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Alex really didn't want to fall into a gacha pit. He felt proud that he had never once done a single in game purchase for anything up to this point, and yet the siren call of Genshin Impact was calling. Okay that was a bit overdone, but seriously, as someone who loved Breath of the Wild and was big into cute anime girls, the game seemed to have everything he wanted. And it was on every god damn platform so he didn't have his usual excuse of platform exclusives either. And again, all the girls were really good, from Fischl's chuunibyou cuteness to Beidou's dommy attacker vibe and of course the animal girls like Ganyu's adorable horns and punk rocker country girl Xinyan. Basically the entire cast was his shit, the gameplay looked to be his shit and he finally caved, downloading it onto his computer as he waited excitedly to start playing.

Who would his first character be? Lisa? Sucrose? Hell even Venti wouldn't be too-

"Always energetic and full of life, Amber's the best- albeit only- Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. And she is here to join your-"

Oh... it was... her. "UGGHH! Really?! Might as well just give me fucking mayo on white bread and call it gourmet!"

He had literally forgotten she was even in this, a design so determined to be basic that he had erased it from his mind.

"Fuuuuck! Well I'm not wasting money, so I guess I'll just wait for my pity wishes to replace her with someone... competent? Hot? Useful?"

Alex was too busy bitching to notice the character's face twitching, a vein popping the more he made fun of her.

"Do I really have to waste time leveling her up though? Why couldn't I get like Jean or someone? Xinyan at least looks cool when she uses explosions unlike this awkward gangly-"


Alex nearly jumped out his seat, Amber huffing at him from the screen. She looked legitimately angry, like she was going to punch him. Of course, that was impossible though. Given this being an age of arg's and jump scares that broke the fourth wall like this, he assumed it was just a gimmick thing since the devs had probably heard all the backlash and added in a few glib responses.

"Can't believe I let a game scare me like that. Good timing for that line too, just a shame her skills suck in actual battle. I don't know why they gave us such a fussy pretend knight to-"

"I am NOT pretend! I am a proud knight of Favonious! And its greatest Outrider to boot!"

Huh, maybe it used his microphone and responded to certain words? Well it didn't matter he'd just leave this cutscene aaand-


It wasn't responding, his controller wasn't working at all and the screen was stuck on her angry face.

"You don't get to skip past this one!"

"Okay I get it the devs were annoyed your first companion is shitty, but this is too far. Unless she's so bad she actually breaks the ga-"

"I have had enough of these slights against me! As a proud Outrider I have strived to accept all that's in my sight, but I am tired of these annoying people connected by the gods disparaging my honor! I know it's against my personal chivalrous duty, but I can't take it anymore! I've cried into Baron Bunny's cotton far too much these last few weeks but no more! You! Come in here now!"

Annoyance turned to panic when his screen turned impossibly bright, drawing him in as he found himself falling forwards, as if his whole room had been turned ninety degrees and he was only now just realizing gravity was pointing the wrong direction.

"Hey what the fuck is this?! I don't under staaaaaaahhh!!!"

There was no fighting it, he was being pulled in and right as he was going to smash into his monitor, he was dragged inside instead, screaming as he fell into another world, one that was scarily familiar.

"There you are! Not so big now that you're not watching me from a computer now are you?"

"S-Stay the fuck away from me!"

Obviously, Alex wasn't taking the sudden transportation to a game world all that well. He was desperately looking for the portal that had taken him there, only to see nothing but the clear, partially shaded sky of Genshin Impact, his very existence like a poorly photoshopped blight on the world.

"Wow you really don't fit in with this world's aesthetic. Don't worry as a brave knight I have the authority to allow immigrants such as yourself an easier time fitting in!"

She waved her hand, throwing an empty husk of one of her Baron Bunny's at him, the fabric suddenly wrapping around him like a feral animal as his body felt the strangest sense of vertigo.

Usually he'd be too busy fighting against the slippery skin, but all of his senses felt out of whack with reality, the Bunny outfit turning translucent in a few areas as Alex stumbled to the ground. It was rubbing every inch of him, any spots blocked by clothing stripped of their texture and absorbed into the living cloth, his bared skin prickling as the color of it began to blotch and mix. It was oddly pleasant, his hairs not exactly leaving, just blending into the colors, the fidelity of the world unable to handle such intricate and refined details as it all turned a creamy color, featureless and sensitive to the constant rubbing as the tingles spread inwards. It was all hard to describe, much less understand, a certainty that his blood was thinner, less textured, his insides cold with each breath in of the world's art style, made oddly bearable by the encouraging touch of silk on his every flattened orifice. Parts of the husk were thickening, reformatting his clothing as a noticeable tightness formed around his hips, his waist, his legs, a red ribbon tying itself painfully into his short hair as the changes finally stopped, Alex now color coded to the world, and in Amber's outfit.

Where he would go from here was obvious. Amber, despite being weak sauce design wise, was anime strong and could probably take care of him easily with a single punch. Given that and her apparently limitless ability to affect reality, he decided a buffet of humble pie would be the best course of action, trying to ignore how hard his junk was being hugged by her panties and short shorts, stumbling a bit due to her tight stockings and top meant for someone with a much smaller stature and body shape than him.

"W-Wait! I apologize for making fun of you. I was dumb and didn't mean it. I'll do anything to make amends."

Alex put on his best knightly tone, hoping someone as gaga for chivalry as her would accept an apology. She seemed to take him for his word though, a little too much in fact, as her eyes lit up with energy.

"Oooh really?! I was worrying about breaching my duty as an Outrider in forcing this, but if you say you'll do anything... Wanna join the Knights of Favonius?! I'd loooove to have a new Outrider and then we can show how real our order is!"

"...er, sure."

His reluctant response soured her glee a little as he quickly cleared his throat and respoke in a lower tone, "I mean of course milady. I would be honored to join your Knights. S-So if you could make this less tight..."

"Oh don't worry as a fellow Outrider you'll find all your discomfort gone and your new uniform will be quite comfy!"

Axel wondered what that meant, but she was already at his kneeling form, stretching out Baron Bunny's stuffed arm like a queen's scepter.

"Alright then on this fine sparkly morning I bequeath unto thy... thee? Thee. I bequeath to thee entry into the Knights of Favonius. You shall live by Amber, learn by Amber and realize that best girl, all along, was Amber. Baron Bunny, explosive emergence!"

Alex was trying not to giggle at her self indulgence, only to instead moan as the felt tapped his shoulders, both sloping downwards with a sound like firecrackers popping.

"AGH! WHAT THE FUCK?! WH-WHY DID THAT FEEL G-HOOOD~?!" Amber seemed confused by the question as Alex stumbled back, groaning as his arms were awkwardly swaddled by by the fabric, a perfect fit in the shoulders, but that was working itself away as his shoulders grinded down the bones in his upper arms, a softness spreading down texturally as his flatly shaded arms scrunched inwards, femininity spreading.

"Well first things first, a real knight should not curse like that! Remember your every action represents our guild! Secondly of course it'd feel good! I'm a knight not a sadist. Now hold still and I'll make you best girl just like- Hey stop running! Go get em Baron Bunny!"

Alex was running away as fast as he could. Unfortunately, that wasn't very given the tight clothing he was swaddled in, the fabric stronger than his body as instead of tearing it just restricted him to a hobbled stride. Suddenly, a strange compulsion dragged his feet, everything in Alex's body telling him escape was the opposite direction as he moved, confused at why he was doing this until he noticed her Baron Bunny, using its taunt to drag him in.

It hopped up, wrapping around his throat as it nuzzled its face to his, the cloth quickly gaining a lot of static as its nuzzles stung with each swipe.

"Graaahh rrggh st-staaaaahhp~!"

The sparks were surging into his bone, multiplying in his hair as the tingles rounded his features, watering his eyes as they began to grow. All throughout, the stuffed bunny's flat groin was humping his Adam's Apple, each thump collapsing it more and more as his groans rose into ashamed squeaks, his lips plumping as he scrambled to pull the terrible thing off his face. Despite having no fingers, it was somehow pulling on his hair as he tried to yank it off, each attempt dragging his hair longer and longer until he finally tore the damn thing off, gasping as in its glass eyes, he could see his face had fully become Amber's.

"Y-You bitch!" Even his voice sounded like hers, a quick check of his flat throat interrupted by the bunny's attempts to escape. And then it started dancing. He had seen enough of the bunny memes to realize it was about to explode, so in a panic he tore the thing in half, a pitiful squeak exiting its lips as it deflated, stuffing raining down on his legs.

"Phew thank god it didin't expl-OHHHHH!"

It might not have exploded, but his thighs did, all of its fluff phasing through his bare thighs as he fell onto the grass, moaning as he could feel it fill his thighs and change into succulent fat, made all the more pleasurable by the other cotton strands swimming into his ass. Thankfully it wasn't up to its full heft, but it was enough to force his hips to part, a satisfying crunch, leaving the much changed Alex in possession of two very wide hips, the shorts and panties riding up fiercely due to the swell of ass and the tight erection that was struggling in the girl's clothing.

It was really squeezing his nads, leaving him struggling to lighten the load while Amber took advantage of his distraction, sending a few more Baron Bunnies after him. They started dancing before they reached him, so when he felt the first one clamber onto his back, it was too late as a tiny squeak ignited it. Normally an explosion going off on your back would kill you, but since this was game logic, it just depleted his hidden health bar, allowing more Amber to fill up as his spine snapped, a few more explosions going off around him as the outfit became horrifically form fitting. It was like punches of pleasure, the initial force of each curving his sides, thwapping the top of his head as he shrank in a numbing display of force, only for pleasure to surge from the changed areas. He was losing himself to it, moaning as his tummy softened and flattened, his fat pumped up under hungry nipples as his cock pressed at the shorts while all around him, burnt cotton swarmed towards his chest.

"Gyaaa H-HYAAAA!!"

Five Baron Bunny's worth of cotton was attacking his exposed wrists, the bumps flowing under his skin to land under his nipples, each landing adding to the building pleasure in his body. The original was looking at his progress happily, moving over as her near clone made lewd noises in her voice. Though it was embarrassing to hear herself moaning like that, it was proof that that meanie of a player was finally learning just how good it felt to be her, and how cool it was, and how stylish her clothing was to-



He was drooling a little as he gripped his straining cock, apparently too much stuffing flowing in as his growing breasts outdid the original, stressing the fabric to bursting as Alex squealed in horny, embarrassed terror. Opening his eyes he found Amber looking annoyed at his bare breasts, some loose cotton from a half sewn Baron Bunny in one hand as she surveyed her creation.

"Y-You're not supposed to surpass me Twamber! Though I did go hard on the stuffing... Well I'll take care of this, but I don't want a mess so..."

Alex tried to get away but she grabbed him, undoing his belt as she eyed his erect dick, the stuffing primed in her right hand.

"Leave it to me! Soon you'll be at the ready as well!"

Before he could respond with anything, his dick was out, her cotton stopping up the tip as her hands moved towards a more pressing matter on his chest.

It was a literal pressing matter as she groped his breasts, giving an annoyed look as she slowly flattened them back down, in the process giving Alex the most mindblowing sensation of rough sex as his tits were violently fondled, said fat moving down to his ass as the combination of both sets being stimulated making him buck, expecting to blow his load. Instead, the cotton over his dick slipped in, bulging his groin as a weird kick back punched his balls, the two lumps tensing as the cotton ball traveled further inside, like a ticking time bomb to an explosion in pleasure.

Amber knew very well what was about to happen, moving her legs away from his groin as even if he wouldn't have the type of release he was expecting, things would still get messy in the splash zone below. And damn did she look cute moaning like this. Why couldn't these fanartists see that she was clearly the best in both combat, character and lewdness? N-Not that she partook in such sinful displays of erm... w-well anyways time to finish the ritual on her newest recruit. It's a good thing her duplication magic was rarely talked about or he might have been worried. Though she wondered if people thought she literally made all of her Baron Bunnies by hand…

"Alright newbie, get ready. Your sword is about to go GWULP and then you'll feel a sudden kick and then I think you'll pass out for a bit so prepare they mind for an Amber overload!"

Alex was crying from overstimulation, trying not to lose to the pleasure, groaning as his cock gulped the cotton down, each further slide inwards shivering through the shaft as it slowly sunk inwards. Like really slowly. Like long enough for Amber to start going into her idling animations while his balls were starting to turn blue from the unfulfilled need to cum as minutes passed on the last stage, only two inches taken off the poor thing.

"Okay never mind. Go go, Baron Bunny!"

Alex whimpered as it danced next to his cock, ashamed he half wanted this when-



The force of the explosion flattened his cock, pancaking his mushroom tip as his thighs spread. His innards shifted, giving him a weird meaty gulp feeling followed by overwhelming pleasure, his cock mush collapsing inwards as clear fluids sprayed out his forming pussy lips. Then came the kicks as his testicles both rocketed inside, slamming into either side of his hips as their tubes connected, setting off an estrogen explosion in HER body as her clit formed, the aftershocks of the explosion pounding into her virginal pussy as the new Amber flopped like a fish, screaming and moaning as explosions gave her her first fresh orgasm as a woman.

Eventually the screaming died down, a glazed look in her eyes as she heaved, gurgling out a few moans as Amber inspected her twin happily.

"So Twamber, how does it feel to be the best girl?"

There were many things she expected, but the despairing wail as her new twin tried to cover up her exposed tits wasn't one of them.

"H-How could you d-do this to meeee?!"

"Oh right didn't mess with your head, well don't worry that's why you'll be stuck with me for the next few months, slowly learning to love and treasure your new body and learn a few things about- Wait Baron Bunny don't!"

Amber forgot she had a few of her bunnies on auto attack, the mentally unchanged Alex still seen as a danger as the bunny lunged from behind, grabbing her by the neck as the stunned Alex screamed. Its ears detached, each one wriggling into an ear as her cheeks reddened, the plushie's goggles flopping off and onto her head as instead of exploding, it split into fabric and cotton to repair the bits of Alex's uniform.

The tips of the detached ears ignited, burning comedically inwards as Alex, blushed harder and harder, falling to the ground as images of Amber and her ideology were pounded into her brain. Her still red eyes were yellowing, her hands pawing at her crotch as with every memory shared, another orgasm would assault her, her moans rising into a chorus of "AHHH"s as it continued. Smoke was leaving her ears as the visible bits of bunny ears burned away, comedically giving her the look of a person thinking too hard before the left one exploded, half her brain Amberfying as her left eye turned a color similar to her new name.


And then the second one, a great gush of fluids pouring from her tight shorts as they grew so saturated their color almost looked black as she moaned, both eyes a beautiful golden orange as she seemed confused.

"Ahhhh... AHHH- AHHHHHH~"

"Amber, reporting!"

This time she seemed as perky as the real one, though apparently Twamber hadn't set in for her name. A minor quibble but it would make differentiating them a bit difficult for the future.

"You forgot the Outrider part!"

"S-Sorry Amber! I feel like I forgot a lot of things just now! Wait wasn't there a person we had to teach a valuable lesson on our awesomeness around here?"

Amber was impressed with how fast her Baron Bunny had blown her mind, but then again she didn't doubt it would be that hard to prove how she was the best.

"Just to make sure, who is the best girl?"


"And why is that?"

"Cause we're the only ones selfless enough to help the people of Mondstadt of the outriders!"

"And is there any exception to who we say best girl is?"

"Since Jean is our senpai we will say her if we are asked by other members cause she needs the boost!"

Seems like the new her got the gist of this. Already she could see the new her playing with a Baron Bunny and being awed by the sights of nature around her, just like a true knight would. Somewhere up above, the two could hear another player making fun of them, whining about how twins was a cheap way to make a half good design feel fuller.

"Amber how about we-"


The original Amber refused to do another turning, though her twin looked confused.

"If we change all the dummies into us then we'd eventually run out! Plus with two of us we can get twice as much done and surely win over those-"


The original Amber's stomach betrayed her hunger as she looked around impishly.

"P-Plus we kind of have a limited budget as the only outriders so um, if we turned a bunch of people into us, we'd probably die of hunger after five..."

Her twin looked deep in thought as more abuse was hurled their way, perking up with a thought.

"Well we can just mess with them by leaving their teams every time they fight the cube boss thing! Bet they won't be so dismissive once they fail a time challenge for the tenth time cause they can't stop its regen!"

"Ooh great idea! And we can help the townspeople while they're doing it too!"

The two Ambers smugly grinned at each other as an Age of Amber Appreciation came forth... until Hu Tao arrived the next month and a war of twinning between the two and their familiars broke out, but that information is still DLC at this time. For more please unlock the Hu Tao expansion when it is ready.


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