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He'd been waiting patiently for weeks, excited from the last story and nervously optimistic about the next. It wasn't often he got to do self insert stuff, but Magnum was ready to get a special treat reward wise. But where was it? Sure there were plenty of reasons why there were delays, but this was getting ridiculous! Honestly when he finally saw the notification of a ping on discord, he almost didn't want to check in on it, sure it would probably be another delay or excuse. Instead it was a simple sentence.

"Magnum proceded to strip his clothes and stay glued to the screen."

It had been sent thirty minutes ago, yet for the life of him he couldn't understand what the hell it was meant to be. Was this progress or something? What was weird though was the building urge to follow it. Well it was pretty hot out and he didn't want to feel sweaty and disgusting all day. Even better, when he followed the message, more typing began on Charo's side. So he slid off his shirt, unbuttoned his pants and stripped to his birthday suit, shifting awkwardly at the chair leather on his bare buttocks as a new message popped up, a jolt running through his body.

"Your skin is soft and silky, it feels incredibly sensitive, you can be turned on just from a rub or a head pat."

Now he felt really uncomfortable, the leather rubbing from his small shifts feeling provocative almost, his skin tingling something fierce. Groaning a little he looked down, mesmerized as the small dark hairs along his naked chest were plucked one by one, each one accompanied by a little pinch as the pore closed. His body was shedding, not just hair, but entire layers of skin scrubbed away as sunspots and blackheads were uprooted, disintegrating after detaching. Given he had just lost a few layers of skin, what was open to the air was now incredibly sensitive, and more importantly completely smooth, a tan plateau of perfectly lotioned creaminess. Or was it all that tan? Splotches of it were leaking out, taking on an almost porcelain hue as the softness enveloped him, perfectly pale past a healthy rosy sheen.

"Despite the obviousness of the changes, you are calm and unable to resist them."

Magnum had seen that part in plenty of tg stories, but surely he could ignore that right? He wanted to prove he wasn't just some puppet on a string, so he'd stand up, leave the room, then come back. Well that would be a good way to check right? But what if that was still giving into the changes since he'd begetting back anyways, plus it seemed like a waste of effort. He didn't really want to get up from his chair, in fact he felt pretty damn good just rubbing his arms and moaning, the sensations just really damn nice, though it was worrying how much he was giving in.

"Uh... am I just going to sit here? Wouldn't that be kind of boring? You can hear me right?" The typing started and stopped as he kept rubbing his body in the meantime, starting to get hard.

"Magnum walked into his bathroom as the changes reached his face, unable to stop head patting himself once the urge entered his thoughts."

It was strange how it happened, the way all of those mental blocks disappeared, Magnum very much interested in seeing what was happening as he felt a tingle in his scalp, hair descending down his neck. He damn near skipped to the nearest bathroom, groaning as the pressure of the changes felt almost like a massage, bathing him in pleasant feelings as he flipped the light switch on. His dark brown hair was more inky, a strange kind of black that looked blue when light passed through it, a hand reaching up to rub at the silky strands, playing with it as he became unable to stop.

Like a horny teenager discovering masturbation for the first time, he was tentative at first, confused at why it felt good and moaning as the rubbing attracted a buzz in his ears, the two flaps of skin dragging themselves upwards, converging on a central pole of his hands. As they ran through the start of his hairline, they distended, similar black hair sprouting as they folded into half conical cat ears that twitched at the slightest provocation, his mind doing a countdown as they grew close enough for his stretched out palm to scratch at. Things stood still as they finished their migration, slotting into place as his self head pats now included his first ear ruffle. Not knowing what to expect, he could hardly prepare himself for the magnitude of pleasure that hit him as his cock nearly unloaded right there, a rising squeal of unadulterated lust leaving his lips. It felt so good to play with his ears, rubbing their fluffy exteriors and bending them this way and that, each one like an erect cock as his face scrunched into a softer, alluring form.

It wasn't like he wanted to miss any of the changes, but god was it hard to keep his eyes open as he scratched them, groaning and thrusting while his jaw popped, cheeks rose, eyes watered. At some point they had changed from hazel to a red gold, their luster increasing with size as they looked like bright jewels lidded under tightly cropped brows. It was hard not to enjoy it, something sparking in the muscle memory of his throat as the cords tightened and shifted, his moans turning to sultry purrs without any conscious thought behind them, just basking in the pleasure. He had to finish himself off, massaging both ears until he buckled, yowling as cum steamed from his cock, evaporating once it hit the floor like water on a hot pan, leaving the whole room clean despite the large amount of cum that had shot out during the fun.

Finally able to think a bit more clearly, though still painfully erect, Magnum walked back to his computer. No, walking wasn't the right word. There was definitely something different in his mind, his hips swaying more to the sides, his gait more of a saunter. It felt good, right, a satisfying pop accompanying each exaggerated step as he felt his pelvis swell and stretch. He really had missed on a few of the changes hadn't he? When had his hands gotten so small? And when had his arms felt this buff? It made sense since she was a fighter, but it sure was nice to feel sexy and strong as he sat back down. Sure enough there was another sentence detailing the changes, his shoulders finishing their sloped decline as he eagerly awaited the next snippet to come, the interactive experience far more than he could have asked for or expected. He didn't have to wait long.

"For the next change, turn your camera on. The others want to see this and I'm sure you don't want to disappoint your boys and they could use the morale."

Considering how intimate and personal this was, Magnum had to balk at that a bit, nervous about letting others see him change, but at the mention of morale and the boys... Sure he had to be strict with them as their commanding officer, but they definitely needed some kind of support. Magnum was trying to clear the fog in his head, the wiki page for her hard to remove from... wait what was a wiki? Wasn't this her autobiography some people were- Argh this was getting annoying, she'd do it, but only for the morale. She blushed something fierce as her body appeared on screen, her nakedness fully revealed down to her thighs from the camera, a few emojis showing her audience was watching when the next message came.

"Ready for the good stuff and tired of their slim lanky frame, Magnum gained plenty of meat on their bones, plenty of firepower packed in those curves, more compact fat than even c4 could boast."

What came next surprisingly didn't rival the head pats she had given herself before, but it was close, her body shaking as her nipples ripened to large pink discs. She carefully poked at them, moaning as they began to surge with fatty tissue that amplified every meaty shake. What started off flat was soon bulging out to hefty lumps, her cute purrs rising to a surprised shriek as they finished growing, another load of cum splattering out her cock as she kneaded the flesh of her new breasts gleefully. Even better was how plusher her seat felt, the fat pooling low as her ass cheeks clapped together, equal parts muscle and fat packing in to give her a booty that wasn't just thick, but powerful as well, years of training imprinting on every soft part of her it could find, making sure every sumptuous curve and fatty bulge was bolstered by a layer of firm muscle. There was a sweet ache to it, weakness pounded out leaving the areas sore, but that just made the pleasure sweeter as she really went to town on herself.

She didn't even wait for the typing to start, taking matters into her own hands. After all, what kind of leader would she be if her idea of showing initiative to her soldiers was to just wait to do what she was told? No they had to learn when to take the offensive themselves and act individually which is what she tried to do as she moved her hands down to her core. It was a wall of overly large bone and flesh, offering plenty of resistance as she began to squeeze it, trying to collapse her sides, give herself the curves she knew she was meant to have. It took all of her strength just to crick them in a half inch, fiery pain mixing with ecstasy as she heard the first pop, crossing her arms almost in a hugging motion as she mounted more pressure. It was a slow process, but incredibly gratifying, the skeletal crunches signs of victory as she pulled her tummy taut, her core compressed. Soon her coal had been reduced to a diamond of fit athleticism, muscle groups bunching up and bulging slightly under a layer of feminine fat that showed her body meant business if you ticked her off.

One thing that was bothering her was posture. No military gal would be caught dead with such an off kilter balance to their body, such a thing not only inappropriate for the battle field, but embarrassing for a superior like herself to show, especially to her impressionable recruits. Clearly her spine was still adjusting to its new body, her hands clasping into a fist behind her as she turned around, wiggling her ass for good measure as she made sure the camera caught her motion.

"If any of you get caught with posture slumping or a step out of place, prepare to be crushed and broken till you have learned. Just. Like This." And with that she brought her hands down, screaming as her spine snapped quickly into a sharp arch, the skin pulled tighter than hospital corners on a properly made bed. But since she had her ass out anyways, she might as well let them get a front row view of her thighs.

They were ambushed with fat, waves of it surging out to surround her cock with cushioned comfort. Better yet, the muscle under it grappled her bones, snapping them like kindling and reforming into significantly longer supports, their thickened strength creating a vice grip around her erect junk. It was a welcome surprise, her legs now rubbing back and forth to keep her captive junk fully serviced while she gripped her calves, their flat shape unacceptable. Like her waist, it took a lot of force to shape them how she wanted, but she was not one to be deterred easily. In no time at all her massaging grip had brought curves to her calves, their elegant slimness a perfect accompaniment to her thigh's massive girth. This left her body nearly complete, her mind a fuzzy mishmash of worlds and identities, though the name Ilsa seemed far more fitting than whatever Magnum was supposed to be.

She had two last appetizers to burn through before the main course of her meat, the main course seasoning them as gloopy shots slid down her thighs until her testicles felt empty, dry and pressed upon, but they'd have their turn soon enough. For now Ilsa was content to use her cum as lotion to grease up her heels, pressing down hard on her heels, callus from training forming as they shrank down. It was actually a lot of fun besides feeling great, her toes making satisfying pops as she stretched and relocked them in, her arches snapping into proper shape for her standard military boots, wiggling happily as her eyes fell down to her cock. Wait... why did she have that? It was buried somewhere in her memories, tied up with that old name that she already could not recall, but in the end, it was not really of much concern. It was just another battle to fight, and from the hot tension in her shaft and how beleaguered her balls felt as clear fluids sputtered weakly out, this was an enemy ready to wave the white flag of Ilsa.

Her thumbs bored down on her balls, crushing them, the two small lumps offering little resistance as they swam deep into her hips, a small geyser of clear juices draining out a small hole that now laid exposed to the air. It wasn't a large indent, but Ilsa wasn't going to let that stop her, jabbing her fingers into it and forcing them deeper. It was unsatisfyingly orgasmic, her cock trying to cum, but it was increasingly not up to the task, burning as it weakly trickled out releases while her fingers gouged their way deeper, not stopping until she felt the top of her knuckles press flat against her gooch. Ilsa groaned happily, pulling her fingers out from the muscled chasm as a viscous strand of fluid thinned and broke off. Looking up, she noticed something strange, the screen in front of her showing a story that mirrored her thoughts perfectly, but then there was another ping and a sentence popped in.

"Ilsa came, fully formed and ready to lead her men to battle... or bed. Whichever she preferred."

Pressure built up in her shaft suddenly, the dug down hole in her crotch shifting to grip its base as the twitching, shrinking cock reddened. She screamed, spreading her legs apart hoping to aid in its inversion, shaking her head back and forth as she could feel the submerged parts of her cock being pressed and inverted, like a sock that had come out the laundry the round way out that some force was pulling back out the right way. Cum leaked in fits and spurts, her animalistic yowling rising as the red tip hardened, darkening further as it was pulled down into the folds of her snatch. It rubbed against the loose remnants of her folding shaft, squeezed by the muscled walls as pleasure continued to mount in it, packed in tight as it shot down with a moist schlick. The flood gates finally opened, all of that pent up frustration and desire gushing out from her completed pussy, her body thoroughly soaked and worn out as the aftershocks of the orgasm ran their course.

She turned off the camera then, wondering why she had even agreed to it in the first place. Well the troops did always need a bit of a pick me up and they had been doing good work, though she was still just as strict, even with her favorites. The shower washed away many things, her old self circling the drain as she stepped out feeling refreshed and unencumbered by any stray memories or feelings, her main focus on the next few days of training and the battles to come. She was only as strict as she was because she never wanted to see any of the soldiers under her wing fall, even if it was an inevitability. But for now they still had training so she could comfortably dress up a bit as befitting her rank.

Like her military fatigues, her garb was its own kind of uniform, giving her a softness when she needed it though never preventing her from being tough on her underlings. It was fairly simple, a black sleeveless top under a washed out cream colored dress, leaving her arms with plenty of mobility and a slim, black belt cinched just above her hips to keep it all nicely held to her frame. She had a few bells and whistles, after all she wasn't averse to some decoration and her bracelets and earrings always came off for actual fighting, but it was a comfortable weight. The only thing that was a tad excessive in her mind was the pink cape she tied around like a baby blanket. She'd had it long enough that the once vivid pink had faded to a muted tone, but she didn't mind. The color made her feel less gaudy and it wasn't like she often took advantage of her superiority unlike some other members of the upper echelon. Sitting back down she quickly quelled the horny comments under her show, restoring order quickly with threats and coercion. The only thing left that bothered her was that strange story some stranger had written.

The story left on her screen was not very appropriate at all, so she blocked the person who had sent it, but not before sternly warning them of not writing lewds of a commanding officer. She would have PT'ed the ever loving hell out of them, but alas she did not know of anyone in her platoon with their name and it was easier to just ignore it and move on. She did not waste her time on pointless battles and as they were blocked, so too were the contents blocked from her mind. It was time to focus on work again and the war. Though one line from it did remain as she smirked to herself.

'Ready to lead her men to battle... or bed. Whichever she preferred.' Well... maybe it could serve as an extra emphasis to take the training seriously if they all vied for the top spot. Plus it would be a good test of stamina for the longer campaigns. That could all be figured out later, for now she had to finalize the next three weeks of regimented exercises and castigate a few of the troops who were falling behind. They better not disappoint her, not after this show, but then again the punishment would definitely be fun to administer. Ah she better not get too out of line herself, they'd have plenty of time for that over the coming weeks as a complete unit, though for now she was content to be cute and respected. What more could she even ask for?


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