes turned yellow and slitted, her ears teased into large slooping cones as she couldn't fight it anymore, the desire to mate making her furred slit leak as for the first time in her life, she felt inadequate as a female.

Her breasts were too small to attract a mate and how would she ever grab the attention of a male of her, o-of her-


At the thought, her small breasts heaved, her toned abs only growing more muscular as she shoved a clawed hand into her snatch, gasping as a furred lump slid out the base of her spine, a grey, bushy tail erupting with orgasmic force as she came grey juices that further dyed her thighs.

Her remaining leg thrashed in the shrinking confines of her boot, toes mashed together into soft meat as her nails stabbed outwards into talons. The flesh was hardening into aviary scales though her thickening thighs were soft to the touch, her wrists throbbing as small wings formed and flexed as her body curled in arousal. Her hair spread into a blue tied back ponytail, the grey covering her face as her body gave in fully to animal instinct, the last of her humanity spilling to the floor as she gasped in a hoarse voice.

"Ohhh yess. Mussst find mate. Rep-populate Nargacugassss..."

Hammer was stumbling after the source of the smell, his legs horribly uncoordinated as he growled at his body's awkwardness. His toenails were beginning to scrape at the metal casings, his feet catching on the awkward prisons as he hissed, eventually stabbing through steel plate like a can opener as he kicked the shredded metal away, the pads of his feet feeling much better on solid earth as they condensed their jump power, arches popping into shape as his heels popped up to a running start. His balance was shifting, all that muscle feeling cumbersome as he fell to his hands and knees, moaning as the hunger continued to cannibalize his own meat, ridges flattening as his frame shrank, the feeling turning him on as his cock tinged against the loincloth covering his erection.

"Want meat. Need meat. Must h-UUUUUGHnt."

His salivating mouth eroded the lump in his throat, a sultry purr echoing out as his Rajang horns crunched through his skull like eggshells, his eyes rolling backwards in the throes of ecstasy as his brain was thoroughly skullfucked by animal thoughts. His arms and legs decayed in shape, the beastly man hissing and moaning as muscle compressed to soft, wiry limbs, his calves rounding as raw sexual need swelled around his member as his form lost its bipedal strut. With a shriek and a snap, his spine had curved, making the animalistic stance of his four legged form more comfortable on his body. He was grinding against the earthen floor, his sense of smell and taste heightened as he rubbed against mossy bark, pounding muscle into slim elegance, hiding his true power as yellow tribal markings painted over his tanned skin, cum watering the plants as thanks. He rotated his thighs, cumming as he shattered his own pelvis, relocking into a wider stance as his hair steadily grew down past his shoulders, frizzing into a wild, golden mane.


He bellowed out as he pounced towards the source of the tasty smell.

Gunner couldn't stop cumming, his squeals rising as his balls slowly deflated, the leather made from Barioth skin stretching tight and black as he ground his face into Bow's plush chest. His body was starting to grow worthy of the copious female pheremones misting off of him, his moans cracking into a cutesy soprano as he felt his cock slurp inside, dragging his balls in with one loud, churning squish.

"Ohhhh~ B-Bow I-I'm-"

She didn't know what to say, her slit leaking as a hot feminine want wormed through her veins, the fur of her suit eating through the synthetics to meld with his slick, shiny skin. It was only as she shoved forwards once again as her ass and thighs began bloating that she realized Bow's chest wasn't just padded, but spongy, her face nuzzled deep into a large, scaly cleavage.

Bow was at his own limits, Gunner's face making his breasts surge, their horny grip crushing his waist as plate melted onto flesh, rippling and filled with sensation as his short cropped hair freed itself down to his chin. The steady mist of pheromones kept him horny and sluggish, his drunken mind racing as he watched his friend's cock pop with a warm gush that sprayed over his own thighs.


The need was absolute, his mind quivering as he tried to ignore it, something feeling wrong about it. The ridges of his helmet were glowing purple as the marking horns suddenly stabbed, his resistance interrupted with every pleasure center in his brain burning as his face rounded amidst a wild, needy moan, his hands flexing as they melded with the glove's lining, nails melting through as they turned red and tearing.


Bow cursed, his erection throbbing, his eyes widening as purple infected his irises. His claws traced Gunner's ass, suddenly gripping it as they felt their friend shriek, fat bloating to meet their touch as the need grew too much to resist, his lips bloating as he latched onto a nipple, sucking as the rest of his face feminized to a hungry beastgirl.

Hot blood and gristle dripped down Hammer's face as he devoured the dumb weak thing that had dared to cross his path. His hair was more like a thick blanket at this point, warming him as he felt the meat become part of his body and blood, moaning as every bite sent further changes through his body. Each swallow sent fat swelling along his body, cum pooling around his cock as his erect nipples began to rise, his seat becoming ever more plush as he tore piece after piece off the mangled corpse of his prey.

"Ahh~ ahh... meat good MEAT G-HOOOOD~!"

His body had slimmed to a sexy slimness, his moans bubbling through the blood as his free hand played with his rising breasts, his cum turning clearer as his body purged itself of testosterone, his balls gobbled up as readily as he scarfed down chunks of game. He only paused to moan, gripping his tight belly as his cock coughed out a clear wad, the last of the animal swelling in his chest as its carcass was picked clean. Yet he still felt empty.

His stomach gurgled, the beastling moaning as he swayed back and forth, feeling something latch onto the base of his cock with a surprise slurp, his moans reaching a fever pitch as the hunger began tearing chunks out of his own cock.


She screamed as the emptiness inside gripped her cock and rolled it upwards, dragging it in and stirring her insides as clear fluids tumbled to the forest floor, the beast girl hiccuping with a final, ecstatic grunt as her pussy spat out unneeded flesh like the bones of a fish.

Rajang was left thrashing in the brush, alerting the nearby animals as she thrust inside, filling her snatch completely as she screeched with territorial pride, thoughts of her initial prey lost to the pleasure as off in the distance, the sounds of her former party giving in echoed in loud, orgasmic shrieks.

Gunner had no time to think, only feel, screaming as she felt something hard stab into her freshly made pussy, her thighs slapping together as she was fucked by her friend. There was little she could do but yowl like a meek beast, her body powerless to her lover's intense thrusts.

"Ah~! OOH~! You're splitting Barioth in two! AH H-HARDER P-PLEASE!"

She barely noticed her mind changing as her body shifted to match her partner's wants, her toes digging in as her nails turned onyx black, sharp, minute claw twists accenting their look as her tail slapped happily against the ground. She could feel his claws ravaging her, her furry arms trembling as his cock continued to plow into her pussy.

Bow had never felt so powerful before, so utterly turned on as his lips sucked on his lover's tits, feeling the flesh harden against his tongue, swelling as he teethed it, getting a strong shiver and shriek from Barioth as his cock trembled in her folds. It was too good to stop, his hips thrusting as his cock pumped out its load, black scales forming along the base as the pressure and taut skin shrank it an inch, his own needy thrusts beginning to force it to shrink.

It didn't matter to him, the pleasure only heightened as his shoulders shivered into rounded cuties, all that breadth thrumming into his partner as he had to thrust harder just to reach the same spots he had comfortably rested moments prior. Eventually a sweet trickle of milk wetted his lips, his cock half its length as Bow groaned, moving up to share a kiss with his mate, giving them a sample as the two rolled around the campfire. It felt so good to kiss her, so right, her lips plumping into his, their tits rubbing against one another as his cock slipped out her folds. She took the lead as Gore Magala's body went into convulsions, his thighs swelling as a steady stream of cum poured from his shrinking cock, her forming slit slamming into Barioth's as she screamed, feeling her cock split in two as her changes finished.

There was little left to change for Barioth, Gore's body going through its final tremblings as her own tail uncoiled from her spine, each inch sending another spray of cum from her pussy as wings thick enough to be a cape sprouted from her shoulders. Her claws tore at Barioth's back as the beastgirl moaned, her own silvery wings erupting from the torn lines of flesh as Gore shoved her tail up the thick girl's dripping snatch. Their tongues locked together, Barioth's eyes turning a wintery blue, her hair spilling down as her own claws tickled against the hard scales of her partner. With a groan they both finished, a saliva bridge connecting them as Barioth moaned the last of her old life away, feeling too meek to pounce as she waited for her lover to mate with her once more.

The screams of the fucking and masturbating beast girls echoed amongst the trees of the forest, eventually reaching a nearby town as the villagers felt certain this was the sound of imminent catastrophe. The legends spread like wildfire after that night, the loud sounds of fucking misconstrued as terrible beasts on the prowl for more than just cock. Naturally the guild had to up the reward payout, more parties disappearing as the loud, lustful moans of the area grew to a near constant volume.

Somewhere in the bush, Rajang was staring at one such party, their gear soaked in pink, the party all male though she could smell the beast spreading within them. Smiling she considered her options, whether to go now and breed while the males still had seed left to spill or couple after the changes as she glanced hungrily at the similar looking Rajang armor one of them wore. Soon they'd realize they were fucked either way. Soon the first would start moaning followed by the others until they were as horny and hardy as her. It was only a matter of time before these fresh hunters became breeders.


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