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For ML Hawk

"Fuck this nerd shit!"

"Can't believe I'm agreeing with this dumbass, but FUCK THIS NERD SHIT!"

"C-Come on guys it'll be a fun magic show if you get into it!"

The three of them made quite the odd couple, two stereotypical delinquents and one mega nerd, all of them stuck together at the same school booth as punishment for racking up multiple detentions together. Drake and Gino were just two gears going opposite directions, constantly sparking against one another and getting into brawls over the smallest of provocations. Scuff marks on shoes, getting the wrong kind of milk, using the same after school bus after missing the regular ones home. If they could find a reason, they'd fight and usually they'd drag in any poor son of a bitch around them in their anything goes style brawls. Colin on the other hand seemed like one of those goody two shoes who'd be allergic to detention. With glasses thicker than the average window and a face mined with more zits than your average country mile in Laos, everything screamed bully me to the point where it was just too easy to fuck with him.

It became one of the few things Drake and Gino could talk about without fighting, utterly confused at why the school's nerd would be stuck in detention week after week. They tried asking him, but he was no help, acting like an aloof dumbass and going, "I keep using magic to make the teachers hotter when I'm bored, but Principle Jake was a wizard too so he's punishing me till I turn them all back." Again, nerd shit. Clearly he was off in his own fantasy world since their principal was Janet not Jake, but at least it gave them a base line to work with. Drake figured he kept peeking in on the girl's locker room; Gino was convinced he probably just jerked it in the computer lab to hentai or whatever since he could probably hack past the blocks. Over the weeks though, they grew closer since they had nothing but time to kill and homework to brute force their way through.

Colin turned out to be a great tutor and neither Drake nor Gino wanted to waste a summer away in remedial school either. Last summer had had plenty of great fighting days missed out cause of their shitty grades and they wanted to fight at the top of the Ferris Wheel this summer if they could. Around the fourth week was the first time Colin's tutoring had left them all ahead on their assignments for once, which felt weird, but was a nice change of pace, though whoever got the lower grade inevitably punched the shit out of the other after school. Either way they found themselves with nothing to do and a whole lot of pent up pubescent crap to work through.

"You're fucking lucky dude. I'd kill to have your schedule. Seriously you have all the fucking hot chicks, plus your counselor is like a playboy model. Advance classes must be heaven." Gino was chewing on some gum as he talked, Drake nodding along. It really was weird, most schools having like one or two hot teachers and the rest varying degrees of average to decrepit. But the advanced program had teachers so unbelievably hot it was absurd. Half were lesbians too, which made them even hotter.

"It's weird how Mrs. Peterson is married to that like 70 year old mummy. Dude must be rich or someth-"

"Actually-" Colin cut off Drake, smiling at himself like he was somehow responsible.

"They're the same age. I just dropped a year for every math question I knew and added a cup size every time she got a question wrong. Though maybe her husband could use a touch up too..." The two delinquents nodded along, at this point just accepting his weird pervert tangents. If it made the geek happy then let it, they didn't give a shit as long as their grades stayed above a C+.

One thing did bother Gino though, a faded, slightly split box for some tech thing that always stayed near Colin's desk that he'd peak into and blush every now and then.

"What's in that box dude?"

"Oh you wanna learn?" Colin looked excited, glasses gleaming.

Inside were decks and decks of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, foils and rarities all sleeved and packaged neatly. Gino immediately regretted asking about nerd shit, but obviously once Colin had been given an excuse to talk about trading cards he wasn't going to stop. The only thing Drake and Gino cared about was the art on the cards, lots of random sexy designs amidst the weird wizard stuff. There was something weird about some of them though, the designs oddly familiar. Drake was the one who noticed it first while Colin was explaining turn order and tapping rules, glaring intensely at one of the card's faces.

"...damn this looks just like Mrs. Peterson."

"Holy shit you're right! And this one looks like-" This went on for a bit as they couldn't help but notice a striking similarity to all of the hottest teachers, giving them both the creeps as they kept finding exact duplicates. Then they forgot about that and started arguing over which cards were hotter before Drake settled with Dark Magician Girl and Gino picked GaGaGa Girl. This almost resulted in a full on fist fight, but Colin stopped both of them with an angry shout.


For a brief second he felt threatening even to the two muscled idiots, a sourceless wind blowing around him, his glasses flashing ominously as they felt suddenly very small.

"Enough of that Colin!" And suddenly the tension deflated, the principal walking in high heels, a tad awkward in them which was odd since she'd worn them well for years as far as anyone else could remember.

"Since it seems neither of you three are learning from your mistakes and you've become chummy enough, lets make your punishment more public. We have the school festival coming up soon and we have a vacant stall. Show you can properly work together to everyone else and I might let off on detention. And Colin, behave yourself."

And so they were here now, the day of the festival. Colin had taken charge saying it'd be a magic show while the other two just grumbled about it, doing the bare minimum whenever Colin tried to get them to help. Things soured quickly between them as Colin grew more and more reserved, still helping them with their homework, but bitterly as Drake and Gino argued over which of their favorite YuGiOh cards was hotter. Two weeks before the day and it didn't seem like anything would get done in time, especially when one of their fights broke the decorations Colin had set up. He had bitched at them about that, but it didn't have the same danger even as he threatened to use magic. Gino snapped back, "Listen you ugly little fuck! If you've got so much amazing reality bending magic, why don't you just do it all yourself. You shouldn't need us if it's real and if you did have it you wouldn't be such a pizza faced fuck! Now either shut the fuck up and do it or admit it's all your nerd shit okay?"

Colin had shut up. In fact, the two barely even noticed him the remaining two weeks, though every day their booth was grander than the day before, a stage starting to form, then bleachers for seating. They were always oblivious, so none of that worried them in the slightest, their best girl argument at the forefront of their stupid fighting. Neither noticed the impossible progress, the fact that they never heard the sounds of building or how every day Colin came in a little taller, more rugged, his skin clearing up almost miraculously in only two weeks time. Even so, he was still a nerd and though his spirits had been high on the night of the show, his "assistants" were doing everything to get on his last nerve, threatening to ruin his one chance out of detention with their stupid fighting and bickering, tearing up the assistant costumes he had made as he let their anger boil over him.

"We don't want to do this fucking show!"

"We're not fucking lame like you!"

"Besides no one give a shit about magic shows without hot chicks on the side! So stop trying to... uh..."

That menacing aura was back, his glasses shining, wind blowing, his body straightening up to where he seemed to tower over them as terror filled the two delinquents. Colin held a nasty smile, one that seemed shark like in its dead eyed toothiness as he mulled over their suggestion.

"Oh? You know that's not a bad idea. You might be right. Hell you both are right." His voice was suddenly bassy, overpowering their fear, leaving them helpless. They were frozen as he placed a hand on their shoulders, the wind screaming as they shivered, both looking ready to crap themselves as they both felt a forceful surge of energy, sparking through their muscles as they whimpered, certain they were about to die.

...and then it was over.

"Alright it's fine. I'll finish the prep and if you don't want to help me by the time curtains open I'll do it myself. After all, I wouldn't want you two to do anything you wouldn't want to, though hmm... I wonder which of your waifus would make a better assistant?" And with that he left, Gino and Drake none the worse for wear as far as they could tell, though the tone of that last question bothered them, each rubbing their shoulders as they couldn't quite shake that weird sleepy muscle feeling. It was almost a compulsion, both going "My girl'd be the best!" so in sync it looked half like a comedy bit. There was a pause before both groaned, that buzzing feeling intensifying  as their muscles began to atrophy, the feeling almost pleasant in a ticklish sort of way. They tried to fight it out but found their punches bouncing off weakly, each hit leaving them giggling or moaning more than hurting, the tumble taking an almost sensual turn as their frames shrank down some, crumbling away to smoother curves and contours before they awkwardly separated.

Both now looked awkward in their clothing, their once hulking frames greatly reduced down to something slim, almost slender. Their skin shone with sweat and their chests were heaving, their physical capabilities stripped from them. They were definitely heated, though both were ignorant of their shifting frames even if they could feel every change. Hairs rained down from their arms and legs, dripping from sweat sodden abdomens as they argued over it, fight scars fading under a wave of luster, leaving behind smooth, silky skin for both.

"Your girl's palette is too dark! No one'd even see her on stage! Besides everyone knows audiences love a helper who's bubbly and HIC cute!" Drake couldn't help the slight hiccup as he argued, his Adam's Apple sliding down his throat as a chipper voice gasped out his lips, the colors of his loose clothing turning pastel blue with the hems gaining pink trim. Said Adam's Apple bubbled in his stomach acids, the bubbles giving him a ticklish feeling as he struggled to contain the giggles, gripping his stomach as it toned to slim, curvy slopes under his fingers, the laughs unstoppable as he burst out in girlish laughter. His rough features were purified by the laughter, his cheeks shaking as they crumbled to soft, cherubic plains, a healthy blush wiping away any facial hair as his jaw popped into a tighter, cuter formation. His eyes were tearing up, turning wide and green as some of the drops hung on his eyelashes, turning to mascara. With a final gust of giggles his hair poofed out, shining in the fading light in locks of spun gold spooling down her back.

"Hehehe b-but yeah like, you need someone the audience can't take their eyes off of! Not some gloomy girl in the corner!" Drake swore something was wrong, putting a slimming finger up to his swollen lips in a confused pout, but let it slip from his mind. Gino seemed ready to argue and for some reason he looked confident.

"Bullshit! All you've got to do is flash some skin and she'd stand out just fine! Besides gothy girls are the hot shit right now! Especially ones with thick, mmm~ th-thighs and a nice fat ahhhhss~!" Gino's words were like a spell, bringing his legs to life as all that slick, pale skin throbbed, his own outfit turning pure black with golden accents. It was like his own body was rewarding him with the best thighjob he'd ever had, both knees knocking together in tandem with the widening of his hips, slamming his thighs together as their muscle bloated to soft, sensual fat. It sounded like he was having amazing, sloppy sex, his cries echoing as his ass bounced against the ground, pert and perky while his jeans split apart revealing just how curvaceous his legs had become. The shifting of his boxers sent him over the edge as his squeals became oddly choked and boyish, his thighs and the silk of the panties squeezing his balls dry as his cock let out messy spurts of cum, each globule disappearing a few seconds later, much like his balls as they slurped inside his squeezed shut thighs.

"Ohhh~ f-f-HUUUUCK!" He kept squeezing till every last drop of sperm had been forced out, a hot girly feeling welling from his hips as his ovaries went into overdrive, clear fluids washing away any residue as estrogen attacked his prostate, Gano forced onto his front as his ass waggled back and forth, the expelled fluids pooling in the loose black and pink boots that loosely hugged his calves. His toes wriggled in the liquid femininity, nails turning glossy as his feet shrank five sizes, two dainty sets of toes and curves clenched in satisfaction as he looked towards his rival.

"Mmm s-see? I'll be sure to get all the boys' attention when they see this ya blue bimbo!"

Drak wasn't convinced, his huff turning into a moan as he competitively stated, "Nuh uh! I can be like, waaay sexier than you! I've got like, better curves ahhHH~!" Neither noticed the shift from third to first person, they were far too busy changing for that to register.

Drak could feel his words coming true, power surging under his nipples as they puckered into hard lumps, the satiny feel of his shifting clothes egging him on as he began to play with them, imagining his mast-er that nerd getting a boner over his sexy body. His hands shrank as they played with his nipples, fat starting to appear with every tease and grope, his reaction half moaning and half squealing in delight as he gave a peppy little clap, the neck hole of his shirt widening to expose more of his sexy shoulders, suggestively hanging off his frame.

"Yaay boobies! Bigger! Gr-ohhhh~ b-bigger!" Drak was feeling top heavy now, his spine forced into arching as his ass thrust out, unremarkable for now, but that'd change soon enough, but after he finished with his breasts. They were apple sized now, swelling to ripe melons under his carefree groping, stretching the loose cut top tight against their hefty size as something hot and slippery spilled out between his thighs. He didn't know what it was, but it felt soooo fucking good that he didn't mind it, groaning as his hard cock continued to spill its load, each pulse making it softer until it flopped about loosely, more sensitive than ever.

His pants separated similarly to Gano's leaving plenty of thigh revealed while the spandex vaccuum sealed itself skin tight to his crotch, squeezing his already weakened cock.

"Mmm M-Master Coliiiin~..." Drak's mind wandered, one hand slapping his ass through the spandex as muscle wobbled outward, moaning as his crotch was slowly but surely pressed inwards, each inch of his rubbery shaft slinking in until only the tip was left, nestled tightly between his shrunken testes. He seemed agitated, on the edge of a great change and desperately needing the release to come, or cum she guessed, the dumb pun making her giggle between moans, some part of her still reluctant to take that final step.

Gano didn't have the leverage to worry about it, upset at his slutty nemesis's assets, frustrated to see even her thighs and ass were starting to catch up to his own. But he still had one card to play, hoping she wouldn't be too shameless.

"W-Well who cares what the audience wants to see?! As long as it's master, I'd gladly put out for- h-huh? MMPH! OHHHHH~! KYAAAA~!" He had gone all in, and now so was his cock, that desire to be fucked by his hunky, magical master left him feeling so...

"FUUUUUUCK~!" Her cock pounded into her body, the pleasure too much to handle as it had to split itself up in her chest, each inch that fucked her down to her core sending her chest wobbling out as if reflecting the lust overflowing her body's limits.

Gago slammed her hands down on the now alien cock, treating it more like a dildo than a part of her body as she screamed to the heavens, her hair shooting out in greenish blonde spikes, her eyes bursting open into wide red ruby's as she chased new highs, greater pleasure, begging for her master's cock as her free hand gripped her swelling bosom. Soon enough her hand was slipping past her panties, brushing against something soft and warm as her fingers entered her slit, her slender fingers perfectly crafted to slip into the tight gaps, driving it further and further in until she finally felt it squish down deep past where her fingers could go, a flush of fluids rocketing her hand out as she came harder than she ever had in her life.

The ecstasy had been too much, her mind blanking out as the final changes ran through her, pink bows and lace ornamenting her gothic style, her eyes fluttering open with need, that missed lapse of consciousness robbing her of true release. GaGaGa Girl needed someone to fuck her, or someone she could use to satiate her lust, her eyes landing on the wriggling, swelling ass of her nemesis and the cute bulge under it. She licked her lips, and prepared to fuck her rival over.

Dark was barely hanging on himself, every part of his body screaming to give in to the bubbly thoughts, to be master's favorite slutty assistant, but he had always been the most stubborn of the two, though all of that crumbled when he felt GaGaGa's hands clamp down on his ass.

"N-Ohhh~ Wh-What are you d-HOOO-ing?!"

Didn't she hate her? No wait him he was a-

"Oh shut up you bimbo, I know you need this almost as much as I do, just enjoy it.

She slid her legs between Dark's as she said it, nearly drooling as two sets of impossibly smooth skin sparked an erogenous heat between the two greater than any fire spell. Dark groaned as he felt her rival's snatch press against his crotch, the squeaky sound of latex on latex making him hard one last time before GaGaGa's thighs clamped down on it, both girls screaming as they felt rapturous release.

There was a squishy sound as Dark Magician Girls cock inverted the two girls covering their exposed thighs in the other's fluids, moaning as their mouths and bodies twined together, their contortions more like snakes than humans as they rolled about, feeling their clits buzz against the other's in harmonious ecstasy. They made sure to say how much they hated the other when their tongues weren't entangled, fueling their dirty talk and groping as they fucked until both girls were completely covered and satisfied, DMG giggling as they rested into a cuddle.

"Mmm~ that was like, so totally hot GaGaGa!"

"Hah... Hah... I guess you're not completely useless you adorable waste of- Oh fuck the show!"

Both girls rocketed up, panicking over the thought of displeasing their master. Thankfully he was there in his robes, already prepared.

"Don't worry girls, I'll get you cleaned up. Curtains is in three minutes. Hopefully you have something left for the main event, though I did love the show you put on back here."

With a flick of his wand, the two girls found their clothes shifting, turning them on all over again as it rubbed against every inch of their bodies until two perky police uniformed assistants stood where before existed only worthless delinquents. Colin knew this was definitely going to piss off the principal, but he didn't give a shit. One of these days he'd find a way past her mental barriers and have just another pretty card girl for his harem. He was a collector after all and he doubted anyone would really miss two violent thugs.

No this was much better, just like every other person he had changed. If he had been paying full attention he might have noticed the principal preparing her own surprise from the audience, already expecting to see two cute card girls accompanying her biggest problem student, but that's a story for another time. All that Colin and the girls knew was that it was time for the show, full of tricks and magic. And after that they'd get to show him just how many tricks they had picked up in the backstage bedroom. It would definitely be a magical night.


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