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The three alchemists were in a standoff, each with their own goals currently thwarted by the other.

"This is the end of the line for you Scar."

Roy Mustang looked cocky with his flame alchemy at the ready, his fingers primed for a snap in case the fugitive tried to fight back.

"That's right Scar!"

Edward Elric tried to look cocky, though oddly enough Mustang seemed the most annoyed by his outburst.

"I thought I told you to keep your head down! He almost killed you the last two times you fought and why the hell are you in this part of Central anyways?! You are on restricted access after bungling the recapture of-"

"Oh lay off it. You know something fishy is happening and I'm not going to be put on the sidelines cause you want to steal all the glory yet again!"

"Don't get short with m-"


Amidst the back and forths of the two, it almost seemed like they had forgotten about the deadly captive they were cornering. Almost.

Scar was annoyed that they had their attacks still at the ready, Edward's hand never moving more than an inch from his automail blade, Mustang's fingers primed. They were still clearly on edge despite cornering their prey, only halting further attacks due to Scar's hands being stuffed in his pockets. This was the end of his vengeance, the factory they fought in filled with materials being created that he didn't understand the molecular structure of, his disintegration made useless. There was only one recourse left for him, the alchemists thinking he was neutered as long as they kept him at a proper distance with nothing to destroy. They didn't know about the red stone glowing in his pocket, harvested from some of the abominations he had found in the sewers of central. He had already resigned himself to using their disgusting alchemy to get revenge, so becoming an abomination seemed like the next step of his evolution anyways.

There was one main issue though. He didn't know how to use these things, or what the process was or even how he'd use it. Perhaps he could use it as a feint? No that wouldn't work, they'd probably try to steal it from him. What did people even use these things for? He vaguely recalled people saying they could grant your desires, cure any wound, bring back the dead. Perhaps he could use it to destroy these alchemists from a distance? There would obviously be a cost, but whatever price he had to pay was better than being imprisoned and executed. He would have to toss the die and gamble it all while they weren't immediately focused on him. The steeper the ask, the steeper the cost though so he pulled his hand out gripping the stone and before anyone could properly react, screamed out, "I OFFER EVERYTHING I AM TO END THESE ALCHEMIST'S CAREERS!"

The stone flashed, bathing them all in its glow, the world shook and in that growing din reality seemed to stop for Scar. He was no longer with his pursuers, but rushing through a black void, careening deeper and deeper into the depths of something impossible to scope, a door larger than anything he had ever seen before coming to greet him as its magnificent marble and gold slabs creaked open.

Inside it was pure white, the doors hanging in a void of nothingness besides Scar. The second he thought he was alone though, a distorted laugh echoed through the space, a shadowy figure appearing in a vaguely humanoid shape. Out of instinct he tried grabbing it only to find himself unable to approach, his arm sparking into the ether.

"Trying to kill the god you asked for help? It's almost like you don't want me to help you."

This thing was god? He could sense immense power from it and whether he believed it or not, it was not the time to argue. He was here to bargain and he would have to be as careful as possible to no-

"Fine I'll help because your wording is funny and those two are rather haughty. Enjoy."


The god thing had a big shit eating grin, smiling as it looked down on him.

"Wait what is my price? The heathens talk about equivalent exchange, what am I exchanging?"

It shooed him away, the door creaking open as its smile widened.

"Oh don't worry you'll get to keep a body and you'll only really be losing one thing, but I guarantee you and the other two you dragged into this will enjoy your equivalent exchange."

Hands reached through the door, grabbing onto Scar as he screamed, feeling waves of numbing pulse through his body with every touch, like every cell in his body was moving apart only to constrict together again.

"Have fun Ishvalan. I won't be seeing you again."

The world reformed around him, but he was still being tortured by the touch of phantom hands, his body arcing shocks as he groaned. Edward and Mustang paused their arguing to pat themselves down, nervously looking at each other while Scar writhed like a battery leaking juice in a thunderstorm.

"Er... do you feel anything Colonel?"

"No. What about you pipsqueak?"

"Nope. Phew and here I thought GAHAHHHH!"

As if waiting for them to get relieved, the sparks from Scar's body shot out, attracted to the metal of Ed's arm and leg while also spearing through Mustang in the process. His gloves crisped up, turning to ash as he got out a snide, "you god damn lightning rAHHHD!" All three could tell something was changing in them as the alchemy rammed its way through, their bodies convulsing as they found themselves the ingredients in this equation, none of them sure what they'd look like on the other side of the arrow.

Scar's body was going through intense cycles of regeneration and disintegration, cells shedding violently as it took everything in him just to not dissipate then and there. It was like he was being reformed every second, each time a little more of himself being lost in the process. His usual trench coat was melting, his white undershirt tearing to shreds and yet they were pooling around him more and more. The zaps that ran through him were targeting his muscle, burning through it at an impressive rate as if he was using his alchemy on himself as years of fighting faded, his body slowly fading to numbness after the incredible pain racing through it became standard. That's why he didn't notice his trademark scar's growth, no longer a wound of the past, but a sign of what was to come.

It paled further, losing the jagged edges as scar tissue became fresh skin, youthful in appearance as it washed away his Ishvalan coloring, fading it away as white skin spread down his face in a tide, the subtle prickles of his roots turning blonde caught up in the numbing pain as the supple skin continued to turn more and more of his body Resemboolian. It was as it passed his nipples, turning the dark brown smudges a lighter pink, the flesh slowly tenting as his shrinking form thrashed about, that an entirely different feeling creeped over the pain. There was a definitive shift as it painted his shrinking abs, as his cock sprung to life with the tightening of his skin making his balls feel tight in his sack. By the time he watched it corrupt his arms he was moaning, confused as pleasure washed over him in waves, unable to even mourn the fading of his brother's final gift, his tattoos lost to the pristine pale coloring as the changes now felt maddeningly ecstatic. There was no time for embarrassment as the changes ransacked him, and his own moans were quickly chorused by two more sets, one creaking upwards to a feminine lilt.

For Edward the pleasure started from his stumps, that tingly feeling of phantom limbs bubbling up into a feeling of nerves clustering and propagating together. He had plenty of self control so he could bear with it with some heavy panting, confused at what was happening and barely making it back up to his knees when his automail popped off. Normally such a thing would be intensely, insanely painful considering how tied into one's nervous system all automail had to be in order to work like a real limb, but his nerves were all pleasure conducting as they pushed out the microwires and transfer nodules, his two stumps bubbling like some kind of baking soda volcano of flesh as five tiny bumps pressed up out of both. It took a second for Ed to realize he was controlling them, panting as they continued to stretch into slim fingers and toes.

It was weird to describe something that would come normally to most people as euphoric, but that's what it was as he moaned in confused happiness, unsure of what he had done to get them back, but thrilled to feel them coming in, tips turning into joints, then up to his knuckles as a palm and foot pad pulled out like rabbits in a magician's hat. Looking at them, they seemed kind of off from his regular ones, his analytic mind still running through the pleasure as they continued to grow, now wrists and ankles formed, the limbs proper sprouting out curvier than usual. There was something sensual about the forming dips of his calf, something appealing about the subtle fat in his arm and then the growth suddenly paused in his leg as a knee pulled out, pressure building up behind as his new flesh rubbed against his groin, causing it to harden. With a squeal, something wet stained his underwear as the pressure released, a thigh sprouting out all at once, its sumptuous fat jiggling as the limbs finished sprouting. His pleased moans only died down when he saw his new leg, curvy, dainty and clear as day that of a woman.

For Roy, all he had was confusion amidst a building, terrible pleasure. The lightning had shot through his navel when it hit, the sparks of change going deep into his core and piercing through his hands when they attempted an ineffectual block. A few things happened at that moment past just his gloves peeling off into ash. First his military uniform began to blacken, going the way of Scar's trench coat only faster as it sloughed off in a black gooey mess. Second, the exposed skin around his navel was staining itself yellow, hairs plucking themselves free as a pounding bliss spread from his belly button, said indent stretching into a slimmer formation as pleasure punched down into his body. He was quickly left moaning in a puddle of his former clothing, his eyes closed shut from the unending pleasure, their slant increasing as they shrank noticeably when they fluttered back. In a matter of seconds he had changed ethnicities to Xing, only to squeal as the changes rammed into his cock.

It was nearly indescribable, Roy's conscience fading in and out as it felt like something had attached itself to the base of his cock, massaging his internals with a warm embrace as the sensation began to suck. He moaned and yelped, gritting his teeth as he looked down to his rock hard cock, only to see the tip of it begin to depress. With a rubbery sounding squish the entire mushroom tip inverted, his hips bucking as a slicing arc of cum left his recessed tip, the sucking sensation now running up his cock as it latched on to his concave head and pulled.

What followed was an eruption of testosterone, his cries rising with every blow to his manhood as his balls clenched, slapping into his innards as they pumped out their contents, the releases growing messier as his urethra widened with each pull driving his cock to invert. It was turning outside in, fucking him as his tip split the muscle inside, pounding harder and harder with each yank, his squeals sputtering out as the unrivaled ecstasy threatened to drive him mad. It was impossible to stomach, in fact his own cock was fucking him so hard he was certain it was not going to stop until it scratched the base of his gut, the last of his seed pouring out from the half recessed hole that was his manhood as his balls were violently yanked inwards. Every time he thought he hit the threshold of ecstasy his cock would fuck him a tad harder, breaking past any boundary until with a final, blissfully searing pop his cock inverted into a sopping wet vagina, Roy screaming as she came as a woman for the first time.

Scar was feeling weak, unable to support himself as he rolled over, trying not to give in. He didn't understand what was happening or why it felt this good, the slicker skin of his thighs accidentally pressing against his cock, the flesh plumping as if it wanted to make him give in, the sudden pleasurable squeeze sending his head jerking backwards in a warbly cry as blonde locks exploded from his previously bone white hair, fat pumping into his weakened thighs as he tried to spread them. He was a bit too eager to try and avoid their touch, rocketing them apart only to hear his pelvis crunch at the rough clack of his femurs against his hips. It sounded gruesome, yet only amplified the unwanted euphoria, Scar squealing as his thighs were angled back together, squishing his balls as his hips rounded with fat.

His mind was fuzzy from the continued assaults, his blood flow directed more to the head between his feminizing legs than his regular one as the details of his familiar loss felt fuzzy. Details about his brother's fate were harder to recollect, replaced with waiting for his parents to come home from the war. Grunting he shut his eyes, realizing his anger was fading, his memories corrupting. He refused to let this devilish alchemy steal his revenge from him, to puppet him into just another pawn of the Resembool demons. Yet holding onto his memories was like forming a fist around sand. The harder he tried the more leaked through the gaps, his red eyes mellowing as their crimson glow was tempered with spots of blue, the spring river colors flowing in as his eyelashes grew longer, his eyes larger, his legs shifting furiously about as more memories dissolved his anger into a fuzzy cloud. There was something terribly familiar about the parents in the encroaching visions, his clenched jaw shattering to feminine plumpness as he realized who he was turning into, his voice rising to a girlish whine as he could feel something slimy grasp onto his cock.

Ed for his part was analyzing his new limbs, blushing furiously as the areas around his former stumps were converting, fat lazily bunching up in his left buttock as the already strained confines of his pants grew only more cramped, the growing cheek tearing through the seams. Pressure was mounting in his hip and shoulder too, opposing directions crunching simultaneously as his right shoulder sloped inwards, a wide curve now present on his lower left half.

"Shit shit shiiiiit~!"

He tried using his own alchemy to offset whatever the hell was going on, but to his shock nothing happened when he pressed his palms together. Actually, nothing would have been preferable, his changed hand gripping his normal one as more sparks flew out, the infectious alchemy making quick work of his twitching fingers, crushing them into matching feminine daintiness with a noticeable increase in dexterity as the changes ran up his arm feminizing and plushing out where needed.

Down below his left foot began playing footsie with his right, Ed moaning as his cock was pressed upon by his plump thigh, his right toes crackling as his shorter male leg writhed under the rising femininity. His calves were growing, curving with every twin slap together, his changed heel stomping on his foot as it kicked it out, forcing it to match the left in length as fat swelled in the lanky looking leg. He was losing control of his body, his hands now undoing his buttons, flexing threateningly as they teased his now exposed chest, moving up to his nipples as sparks buzzed on the tips.

"M-Mustang I n-HEEED h-hel-"

The lazy colonel was in no shape to help, Ed forgetting his own troubles for a brief second as he saw a moaning mustang driving slender fingers into a wet pussy, his body trembling with every jab as his ass swelled into a ripe peach shape. And then Ed was screaming, begging for it to stop as his fingers jabbed into his hardening nipples.

Mustang couldn't help herself much less anyone else, her throbbing pussy sending out corrupting estrogen, his body feeling flushed and soft and malleable as a hormonal wave spread out from her former cock. She still couldn't believe what she was seeing, stupidly probing the area with her hand only for her hips to suddenly buck instinctively, her pussy swallowing her right hand and crushing it as she inadvertently fingered herself. He sounded so girly as he squeaked, unsuccessfully trying to pull her hand out as she could feel her nails growing, scratching deeper down her slit as her hand slimmed down. Roy tried her other hand, nearly in tears from the pleasure. Why was her body seemingly dead set on fucking itself? Of course, all her other hand did was slide in itself, her new pussy glomping onto his fingers as she squealed like a whore in heat, hating how her hips were thrusting into them, driving both hands deeper and her mind deeper into endless ecstasy.

Her thighs clenched, the muscle melting into soft fat, turning her flat ass cheeks into a plush seat for her struggled squirms, her clamped together thighs making the finger fucking just that much harder as they squeezed his palms into cute little things. Mustang had never been this humiliated, this satisfied, hating every second of his self imposed masturbation, hating himself for loving it. Her back snapped violently as she contorted herself backwards, her slimming elbows pressing into her sides as she felt them begin to writhe. They were being sucked into her ass, making her grinding all the more fervent as she couldn't get the thought of her head that her fingers were a large cock, a shadowy image of someone forming who was tall and muscular and her lieg-

"NNGH!" She came, her hands finally slipping out as they were drenched in her fluids, a name suddenly popping into her head as she moaned trying to ignore the lust as her thoughts lingered on Ling.

Scar shrieked in a sopranic, glass shattering timbre, his liquified clothes from earlier starting to reform as their slimy grip climbed atop his cock, rubbing every inch of it as he tried desperately not to cum. More was trailing up his core, caressing his skin, the faint traces of muscle left to him as it glomped onto his sides. He tried to claw at it, to yank the gelatinous blob off with all his might, but all he did was batter his own body, gasping as his sides began to constrict, bones creaking the tighter it squeezed. The memories in his head were overwhelming his own, Scar looking for something to latch onto, making a terrible mistake as his eyes landed on the half naked body of Edward Elric, his cock gleaming in the light from its dribbling precum, their moans doing something to Scar as his horniness magnified.

"E-Ed is n-naked and m-OHHH~n-ning..."

He was drooling. The avenger of Ishval was lusting after his enemy, feeling his desires warping to hunger for cock, Ed's cock.

"S-Staaaahhp~ I c-can't let go of my NNGH of m-my pride as a- AHHHH~!"

His figure was curving, unable to hold up against the slimes squeeze as his sides slurped upwards. All of that mass was pooling under his nipples, the already hard lumps growing into pink, plump, pinchable discs, the slime's upwards trend sucking out what paltry masculinity was left in his core. It wasn't all weakness, his new core had a solid diamond under the soft curves, the physique of a blacksmith keeping it girlishly athletic as slime continued to pump upwards, a full on break in his psyche manifesting as it splattered over his nipples, piercing his two new erotic hot zones and pumping in all that delectable mass it had pulled into itself.

Unintelligible moans were his only response, unable to take what was simultaneously maximizing his pleasure centers while also groping and massaging the tender flesh. And as he despaired over his fading masculinity, a voice in his head giggled, his lips temporarily arcing into a pleased smile.

"Mmm~ isn't this fitting? To become one with your victim? To end this stupid revenge that only spreads anger? It's much better to spread joy and get paid for it too!"

He knew that voice, he knew that girlish quiver, suddenly scared to be at the whims of the girl whose parents he had killed. There was still enough fight left in him to wrestle control back, but for how long he could resist such erotic assaults he didn't know, gasping as his right hand suddenly slapped down on his growing breast.


The fingers were fidgeting, slimming into their final dainty grip as they circled his growing breast, his cock tensing as he lost further control, his left curiously pinching his other nipple. The slime covered groping was beyond what he could handle, his face bright red as he earnestly played with his rising chest, feeling them grow with every surge of slime forcing its way inside, turning to fat and milk as his chest expanded to perky breasts. Finally, his body had reached its limit, his hips bucking up as his balls spat out every last bit of juice they had, his cock tenting against its slime prison as it made the clear fluids murkier, some of it turning black as cloth began to form from the perverted alchemy. Right as he thought he was finished, his balls run dry, his mind swimming in Winry's desires, the final spike suddenly brought him into a chain of orgasms as he screamed, his cock being entered by the slime, his masculinity ready to be fucked away.

Ed at this point had lost all of his limbs despite having them attached, each one seemingly focused on one goal, the pursuit of pleasure and corruption. His thighs were treating his cock like tinder, rolling it between themselves, squeezing his balls as gloopy spurts of his masculinity were forced out. He was left helpless to the whims of his feminized pieces, his hands making a mockery of any resistance as they teased him, pressing on an ab to flatten it, tracing his lips when he begged them to stop, pinching them into thicker forms. Every now and then they'd tease his nipples, turning them pink in patches, dimpling the flesh as it grew ever more sensitive, tracing circles around his spreading areolas. As if to drive home how in control they were, his hands made a thumbs up motion before driving them into his nipples, forcing him to cum as they tweaked the raw flesh, his cries wavering as the pristine flesh of his shoulders spread along his collarbone.

His mind was caught between three separate sources of arousal, Winry's ecstatic moans reaching him, paired with his own changes and the nearness of Mustang enough to put an internal squeeze on his balls, the tortured lumps deflating slightly into him as he splattered his thighs with increasingly unwanted semen, his tip starting to distend. It was such an incredible feeling, that he needed a few seconds to even parse out just what was wrong with that third source.

"M-UHHHHHH-stang? Wh-Why would I be turned on by th-AHHHHT AHHH~ Ah... Wait this voice. Oh god no ohhhhHH GAAAAHHHD~!"

It was getting huskier, more mature, his eyes popping out to large rubies as it cleared itself into familiar territory, horrifically familiar territory. On one hand he always knew Riza had a thing for Mustang, but he didn't want this confirmed like-


Apparently his body didn't take kindly to those thoughts as his thighs slammed down on his cock, his hands squeezing his waist to speed things up.

His new legs kicked his old automail away, the arm spinning towards Mustang, the leg somehow moving closer to his body as the metal sparked. Like his abs, it was compressing, shifting about into tighter formations as the inner mechanisms changed. It was an intriguing, complex sight that normally would have captivated Ed if he wasn't busy screaming in his newly husky voice. His body was being treated like mud instead of flesh, his hands easily molding his core, obliterating years of training and bonding with an entirely different skillset as it sloped his stomach inwards. Each squeeze sent his waist trembling, sending slivers of fat sliding under his sensitive nipples, cum squirting out his cock until it ran clear, then of all things, black. It was like spray on pantyhose, his cock a nozzle as his cum was transmuted into new clothing.

Ed couldn't take it, feeling drained, feeling helpless and above all, feeling horny as his cock and lower half were stuffed into tight pantyhose, his cock angling upwards as new sticky strands fell onto his chest in black strands of fabric. It quickly spewed out a black top. Form fitting, short sleeved, the only loose part his chest which his hands were rectifying as they dragged more mass upwards, his blonde hair streaming down the sides of his shifting face as he braced himself, scared to find out what the lieutenant's actual chest would feel like when the small beestings he had were driving him to the limits of what he could bear.

All at once it exploded, his body spasming from the sheer force alone as his chest grew exponentially, his cock rung dry from the experience as his breasts stretched the shirt to its limits, the two mounds bouncing and rolling under the fabric, giving him a brand new type of pleasure as his skeleton cracked under Riza's influence. Each cup size was another notch inwards his spine pressed, the squealing "boy" barely having anything left to change as his hips splintered apart, male formations unable to contain that much ass, his ribcage and collarbone similarly shifting as his jaw popped into line with the rigid suddenness of a military salute.

Soon all that was left was his cock, squeezed between his legs as his body moved on its own, the lack of cum not stopping it from shooting blanks as his hands grabbed his former leg, now a silver pistol. His moaning quieted, then stopped, his face Riza's, his internals nearly all hers. Sure his mind was screaming in maddening bliss in his head, but on the outside he looked composed as his cock turned stubby, widening under the rolling of his thighs as the increasingly hollow inside grew ribbed, some of the inner muscle spilling out as it clenched his tip, just a push away from complete submission to who he was becoming.

Mustang's once passionate cries of resistance had slowed to merely mewls, her will shattered by images of the prince running through her mind, his glorious body making her unbearably horny. It was a quick dive past shame as she started fingering herself willingly. Every orgasm spewed out more of himself, shrinking him down, making his flailing legs join his arms in adorable femininity as all hard lines and ridges were softened into curvy, girly beauty. Her toes were splattered in his releases, turning to polish for her wriggling toenails as they lengthened, years of marches and military training peeling away to the unblemished flesh of a ninja light on her feet. It galled her that she was willingly giving in so easily, and yet despite how much she hated it, her hands continued to dive in and out of her pussy, driving her moans to cuter squeaks, her loyalty to Amestress shrinking down to her prince, her perfect, hunky, strong-


Her memories spilled down her thighs, trickling away her everything. All that muscle was spat out, alchemy lost, her memories of the tattoo on Riza's back replaced with her sneaking glances at Ling training shirtless, her fingering hastening. She cried a little, feeling herself fade, her hair plastering down her sweaty brow as it grew past her ears, tickling her chin as it softened. She had a cute nose now, resting above two adorably pursed lips, the stern military glare softened to that of a lovesick puppy. This couldn't be the end of her ambitions, she had to marry the princ- b-become the head of Amestris! Shit she'd lose it all at this point! She was Lan Mustang of the- Of the... Shit that wasn't her first name either! Oh god she needed help before, b-before-


Her last ditch effort was interrupted by two things. One Ed's automail arm bumping into her and two, Riza's ecstatic screams as Lan Mustan whimpered in blissful oblivion.

Ed was barely holding on at all, Riza's chilly training launching waves of attack on his mental defenses, but what turned the battle wasn't anything either side did, but a morale boost from the screamed out name of Mustang. Both combatants moaned, their cock throbbing as more of its insides pulsed out, wrapping around his tip in a muscular, pleasure filled embrace.


Even with her training, Riza couldn't help but tense up at the mention of her commander's name, not just a boss, but something closer to her, someone intimate.


Ed and Riza were subjected to a playback of every lewd thought she had ever had, every intimate moment they had shared, the differences in them fading as more of their shared cock turned inside out, Redza moaning as they stroked their mental cock at the playback, shoving it into her defenses until both Rizas were fingering themselves at the thought of Mustang, the two merging into one whole.


She used her gun as a dildo near the end, pressing down on the muscular lump that had once been a cock, squealing as her juices merged with her shorts to become pants, her gun changing from tiny pistol to a long scope rifle, giving her a hard piece of wood to take care of her former woodie, now more balsa about to be fed into a wood chipper. With a final SQUELCH the new Riza was finished, gasping as she felt her first female orgasm fold into memories of others, her body alight in a blissful glow.

As much as her former name had been the nail in the coffin for Ed, Ed's automail was the final push for Mustang as he looked at the confusing metallic limb, for some reason having intense memories of Ling as she reached out to grab i-


Rather than a regular touch, her fingers broke at first content, the hand becoming numb as her entire left arm began to fold in on itself. It all came back to her then, the clash in the capital, losing her arm to that disgusting thing pretending to be human, and Ling, coming to her rescue as she was almost- a-almost-

She was fingering herself rapidly, screaming out his name as her hand lost its fingers, her palm drawing into her arm as the mass pulsed up into her body, finding a home in her chest as she grinded her surging nipples against her right forearm. All of it reminded her of Ling's love, of why she had traveled so far into this den of lions, happy to sacrifice anything for her prince, even if it meant losing whoever she had been. Those other desires paled in comparison to the raw pleasure of her servitude, her arm locking into the discarded automail as her chest burst outwards, one final gush of fluids releasing Lan Fan from her worries as her former clothes reformed around her, bandages and black ninja garb cloaking her form as she panted, both her and Riza looking for the final source of screaming as they confusedly wondered what they were doing there.

It had started with Scar and it was going to end with him, his revenge flickering under Winry's intense wants and the burning pleasure of his compressed cock. He had played with fire and now that fire was consuming everything he was as the slime up top solidified into the start of an outfit, his breasts squeezed into a loose black and white top. The other two alchemists, th-they had to know a way out of this cause of course Ed was a genius and a cutie even if he was an annoying little runt of a-

"AHHH~ P-PLEASE I'LL t-turn myself in and d-HOOO wh-whatever you want just l-let me keep my di-HIIIICK~!"

The slime was fucking him between words, shoving deeper into his cock as the pleasure was almost blindingly potent, his thoughts fading under a blissful curtain of Winry as he cried out his final plea to the two men who had chased him.

All that greeted him were the confused stares of subordinates, two women lying in puddles of their former selfs' juices, Scar realizing in a twisted way he had gotten what he asked for before feeling the slime scrape his prostate. There was a pillar right next to him, allowing him to stay standing as he was thoroughly, roughly fucked, screaming as his ass shook with the pounding slaps of slime, moaning and giggling as the resistance was screwed out of him. His cock was melting, collapsing in from the force of each thrust inside, his cock joining the party as it rammed into his slime filled muscle, helping to split open the cavity that would be where his life as a male crawled into to die. Their thoughts turned to Ed as the pounding continued, thoughts a complete mess of resistance and enjoyment, fear and bliss, and a shit ton of mechanical know how all slipping in as his lips quivered into a pleased smile.


She was screaming for more, growing addicted to the feeling of being fucked as her balls popped inside, rattling about her hips as her g spot gave its last spark before melting into her newly refurbished womb. Her cock was compressed, jammed inside her tight new cervix while she felt the slime beginning to liquify inside, becoming clearer, sparkly, infused with estrogen as her cock collapsed inside.


Her revenge, her family, all of it seemed so pointless when she could just help others, and helping others just felt so goood.


She came as she said her name, slamming against her support as she came out the slime inside only for it to form socks and shoes as it slid down her legs.

Winry was left gasping for breath, cooing as a black miniskirt formed along with a jacket and white tube top that hugged her new breasts snugly. She felt amazing, ecstatic, and it was all cause, erm, all cause... Wait what was she doing here again?

The three women all stared at each other, waiting for someone to explain why they were there, what was going on and why all three of them were so god damn sticky. As if to break the ice, Lan Fan's automail arm suddenly disconnected, clattering to the floor as all three girls jumped, the trio loosening up some once they noticed what happened.

"Here, I can fix that up for you back at the apartment, er if that's okay with you Riza." Winry offered helpfully, her skill as an automail mechanic top class.

"It's fine. I don't even know what I'm doing out here. I feel like this is somehow Mustang's fault, but I'll try to contact him later to figure out what's going on. You're that Xing prince's attendant right?"

Riza was tugging at her shirt, waving some cool air down into her sweaty chest.

"His name's LING! And he will be the future king of Xing!"

Lan Fan wouldn't allow anyone to besmirch her liege, though looking at her detached arm, she awkwardly sighed and shifted about, looking away as she continued, "But yes I could use some assistance thank you."

The trio set off, all thoughts of a chase or fighting forgotten, the life changing events forgotten as quickly as they had happened. The only thing that nagged at Winry was the fallen arm, parts of it looking familiar, as if they came from Ed's, but that'd be impossible. Besides he wouldn't just give that to someone. She'd kill him for that. The thought of killing him sparked other feelings, something fluttering in the back of her mind as she felt like she was on the cusp of remembering something, but it just faded away when she tried to think about it too hard. Though that'd be rather silly to kill a state alchemist. What kind of crazy person would want to do that kind of thing?

Well there was one, that disintegration guy who almost killed Ed and Al a few weeks ago. It brought a shiver down her spine just thinking about it. Still, there was no need to linger on that villain. She just hoped he wouldn't pop up for a long time, though knowing those two brothers, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Where were they anyways? Winry figured she probably wouldn't see him till he broke his automail again so that was annoying, but it also felt comforting to know he'd be back. Thank god Riza was letting her stay over. After all, if she waited long enough, he was bound to turn up eventually... right?


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