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Shinzo was contemplative after his defeat, thinking over what his next step would be now that he had proven himself enough to the instructors. It'd be a nice pensive stretch if it weren't for Monoma complaining in his ear, still upset he hadn't got to use Shinzo's borrowed powers to their fullest.

"Those incompetent assholes couldn't even win without hurting their other teammates, I mean did you see Deku's utter lack of control? His lack of tact?! I don't care if they technically 'won' this bout, Class B clearly showed ourselves to be far more competent and composed. Don't you agree Shinzo?"


"Hah! Exactly! Besides this was just a private match. In the eyes of the public none of them know what happened. It was a meaningless victory. And word of that strength freak's actions will spread along the school and make Class A even further pariahs. After all what kind of slackbrained lackwit would ever want to be in a class like-"

"I'm actually planning on transferring to Class A."

Monoma seemed to quite literally freeze, the information taking a few seconds to ring true as he seemed to be computing a rather difficult equation.

"You... you want to transfer into their class?"


"B-But Class B is-"

"I'd rather be in the same class as my mentor and my rival, Deku." Monoma seemed to be repulsed by an invisible field at the mere mention of Deku's name, as if the sound of it was painful to him.

"BUT YOU JUST AGREED HE WAS A DANGER TO HIS TEAMMATES DIDN'T YOU?!" Neither of them noticed since it was at the cusp of five minutes, but in his anger Monoma had activated Shinzo's powers, only needing an answer to leave him susceptible, one in which he gave almost immediately, not thinking of potential consequences.

"I actually respect Deku and he was a large inspiration from my time in the tournament. I want to be on equal ground."

Neither aware of what was about to happen, Monoma sealed the deal as he left in a huff, yelling out, "WELL IF YOU LIKE DEKU SO MUCH WHY DON'T YOU GO BE BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND AND FUCK HIM?!"

Shinzo felt stunned, not so much at the angry shout, but more from the effects of his quirk subtly intertwining with his mind, his body, the feeling strange and alien since he had obviously never used his quirk on himself. Then again he had never said anything as abstract as an order before since he assumed it wouldn't work. Inside his body muscles were beginning to rebel, bones bumping against one another, fidgeting around as Monoma's order compelled them, Shinzo's mind now pensive on another topic entirely.


His thoughts kept returning to him, obsessed with the green haired boy, his already admitted admiration mutating, preyed upon by his own quirk to form something more lustful, wanting. But that didn't seem right, he was straight and Deku was a boy, well not really a boy considering how toned he was, much more of a man with those gleaming, adonis like muscles... The semblance of arousal began to peek out in his cock, his thoughts of Deku sweat soaked making him feel half stiff, as if his mind hadn't yet resolved itself on if this was right or not. He had always been the academic type, thinking things through even to his detriment, resolved to be a background player until the tournament had happened. Yes that's when everything had changed, Deku breaking free of his control, utterly dominating him yet holding back just enough where it was almost a gentle sort of-

"Hmm?" His body had decided, a clear erection tenting his spandex. Shinzo looked at it with almost academic curiosity, poking it with a tremulous moan as the nerve eaten fingernails began regenerating, glossing over smoothly as he moved into the locker room to change.

The locker room proved to be the perfect place to resolve any contradictions, his mind remembering that yes until that day he had been a lesbian straight, Deku awakening more than just admiration in the days to follow. In fact, Monoma hadn't been all that far off in his statement, Shinzo did admit that he wanted to be there to get closer to Deku, to become a friend, to be needed by him. The thought sent his erection throbbing, a queer sort of buzz building in the folds of his muscles, his scalp alight in chills as his purple hair began to sprout in slow, silky tangles tickling the tip of his neck and moving down to the nape.

Shinzo tried and failed to remember a time he had been even half as hard as he was currently, taking immense willpower and restraint to hold back from playing with the intense need racing along his shaft. That was the biggest barrier, his body, Deku's tastes clear cut enough from the way he looked at Ochaco or reacted to Mei whenever she fell on him.

"Mmm~," he moaned at the thought, his body feeling tremulous at it as a warm heat began pulsing in time with his cock, easing into him, bathing his body in a pleasant hum as every muscle group in his body relaxed, the sensation dizzying. That's right, all of his training was meant to bring him closer to that ideal, to compete not with just Deku, but the other girls around him. Deku wanted someone feminine, sexy, someone-

"Ahh..." A small dot of moisture appeared on his underwear, the muscular buzz truly a drunken kind of bliss now, the muscle groups of his body pressing up against his skin for a brief second before throbbing back down, lessening into softer, denser formations. Each pulse brought added area to the wet spot in his trousers, as if the muscle was being slowly melted out through his cock in pleasureful ebbs and flows. Shinzo couldn't help the moans that followed as he finished dressing up, stumbling as his body reshaped itself to what he wanted, what he needed to be now.

Shinzo was thankful they had gone last and that he had dawdled to the changing area, meaning he could be alone, everyone either long gone or retiring in their dorms. There was enough conscious realization to know that he didn't want anyone to see or hear the sounds he was making, even if why he was making them was fuzzy in his mind. It felt freeing, his body lighter than it had been for years as his muscles turned soft and pliable, shrinking into his body as the slight aches of change lead to orgasmic pops of comfort. His shoulders were two such pops, Shinzo working both in the sockets, moaning in quiet bliss as they sloped further and further down, his blocky frame reducing to something smaller, more huggable, and he knew just whose arms he wanted wrapped around him.

"Deku, oooh~ Deku..." Saying his name seemed to accelerate things, that image of being wrapped around in his strong grasp making his stomach squirm and shift, any incidental nausea overwhelmed by the growing pleasure that was warping him, making his body comply to its forced desire to be Deku's wet dream. Shinzo wanted it so bad, gripping his own sides as he helped them curve and shift, squealing as they slendered into a tight, curvy waist. The spot was more of a puddle now in his pants, the spastic contortions of his flattening stomach making his cock release more and more of his load until a thick splotch of cum shot out, his back popped into a girly arch that accented parts of his body he'd need to foster and grow if he would ever get Deku to look his way, even if his slouched posture ruined the effect a bit. There was a tickle on his shoulders now, his hair long enough to brush and pool against his open neckline, his gait paused. Well if he wanted Deku to look at him, the next thing to fix would have to be his utterly bland, male face right?

Cupping it lovingly, Shinzo gently massaged his features, moaning as he could feel them shift, his normal hands feeling wrong, manly, the callused hands of a stranger. But that just meant they were closer to Deku's as his eyes fluttered shut, sighing as he worked his jaw into a softer point, lips pursed as an aroused purr trilled out of them, both swelling into a noticeably pouty smirk. It felt right to mold, one hand traveling under, swiping away the few wisps of facial hair to leave behind pale, beautiful skin, landing on his Adam's Apple while the other worked at his nose. Imagining them as Deku's hands, his lips smacked onto the bottom of his palm, slowly draining the hard skin away, his fingers shrinking as they worked his nose down to a cute button. His moans were getting better too, each one slightly higher, sexier, gaining a laid back womanly laziness that seemed to suggest more experience than he actually had.

"Mmm~ ahhhh~ Dekuuu~..." Yes this was the voice he always had, the one that often made his tech support calls to other male students such a hassle, but for once it would snare someone he wanted instead of the usual creeps. It was a much more responsive instrument, purring and cooing sensually as his hair finished its stretch down to his nipples. From where it came he couldn't tell, but makeup was forming on his face, adding some much needed color to his cheeks, making the sleepless bags under his eyes tighten into a more purposeful shadow. The only moment of discomfort came with his eyes, the eyelashes pulled out longer, his sleepy eyes angling and growing into sultry, almond shaped peepers. Each eyebrow plucked itself into a styled, mauve line, going well with his new goth girl look. Even though it was a decent start, he wasn't satisfied in the slightest, stuffing his hands into his pockets, letting them shrink and slender out of sight, black polish invisibly applying itself as he tried to figure out what else Deku liked.

There was something missing, something crucial that he knew Deku loved in a woman. Mei had it, Ochaco had it, he could even remember Deku blushing over Nejire's outfit that accented her... He gasped, his nipples stiffening, legs moving on autopilot towards where he knew he needed to be as he fondled his flat chest, both nipples as hard and sensitive as his cock below.

"O-Ohh~ yes! Give them to me!" Slender fingers emerged from his pockets, openly playing with the braless indents, moaning as he felt them surge under his tweaks and feels, draining his arms of muscle as they swelled to perky, squishy b-cups. It was divine to dig into them, feeling his hands probe the soft flesh, pleasuring him in new, amazing ways that drenched his shorts in cum, his balls starting to feel tight as he begged for more.

"Bigger! Bigger than that tech freak! Bigger than gravity girl! B-Bigger than- AHHH AH FUUUUUUCK~!" They drained every ounce of masculinity from his top half, his hips bucking hard enough to cause slight tears in his trousers, cold air cooling his hot cock as his perky chest sagged to large globes, testing the limits of his saggy shirt until the fabric squeezed tightly to their form, Shinzo gasping as his wishes were granted with a chest larger than even Deku's manly hands could fit into a single palm. It made him feel sexier, his stomach even tighter, curves more exaggerated, even his clothing seemingly drained of anything boyish as they grew crosshatched with tears, thinning out to form fitting mesh silk. The hard, skinny lines teased his nipples, egging on his playful gropes as his stomach gyrated like a belly dancer, his body and mind growing more exhibitionist, flaunting its sleek supple curves from their former meek prison. If Deku was to be hers, he had to do this much for him at least.

But there was still more to change, more that could be even better for him, his bottom half lacking in sex appeal, in womanly charm. Shinzo stopped walking, vaguely aware he was near the threshold to the boys dorms for Class 1A, realizing his body was being drawn to Deku, his masculine charm dragging out his hidden feminine wiles. Pressure built up between his hips, grinding against them until both shattered out to wide, appealing girth. The sudden explosion tore his trousers free from the legs, the cloth quickly checkering, turning plaid as the legs formed into one skirt, revealing his soaked underwear as the last of his cum dribbled down his thighs, squeezed out by a surge of fat in his ass. He had to lean against a wall to stay standing, the pleasure winding him as he slapped his now perky behind. It wasn't quite as sensitive as his breasts but it was a close call and his center of gravity definitely appreciated the balance it gave him.

Unable to help himself, having already gone further down degeneracy for Deku than he could have ever imagined even just an hour before, Shinzo groped and spanked his ass, moaning Deku's name as each smack sent his fat dribbling down, swelling his thighs out to perfectly thick roundness.

"Yes! Yes! I'm almost complete! Almost perfect for nnngh D-Dek-oooooh~!" He needed him more than he had ever needed anything in life, more than water and air and all sorts of worthless things compared to his love, his future boyfriend. If his feet weren't reforming, shrinking into high heels while his calves were curving under the touch of fishnet stockings, he'd be running straight for his dorm to tell him how he felt, what he needed from him. Stuck where he was though, his thighs rubbed together needily, testing out their smoothness, how best to pleasure a man with his own tense cock, a scream erupting from his mouth as she began grinding it into HER perfect body.

It was equal parts gratifying and torturous, her thighs compressing her balls, squeezing them tighter and tighter to her body, the slow but sure feeling of them entering her as intoxicating as anything else as a clear sticky fluid lapped out her cock's widening tip. Both legs clenched together, trying to crush the sensitive package hanging between them, her face screwed up in intense lust and concentration until she finally felt something pop inside.

"HYAAAA~!" She could feel her cherry popping, both balls sucking inside a narrow channel and squeezing out to either side, two ovaries pumping out load after load of estrogen to destroy any remaining traces of masculinity in her, that taste of penetration not nearly enough to satisfy her. Thankfully her underwear was tightening, turning lacy as it clamped onto her softening cock, the organ itself pumping away as it continued to get softer and softer, collapsing into her like a telescope, each inch making a mushy popping sound as she squealed and writhed against the wall.


She was forcing it inside, her fingers pressing down on the sensitive throbbing tip, electric shocks of ecstasy bucking through her body as her fingers tried to compress the slippery lump, accidentally sliding a finger into the widening tip. A hot spurt shot out, rocketing it inside her, making Ishizo scream in unending bliss as she felt her pussy form, her fingers pulling out from two throbbing, leaking lips. The final shift ran through her as the post orgasmic warmth left her dazed, the foreskin separating from her inverted tip now clitoris, unpopping her cherry as she felt her hymen reform, finally ready for Deku to take.

Calmly she walked into the dormitories, in control of the lust, in control of everything now that it was done. A few of the boys had stuck their heads out at the commotion but she passed them by without a second glance, feeling more assured with every pair of eyes that latched onto her retreating ass as she went to the only room that mattered to her, going up a flight of stairs to find her sweet Deku half dressed from a shower, clearly worried about why someone had been screaming his name.

"Deku, I wanted to thank you for all you've done for me, for helping me grow as a person. And I know just what you'd like~!"

It took a moment for that to break through his confusion, Deku too focused on why this hot girl was looking for him and why she looked so darn familiar.

"Wh-Who are you-" She silenced him with a kiss, pushing him back into the dormitory, smiling at his cute, confused face.

"It's Ishizo Deku. And I think it's time to show you just how much I appreciate all your help..." If he had any protests, they faded the second her top came off, their bottoms soon following as they found themselves once again tangling with each other on Deku's bed.

In the days to come the truth of what happened was eventually figured out, which was a shock to Deku, but Ishizo as she now demanded to be called had no interest in undoing it, and with her transfer to Class A and a long talk with her parents ending with acceptance, the faculty had thrown its hands up in the air over the matter. The one thing they did insist on though was for them to tone back the intensity of their relationship, at least on school grounds after a few complaints from Mineta who was nearly frothing at the mouth with jealousy. Deku had skipped over exactly how he had gotten his girlfriend when his mom asked, but she was just thrilled her boy had finally started dating, giving them plenty of alone time off school hours to have some fun. Everything was perfect for her now, her old self completely integrated into her new body and her dream boy living up to every one of her fantasies. And as if on cue to try and rain on her parade, was Monoma again who she'd feel grateful towards if he wasn't such a prick about it constantly.

"Why if it isn't Class A's slut!"

She sighed, "Do we have to do this Monoma? Besides one guy is hardly slutty."

"It is when it's for Class A and that goody two shoes. It utterly disgusts me that I might have caused that overpowered prick any kind of happiness I'll have you know. The sooner you realize this isn't the real you the sooner I can undo this and we can lord it over Deku and the rest of Class A! Come on, it would be highly embarrassing for him and I'm sure you can't actually like that green haired dipshit enough to forsake your masculinity."

She was tired of this crap, sick of his annoying refusal to accept the situation. But then... what if he could learn?

"Oh really?" She very carefully made it clear to be a question, her eyes shining as her quirk turned on.

"Of course! How you can fuck someone so disgusting is-"

"Well since YOU seem so obsessed with Deku, why don't you get him to fuck you? Better yet, lets share as girlfriends!"

The look of horror on his face was worth all of the previous bullying, the disgust dawning into arousal as sweat started to dot his skin. Ishizo was certain by the time Minamo was done, they'd be needing another transfer form to Class 1A.


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