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Things had been going well on Ash's journey through Kanto, a little too well for his liking. It seemed weird to say, but it just didn't feel right to not have Team Rocket appear after so long. The last he had seen of them had been when he left Alola, Meowth crying about a Bewear getting Jessie and James seeing too much of Mimikyu. Given how many times Team Rocket had bounced back from explosions, shocks, haunter attacks, the end of the world, fireballs and being shot halfway across regions, Ash hadn't expected this to last more than a week or two at most. It was now five months since he last saw the team together. Maybe it was because he was in between regions, maybe it was because Brock and Misty were too busy with challenges to hang out recently, but he kind of missed having those troublemakers bother him.

It got to the point where he was actively looking for Team Rocket bases in his free time, not having much to do while his visa was being checked for travel to Galar. It was definitely fun to be number one on Giovanni's shit list, and after traversing seven regions, Ash had more than enough Pokemon to be a match for any of the team's top brass. It was surprising how much someone like him could accomplish against a multibillion evil conglomerate. It made him wonder why Officer Jenny and the Elite Four seemed to struggle so much. Were they goofing off?

Technically that's what Ash was doing as he trekked deeper into the forest. He was planning to take a nice day off just exploring Viridian and catching some bug pokemon after wiping out their third Celadon City gambling hall. That was the plan at least, but then Pikachu's nose had perked up, clearly smelling a familiar scent of nefarious deeds and stolen pokemon. Well, that's what Ash assumed Team Rocket bases smelled like past the faint environmental stains of a koffing passing by.

Unfortunately a few passing butterfree used Sweet Scent while they were on the trail, muddling the actual location as Pikachu muttered its own name into the ground annoyed. It let out a few thunderbolts in the area scaring them away, but it was too late by then. At this point Team Rocket was about as scary as a metapod that only knew Harden so Ash decided they'd split up. Besides, he had multiple high level pokemon on his belt with him and he could always call Pikachu if he really felt in a pinch. He took the right while Pikachu darted out leftwards as he figured they'd give it a look for an hour before they'd hit the edges of the forest and double back.

Two hours later and Ash realized he had forgotten just how large Viridian Forest was, usually sticking to the trails. To keep beedrill away, Ash had his Charizard light a torn off branch with flamethrower, the smoke keeping away all flying pests as he tried to find his way back. He'd give it another hour, then just fly away and wait for Pikachu back at the meeting spot. Though could he fly from here? It was a really dense copse of trees and even though it was still only a little past noon, all the light came through filtered and weak after going through the canopy above. It was easy to miss tree roots and fallen branches, Ash nearly tripping three times.

The fourth one he did trip, a big snaking arbok of a root catching his sneaker, making him panic as his anti beedrill torch started smoking on the ground. Even if it had rained recently, it was still a Charizard's flame and nothing to downplay as he began stomping on it wildly. It'd be just his luck to burn down the forest while searching for Team Rocket, not that the authorities would care much about the reason. The thought of prison kept him focused on the smoke and embers, earthen creaks masked by his frantic yelps, the bushes hiding that he was stomping on the top of an overhanging piece of dirt, threatening to break off any second.



Ash looked around, hearing a noise not that dissimilar to the sound of graveler falling down a mountainside. Did the ground usually have cracks in it? And was it just him or was the forest rising? A few more roots and vines snapped as the shake turned into a rumble, then a free fall as Ash started to tumble, the ground falling away beneath him.


The falling dirt snuffed out his torch and slid down an embankment that was at least decently sloped so Ash wasn't in much danger of dying. Less good was that it still hurt every time he slammed against the slope, tumbling down the steep hill before slowing to a stop at the bottom of a shadowy knoll, winded as he fell into something metal.

"Rrrgghh... found it..."

It was the only upside to the fall, the tucked away ravine-ish section something he likely would have never found without the accident, the perfect spot for a secret base. After taking a few minutes for the pain to die down, Ash hopped back up and struck a pose, ready to unleash Charizard.


Taking a look at the facility, it didn't look threatening, or even manned, parts of it rusting and the sign barely legible.


"Wow that's... impressively underhanded." Ash stared at the sign with a grimace. Then again they set up in a gambling corner to make the gamblers fall into debt and be forced to join after some coercion, so nothing all that new. He wondered if this was where Jessie and James had entered, it'd at least explain why so many members of the team seemed to be incompetent. He brushed a bit of dirt off his jacket and walked towards the darkened interiors, not expecting to find much as he entered the dead recruitment chamber.




Ash's question echoed without a response, the hideout seemingly dead. It made sense considering no one came out when he made the commotion of falling earlier, but he still wanted to check to make sure. At the very least there might be some cool stuff left behind in the facility. Now if he could just find the fuse box…

He crept through the mostly dark facility, at first on edge, then losing it as the only things that greeted him were zubat droppings and shed ekans skins. The closest he got to human activity were some Magmarlboro cigarette butts. The cramped entrance opened up to a wider area as he finally saw what he was looking for, a metal box in the back with the fuses all on the blown side. It was honestly a surprise when the lights came alive, Ash only half expecting it to work as the flourescents slowly rose from dim to glowing.

They weren't the only things coming to life, a weird chirping sound and some old midi chords tinkling into earshot as a series of screens powered on, a rusty grinding sound deafening him for a few seconds before a robotic voice called out "Replacement chamber in need of repairs. Repairing, repairing, repairing..."

Ash curiously approached it, wondering what such a large machine even did as the sound of something spraying inside it ended the harsh scraping of metal. It was old enough to have a color coded keyboard, the design of everything bulky and out of date. Opening a menu, there were all sorts of strange options including willing and unwilling, member select, an obedience slider that went from 0 to 100, sexuality sliders, costumes to... w-was this something perverted? No this was a team rocket machine and surely all of those highly advanced scientists wouldn't waste their time on making some kind of erotic fantasy recreator would they? In fact, when Ash thought about all the scientists and weirdoes he had met on his journey... Yeah no this was a porn machine wasn't it?

It definitely made him more wary of some of the stains nearby, but besides that, Ash would be lying if he didn't admit he was a bit curious. Did it print out dirty pics of members? That had to be it since a quick scroll through the members list only showed Team Rocket members, the only people the machine's creators would likely have enough access to to make such a thing. Seeing Jessie's name there, Ash had to pause, blushing a little as he considered what he was about to do. Yeah she was bitchy and an asshole, but he found that kind of hot? He blamed Misty for any weird fetishes he might have picked up in women, but here he knew no one was coming. It was completely abandoned and he had all the time in the world to make sure the machine wasn't anything dangerous. That's what he'd say if anyone did come in and find him doing something... less than savory.

Selecting her name from the batch, Ash smirked, considering this proper payback for all the hardships she had put him and his teams through, looking through the other boxes as he began setting everything to his liking. Unwilling, but fully obedient once it started, maxing out the sexuality sliders, picking an option only labeled "Team Rocket Uniform; Skimpy" from the list. As he was selecting options, a ding sounded, a light from inside turning green as the repeating robotic voice of "repairing" stopped just in time for Ash to hit enter.

The machine rattled a bit, the gears now turning smoothly while Ash waited for what would come out. Actually now that he thought about it, why was it so big if it was just for printing porn? It was more than large enough to-

"Orders input. Processing. Target found. Non Rocket member shall be converted. Output: Code Name Jessie."

Mechanical claws shot out from the bowels of the conveyor belt to Ash's surprise, not giving him a chance to resist as they clamped down onto his flailing limbs like manacles, drawing him into the belly of the machine as the whole device came to life.

There was nothing to grab onto past the machine itself, Ash's fingers tapping against the keys of the keyboard as he only dug his grave by resisting.

"Changes noted. Mental restoration checked. Pleasure conversion checked. Horniness set to maximum. Is this what you wanted?"

Ash of course screamed out "NOOOO," as he was torn away from the console, the voice responding, "Since unwilling subject has voiced disapproval, approval has been assumed. Starting stripping and moisturizing."

Ash was helpless as the claws kept his limbs splayed, a few nozzles popping out as he was dragged in front of a car wash type set up, a white fuzzy foam spraying out over him as his body erupted into a numbing wave of tingles. It shut him up at least, not wanting to get any inside his mouth, especially when he noticed what it was doing to his clothes. Before his eyes, his travel warn clothing that had been in his repertoire for years was dissolving, seemingly melting into nothingness as the foam sizzled, losing some of its thickness the more it ate through. Everything from his sneakers to his trademark hat were thoroughly eradicated, leaving him stark naked.

Any attempts at keeping his mouth shut were thwarted by the sensation of the foam on his skin, the feeling simultaneously soothing, itching, burning and arousing all at once, Ash's screams bouncing between emotions depending on which sensation was taking priority. It soaked into his body, digging into his pores while ejecting the hair follicles within, burning them smooth in the process while exciting the sensory organs into a state of high sensitivity. Sunspots were undone, scars healed, tan lines undone. Soon every inch of Ash's skin was unnaturally uniform, his ruddy complexion replaced with a more elegant, pale pallor to it, rosy accents making his whole body look pampered and pristine.

He felt shiny, his new skin prickling at the tiniest hint of cold, all of it pulled taut, his throat feeling a little tight as he looked at his fully hairless body.

"Wh-What the hell are you doing to me?! STOP!”

A loading cue played as it readied a response.

"Voice does not match template. Throat spray will commence after styling of hair."

At that ominous phrase Ash shut his mouth completely, hoping to prevent whatever the hell this machine wanted to do to his voice. Meanwhile more foam fell down from the nozzles, making a neat crown on top of his head while mechanical hands popped out compartments on the side, roughly massaging it in.

Despite the harsh mechanical movements, the actual fingers themselves were dextrous and skilled, making the corners of his mouth crinkle into a smile as his scalp was massaged and tampered with. The color was turning bone white and suddenly all that dead skin that had been absorbed to make his body smooth had a usage, Ash unable to hold back a moan as his spiky hair flopped down, growing down till it tickled his thighs. Before he could shut his mouth properly, a small spray bottle popped out, blasting the back of his throat three times, the fourth spray hitting his lips as it tingled fiercely. Red shampoo spilled onto his head from the fingers of each mechanical hand, his moans quivering as the spray did its work. He could feel it shrinking in his throat, the taste of cherubis freezing over it as he found himself gulping instinctively.


It cracked, his pitch rising past anything male, his roots permanently dyed scarlet as he felt each scrunch on his scalp shake his brain.


The cracks were growing, his neck crunching as it pulled into something more elegant, slimmer. His lips were having an allergic reaction or something to the spray too, swelling up fiercely.


He moaned in his new voice, throat flat, hair red and a terribly familiar voice echoing around him as if taunting his struggles.

"My voice! I s-sound like that, that-"

His teeth were shifting, his jawbone infected by the spray, crinkling as he spoke, his tongue shifting along with the muscles of his mouth. A certain phrase came easily to him, phantom muscle memory asserting itself as he finished with a sneer, "that brat! Wahahaaa~! ...WAIT WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"Moving onto the next phase, facial reconstruction and memory implant phase one."

He struggled hard after hearing what was on the docket, a facial mold moving closer as the conveyor belt rolled forwards. Ash tried thrashing his head to bypass it, to shift his body somehow, but the mask only moved closer, a robotic hand coming from behind to hold his face straight as the mask clamped onto his face with a pressurized hiss. Rollers were running along his features, slowly but surely shifting the bones in his face as it only clamped down tighter.

It should have been painful, his nose definitely breaking, his cheekbones popping, yet a series of micro needles were hijacking his nervous system, a numbing pleasure plastering itself over his features as brows were plucked and shaped, two staple like pops piercing his ears as his lobes sagged while something warm began to pump in from the mask. It was hardening his shifted bones, fixing all the breaks and making them heal naturally, feeling like a gentle massage in the process. Something else was starting to flow in, snatches of laughter and phrases from Jessie worming their way into his thoughts, his mannerisms, part of him starting to find it funny that he was helplessly trapped and turning into her. He suppressed the giggles, his eyes flinching as tiny fiber spindles brushed his lashes with makeup, the warmth hitting his eyes as his sockets turned moldable, widening at the subtle pulls of the mask while light blue dye was injected into his brown irises. With another mechanical hiss, the mask fell off, revealing a perfect copy of Jessie's face atop Ash's weirdly aroused body.

He didn't know why it felt so good, his own moans making him feel ashamedly horny, made worse by the echoing mental image of Jessie laughing at him. Her words weren't coming through clearly but he knew she was mocking him. The conveyor moved him forwards, misting his hair clean of all the dye and conditioner from above, leaving it sopping wet. Two gloves readied themselves in line with his movements, not quite fingerless, but open at the nails with brushes and bottles of polish at the ready. Ash clenched his fists to avoid letting things go their way. The machine paused as he slotted into them, the gloves clasping around his fingers tightly, trying to restrict itself but noticing his fists were not cooperating.

"Continuing with shaping phalanges, punishment will be added if subject does not conform in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-"

Ash didn't see what else it could do, not exactly happy, but relieved when arm molds seemed to be the worst, the forms connecting over his arms as they began to warm up.

"Punishment will be magnified. Changing order, adding testosterone masher."

A long cylindrical cup appeared, completely translucent with a shiny plunger appendage, a bulge on the lid of it that diverted to two separate lumpy plates, filled with rollers that were buzzing and cycling through at a fast speed. Hissing could be heard as it approached, the air suckers in it strong enough to let Ash's groin shiver as it approached, his thrashing growing more panicked as the device's flow was tugging on his cock.

"W-Wait! I'll stop so do- OHHHHHN'T~!"

It attached, encasing his groin and slamming into his balls, another set of hands shifting it as it slipped flush against his groin, the rollers massaging his balls while his shaft was surrounded on all sides by a warm, sucking pull. The pleasure stunned him, his screams echoing as rollers in the glove flicked his twitching fingers one by one into the molds, his top half encased as the devices buzzed to life.

The gloves compressed, shaping his fingers as girth was sacrificed for length, polish swiping his nails red while more growth was fostered by the microneedles. Great structural changes were running through Ash's body as his arms matured, womanly fat injected while toning his growing limbs, shoulder pads cramping the bones and muscle while massaging it into a malleable shape, his frame creaking in though due to the taller stature of who he was turning into, his shoulders were simultaneously being rounded while broadened into an older, womanly figure. All of these insane changes to his body were happening in quick succession and Ash barely noticed any of it as he was too absorbed by the device cradling his cock, teasing and jerking his cock with expert skill as the plunger depressed.

He no longer had to wonder what Jessie sounded like while horny, his voice careening wildly as the tube hummed, his balls being prodded and rolled. As the plunger depressed the pressure below tightened its grip on his junk, the tight hold making him wriggle uncomfortably in his bindings. It was getting closer, the pressure reaching its tipping point as the rubber tip of the plunger tapped the tip of his dick. He expected it to be more forceful but it was surprisingly gentle, pressing down as he let out a long, pleasured squeal. For some reason the sensation felt oddly familiar, memories of something entering him making him cum as his hips bucked against the device, the plunger pulling back. Ash didn't know it yet, but he was reliving parts of her first time, the sudden intrusion mixed with pleasure, mingling together as his body prepared for another blow. It was almost disappointing when it didn't come immediately. His body wasn't ready yet for such action, but it was being primed, his groin still erect. He figured with how hard the machine was going it would stay on its current course for a bit, only to moan in terror as a needle filled apparatus appeared with breast pumps attached.

"W-Wait can't that come la-"

"Breast reconfigurement and augmentation. Due to input requests, extra mass will be added."

Ash was really flexing, trying to stop what was about to happen, gasping as the cold steel pressed up to his chest.

"U-Undo! I take back the extra bustiness I take it all ba-AHHHH~!"

The machine whirred to life, suckling on his nipples as they turned pink, growing in size and stature as the areola behind them spread. It was a might pair of nipples for such a flat chest, said flatness only temporary as he felt twin pricks before fat and milk began flowing in earnest.

Ash's whole face was dusted red, constant panting making him feel lightheaded as his muscle parted, the pumps pressing out a little without losing any of their grip on his nipples as they felt like two hungry mouths molesting him. For some reason he couldn't see them as anything but male mouths, his preferences in the process of shifting as felt another slap against his groin in time with a spurt of growth.

"OHHHH~! P-Please I can't take NNNGH! FUUUUUUUUCK!"

His red hair swung in scarlet whips as his body shook with orgasmic bliss, the sensitivity of his chest growing as fat continued to lean his body forwards. The pumping mechanisms squeezed and pinched, drool pooling from his mouth as another release filled the cup below. Looking down his vision was being blocked by a rising tide of milky flesh, the sight more and more familiar as he felt oddly unsatisfied, wriggling his hips. All of this teasing and growth was making his whole body sweat with needs he didn't understand yet, screaming out "Harder Butch!" At this point his chest had eclipsed the original's drooping as they became massive melons, Ash's groin still stiff despite the multiple orgasms his chest had caused, though his mind was on his random yell. Why had he yelled out that name? And why was he still annoyed how that blonde bitch had stolen her-


The slight give into Jessie's thoughts made things worse as his chest properly exploded outwards, sending the pumps off with the force of their growth as they swung down, their sensitivity driving him crazy with lust as his arms struggled to move. For once he wasn't trying to escape, but touch them, every minuscule brush of wind, their hefty sway and texture as they rubbed against his abs, it all made him incredibly horny as the conveyor moved forwards. The pumps weren't done yet though, driving another cute squeal from his lips as they rotated, latching onto his ass now as fluid poured from the restraints, forming a malleable thin sheet of cloth to wrap around his arms and chest. The grip of his arm restraints loosened as he wildly scrambled to pull at it, unable to bear the sensations of the cloth on his nipples, the sensation addicting as he panted moving forwards, desperately trying to convince himself he didn't want any more of this.

There wasn't even time to argue with the device, Ash feeling the pumps getting to work as his hands were pulled out again. The same oversensitivity in his breasts was happening in his butt, the sucking of the clamps and tingle of needles getting his nipples erect as pleasure spread from his growing ass cheeks and down into his thighs. While he was stunned with the glorious booty swelling down below, a corset like device moved in from the sides, connecting into a solid mold as a metal vice screw began turning, flattening Ash's muscled core while curving his sides. All the shifted mass was sucked out through tubes and replanted into his ass, his hips throbbing from the pressure and pleasure rising, his cheeks smashed against one another, threatening to burst until the intercom voice intoned, "Estrogen needed for lower half. Upping mix in fatty tissue to 80%."

An entirely different warmth flowed into Ash then, his eyes glazing a little as hot tendrils of womanly corruption spattered across his skeleton, his eyes rolling as his pelvis popped without any extra assistance. The plunger thrusting against his cock was getting faster, his body shivering, wanting the penetration, a near seismic blast of ecstasy roiling through him as the base of his cock shifted, a few centimeters pressing inside at the repeated smacks as his resistance sputtered out, losing to the pleasure.


It wasn't just his body changing, his feelings were, his body bucking into the repeated slams as his hips finished widening, his knees and thighs slapping together. He couldn't help but love it even if it disgusted him, that disgust making him giggle, finding his own perverted despair funny as his thighs grew snug around his cupped groin, soft fat joining in the machine in milking him dry as the last of his spunk was forced out with another inch sliding inwards.

"Final Barrage initiating. Mental implantation and genital inversion finalizing."

The conveyor was dragging him towards a series of screens, grainy footage of Jessie's memories and recordings, years of behavior and upbringing and mannerisms being pounded into his head as the plunger pounded his cock inside his body. Each thwack made his newfound peach of an ass wobble, his toes wriggling as they were painted the same color as his nails. It was maddening, his head filled with Jessie's taunts, the screens displaying her actions as all of them looked down on the resisting trainer, mechanical hands coming out to massage his new assets while his cock continued to shrink. Ash tried his hardest to resist, thinking of friends who turned annoying with every thrust at his groin, badges that felt pointless when criminality could progress things so much faster. Every bad memory he had was just proof that being a goody two shoes didn’t pay, and her voice was only getting louder as bumps formed around his cock, the flesh beginning to part. It felt so good to be bad, to be mean, to give in, it felt good to be Jessie. At the thought his cock finally softened, the estrogen and his fading willpower allowing it to lose its resistance as for the final time, the plunger depressed.

She was screaming for more as the pleasure centers of her body sparked with vigorous flashes, her resistance flickering away as she gave in to the corruptive pleasure. She needed to be fucked, to be turned, drinking in the wonderful sights of herself laughing in the monitors as she joined in with her own pleased guffaws. Tight spandex was sprayed onto her legs, reshaping her calves and crushing her heels as the tight grip of her boots squeezed her curves in all the right ways, her arms similarly cloaked as the scrunched up fabric from earlier turned white, a bright red R painted on her writhing form. Her cock meanwhile was being crushed, no room to move anywhere but in as something clear flowed from her receding balls, gushing out as she felt them press inside with two watery plops. At the end a slideshow of Team Rocket protocols were flashed as the plunger pressed inside, making her a woman and letting her bask in ecstasy repeatedly as she fell in love with Team Rocket all over again, cumming as she became Jessie inside and out.


It wasn't just the thrill of becoming her that had her so turned on, it was Ash's influence, his memories still there, all the times he had defeated her making the corruption that much sweeter, his constant mocking drowned in her squeals. Even with the process finished, she lost none of his horniness, nor his drive, his love of Pokemon corrupted into a love of stealing them, taking from those weaker than herself as a final round of shampooing and fucking finished her off, the machine dinging as it unceremoniously threw her to the ground, the machine's clamor fading as it returned to sleep mode, inert and waiting for more orders.

She was finally free, free of any restraints as her fingers rubbed at her leaking slit, her face blushing as her thoughts turned towards not just what the next few minutes would hold for her, but the next few days as well. Here she was, all alone at the special recruitment center that had been discontinued after someone made a Giovanni clone that almost split Team Rocket in two. Of course, there were all sorts of nefarious things she could do from here, but she'd never do anything that would betray her team, her obedience maxed out as merely the thought of their logo or doing bad made her panties more than a little wet. Well there was no point in holding back, so she gladly explored her new pussy, moaning with every finger she slid inside while her free hand tested out just how large and sensitive her new breasts were. The combo built up beautifully as she brought herself to orgasm, in control of every swipe of her clit and squeeze of her nipples. Usually after all that she’d be tired, but her body was raring to go in barely a minute, her supple curves dimpling nicely under her own touches.

No wonder that twerp had been able to push them back so often, with his optimism and drive in her, she felt like a new woman, a new her, her breast size equally improved as she pulled her shirt down, the non latex white top splitting open after failing to contain her massive bosom. She could make a new one later. For now she didn't mind making herself as sexy as possible, sex appeal a wonderful way to recruit more members, catch more people off guard as she climbed the ranks of Rocket leadership. And my what a lovely gift she had before her as she stared at Ash's fallen Pokemon, each one a treasure trove.

She'd deliver them all as her way to get on the boss's good side, then use her new body to drag more unsuspecting people into the recruitment center, making more Rocket drones that were loyal to the team AND her. Perhaps she'd make a Cassidy that was utterly submissive for a playtoy, payback for years of dealing with her bitchiness as a rival. And of course she could always put the real one through some retraining as well once her faction had grown large enough. Jessie was no longer content just being a grunt, being the punchline of so many jokes when it came to their team. No, she was going to make damn good use of this second chance. And she wasn't going to stop until she was the very best...


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