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“This is complete bullshit! Fuck this fucking bullshit show and fuck whichever fucking idiot thought Emilia is better than Rem! I mean Rem built up Subaru and saved him from his depression a-and ARRGH!” So Nathan had finally watched Re;Zero and had some strong opinions on the famously divisive Subaru confession. He was furious, his anger making him pause the episode and run out to jog away all of this pent up anger. It wasn’t like he was a big shipper either, it was just such a cheap narrative idea that was barely even set up! Maybe a flashback later would help establish it more but for now he was furious! The world had shrunk down to a tiny bubble as he ran, going over all the reasons why Rem was clearly the best girl as he crossed the street, only realizing he had made a terrible mistake when the horn sounded, the truck’s impact thankfully lost in the shock as the world faded to black.

It stayed black, even when he awoke, his body left in a void, a single spotlight breaking through the black to illuminate him.
“Alright you know the deal, it’s been talked about plenty throughout popular culture. You died, and now I’m granting your wish. Ready for your next life?” Nathan was overwhelmed, convinced he was dreaming or something.
“No this can’t be like an actual thing. I mean I was just alive and there’s no way all my weeb stuff is-”
“Yeah look a bunch of other sad virginal nerds died and I’ve gotta get through them so have fun in your new life. I’m sure you’ll find a much better conclusion to Subaru’s confession.”
“Wait what?! You’re sending me to-”
“Yes Re;Zero world, don’t blow your load too fast, though hey just be happy I decided to give you a pleasant transition to your new life. Kay see ya. Now how’d the next person die? Eating ass? What the fuck is wrong with these humans?!” The blackness twisted away then, Nathan thrust out into a new world, the whole experience nauseating as he spun around like a hyper charged top.

When the world reformed around him, he found himself slammed against an absurdly soft bed littered with lingerie. Looking around the room was oddly familiar, and the outfits hanging up nearby were definitely recognizable to him considering how many times he had admittedly had lewd thoughts of the girls of the show the last few days. The thought of being alone in their rooms instantly got him hard, which was strange since he usually took a bit to get going, but it felt almost like he was being jerked off which was impossible since he was alone in the maid quarters and no one was here. Looking down he noticed it was not his imagination, that strewn about lingerie coming to life as it shred through his clothing and began to assault his body.
“Wh-What?! No st-AHHHP tha- ohhh~.” Black spandex panties were clamping down, gripping his cock and balls as the fabric buzzed against his groin. One thing he knew for sure was that this wasn’t a part of any of the series he had watched, his confusion mounting with arousal as the panties slowly but surely applied mounting pressure to his balls. He was gasping, begging for them to stop as his fingers failed to find a workable seem, a weird buzz traveling up them as the nails of his often chewed upon fingertips healed and lengthened, their new length and sharpness giving him a finger hold into them. Rather than slipping off, they acted like flytraps, letting his fingers wiggle in before sucking down again, trapping them as another pair tied itself around his erection, its color hot pink and glowing.

The energy swirling over his trapped fingers and cock pushed inward, forcing moans out of Nathan like a squeaky toy as both sets compressed his balls, an impossibly strong feeling abstract in nature washing over him. It didn’t feel painful, instead the feeling leaking into his cock and hands was… feminine? It was like something clicked into place at that thought, his fingers slipping out as the joints were released, each finger slender and topped with pink nail polish. He had never questioned his gender before, but something about this feeling, the sparkle of light on his manicured nails, it was making feel almost like he wan-


“HYAAAAAA~!” All it took was one moment of doubt to leave his body susceptible, his left testicle driven deep into his body, the tender organ viscerally squeezed and reshaped as he felt for the first time the addictive sensation of being entered roughly. Before he knew it his hands were working at the other lump, palms shrinking as he shoved in the lump ruining his panties’ flushness, crying out as his testosterone surged out his shaft in a wide, vibrant arc, the panties melting away all sperm to leave a crystal clear stream that sparkled and refracted the light in an orgasmic rainbow. It was a destructive pleasure, so bone deep and life changing he knew he could never go back after tasting it, moaning happily as his spunk was purified and shot out in a series of releases that sent his eyes sparking with feminine joy, their growing sockets zapping his dull brown eyes an enticing pink.

Even his vision was being framed by pink, his blonde hair spun out into cotton candy colored locks, its silky luster teasing away his tension as another release spilled out from the panties, his cum feeling more slippery, thinner. His former testicles were like two hand warmers, that warmth only growing as they shifted in function and form, that strong, feminine feeling from the pink panties now pumping out of them as he could feel his testosterone not just fading, but corrupted, the firm muscle of his ass cheeks pleasurably bubbling outwards into something succulent and slappable. When the femininity grew too much for his ass to handle, his hips splintered apart, each pelvic side curving lovingly into something that wanted, no, needed to be caressed and handled. Nathan found himself gasping, barely keeping up with each surge of feminine ecstasy as his stomach rumbled, his gasped breaths flattening out his abs, kinking in his waist with every deep breath inwards.

His body had such a deep need in it now, desperate for more feminine corruption, for cumpletion. Nathan desired release so badly yet it seemed wrong to jerk off, his nose wrinkling as it shrunk at the thought. Even though his body wasn’t built for it, his slim fingers gunning for his nipples, his first squeeze being disappointingly unstimulating. Why wasn’t it doing anything? He could feel the fat taking its time to flow down his shrinking torso to start filling out his legs, and he needed something to do to relieve the building tension in his cock, but it honestly just hurt pinching them, not even circular teasing bringing his chest to any kind of life. That’s when he noticed the padding that had been trying to worm its way out from behind his back, Nathan lifting up slightly before shrieking, a matching pink bra to the amazing panties below.

The changes made his head swim, a rush of feminine urges pouring through her head as she squealed, her barely worth having male nipples stiffening under the cup’s nurturing hold, her spine popping inside with the clasping of the back strings as her sensitive nipples swelled with her teasing now, her cries turning cuter with every dribbled trickle of Adam’s Apple that spat out her open mouth. This was true ecstasy, her breasts and thighs swelling as she could tell there was no fighting back now, even her own mind more comfortable thinking of herself as a woman, and she couldn’t be more pleased as high sopranic squeaks accompanied each succulent swell, her thickened thighs rubbing against her cock as her fingers dug into soft flesh above.

The dribbled out remnants of her Adam’s Apple flowed into her lips, swelling them enticingly while popping her jaw down to the perfect size, the face of Ram crying out in ecstasy as her breasts finished swelling, hard nipples teased expertly by her own hands as Ram’s memories flowed into her, the whole thing too much for her sense of self as she could feel most of her old memories running down her spine and swelling in her cock, a fresh rainbow sprinkling down as her thighs rubbed together against the hard lump, their soft caresses making Ram squeal as whoever she had been dribbled down her panties. She still had his emotions and foresight, the scene of her sister in tears absolutely unacceptable to her, though there was still one more unacceptable thing to deal with first.

The estrogen had done its work well on her legs, her toes flexing against the soft sheets as the final bones popped into place for their dainty appearance, but she still had her cock. Thankfully with nowhere else to pool in, she could feel it starting to climb the meat tower, her own masturbatory gropes helping it along as she groaned, something pink dribbling from the tip as the hard thing just gave up, the muscles losing all tension as clear liquids pooled out, Ram gasping lightly before moaning deeply as the soft thing began to push in. It was a cycle, the pleasure of the inversion making her tense up, the tenseness pulling it in further as she’d gasp again, this slow process repeating again and again until she felt the mushroom tip slap against her vaginal lips. It tensed once, then shot out a small jet, Ram screaming as she came as a woman, not stopping until she felt the disgusting masculine object dissolve inside her.

Well that was one troublesome man taken care of...

“Subaru.” At first he doubted it was Ram, knowing she never called him by his name.
“Subaru!” Ah there was that phantom voice again. He never knew he was this sad to want a maid to call him by his real name, yet here he-
“BALSE COME IN HERE NOW!” Okay yep that was her. Ram had thought that being nice to him might make things easier, but it was clear she had done too good a job at establishing the pecking order here. Well he’d be certainly caught off guard when he entered.

“Sorry for not coming sooner I didn’t think you would call me- WH-WHAT THE HELL?!

Ram could only imagine the horny thoughts going through his mind as he stared at her almost naked body, his face turning redder than her steamed yams. She couldn’t believe that her sister had fallen for this useless fool, but before he could break her heart Ram was going to do what she always did, protect her sister no matter the cost. It was fine to lose some dignity here, besides it wasn’t like he’d remember much of this though he would unfortunately enjoy it. If only the magic was torturous she could take her time and bask in his pained screams, but it could be fun to watch him squirm. Already the sad virgin was putty in her hands, her pantiless crotch peaking out just enough to offer a hint of what lay below her thin skirt.

“R-Ram what’s gotten into-” She shushed him with one hand, the other deftly untying and dropping his pants to the ground, her fingers locking into his underwear to free his cock, a not all that impressive thing, but it was certainly trying its best to puff out its metaphorical chest.
“W-Wait Ram I’m sorry but I l-love Emiliahhh!” She didn’t care, pushing him onto her bed, black panties bunched in her left hand as she began to climb on top of her struggling junior.
“What’s gotten into you?!” At that she smirked. It was almost like he knew what was about to happen, setting her up for the next bit.
“It’s not what’s gotten into me…” She tackled his legs then, sliding her black panties up until they slammed into his groin, the cursed article squeezing tightly to his junk as Subaru wheezed from the impact, confusion plain as day on his face as the undergarment began to fondle his junk.

Ram loved watching, smirking as his grunts turned to moans, his cock as hard as it would ever be as Subaru clutched his crotch like a wounded animal. He looked so lost, whining as the panties pressed tighter while Ram calmly moved over to him, a headband with a familiar pink ribbon tied to the side of it.
“Let me explain what these two things do Balse.” She plopped the maid headband down, the accessory coming to life as it clamped to the sides of Subaru’s head.
“This headband can only fill empty things with its owner’s presence. Which means you’d only have to worry if you ever were hollowed out.” Rather than explaining the next bit, she moved his hands aside, his grip weak amidst the waves of pleasure as her own hand swiftly rubbed his erect junk, treating it like tinder needing to ignite, her fast, assured jerking making her captive grunt as his balls pulsed, that pleased sound letting her know he had already cummed.

“Now watch this closely.” Looking down, Subaru moaned, shocked to see the clear outline of his junk in the panties deflate slightly, the balls shrinking, his cock slipping in a centimeter as he shrieked, another pleased moan followed by a second bit pushing inwards as the outer lace of the panties turned white. While he tried to look, Subaru couldn’t help but notice something growing down to cover his line of sight, a tangle of blue hair chopped off at nose height.
“R-NNGH! Rem?!” Ram nodded, moving her fingers from his shaft to his balls.
“Once you’re out of material to empty, you will become much improved. Of course I can speed things up like this.” Her fingers pressed into his balls, poking them as Subaru spasmed helplessly, his cock pulsing out spurts of cum as the white splotches on his panties grew. His face contorted as his eyebrows plucked themselves, eyes sparkling as their lashes grew, becoming voluminous while his hair tickled nose sneezed out its mass for something cuter and small. He bit his lips shut to try and stifle his moans, but that just led to a sudden spit take, his moans rising through plumped, pursed lips, his voice that of Rem’s.

“P-Please-” Ram shut him up with a kiss, one hand still stroking his cock as his body spasmed, his broad frame crumbling under her tender touch.

“There’s no turning back now. You’re immobilized by the panties. And now I’m going to pleasure you in ways you never thought possible until the last of your pitiful seed spills out and you understand the true glory of Rem.” He was already much cuter in her eyes with Rem’s face blushing hard, her resistant moans adding greatly to the charm. He still had his shirt on, but it was no matter, her fingers finding his nipples before her mouth began teasing them with her teeth, the tiny lumps swelling beneath her tongue while Subaru screamed and came.

The neckline of his outfit disconnected entirely, the fabric swelling into cups as Ram made sure Subaru had the requisite chest to fill out such a uniform. The heat from his spewing cock warmed Ram’s bare bottoms as his breasts surged, a solid inch of it slipping inside as Subaru lost control to the lust, pulling Ram closer as he fell sway to her love bites, unable to hold back as his balls deflated, his core following as the sides puckered, his spine arching back with an especially violent spasm.. At least the harshness of it shook him out of his daze, though he could barely be called a he at this point, his entire upper body fully taken over by Rem and his cock was half inside, the corkscrewing inversions of it making it hard to even want to fight back.

“S-STAAAAHHHP~!” Ram paused, not because of any moral concern but because she thought for sure he’d have broken down by now, being the pervert he was.

“I’m sorry Subaru, I underestimated you.”
“S-SooOHHH y-you’ll take NNGH off the p-AAAAAAHnties?”
“No I mean I’m going to show you no mercy now. Please give in soon, I do have chores to get to.” Her bare thighs joined the panties in clamping down on his cock, her hands assaulting his breasts and her mouth was left to stifle any resistance, her lips on his as her tongue reached places he never even knew could be stimulated. It wouldn’t take long now, his hips thrusting up constantly, Ram able to feel his hips split apart, the added bounce to his ass and it didn’t escape her notice that her thighs were no longer the only soft, spongy flesh wrapped against his cock. Speaking of said cock, it could barely be called even a chick at this point, a hard nub resolutely refusing to pull in, two subtle bulges the last of his testicles. Ram tried everything in her arsenal, yet even as he screamed and came that last bit refused to leave, his eyes only veined in blue, the brown still outshining.

If she hadn’t still had her past knowledge it might have taken all night.

She purposefully paused, looking at the nearly all white panties with disgust, but letting him for the first time catch his breath. When his wheezing had lessened some, she asked a deceptively simple question.
“Hmm considering how long we’ve been going at it I figured you would have used your special ability by now.” The look of shock on his… well her sister’s face was priceless, his untold secret slipping out without thought.
“Y-You know about how I can reset?” Ram smiled in response.
“No, but I assume such an ability comes with a strict condition. I meant your natural strength Rem.”

Subaru tried to speak but grew choked with pleasure, the magic of the panties and headband interrupting the usual curse, the strangulation he usually felt around his heart and throat now repurposed, throttling his groin as he realized too late how much he had just fucked up. First he cursed as he felt his balls press tightly against his gooch, then he moaned, the blue veins in his eyes cracking through more and more brown, two wet slurps leading to him finally screaming, overwhelmed by the pure ecstasy being forced onto him. A cute bow popped onto the panties right as his dick sunk below the surface, Subaru’s mind collapsing as he felt his dick fuck his new vaginal cavity into existence. The final stranglehold was in his mind, his save files corrupting, memories of Oni powers and servitude flashing by in epileptic fits as the last spot of black faded to white, a clear rush of liquids pouring out her twitching vagina as Rem came.

The brown shattered from her eyes, all resistance fucked out of her. She was a mess mentally, but her maid outfit was immaculate, only a bit of moisture on her thighs betraying the intense struggle she had just gone through. A struggle she had already forgotten as she woke up to see her sister putting on her maid uniform.

“Ah good how are you feeling Rem? Pining over anyone?” What a bizarre, out of character question.

“No Ram, you know for now I only live to serve our master. I don’t have time to pursue love or any other silly distraction like that.”

“Perfect now that idiot Subaru will never plague us again.”
“Erm, sis?”
“Yes Rem?”

“Who’s Subaru?


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