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Karyucos was a blight on the land for millennia, cultures over the years fearing him, worshipping him, attempting to murder the imposing beast while he remained indifferent. He had seen it all, the world offering little that was new when he first considered slumbering. The humans were just too simple, too slow, their advancement making even the most intelligent of their ilk possessing only a pittance of his great intelligence. It was tiresome, being revered, begged, despised. He mostly wanted company from people who wouldn't be wowed by his magic, yet the rarified airs of the people who were on his level was equally as bothersome. Said sorcerers had learned to harness a speck of the earth's hidden bounty and considered themselves above him. There was no desire for even playing field, they just considered other magical beasts to be a burden.

He had done his fair share of razing before, various kingdoms who had made it a bother to rest in his cave, others who had been too lofty and needed a lesson, but you can only teach the same lesson over and over before even that grew tiresome. Even now they were finding new idols, some peasant in the desert gaining a following for being the son of god or something. He'd been disappointed by fifteen of those already. Looking over his great wealth there was little else he desired, his horde greater than any treasure on this land, or any foreign one, so he decided to sleep until the world was more... interesting. It was a simple calculation really, the average amount of growth per generation, the average generation in terms of years, how advancements might prolong it, multiply it by the cumulative nature of progress and give or take a few setbacks due to religion and monarchy. So he decided, two thousand years rest should do it, his treasure safeguarded, his lair far enough away and barren to turn away most adventurers. He'd see how the world had changed and when he woke up, things would be far... more...


Everything was dark and dungy, a great crack of light tearing through the darkness. This wasn't right, his enchantments should still be active, unless the mountain itself was under attack, but what kind of idiot would dare to intrude upon his slumber?! Actually wait... Where was his treasure, his horde?! A quick scan found little magic left around him, the world itself feeling alien, drained of a large portion of its natural mana, but replaced with some queer type of energy alien to the dragon, buzzing and flitting around his head and passing through the walls with bits of song and foreign text whose snippets buzzed aggravatingly around his head. Was this an attack? What was going on? And most importantly where had these bastards taken his gold?! He decided to wait, to hear what these fools would do next, intrigued at what kind of devious plan they had concocted while he had been asleep.

"Hey Mark, there's a big fucking statue in here! Holy shit are these native lands or something? Did those dudes have dragons?"

"Who gives a shit we're being paid to get down and drill. There's a gold mine of natural gas in this hill and we finally got the protestors away long enough to- OH GOD NO! What the fuck is that thing?!"

The knights of this era seemed far less intimidating, wearing checked cloth instead of chainmail, the closest thing to gear being a strangely bright helmet strapped on loosely to their heads. No these couldn't be the real knights, they must have been court jesters sent to confuse him, though their tongue was bizarre, his magic at least was translating it somewhat well to him, though the more he scanned the area, the more this seemed like the only intruders. Karyucos craned his neck to better examine them, leading to panicked screaming from the unfortunate site surveyors, one throwing a cylinder that was fizzing at one end. What a silly human, did they think he was scared of fir-


His scales shuddered, a great ache slamming into his side as the magicless stick packed a punch similar to those of a great mage, except the lack of magic meant his defensive spells were far less effective at shaking it off. In human terms, it was like a great stubbed toe, not dangerous, but incredibly painful and greatly angering the ancient beast as he blew great bouts of fire up at the attackers, turning both to crispy corpses and igniting the multiple sticks of dynamite they had brought with them to clear out points of interest, bringing Karyucos's ancient abode down around him, the sun hotter, sky brighter than he had ever remembered. What country was attacking him? What were these weapons?! Did they drain his gold only to attempt to kill him before he awoke? No matter how much time passed, humans remained fools, and he would show them just how dangerous he wa-


He turned, sensing the first sign of proper magic since he had awoken, not excited to see one of those garish idiots the humans called wizards below, in a clear panic, his long white beard trailing against the black robes of his order, likely the garb of a highly ranked sorcerer. They certainly had enough magic to prove a challenge, though Karyucos could immediately see the wizened mage was more interested in talking than fighting.

"Speak and choose your words wisely. I do not enjoy condescension."

A few of the rocks crumbled from the strength of his voice alone, the old man sighing as he cursed himself for being the one on call for when the dragon's slumber had ended. It was supposed to last another five days when Reginald would have the watch. Well, it was time to pray that the dragon wouldn't treat him like the two crispy gentlemen in the rubble below.

"Eh hem, so funny thing about the last oh what was it for you, two millennia? Well you see my order..."

And so he was regaled by the wizard whose nerves seemed to force out the details. How his forbears a few generations back(anti aging magic had come a long way it seemed) had discovered his cavern and his sleeping form, noticed the spells meant to wake him up for intruders and after studying it incessantly for a good few centuries, found a backdoor where by donning robes transmuted to gold and having no intent of harming him, disguised them as treasure as they slowly studied and spirited away all of his gold and treasure. Apparently the new members of the order used a number of his trifles for training, his vast knowledge and scrolls had been transcribed onto vellum, then bound in leather, then finally digitized, a term he did not recognize. Thankfully the wizard was no fool and could tell from the arching of his eyebrow that the term confused him.

"Oh right this would be technology you've never encountered. Er... do you know about engines and mechanical-"

"Yes I was bored in Greece and created a steam powered engine for them. Apparently they thought it was a toy. Same with the advanced computation device I gave them for stars and math. The 'wise men' had gotten drunk and crashed their ship off the shore and last I saw it was at the bottom of the straits near Antikythera."

"Damn, so that's how those got there, we were wondering how-"

"Explain or I'll turn your bones to molten slag like the thief you are."

"Ah of course our great and wise unwilling benefactor! So a number of decades ago a German nerd and failed painter stole some blueprints from an English nerd and while his parents yelled at him to get out of the basement and stop playing with tubes and help them oppress the jews, he improved on your design greatly while another failed painter in the government..."

And so the great dragon learned something interesting for the first time in centuries, astounded at how fast these simple creatures had built off each discovery, finding even his great intellect stunned as half of what the wizard said seemed like gibberish. Apparently the stuff flitting about his head was called "whyfhy" and was buried deep below the ground in wires despite being everywhere around them. In fact, the more he spoke of the modern world, the more intrigued the ancient dragon became, finding wonder in how much there was to learn again, though there was still the matter of the gold... While he was thinking, the great wizard Fobok hadn't missed the lapse in focus, nor had it escaped him that the dynamite, while barely injuring the dragon, had separated a few of the orange scales in his hide, the magic repelling armor that made him such a formidable containing one small chink in it, which could prove to be useful in case things grew dangerous.

"Alright then I've made my decision!" Fobok steeled himself to be attacked, but was surprised by the dragon's pleased look.

I desire to live amongst this new society. Since your order has been mooching off of me for-"

"Wait that word existed back in your time?" Karyucos rolled his eyes.

"I am quite literally being buffeted with information. I've been studying some dictionaries after jumping through a number of "ancient" texts to pick up some vocabulary. Did I use it incorrectly?"

"W-Well no but-"

"Then shut up and listen to me. I can tell you're keeping magic hidden considering how everything involving it is considered fantasy and that you've used my funds to create a cozy little citadel for yourself. It would be quite easy to attack it, or better yet, destroy the area around it except for that spot and let the world blame you all for unleashing a dragon. Now grant my wishes or I'll be sending them a charred corpse instead of an agreement."

And at that moment an idea struck Fobok.

Certain kinds of magic worked better when the target agreed, whether it was intended or not. And given the spot unguarded, that would make an accidental contract all the more effective. Now if he could just lead the dragon to a result that would favor them...

"Of course we are very amenable folk you'll find! I imagine you wish to avoid conflict, the centuries of it must have bored you of how dull it is." The dragon nodded, giving Fobok all the impetus he needed to continue leading the conversation.

"And you've already worked your way up through great struggle to attain your wealth-"

"Which you stole."

"Which we procured yes, but clearly it must not have mattered as much as your life before you slumbered lest you would have put a spell to prevent any of it from being taken." Again the dragon nodded, admittedly not terribly attached to the wealth though the golden warmth had been a nice mood that he had grown accustomed to over the millennia. It was more fun to accrue a horde than guard it, though he had grown-

"And you must have grown accustomed to a certain stature of living, so you wouldn't want to be too inconvenienced, but not necessarily needing back the entire amount, or much of it at all given the vastness. So what you would want is a way to be an active participant in society, in a way that would allow you to build something that would give you a feeling of purpose again and also help you understand the digital age intimately in exchange for not revealing our secrets."

"And your order would help me however I see fit if it is within your means. I would like to be more personal with the regular humans this time and interact with them personally even if it means donning a glamour of some kind. But yes if you can do all that I'll agree-" The rest didn't matter, Fobok had what he needed even if the dragon hadn't caught on yet.

"Oh I can do much better than a glamour, partner." And with the contract formed, a magic bolt slammed into the dragon's hide.

If it had hurt or stung or had been laced with even a hint of murderous intent he'd have fried the wizard or destroyed him, but as the magic flowed under his scales, a deeply pleasant sensation began to pulse throughout his body, the mana entangling with his, embracing it warmly while heating up the body beneath the scales. He hadn't expected any magic to breach his defenses so easily, nor for it to be such a pleasant experience, his groans strong enough to send Fobok flying after letting his guard down as the dragon thrashed about.

"Ahhhh what have you d-NNGH-uhhn to m-EEE! M-MY DEFENSES ARE- HYAAAAH~!" It was a bizarre sight to see, the dragon's great body slowly reducing, and with each shudder of his shrinking body came the ejection of scales. Golden-orange projectiles shot out revealing throbbing yellow flesh, the yellow quickly fading to a cream color, flushed with golden hues.

It felt like the most invasive, thorough and enjoyable massage he had ever felt, pressing away the creaks and and age from his ancient bones and rubbing at the exposed skin of his body. Each scale that was wrenched off tore a few layers of protective skin away, leaving the throbbing expanse of creamy skin indescribably tender and sensitive, thankfully removed of any pain that would normally be involved as the magic ensured the process would do no harm to the shifting dragon. Fobok had never been one to study dragon physiology, but even if he had, he wouldn't have been prepared for the throbbing monstrosity that was Karyucos's cock, the dragon clearly moaning as scales sloughed off the pinkening tube, the hard mass easily eclipsing the wizard's height once erect, though it too was shrinking in scale to the behemoth. The wizard noticed how quickly its balls were expanding to boulder size and figured it would be prudent to put up a shield for any liquids around him given how likely things were bound to get messy as the changes progressed.

Karyucos could feel his shape twisting, corrupting under the blissful spell, sharp pricks of pleasure erupting one by one down his spine as his exterior quills quivered and flattened, stabbing into the vertebrae and forcing his spine to arch, caving in with more power than his lair's destruction. It was more than that though, his shrinking stature cause vertebrae to merge and solidify, the purple coloration dripping down as more of his hide ejected, leaving his tail purple as his skeleton crunched and contorted. He had a sneaking suspicion as to what the wizard had done, grunting as magic burrowed into his limbs, scales dissolving or falling like burning snow as his forelimbs wrenched upwards, gaining more swivel while the perpendicular area of his thorax broadened with a sickening crunch that felt like a great ache in his muscles had resolved itself.

The joints of his forearms pressed flat before inverting, more bliss pulsating in his shriveling limbs, his two forelimbs once indistinguishable from his hindlegs now flexing as his claws shrank inwards, their black sharpness manicuring away to thin things, the coloration scraped away to reveal their new pink hue as the pads of his digits shed away scales in a flurry. This confirmed it for him, especially as the pinkened flesh continued to spread, shaking away the scales from his contortions as the ninety degree bent to his wrists popped to a neutral position, slim fingers twitching atop smooth palms and the bulging muscles of his great form seemed glad to atrophy and give in, exchanging raw strength for terrible pleasure as they softened and slimmed to cute, flailing appendages. This was human anatomy, the spell clearly making him human, though given a dragon's natural resistances it wouldn't be a complete transition, though it would be barely enough to matter past a few cosmetic differences.

He would roast that cowering fool where he was hiding, building up a great gas pocket before the magic could work away at his fire producing organs, his jaw unhinging to let out a fiery jet of death.


Karyucos paused, not believing he could fail at something that was natural for any dragon worth its snuff, the gas escaping as a cute burp instead of the castle melting eruption he had expected. He would have tried again, but each attempt at build up ended in a small burp, his neck vertebrae buzzing and burning, causing the tender flesh to bubble as all of their scales sloughed off leaving it pink and exposed, the corruption reaching his head by the fifth attempt, his unhinged jaw snapping shut as the very bones of the jaw itself popped and slotted into less adjustable positions.

"NNGH S-STOOOOOP THIS YOU FILTHY M-HUUUUUT~!" The baritone roar he had commanded for longer than some continents had existed was fading, the exposed sections of neck straightening out before collapsing into one another. His moans sounded gurgled as he felt his neck's girth reduce, the feeling of mana rubbing and relaxing the muscles before combining them sending a twitch to his cock as his protested cries rose to cutesy pleas. If only it all didn't feel so damned wonderful! The strength left to him was being wasted away from all his thrashing, his cock long dormant slumber awoken with a greater rage than even he had possessed earlier as he could feel the mana teasing every fold and contour of it, wanting to force his draconic essence out. It was a surreal experience, feeling his head approach his body, his nostrils flaring as the shedding finished off what was left of the scales. The smooth skin around them was growing, crimping around his caven nostrils as they went from open pits to hooded smellers, sliding up the expanse of his receding muzzle.

"Ohhh mmm this can't be happening to m-NNGH-eeeee~" He moaned fruitlessly, the once whale sized behemoth now greatly reduced, his shrinking body separating fully from the husk of his former scales, only his tail spared the embarrassment of being left bare due to the poor circulation of the twitching appendage, a shell of his former glory collapsing around him as the fleshy dragon felt like he would be driven mad with desire as each sensitive piece of his body roughly slid across the cavern floor. Desperate to stop more of himself from escaping, he grabbed at his proud cock, not realizing just how soft his hands were, how pleasurable their touch would ring against the pulsating shaft as he bellowed in ashamed lust. Unable to hold it all in, a fiery orange fluid rocketed from his cock, the dragon squealing in a most ill fitting soprano as his neck seemed to rocket inwards with the release, the once lengthy, controllable body part now a slim, cute neck.

It noticeably lacked a bump in the middle, though without the usual mobility afforded to his head there was no way to tell. Karyucos finally clenched the muscles of his groin enough to stem the tide, though for how long he could not tell, already feeling the corrupting magic working away at his face, enough essence drained to replace his visage that had haunted kingdoms and inspired entire religious apocalypse events was softening, humanizing, the edges of his split mouth conjoining as they swelled into quivering, plump lips. It was embarrassing, shameful, disgusting. Worst of all it felt ecstatic, his eyes shut as drool splattered from his receding mouth, sighing as his cute nose slotted right below his eyes, his fangs blunting and merging into a smaller row of human teeth as his nose became the most upthrusted part of his face, a pleased groan his only response as his upper lip recessed under it into an adorably pursed mouth.

He had to fight it, he really really had to, but it wasn't playing fair, making each change somehow better than the last as his jowls softened to cheeks, turning rosy with a lustful flush as his draconic ears waggled and softened. They still kept their point, one holdover of his origins but the rest was fading fast, his shut eyes merging with his second transparent eyelids, the outer ones fluttering as purple hairs sprouted out, the merging leaving his wider eyes glossy and luminous.

Gasping he prayed he had weathered the worst of it, the magic choosing then to grasp the two horns on either side of his head and twist, making the proud beast scream like a virgin on her wedding night as his horns were bent and kinked, the bottoms turning at pink as Karyucos felt them forcefully swiveled, boing from the back to the sides as they jammed into his widening forehead. They drilled in, boring deeper and deeper before crashing through his skull, making the dragon lose control as they activated all the pleasure centers of his brain at once.

"Ahh c-can't hold it- GYAAAAH!" His body shook in ecstatic convulsions, the muscles softening as more golden spurts of cum showered down on the surrounding area in a continuous release. Even in his prime he had never been this aroused, this needy, screaming happily as the rest of his mass and bulk was ejected out his cock in a seemingly endless release of lust. His body deflated like a balloon, the fleshy dragon shape losing its shape to something far more humanoid as the wide hind area dwindled to a slimmer back, its size diminished with every harsh orgasm until he was finally down to roughly the size of a human, rear limbs pawing pathetically in the air as his face was stuck in a glassy, overwhelmed mask of doped out ecstasy.

"Moooorrre... n-nohhh~ m-mooooore..." His mental facilities had failed him, lust already conditioning his subconscious as he realized it wasn't just the magic teasing his cock. As he watched his slender fingers run up and down the still massive shaft, he couldn't decide whether he wanted it to stop at this point, his foot long cock quivering as his balls tensed, their shaking form noticeably sucking at his abdomen as he grunted in strained bliss. He watched the mass leave his form, twitching as his waist turned incredibly slim, a noticeable dip between his reduced frame and small hips, the release lazier than the messy shotgun blasts from before, this one more normal as his shaft swelled and spat it out, a noticeable ache in the pit of his stomach as orange cum splattered over his hindlegs.

Said hindlegs looked freakish on this body, like the awkward supports of an infant human who hadn't yet learned to walk upright with pride. They no longer fit his body, he no longer wanted-

"NNGH! NOOooo... M-Mooore?" The magic seemed to be waiting for him to beg, a series of sinewy cracks and pitiful orgasms following as Karyucos tried to pretend he didn't want it, moaning contentedly as the joints inverted, knees forming, the awkward connectivity of his forming hips being fixed as the magic treated the forelimbs like his horns, swiveling them ninety degrees while stretching them out, the dragon's height a bit past 6 feet as he gave a pleased little grunt, pleased he was nearly at the end of the changes. Any excess mass came out in warm spurts, the dragon giggling as his taloned  fingers lost dexterity, blunting and twitching to toes that gained sharp, black nails, arches forming while the palm like base shrunk to a dainty heel, the femboy dragon left gasping as he rolled onto his knees, ready to pay back that wizard for every last embarrassing moment no matter how good it-


But of course, it wasn't over.

What more could there be left to do? Was it going to take his tail? But no that wasn't the thing throbbing now, the mana focusing on his cock as intense lust coursed through him. He didn't understand what it wanted, crying as he jerked it, grinding it against the rocky floor as he tried to find release from this cursed bliss. Somehow it was only building, the pleasure in his tip spreading, coursing down his shaft, digging into that pit under his stomach and growing from there.  The magic was making his own masturbation seem amateurish, his hands trailing off to rest on his waist as he slid across the ground groaning as goopy, white sludge poured from his cock.

"NNGH! HAH! HAH! F-UUUUUUCK~!" His thumbs dug in, the nails carving out a navel from his featureless belly as the heat only grew, the once proud dragon reduced to a man whore begging to be released as spasms wrestled against his balls, a dull squeezing sensation around his testicles driving wilder and higher squeals from the dragon. Mana was pooling in the recesses of his hips, curving into oval shaped sacs as something hot and wonderful pumped out, the complex workings of his hips gaining new foibles as the goop streaming out his cock continued to thicken, the releases painfully slow and mind shatteringly ecstatic.

Instincts brought his hands to his chest as he worked the flat, pale canvas there, moaning as he pinched at two mirrored spots, bunching up the flesh, begging for it to stop as the magic led him to sculpt two plump nipples onto his chest. The white flesh swelled with blood flow, that hot liquid in his hips circulating, making it feel even better as he pressed them, grunting as a large arc of white cum splattered down onto the floor, his cock empty, balls still full somehow and his nipples needy for something he didn't understand, his screams stuttering as his hips bucked, his orgasms starting to backfire.

That was the best way to put it at least, his cock pumping but the releases weren't going out anymore. Instead he felt his massive balls pump upwards, part of his analytical mind somehow kicking in long enough to realize it wasn't cum, but fat that had filled up inside, said thought being instantly driven away by blinding pleasure as the first shocks of fat swelled his chest into bee stings. Logic was gone from his thoughts, the only thing mattering being how amazing that had felt as his hands shot to his groin, pressing at the base as his balls began to pump away their thick mass inside, cumming with every fatty pop and swell to his bosom.

"AHHH YEESSSS FFUUUUUUUUUCK~!" It was impossible to think, the pleasure all consuming as it nibbled away at his testicles, the ripe lumps shrinking from melons to grapefruits to oranges, Karyucos shivering as he could feel their releases travel up his stomach, bulging under his gyrating navel before swelling out into his sensitive chest, the fatty orbs squishing wonderfully against the ground as he felt something inside him gurgle and shift before the world flashed white from sensory overload.

When she came to she was screaming her heart out, drool flinging about wildly as she looked down, confused by the singular testicle there. One hand was tracing a puckered hole that hadn't been there before, the edges puffing out into something that felt amazing to tease and touch, but her focus lay on the other hand, realizing she had a massive lump traveling up her stomach, bulging out before slapping against her right breast. The mass suddenly flattened, a gush of clear liquids escaping through the hole between her thighs as her small breast exploded out into a mighty, heaving bosom. Even amidst all of the alien sensations she had never felt anything as amazing as this, realizing how he had been thinking of himself of himself as the remaining testicle nestled itself against the hole, tensing as he braced himself for something massive.

It seemed too large for something that small, but the ball had become malleable fat, the thick lump forcing itself inside, his innards trembling as his voice contorted into guttural groans, every inch of his frame covered in sweat as Karyucos felt himself being fucked for the first time. The pleasure was too much, the dragon almost wishing for it to white him out again, but his consciousness stayed firm, making sure he felt every intense spasm as the hole tore open into a gushing slit, the dragon begging the wizard to make it stop as his body slurped up the ball. His body slammed to the ground, writhing as it slithered its way up to his deflated breast, bypassing the one aching cavern of emptiness begging to be filled inside as it shifted faster and faster until it slammed into his remaining breast.

"AHHHHH AHHH MMPH FUCK! AHHH~!" It burst out, his remaining breasts slapping against its twin as two massive melons now hung from his chest. He could barely even hang on to the thought of being a he, screaming as fluids poured from both his cock and slit, the last of his seed unceremoniously dribbling out to the ground as the tits slapped against his erect cock. Karyucos was filled with apprehension as spasms began to build, the slit twitching as he could feel a gap digging itself deeper, the slit itself buzzing against his mighty shaft. He realized what was about to happen, blind to everything else as his cock throbbed in tempo with his heart. He didn't notice the slowing down of his fluttering wings, or how they folded in to tuck around his bare skull. He was mesmerized by the vaginal fluids coating his cock, lubricating it as the slit fully encircled it. The base of his wings was detaching during this, the top parts around his head connecting as the leathery flesh shredded to ribbons of orange silk, the hair tickling slightly as his hips tensed, cock throbbing as it began to pull inside.

"N-NOHHH OHHH F-FOB-AHHHHK I C-CAN'T TAKE THIS WH-OHHHHHLE THING! PLEASE EHHHND IT BEFORE IT S-SPLITS ME IN H-AAAAAAAAHHH GAAAAWWWWDD!!!" What came next was the most devious torture, the most divine pleasure, the base of his cock flattening, pressing in and thoroughly fucking his brains out as it pumped inside a single inch. That inch nearly broke him by itself, his screams strained as his hands slammed against the floor, digging trenches into solid rock as his body felt like it was going to burst if any more slipped inside. Right as he struggled to imagine dealing with 11 more, another inch forced its way in. His hips were straining, the previous inch squishing against the muscle that made up his ass. It was like his cock was pounding itself to mush, softening up what came before. His face was clenched shut, every muscle tense as he could take no more, begging for it to stop or his body would break. And then another inch slotted inside.


She was wailing, her mind dizzy as she felt her body erupt in utter ecstasy, her hips forced to spread, her gait widening as her cock was squirting out a clear jet of cum. The muscly crack of her widening hips was like a choir of angels to her ears, her cries undulating and gasping out as another inch forced them wider, a third causing her entire body to contort as her knees knocked together, her legs now acutely angled from the curved thickness of her hips. But that wasn't all that was happening. Each hard inch was pounding the once before, fucking her cock into mush, pressing it into her muscled ass cheeks before causing her woefully unbalanced ass to jostle and swell. Sweat misted off her glistening cheeks in a rainbow array, her blissful cries echoing as her ass fucked itself into wide, womanly glory, her cock under half its length as another two inches were dragged in glistening, the muscles of her throbbing vagina gobbling down her cock in record time.

She felt the moment her ass finished growing, the skin stretched taut as its perky roundness slammed up and down with her grinding, both hands now wrapped on her cock as the fear of taking it all became a need, her body screaming to her how it needed to suck down every last inch of her former masculinity. The sounds leaving her mouth could no longer be described as human, especially as her ass ran out of dick to stuff in, her thighs plumping up to pulverizingly plush size. Waves of thick fat, swaddled in her perfectly smooth skin clamped down around her cock, now four inches long, then three. The world around her was changing, pulsating at the same interval as her forming labia was, the stone floor replaced with silk sheets, her cave with an apartment, but as plush as the cushioned mattress was, it was no match for her thighs, and neither was her cock.

The final three inches were different, her body nearly complete besides that aching emptiness that was throbbing inside, still untouched, a magnet calling to the tip of her cock, trying to get it inside. Her cock moved much like a slug in the final inversion, the tip tensing before condensing down in a pulsating wave, turning thinner as its mass sucked down the shaft, a wet schlick and smattering of fluids popping out every time the bump receded past her lips. As it bore deeper, the quality of the pleasure enhanced, the throbbing inversion bumps rubbing against every fold of her vagina before popping out the end, folding in on itself to make the chasm that much deeper, all the more textured and giving her more time to feel her pussy stroked. When it had started she had needed both hands to wrap around the circumference of her cock, then one and finally her thumb and forefinger shrinking their grip as she gave it a final pump before pressing down on the sheathed tip, a thin stream popping out the sealing tip before it rocketed inside, a pop like a champagne bottle sending out geysers of release as she came.

Kayucos debased herself in ways she'd have never thought possible for her to even conceptualize, finding that her thick tail was just as adjustable and quick to her control. And in her lust addled state with a needy vagina begging to be filled, she found her tail especially suited to the task as she found her fingers joining it in fucking her new body. Somehow she found her mouth around her own nipple at some point, enjoying the heft and weight of her breasts as she lost track of time and space. The subtle twinges of clothes forming around her, ornaments adorning her horns, a stocking hugging tight to the fat of her thigh all inconsequential, the only thing dragging her out being the panties that formed under her penetrating tail, slowly forcing it out of her snatch as the dragon girl groaned in annoyance before breaking out in a cold sweat, mortified by Fobok's lustful stare from across the room, his fluid shield drenched in spatters from her transformation.

"Oh er um, I-I got a little carried away there didn't I?"

"Oh I didn't mind it at the end, it made up for the first half very nicely he he he." Karyucos shuddered at that perverted laugh, then shuddered at her own name, something about it feeling off, not right for her new form. It sounded too imposing, threatening, not nearly cute enough. Oh god her brains must have been scrambled by all that delicious pleasure, she wanted to be cute now! Mmm~ and even though that perv was watching she wasn't satisfied with just herself, she needed someone to help alleviate her lust. But first a name, something cute, sweet even. Apparently people had two names these days so splitting her name up and editing it slightly, she settled on Kiryu Coco, growing aware that Fobok was giving a speech halfway through as she clenched her thighs, trying to ignore the heat there.

"...though you don't seem to mind it so that's a plus for everyone involved! But everything you described fit social media to a T and you specified to make things easier for you so in order to become a large hit on social media while taking in the clear signs of your past self, I brought you to a country that is accepting of bizarre body modifications and ignores all weirdness if the source of it is cute. This is Japan and of course now that you are an attractive anime-esque woman you should find your ability to gain followers to be unparalleled. Far more than any male could at least. Consider your following as a human horde while as promised we will cover living expenses and as you build your profile up we- Wait what are you-?!"

The new Coco had realized a few things while he had blabbered on, already getting the gist of what this Youtube thing was and thinking up fun ways to get viewers to watch her, but more importantly was the need she felt. And better yet, as much as he had tricked her into an agreement, he had foolishly agreed to help her however she saw fit.

"Oh I'm just asking for your help, as we agreed though I will admit it's a bit, unorthodox."

Surprisingly her fire organs were still intact, though a bit squished and preparing them sent a warm rush into her chest that made her panties dampen, but she could feel the fire coming. Of course the spell he had used was rather new to her, but considering how intimately she had felt it, its flow engraved into her mind, well, it wasn't hard to recreate it with some tweaks. Black fire coughed out of her mouth, lighting the confused wizard as Coco watched the scared fool first try to put the fire out before buckling into her arms, moaning as the magic took effect.

He looked hilarious in his changed clothes, like an old man trying to sneak into a teenage rave with a sports bra crop top and a bow choker leaving his wrinkled stomach bare above a clasped belt and miniskirt combo, his legs swaddled in black pantyhose and his crotch fully exposed and rising. The heat leeched years off his writhing body as Coco slid her panties off, throwing her struggling prey onto the bed as she let his wizened cock slap against her slit. She moaned as it gained its youthful exuberance back, the old man's skin softening, turning taut as it prickled with sensitivity. That was the best part, the feeling of his cock as it hardened into her folds, swelling to a nice plump size inside as her thighs clamped down. For a minute he struggled against her, then his nipples hardened, her plump breasts pressing against his swelling pair, the wizard groaning, then moaning as his cock pumped away before squealing as her thighs forced his balls inside, her snatch forcing his cock inside his trembling, cumming body.

There was a wonderful internal tug as Coco felt his cock slip outside her folds, the new woman squealing as her face drooled cutely, her moans turning animalistic, foxlike as Coco gave her pet headpats. Fondling her ears, the girl's pussy trembled, her eyes rolling up inside her head as they widened in the socket, her cute yips and barks intensifying as Coco dragged her ears up, shaping them into floofy dog ones, her slit positively drowning in lust when Coco shoved her dragon tail inside. The former wizard screamed then, her whole body bucking as her tongue lolled, her ass bloated as she felt her shrunken cock inside fully fucked into a proper womanhood, her mind shattering much like Coco's had as a great white tail exploded from her tailbone, Coco finding herself now the owner of a sexy, white haired dog girl, brimming with magic and desperate to please her master.

Months later and Coco had refused to stop calling her lovely servant/assistant/lover a dog girl, knowing it pissed her off and leading to the cutest reactions no matter how often she insisted she was a fox. The viewers had taken to it as well as they had grown at a stupendous rate on youtube, just pretending they were both 3-d models to their audience while enjoying all the benefits of their new bodies. Of course, the dragon in her made sure to not be wasteful with their time, even if she was definitely much more easygoing than her past self. The internet stuff was so fun and people finally looked at her as an equal without fear! Except Fubuki, she made it clear to the former wizard that she was Coco's bitch as per the agreement. In fact it turned out that the agreement applied to the entire order as well.

As their channels grew and grew, sometimes one of those bothersome wizards would try to ruin their fun or break the pact they had unwittingly been assigned to. And while Fubuki's change had gone by fast in her needy state of retribution, Coco found that she liked it best when their changes went nice and slow, corrupting them fully into another one of their partnered channels, only letting their cocks press in once they agreed to serve her, and give her twenty percent of their profits. Again, busty dragon business lady. Once they were changed, the other girls were massive hits as well, and they all liked to take a part in the corruption once a new girl was about to be ushered in. In fact, they had all rushed in once the newest wizard had popped in, their eyes afraid as she left them to the horde of girls, his moans echoing out sweetly as they argued over what he should be before settling on a shark girl. Coco in her business suit was already getting merch and launch details settled projecting 100k subs already as the wizard's squeals rose to euphoric shrieks. She was happy to be in the cute anime girl business, and boy was business booming!


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