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Something wasn't working, and it wasn't the director nor his costar. Perhaps that was too harsh, Araya Myojin was considered to be the top of the theater world for male actors, and his costar Chiyoko was the top of the scripted world as far as girls go. It wasn't a clash in ability, but one of styles. She was a fast learner, but the world of television and theater were as far as her character was from happiness in act one. He was the adaptive one, always priding himself on being able to "swallow" any partner and make them a part of him for his performance. The so called Angel of Stars clearly floated far above any past partner in her etherealness, so it was up to him to properly incorporate her into his method.

This was a larger challenge than he expected, his focus straining as he found his approach too shallow. How would she react? How would she think? How would she be? It wasn't enough to create a pale imitation of her, he had to become her fully, cannibalizing her essence. To the outside observer it would seem like he was going comatose, only the light flexing of his temples showing signs of life. A full rolodex of his interactions with her were replaying as he delved deeper into his image of the angel, aiming for more than just a copy as his feet clenched in his shoes. They felt uncomfortable, dead weights on the image of Chiyoko, her barefoot nervous skipping one of the first things to truly pierce his consciousness as he dived deeper and deeper. There was a pleasant crinkle to the bones in his feet as he imagined her steps and poise, his toes relocking into joints, slimming along with his pads as his shoes grew loose. With a near silent pop his arches flexed higher, his heels carved down to the epitome of femininity as in an annoyed huff he gave two quick kicks, both shoes and socks flying off to leave Chiyoko's bare toes digging into the carpet, his tracing only just beginning.

Something wasn't working and it was definitely him, Riku Ogami breaking out into a cold sweat as he realized the eyes of everyone were being drawn away from him. He hated that feeling, like an extra step in the dark, that feeling of the floor giving away into a vast chasm frightening for a man whose entire life had been built on overwhelming bravado and stage presence. No one was ever able to compete with him on any other stage in life, even an accidental extra role turning to stardom as his presence outshone the leads. He found it hard to tell if Kei Yonagi was a star too bright to gaze at or a black hole that drew everyone in, himself included as neither were very comforting. Would he have to change? No that went against everything he had stood for in life as an actor, as a person! And yet he just couldn't compete.

"You seem weak monkey king..."

Her line readings felt more than just a script, like she was mocking him, her role as Lady Iron Fan utterly dominating the stage as it felt forced to even speak his lines. Was this terror he felt? No it couldn't be! He was a star of the screen for years and this girl was just a shade past green even if her acting was phenomenal. He had to outshine-

"I'm waiting for you damn monkey..."

It felt like more than a shiver this time, his cells buzzing as her glare seemed to pierce each one individually, sucking him in like harpooned prey as he felt he was about to be chewed to a pulp and made into a part of Kei, unable to escape her orbit. He had missed a line, quickly saying it as they continued the rehearsal, that all piercing gaze running through him again and again as he felt wrong by the end of it. He barely heard the director's notes as he stumbled home, feeling Kei's gaze as his body felt on the verge of collapse with every step. When he got home he tried flashing himself a cocky grin as if to say he had this, but as he realized he no longer believed that, a loud crack rang the end of his veneer, and his identity.

Araya wasn't yet happy with his vision of his costar, the angels toes in his domain, but he needed to go more than just the results of who she was. Everything came from the head, her psyche what mattered most as he tried to slip inside her mentality, now flipping through the memory rolodex focusing on expressions, her reactions. She often sucked on the middle of her bottom lips subtly when nervous, not chewing despite clearly wanting to. Why was that her habit?

Because my whole body is insured, my face a national treasure.

He let out a sigh at the thought, the ahoge that always stubbornly stuck out at the top of his head turning bone white at the roots, the unruly hair slowly falling down with the other locks on his scalp, an odd white streak amidst the black as a smile formed on his face. Without noticing he was lightly sucking on his bottom lip, the pressure rolling away any cracks or chapness as it puffed out softly, giving the top one a more subtle curve. They weren't luscious by any means, but a close look rendered them appealing, not masculine in the slightest in their curvature.

It was a good start, but the lips were easy, it was the eyes that truly belied the heart of a person. Emotion, truth, the soul, all of it wrapped up in her owl-like gaze. He had scraped the start of her thinking, needing to use that as the baseline to explore more of her as a person. Her face was a natural treasure, which meant there was more pressure on her than most to always look her best. Even in puberty I wasn't allowed to have an awkward phase, my grace mandated to be- His brow furrowed, more strips of white flattening his messy locks, his hair striped like a zebra as a pleasant, massaging pressure collected around his eye sockets. Glints of worry, joy and inferiority registered with every white growth, his lashes fluttering to snowy lengths as his blue irises greened, leaving him huffing as he felt close to a breakthrough. It was a start at least.

It sounded like his skull was shattering, yet instead of pain, only a pulsing numbness that spread from where his flesh undulated, large hunks of solid bone breaking and reshaping in ways that defied logic or reasoning. All he could really do was just breathe through the strangeness, his breaths getting airier and reedier as the numbness encompassed from the top of his scalp to the bottom of his throat. He stood stunned, staring at the mirror, watching as his features crumbled like a sandcastle on the shore, his forehead puckering tight, his ears shrinking as the spongy flesh of his lobes detached further. It was going from the edges inwards, his jutting jaw collapsing to a rounded point, the gap between chin and jaw reduced as his cheeks lost their pretty boy cliffs. An innocence he hadn't had for years softened them as his face shrank inwards, Riku's body feeling sweltered in the heat of some strange force that was churning his features from the inside out.

They went further in now, his lips pursing together as he felt them soften, a bit of plumpness around the hollow that was his mouth, opening mutely as his toothy grin shrank to a girlish gape, even his tongue numb as he watched his uvula squeeze tighter. This caused a swirl of something bitter to rise up, not quite bile but close, the fluids scorching his throat as his breathing rose higher and higher, near hyperventilating as his throat wore away from the inside. His gurgles sounded adorable as he coughed out something, his throat suddenly humming blissfully as it shrank into an elegant tube, his nose burning from the excess fluids as it wriggled down into a tiny jut. For a moment his vision blurred, only the colors of his green eyes purpling, a feeling of the sockets being winched apart painlessly as his eyelashes sprouted alerting him to what was happening as his vision cleared.

It was a nightmare, his fears and inadequacy given form as that glare that haunted him now widened in shock, a few small shifts in the folds of his forehead flattening under the heat of the changes. He slid out of his sweatshirt, his body caked in sweat already, the final indignity in his hair as his usual short cut grew out of the bounds of its spiky resting state. All while it was growing he kept feeling up his own face, gasping in a voice that wasn't his as he felt just how smooth his cheek was, unable to stop feeling each feature to test if they were real. The three overhanging fronds that graced the right half of his face split off in different directions as he remained glued to the mirror, the middle one scrolling upwards as it stood up in the air before fending, forming a crooked ahoge. The other two met behind his head, tying the loos strands of hair into a ponytail as Riku was left staring in shock at Kei's head on his body.

Araya let more of her thoughts in, small tears shedding from the sides of his beautifully hooded eyes as the owlish gold of their irises burned through the fading remnants of blue, molten as his eyes fluttered open. It felt good to have his face reshaped, each crunch of his skull like a bothersome pressure point resolving, a look of bliss flashing on his widened eyes as his scraggly eyebrows plucked into thin, white lines. There was a moment of confusion as his nose sniffed the air, getting less and less sensation as it popped into a sharp curve, his lips pulling in with a pout as the tired bags around his eyes were filled in by perfect, porcelain skin. He breathed out a sigh of relief at the feeling that his insured looks were safe and sound, though something felt off about her voice. He flicked a few of the oily locks overhanging his forehead, conditioner and styling gel oozing down his scalp as he put a finger on his throat, knowing this wasn't how Chiyoko talked, though he was more and more sure he could fix that.

Araya's visualizations were getting stronger, commercials he never watched now intimately intertwined with acting, the production, crafty and even directors starting to swirl in like the white fading away the last of his unruly mop, flattening it as it tickled his chin, his voice cooing as vocal exercises ran through. This was how to roll r's, this was how to trill, this was how to belt and the range you could belt without damaging your throat. You had to twist your tongue like so at all times to project while also being utterly commanding. The vocal lessons were easing any tightness in his throat, the slight damage from barking and performing over the years fading with a cool tingle, his sighs slipping into moans as he kept poking at the lump in his throat, the bump shrinking with every melodic twirl that leapt from his lips.

He pressed and pressed, singing, moaning as he heard her voice as clear as if it was in the room, mostly because it was, her clear, crystalline tone and honey smooth soprano adding to the pleased look in his eyes as his finger slowly grounded the lump to nothing, one final gulp leaving his neck flat and pristine, the unwanted lump sliding down his esophagus before making a small buzzy splash in his stomach.


It felt refreshing, like a deep cleanse in the pit of his stomach as his usually more carefree physique was cemented in contracts. That seemed to be the central component of the Angel, a life entirely in the eyes of the masses and media conglomerates tying down every emotion and body part to a set of pre agreed contracts, half her life already set out in a pretty little package, just like she was. She had mastered hunger and desire for those needs ages ago, her diet regimented heavily though at least her free time was open to her. Arayo moaned, feeling the gurgles in his stomach rising, small bubbles of ecstasy refusing to pop as he felt the angel's touch poke out behind his nipples, diving further into the bliss of Chiyoko.

"This, This isn't p-ahhh~ssible!"

Riku was helpless against the moan, his fingers trembling against his changed face as their calluses peeled away, each finger honed down to a dainty thing against his cheeks as his palms flexed before deflating into a svelte form. It felt so good to rub against his cheek, his fingers moving with a mind of their own as they clasped one another in a self handshake before rotating, grabbing his wrists and squeezing.

I don't need this. The thought rang out in his mind, more strange feelings racing up his arms as his hands slowly molded them down, his wrists snapping therapeutically, his flesh unable to resist the feminine touch shaping them as his hands moved up his arms. What made it humiliating was how damn good it felt, like his muscles were sighing in relief as they were squashed, his bones shrinking under the pressure as the spare mass flowed up in thin, but noticeable bulges. Everything that moved past the edges of his pinkies was girly, not a hint of muscle and springy with the soft fat that made them look decidedly unmasculine. The hands paused around his elbows, the thumbs stabbing into the crook of the joint while his fingers teased the looser backs, Riku feeling it tighten and soften, sweat trickling down his changed flesh as every bead pushed the small hairs out of their pores. His lips were beginning to purse and coo, ignoring what he wanted to say as formless moans eked from his throat, gradually taking shape.


His hands were firmly scrunching his tris and bis, the meat of his inner arm grounding to slimness as his magic fingers kept squeezing upwards, reaching his shoulders as they began to hug them inwards.


Drool mixed with sweat as the sockets of his shoulders began to rotate on their own, pleasure surging with every crick as they were drawn in tighter, rounder, Riku panting as Kei's voice rang out, moaning against his control as they popped.


Arayo had never felt anything like the sensations building in his nipples before, a new facet of feeling he had to explore in the moment. His hoodie was  loose enough to easily give his fingers room to poke against the force pushing against his nipples from within. He let out a quiet moan, feeling them bloat slightly, the flesh smoother from its former bumpy state, yet also harder, his cock giving a twitch from the sensation. It felt amazing, yet also wrong, the wrongness coming from his fingers as those brutish tools were hardly fit for teasing her body. They should be more refined, elegant, dainty...

He paused his foray, agreeing with the thoughts, remembering when they had held hands in practicing some of their combos. Their shape, their size, their dexterity. The unkempt nails of his fingers shed all dirt and grime, rising out slightly as white polish painted them, the whirls of his fingers changing, his mental image growing as they lengthened. Their form was smaller, his joints creaking as each one popped into their new shape, the skin paling as soon both hands were the definition of refined elegance.

He gave his nipples another poke, moaning louder as the pleasure of it encompassed him, the nubs swelling noticeably now as the flesh around them pinkened to soft, sensitive discs. The hairs on his arms stood over fields of goosebumps, each hair silently popping out its pore as the bumpy flesh flattened, a wonderfully loose feeling of bliss shrinking them smaller and smaller, his hands receding up the sleeves of his hoodie. As his wingspan decreased, his nipple teasing had to pause, each swirl further from the source of pleasure as they scraped against the insides of his hoodie.


Arako's face scrunched in discomfort, his breathing heavy as something didn't feel right, the environment all wrong as it messed with his picture of this new emotion. I wouldn't wear something cheap and rough like this, no the angel would wear... Oh yesss…

While Riku's mouth moaned in sounds of bliss, his mind was utterly terrified, his throat and lips lost to him, even his facial features twisting into an almost mocking grin as his broad frame shrunk to a petite, womanly size.

No! NOO! I cannot be turning into her! I have to fight back! I have to regain contr-

His thought was interrupted by a giggled moan, Kei's fingers peeling the sweat stained t shirt up, looking at his muscled midsection with a look that was both intrigued and disgusted.

"You gain control? Well it is true that this would stop if you did that, but can you even set the pace?"

His body recoiled from her touch, Riku trying to keep away from her slow moving hands though it didn't take long for her to have his back against the wall, her fingers clasping around his nipples.

"Mmm~ you know why this is h-ahhh~ppening don't you Rik-ooooh~?"

The shed weight from the earlier changes was all bunched up behind his collarbone, uncomfortably pressurizing the area as Kei began teasing and shifting the brown lumps, moaning as pleasure mixed with the initial pain, feeling sweat cleanse his upper body of any hair as she tugged on the resistant flesh.

"We must always be the center of attention, isn't that right? You always had to be the leading role and deep down, you realized you couldn't measure up."

Kei gasped, her monologue interrupted as the nipples surged to dark pink tenderness, her pulling loosening the dense layers of muscle behind as fat squirted into the forming cavities. It felt like a garden hose compressed to a thin jet, two of them soaking the insides of their nipples with fat as they began to swell, a lustful howl rising from her lips as even the Riku inside moaned at the feeling of fat bunching together inside his chest.

N-OHHH~! I r-ref-OOHse t-to be a side character in my own b-ahhdeeEE!

That made Kei smirk.

"Then you should be happy Riku. In case you forgot, the lead in this play is Lady Iron F-AHHHHN~!"

Arako was in deep concentration, gripping their sweatshirt at the zipper line, imagining it different than the cheap garment it was. As if his touch was purifying, the black was being erased, snow white fabric left behind as the hood shrank into a stiff dress collar, the textured inside flattening to a smooth, silk interior. It was shrinking down, tight on his frame, but his body took that as a queue that it wasn't fully there in his mental image, letting the cloth guide it to Chiyoko's slender size, his shoulders rolling to help their transition to rounded, smooth borders. Better yet, the fabric of his half formed dress did wonders for his nipples, that feeling of luxury innately right as his cock turned hard, outlined against the skirt as his fingers let go of the malformed zipper that was half buttons, ready to investigate that alien feeling once more.

Like a good actor, he made sure to explore every facet his nipples could provide, his moans lilting upwards as his cock throbbed from the sensation. It was such fun to even just circle the source of sensitivity, the lewd sensations making it feel like some kind of erotic mosquito bite where just scratching around the source did the same as squeezing it. But that wasn't adventurous enough for his image, he had to go further, feeling the already plump cushioning behind each one, his fingers prodding as that luxurious plushness felt like it should be all around her body.

The pleasure built, his moans becoming frequent as his thin waist puckered, what meager muscle his body allowed all pulling up into his swelling chest, doubling, then tripling the ecstasy as he teased his nipples out further. It only felt right for his waist to sacrifice its mass for his breasts, her figure was under contract as well though it rarely ever felt this, this-

"Ahhh yes ohh ohh yes..."

Aroko moaned as he came, the pleasure too much as it jolted him from his stupor, the actor gasping for breath as he finally saw his new reflection.

Riku was trying to deny the pleasure, silencing the thoughts of how good her fingers felt on his muscles, a pounding pleasure corkscrewing through them as the individual muscle groups didn't so much vanish as much as compress. Strong, feminine surges were flowing from her fingertips, Kei's hands massaging his core, each squeeze leaving the skin under it smoother, softer, plusher. It was a process, but his sides were ever so slowly rounding inwards, her magic fingers scrunching them as the hints of curves grew more apparent as the minutes passed. For a second he thought she was already stroking his cock, but it was his nipples as he stared down in horror at the rising lumps, the subtle movements of his shirt stroking him to full mast.

K-Kei would neeehhhver d-hooo this to- t-to-

They both squealed as Kei pinched down on their nipples, the muscle behind them sagging into the rising cavity as they panted from the sensation of having a cups.

"Oh I wouldn't? Well it's not my fault that SOMEONE was a BAD PARTNER!"

That anger was more Lady Iron Fan than the regular Kei, like the goddess she had channeled was now putting divine punishment on his body only it was the pleasure that was divine. He felt ashamed to be enjoying it, his thighs flexing against his cock since he was unable to service it himself, her hands too busy sculpting the last of his muscle into a fit, feminine core, their nipples red and needy from the constant pouring of sweat running over them as their pleasured shaking made the shirt's heavy grip feel like some lover's touch as his stomach heaved, the front of his body smaller than the back, a slight hunch upping the pressure on his spine.

"What? Nothing clever to say?"

She was angling her hands to the small of their back, mocking him as she leaned to crack one half of their waist into an arch.

"It's because deep down you know I'm right. Your fears made me to help you measure up. Well, how does it feel to measure up Riku?"




It felt amazing, a thin layer of fat forming from the inches lost, giving Kei's fit stomach an appealing softness amidst the muscles of her day jobs, his back and sides fully curved as their chest gave one final surge of ecstasy. Precum boiled out their cock, the heat of pleasure and change rising, nearly impossible to slow as Kei pulled the soaked t shirt up, using it as a fan to cool off her burning body as they moaned as one.

"If you want to prove me wrong Riku then this is your last chance. I can barely hold back what's about to cum myself. But if you realize that it's hopeless then do us both a favor and get out of my way."

She peeled their shirt off, ready to take care of the pest between their legs…

"What? This- mmm~!"

Aroko's surprise was interrupted by another surge of lust, his waist still cinching inwards with the cut of the dress, the sleeves cutting off and falling to the floor as cum stained his boxers. He watched his stomach heave in and out, progressively less out until it settled into a perfectly flat curve, his breasts tenting against the fabric as his cock continued to pump out its contents. It felt so right to let it continue, the sight of Chiyoko's moaning face more inspiration to be perfection, the unchanged parts feeling more and more out of place as she looked at her reflection.

But this wasn't right. He was a woman. No no, that was the projection talking he wasn't Chiyoko, but he could be. It wasn't quite denial but a curiosity, a giggle escaping his lips as he imagined what Chiyoko would say, her voice coming effortlessly to him.

"Ah, need a little convincing? I mean you wouldn't want to leave a job unfinished would you? How mean of you Araya. Leaving me a malformed copy. Besides you haven't gotten to the best part yet."

She gave a coy smile to her audience, a finger giving a cutesy innocence to it while her right hand effortlessly slid under the dress and gripped their throbbing cock.

He had almost forgotten that was his name, Chiyoko just sounding right, fitting in the hollows of his cheeks as the Angel made sure to show him a taste of heaven, her fingers dancing around his cock as she slowly stroked the body of it while shoving down on it with her thumb. He let her lead him, the memories flowing into his 'copy' as the original grew more and more hollow, moaning as his balls clenched tighter and tighter. Chiyoko didn't seem to mind how much cum was streaming down her thighs, after all, these weren't her thighs yet and she wanted to be a proper teacher, letting him discover facets of her body that no one but herself had ever found nor felt. The cum eventually stopped, clear, sputtering droplets wheezing from the tip, his balls tight little raisins.

"Mmm~ e-empty are we? Let me, ooh~ take care of th-AHHHT!"

In a fluid motion, her fingers popped his balls, the two squealing together as that first taste of insertion made tears of joy trickle from their eyes. They were both into it, turning fantasy to reality, moaning as his cock began to shrink. He could feel the chasm swallowing it, muscle moistening as it began to swallow it whole. Clear spunk flowed, washing away the old as her thumb kept pressing, Aryoko on the verge of utter submissiveness as ecstasy beyond anything he ever felt mixed in his mind, Chiyoko's hands stopping right before he came, his cock's head the only piece sticking out of her hungry slit.

"Oh I'm not here to do all the work Araya. After all, it's your wonderful method that started this. Though I don't understand why, surely you don't want to become me entirely."

She left him purposefully on edge, letting the rest of his will regroup, though she knew what his answer would be. Might as well let the actor figure out his new motivations for a bit before he settled into the starring role.

Riku was desperately trying to fight back, not willing to admit her presence was too overwhelming to fight. There was no way a star like him would lose in his own body! He was the star of his life! Him and only-


Kei's fingers stabbed into a ball, the roughness making his tensed up cock loosen, their hips bucking as she squashed it inside, driving Riku into maddening levels of ecstasy as she forced the rest of it inside, tearing the flattened flesh with her nails as clear juices steamed from the opening, his cock spewing out load after load as his left testicle was assimilated by his insides, churning them as a hot feminine feeling spread through their body. The pleasure seemed to jar Kei out of control, Riku's hands returned to him as he desperately tried to take some semblance of control.

He dived a hand into the fresh slit, trying to pull out his missing ball. All that did was make him orgasm harder, moaning in her voice as his other ball was starting to shrink inside with every release.

"Ahhh~ b-baahhhd idea s-start with the e-easy stuuuuuhff!"

Without giving it much thought he moved his hands to his bare chest and palmed them as hard as he could, ignoring the initial surge of pleasure that came with it as he desperately tried to undo at least one single change. To his relief he began to feel progress, groaning and grunting as his breasts began to deflate, the nipples squashed to numbness as the fat squirmed lower.

"I-I am Riku Ogami! I won't lose to any a-any-"

He was trying to make a cool speech as his chest flattened, feeling victorious as he prepared for his muscle to return, or for his curves to even out. But to his surprise, the shifted mass kept sliding down, ignoring his midsection entirely as fat surged into his ass.


There was no process, just burning ecstasy as his cheeks inflated, cum pouring from the tip as his nipples sprung back up, ready to undo his meager victory.

Aryoko was struggling to fight, grateful for Chiyoko's mercy as he began to undo his image of her, thinking of himself. The most she did was giggle as if amused, urging him on as he tried to ignore the thoughts of letting her take over his everything.

"That's the spirit Araya! Go back to your sulking self! I mean it has to be better than me, right?"

Again there was that tone that implied she knew the answer already, yet he continued, clenching muscles he didn't even know existed between his thighs as he yelped, his cock clawing its way out of the depths of her pussy. It was a torturous process, the nerve endings incredibly sensitive, each inch that slid out feeling like he was being fucked as it rolled against his walls. Eventually it was all out, glistening with vaginal residue, Arayoko clutching his core as he tried to force an ovary out, the stubborn organ remaining firm as he was forced to dig around in there.

"...N-NGGH...C-COME ON..."

He felt a string that receded up into one side of his labia, tugging on it as he felt heat deep in the side of his navel, moaning as vaginal juices dribbled from his cock, reinverting his ovary into a testicle by hand as the sorry looking thing hung limply from his red, aching manhood.

"H-Have t-ooooh d-dooo this… h-have to be who I ahhhhm~!"

He couldn't bear the thought of repeating it as he was, one hand teasing his labia to try and get it to wrap around his ball while the other moved to his chest, pushing down on the plush flesh. Out of the corner of his eye he saw one of the perfect snowy locks pop up as he pressed down on the erogenous zone, regaining its color, its oils, its messiness. The thought sprang up on its own, what a disgusting color to have. More popped up as he continued to push, his disgust growing as he noticed one eye losing its golden coloring, fading to blue as his nipple became male again. It was at that point he realized the truth, that he didn't want to be Araya, she wanted to be Chiyoko.

While Araya was giving in, Riku was fighting back. Well, trying to at least. A lot of effort was being spent as well as masculinity to keep up his struggle, his unwillingness to give in forcing him through unbearable, unending ecstasy as he stubbornly kept at his breasts. It didn't matter that they had already swelled up to half their previous size, his ball half spent and receded, h-he'd just push them down again, and again, a-and- It all rushed down back into his hips now, straining the bands of his shorts as it felt like his cock was going to explode any moment.


His ass felt massive and sensitive, the bands of his shorts against it feeling unbearable as he gave up on his right breast to tear them off, leaving him fully nude as he came at the feeling of her breast reemerging.


He clenched his cock and grit his teeth, it doing little to stop the squeals that followed as he had to reexperience it all, grinding the breast down with the heel of his palm as tears streamed from his clenched eyes. They opened in time to see the fat fall again, past his stomach, his hips, his cock, the latter feeling like an impossibly invasive handjob as the base of his cock shifted like a tower on loose land. All that fat surged into his right thigh, the flesh slapping against his cock as his remaining ball shrunk to the size of a raisin, nearly all his seed spent. He lifted his right leg up, refusing to cede any more.


He did a great kabuki stomp, reasserting control as his fading muscle squeezed, the fat flinging back up past his cock as the shape of his leg returned to how it was. And like his muscle, the fat returned to where it was, refusing to budge as it forced his right hand back, flinging it away as he fell to his knees, squealing and cumming as his remaining testicle slurped inside with a messy, moist POP!

Ariyoko tugged at her male nipple, moaning as that beautiful gold color returned to her eyes, the right shade, the one that she needed. It was fun to try and turn back for a brief moment, but she knew why the inner her sounded so certain, why the answer was obvious. It was impossible to settle for anything less once you've experienced perfection. There was no original, no copy, just Chiyoko as she felt her breast return, those unruly strands of hair flopping down into her perfect style.

"I knew you'd come around eventu- e-eventu- oh oh ohhhhh OHHH~!"

Her bit of gloating was interrupted, the loose testicle hanging suddenly slurped inside, her insides churning as her cock spat out clear wads of ecstasy. She could only scream the word "YES" as it pulled back inside, stirring her insides like a ladle as the discomfort of her cock faded with every coil of it that flipped inside out, her fingers teasing her lips as each building orgasm sent a solid hunk of it popping inside until it was barely visible. She felt it twist a little in there, the height of ecstasy building and building without release, the worming sensation plunging deeper into her gut until she felt it stab something round, piercing it, shifting it, her squeals reaching a fever pitch as the sound of a cork being unplugged was followed by a gush of her pussy's victory champagne, Araya just a pit stop in her mind as Chiyoko came as a woman proper.

"God that was so splendid I could almost curse over it, but ah such a messy rebirth, and he left such bothersome killjoys for me to clean up."

Her ass and legs were still his, Chiyoko finding it funny that they started with the feet and forgot the legs, but there was no one left to play with besides herself. Figuring she might as well enjoy it, Chiyoko decided to do just that, teasing her slit as she prepared to finish up her body.


Speaking was growing impossible, his mouth unable to close as drool and moans poured endlessly from it. His other hand was pushed away, barely offering resistance to the firm breast surging underneath, the nipple popping out last as all that pleasure coiled into his cock, a need for a stronger release than what it could offer growing. His eyes rolled backwards as his softened right thigh began to bloat, teasing the freshly ruptured skin where his balls had been. He tried to stomp it away like last time, only resulting in his right foot shrinking down. His calf jiggled with fat as it rounded, the feminine leg squeezing around his cock, forcing it to continually cum as Kei finally began to laugh.

"What a poor show. Already doing the same old tricks in barely the time a scene would play out. I'm ready to work the rest of you out of my system."

He could feel her right leg gaining one final batch of toning, countless jobs of running adding muscles to the softness, giving a hard layer that pushed on his cock, his left leg stamping and squirming as Kei slowly let it turn to hers. His hands flung to her breasts, teasing and kneading them as her thighs continued to shift his cock between them, ready to give it its curtain call.

"I wanted to see what you would do with my arms, but you can't change your ways. That's why I'll change them for you. After all, I am the star right?"

Somewhere in the corner of her mind, Riku was moaning, repeating the same line as his widened down the middle an invisible hook dragging it in as her thighs squeezed it slimmer.


Kei moaned as she brought a hand down to the leaking mess, squeezing the tip forcefully as a buckshot of ecstasy backfired into her innards, a high pitched squeal echoing as the tip was squashed into a bulging clitoris, the cock fucking it as blow after blow of cum slammed into the unyielding clit, the orgasms chaining stronger.


She could feel it finally start to split, the cum trapped inside gushing as her clit was dragged to where it belonged, the last of his shaft inverting as their minds slammed together, one shattering under the ecstasy.

The last dying flickers of his consciousness tried to understand it. He wanted to be the star, the center, the one all eyes were on no matter what. He needed it, this burning in his loins impossible to think through, this desire unbearable. He had to get rid of it to be a star, moaning as he felt hands plunge into a burning inferno, the fire getting hotter the more they slammed into the great heat. He was finally feeling it, screaming as the world opened around him, his mind falling into a burning star as he pushed against success until he was scraping it, realizing all at once what she was as the heat twitched, before buckets of water finally cooled it down.


She screamed it, feeling all that pent up desire gush out in a wave of cum, her body twitching as the orgasms rolled through every inch, her sweat soaked body collapsing into her drenched clothing as she felt the last of him finally give in to her will.

"Ohhh gaaawd what a, mmph t-tough audiiience..."

It had taken everything out of her, the waves getting smaller as she let the orgasm take her into unconsciousness, moaning as sleep took the exhausted actress from her life's greatest performance. As she slept the juices of her release bubbled around her old clothing, dyeing the fabric black as it wrapped around her, sweet dreams of Kei and her career nestling her into her uniform as she moaned in her dreams.

Chiyoko was teasing her slit expertly, moaning as she felt her body asserting itself. Her ass plushed nicely, making even just the act of sitting arousing as she rimmed her labia harder, her circles hastening. Her feet rubbed together, the changes from above and below translating to her legs as she began to slip into her pussy itself, gasping as the last of his body hair plucked away, her ankles crunching, hips popping out to grind her knees together. This all sent her fingers deeper, her self image nearly complete as she rubbed her legs together faster, tighter, curves climbing over the flatness of her calves, barely any height lost as she made sure they were long and appealing

Her fingering reached a climax, twirling her clit as she gave an airy squeak, her thighs plump as they gave her the extra push to jab her clit, her feet clenching as she came the last of her former self away, enjoying the simple bliss of being Chiyoko.

As she finished cleaning up, the only sign of Araya his discarded hoodie sleeves, Chiyoko did wonder for a second just how they'd do the play now, realizing that things would be rather awkward for their team.

"I mean it's not like I couldn't play the monkey king, after all he is a shapeshifter and I'd say this makes me more suitable than ever! Ah, but I better inform Riku of the change so he doesn't leave halfway out of annoyance."

She called a cab, putting on her mask as she left his place, glad no paparazzi were around to see the scandal of her leaving a man's house this late at night.

When she arrived she told the cab to wait, knocking a few times as she heard an oddly light sounding voice groan, something shifting near the door before opening it, a tired Kei looking confused as the smell not dissimilar to her after the change rushed into the Angel's nostrils.

"Huh? Where am I- YAAAAAAAWWWN~! Chiyoko? What time is it I feel weird."

Oh now this was interesting, what a tasty little turn.

"Ah did Riku try method acting as well? I'm surprised he'd go that far to match you."

Kei only grew more agitated, scratching her head as she stared at Chiyoko.

"Huh? What does that even mean? Wait this is Riku's place?! I-"

Chiyoko hushed her bringing her into a hug as she pulled out Araya's phone for a picture.

"It means Kei, that we're both going to pull double duty. Now let's snap a picture and send it to our dear directors, you'll understand when you get to rehearsal tomorrow."

It was going to be a very interesting tech period for both Lady Iron Fans, as a confused Kei and knowing Chiyoko looked into the camera, but, perhaps only known to the Angel at the moment, as the camera shutter flashed upon their new lives, she had a pretty good feeling in her heart that the two of them had just ensnared the role of their lifetimes.


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