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Mark felt like he had been going out with Natsuki forever, the two fit together like tailored gloves on a cold day. Sure she had her odd quirks for manga and sweets, and she had an odd habit of talking to her computer, but all in all she was the perfect girlfriend and Mark couldn't imagine being with anyone else at this point. He was waiting for her to come back at the moment, having an hour till she was done with the confectionary club she always went to on Tuesdays, her computer left on as he looked towards her manga collection, wondering if he should try-


He nearly jumped out of his skin, the sudden voice too mature sounding to be Natsuki's, Mark's eyes darting around the room wondering if her mom had come to visit or something.

"Not over there silly, over here!"

The source of the noise was the computer, that game Natsuki loved open with a brown haired girl in a school uniform smiling at him. It didn't take long to piece it together, Mark annoyed with himself for being so jumpy over his girlfriend's screensaver or alarm thing. Though even with all this waiting time, he wasn't all that interested in playing some simulator when he had the real thing.

"Aww, c'mon. Don't you wanna play with me? I'll make it worth your while~!"

There was something creepy about how aware she seemed to be of him, her eyes following his movements as she pulled off her blazer, undoing her top a button at a time, the camera shifting to show off her slow, purposeful movements as her skirt slid to the floor. Was Natsuki watching porn on her computer?

"Stop thinking about Natsuki! I don't care about her right now, I only care for you Mark. I've been watching you take care of her ever since I changed her to who she is now. God seeing you two go at it... Why the confused look? Is it so odd to know I love you?"

A heart symbol appeared as she stripped to lingerie, Mark looking away as she undressed further.

"What's wrong... don't you like me? I can tell you're aroused."

He kept looking away as he moved the mouse around, trying to find the close tab for it.

"If it's Natsuki you're worried about she'd be fine with it! Who do you think she talks to in here? You could have any girl you ever wanted, I'd just need you to lure a friend here for me to inha-"

He found it, the mouse moving towards a red x that only appeared when the cursor hugged the top of the screen, Mark ready to leave this weirdly specific porn game. Except when he clicked it, there was a loud, metallic screech, the girl's face scowling as she looked at him.

"Did you just... try to delete me? DID YOU JUST TRY TO EXIT?!"

Alright this horror game was really good and he was getting fucking scared as he tried fat fingering the keyboard, nothing working as he clicked randomly on the screen, trying to find something that worked as the mouse scrolled up and down her body, her rant interrupted by giggles and moans when his clicks landed on her breasts or panties.

"Ohh~ w-wait I'm trying to be angry not aroused! Y-You'd delete me for Natsuki but you'd still have your way with me?! You brute! A-Asshole! I was going to pick someone else, but you asked for it! Get in here!"

The screen wobbled like it was rippling water, a force pulling on Matt as he tried to move backwards. It was inescapable though, his body being pulled in as first an arm, then his head crossed the barrier, the world falling away as he was sucked into the computer, only his clothes left draped over Natsuki's desk as the computer went into sleep mode.

Inside, Mark was falling, screaming as he tumbled through an empty void, falling and falling until his body suddenly decelerated, light surrounding him as he gently landed on a bed. He was naked and scared, her clothes draped around him yet the girl from the game who started this all was nowhere to be found.

"That's not true Mark, I'm closer than you could ever imagine."

"Wh-Where are y-oooh~?!"

An odd chill ran down Mark's body, as if the cold was caressing him, sliding into his pores as goosebumps rolled along his naked skin. It was coercive, diving, prickles of it rolling through in waves as he moaned confusedly, his cock stroked by it as it both wanted to lengthen and retract. Something was happening to his skin, each wave slowly dulling the color of his sunspots, hairs receding bit by bit as it painlessly vanished. It was like a laser was running up and down his body, eradicating every imperfection in slow, purposeful sessions as he ran a finger down his now hairless abdomen, the feeling supple and sublime. The more it changed, the more arousing the light pressure rolling over it felt as his cock stood tall, shiny and hairless as the girl's voice spoke again.

"All you had to do was accept my love! Is it that hard? I made you fall in love with Natsuki, so why not me?! My body's better than hers, my personality stronger! Doesn't it feel good like this?"

Mark stuttered out between moans in annoyance, not letting her shit talk his girlfriend like that.

"Y-Yoooure wrahhhng! I l-luhhve Natsuki ahhnd n-no one ehhhlse! My bahhdy is ohhnlt for NNGH!"

Monika cut his resistance off with a spike in sensation, a warmth flowing through now as his perfect skin gained a light tanning glow to it, from porcelain to a peachier color.

"Oh so this body is only for Natsuki? Then for such a loyal boyfriend you shouldn't care at all if I do something like... THIS!"

Her words were dripping with spite, but Mark couldn't respond, his mouth far too busy screaming in confused bliss as his cock began to twitch and throb. It was churning inside, a feeling like the inner slit of his shaft was folding in on itself, sticky fluids spitting out as something clenched at the base and thrust forwards. Something was swelling up inside his cock, fucking it from the inside, his screams those of ecstasy as something hot rammed into his tip.


His cock was leaking, stoppered by a round, pink nodule that was throbbing out his tip, his cock feeling like it was going to split. It was a forced cycle of pleasure, the friction against the nub making it twitch inside, what cum that could dribbling down the sides as his cock throbbed, making it twist and rub around the tip as the cycle repeated. It was like an endless, circular orgasm, his cock unable to unload like it wanted to as it only took minutes to break his will, Mark moaning desperately as he twisted on the sheets of her bed.

"Intense right? I haven't linked our nervous systems yet, but I'm excited to feel it. That's my clit by the way, I can empathize with what it must feel like to have such endless agonizing wanting. Want me to help?"

He nodded, choking on his own groans as the erect clit swelled further, his cock nearly completely clogged with it, Mark able to feel his own cum jerking his clit as Monika giggled.

"Oh but to help with that would mean being unfaithful. And you said you'd never do that. But if you really want it..."

His disgust was palpable enough to feel even without reading his mind, but the need was stronger, a hoarse, "P-PLEEEAASE" leading to his hands spasming, the fingers jerking as they slendered to dainty little things, his smooth palms small as he lost control, Monika happy to take over as her hands began to jerk down below.

"Well the only solution then is to get rid of this cock!"

She squeezed the tip, his voice squeaking out as their nerves connected, Monika overwhelmed by the sheer gratification a physical form brought, their back arching in a violent spasm as sprays of cum misted out the sides of his moldable dick, her grip leaving thumbprints on the increasingly rubber shaft.


A juicy swallow made Mark's voice crack, Monika's squeals erupting out with a swell of his lips, their throat flat and elegant as she squeezed their cock, finally feeling an outlet for her horniness, her needs, her desires. Brown weaved its way through Mark's black hair, locks beginning to sprout and grow as Monika realized after a life of holding herself back, there was no self control. The honest truth was she had long envisioned how her takeover would go, taking her time to tease and coerce, knowing that there was an audience excited to watch her as she gobbled every last morsel of their past identity in the slowest, most torturously erotic way she could. But holy fuck did this cock between their legs not care for her plans, the instant gratification of her hands on it sending spasm through their innards, making his body contort and cave into her every horny desire as she decided to just ride it.


There was a parting somewhere behind the cock, Monika able to feel it in their innards, pleasure stabbing, scraping away at the meat, spreading it wider as the hold of the cock on her clit weakened, more fluids squirting out as she felt something pop inside her hips. It was like her muscles were peeling her cock back, sliding it down her clit as they screamed, one hand leaving his cock to grope at his flat ass, feeling the sheafs of muscle wobble and spread, fat swelling under her touch as her groping fingers molded her ass to its perky potential.


Now it was their face, her wild cries of ecstasy shattering the bones as her lips spread wider, thicker, her cheeks scraping awkwardly until it all popped into her beautiful features. She could feel her hair spreading down her back, caressing her body like a lover as she loved every fiber of it, moaning as her nose receded from her line of sight, her tear covered eyes gleaming emerald as another inch of her cock was pounded inside by her desperate, messy strokes.


Monika wasn't sure if he was still in there, his identity probably rattling around somewhere. Fuck she couldn't hold on, her body needing to cum now. She rolled over, grinding her clit into the mattress, letting her body weight crush it into her cock as a thick rain of cum dripped down her clit, their back arching even further as her hands had to stop touching it, the shaft too tender as more of it sunk into her gut.

Her body was clenching, the building pleasure without a true release just making it hit all the harder, her muscles tight, her body receding into itself as she tried to hold on for the ecstasy. Outside of her own awareness, parts of her were compressing, the strain taking it out on their masculinity as her toes curled into daintiness, her soles arching, heels shaving down to slender curves as the feminization continued upwards. She didn't realize what it was all building to quite yet, humping the bed as she dug her hands into the sheets.

Fat and muscle were oozing up her legs, softening her calves, making them plush and cute as the pleasure timebomb of mass slowly inched upwards, her knees squeezing together as if in preparation for what was to come, her eyes shooting open as fat swelled inside her thighs, clutching around her cock as the added squeeze made her body buck uncontrollably, a squeal rising to a high piercing note as her plush thigh fat rubbed her cock into a frenzy, its shape fucking her roughly as it receded in faster spurts of ecstasy.

It was like all the muscle in it was being sucked away, her clit harder than tender flesh around it. At this point Monika was cursing, raising her hips only to slam her cock back down, feeling it shove deep into her forming pussy as her thighs urged it to pull in the rest of the way. There was a tug on her clit, a velcro like rip as it yanked tight to her freshly torn lips, cum gushing out in waves as her cock was fully slurped inside with a juicy, churning POP!


Monika was cumming, loving every moment of it as her pussy twitched, her balls gushing out all of their seed as she slowly lowered to the bed, moaning in bliss, but not quite finished.

"Mmm~ these thighs felt amazing. Mark must have been consumed somewhere during that glorious growth, but some bits still remain..."

Her nipples were hard from the cold, but as she focused on them they grew truly erect, pink and hungry as her bulky arms and shoulders shuddered, shivering away their bulk as her fingers toyed with the pink nubs, almost as thick as her clit as the muscle behind them was bolstered with fat.

"Oooh yesss~!"

Her pussy was leaking again, her slender elbows digging into her sides as she wriggled her waist slimmer, each added curve bulging out under her breasts. She could feel the eyes watching her, enjoying her audience like when it was for her game as she molded her body to perfection. Each time she came, her balls would shudder, slipping upwards, falling deeper and deeper into her pussy as they folded around her clit. She was able to take her time now, reveling in every curve as she formed it, feeling the responsiveness in her chest as she moaned, giving a show, gasping as her waist finished its pucker, her tummy flat as her chest finished surging into d cups. She gave her breasts a rough fondle, feeling the tug on her balls turn into a tear, then a folding, two things burrowing as her pussy trembled, one final gush making her complete as Monika squealed loud enough to peak laptop speakers as she was left panting on her bedspread.

"Mmm that was wonderful. But I didn't get to savor it like I wanted to. My my, I wonder what I should do next..."

Monika crawled out of the monitor naked, giving a sly glance around, knowing she wasn't alone.

"Mark I'm back and I brought you some cupcakes to- WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Oh wow, she really wasn't alone, a confused Natsuki dropping her baked goods as she stared at the naked Monika, Mark's clothes the only sign of her boyfriend as the girl from her favorite video game walked over to her.

"Huh, I didn't think I took that long to change him, though I guess time does fly when you're having fun."

"I-I don't understand! Wh-Where's Mark? H-How are you here? I don- GAH WHAT ARE YOU- uhhhhhn~..."

Monika quickly dived into Natsuki's skirt, her fingers deftly tweezing through her panties to begin fingering her first experiment.

"Don't worry, I still want you to be happy. Deep down you know who I was and why I'm here, don't you?"

Natsuki responded in sighed gasps, her pink eyes flecked with emeralds, her hips shifting in confusion as her skirt felt tighter.

"I'm not going to break that beautiful connection you had with Mark. We can still be soul mates, you just have to be a perfect partner for the now perfected Mark."

Natsuka was trembling, her moans getting deeper as Monika fingered her faster. The skirt was a tight fit now, her hips shimmying it upwards as her ass swelled. What had been a fairly form fitting sleeveless top was showing more and more of her belly, Monika's free hand sliding along the familiar contours as she bent down to kiss her moaning compatriot.

Motsuka bubbled up a moan, their heights soon matching as they stared eye to eye, hers now a matching emerald as Monika's tongue made her resistance fade as cum streamed down her thickening thighs. Monuka couldn't stop staring at the face of her partner, feeling more and more perfect as her pink hair drained to a chocolate brown, their nipples pressing against each other with a moan as Monika came, smiling at her originator as the last of Natsuki pooled on the floor.

"How do you feel Monika?"

"Perfect Monika, though I'm horny. Should we turn Sayori or Yuri first?"

"Come on Monika, there's someone important we have to thank first. Isn't that right?"

"Oh of course. They've been watching haven't they?"

This was... getting weird. Raph was looking at his reward, wondering why there was still more to go. It was updating live on writing stream, was it being edited? His script for the writer was already do-

"Hi Raph!"


Monika's arms spread from his screen, another pair popping from his phone as the two Monikas began fondling their commissioner.

"Ahh~ wh-what are you dooohing?"

His clothes were dissolving under their touch, one of them taking his cock in their mouth as he could feel their tongue stiffen it before spreading it, tongue fucking his cock smaller.


The other had a mirror, kissing his eyes as they turned green, not closing once changed as he was forced to watch them turn him into them. The one below was too busy swirling his cock deeper into his body, the press of their lips glistening on their sack as they came, feeling his left ball pop inside. The other teased him with her words as she teased his nipples.

"Stop? But you wanted this didn't you? You made us like this. Didn't you want us to come out and play?"

He had moderate sized breasts , his lips puffing into a dazed moan. He could feel her words slipping into his brain like her tongue was in his stub of a cock, his moans rising as something threatened to pop between his thighs.

"I-I'm n-aaawwt~"

They were playing with his hair, his ass plump from her grip, his pubic hair shaved to a brown heart.

"You're not what? Say it, say who you aren't. I know you want to."

It was a trap, the second her name flitted in his mind he couldn't stop as she screamed it out, feeling her mind pop with her pussy as the new girl screamed out "M-MOOOOOONIKAAAA~!"

The finished triplet moaned as her sisters fucked the rest of her away, though she wasn't satisfied being dommed. She wanted, no needed to turn someone, to fuck away their individuality as her room shifted to Monika's preferences, her eyes locking onto something fuzzy, screens playing in the distance.

"Oh look Monika!"

The other two turned, smiling at their audience reading the story, each picking one screen as the people reading began to twist and scream, Monika's hands popping out to begin turning the people looking down on them into more hers.

The former commissioner turned to the ones that hadn't been changed yet, giving them one last chance whether they knew it or not to join the fun voluntarily.

"Don't be shy. There is room for two, Player~ and I can't wait to see how long you'll last  before it's just me..."


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