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Ash awoke confused and chained, the groggy groans of familiar voices stirring from their own slumber worrying him. Where were they? Who were they? And why did his clothes feel so tight and silky? Looking down he let out an embarrassed eep, his usual attire replaced with pink, girly clothing, a short skirt, frilly top and black leggings trapped in heels, his outfit accented with bits of black lace. His eyes had finally adjusted a bit to the dim lighting, realizing they were trapped on some sort of stage. Looking to the left, he could just barely make out the other three next to him, though the fourth was only recognizable via voice.

"What the heck?! Which one of you dweebs was behind this?! I'll beat the snot of whoever-!" That was Gary, his outfit including hints of purple throughout it. Beyond him was Brock who actually pulled off the girly outfit surprisingly well, though perhaps that was cause his height meant his feet were actually on the ground instead of his body hanging from the restraints.

"Hmm... did I piss off an Officer Jenny? Jenny?! If you're listening all you had to do was ask and I'd have gladly done some rough roleplaying with-" Okay Ash was going to tune him out. The last person was a bit too dark to make out, but he could tell from the posh tone that it was James from Team Rocket. Before he could even wonder why the hell such disparate people had been kidnapped, the spotlights suddenly turned on, aiming down straight at them as a great round shadow hulked into the distance, all four trainers scared as it approached, until they all heard the unmistakable sound of their captor.


Yes the big round puffball was apparently their jailer, which at least explained how they had all been captured, though this was definitely extreme for a Jigglypuff. The worst they usually did was just draw on a sleeping victim, but clearly this one had more in mind than just mere embarrassment as it began drawing on a whiteboard with its marker.

While the drawings were crude, Ash got the gist of them, some stick figures in skirts in front of a crowd of fans singing and he assumed dancing though the legs were kind of a mess.

"You want us to be an idol group?" Jigglypuff smiled and nodded with its full body. Turning on a boombox, a peppy, cheery song began blasting, definitely an earworm that would be annoyingly bouncing around anyone's mind who heard it for weeks.

"What the hell's wrong with you ya pink, wimpy lump?! None of us want to do this girly crap!" Gary was frothing at the mouth, trying to break free, or at least tear the girly outfit.

"Actually I volunteered, though I don't remember signing up for any of this." The other three turned to James, visibly confused.

"T-To steal more Pokemon. Obviously." Jigglypuff was done listening, beginning to sing.

"Jigg~ elll~ eeee~ puuuufff~" Ash tried to stay awake, his lids growing heavier with every syllable.

"Y-You'll never... get... away with... with.."

A crowd watched with bated breath, all their eyes on Ash. He didn't know what they wanted, what any of them were looking for. Then the music started. His body moved on its own, Ash's mind just as much a spectator as the audience watching. It felt freeing, his clothes turning frillier the longer the music went on. The crowd cheered him on, Ash's heart beating faster as he realized he was starting to enjoy the attention, their roar merging him back with his actions as the dancing became purposeful, specialized. He was putting his own flair on it, giggling as the changes continued, his mind abuzz with nervous excitement as the song reached its climax, yet at the end he felt almost empty, like he was missing a crucial piece. Sure the dancing was good, but it wasn't meant for a solo performance. That was the issue, he needed his friends with him, to show their fans how special they really wer-

Again he woke up, mind muddy and body sore, everything tingling a bit as he looked at the damage.

Everything felt softer, more exaggerated, like someone had brushed away all the imperfections from his body and it was all still a little raw. Despite the rawness, his skin had never looked glossier, the slight rubbing of his thighs and armpits against his torso letting him know that the skin was extraordinarily smooth and soft. The heels and socks from before were gone, leaving his toes dangling from the air, painted with bright pink polish, a quick look showing that his hands were similarly bedecked, though the nails weren't just painted over, but longer too, stretching way past the nail beds. How long had he been out?!

There was something floral smelling on his face that he couldn't see and the longer he focused on it, the more he could notice something powdery there as well. Also when he licked his lips, something thick and vaguely bitter was left on his tongue. The lights were actually on this time so Ash could at least survey the other three. From Gary he could tell the stuff on his face must have been makeup, Gary's face admittedly kind of cute how they'd done it up with dark accenting mascara around his eyes and purple gloss drying off from his fingers and toes. What disturbed Ash was how much more feminine he looked, his body slimmer, skin pampered and healthy, and maybe it was just his imagination, but their outfit seemed a bit more fitting than when he'd first seen him in it. Actually, now that Ash thought about it, wasn't his own feeling a bit less snug? Less tightness in the waist, closer to his shoulders, it was almost like-

"Ahhh~ W-Waaiit~ No NNGH M-Mooooore~!"

He had been so focused on Gary that he hadn't noticed the action going on near the end, skipping over Brock to a shocking sight. James didn't just look girlier, he looked younger too, his feet suspended where they had once reached, a glazed look in his eyes as Jigglypuff had a few psychic types all surrounding him in a pink glow. He barely looked a day over 20 now, and was completely naked, giving Ash a clear view of just what was going on. Even though he was thrashing around, it was clear how his waist was collapsing, both sides slowly cinching in like someone was closing a vice around him. The biggest surprise wasn't that though, it was how much he seemed to be enjoying it, the resistant tones bathed in a deeply conflicted pleasure.

There was a harsh crunch as James's spine arched inwards, thrusting out his chest and behind as he lost another half a foot in height, his moans significantly higher pitched than when they started as his Adam's Applin bobbed up and down, a little more down each time until it was seemingly swallowed leading to a delighted squeal.

"*Ohhh~ YES p-please... MOOOOOOOORE~!" It was hard to see what was happening, but Ash could make a few guesses based off of how hard James was clenching and rubbing his thighs together, his chest thrusting out before Ash's eyes. There was a moist, slithering type of sound that ended in a wet splash, followed quickly by another, James screaming after each one as the faint plinks of falling droplets sounded.

With one final squelch, James uttered a bloodcurdling scream, her breasts finishing their explosion out as the plinks from before turned into a torrent for a few seconds before a cute girl hung panting with a large grin on her face. Ash couldn't help the gasp that escaped him, Jigglypuff turning towards him as he tried desperately to escape, but already she was singing and it was so very hard to stay awake...

It was another dream, this time with Gary, Brock and Jacqueline all at a signing event. Faintly Ash could hear singing from someplace in the distance, the subtle melodies and rhythms syncing with his movements as he began signing with the others. Jacqueline was pretty popular with the people with her overly cutesy, ditzy attitude, but Ash had a decent number of people vying for his signature as well. He got into a rhythm after the first seven, confused at their disappointed looks when he signed "Ash." Every autograph was a bit loopier than the last, his handwriting getting visibly cutesy, though he messed up on the tenth, adding an extra loop in the shape of a letter l, yet the fan seemed happier? Ashl was confused, but as they made the mistake again they just went with it, annoyed when after a few more they'd been absent minded again, an e there after the l. Well he couldn't erase it, but at least he could fix it, how could he forget a letter anyways? Jacqueline was the ditzy one! And Brook was... wait who was Brook?

Again Ashley jolted awake, disoriented as the stage seemed larger somehow, everything a bit more cavernous. He was definitely thinner, his weight dragging down less against the chains and his hair tickled the back of his neck, unusually soft. Gasping revealed another change, his voice still recognizably his, but breathier, and his throat felt kind of numb, like it had been sore, but someone had sprayed cough medicine on it. To his left, Gary had been stripped to his underwear, revealing he was still a guy at least and had headphones left in his ears. His legs and arms jerked around in some kind of active dream, the movements in time to something as his body only strained against their restraints to strike a pose. His purple lips were drawn up into a tight smile, moans eking out as a noticeable lump tented his panties, but his pitiful sounds were just sighs compared to Brook's ecstatic screams.

It was getting hard to remember what she... he(?) used to look like, the image of a tall, burly rock leader just as off to Ashley as that of the tanned girl wriggling about. The fourth set of restraints was empty, a pop song distantly playing that he somehow knew was for their rehearsals. It felt like the more she thought about the old Brook, the more her memory matched the current one, a motherly type due to raising her siblings, but once she had left to go on a journey, completely fashion and breeding crazy, in more ways than one. She always seemed to find the tightest tops that were on the verge of breaking as they hugged her flat- beesti- modes- massive knockers, so Ashley imagined all that moaning must be from their loose swinging, the two caramel colored orbs flashing dark brown nipples while her long hair tickled the top of her equally as absurd ass. The only weird thing was the bump in her panties and her legs.

Sure her toes were dainty and refined, but her calves and thighs were just absurdly bulky, like she'd been hiking instead of dancing. If there was one thing Ashley knew about Brook, it's that she tried to avoid the "icky forests" at all costs, though maybe it was just that Jigglypuff messing with his head again. Its poke entourage was definitely focused on her legs as their psychic power bathed them in pink, but whatever twisted plan they were attempting was failing, that muscle bulging back out to curvy fat, her thighs thickening like they'd been thoroughly yeasted as they surrounded that strange lump in her pants, squashing it down until Ashley heard the same, most pops from Jacqueline before Brook collapsed into a pleased stupor. At first he was going to cheer her on for winning, but this all felt wrong, he had been dreaming right? Maybe this was still a dream and he just had to wake up to escape. He pretended to close his eyes as the Jigglypuff floated over and stuck something in his ears, his mind swirling as heavenly music drifted him away.

Ashley didn't know what was real anymore, what he did know was how fun dancing was, the music blasting as he started dancing, his body growing hotter the longer he continued the intense routine. It all came so naturally to him, his arms in lock and rhythm with the beat of the concert, a wonderful burn filling his muscles as his legs were reshaped to better suit the dancing, longer, curvier, toned for spins and splits and all sorts of new positions. An entire routine of jangly pop songs were etched into the softened muscle memory, all of it flowing into a concert, the only thing missing being her fellow members and a loving audience. Her body was dripping with sweat, the hot lights focused on her, panties digging into increasingly tender flesh as she moaned, feeling close to something amazing, everything building to a crescendo, a wave of-


Ashley woke up to her own moan, groaning as she felt something slick and viscous running down her thighs, her mind blurred through a thick wave of pleasure.

"Oh dear, don't tell me our poor little peasant girl just came at the thought of me." She recognized that haughty bitchy tone from anywhere, Gar- Grace still hung up next to her, looking down on Ashley even from her similar positioning.

"Shut up! Something's not- mmph r-right and I need to think..." Her body was so slender now, and more noticeably, his nipples were puckered and sore. They looked so large now, and when he moved their subtle brushing sent shocks of pleasure down his body. Grace let out her own moan, her lacy bra shuddering as more mass filled in.

"Thinking doesn't NNGH suit you. You're supposed to be the tomboy of the group who rushes into everything. I'm the one who, wh-wh-oooooo~." She seemed confused at first, like she was trying to remember something, the thoughts sending a blush as she began to moan, Ashley trying and failing to block it out as her own body began to buzz.

"S-Stop making those noises it's m-HAAAAking me... Neither of them noticed the pink aura surrounding them, Jigglypuff's conditioning so subtle and integrated that even as it began to sing, their minds didn't register it, all they could focus on was the hot pleasure surging up their shafts.

It felt like someone had shoved a finger up her most private areas, Ashley wriggling as it began to stir her balls and twist her organs. Another release dribbled down her panties, her hard shaft softening, feeling more malleable under the tight grip of her panties. The same fingers poked up against her nipples, tenting them as they hardened, moans and cum surging out from her as her chest pressed out, her simple bra soon stuffed with a perky pair of breasts that were pushed up to look larger than they were. Grace, the stuck up bitch that she was who always acted better than everyone just because she had money, was herself cumming, her own cries more like sharp little bursts as her face burned red, her thighs clamping down as Ashley heard a now familiar sound, three moist schlicks and a torrential release.

"N-No! Th-This is wrong! It's wr-AHHHHHN~!" For a brief second Ash remembered, but then his mind turned to dressing, dancing, performing, the crowd. It was like a crowd was cheering her on, their collective support pressing into his junk, his left testicle withdrawing, opening up a blissful new chasm as he felt it shove in, another slippery release chaining with the next as his right was crushed. Finally his softened junk was dragged in, pulled into where it needed to be, the whole process feeling horribly right as she came, all woman now.

In their stupor the outfits for each were psychically put on at the direction of Jigglypuff. Ashley's was sportier, with plenty of midriff exposed and a skirt short enough to show plenty of toned thigh off to the crowd. Grace's meanwhile was long, silky and flowing with absurd decorations that screamed wealth, though the long slips were not long enough to mess with her absurdly high heels, their restraints opening as the two new girls awoke, arguing with each other, but otherwise not that concerned with their new looks, like there was nothing wrong at all.

"I can't believe low class trash like you would even dare have dirty thoughts of my-"

"Oh shut it Grace. You were moaning louder than me."

"You misheard! I would never fall for such scum as-"

"Yeah yeah lets just go to practice we're late already and the show's in a week." The two turned to their manager, Jigglypuff sporting sunglasses now and smiling as it directed them towards the practice room where the other two were, Jacqueline in a simple, but adorable outfit while Brook's was more microbikini than clothing, the scraps of fabric there all brightly colored and tightly sculpted onto her body. As much as Ashley and Grace liked to bicker, all was forgotten once the boombox was turned on, all four girls singing and dancing to Jiggly's music.

For years no one had taken its music seriously, everyone always falling asleep or putting in earplugs, but no more. Now Jiggly had a team of cuties to spread their genius all across the world. They were already getting bookings from other regions after a few videos of the blue haired and gyaru were uploaded to the RotomTube. It wasn't hard to pick their worst offenders who were also athletic enough to perform, and the frilly outfits were just more icing on the revenge cake as the four former trainers strutted their stuff, high off the promised thrill of devoted fans. The pink puff ball just smiled, giving a victorious "Jiggly!"


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