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It was even safer than flying, the likelihood of multiverses crashing together normally nonexistent without something purposefully driving it to happen. Unfortunately, that seemed to be the case as Oliver Queen and the rest of the superheroes he had met and added to the growing roster of protectors investigated bizarre spatial anomalies. It was a bit degrading though for Queen, his abilities a result of years of training and hardship, fostered by tons of difficult battles and impossible odds. Yes it was useful in a fight with regular people and trained assassins, but it was less so when compared with threats so existentially terrifying that his own meager abilities seemed pointless. Sure the other heroes would use his marksmanship at crucial times, but the point was, he just didn't feel all that powerful.

Perhaps that was just selfishness, his own ego always never one to take a bruising well even with the work he had put into that deficiency, but it was hard to not feel so impotent when his claim to fame was archery and can punch good. Barry seemed to find new absurd ways to break the rules of reality every few months, in fact they had half expected him to somehow be involved in messing up reality this time but it was some other force beyond their capabilities. So for right now while all of the actual scientists and super powered people were figuring it out, Oliver was left twiddling his thumbs, like an asshole. Perhaps it was that hidden desire that caused it, the fragile state of the multiverses having drawn multiple realities together, yearning to collide now that they were so close, but one second he was aggressively doing his exercises on the rack in his gear and the next his bar was hitting air, his place in the universe gone.

When the world settled down around him, everything had completely changed, his hideout instead some public looking hall, cheaply carpeted stairs leading to an average looking street that seemed reminiscent of the one outside his place, but just off. The order of the buildings was off, the designs weren't quite right, it was honestly slightly nauseating. What was also slightly nauseating was the vibrational incongruity with his cells and the world around him, his body doing the equivalent of a poorly strummed guitar chord, buzzing erratically against the rest of the frame. The advanced quantum physics going on around and inside him though were obviously lost on him, the main effect being a dizzying hum that made every hair stand up straight. In his home dimension, a super powered woman was feeling something similar as she looked confused around the hideout, but that didn't concern Oliver. What mattered was that a gap was now missing in the world, and he was about to fill it.

The vibrational frequencies were insidiously moving into his body and clothes, dragging it into the right frequencies. Ever so slowly his dna was being rewritten, chromosomes shifting, but for such a massive change, it merely felt like a gentle tingle, almost pleasurable in a way.

"Rrgh great is Damian tied up in all this? Though when did he get teleportation magic? Either way I better focus on regrouping with everyone... uh what the hell?" The first signs that something more than just a change in location had happened was showing up in his outfit. His dark greens and blacks were a tactical choice, blending in equally with dense jungles and dark cityscapes at night, but something was corrupting the colors, making the material clamp down with surprising strength against his body as it brightened up, vibrant blues, reds and even a gold v appearing as it resewed itself into an absurdly garish format, the colors of some overly powered person with no need to hide.

The tightness immobilized him, the waist far too reduced for his frame, the chest drooping slightly compared to the rest while his pants embarrassingly flared out, the red locked under the gold V as an unmistakable skirt. The tactical gear and layers of kevlar and bulletproof shielding were shredding before his very eyes, simplifying to sheer black pantyhose that clamped down on his muscles, the insistent rubbing they performed surprisingly arousing as a noticeable lump rose from pleated garb. It didn't help that his boxers weren't spared either, turning into the kind of filly silk he enjoyed pulling off many of his past flings, the soft silk buzzing against the tightly swaddled cock. With the final shifting of his boots into red, tight fitting things that hugged non existent curves, it was complete, the hero utterly embarrassed and thankful that no one could see him right now. He honestly shuddered at how any of his team would react if they saw this, knowing they'd never let him live this down.

Moving was incredibly awkward, the outfit suffocating him as he fumbled for a way to start tearing it off, not liking the building feeling of pleasure in its tight embrace. It almost felt like it was trying to ease him into something, a thought that had no good outcomes in his mind. Unfortunately his arms could barely even stretch back enough to even fumble at the cape fluttering behind him, and as if to confirm his fears, that attempt at unloosening it seemed to send the magic or whatever was attacking him into overdrive, a few heated groans rumbling from his throat as the next thing to be assimilated into its new role was his body.

This part was achingly pleasant, the hum diving from the suit into his skin, sending every follicle and pore alight with arousal as dead skin cells were polished away, each hair below his eyebrows plucked as their pores puckered. Every inch of it was softening, turning smooth and tender to the touch which only increased the sensations of the tight latex on his body, his balls and cock incredibly tender as they turned impossibly smooth, his dense crop of leg and arm hair sheared methodically, followed by calluses, sunspots, oils. His masculinity was essentially being strip mined and there was little he could do to stop it, an intensely erotic thrum bustling under the soft skin as he felt a great strength well up, something about the tight grip of the costume feeling right against his now bulletproof body.

"Nngh no Oliver fight it!" He hadn't gone through hell for five years just to give up because something felt good. The buzz was going in deeper now, focusing on his frame and muscles, his shoulders subtly popping as they rounded down, muscles knitting like his suit into tighter, denser formations that buzzed with energy as the arms of the suit at least fit like a second skin now, his sockets finishing their slope downwards as he reached back for his quiver. He had arrows for this, especially after some of Damian Darhk's weirder spells had cause chaos and while he didn't like how clearly unmanly his arms now looked, at least he could finally reach his... cape?

"Well shit." Apparently his anti magic supplies had been used up to make the flowing red cape behind him, leaving him defenseless and out of options. Quickly coming to the conclusion that he was fucked, Oliver just grit his teeth and decided to hold out for as long as he could, grunting and moaning as the changes to his body took things up a notch, intoxicating pleasure swirling through his protesting body as the world seemed to grow around him.

Of course it wasn't the world growing, but him shrinking, the buzz now unbearably warm as muscle and bone softened and shrank, inches melting away into him as his body felt malleable to the suit, his chest and buttocks suddenly posing outwards as the small of his back caved in with a satisfying crunch. What little hair remained on his body was thinning, silky locks cropping up and tickling his cock, arching his eyebrows, a blonde color overrunning his own hair as it sprouted down his back in a curtain of curated femininity. Oliver did enough grooming to maintain appearances, but the hair pooling on his neck was conditioned, well maintained and bathed in a strawberry scent that tickled his nose, a lazy smirk appearing on his face as his lips buzzed thicker, his nose perting into a cute little thing.

"Mmph... s-stop feeling so..." Oliver was forced to trail off as the changes swept through his face, buffeting the hard lines and contours down to softer peaks, his cheeks rosier, eyes getting bright and wide as they fluttered suggestively. There was a lump in his throat, fizzing away like a candied treat in soda. It burned a little, but the liquid that dribbled down his throat tasted sweet, adding to the glassy look of acceptance as his voice quivered to a perky soprano, full of hope and passion.

"gooooooood~!" It was only getting harder to fight back, the panties bunched around his cock as precum stained the red silk scarlet. The vibrational settling was now firmly in his muscles, rubbing into the tendons and tightening up an already muscular body into something superhuman. He knew it was bad to give in, and that he had to fight this with everything he had in him, but it was just so hard to hate getting what he secretly wanted, the powerful surge of muscle density rubbing under the skin in ways that were suggestive and addictive, pleasure humming along his body as muscle surged inside his chest and ass.

It was the primer, a plateau of hard muscle firming his already toned buttocks and pecs, square indents visible under the outfit, the skin above doubling the pleasure conducting nerves in preparation for the sensual overload he was about to undergo. Oliver was gasping, falling to his knees as his cock strained against the panties and pantyhose, the tip tense as he tried to hold back the mounting need building in his balls. At this point he knew he was being changed into a woman, yet despite what he would have expected, he was only getting stronger. In his fallen state he watched as his hands clenched, the joints and knuckles popping, slimming, nails growing longer and polished as they dug into the hardened marble floor as easily as birthday cake, that power surging in his stomach, his thighs, his back. Really the intense ecstatic swells of fat were just the cherry on top as he could hold back no more, moaning heatedly as his chest and ass were injected with succulent, squirming fat.

"GAHHH AHHH YES!" He couldn't think, only feel as the blocky parts of his frame rounded, the tight embrace of the spandex creaking and squeezing his forming curves as his hips bucked, a shot of hot cum pouring down his thighs. His new assets were playing with themselves, jostling as they grew, some of the fat at the forefront slotting into his nipples and teasing them from the inside. The inert flesh hardened, ripening to sensitive nubs that sent a few more loads rushing out his balls as they scraped against the pebbly texture of the suit, Oliver knowing that with his Kryptonian skin they could quite literally cut diamonds if he wanted to. He squealed as they both finished growing, his breasts cupped firmly by the suit, a hand playing with the soft flesh while his skirt bounced and fluttered against the swell of his thick ass. For a second, Oliver wondered what Kryptonian even meant or why he knew that word, but the ecstasy running through his body made sure to target his mind next.

Years of training and technique were draining from his mind, almost as fast as his testosterone that was gushing out his cock in slippier and clearer spurts, Oliver just a man attempting to hold back a literal superwoman and obviously failing. Everything was tightening, his body crushing his innards like the suit had his body. The sides of his waist creaked and crumbled, siphoning more fat and muscle to his breasts and ass, the powerful cheeks clapping against one another until his hips could contain their heft no longer. His thoughts of being a human broke apart with his hips, his pleased shrieks reaching a new fervor as fat widened his stance, angling in his knees together as his abdomen pulsated into a taut tummy. The pleasure laid thick on his mind like a haze, making even the idea of being a man hard to agree on as he tried to hang on, his name... Kaliver? No wasn't that like his cousin or somethi-

"NNGH! OH OHHHH~ W-Waaaiiit..." His thighs were swelling, equal parts fat and muscle clumping around his sensitive cock as he could feel his body starting to strangle it. He didn't want to become a woman, yet the pressure felt amazing, the muscle behind the base of his manhood trembling and shifting, his balls running dry as he very purposefully began to rub it between the two powerhouse slabs of womanly strength. Now that his hips had splintered out, his insides were ready to comply to the universe's will, the muscle coiling around his prostate, squeezing it roughly as the almost woman came futilely, groaning as hot puffs of air left his shrunken testicles. It was a slithery internal shift, the round organ squashed into a triangular shape, the edges each squeezed and shaped as different pieces were led, piercing through walls of previously immutable organs to latch onto his balls and cock. He could feel the muscle glomp onto his shaft from inside, his erection starting to wriggle as clear fluids trickled out, a pained shriek announcing the end of his identity.

All of the endurance he had built up, the torture that had helped him whether countless brutal blows was wiped from his mind, leaving him utterly helpless against the first yank on his cock, his hard shaft slamming into his body. The thin trickle of release grew to a proper flow, something pumping back as his cock was shifting about, contorting unnaturally as Kryptonian muscles encroached on the struggling thing, pleasuring it from under the skin as the sucking feeling grew. There was barely any swell left to his balls, the vigorous shifting of his cock slowly angling them inwards, aa wet slurping sound accompanying their demise as both testicles were mashed into ovaries, a hot bath of estrogen running up the length of his shaft as the masculine organ slumped in defeat.

The weakness of his male, human muscles was just far too inadequate to stay like that, the moaning hero feeling his cock still wanting to be hard, that desire matched with a fevered throbbing bubbling around his shaft, his cock weakly thrusting inside as orgasms chained together. It was being pulled in, one large muscular spasm that dragged in his spurting manhood in sloppy, harsh tugs. The panties helped press it down, forcing it deeper as it inverted inch by inch, each one its own orgasm as she felt her name slip away in the messy rebirth, a new one taking its place, molding to what the universe needed her to be. The final spasms wracked through her groin, Kara grinning as something slipped inside, a gush of release finalizing the last few changes as they rounded down her calves, pooled in her toes, her boots finishing off the last pesky remnants of Oliver in her universe. And like that, Supergirl was back where she needed to be, confused at how buzzed she felt and still coming down off the high of the changes.

There was a hazy feeling of satisfaction lingering after the changes had finished, Kara rubbing her head like she was supposed to remember something, deciding it must not have been all that important if it had slipped her mind so easily. It was a weird thing to think, but she had never felt so happy to be herself for once, all of the usual feelings of inadequacy or being second best to her cousin forgotten under the positivity coursing through every inch of her. She didn't know why she felt so bubbly today, but it was a nice change of pace. Flexing a muscle in her suit and giggling at the bulge, Kara went off to start patrolling the city, walking for a bit before feeling very dumb. Why was she walking when she could fly? Man something was up with her today for sure. She'd just blame it on the weird cosmic interferences going on. Hopefully someone would figure out what the heck was making the universe all screwy before something really weird happened...

Elsewhere in another world, one that would seem oddly nostalgic to Kara now, an embarrassed Oliver was cleaning up a mess whose presence was utterly mortifying to him. Sure he enjoyed working out, but not to this extent! His mind was still messed up from that powerless feeling, that had to be it, though why he didn't remember jacking off he didn't know. There was a weird feeling, like phantom limbs around his chest and ass, and it was like he was a high schooler all over again down below with how weird his groin felt between his legs. He had to cool off and take a shower or something, being distracted would do no one any good and he already felt weak as is. Strangely he wasn't feeling quite as down, as if he knew that having a lot of power wasn't all it was cracked up to be. It was just a weird day and he left it at that.

Of course, they weren't the only two swapping as reality bent and shattered from the encroaching apocalypse. They had the Anti Man-itor fast approaching, and if they weren't careful, it could be the end of every male hero in the metaverse! Not that they'd have an issue with it once his corruption had swept over them, but that's a story to be told next season on Super Arrow!


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