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It was finally happening, the world would be at peace. Lelouch no longer had to be a revolutionary to get what he wanted, though it irked him to have to admit defeat to his sister of all people, but at least it was for a good cause.

"Why the long face brother? It's almost like you're frustrated I found a pacifist route to take things. What did you want to have something more blood pumping than autonomy for them?"

He smiled.

"No, I'm quite alright with your way, you've been a troublesome foe every step of the way. Right as I thought I had you countered you found a new way to get what you wanted."

"Countered?” That phrasing intrigued the princess.

"How were you planning to make me do what you wanted? You know better than anyone just how headstrong I can be. I must know this secret plan of yours."

He paused for a second, wondering if he should reveal all of his cards, especially one that went against her nature so greatly. Though if they were to be partners from here on out, then he supposed there wasn't any harm in telling her.

"You'd disapprove, but I have a way to get people to do anything I say, no matter how repugnant or terrible they might find it. Why I could even make you... No that would be a stupid joke, but I doubt you'd find it useful to you. After all, you're such a wonderful princess, you should just make more people just like you than worry about my silly pow-"

Euphemia gripped her forehead as he said that, groaning as a tremor ran through her head, her eyes tearing up as the edges turned scarlet.


She gripped her head harder, trying to fight it.

"W-Wait what is happening? Euphemia, you can't be- My Geass?!"

Shit he had known they could sometimes go out of control, but he figured there would be some kind of warning or he would feel it. But what even was his order? Nothing he said had- His thoughts were paused as Euphemia's screams stopped, the silence eerie as her eyes glowed from the order.

"Oh, actually that wasn't too bad. Did I scare you Lelouch? My apologies. I didn't mean to..."


He didn't know what to say, going over his words to try and figure out the order he had given. The closest he could figure was his 'make more people like you' phrasing, but that was so vague and hard to envision that he figured it would just be more fervor towards her usual projects.

"You feel fine Euphy? I'm sorry I didn't think it would go off like that. Thank god I didn't make that first joke or things might have become irreparably bad."

"Ah so you can make orders that people must follow with that ability? Even abstract ones?"

Lelouch was surprised she had taken such an interest in his powers given her usual distaste for such coercive methods.

"Well I haven't found the exact limit but yes most ideas can be brought into reality by my wi-GNNF!"

The last thing Lelouch ever expected was for Euphemia to bash him on the back of his head the second he turned around to monologue, her giggling voice the last thing he heard as the world faded to black.

When he awoke, he found himself bound in a featureless room covered in mirrors, a camera facing him as he looked down, noticing his clothes had been replaced with one of Euphy's dresses. The girl herself was staring ominously at him, her gaze protected by his Zero helmet leaving her immune to other orders.

"E-Euphie what are you doing?! This isn't like you at all! What are you even trying to-"

She shushed him with a finger, opening up her purse to pull out various implements of torture as she gave him a serious look with her mouth.

"Listen Lelouch, I just need your cooperation and we can avoid doing something that will make both of us miserable. Believe me when I say I don't want to hurt you, but to make you and the world better, I absolutely must get you to order with your Geass 'become Euphemia Li Britannia' on video or else all other methods will be subpar."

He balked at the order, confused before he remembered his own order previously. It was at this point he awkwardly noticed that even his usual undergarments had been replaced by lacy panties and a bra, his foreboding growing.

"Y-You're joking! There's other ways to make people like you! C-Can't you just spread your philosophy around?"

That made her laugh as she began to arrange the pliers next to her brother, a few blades and other nasty looking instruments next to them as she gave him a shockingly innocent smile for someone about to torture him.

"Silly I have to make them 'just' like me. Sure I could force surgery or something but that would take too long. Besides who would change the surgeons once they were done turning everyone else and even then modern science is a long way from making someone exactly like me. This is my only shot at this Lelouch or else I won't be able to fulfill my dream! Now will you make the order or will I have to take more time 'convincing' you?"

She gripped a toe in her pliers for emphasis, making him shift as he ran through his options.

His orders would fail if there was no legitimate way to fulfill them, he had tested that out many times and once they found it was impossible to them, his geass would fade from their body. While this wasn't a traditional order, he only had himself to blame, therefore he should try to resolve this madness as soon as he could. Torture would be a rather less than ideal outcome and he didn't want her to feel guilty once she awoke from this madness. Besides it wasn't like his geass could be THAT effective, though... s-surely no-



She had broken his big toe while he thought it over, giving a huffy expression.

"Lelouch it's a yes or no question! You don't need to think that long or I'll take that as a no. Now will you say it or won't you? I'm going to get rougher from here on out so-"

"Y-Yes yes! I'll say it! And then we can move past this madness."

He hoped it would end at least.

"Yaaay~! Now let me turn the camera on and you can repeat after me. Ah I'm so happy we didn't need to spill too much blood hehe. Anyways, 'You will become Euphemia Li Britannia in body, mind and spirit.' Say it a few times in case your ability doesn't activate the first time."

She clapped excitedly, wiping some of the blood from his broken toe off as she turned the camera on and signaled for him to speak. Lelouch reluctantly made the order, doing it multiple times as he felt a familiar surge in his eye before she turned the camera off, plugging its wires into a jack hidden in the seams of the mirror wall.

"Thank you Lelouch! You're such a good brother, and of course you deserve a fitting reward."

She quickly set it again, putting some salve on it before pressing a button on a remote, his orders now playing on a screen reflected across the entire room.

"Now let's see if your ability can really make anyone do anything you order dear soon to be sister."

She sat down in the corner and watched as her brother twisted in his chair, trying not to look at his own image but with so many copies and so little warning, it didn't take long for the rush of his geass to infiltrate his thoughts, the orders repeatedly rushing in as he twisted and groaned. He didn't think it could even work over video, yet perhaps it was another sign of it growing stronger now that it was out of his control, all further plotting fading as his eyes locked on Euphie, his skin tingling under the barrage of orders as her clothing felt suddenly the peak of comfort, his body the thing that was wrong.

"N-No this c-ahhh~n't be h-happening to meEEEE~!"

His voice cracked, his skin on fire as the strangest pleasure slowly filled his body. His cock was erect at the thought of being trapped in Euphy's body, his nipples hard at the thought of being her. As the recordings played and played his resistance faded to hungry moans as crackling sounds emanated from his skeleton, his body changing.

"Ohh how splendid! Marvelous Euphemia just marvelous!"

His skull throbbed at being called Euphemia, sprouts of pink thrusting out his scalp as the color bled into his eyes, the red of his geass softening to a lighter pink. His feet thrashed and stomped, shrinking slimmer, his bare legs rubbing together more and more as he felt his thighs bloating, his cock feeling wrong amidst their perfection as his gnashing mouth grinding his jaw to a cuter shape, his lips swelling as he bit them.

"Nooo I'm Lelumia L-Leuphimi-AHHHH~!"

Everywhere he turned was another order to become her, the only non reflected area where Euphy was sitting, her presence eroding his mind further as it felt right to give in. He had promised to walk alone hadn't he? And yet... i-if he was going to work with Euphemia then the best way was to become her wasn't it? Oh and she was just ever so polite and courteous. She didn't have to dirty herself to get what she wanted which was far better than what her silly brother was trying to-


Euphemia's voice screamed from his lips, the rest of his face hers as more and more strands of pink billowed out, each one another memory converted in his mind. His bound hands still resisted, digging into the arms of the chair he was bound in till blood welled at the nails, painting them a lovely shade of red as they grew longer, his arms slender and smooth as the dress's belt felt tight on his gut. It mattered little, Leuphemia squealing as the corset tightened over his gut, his hardened nipples coming to life as he came below, euphoria filling every last inch of him as her breasts surged to life on his chest, his squeezing thighs flexing as they crushed his cock inwards to little more than a nub. Euphemia moved towards her clone, her eyes alive with delight as she watched his cock slip inside, her pussy reflected as she undid his bindings.

"What's your name again dear sister?"


It was a success.


"What foolishness is this now?"

Charles was humoring his 'daughter' who he only put in quotes as she was most unlike himself. He rarely cared much about his own children, seeing them as more offshoots of the greatness that was his own life. Besides it wasn't like they'd carry on his legacy. He was more than enough for the world and that weak willed runt rarely ever seemed like the product of his loins. Where she found the compassion for these Eleven's he'd never know, but while he was content to let her do her own little games, he still had some oversight into how she ran her pet colony. Apparently this was propaganda for a more unified country or something. It didn't cross his mind that this was out of character for her as he just couldn't find it in him to care what she did, her excommunicated brother far more interesting a target than that whelp.

Of course it was a trifling entertainment, more a puff piece on her than he was expecting as it seemed to be just footage of her daily routine as she got herself ready. There were a few odd aspects to it that caught his eye. Every now and then she'd look directly in the camera and her eyes would change, poorly edited in outlines of someone else's. There was also the backing music, an ambient track that put him at ease, distracting him from the time passing as what was meant to be a quick survey for non approved messages turned into a full watch through, the audio blips of a repeating message too hard to notice when Euphemia was the center of attention. Before he knew it an hour had passed, his thoughts still a bit dazed as he sent his approval towards the intermediary, pausing to consider if he should talk to Euphemia personally before shaking his head, the thought pointless.


In his head shake, a number of beard hairs had fallen loose, his well kept chin hair now patchier, a fleck of pink in his eyes. No matter, he'd regrow it, now back to business as usual…

It was odd, he had never had any affection for that bra- Euphemia, yet his thoughts kept returning to her over the coming days. Though it was silly he began playing it as background noise for when he worked, the guards a bit confused at first, but he grew angry when after three days he yelled, "Can't a father be proud of his superior daughter!"

Something about that didn't sound quite right to him, the word superior? No no daughter. Wasn't Euphemia his sister? He shook his head again, the last of his beard shedding, his great white ringlets in disarray as streaks of pink wove through the white, rewatching her program again and again as his wrinkles faded. He didn't know why his mind was in such disarray, thoughts of work and ragnarok annoying him, distractions from his sister's work.

By the time a week had passed and a new episode was ready, at least twenty years had faded from the emperor, becoming more solitary as with two episodes to watch he could now get double his dose of Euphy as he played them both at the same time. The first episode was all about preparation, makeup and hair care and skin moisturizing, pointless rituals that felt more and more important by the day as his wrinkles further flattened, his hair rings spilled down now to his rear as its old color had returned to its youthful blonde amidst puddles of pink. The second episode was all about her wardrobe, her dresses, the way to hook a bra, unfold stockings, walk in heels. When the emperor placed an order for heels he could never fit in, it didn't bother him, his feet scrunching as they turned small and dainty. When the guards placed outside his chambers saw him walk out with a full mane of perfectly tussled pink hair, they didn't find it odd, half of them already dyeing their hair pink, the other half looking on in jealousy at the way the emperor's hair looked in all its glory.

The anticipation for the third episode grew all consuming, Charles not finding it odd at all when his elite guard began spending half their shifts in his room, watching the episodes with him, giggling as their voices climbed to sopranic perfection, their hair all in various stages of growth to match the emperor Euphy's style.

"My how silly of me. I almost thought that Euphy was the emperor. But I am the emperor. Emperor..."

Damn why was his name eluding him? Euphemia just rolled so well off of the words. In fact she was already such a model ruler, her propaganda the best he had ever seen. God if he could only have her wits, her beauty, her perfection. No but that was just dodging the question.

"Wh-Who... am I?"

Some of his sister- guards giggled, the younger ones moaning as they rubbed growing lumps from their chest, squeezing alien feeling ones between their legs as they turned excitedly to the package they had just gotten.

"That's easy emperor!"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Here you'll know the answer when you see it for yourself!"

For some reason he still felt reluctant to use makeup, something grinding in his mind that it wasn't right, yet when one guard passed him a tube of lipstick, his dainty fingers trembled with need.

"Well I suppose a bit couldn't hurt..."

He rewound to Euphemia's routine, warm pleasure spilling over his mind as the tube touched his lips, bursting with appeal as they swelled under his trained swirls. His cheeks were powdered down to slender plushness, his eyes shifting to match the wide contours he was drawing with mascara. Didn't he usually need a mirror for this? No, but this was his first time wasn't it? But he needed a mirror still...


He called without thinking, most of the guards looking up as if their name had been called, but the one holdout shivered in a corner, a recent transfer who had come to see if everything was alright, unable to move as the emperor approached them with makeup in hand.

"Hmm did I do this right?"

He repeated the steps naturally, finding himself growing hard at the sound of the guard whimpering, their face twisting to match the image in his mind, wide pink eyes over pouty pink lips as he remembered he had forgotten to spread the lipstick with a smack. Since he was feeling lazy he leaned into the guard, letting their lips touch, electricity surging through both as a warm, insistent pleasure filled them. He couldn't remember feeling his nipples this hard, his clothing scratchy as they parted, a hand fussing with the fabric as the two identical headed boys squirmed with need. While he was distracted with lust, the realization struck him, his thoughts clearing as he unbuttoned his absurd outfit.

"Ah that's right! I was right all along, I am Euphemia therefore I am the empress!"

The next day came and so were the guards, even the empress himself naked as anything that wasn't frilly or feminine felt like poison to his skin. He still had pride enough to not jerk himself off in front of the other sisters, though it was hard not to, his emerging figure quite appealing from the shapeliness of his ass to the swell of his thighs. Plus the sounds of the former guards were sweet on the ear. Some were messily stroking their cocks to Euphemia's image, the further along ones fingering new gaps as their bodies matured to completion. He wanted to join them, his libido heightened, yet this bothersome little voice in his mind was reluctantly nagging.

"You are the emperor, you must destroy the collective consciousness and bring order to this chaotic world!"

"Aww but destruction sounds so violent. It's far more pleasant to make people endeavor to become singular. Like Euphemia always said-"

"No! You cannot be swallowed by the will of others! You are- Ohhh~ y-yooooh are..."

The raging voices were merging into one as he played with his nipples only for an excited squeal from a sister to interrupt.


The other two were already playing on a loop on the side screens, the empress already sending the memo okaying its usage for the Japanese self determination camps as they huddled around the screen, ready to see what was next in Euphemia's lessons. To the empress's shock it was a different sort of video, Euphemia naked and masturbating, moaning her own name as the huddled crowd watched, utterly enraptured with thei- her beauty. If that had been all the video was, it would have been enough to leave them satisfied, but another voice joined in the moaning, a second Euphy joining in as the two began pleasuring themselves on each other in narcissistic glory.

Eupharles couldn't take it, his cock aching as the wrongness of his equipment corrected itself, his reluctant demeanor finally cracking as he felt his erect cock fingered by muscle memories of another life, cum steaming from it as his balls crumbled to nothingness, his cock squeezing itself inwards tighter and tighter in a race to become Euphemia's perfect pussy.


The empress's moans were mirrored by the other guards, the finished ones fingering the shrinking remnants of the former, the empress herself being passed around as fingers shoved into her throbbing slit, her figure hugged tight as identical mouths tugged on her breasts, the empress cumming as her breasts erupted outwards, her sisters all cheering as she helped change the last few holdouts with them.

"Oh! I feel marvelous! I feel wonderful! I feel perfect! I finally feel like me!"

The other Euphy's nodded, the floor slick from their fun as the former emperor tenderly grabbed her breasts, her ambitions mixed with the commoners as none could remember who they had been before, not that it mattered under the euphoria of being Euphemia. There was one thought that crossed her mind as she played with herself, thinking out loud.

"Three weeks to turn the world is it? My I should start showing episode one in Britannia right away!"


The opening of the new Special Administrative Zone had been delayed by two months, a fact that greatly annoyed Euphemia but was a necessary delay to ensure success. After all, she knew some people would foolishly fight against it, and she could hardly call herself a caring queen if she let her future selves suffer more than they needed to. She already had the oversight she needed now that she was the unofficial empress of Britannia, but then there were the local rulers who were fussy about her odd requests. They didn't see the need for upping dress production and makeup in the factories, nor did they understand why she was so dead set on her ideas for television and internet reform for the areas. Free internet and a tv in every house? Preposterous they said! Thankfully the her that had been Lelouch retained her geass, though the specifics on how it worked had taken some getting used to.

She had waited for the other council members to watch her special episodes, believing they wouldn't lie, yet as two weeks passed and none showed even a hint of pink she knew they were lying. That was when she had her sister take her place, giving the command to "become her right now!" Oh how sweet their confusion had been before the moans began, their hair erupting in pink, the girls the fastest to change as wrinkles flattened and some breasts rose while others fell to the same uniform perkiness. The horniness was just an added bit of fun between their new sisters as they had plenty of their old selves to expel. The last holdout had expectantly been Schneizel, though when he begged to talk to father between moans as his breasts formed, they didn't understand his terror as another Euphemia responded, saying how glad she was for her brother to become another sister in the line. At least his will became hers at that point, a bit of aid from the other Euphemia's making quick work of his cock as another princess soon found herself loving their new plans as they got to work.

It seemed too good to be true, full access to the internet, free access to television and Euphemia promising to be there every step of the way for the citizens of Japan. It seemed like she meant it too, more and more sightings of her around the country making everyone wonder if she ever slept or if she had clones. This level of commitment to making lives better just couldn't be real, yet they felt bad for even showing suspicion to their savior. After all, it was happening in all of Britannia's territories. Sure it had an odd homepage, two angular red eyes over odd distorted audio, but it was only there for a second, a small blip in most people's minds as a single strand of pink sprouted from their skulls.

Sudden ceasefires around the world were called, a message from Euphemia ending all conflicts though the eyes were in those as well, each country glued to their screens to hear of the ceasefire, those in areas without electricity flown over by blimps playing her message on the big screens, flying over the world carrying their message of peace and love, Euphemia's eyes peacefully bringing most of the world unknowingly into her future. Japan was the first to truly feel it on a country wide level, Euphemia madness sweeping the country as her first episode aired to record numbers. She of course had added a compulsory message to it so people would watch, a similar one on the homepage of the Euphemia browser if someone strayed long enough after the initial one.

It was small things for the first few days. Old people feeling younger, young people feeling older, every conversation gradually turning towards Euphemia somehow, always natural, yet it was like it was impossible to escape from her. But why would anyone want to escape from such a saint? It was only natural people wanted to emulate their idols, hair salons filled with men and women begging to get their hair dyed pink, not caring as more sprouted unnaturally fast, only smiling at their pink growths.

When the second episode came out, the fashion world was in upheaval, everyone wanting one of Euphemia's perfect outfits as dresses became the most common outfit, specifically hers. It was at this point that the laggers in changes began to feel something very off in the looks of their neighbors, the fervor creepy, yet it was hard to act concerned when there was that soft voice in the back of their minds, telling them not to worry, that their neighbors looked cute. Wouldn't it be nice to be that cute?

Suzaku was one of the people not fully swept up in the Euphemia madness striking Japan, only using her web browser as Euphemia seemed oddly distant, as if she was saving him from some terrible secret, a glint of sadness in her eyes whenever she ended their calls quickly. He already had one geass order in him, slowing the effects of the others, though he still felt her voice with him always, calming him, soothing his worries, telling him not to panic as things grew stranger around him. He noticed the odd pink hairs sprouting, yet couldn't be bothered by them, more worried about why Euphemia seemed to be spurning him as he went through his days in a bit of a daze. When he heard someone calling his name, he thought Euphemia had finally come, but he was disturbed to realize it was Nina from the glasses, her Euphy dress large on her frame as she ran towards him.

"Oh Suzaku my love I've found you! I can't bear this separation any longer!"

He wasn't sure how to respond, annoyed at how handsy she was getting, her obsession with Euphemia clearly going too far as he pushed her away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I'm not yours! Do you think because you dress like her you're suddenly Euphemia?!"

The question seemed to disturb her, the girl temporarily shaken from her hypnosis as she shook like a leaf, murmuring to herself in an apparent breakdown.

"Y-You're right I'm n-awwt~ Eu-Eu-Euphy I-I am Nina and I love Suzaku! Wait no I love Euphemia! B-But no aren't I E-OOOHphemiaaaah~? I-I swear I'm OH I s-swear I'm EU EU EUPHEMIAAAAAAAH~!"

She ground her wet pussy against a nearby desk, moaning Euphemia's name as her glasses fell, the queen's features overtaking her own as the slack parts of the dress became tailored, an especially loud moan accompanying her swelling chest as she came at the sight of her beloved. Where Nina had been was Euphemia, only seconds needed to replace the bookish girl to his horror. It didn't matter how much the voice insisted this was fine, it most certainly wasn't as he tripped backwards away from the queen's doppelganger.

"N-Nina?! What happened to you?! Oh god what the hell was that?!"

She seemed confused at first, but then giggled, casually saying, "Oh was I Nina? Ah no wonder I feel so happy. She never was one to doubt in my perfection after all. Though it's a shame you had to see that before you were ready. Though I might as well speed up the-"

Before she could continue she was interrupted by the sound of a large ship hovering down. The windows burst with a shower of glass, the automated hover keeping the sides close to the window as Princess Cornelia yelled out, "Suzaku Kururugi?! You must come with me now!"

All the strangeness was becoming shockingly apparent to him as he stumbled towards the pilot, scared and confused as the former Nina just gave him a simple smile.

"Ah so you're going to fight it? Stay safe you two, it shouldn't be long till you're much better."

He didn't know what scared him more, the promise of it happening to him, or the lack of care she had over his escape, as if the outcome was already obvious, his head throbbing as Cornelia passed the controls to him, breathing roughly.

"I need you to hff take me to Euphemia hff now!"

He didn't expect to be given the controls or be ordered so forcefully, the princess flushed as she handed them over to him.

"How the hell would I know where she-"

"You're her guard! You should still have tracking enabled for the real one shouldn't you? Quick there's NNGH n-no more time!"

She hurried him, groaning every now and then as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, urging him to fly faster as she explained what was going on.

"Britannia is doomed."

She spoke it so earnestly and assuredly that Suzaku couldn't even make a quip back, shocked to hear such an ominous impossibility.

"H-How could it be doomed? I still get regular reports and all seem happy with Euphemia's-"

"Exactly! Everyone is. That isn't natural, nor is father ending the wars. I knew something was wrong, yet I never could have suspected it was alrehhhdy too late by the time I, b-by the time I-"

Cornelia had to stop looking at Suzaku, the voice gnawing at her mind growing more energetic every time she gave him a glance, her thighs slick with arousal as a starburst of pink spread through the back of her purple hair.

"They were all Euphemia!"

She cut to the chase, fighting against the voices telling her to calm down and be quiet.

"Father, the guards, the nobility, I had only been away for a few weeks and yet they were all her or halfway there. I asked what had happened, and them being Euphy, they were happy to tell me the truth. That they were turning the whole world into them, that every broadcast they made would spread their ideals and body until the world was one under her."

Suzaku took a second to take that in, finding it hard to counter after what he had seen in school.

"B-But why would they tell you that?"

She gave a sad smile, her irises half infected with pink, her top loose around her shrinking breasts.

"Because it was already too late for me."

He flew as fast as he could, noticing just how many billboards and screens had large images of Euphy with those strange edited eyes, his gaze drifting to his own reflection as he watched his epicanthic folds flatten, the crinkles of his eyes widening as he fought against the thoughts trying to creep into his head. He didn't need to be explained that it was too late for him already, nor how fighting it seemed to speed things up, the rather unobtrusive voice in his head nagging constantly now as he felt warm flying to the capital. Their only hope was to convince Euphemia to stop this, to explain how wrong it all was. To their surprise Euphemia had tea already ready for them, only one other her accompanying her as she beckoned them to come in.

Being in her presence made them feel sluggish, the voices in their heads giggling as they had to force themselves to hurry.

"Eu-Euphemia please! You must s-staahhp this before it's too late! What's happened to you? Can't you tell how wrong this is?!"


She seemed genuinely shocked.

"I thought you would understand Cornelia, after all this is a victory for everyone! All shall become Britannians without separation or distinction! All the pain and misery from misunderstandings will cease, as there will be no more differences. Besides doesn't it feel nice to finally understand me?"

Before she knew what she was saying, Cornelia moaned out, "Yessssss."

"See? It's much easier this way, and it feels ever so good to lose all that worrying..."

Suzaku could feel his nipples hardening at the sight of Cornelia changing as she began groping herself, each squeeze shrinking her bosom to Euphemia's size, her hair streaming down pink.


His own voice was cracking, feeling sore in the throat as he felt compelled to drink the tea, helpless to stop as Cornelia was stripped, a third Euphemia moaning as she was dressed as befitting the princess.

"Don't worry Suzaku."

The former Cornelia comforted him, slowly rubbing his cock through his pants, pants that felt increasingly ill fitting as thoughts of dresses filled his mind.

"We never need to force anyone, even if we could."

Another was teasing his nipples, urging the flesh to grow as moans leaked from his lips. The original moved from her seat at the head of the outdoor table. cupping his face as she prepared to send her love off.

"It's true. Every change you feel and see is because everyone knows that I am right. It just can take longer to convince others of it, but all become me basking in pleasure without any fear. The second Cornelia couldn't deny it she turned, and I know you want to make me happy don't you Suzaku?"

He was nodding, unable to deny how good it felt, his chest puckered and growing, his muscles melting out his leaking cock.

"I wanted to save you for last since you mean so much to me, but I can't stop for anyone. I do feel jealous of you though. You'll be the only Euphemia to get to feel our love's cock. Now tell me how it feels Euphemia."

"Ahhh~ i-it feels-"

What was there to say, his geass order not to die remaining inert as it must have seen this as a rebirth, the caresses of the Euphys easing him in one step at a time as his chest grew to bumps, then lumps, surging to proper tits as they pulled his shirt off, letting them free from their male confines as the muscled stomach below softened to a feminine aristocrat's dream.


Their memories were floating in, Euphy kissing him as her lipstick grafted onto his lips, her face crumbling what self there was left to be found in his mind as he found how futile it was to fight, the other geass users already converted or in the process, their lack of malice obvious as only pleasure and beauty filled his mind.


He squealed as his groin pulled inwards, puckering the flesh as muscle eagerly split to caress his cock. It was mind melting, his screams echoing as his pants were dragged off, cum squirting from her groin as both sets fired off at once. She coud feel her balls nestling into ovaries, the warmth of Euphemia's love quelling all fears as she felt the last of Suzaku pop inside her, a naked, heaving Euphemia moaning as she looked to her new sisters, Lelouch on the left, Cornelia on the right, all of them now Euphemia.

"My that sounded wonderful, a shame there wasn't time to enjoy it."

"Oh it was beautiful Euphemia, but I know something just as beautiful. Besides we've kept our sisters waiting long enough."

"How goes the Britannian conversion?"

"They're a week behind, but our servers can easily filter out any social media we don't want."

"Perhaps we should let it get out. They'll use our servers, take in our orders and turn faster all the while believing they are fighting it."

"Hmm a good point, but let's get our very special episode out. It's time for Japan to become Euphemia land."

It was a simple press of a button, the currently scheduled programming replaced with their self taped video as they walked through the city. They were greeted with a bevy of confused grunts, then moans from every corner, their starting points from a variety of pitches but their ending note always the same. Cars stopped in the middle of the street for people to see what the commotion was, catching a glimpse of the episode as their own changes began, a self repeating loop that ran endlessly until the city was filled with nothing but Euphemia as far as their eyes could see.

It was in this idyllic view that the original had one final curiosity as she turned to the first to become her, asking, "Do you know what your original order was going to be? The one you thought would be a disaster?"


The former Lelouch scrounged her thoughts, trying to remember just what it could be before throwing her hands up in defeat.

"Alas, I do not remember, but I'm glad it was this. After all, what could be a better future for the world than this?"

The four Euphemia's agreed and prepared for the rest of the world's takeover, knowing it was only a matter of time before everyone in the world was saved.


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