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“Wow! Can you believe this place Bakugou?!”
“It’s a fucking cafeteria Deku.”
“Yes but it’s the place where All Might used to-”
“WHO CARES?!” Deku promptly shut up as they walked through the halls of one of the largest hero service centers, taking up blocks of space to house certificate exam halls and practice areas for interns and pros alike. They were both there to settle a few details with their future internships for the next semester of UA, though Deku had scheduled his earlier and had been leaving when Bakugou had entered. Deciding to let Baku cool down from whatever was clearly bothering him, Deku stayed behind in the large multi room mess hall unsure of where he was meant to go.

It was a weekend so most of the staff was out, but he did see a few people going into the smaller rooms, though those seemed to be for more personal use. Luckily one opened up, though Deku found himself entranced as Mirko skipped out, extremely red in the face and she seemed a bit uncomfortable, looking like she was only popping out for a second until one of the dispatchers walking by noticed her and hailed her down.
“They need you downtown by the riverside pronto.”
“L-Look could I just have a minute I really need to clea-”
“You were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago!”
“Yeah but well… my quirk has that one downside-”
“I don’t care just go!” 

It was a strange sight to see the overpowering bunny girl cower to a dispatcher, her ears folding downwards as she quickly bounded her way out.
“Don’t let anyone take that room!” 

The dispatcher of course promised nothing and returned to wherever they had come from. Since it was an empty one, Deku locked the door and looked at a screen that held various options to choose from food wise. He felt a little bad for taking it, but he knew from her stats that he would have around forty minutes in total to order something and eat. Besides with his UA ID the food there was free as long as he had an appointment logged. While deciding what he wanted, Deku noticed there was also a small fridge on the side and a bowl with some veggies, including two very large carrots. One of them looked a little dry, but the latter one looked well washed, or at least wet with something and it had a smell to it that was weirdly enticing. It wasn’t like Deku had anything against vegetables before this one, it was just strange to him that he was having strong feelings over one. Well… he was hungry and it wasn’t bitten or anything, though when he looked in the trash bin he saw a few carrot tops hastily chewed on there. He guessed Mirko’s bunny quirk manifested in more than just looks. Maybe she was embarrassed about the stereotype?

Making a few notes in his hero journal on her page, he grabbed the carrot and before he knew it, he was chittering through it like a wood chipper on a fallen tree, the taste absurdly strong as whatever juices were on it enhanced every aspect of it. He was left gasping when he finished it, sad it was done and feeling oddly stimulated. It was just, when he thought of that rich flavor, that strong earthy taste that-
“Mmm~.” Deku blushed, embarrassed that he had just moaned over a carrot. Why did he feel so hot? Actually now that he really focused, weren’t his pants a bit tight? Staring down, he was ashamed to see he was fully erect, sweat beginning to dot his body as the heat only grew within. Okay this wasn’t right, no matter how good a carrot was, none should cause a reaction THIS extreme. Trying to calm down and regain his normal stability, Deku couldn’t help but notice that his pants weren’t the only thing tight on him. Now it was his shoes.

Mirko’s quirk had a lot of factors to it that were incredibly embarrassing to her, so she never let certain details ever reach the ears of the public. One part of having an extremely bunny like body chemistry was extreme aggression and strength, but also the unfortunate side effect of extreme horniness. Mirko had to often take matters into her own hands, part of why she usually did a lot of missions charging up front to end things quickly and by herself in case she had to hop away and relieve some tension. Another factor was just how aggressive her cells were, multiplying like, well rabbits inside a host. This part of her quirk wasn’t even known to her since it was rare for any living cells to get into anyone’s body and latch on. And you needed a bunch to actually have a reaction.

Back to Deku, he was groaning, trying to untie his laces and strip his shoes off as they painfully constricted around his feet. Unfortunately by the time he realized he needed to take them off his laces had been stretched tight, an unyielding knot as his feet continued to press against the sides. Deku was about to resort to using One For All to tear them off until his feet suddenly flexed, the seams splitting apart as the soles plopped to the floor, his feet twitching as the mangled remains of his sneakers slipped off. It was suddenly clear to Deku then that his shoes hadn’t shrunk, his feet had grown. They were long and muscular, each toe flexing with glossy nails and surprisingly smooth. The callouses were gone, as was the flatness to his soles, his feet absurdly arched with slimmed down heels. The few scraggly hairs on his feet quickly popped out, the pores tanning to a rich chocolatey brown.

The wave of brown skin paused momentarily at his ankles, looking like a strange kind of ankle sock in the shape of women’s feet, but Deku broke out of his daze as the changes spread upwards, his stiffy getting stiffer as he felt all of the various muscle groups in his calves spring to life and radiate ecstasy. His muscles were wriggling about like a family of slugs, each group growing in size and strength as the bubbling flesh singed darker against the burning hot surges. They were grappling to his tibias and fibulas, breaking the bones to reform them stronger, longer, curvier. The curves weren’t satisfied with just being internal either, muscle bulging out the back of his calves. It wasn’t like Deku just wanted to stare and moan at the changes either. Okay a part of him did, and did so as he felt a strength above what he could currently bring out of One For All crawling up past his knees, knocking them together with a sinuous snap and a long, drawn out moan. He tried to move his feet, but to his horror they were firmly stuck in place, his calves even less responsive as they continued bulking up into his thighs, the seams on his jeans stretching to the limit as they started to bulge and tear apart.

It didn’t even occur to him to scream out, after all the room was fully soundproofed and when he had used it in the past no one had ever heard him… heard him what? Something was rattling about Deku’s head, jumping around energetically as a few strands of greenish black hair stood up and drooped, the roots turning white in random spots giving his hair freckles of the pale color. But all thoughts on random information popping in were forgotten as his feet began tapping erratically, jerking his body down to a chair as the tender meat of his thighs bubbled and filled out. The fat rendered out, dribbling to the circumference of his legs as a pliable layer of fat added definition to the smooth, chocolate flesh, adding a crucial softness to the massive strength building up inside, his femurs practically slamming together as they curved. Ecstasy seemed too weak a word to describe the strength filling out and closing in around his cock, the pleasure reaching a tipping point as the dark skin softened his ass only to immediately make it swollen with muscle and sensitive tissue.

“Haahhh HAAAAH AAHHHHHN~!” His seed trickled out in weak spurts, his cock overshadowed by the growing temples of muscle that were his thighs, his cock still hard after the first orgasm *which wasn’t all that odd considering his quirk. Usually it took at least five before he could settle-*

No this was wrong, yet… why did it fell *sooo right?* His cheeks swelled pleasurably against the chair, making the elastic band of his boxers work to the limit as pressure built up in the sides of his pelvis. Like the forced seating, his legs were out of control as they opened up, bone grinding against bone as they tried to move in ways his body wasn’t flexible enough or built to do. Muscle won out against structure, another spurt leaving his cock as his legs widened their stance drastically, practically forcing his hips apart as fat swelled into them, his boxers torn asunder as his pale cock stood erect amidst a sea of well muscled strength. And as they had pulled apart, now they were coming back down, their path on a direct collision course with his cock.

They slammed down, mercilessly crushing it as the smooth skin expertly teased it, Deku’s body tensing as an ungodly amount of pressure began building at the base of his shaft. Desperate times called for desperate measures and while it was embarrassing to think about doing, Deku summoned as much of One for All as he could in his cock, his shaft throbbing outwards as it grew harder than it had ever been in his life. It was a tremendous effort, his resistance flinching with every pass of his out of control thighs, both legs squeezing while slamming his ass back into the chair, trying to overcome him on two fronts with strength and pleasure.

In the heat of the moment his eyes were squeezed shut, the tingles around his left testicle hard to notice amidst the thighjob, yet it was the creeping danger, that silky chocolate skin tone pulling up to encompass the left half of his scrotum, buzzing as the sack contracted tightly to the affected side. His left thigh really bared down now, squeezing the tingling ball closer and closer to his gooch until an odd squishiness sent Deku’s eyes shooting open, his voice whining as he felt something viney latch onto and contract around the half receded testicle. Looking down he gasped at the shrunken base, feeling ready to burst as a surge tested the limits of what he could handle. And that’s when his left leg wrenched outwards, the sudden muscular flex tugging at the cord around his ball, the tender lump tensing against the base of his cock before slurping in with a rubbery squelch.

“AHHHHHHH~!!!” Deku could feel every slosh and swirl of the sphere squeezing into his body, sending ungodly amounts of ecstasy as his clenched hold over his cock loosened, a geyser of cum gushing out.

“UNNNGH! MMMPH W-WAAAIIIT D-HOOOOOOOOOON’T-!” That first slip up didn’t take long to magnify to a landslide, his remaining testicle pulling tight in quick succession as his cum ran clearer with every pulse, the vastly deflated ball pulling inside with a dryer sounding PHHMP! He was left slobbering, dry humping the flat base where his balls had been against the chair as a disturbing realization hit him. That first taste of being entered had been too good. He didn’t just want more, he needed it, pupils widening in horror as the usual slit at the tip of his dick began to widen at the thought, his entire shaft aching with need as he instinctively knew he could slip a finger inside it now.

“NNGH N-Noooooh~!” He wasn’t putting his hands down for anything but preservation he reasoned, his cock unable to handle One For All as clear juices spilled out, the whole thing melting in an inch as he felt all of that stubby girth plow into a widening internal cavern.
“O-Ohhhhh OHHHHH~!” A-And when one hand started jerking it roughly, a little more forced in with his downwards strokes that was the *kickass* er, ch-changes doing it. It wasn’t like he desperately *needed to fuck so badly it was driving every last sense in his mind crazy like god he could use a bigger cock than* he had to pull out what had slipped in that’s why his other hand was at his tip, ready t-to oh god why was he sticking his finger in-

“AHHHH~ AHHH~ YESSSSSSSS!!!” His finger slid in and out in lubricated fingerings, that hungry emptiness inside his body shuddering as his cock trembled before shooting inside in one lubricated SCCHHLUUURRP~!

It dragged his finger with it, Deu screaming as his hand was forced deeper and deeper inside, feeling every inch of his former cock inverting as it drilled into his shifting innards, geysers of clear vaginal juices shooting out as estrogen bathed and warped his prostate, forcing it into a womb that sent hot shocks of feminine feelings as Deku orgasmed as a woman, crying out as each wave of pleasure shot through his body like the rebound of overusing One For All. His cock was, i-it was *so unsatisfying! What I need is something big, thick and textured to get me going.* It helped that as he stuck more fingers into his pussy they grew out, strong and slender, adding a lot of power behind his inwards thrusting as they mercilessly teased his new clit. Derko didn’t want to give in just like that, but his mind had nothing to counter the very persuasive argument his fingers were making for it, more hair tendriling out in white, silky locks.

“Nngh~! Shit! TOO! G-GOOOOOD~!” It was hard to keep focus, the pleasure unrelenting as both hands now explored his pussy, teasing, thrusting, rubbing. The next orgasm built up and up, threatening to blow as pressure continued creeping up his spine. Rather than a release of fluids, it came as a release in tension, Derko crying out as his spine cranked up a foot and a half, pounding inwards to a feminine arch as his new found lankiness rumbled his stomach, the new skin tone rising with it as it hugged the contours of his frame, wrapping his body below the neck in perfect, smooth skin.

Estrogen flowed like hot magma in his veins, tenderizing everything it contacted, softening it up for a better restructuring. Like the amazing formation of his legs, the following changes were overwhelming in how good they felt, One For All fading with each pulse a small price to pay for such powerful strength and even stronger ecstasy. His entire skeleton was breaking and reforming, his shoulders broadening outwards even as their larger bulk rounded. He shrieked in frustration as his waist collapsed, his built bod tightening as his tummy turned into a rock hard diamond of muscle that shivered with every violent eruption down below, one thought on his mind as his fingers pulled out of his snatch.
“TOOO SMAAALL FUCK!” Merko really needed something to scratch that itch that his fingers weren’t quite fit for yet, arms flexing as each muscular bulge surged, his arms an even match for his legs in terms of raw, destructive strength.

And then his eyes fell on the remaining carrot.

No! His mind shouted it out, trying to resist the pure need screaming for him to give in to his animalistic urges. The need was growing to be too much for just his cock to handle, pooling in his nipples as they darkened to hard, needy nubs.

W-Well m*aybe…*  Thoughts of large cocks ramming into him left Merko drooling, eyes tearing up as the redness in his surrounding sclera surged inwards, turning his eyes a deep, vibrant red. One hand was spiraling around his nipples, tracing closer with each pass, the surrounding areola tripling in size as his finger brushed a nipple, the other hand decisively grabbing the carrot as his heart thumped, something fatty and muscular rattling against his ribcage, surging out as he pinched a nipple while the other hand shoved the carrot deep into HER aching pussy.

*YES! YES! OH FUCK! YES! YES!* The carrot did wonders for her lust, it’s pebbly outer texture scraping against her pussy as the thick orange base spread her slit wide, the thin tip tickling her clit as she began spurting almost immediately. She was lost in pleasure, screaming as more of her identity was fucked away, her other hand playing with her growing breasts. They joggled outwards, tearing through the only scrap of clothing left, Dek- some kid’s old All Might t-shirt falling to tatters as two massive breasts were morn, slapping her hand away though it quickly came back, digging into the sumptuous, muscled flesh. Merko’s head shot back, screaming away her old wimpy voice as the mature, seasoned voice of a pro in both combat and sex made itself known, her hips slamming down on the chair, driving the carrot deeper as the metal began to creak and bend under her vicious pounding.

The last of his pale skin tanned, freckles washed away under tempered chocolate, his springy, spiky hair all white as it strained out his scalp, feet upon feet of silky, conditioned hair scented with a subtle hint of carrots draped over her cumming form, the final blissful changes running through her twitching, drooling face.

“*TAKE IT! TAKE IT ALL! I CAN HANDLE ALL YOU HAVE TO GIVE!*” Mirko didn’t even know who she was screaming at, her mind abuzz with shifting neurons and new memories. All of that All Might worship was gone, tempered with actually working with them, some hint of admiration there but she thought she could be more than a match for his strength in the right conditions. Besides who cared about some old news hero when she was on the rise. Her nose twitched, scrunching upwards as the bridge of it crimped inwards, leaving her nostrils flaring cutely as her molars hardened, a wide white smile breaking through shut lips.

Said lips quickly became glossy, a stylish layer of pink lipstick accenting their subtle curves as her weak, childish chin crunched down. She could tell she was close to really blowing her lid from the pressure down below, kept at bay by her resistant shoves to the carrot dildo, pushing it deeper as her ears stung and stretched. The dangly earlobes were absorbed into the rest, tops stretching as white fur prickled out from the backs, the insides gaining their own downy layer of dark pink fur growing as white tufts bristled from within her eardrums, two large, responsive bunny ears drinking in the new sounds around as the levee broke below, a pro reborn.

She felt all Mirko as she came, her eyes widening out into luscious discs, eyebrows dyed white as she made a mess of the whole floor. The floor was a mess, her tattered outfit drenched in her releases as the carrot popped out, glistening with her juices. The chair she had used for support crumpled finally, the metal legs snapping clean off as her reflexes prevented her from falling, though her shame was no less sparked once she realized what she had just done.

“*God damn I really went all out here didn’t I? At least those random fabric scraps are mopping up the mess.*” Typing in a special code into the ordering menu, she quickly ordered a new outfit, throwing the used carrot back into the wooden bowl she had picked it from and dumping the soggy fabric into the trash, noticing the can was already a third full from other strips of fabric. Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long for her spare uniform to arrive, a quick yell letting the delivery person know to leave it in front of the door as she slid the door open, quickly yanking her outfit inside.

Mirko stepped back out, fully costumed. Nothing felt half so good on her skin as tight, form fitting spandex, her boots, gloves and open leotard all slipping on nicely, the spandex slapped tight to her form as she stretched. She’d slip out of it soon enough for a shower, then come back to clean up the rest and dispose of anything incriminating. She’d be in and out before anyone even not-

“Oh come on! They need you downtown by the riverside pronto!”
“*L-Look could I just have a minute I really need to clea-*
“You were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago! This is the third time I told you to go!” 

That god damn dispatcher again. Great. Well she’d be back soon enough, though it worried her that some punky angry looking blondie was eyeing her room.
“*Don’t let anyone take that room!*” There that uppity little shit wouldn’t dare to take it now, not when he must know the awesome, sexy Mirko was going to be back soon! Of course she left, the dispatcher left and Bakugou stomped into the only open room, stomach growling as he looked on the menu for something to order on their shitty menu to order. His nostrils flared though as he entered, noticing a single, gleaming carrot left in a bowl partitioned for different vegetables. Well… he was pretty fucking hungry…


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