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"Come out come out lowerlings! I know you're hiding in here you minuscule pains in the arses!"

Gods this was such bullshit. He was better than shooing away goblins! Lucas had gone on some amazing adventures already and proven himself to the world as a strong fighter! Well... okay he might have been passed out from food poisoning for the Witch of Gazar fight, and he had been more of a support for the fight against the demons... a moral support, but his skill was high from being in the party of greats! It didn't matter that they were short a person and he was the only one around, he was better than this glorified pest control!

"Damn evil army fodder! Why do we even have to clear those dumbasses away?! Oh no there's goblins in a cave. Now they'll sit in their own filth and kill each other because they're fucking idiots. Just add like a step stool height block to the entrance and those wretches won't be able to leave!"

He kicked a loose rock, more annoyed by the occasional snickers that echoed around, the booming nature to them making it impossible to locate as it sounded like they could be coming from anywhere. It was already bad enough that his party had left him behind for some reason, but this? This was grunt work. Bullshit. Most toddlers could find and scare away goblins in their-


Peeking out from behind a rock outcropping, Vix and Gor laughed at the weak knight trying to find them, considering it a game of tag as they led him around in circles, dragging him closer to a surprise they'd been working on for weeks now. Vix crafted the steel and Gor made the magic stuff go whoosh for it, the knight looking dumb enough to be their test subject, and weak enough to avoid resisting their fun.

"Hey! Tallman! Oveeeerrr heeere~!"

Lucas turned to see a goblin girl with a Mohawk gesturing suggestively at him, his attention focused like a bull on red as he barreled towards the pest keeping him from adventure.

"Get back here bastard!"

Was bastard the right term for a goblin wench? He didn't know, nor did he care as he ran after the snickering bitch, her short legs surprisingly agile as she ran circles around him. It got to a point where she was even mockingly calling out directions as she dodged past him, turning him around until he was dizzy as he stumbled after her. Eventually she messed up, her back to a wall in a conveniently narrow hallway as he stomped towards her.

"Alright I was told to chase you out, but you clearly want to be exterminated you shitty little-"



"What the hell?!"

Lucas needed a second to process the sudden lack of freedom, thick iron bars covering his view as he peeked out like a nervous child. The punk looking goblin girl was laughing her ass off, using the lever for the cage as a support as her own throaty chortles threatened to upend her at any moment. But those paled in comparison to the high pitched cackles coming behind him, a goblin girl in a witch hat dragging a wand bigger than her as she mocked the trapped knight.

"WHAT IDIOT! Caught like rat dumb human. No, rat notice tripwire PFFT!"

The last thing he needed was to be mocked by such lower beings, Lucas enraged as he shouted out a threat.

"Fiends! Let me out or I swear by the gods I shall massacre the lot of you! I'll hack through this shoddy cage and tell the guild you were the lot responsible for those recent caravan hijackings! And when the guild comes down to murder you both I'd like to see you laugh while your guts are- a-are..."

It was an idle threat, but the goblin witch just sighed, pulling out a large potion bottle.

"Me want to use on stronger man. Last longer, fight harder, more fun. But Gor no want dumb liar. So Gor make you go bye bye. No one believe you after this!"

Oh shit was that a death potion?

"Wait! I was hasty perhaps we can discuss thi-"


It burned, which was a lot less than what Lucas was expecting over the instant acidic death he assumed, but that still didn't mean it didn't hurt. It was fizzing against his skin, the green goo doing nothing to his armor, only his skin. It was like an alchemy experiment gone wrong, layers of skin peeling in potion burn as he began to grunt and groan, shivering in place. The pain mostly seemed concentrated in his left hand, where due to poor body movement had left a pool of the potion in his greaves. Everywhere he could feel the jerking of body hair, the burning of flesh as some of it got in his eyes, his curses rising to an angered panic as the potion bubbled along his eyes in a way that was terribly uncomfortable.


Rather than scare his captors that seemed to greatly entertain them, the two goblin girls laughing up a storm at his jerky dancing, his pitiful cries wailing along the caverns to the point where it almost sounded like he was making fun of himself.

"Oooh! Big scary warrior! Can't even take little pain."

"Pfffhahahaha Vix see many warriors face worse than this. None of them screech like little girl."

"Shhh! Shhh! No surprise spoil Vix! No spoil!"

Lucas didn't know what to make of that, his eyes glued when they weren't blinking furiously on his twitching left hand, feeling the muscle shifting, the bones grinding. It was like a constant series of knife wounds running along his fingers and palms, the hand shrinking before his eyes as the form fitting gloves he had shrank with it. A wave of weakness followed the shrinkage, his left arm barely able to hold the weight of his armor as the wingspan collapsed into itself. With the arm changed, the pain faded, some burning here or there, but it seemed the potion was a failure.

"Hah! You stupid goblins! I'll get this fixed then kill all of- HURK!"

Or maybe not.

"Urggh f-fuuuck what's this nngh SH-SHIT!"

It was in his stomach. No it was more than just his stomach, his guts slowly churning as he leaned against the bars for support, his center of balance crumbling as rolls of muscle and fat shifted against his breastplate. It was far worse than the food poisoning that had taken him out before, Lucas needing to brace himself against the walls of the cage as he felt his body compress.

He needed to brace himself, grabbing the bars in front of him as the potion poured through the cracks, his eyes burning as it almost felt like hooks had been installed in the corners as they tore at the corners of them upwards. Where the potion had splattered over his hair felt heavier, the weight difficult to notice amidst the discomfort and pain, just another disorienting factor as he gripped the bars hard enough to feel his other hand shrinking, sliding down as his spine. crinkled like the joints in his armor, a most unmanly scream squeezed out of his throat as he felt potion dribble over his balls.


The neck piece was beginning to slide, his shoulders angling as they shattered, his groans rising as they lopsided to reveal part of his right nape, the goblin girls smiling at the patch of green spreading as it leeched onto his cheek.

"Ooh what lovely color! Good job Gor! He make good goblin bitch!"

"Why surprised? I best mage in land!"

Lucas was struggling to hear what they were saying over his own cries, the churning in his gut reaching a fever pitch as it felt like entire organs were being pulled into his esophagus, his stomach heaving as he felt ready to puke. He could feel it, the mass surging upwards, ready to expel out as vomit only for his spine to snap, squeezing it tighter, the churning mass of organs and muscle little more than wisps of smoke as he groaned in absolute misery.


His groans were rising, turning lighter as the clear smoke irritated his throat. Something was melting in it, the taste of scorched meat boiling down his throat as his cries took on a sopranic whine. The flavor on his tongue was awful, Lucas trying to spit it out when he noticed something odd. His incisors were buzzing, flattening as they jiggled inside his gums, a molar jutting out as it felt sharper than usual. It didn't feel like a tooth it felt more like a... fang?

"Wait! Y-You couldn't b-EEEEEH~!"

The tug on his eyes turned to a full break, his skull crunching as he felt his eye's corners shunt upwards and out, tears streaming over potion as his eyes now had a clear, growing slant. The agony gave him no reprieve as his nose dived into his skull, Lucas feeling it break over and over as the bottom of it pushed further into his line of sight. What bothered him most though wasn't even all that painful, but an insistent tug on his ears, his hands moving up to feel them as he prayed he was wrong. But it only proved him right as he felt his lobes get absorbed into the cartilage, the mass struggling upwards to add a point to the top tips, the sounds of the goblin girls' laughter louder.

"Y-Your t-HUUURRRning me into a- a-"

Another surge from his gut silenced him, his waist squeezing as the nausea from before became even worse, the mass transmogrifying mid spew as more of the witch's potion spilled from his lips, a half foot of height lost in the nausea. Lucas stared down at the potion leaking down his chest, watching as it dyed his skin green in lazy trails, his armor making it hard to move as its weight slowly tipped over what his body could manage to lift. The two goblin girls seemed interested to hear him speak as they leaned in to tease.

"Oh? What human think potion do? Realize my genius yes?"

Lucas shuddered, feeling his spine pop before he squealed out, "GOOOOBLIIIN!"

His anguished howl only made the mohawk goblin laugh hard, mocking him with a half gargled, "Oh that all you think happen?"

Huh? What did she mean all? They were turning him into a goblin! What else could they even do to make it-


The spit out potion had reached his nipples, a bizarre tinge of pleasure mingling with the change as he felt the liquids rub his nipple's ridges, moistening them as they slowly pressed against his chestplate.

"Ahh~ Ahh~! Wh-haaat?"

The other changes made some horrifying sort of sense, but why would his nipples feel so sensitive? So perky? Why did it feel sickeningly good as they rubbed against the leather jerkin, swelling slightly against his breastpla- No...

"Ooh look Gor! Human have fun! Though why potion shrink there already?"

Lucas looked down, finding a noticeable bump amidst the growing folds of his oversized pants, his cock erect.

"BAHAHA! He even small for Goblin! Should thank me. Size no matter soon!"

He wanted to say something but only moans or pained yelps left his lips, lips that were swelling while his jaw rounded, the green spreading over more and more. He was being swallowed in his armor, Lucas trying to fiddle with the clasp at the back to free him, but his arms were too stubby, too small, the gloves unable to shrink anymore, slipping off with his grieves as they fell to the floor. Black polish was coloring his nails, the fingers slim and stubby as he saw the green spreading.


The pleasure further dazed him, the mix of that with grinding pain disorienting as his ears swiveled backwards, stretching his face further back as he felt his eyes continue to grow on his face, his hair down to his mid-back as he groaned. There was something incredibly wrong with his legs, his hands sliding further down the bars as he whimpered miserably, the tinge of ecstasy on his mostly flat chest nothing compared to the feeling of his heels absorbing into his ankles and feet.

It was like he was being forced to tiptoe, Lucas grunting as his heels melted into his legs, his toes scrunching together as each one slimmed together. The bulk of his remaining height was in his legs, and it was being stripped from him in disgusting feeling squelches, his legs turning to jelly as they didn't so much shed mass as much as lose all support as they softened to weak, bulbous trunks. His knees were dissolved in the melding legs, his calves and thighs merging into singular lines, his cock throbbing against the slippery green skin of his inner thighs as they swelled painfully, all the lost height squashed into his legs or his ass. Said ass was also feeling nauseously good, the cheeks swelling as his pants slid down to the ground, his frame so reduced that even his bulging hips were comparatively twelve belt sizes too small for even his tightest notch.



The rest of his armor fell to the ground, sliding down his tiny frame, the neck hole large enough to swaddle him as he flailed in the heavy steel, having to crawl out as each scrape of his cock against the ground sent an array of pain and pleasure through him, his thoughts starting to rush out his mouth without care for conjugates or proper grammar. He could feel his almost completely flat chest, the swell of his ass, the dainty squashed looking amalgamation of a foot and hoof that were his feet as the begging further degraded his English.


That sounded wrong to him, his mouth trying to form the right sentences, his words failing him, but it was hard to focus when it felt like his cock was being hollowed out, an apple corer painfully stretching the skin as something slick dribbled from his tip, the pleasure nerves sparking as he screeched in horrified ecstasy.

"No worry knight! Cock not hurt long with that size! Bahahaha~!"

Drool pooled from his mouth, tears from his eyes and cum from his cock. There was no way of describing it, his nipples erecting then softening depending on which side was winning, the pleasure or the pain. There was a pervasive stroking that rolled through his cock, teasing it as hard as it could go as it felt like an expert succubus was servicing it, including the inside of it as his balls swelled with need. There was also the indescribable pain of his most sensitive or organs ever so slowly rupturing, Lucas feeling it deep inside as his hips spread wider, a gap cleaving through his innards, squeezing something that felt disturbingly good as his balls tensed and released their loads once more, a hot aching something behind his cock hastening the emptiness rubbing against the base of his cock.


He moaned as his member twitched, leaking cum as the splitting spread up into his urethra, his cock feeling loose and pliable as it felt like knives were being jumbled inside his shrinking, throbbing cock. The witch seemed amused by the question as she watched him clutch at his groin.

"Pfft! Like need no pain. Boring! Wasteful! Yell more! It more fun for us!"

Lucas's face was pressed into the bars, his mushroom tip starting to dive inside his cock, the feeling like being fucked and stabbed at the same time as his soft, goblin hands made the wrongness of the pleasure surge, his balls clenching as thick spurts of cum flowed whether he wanted them to or not. It wasn't even the pleasure, it was the shrinkage of his balls as they were pulled inside, their contents funneled out as more stabbing pain split his innards, each ball carving out his hips to squeeze into a warm cavity. There was a high, piercing shriek as Lucas's hands scrabbled for something, clear fluids flowing as his hips bucked, a messy wet pop announcing her new sex as her humanity spilled to the floor.

The accidental pulling on her cock had made Lucas inadvertently finger herself when it inverted, the confused goblin girl moaning to her audience, gasping as she had her first female orgasm filled with shame as the realization of what she did came after the two goblin girls really started losing it.

"Ugly stinky she call us! Below him she said!"

"Sound like Luk like goblin pussy! No worry Luk, we give it plenty of action pervert! Maybe she want staff to enjoy herself more!"

Lucas cried, wanting them to shut up, swaddled in a tunic that looked more like a dress the way it draped over his body.

"Shut up! Lucas KILL you when- Lucas want kill- WHY MOUTH NOT WORK RIGHT?"

Fuck why was he just crying? The sentences made sense in his head, but they were coming out all wrong for some reason.


The cage was lifting, the muttering of other goblins, MALE goblins coming closer.

"They no believe dumb goblin big adventurer. What idiot gets trapped and changed so fast? Now be breeding stock for clan. You like pussy? They show you fun- HEY!"

Lucas bolted the second the cage winched upwards, Vix too busy laughing to stop him and Gor too weak to do much but watch as the new girl ran towards the exit.

"Come back! We not done with fun! They no accept you! So come and breed for clan or no turn back!"

Lucas wanted to scream at them to fuck off, to tell them that he'd kill them all, but all that came out were pathetic whimpers and tears as he ran on stubby legs, trying to convince himself that they were wrong, that he'd be turned back soon and he'd get every last one of them dead soon enough. He just had to turn back…

One Year Later


"Oh Luuuuk~!"

"Luk coming Vulre..."

There was a shower of glass and mead on the ground, a full trays worth as Luk swept it into a small pile. It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to have turned back ages ago. Sure the guild understood that Lukas had vanished, but since she had had his clothes and as the guild girl stated, "there's no way someone as accomplished as Lukas would fall prey to a weak goblin spell. He said he was immune to the demon king's torture magic to me once!" the suspicion was immediately that she had taken him unawares and killed him to try and masquerade as a knight for the goblins. He had to flee, chased by knights and mages as his own lies from past adventures caught up to him.

That's how he ended up twelve towns away, starving and broke as he had to abandon his old name, the tales of a goblin calling themselves Lucas spreading far and wide. She became Luk then, reluctantly following rumors of another adventurer turned goblin, hoping there would be a way to turn back when she got there. Instead all she found was a former elf whose mind had fully gone, happy to flaunt her body for the customers as she earned a pretty penny serving and whoring. With no other leads, no more food and Vulre's tavern looking for a cleaning person, she had no choice but to become the maidservant for the owners, especially when Vulre let it slip who she had been.

"Ah what a shame that we'll have to call the guild, unless that criminal was an employee of ours..."

So began Luk's hell. The worst part was how jealous she became of Vulre, her disgust over her own female body turned to frustration that she wasn't even hot enough to get tips or earn the favor of any adventurers. She had to sleep to the sounds of Vulre fucking and wake to clean up her messes at dawn.

As the party next to her cleanup ordered another round, she couldn't help but overhear them talking of a recent raid.

"-finally got rid of those bastards in the caves up north. There had been a few disappearances and guess what they found? Clothes and gear from the missing! The guild made sure to take care of those ghouls. They even found a magic workshop of some rudimentary potions stuff."

"What those idiots had magic? What could they even do? Spark a twig to fire?"

"The hell if I know! The mages said it was all so poorly thought out and ramshackle they couldn't make sense of any of it. Ended up burning the whole thing saying the hexes were unfixable and- Eh?"

The mage was distracted by the intense stare Luk was giving him, her eyes on the verge of tears.

"What's your problem? Move on with it! We paid for that already!"

Luk sighed as she finished sweeping up, sniffling a little as she gathered the glass and swept it away, realizing this was going to be her life from now on. There was no turning back. As she dumped the glass into a basket, Vulre bumped into her, smirking as she said, "Aww flat girl trying get big man? I have big man for you upstairs. He drank too much and now dinner is on the floor! Have fun maid girl."

Luk sighed as she got a washcloth and a bucket, thinking of how much she hated goblins as she stumbled up the stairs.


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