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It was near sundown when he had awoken, the light of the setting sun eerie, his nerves set on edge as he tried to avoid being seen. He knew Daenerys was behind this, whatever charm on his memories from before faded and wiped away, the memories of the previous night making his manhood grow stiff though it shamed him, his blush more prominent in the thinned hair of his face. The last thing he needed was for anyone to see his changed physique, his sister likely to turn on him the second she smelled an opportunity to have no political rivals and a large part of his support came from his strength. The mouse of a man he currently was would have not only ended Daenerys, but himself so he hoped he could talk her out of this madness that had taken hold of her.

Through the hallways he clambered awkwardly, having to go barefoot given the cavernous confines of his boots would do more to hinder than aid his travels as he tried to think of what he'd say to Daenerys, what he even could say. She had turned him into his sisters and they had... no he shouldn't think of it, the thoughts alone were making his body quiver with strange desires and he didn't want to despoil them in his memory. Thankfully there was no one past a few maids who were busy in other rooms, easy enough to side step as he found his way to Daenerys's chambers, relief washing over him as he found her alone and unguarded. He paused for a second, shocked at just how tall she seemed sitting, nearly at a match for him standing and her features looked tinged with masculinity, not enough to hide her true form, but it did make him look twice as she smiled back innocently.

"What's wrong my lo-"

"Stop this madness now!"

She seemed confused, nervous as she seemed to realize her ploy had been discovered.

"Whatever could you mea-"

"I remember all of what you did! Don't deny it! I don't know how you're changing me but y'have to change me back tonight or else my love won't stop an executioner's blade from your pretty face."

It was certainly an unexpected turn of events, the queen certain everything would go off without a hitch for a few more days at least, though she figured this would come eventually. Thankfully Jon was still foolish and could be easily tricked with his overly good nature, something she'd have to corrupt later on, though for now it was a god send as she recollected herself and lied easily.

"I apologize my love. I thought our loving was growing stale since you seemed disinterested the last time and I had a potion that was commonly used in Essos to make things more lively. I should have properly talked things over with you. If it makes you feel any better at the cusp of sundown it will undo itself once more so we will both be returned."

It helped that it was nearly that time, his lack of trust evident as he sat down.

"Alright, but if it doesn- RRGH!"

He groaned, Daenerys giving her own little coo as the changes began. Of course, it always started with a clearing of the slate, their true essences restored so that more could be drained, but he didn't know that, merely seeing the return of his muscle and height as a sign of the spell's undoing, Daenerys smirking as she went through the most fitting person for the night.

"You know, I was taught the arts of love by a rather talented handmaiden of mine. Did you know that?"

Jon seemed more focused on flexing his muscles, grinning at the return to normalcy though his ears perked up near the end.

"She was a lovely thing, raised in the pleasure houses of Lys and Blonde. Always trying to please, perhaps a bit too hard. When she found another person to serve she betrayed me, but I do regret how I dealt with that. I would love to show her how much I've learned now."

Sweat beaded Jon's body the more she talked, Daenerys's words painting an oddly vivid image in his mind as she slid out of her clothes, pushing him down to the bed.

"I'm glad I'll have that chance."

Before he could question it she was on him, her mouth hungry. Increased lust was a wonderful side effect to the magic, most men already beholden to the sway of their loins, but even someone as principled as Jon could be tempted. She could feel his manhood quivering, her own body feeling like it could melt at any second. Her nipples were ripe and ready, her slit drenched as she pressed it against his breeches, smiling as her dominant role in the bedroom led to a more fitting form for her lover, his lust masking the finer details as his recently regained hair sizzled and flattened into his body, leaving behind sensually smooth skin for Daenerys to ravish and relish.

This was how it should be, her subjects bowing to her will, Jon's face twisting into a look of confusion, adorably too late as she rubbed her body against his, tearing off his clothing revealing more of his pristine flesh, pale yes, but gaining a ruddy tan to parts of it that added to the texture, a familiar silkiness reminding Daenerys of her lessons as Doreah's unnaturally unblemished skin made his clothes pull off more readily. As for Jon, he was confused, his body alight with oddly familiar yet alien pleasures, his memories of the last few days sparking as Daenerys silenced his questions with her own mouth, his cock tingling as it slid into her slit as smoothly as a sword in its sheath.

Smiling Daenerys heard his futile attempts at pushing back, his muscled limbs beginning to weaken, slim, each one ineffectually writhing as his whole physique softened under her. For fun she clenched his lower lip in her teeth, biting it as it plumped with her teasing, flopping back to slap his upper as both swelled to a potent pout. Her hands gripped his face as she massaged away his features, enjoying the crackle of his bones as he grunted back, "What are you do-CHHK!"

Dany silenced him with a swat to his throat.

"No more talking Jon. Your Queen's in charge now."

It didn't matter what she did now. He was firmly in her clutches and after tonight's taming, there would be nothing to worry about. She moved his cheekbones higher, thrusting herself onto his cock as each slap sent his eyes squeezing shut in ecstasy, his black hair spreading out, growing longer in spurts while his eyelashes fanned out. His throat was still recovering from her jab to it, the lump flattening while Dany gripped his chin, rounding it while wrenching it upwards, his throat lengthening to a graceful shape, the tightened skin finishing off his voice as a more feminine moan left his feminized features.

"That sounds much better. It won't do to talk over me anymore. And don't worry, I know how much you're loving this."

She finished it with a rough kiss, the rest of his features crumbling as Doreah's face peered back, moaning out a weak, "N-No I don't- GAAAAH~!"

His hair exploded out, paling slightly, though like with the others it didn't fully change, settling between black and blonde as a mousy brown, the squeal forced by Daenerys's sudden twists of his nipples. He tried to force her off, but the more he gripped her and pushed, the weaker his arms became, the fingers spreading to dainty, ineffective things, that weakness softening his arms as Daenerys paused her attack on his chest to grip his shoulders and give a disapproving glare.

"You really are a fool Jon. Thank god you are though, I'd have never overpowered you otherwise. That's why I'm doing this. Why should your claim be stronger because of your cock?!"

Her thighs clenched to accent, one of his testicles flattening inside as his body shivered, a lusty squeal echoing as he spilt his seed inside, blissfully gasping through the forced nature of the changes as his hard shaft softened slightly inside. His nipples were red and puffy from her squeezes, his shoulders begging to be drooped.

"Well you won't need it when I'm done. You can be my submissive concubine. Now squeal for me."

With that she pulled down, removing all the height he had over her and basking in the painful grunts and moans as his broad figure was reduced, her hands moving down as she began toying with his contours.

"This body is far too broad for a measly subject like yourself. It isn't fair to try to be stronger than your liege. I need you to be more compact than this, I command it."

She squeezed, pain radiating through his sides as his trunk of a waist was reduced to a sapling, all the strength inside ruthlessly squeezed out into the ether as with the pain came a strange, insistent pleasure. Every time Daenerys ordered or dommed him, his heart fluttered, his moans becoming less reluctant as his cock stiffened once more inside her. To his horror he realized he was starting to enjoy this, his own horror turning him on as he moaned, not wanting to give in to the waves of submissiveness being pounded into him. Of course, this was all rendered futile once Daenerys returned to his chest.

Though they were flat, she still squeezed his abs as if they were breasts, feeling him shudder and scream as his pecs bloated under her grip, rising to fit her desire as raw ecstasy pounded away at his mind and will. He was so much softer now, moaning at her every touch as Dany played with a nipple, taking the other in her mouth as she pulled on them. Soon her own breasts had a perfectly plump pair to bounce against, both moaning with every slap and equivalent press they gave to one another. She grabbed his ass and lifted him, not yet strong enough to heft his weight, but more than handsy enough to force his ass to rise and plumpen, his cheeks slapping nicely as she continued to fuck his cock while it still remained. There was a loud crunch as she moved him, his hips breaking as more fat rounded his backside as Jon felt ready to blow, ready to give in to the pleasure as his cock tightened with need, only for Daenerys to stop suddenly and leave him moaning on the bed, a sly grin on her face.

A part of him knew what she was about to do, gritting his teeth as she let him stew in the changes, even alone the pleasure rising inside. He was sighing, moaning, cooing, unable to help the sensations as skin rubbed against skin, his cock throbbing as the changes teased him by moving past it. It welled in his toes, each one cracking as their shapes stretched, his flexed feet arching as their size shrank. Their shed mass pumped upwards into his calves, rounding them, stretching the bones, an inch or two restored while the curves accented his overall shapeliness as Daenerys still just watched, smirking at his moaned desperation. He needed release, panting like a hound in need of meat, trying to ignore the burning need as Daenerys's wants echoed around his skull. Finally out of desperation, he grabbed his own cock, gasping at the sensitivity of it in his hands, the silky touch of his fingers suddenly moving as if they were well trained in pleasuring a man, his eyes rolling about like marbles as he began to jerk it.

Now Jor was sighing theatrically, training running through his mind as years in Lys pounded into his mind, his fingers adept at pleasing men and women, his body meant for the pleasure of others.

"Ohhh wh-what's this memor-EEEEE~!"

Sex, wild bouts of it, orgies, seduction, masturbation, all of these memories were pouring in, giving him the sensation of each fuck as if it were happening freshly. The fat of his breasts dimpled with imaginary hands,  his sweat taking the role of saliva as phantom mouths teased his nipples, explored his body, the words of his training whispering louder and louder as his strokes hastened.

"Follow your orders."

"Your master's pleasure is your own pleasure."

"Follow your orders."

"What your master wants is what you want."

"Follow your orders."

"Be your queen's submissive toy."

The last one was spoken by Daenerys, though he seemed not to notice, grunting as his body refused to yield what he wanted, so she stepped in.

Jore moaned at her touch, his body tingling as she began swiping her fingers along his shrunken form. Probing, rubbing, teasing. His hips shook, a failed release swarming back inside as his thighs shook, the loose muscle further deteriorating, a wonderfully sore plushness beginning to tone the once horse hardened, battle tempered toughness.

"I know what you want Jon, no, Doreah."

He squealed, the refutation of his name utterly demeaning and mixing with his training, the submissiveness ingraining itself deeper and deeper. He wanted to fight back, to end up on top and yet the more she toyed with him, the more he desired to be ravaged, the only time he'd ever be on top was if she commanded it as his pride cracked, growing less and less solid by the second.

"You'll have to beg me for it. Beg me to finish off your changes, beg to be my servant, my lover, my queen!"

She was massaging the soreness from his thighs, the flesh only growing plumper as his swelling thighs joined his hands in stroking his cock, the desire reaching a fever pitch as his remaining ball stood strained and full, the whole shaft throbbing as Joreah moaned trying to hold onto a scrap of who he was, groaning as his thighs finished bloating to a seemingly crushing thickness around his groin. The memories were violating him, finding every scrap of Jon in his mind and fucking them into who he was becoming, every waking moment corrupted with pleasure, with servitude, with desire. Moments of seclusion were overtaken by masturbatory episodes, even his past lover replaced with other red headed pleasure servants, each one teaching him a new skill as the royalty was swallowed up by Doreah's needs.


Joreah's lips were trembling, his body aching, Daenerys's fingers now tracing the outline of his cock.

"M-Make me your servant, your b-bitch. AHHHll I do is to s-serve you so grant me, g-grant me- GAAAAWWWDS~!"

Daenerys kissed him, and plunged onto his cock to make him hers.

They both were squealing as Joreah's cock swelled inside, Daenerys's rough thrusting slamming the tip of his cock against her depth, feeling each smack grind his cock inside as his begging only grew more frantic and needy. Each bit plunged inside his widening loins was accented with an adorable shriek from the almost woman, his body expertly and desperately grabbing onto Daenerys's as he tried to pleasure his queen in turn, all of it endearing as they rolled about the wide bed of her chambers, less and less cock left to fill her. They shuddered, Daenerys squeezing her thighs, her pussy clamping down over his cock as his shaft softened under the pressure, though its sensitivity was just as high as the final throes of preclimax coiled inside his cock.

He gave one quivering shriek as his remaining ball was shoved inside his groin, hot spurts of his essence filling Daenerys as he happily gave her everything he could, moaning as the force of his rapturous release sent his shriveled cock inside, shrinking and shrinking until the seed ran out, his tip pressing against his body before tearing open her new, fresh pussy with a messy flow of vaginal juices.


The two were left heaving, exhausted from the transformation, both still reeling from the effects as Doreah felt her fresh pussy, sighing as it felt good to be a woman again, yet the thought seemed odd. Wasn't she always one? It didn't take long for the increased libido part to brush away any exhaustion, Daenerys giving her handmaiden a smile as she asked, "For old times sake, would you like to 'teach' me again? I even have a few of our old outfits in my trunk."

Doreah smiled, not hesitating for a second as she whispered, "whatever you want Khaleesi."

The two enjoyed the night greatly, braiding each other's hair and donning their old garbs, both moaning as they slid their clits together, Doreah using her mouth, her fingers, her body, everything at her disposal to please her queen. Both were lost in the pleasure, not noticing the waning wax of their candles, the creep of dawn as their love making stretched into the first rays of dawn as they enjoyed not having a single thing to hide from the other, one final orgasm from both ending just as the first arm of light stretched into their window.

Doreah moaned, sliding off Daenerys as she pawed at her crotch, the magic starting to fade.

"Mmmm~ I-I don't want to leave just y-EHHt m-my AHHH~!"

Her clit was throbbing, stretching past her vulva, starting to reform as Jon's cock, her body shivering as it grew, less and less of it Doreah's as the change back was equally as erotic as the change.

"Don't worry Doreah."

Daenerys stroked the moaning girl as her cock thrusted up past her loins, her breasts deflating as her features turned more rugged.

"You'll still be inside him as a part of the whole, and when this is finished, you can come out whenever I want, but for now, I need Jon."

With that, the changes finished, a greatly changed Jon emerging from the pleasure woman, moaning as his body returned to... well it definitely wasn't normal, but at least it was still male.

He had the look of a curbed puppy, Doreah's obedience leaving his will ensnared into her own, his eyes only showing flickers of confusion, yet the touch of his queen rendered him calm.

"There, now that you understand your role, there will be no more silly talk of fighting me now. Am I right Jon?"

"Yes m'queen."

Good he was no longer a concern, though there was one thing she hadn't considered. The growing list of changes were impossible to ignore, his shrunken height, his smooth skin and now, the utter lack of muscle making him look like a scribe instead of a fighter. Everyone was going to notice this and though she could mold Jon to her will, a castle full of his fiercest, most loyal soldiers would be less than open to seeing what she had done to their king. Well she would have been one of his changes eventually, and it seemed like they were in need of her magic once more.

"Today stay hidden from all your servants. Take your meals from in here and say we are planning our next battle. Tonight, we're going to say hello to the red witch."


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