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In the broiling humidity of the Persian gulf, where the Tigris and Euphrates joined together into a swamp of salt and steam, Issac finally struck gold. No, gold was far too common for what he had been promised would be here, the aging professor grunting with effort, cursing his long hair that clung to his sweat stained shirt in white ropes, his foolish attempt to hide his balding scalp. This could be the last trip he'd ever be allowed, especially with the current state of Iraq and how long it had taken to just explore what he wanted, the sweltering heat pushing it for a man who had already had one heart attack in Egypt during an excavation. But this was personal to him, a tip from a fellow colleague with enough proof to get him intrigued sending him off for one final dig for a perfectly preserved object of worship.

Issac usually had a team, but he was never comfortable. Though how Noah had found such an important object baffled him. There were no signs of a dig and it was only through correspondence that they were able to talk, Noah always old fashioned, but he seemed unwilling to talk till after he had found it. The aging archeologist was still muscular in his 60's, decades of hard work in deserts and river valleys doing that to one's physique, their long hair and kind face always giving off a hippy vibe.

He had missed those years by a decade to actually enjoy them, but he was always into the more mind altering side that stuck around for the 70's, and the spirituality his older brother introduced to him at a young age always stuck around. He had also been scared to tears by the Exorcist as a kid, yet the statues intrigued him, the mix of religion and history setting his imagination on fire as a kid. It was still smoldering now, hotter than heat blanketing him, his mind racing as he sent a message to the river team that would come bring it to his conservator worklab back home.

While he found Noah's shyness odd, he was hardly one to talk, his own self confidence plummeting to zero when forced to look others in the eyes, the rare few he did form a connection with dear to him, but especially in work he was always afraid. It had been instilled on his first dig, that fucker of a professor screaming at him day and night, the inadequacy haunting him even now after a lifetime of great accomplishments. He was still that young boy imagining the wonders of the world, and the scared child hiding from the devil of incompetency. He'd definitely raise a toast to his friend for leaving the juiciest bits of the discovery to him though, smiling at the tiny pinhole he had carefully carved into the hunk of rock he separated, light pinholing onto an unnatural crease in the pale rock beneath, a statue of the goddess Inanna, though he preferred the name she was given after being embraced by the other religions; Ishtar.

She was the goddess who interested him the most, one of the oldest, one of the most beloved, her statues crude, but the tales told of her definitely got the heart pumping. She was the goddess of sex and power, and the cockiness seemed very appealing to a man who could never really enforce himself when it wasn't at work. He always imagined there had to be some perfect representation of that beauty out there, so once Noah had shared that one of his theories had proof on the Sumerian's advanced statue carving, he was thrilled to get a chance to work on one of his first loves in history. All he had to do was not fuck up the restoration. While he waited for the team to arrive a small, but nagging itch aggravated his scalp, Issac grumbling as he wondered if he put enough sunscreen on his bald spot, noting in the back of his head that for once, it felt like he had more hair than less. There was, in fact, a small inkstain of black dotted the white forest, exactly where the exposed pinprick of Ishtar's statue was, the crew arriving for pickup…

He slept through most of the journey home, exhausted and giddy, feeling lightheaded all the way there after stressing just how important it was to be careful with the boulder, fussing over it like a mother when he wasn't conked out in a well air conditioned cabin on the ship ride back. Eventually they reached the Western coast of the US, a short truck ride all that separated the giddy archeologist from getting down to the nitty gritty, excited to finally begin his work and look upon something that had been unseen for thousands of years. He had long since accepted there would be no supernatural occurrences on digs, where the main concern was getting bitten by the local bugs than curses, but he remembered the legends that Ishtar held, how her vanity was fabled to carry a price on anyone who looked upon her, her beauty held in that much esteem by the haughty goddess.

He scratched idly at the dark spot of hair on his head, a few more dots added to the splotch as the ride over had shaken bits of dirt and dust from the hole, but as it was, the whole statue was encased. First came identifying the rock, a specialized non-standing microscope rolled around on the slab the rock was stationed on, checking which acids he could use to thin the sandstone. Next came a brush and the proper acid, not enough to soak deep, but enough to press into the compressed layers and split them a little, the spongy edges scraping away easily as the first few hours were spent shrinking down the useless rock. Well he never liked to think of it as useless, more that its job was done of preserving history, now passing the mantle onto him as he chipped away, with brushes, chisels, scrapers, mallets. Different sections required different applications and applicators, force and angles having great weight as each step went slowly, his focus unparalleled. With a loud crumble, the bottom third of the shrunken boulder finally broke off, the vague shape of a person trapped in rock left behind.

Despite the hole in the top, he wanted a bottom reference, nervous he would take too much off without an idea of the dimensions proper. It was slow laborious work, sanding, chipping, scraping, the acid no longer safe as he worried about destroying the finer details that might have been ornamented by something else. Eventually the course stone finally cracked down to the contents beneath, a small brush clearing away the sand and loam until a hunk of rock fell, revealing another piece of the statue. Unbeknownst to him, his left shoe's leather splitting with the stone, a thin cut growing wider as he used a brush to widen the gap, smiling as a piece of the statue proper grew visible, the goddess's left big toe. As he worked at the surrounding rock, more of his shoe turned to dust as he worked at it, weaker acids taking care of the crumbs of stone left as the sole under his toes crumbled into nothing. His excitement masked the tingle of change in his foot as he blew off the dust from more of her toes, leaning in to admire the craftsmanship.

It was expertly done, the sort of otherworldly sculpting more associated with Greece and Rome than ancient Mesopotamia. It looked real, like they would twitch any second, the curves to the toes and detail to the nails expertly done, femininity oozing from every pore of the rock. His left foot was clenching against the floor, a sigh leaving him as all the age and callus from years of hard work peeled away, fading to dust as his toes shrank into the peeling shoe. Each one shivered as it was pampered, feeling good as the pads of each softened, such minuscule pops of them stretching from their joints masked by the sound of the chisel, wrinkles fading, skin stiffening, growing younger smoother. In thirty minutes the toes of a goddess peeked out from the rock, and his shoes, Issac so happy he could almost kiss the tops in supplication, excited to see the full thing as he began scraping to reveal the sole.

After an hour and a half it was revealed, the pleasure he usually took in such detailed, careful work paying off heightened somehow, almost like he was uncovering part of himself as he imagined the scrape of his instruments on his own sole, his breathing noticeably heavier even if he didn't realize. He truly was scraping the age away from them both, though in the case of his foot, more than just age was falling to the wayside, the crumbling, age speckled limb carved down to perfection, the plush youth not just softer, but paler as the perfection was mirrored down to the tiniest detail. It would be easier to tackle it from all sides if he could stand it up properly, since he had to get to the back eventually, so he worked on the other, his other shoe soon dissolving in tow. Oddly he felt more energized the more he went on, a second wind filling him from the bottom up, that spot on his scalp tingling with approval as he freed more of her from her prison.

He had to catch himself halfway through the uncovering, nearly hitting part of the statue for how fine and thin the excess was, something cloaked around the middle of her sole. As he looked at it, the rubber vanished from his shoes, only a thin strip of black fabric left that helped increase the arch to his dainty foot. Despite not knowing what was under the rest of the rock, he had a queer sense of deja vu running his gloved fingers over it, almost like he knew exactly what it was, almost like he remembered putting it on, though the thought made no sense. Perhaps he was getting a bit too into it, yet he felt excited all the same, tapping his feet cheerfully as he finished with the rest of it, careful not to damage any of the legging forming on himself, a gold border accenting the tight, yet comfortable fabric. He began working on the left's calf before reaching some sort of bangle, exhaustion catching up to him as he collapsed to bed, not hearing the slight jangle on his slimmed down calf.

It was the norm for a work junkie like him who got to do what he loved to neglect his usual self grooming when he got into a restoration project, his thoughts only on uncovering more as he made a quick breakfast, the thought of putting shoes on not even crossing his mind as he stepped back into his work space, the spot throbbing whenever his mind wandered to how good his feet felt on the cool concrete. Now that he had a proper start, he decided he'd tackle the head after finishing up uncovering the strange jewelry on her calf, two hours needed on the bangles and patterns on her legs. By the time he moved on, his calves had both popped and youthened, finding it easier to swivel without any hint of joint pain as the melodious jangling of his slim left's finished bangles struck a strange note that hung in the air and helped his mind only focus on Ishtar, his right leg fully feminized to just below his knee as supple curves were hugged by a pant leg that seemed fused to the golden adorned legging.

If the previous work had been slow and tedious, this was a new level of delicacy, the hair of the goddess carved down to the tiniest of details and he had to preserve them all. Though he always enjoyed this work, his new body parts seemed less enthralled, his feet tapping all throughout, moving restlessly as he ever so slowly widened the hole at the top. Black dripped down his white locks in a widening circle, his scalp itching slightly as dandruff and baldness were forced out, new sprouts of perfect, silky hair spilling as his old hair grew thicker once the black coloring gave life to the locks. The styling looked off on him, ponytails forming as ribbons were chiseled out from the encasement, his hair growing out in uneven, jagged locks. It took four hours to get down to her neck, his throat tingling as a tightness filled it, a tickle on the outside distracting him, missing his next chisel as he slammed it to the side, a loud crack ringing out as he grunted in two voices.


Issac couldn't believe he had made such a rookie mistake, not even noticing the resonant brattiness bellowing with his own words. It pained him to make a mistake so simple, literal pain, his face scrunched up as if some force was crushing it to dust. He figured it was a stress migraine as he looked to see the damage, squinting as cracks ran along the shell, smooth cracks appearing on his own face as if his age was about to shatter and fall. The pain was getting worse, his eyes squinting as a crack of red appeared in his brown, his eyes tearing up as some eyelashes popped out longer while others remained the same. With a series of grunts his hands flailed, slapping against the face of the statue for support as the crumble of rock turned to a proper shatter, Issac's pained groans turning to relieved squeals of relief.

It happened all at once, the pressure on his face resolving all at once as the pleased gasps sounded almost aroused, his jowl's fat vanished, the face of an aging adventurer sloughing off to reveal slender features, elegant, feminine and bratty as his pug nose split down the middle to release a sharper, smaller jut, his eyes teared at the edges from their sudden wrenching as two shimmering rubies stared from wide, expressive eyes. Strangest of all to him were his lips, something pleasing in the way they now smacked together as he ran his tongue over them, a bit of pressure still on his neck as he turned to the statue to see the damage he had-

"...she's beautiful!"

Seeing her face made the light throb in his brain hasten, Ishak entranced by the perfectly rendered beauty of the goddess, his cock twitching in arousal mixed with confusion at the thought. Wasn't it obvious he was beau- that she was the epitome of beauty? She was a sex goddess. A need filled him to see more, his mistake forgotten as he worked at baring her shoulders, his sighs rising as he chipped away at the statue and his own masculinity.

There was a slight bit of pain as he cleared off the other details, nearly destroying the earrings lodged in her ears as his own grew pierced. The collar of his shirt stiffened as he freed more of her neck, turning to gold as it pressed down on the shrinking bulge in his throat. Despite his earlier mistake, he oddly felt emboldened to act faster, his confidence growing though it was still tempered by his caution for now. That stirring in his cock was now more consistent, the hits of his chisel like a massage as knots in his shoulders and back untied, their shape carved slimmer and slimmer as he took chunks off, baring the goddess's shoulders after another hour of work with a pleased moan. He worked them, his shirt peeling away at the shoulders, wrinkles tightened to creamy perfection as they popped down slimmer, his clavicles pushed down as he had to adjust his posture, the sleeves ready to slip off if not for the gold fastenings he uncovered, binding them to thinning triceps as he figured that was enough work on the top for now.

It bothered him how lopsided the bottom was, his gait a bit awkward with his right leg two inches shorter with the further progression up his leg, Ishac rubbing his feet together as he sculpted his calf into further sexiness, bulging out as he peeled away the disgusting husk stuck on it. Pressure built in his femurs as he reached a knee, random spasms making his bare left knock against the right, the random spasms only getting worse as he worked on the right, his pants gripping tighter to his curves as small tears formed around the upper thigh. As the stocking overtook his pants up to the knee, he readied another hammer blow, only to gasp as a crack rang out before he even had a chance. He looked in a panic, worried part of the statue had fallen off or some other damage had happened, but he couldn't find anything wrong, returning to work with his legs in a v shape, his knees now permanently angled inwards.

There was excitement building as he worked up their legs, the stirrings now a consistent vortex as more of his left pant leg dissolved, his thighs wobbling as hairs rained down on the wrinkly skin. For the other parts of his body, the changes had tightened his skin, winching it inwards to get the perfect complexion it needed, but his thighs were a different story. Rather than tighten, the muscle and fat inside expanded, making it firm by filling all the creases with plushness. The further up his new legs changed, the greater his arousal swelled, a horniness not felt for years rising as he absorbed every detail of the goddess's form, lusting over her curves, not realizing he was almost jealous of the perfection as he moved up to the gold plating at the top of her right stocking, gasping as his pant leg fully separated and dug into the growing fat, his arousal so bad it was starting to interfere with his work.

He had to take a break or he'd make a mistake, he knew that, yet he needed to free more of her, continuing to work as his strikes grew sloppier. It didn't matter did it? After all he was one of the best of all time, arguably the greatest, surely every action he made would be perfect and it would be unthinkable for him, nay impossible for a mistake to come from someone like-

"Nnngh! Ohhh~!"

His legs gave out, the pleasure dizzying as his thighs spread, crushing and caressing his balls as the statue wobbled, the thighs of a goddess impossible to ignore as they squeezed around his aching cock. It didn't help his own moans were turning him on, Ishtak moaning as he nearly busted in his work space. From his prone position on the ground he looked up, hearing the sound of stone shifting, seeing the statue he had upright toppling backwards, falling back with a loud crack as he screamed in despair, then ecstasy, cumming as his ass bloated out, his pants dissolving into tight, black panties.

He was a drooling mess, his hands twitching as the hairs peeled from the backs of them, his fingers trying to stretch out but not fully unleashed, compromising by thinning as sunspots and wrinkles vanished from them, the nails glossy even if his palms were still his. Cum spilled out and down his panties, their tight grip urging his balls to unload as more youthful energy flowed into his quivering ass.He didn't even realize it was his own moans turning him on, his brain only latching onto the sound of a goddess cumming as his cock throbbed, every last drop it had spilling out as his eyes drooped down. Such a large orgasm had taken a lot out of him, a few thin pulses weakly pooling down his thighs as he drifted into drowsy unconsciousness. His hair stretched out like a blanket, a few tinkling noises in the background as it grew to its full length, Ishtac passing out as he moaned in a deep, blissful rest.

In his dreams the sources of his past traumas were all being converted or perverted, Ishtar's giggles and pump ups constant as he relived horror movies, not finding them all that spectacular after a few grail wars, his attendants fetching him every snack he could want as he wondered if he should try out acting, the prospect of having millions more worshipping him tempting...

That first dig was replaying again, but as he made that first mistake, it was like his body wasn't his anymore, a haughty voice most unlike his own declaring that it was the dig's fault for not teaching him well as he cornered that asshole of a professor. The dream grew weirder though, his tone turning to teasing as the professor melted like putty in her hands, the two moaning as they quickly undressed, a new worshipper screaming her name as his cock plunged into her-

"OHHH~! Ohhh f-fuuuuuck..."

Ishtac woke up cumming, gasping as his balls felt tight, his head dizzy as he needed a second to remember where he was, the sight of the fallen statue quickly waking him from his wet dream state.

His own cum was quickly forgotten, the sticky stuff turning to dust as he scrambled to the precious artifact, clutching it like it was the soft spot of a child's head as he gently stuck it back upright, inspecting for damage. Shockingly there was none, in fact more of the stone had flung off with nary a crack or break that he could see. The wave of relief that followed not only relaxed him, but made him grateful, his mind praising Ishtar as if she had caused the failure to stop herself. That confidence was growing, his caution fading further as his mind raced to justify his stupidity. After all, could it really be called a mistake when it shaved off hours of cumbersome work and had no downsides? No it was the mark of genius! And he was ready to be even more geniusier so he could gaze upon her perfect body all the quicker!

So much of her arms had crumbled away, his tools feeling awkward as he chipped at the fronts, shifting his grip as his fingers lengthened, palms smoothing as his left sleeve gained a glove like end, clasping between his middle and pointers as golden lines streaked across its black expanse. Without realizing it, his bare right arm was fidgeting around his crotch, working its way towards stroking the erect lump in his panties as he teased it like he was teasing the stone. Really it all seemed to crumble so easily. Why had he been so worried about damaging her statue?

He had to work faster, stroking as he took his hammer and swung it at the middle of her back where the rock was the thickest. The shell and his spine broke in tandem, rocks crumbling to the ground like inches from his body as his back tightened to a slender, flexible slimness, his shirt nearly all gone as bands and gold replaced the fabric, a thin set of straps behind all that kept it up. It felt so invigorating and had gone so quickly, he just had to do it again, moaning as he hammered his sides into curves, cum spilling with every tap as the goddess was nearly freed.

He felt a bit disgusted with himself for being this horny over a hunk of stone, but his inhibitions were lowering with his caution, his hands sliding around his sides as he basked in the curves, moaning until they fell across the wrinkles of his front. That didn't feel right. Such old, flaccid skin when he was filled with a youthful vigor, pinching the flesh to make sure it was his as his eyes remained locked on Ishtar's form. He tried flattening the creases, sighing as his hands revitalized the drooping mess of a stomach he had, muscle melting to slim fat, the statue's rock layer cracking the more he played with himself, his bare stomach soon the perfect accompaniment to his forming curves as his hands felt his own body up, eventually resting on his nipples with thoughts of revitalization on his mind as he tweaked them.


The nice thing about his own body was that it was far more pliable than stone and infinitely more responsive. Plus since it wasn't an ancient artifact or anything, he could go as hard as he wanted to as his fingers danced across his chest, memories of just what to do and how he should tweak them rushing in as he moaned up a storm, more stone crumbling off the statue's chest as the scraps of his shirt turned into an ornate bra. He felt like he was in a dream, pleasure beyond imagining pouring into his body as his nipples hardened enough to damage the statue he was restoring, fat swelling out as his groping only grew more proficient, his moans echoing as he soon found a plump pair of breasts squashed between his hands and a bra, squealing as cum shot out his cock like a buckshot as he smiled at the sight before his eyes.

"Mmm~ god she has the best breasts I've ever felt! Nay, the best breasts in all of existence! Ohh I can hardly wait to be reborn and be rid of this... cock?"

It was like a switch had gone off, his eyes widening with shock as Ishtac panicked at his changed body.

"Oh my god what the fuck happened to me?! How the hell did I notice none of this I-I feel so gooood~!"

The brief dull smile on his face made the panic come back twice as strong.

"Oh shit oh shit I'm losing my mind I can feel myself getting dumber please please please... Wait no why would a goddess like me be dumb? B-But I'm not a goddesssss!!!!"


His head whipped towards the statue, realizing his new body was a mirror of it down to the jewelry, but this meant what little rock was left covering its groin was loose, and parts were beginning to separate.

Another loud crack and Ishtac's hands were on his groin, bellowing out a long lusty note as a deep break ran down one of the sides of the stone codpiece, the burgeoning goddess feeling the rupture as his left ball burst inside the sack, all the liquids spewing out as he trembled to his knees. He tried reaching for it, hoping he could maybe press it back into place, but the press of his nails sent the rock crumbling away, half his scrotum imploding as he screamed and came. In his orgasmic thrashes a foot struck the other side, his screams belting as another deep crack formed in the cover, a gash opening behind his sack as it greedily gobbled down what was left of his meager manhood, only a cock left outlined in the panties as clear fluids trickled down his thighs.

He crawled towards the statue, begging against the rising voice in his mind, not ready for what the loss of his cock would feel like as he stumbled to his feet.

"Pl-HEEEEEAAASE! I-I don't want to b-HEEE per fect a-and s-HEEXy and the most p-OWWW-erful g-goddess who ever, wh-who ever..."

In his daze he leaned forwards, screaming as his cock stabbed into the last shaft of rock left, his arousal taking over as the need grew too strong. He grinded against the rock, his cock's hardness otherworldly as he slowly scraped away at the course covering, shoving his own cock inside a forming pussy in the process.

The more he fucked away his cock the harder it was to think, the want and need far too strong as the whims of a goddess demanded to be answered, the last piece of stone cracking away from his treasure, his goddess, his new identity, the confused deity staring down at the broken lump before feeling her own slam into her body. Ishtar bucked as cum sprayed from her pussy, lubricating her shaft as it shoved itself down once more, another inch sliding permanently behind her lips as she resorted to humping the leg of her statue, squealing as her cock continued to fuck its way into a pussy.

As the head slipped between her thighs, she felt her shaft suddenly twist, widening as it hollowed out, drilling out a cavern for her heavenly palace as the head flattened into a pink clit, triggering an orgasm with every bump as it slipped inside her thighs for good. For a second she seemed shocked, looking down between her thighs with an expression between ecstasy and horror, the former winning out as her head suddenly emptied along with whatever useless mortal material was left inside, Ishtar screaming as she came.

It didn't take long for the goddess to recover, looking about the work station with utter confusion, the millennia apparently progressing things far more than she ever thought would be possible. Like how did these mortals put the power of the sun god in tiny little bubbles and lines? It was bizarre. Actually wait why was she even back? She felt like she was forgetting something import-


The sound of the phone scared her, Ishtar looking at the buzzing rectangle with awe and fear, wondering how she should approach it.

"Ishtar?! What the hell took you so long?! This is the fiftieth time I called you!"

Nero's voice rang from the other end, her mood furious as it took Ishtar the better part of two hours to figure out how to make the magic box stop ringing, then how to answer, then how to answer without yelling when a voice came out.

"What sort of magic is this? Is this part of the Grail? I don't understand."

A very tired sigh came over the other line, the head shake almost audible as the voice chided them, "Did you not merge identities with your host? Surely you could piece together enough from their memories to understand the modern world? It's not that difficult to-"

She was cut off by the haughty laughter of the goddess, doing her best to look down on the magic box before her.

"Hah! As if a perfect goddess like myself would ever need a mortal's mind for anything! Why would I keep any of that useless stuff inside when it would just muddy up my divinity? Clearly you are not someone who is worthy of my time if such a question is even a thought! Now which glyph turns the voice off again?"

The voice on the other end rushed into a panicked flurry, half cursing, half explaining as it talked about finding a way out of the Grail Wars and how that made the system angry so they needed to get more allies and blah blah blah. They threatened to murder Ishtar if they saw them as she finally ended it, having better things to do than yell at a box.

"Hmm... I recall being bustier in another life, though of course I'm just as perfect like this. I am Ishtar after all. Now, where are my servants? If this world has grown beyond faith in me, I'll just have to make some on my own. Time to create another kingdom! For I am the unstoppable Ish- er..."

The room had a code lock, the goddess confused as she looked at the numbers, the handle refusing to budge as she scratched her head. It was the start of a long, and stupid adventure. And as Nero angrily crossed out Ishtar's name from a list of usable allies, she looked towards some more agreeable servants to summon, making sure that the next one would be far more reasonable...


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