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Zoro grumbled as he made his way to the women's quarters on the Thousand Sunny. First he had to suffer through one of the chef's shitty meals. They tasted good, but he felt like he had gone through a full night of drinking and that didn't make any sense. Then again, little of the night was making proper sense. Why would the girls want to see him? It's not like he bothered to peep or anything and with Luffy out and about, he had to stay and make sure the ship was safe since that Dartboard Brow was distracted with being left behind with just the girls of the crew. He wasn't sure when Luffy would be back since he had just run off into the newest island as usual, followed by most of the support team since there were lots of strange vegetation for Usopp, medicinal plants for Chopper, wood for Frankie for some furniture and Brook just went along for the hell of it.

Walking through the doors, Nami and Robin both had sour looks on their face, Nami's like she'd bitten into a rotten tangerine and Robin's more restrained, just a slight downturn of her lips, but given her usual stoic expression it was notable.

"What's the problem? I have to get back to my post since Luffy’s out."

"That's the issue." Nami replied with a huff. Zoro didn't follow.

"Do you know how often Luffy goes off on his own and makes US have to deal with all the side problems? I do my best to reign him in, but I'm not strong enough to restrain him! You have to do more than just stand there!"

"It's not my job to babysit the captain. Besides, isn't it your job to make sure he doesn't go out of line?"


A multitude of hands sprung up, grabbing Zoro and wrapping around his waist, attempting to restrain him. He mostly took it as a minor annoyance, more intrigued at what they were trying to do than worried.

"You do know I could break out of this easily right? Just let me go or you'll have to learn how to turn pages with your mouth."

Surprisingly, that made Robin giggle, finding the threat cute.

"We know you can't harm a woman. We saw that quite well on Punk Hazard and even if you could, you should know from my time with the Revolutionaries that I'd never be this bold without a plan."

"That's right. We already have one idiot who can't hit women, so that'll be another thing fixed when we're done."

Zoro really didn't like the sound of that, deciding he'd just have to use the back of his blades or some haki, preparing to break free when a really bizarre feeling went through his body. He tried to put haki into his sword, his hand, but his stomach clenched, all of it draining out, his body feeling weak suddenly.

"Ah I see Sanji's cooking is working. I don't know haki that well but apparently he just made your body use up all of it for the next hour. He was more than willing to help us out once we told him the plan."

Nami was talking, but his eyes were on Robin who was starting to focus, a weird pressure bulging between his legs, her sprouted hands casually flinging his swords across the floor. He could feel something digging up around his crotch, the tender flesh abuzz with weird sensations as his face scrunched tightly.

"Wh-What are you doing to my- MMPH~!" The flesh felt bruised almost, but pleasure instead of pain radiated, his fourth sword unsheathing very visibly against his tight black undergarment, his balls rubbing against spongy lips quivering at every touch. Robin was still in deep concentration so Nami explained while Zoro tried his best to struggle out, an incredibly wrong, yet intoxicatingly blissful sensation spreading throughout every corner of his body.

"Don't worry Zoro, you ought to enjoy this, but we came to a decision. Since you won't help, it'd be better if you felt the same as us about this. And Robin's ability happens to have some unique applications that can help since she awakened it."

Zoro was catching about half of what she was saying, groaning as the buzzing around his cock was growing stronger, but it was enough to realize what was happening, crying out as the pussy lips around his groin fully sprouted, ripping open around his cock as cool air blew up into his body. Before he knew it, he was losing control, his body spasming as he came, unable to hold back the raw sensations of Robin's pussy not just sprouting on him, but connecting, the tight confines of his underwear rubbing his balls against the shallow gap between his thighs, forcing him to grunt as every few seconds his balls spat out their load.

Robin's hand clenched, Zoro thrashing as the lips pursed around his balls, a wet sucking sound coming from down below as her flower began to drag in his balls. Cum left in spurts and flows as Robins fingers wriggled, each twitch carving that forming sensitive chasm deeper as he moaned. His balls were carving out his insides, the tethers connecting them to his innards corrupted by Robin's influence, reeling in his balls in opposing directions as the last seed he'd ever sow splattered across his thighs.

"Huh, I never thought you'd be the squealer type. I figured you'd just kind of take it while glaring at us. then again, women always were your weakness."

He wanted to curse her out but his cock was too raw and blaring, his hips bulging as he felt every inch of his testicle's journey as Robin summoned fingers inside to aid their inwards dive, flipping them inside out as hot jets of estrogen sent clear fluids pouring out his melting cock. A pathetic whine left his lips as one of the hands pulled his fundoshi down, other arms angling to give his cock one final farewell as an army of hands bore down.

It was nirvana, Robin's sword handling skills equal to his own as one set of restraining arms started to melt, slipping over his own arms like gloves. The hard muscle didn't vanish, only compressed as his gorilla like arms slendered, Robin's brow filled with sweat as she sprouted feminine fat over the muscle, giving the skin a smooth, silky texture as it softened all around. Once his fingers stopped jerking, fully enmeshed in her arms and cricked out to match their slender book turning lengths did they spring free, trying to tug and grapple away the hands teasing and pressing on his cock. Instead some grabbed his wrists, adding his own hands to the mix as black roots began sprouting from his scalp, drool moistening his plumpened lips.

Once he had begun to stroke his own cock it was the end of it, his eyes rolling back as he screamed, clear fluids sputtering out as he pressed down, multiple fingers stroking the tip, pinching it shut as it melded together into a large, exposed clit. Black hair exploded out with a shriek, a moist churning ending with a juicy POP as his cock slurped inside, his legs opened to reveal a throbbing, pink pussy.

Surprisingly the swordsman hadn't yet given up hope, noticing the slackening of his captor's grip and lunging at Robin, the shocked devil fruit user instinctively using Clutch as her hands pulled Zoro's head up to meet his feet, his spinal cord crunching as the broken vertebrae reformed in a curved shape, Robin taking a breather to recover from the shock and regain stamina.

"My, that was surprising Kenshi-san, or should I use chan now? Obviously an attempt on my life cannot go unpunish-"

"I wasn't going for your life! If I knock you unconscious I could change back!"

Nami and Robin stared for a second blankly before erupting into gales of laughter, clearly amused.

"Oh Zoro this isn't something you can undo, once we're done, you'll be permanently, irreversibly Robin. Now lets 'punish' him Robin."

Hands clamped his jaw shut, crushing it into hers, pressing down until he felt his chin crack and soften, one finger rubbing the bulge in his neck as it slowly pressed it down. Robin went back into her fruit position, smiling deviously as she whispered, "clitoris fleur." Suddenly Zoro was rocking about the floor, rubbing his thighs together as intense need bubbled up from between his legs. Two extra clits had formed around the first, all of them intensely sensitive but unable to satisfy the others' needs as they magnified the horniness. Each muffled cry came out higher than the last, something splashing down into his stomach as Nico Robin's voice rose from his throat, the hands caressing his face tenderly as they massaged, his bones like clay, muscle like jello.

The last of his mint green hair had been suffused by raven black as it streamed down to his midback, his nose yanked and pulled out into a sharp triangle that looked refined on the rest of his slowly Robinized features. He cursed them through every pleasurable shift, grunting as the need kept growing, his warriors pride ashamed to realize he wanted something inside him as he wheezed through unimaginable pleasures.

"Hmm... think that's enough punishment Robin? I mean after all, he is crying like a baby..."

Catching onto Nami's drift almost instantly, Robin smiled, moving her controlled arms to leave his muscled behind up before them before commanding, "SPANK!"

Each seismic slap sent juices tumbling down Zoro's thighs, his cheeks red as Robin's hands tenderized the muscle, softening it and pinching the ripe, red flesh, forcing it loose for fat cells to flower out in. The slaps went from painful to achingly erotic after only a few seconds, Zoro's rump now plush and paling, matching the pale flesh of his arms, his pussy, his face. Letting his mouth finally open, Zoro gasped out a low, quivering groan, trying to get to his pussy with his hands.

"Aww those little gasps are so adorable, but we won't let you satisfy yourself till you agree to act like a good little girl okay?"

It took all his strength to look Nami in the eye and say bluntly, "Once I get out of this I'm going to make you change me back even if I need to use a butter knife t-OOOOHH GAAAAAHD!"

It was quite the odd sight, Robin's crossed hands caressing her own breasts, Zoro's nipples responding in two as more hand sprouted from the deck, pinching, stroking, rubbing around his nipples until they were puffy and pink, their constant tweaking sending hot surges to the clits in his vagina that only seemed to dive him deeper into the abyss of feminine pleasure with no sign of a bottom. Other hands were forming a ring around his waist, wrapping him in a tight hug as his nipples continued to swell.

"Dos Fleur: Mammary Burst!"

She squeezed her chest in accent, Zoro's own pecs throbbing as something could be felt bubbling behind the muscle. The muscled sheets bulged before splitting, bubbles of fat rising on his chest as the hands encouraged it, kneading the burgeoning breasts, mashing the muscle back to let fat overflow and bulge outwards. Zoro could feel his pussy throbbing with each growth, misting out hot need as his brain throbbed inside. With a tremendous crunch, he flailed, screaming as his waist popped to slim curves while his breasts rocketed out, the changes nearly done and his thighs squeezing together in need as an evil thought crept upon Robin.

"Don't you want your swords Zoro? For a fighting chance?"

The desperate "man" weekly nodded, gasping as hot estrogen was pouring down his body, slowly filling the adrenaline packed muscles and removing any body hair left on his skin. Even the fine minty patch around his cock wasn't spared, turning black and downy while the rubbing of his thighs felt much smoother, a glossiness to his skin that wasn't there before only amping up the need. Hands were still fondling his breasts, groping his ass, seemingly touching everything and everywhere except the one spot that needed it. Robin decided to be helpful since he asked for the sword and had a hand sprout and grab the tossed Wado Ichimonji, pointing the hilt straight between his open legs before preparing her last attacks.

"Dos Jambes!" For a second Zoro could feel the legs sprouting internally, Robin's long, sexy legs hollowing his out, ready to turn his remaining features into curved, elegant gams as his toes kicked inside their boots, but then his beloved sword was returned, the hard hilt roughly slamming into his pussy as the world erupted into hot flashes and heated screams. It took a few poundings to realize he was screaming, his body on fire with relentless, orgasmic pleasure as his pussy steamed forth liquid, drenching his pillowy thighs, running down curvaceous calves and pooling around shrunken toes on dainty feet, his boots now crumpling from the slimmed down circumference of his legs, though what was lost in girth was more than made up for in willowy length. Weird urges and personality quirks were fucking into his brain, archeology tumbling inside as his sword hilt was thrust in and out, the white wrappings stained tan as Zoro came again and again, Robin not stopping until her twin ungritted his teeth and screamed out a pleased, "HYAAA YESSS!!!"

Zorob pulled (her?)himself off the ground, moaning as his sword plopped out, soaked in her releases. Everything was jumbled inside his head, who he was, what he liked, what her relationship was with these women. One was a crewmate, but the other was his... twin sister?

"Mmm~ w-wait no..."

The thought of being Robin's sister made her body quiver, a calmer orgasm letting him coo as he struck a pose, still having all of his sword skill in tact, his muscle honed sharply like one of his three swords as he aimed his blades at his... er... attackers? Sisters?

"G-Get out of my h-ahh-ead! I wohhhn't l-let you win I can find devil fruit users to fix me and both of you bastards can... ugh s-sorry sis I don't know why I- AGH I-I'm Zorob!"

As amusing as his little mental escapades were to the girls, Robin was a perfectionist and not one to waste time. Though she had a smirk on, her hands regrouped, pulling his legs out to trip him into one of their sleep hammocks, other hands appearing to yank his swords away. Robin knew what she liked and Zoro was like butter under the skilled hands touches, knowing where to touch to make him jerk, a finger sprouting inside his vagina that circled his leaking clit. They tore apart his wardrobe, ripping his fundoshi to shreds, tossing the boots, leaving his naked body free to play with as other hands opened a nearby closet, rifling through the selection.

"It's nice to see you so spirited sister, but we'll have to get rid of these flights of fancy now that we're this far along. Besides, those old samurai robes were always so flashy and obvious, you'd never land a proper hit on someone from a position of advantage, but first, some support."

The hands tossed a bikini and hip sash over, the perverted limbs pleasuring their confused captive as they slid white and purple swimwear on, banded in gold and tying his hip sash fashionably as others did his hair, Robin personally placing a book of her notes in front of him before making the finger inside his pussy twitch, another hot flash running through the swordsman as he moaned, loving the soft cuppage around his breasts and excitement piquing in her eyes as she looked at the ancient runes in her notes.

"OHH~ th-this is the AHH~ YES! P-POHH-neglyph we f-found on s-sky peiaaaAHH~!"

Her smile faltered, Zorobi slapping the book away, trying to escape, feeling that wonderful feminine throbbing only getting worse the longer Robin's clothes hugged his figure. He ran towards the door, almost tripping as Robin flexed a finger, teasing a yelp from Zorobi as he felt a second finger join the first inside his slit. Other hands held him in place, these now carrying bracelets, bangles, earrings, and other assorted jewelry.

"Was that not to your style? Here Nami, you're always more fashionable, why don't you pick what our new sister will wear."

"With pleasure!"

Nami ordered which hands had the right stuff, each piece of jewelry adding another glyph to Zorobi's memories, the perfume and powder dizzying, hypnotic, a feeling of Robin sprouting in the stem of his brain, throbbing as it spread. It was starting to feel all too wonderful, her hips grinding against the teasing of Robin's fingers, the flowing skirt and tight purple tube top Nami picked out making each feminine desire all the more alluring, his brain now suffused in a caul of Robin that was drilling deeper into the pink matter, sprouting seeds of acceptance. He tried to run for the door, but as the outfit was completed, another hot rush poured down HER legs, her escape motion cut off into a flamboyant twirl as she posed for her sister and her close friend Nami.

No! That wasn't right! B-But it didn't feel wrong either. If she wasn't constantly being triggered she could have maybe gathered her thoughts, but it felt too good to give up, one of her own hands joining in rubbing at her crotch, her mind a mess as she finally begged her sister, "P-Please Robin I'm so confused, h-help me under-mmph mmm~ mmm..."

The mental reconfiguring always required that personal touch, Robin bringing the former monster trio member into a deep kiss, Zorobin's pussy dripping as hot ecstasy greeted their mingling, Robin's years of deception through any means necessary bringing out every ounce of her seductive powers, a glassy look filling Zorobin's eyes as she gave into the pleasure, feeling her sister's influence surge to the back of her throat, rising up to grip and mold her brain. It was tremendously blissful, an ecstasy so bone deep and encompassing that a consistent flow of release pooled on the floorboards, each memory tweaked or removed another orgasm that lulled her deeper into the trance.

It was all being melded together, formative and incidental. Kuina was now her best childhood friend, the two having bonded over being women who trained in swords, but she had been sad the last night they had spoken, saying how lucky she was to have a devil fruit, how easy all those limbs opened up her sword skills while she'd forever be a regular human. Other feelings sparked, arousal towards men, knowledge of Ohara's greatest findings, her own sword style still strong, but aided by advanced tactics and maneuvering as her hands meant she could fight with as many swords as she wanted to now. It was a good thing she was drowning in a metaphorical concept, since her ability to swim had also finally snuffed itself out, the ability to use her sister's devil fruit welling up as she remembered them splitting the fruit and each biting half of it. That sourness brought her out, a calm smile on her face as she moaned, a new name replacing her old.

"How do you feel Zoey?"

The former Zoro looked a bit confused at the question, looking down to see Nami's outfit fully soaked and covered in the smell of sex, the Robin twin sighing as she began to strip and sort through the wardrobe herself. She wondered why her sisters seemed so tense, unaware they half expected another poorly planned attack, but as she slipped on a pair of dark blue panties, moaning happily as matching boots and a short cut, breast hugging dress followed, the spaghetti straps digging into her shoulder comfortably in a way that sent her nipples hardening for a second, before the odd arousal relaxed into a much less intrusive feeling of rightness. Sprouting some arms herself, two styling her hair while a third grabbed a pair of orange red sunglasses

Zoey smiled, feeling the strength in her limbs, her Haki significantly stronger, tactics and subterfuge mixed with brawn and ready to thank Sanji for the wonderful meal earlier. Part of the deal had included Robin adding... lets say fondness to Zoey's thoughts of Sanji, though she was a bit tired from the massive stamina used up during the transformation, but just thinking of the chef made her heart start pumping, a few naughty ideas springing to mind.

Nami and Robin would figure out how to convince the rest of the crew to go along with it, not really worrying given how much of a pushover Luffy was to weird things as long as Zoey was fine with it. Nami reiterated the question, no longer as nervous, but wanting to make sure everything had gone smoothly.

"Er, you didn't answer Robin, but how do you feel Zoey?"

The new member just smiled as she sat down, wondering if she should go find Luffy once she was up to it and better strategize.

"I feel absolutely wonderful Nami. Now excuse me, I have a few things I'd like to discover on Cook-san and I think it will require some privacy and careful disrobing of any obscuring elements. I'll deal with Luffy-san afterwards."


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