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Was there anything more useless than electives in a community college? They were already scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as Jeff was concerned, but every school had its dumb core curriculum quirks and he had a slot to fill. Sure he could have picked a subject he was kind of interested in, but seeing how hot all the women were in one of those boring Feminism classes sealed the deal. It's not like he cared much about it, nor like he hated it, but given how hot the teacher was and how a glance at the syllabus showed it was one of those low effort hippy dippy type of classes he was all for it. Apparently the professor was a notorious kook, one of those self proclaimed wiccans. Admittedly he regretted it when he realized he was the only guy there and the girls were uh... well he'd never call them ugly in a class for feminism, but that didn't stop the teacher from shooting him dirty looks for half the classes. Thank god the workload was absurdly easy.

Compared to every other class, this one was the breeziest of breezes. One assignment had been to compliment five girls in your life, another to listen to Katy Perry's roar for some reason. Either way, he could deal with whatever dirty looks and ugly girls the class could throw at him when it was basically an extended study hall. Plus some of her spiritual statements were hilariously stupid. It was the third week and this class was meant to be "special," her curriculum only stating "community pool; inner woman; bring bathing suit and incense. " The only hard part about it was holding back all his quips and zingers, though at least the study group enjoyed some of the stories, though Annie seemed a bit annoyed at his brusque dismissals of the class. She was who was on his mind as he placed his green towel onto the pool edge, only dipping his feet in as the teacher began talking with a pink jar open.

"Welcome sisters and... future sisters." Jeff waved much to her chagrin, though she moved past it quickly, accenting her words with the pink jar as she hammed up the ceremony.

"Every semester we get new sisters, each with their own problems, their own self doubts. This ritual is here to give you respite from all of those doubts and better exist as your boss bitch self. Now I want you to imagine your dream self, the form and issues you've always imagined, imagine the new you emerging as if from cla-"

The pool water was really warm and relaxing in how it lapped against his legs, Jeff inching forward to go up to his knees as it was getting hard to focus. Besides, the rest of it was just self empowerment gobbledy gook, Jeff's mind wandering back to Annie. He definitely thought she was hot, but he still felt uncomfortable acting on it given the age difference even if she was legal and objected to being infantilized like that. He wondered if-


"Huh?" Jeff turned, seeing the speech finished, the jar upturned to dye the pool a cloudy pink, Jeff wondering how they got permission to do that before being interrupted by a chorus of shocked moans. It was surprising, all the other members apparently buying into her bs self betterment thing, some of them almost creaming their pants seemingly as the pink stuff brushed by them. Some of these girls had also thought it was bs just to fill their credit minimums and yet they all were agreeing going "Oh I can feel it! I can feel it!" like some cultists. He almost wondered if they were all pranking him as the pink cloud approached him. Of course he was the furthest from the teacher since he knew she didn't like him and he just wanted to breeze through things without much issue. He did imagine Annie though making the noises some of these girls were making as the pink finally creeped up against his submerged calves.

"H-Huuuuh ohhhh~ wh-what?!"

It came out as a sigh, the feeling warm and tingly, sending a creeping heat up his legs that wasn't unlike a good shot of whiskey as it filled you on a cold day, the warmth of the pool adding to it as his body slackened. The heat was insistent, snuggling into his body, callouses peeling away as a pleasant prickle ran up and down his legs, pink specks creeping into the follicles while plucking the hairs, the rough, oily texture of his skin wiping away to smoother, softer and noticeably paler than his thighs that were slipping further down into the water. It was addictive, the mixture running into his pores, shrinking them as it slipped inside, swarming around his muscle and bones. The bottoms of his calves were starting to taper, rings of subtly pulsing fat sliding upwards, a bit catching on the middle of his calves on the way to his thighs.

Was it mixed with ecstasy? This teacher was definitely not one who he'd see as above dosing her student body, it was the only way he could explain how good he was feeling, or how addictive it felt, a kind of spreading buzz that made his toes clench as he felt it travel upwards. Each throb sent his feet balling up tighter, toes wriggling as they stretched and plumpened. His heels were eroding down, sending more mass up into his curving calves as they rounded down.  Bubbles rose to the surface as his soles popped, arching more, Jeff realizing that he was hard as his ankles slipped into the dainty feet he now sported, his thighs starting to gurgle. It was hard not to be while surrounded by equally horny women, all moaning about how good it felt, the Ecstasy really strong as he swore they were more attractive now than when he had first seen them. One had a snaggletooth that was shrinking, another with hairy legs looking smooth, thin, but that stream of thought was ended when the bloating really hit his thighs, Jeff joining the moaning throng as he slipped in deeper.

It didn't matter that his shorts were soaking, the denim fibers unspooling and washing away to a more revealing thigh cut, his legs kicking as both knees rubbed against one another, strain building at both hips as they yearned to angle inwards. The water was now firmly around his lower half, the lapping bits splashing against the start of his buttocks, more of the pink slipping inside and swelling the flesh. It wasn't an unhealthy bloat either, the thickening flesh rosy and plush, all healthy and appealing... for a woman. No wonder his cock was loving it, his thighs rubbing together as the water eased his hips into spreading, ripples accompanying each outwards press as he moaned, thick fat swaddling his stiffy.

The thicker they got, the harder he became, moaning  as his balls felt smothered in pillowy bliss, his knees fully angled in now. He knew it was wrong, but he was horrifically horny, barely keeping it together as his cock throbbed, warming up as his ass bloated. Everything felt heightened, the edge of the pool digging into his swollen cheeks, his seat far more plush as the smooth flesh didn't grip as well as he expected, sliding down as his ass was fully soaked, thickening into a plump rear that strained his boxers. Jeff was on the verge of cumming, straining not to blow his load right then and there, his cock hot and tight. He imagined that wouldn't be a good look, dosed on ecstasy or not and the last thing he needed was to be expelled. After all, he was there cause of Troy and didn't want to waste- Huh why did he think that? Ugh it was this heat in his crotch, he'd just dip it into the pool to cool off and-

"Ahh ah ahhh~..."

The water felt more amazing than he thought was possible, its gentle lapping flow pressing against the tip of his dick, flowing inside with an almost lazy ease as his tip throbbed, the bliss so strong that Jeff didn't even notice he was starting to cum. He came in slow dribbles, the pink slipping inside, making the erect member floppier as pink drained into his balls, rolling about the meaty globes while slowly pressurizing. The flow was so gentle, it left him unaware he was being drained, cum dribbling out in white globules as his eyes shut tight in otherworldly bliss. His soaked boxers were splitting, tiny holes poking through as they slimmed to a sexy lace number that pressed down, milking his balls more, each outwards expulsion allowing more wisps of pink to slip inside his cock, pulsing along his bloodstream. All of a sudden it became to much, his balls retracting slightly in a groin spasm as he grunted, wheezing as the last of his cum spurted out in one sudden load, his body giving a shake as the resulting splash dowsed him with water.

"Shit shit shiiiiiiiiiit~!"

He tried to wipe chlorine from his eyes, the stinging hiding their angling, an almond outline replacing the oval, pupils taking on some of that blue to become an ambiguous type of color that shifted based off the angle, fluttering sexily under longer eyelashes. Some had even gotten in his mouth, the pink stuff tasting like a mix of sugar, chocolate and the condensed mouthfeel of eating a woman out, his lips swelling into a glossy smile even as his throat buzzed, his attempts to clear it chipping away at the Adam's Apple in his throat. A floral scent wafted by, making his nose wrinkle, the bridge flattening slightly, flaring out into an adorable, slightly pugged shape, the teacher burning incense that made his horniness worse, his wet nipples feeling raw as they slid against his wet shirt.

The water was fucking with him, he had to dry off, moaning as he dragged himself back onto his towel, the cool air feeling crisp against his cock and nipples, both hard and pulsating in an ever increasing tempo, the hard nubs swelling out to pink discs with every sensitive, yet painfully erotic brush against his shirt. Now the buzz was traveling up and down his cock, the tightly crammed shaft feeling like it was jerking itself off, a warm pulse forcing him to thrust his hips upwards with a garbled cry. The tent in his pants wasn't quite collapsing, but it was certainly leaning dangerously, the shaft angling downwards as his balls shrank further, pumping something hot and wet into his pelvis that sent the fire in his chest raging.

All at once, the bones in his face crumbled, a pleased shriek rising up to a familiar voice as his cheeks rosied against a rounded chin, a smattering of freckles completing the mousy girl next door look as the panties pressed tightly against his restrained dick.

"Ohhh~ shit that f-feels mmm~ fuuuuck Annie?"

Jeff could hear her voice moaning, not realizing it was his own as he swallowed, imagining how amazing it would be if her hands were what were stroking his cock right now, her cute, soft fingers... The thought made his hands twitch, the palms smoother, each joint slimming as they extended out. Soon the fingers gripping the edge of the pool were svelte and girly, the pale skin creeping up his arms as wonderful weakness ate away at what muscle could be found in them. One hand pawed at his groin, the other gripping his forehead, shaking the water out with the grease as each matted pass through sent his brown hair out longer into messy chestnut locks. He had to stop thinking of Annie, feeling like he was about to burst with every passing remembrance of her. Desperately trying to stop this, he looked around for something to take his mind off her, only to see something shocking.

The other weren't just looking hotter, they were changing, all of them lost in their own orgasmic trance, some fingering themselves, others splashing about as their bodies shifted before his eyes. One of the older women in the class had regressed from her droopy 50's into a robust 20 coed, the grey in her hair overrun by a vibrant blonde, other women who had had hair plugs ripping them out to reveal various shades of perfectly conditioned locks. Breasts were bursting out of bras, outfits reforming and amidst it all the victims seemed utterly unaware, all of them lost in the horny blissful trance of it- Oh shit what about him?!

Looking down he wasn't sure if he wanted to scream or moan, doing both as an internal jerk sent his hands straight to his balls. It didn't take a rocket scientist to piece together what it meant to hear Annie's voice every time he moaned, recognizing those hips, those legs, the hands he had just fantasized about now struggling to find something to grip on.


The thought did something to him, the image of her pussy wrapping around his balls, consuming them one by one as they slurped his entire manhood into her tight, not quite virginal pussy not leaving his head. It only made the spasms worse, his balls pressing tighter and tighter until with a tearing, churning SCHLUUURP he came, squealing as his left testicle was swallowed inside Annie's forming ovarian tract. It wasn't like his usual orgasms, the pleasure exploding from his dick and back inside to spread throughout his entire body, his shoulders rumbling down to soft slopes while his nipples surged into small breasts that only made the erotic thoughts that much worse. Hot clear fluids were staining the front of his jean shorts, his cock molten as vaginal juices spilled from the tip, and despite how terrifying it was to feel a ball disappear, the estrogen wave that followed made him giggle, moaning for more as his fingers cupped the remaining ball.

He snapped out of it properly just a bit too late having to bear through another alien orgasm as his hands shoved down, feminine cum pouring from his burning cock as he felt his remaining ball shrink and pop, turning inside out as it melted its way down the other side of his hips. This orgasm was even stronger than the last, stumbling him as he skidded away from the pool, groaning as his breasts surged, every muscle feeling like it had just spasmed as a second orgasm forced itself through his body.

"Ahhhh AH AH F-Fuuuuuuuck~! Ohh g-gotta MMPH g-get away before I'm A-AHhhHHHHhhhnnie~!"

Everyone else was too busy loving their own changes to stop the doomed "man" his own horny thoughts returning to Annie no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, spurring on more changes.

See, the magic made you into the ideal you, not the actual one, all of his perverted thoughts on Annie corrupting his body, changing it as the horniness made him go from one to the next. His thighs felt so good as he ran, their heft thickening further, his ass stretching the jeans till they popped, a grunt rolling through him as a solid inch of his cock was forced inside by the pulled taut panties. That led to him cursing the panties, imagining them missing to reveal her dripping, hot-

"AYEEEE~!" They disappeared, his shorts starting to merge with his shirt, the bare wind striking his cock as it pulled in another inch, a trail of release glistening behind him as his urethra widened. Running into his room he slammed the door shut, trying to clear his mind, trying not to cum and failing at both as he stared into his room's mirror, his fantasies coming to life, and shooting out every last drop of masculinity he had in the process.

"Ohh b-bigger! TIGHTER!"

More cock was inside than out, his body falling to his chair, grinding against it, shoving more of his own cock up his forming vagina and screaming for all of it. His breasts surged outwards, the cup size unimportant as his outfit turned into a teasing, revealing black dress that hugged his curves perfectly. Imagining a horny, sexy Annie made his urethra widen further, the open hole starting to throb as ridged muscles textured the insides, the stroking not cutting it as a new desire to be filled and fucked filled him. Though he was crying out no, his body was screaming yes, his hair darkening, brushing out to a beautifully brown frame, his lips not only glossy, but redenning as bitter lipstick further swelled them into proper cocksuckers, his cock starting to really get on his nerves for how much of a mess it was making. Besides did she really need one of those dumb things? Her teacher had said-

"N-ohhh yessss YESSS~!"

His cock was fucking out the last pieces holding out, all of those dumb self empowerment phrases making his nipples hard, his disgusting masculinity dripping out in spurts as the tip of his cock was more vaginal than ever, the widened opening grinding against the corner, a finger slipping inside as she finally gave in. Jeffie could feel the law knowledge he had accrued spattering across the floor as more of his shaft slurped in, the biggest orgasm yet building as he pressed down, feeling closer to Annie than ever, his thoughts attempting to hold onto himself turning into masturbatory fantasies. The type A personality was finding it easier and easier to compartmentalize the remaining pieces of Jeff, Jannie moaning as she now pressed against her cock, imagining Jeff was fucking her, annoyed at how often he kept a distance. Moaning his name she finally came, the pleasure exploding as her cock slipped inside, a moist POP squirting out who she used to be as her entire body squeezed in glorious completion.

Gasping as she looked at herself, Annie questioned why she had been so horny, chastising herself for getting the couch dirty and getting that annoying sensation that she was forgetting something. Well she always felt like that, the day never optimized enough, her own desires usually taking a backseat to proving her parents wrong and getting closer to the study group with the occasional lusty explosion when she really needed it. It was a good thing she had taken this feminism class, it was really helping her feel better about herself and that ceremony had felt amaaaaazing~! It felt like she had been freed of some really disturbing stuff, all that toxic masculinity crushed and  turned to confident femininity. Actually, thinking about the group, Pierce was kind of a perverted misogynist asshole, and abed did say he wanted to understand women better. Maybe she should suggest it to the others, she was sure they could use a different perspective too...


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