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(Reward for Neo Shaocong)

Of course it had been an "accident" that they hadn't had enough money for separate bedrooms after their most recent quest. It had been difficult enough to make Megumin use her largest explosion spell, meaning she was basically a backpack on Kazuma for the journey back to the nearest town, still a ways off from home. Smelling an opportunity for something spicy to occur, it hadn't taken much to set up his plot, Kazuma just ignoring a few of Aqua's dumb purchases as he kept his mental tally accurate, pulling her back only when it threatened to make returning more difficult. 

"Oh no how horrible. It seems we can't do the separate rooms like we planned. Thank you Useless Aqua."

"H-Hey! You're supposed to be the one monitoring me!" He brushed past that point.

"Anyways we'll have to each share a room if we don't want to walk our ways back tomorrow so I suggest-"

"I think Aqua should take Megumin off your back Kazuma."

Darkness was staring at him intensely, barely even blinking with a faint smile on her face. She had been getting rather... intense recently after he had rescued her from a forced marriage. And while he had been interested at first when he saw her, the idea that she wouldn't start enjoying things unless he broke a bone was unsettling to say the least and he really didn't like how she seemed to be panting at him in recent adventures. Besides he hadn't wanted to mention it to the party given the stigma around it usually, but him and Megumin had been getting closer recently and given the rarity of alone time he usually had, he was not going to give up this opportunity out of one of his dating sims that easily!

"Uh, that's fine she's already on my back and it'd be a pain to-"

"Nonsense Megumin dealt with that, mmmh~ d-deadly creature and I'm sure she could use a woman's touch for-"

"I'm telling you it has to be me because-"

"I don't really want to deal with Megu-"

"Th-Then I'll do it and keep guard all night-"

"SHUT UP! Kazuma mine!" Megumin said smugly.

Grumbling something about fairness and how next time she'd get her chance, Darkness relented, gloomily following Aqua to one cheap room while Kazuma carried Megumin to theirs, a nice straw matress with a soft blanket on the floor. Kazuma's fantasies rolled about his head, years of trashy light novels and dating sims leaving him already hard from the endless perverted possibilities, though as a gentleman he refused to take advantage of his companion unless she asked for it. She would ask for it... right?

Like many things in the real world he had experienced since he had been reborn, the fantasy had given him too high expectations. He would have settled for an "I'm cold Kazuma," or maybe even one of those cutesy little sister type things where she'd get all flustered and slowly initiate something with her protector. It turns out that after exhausting all your mana and being drowsy the entire day, the only thing people want to do is sleep, Megumi making cute little shisper sounds as she peacefully dozed on.

It just wasn't fair! They finally had some alone time and for this one rare opportunity where fate was smiling down at them, she was too tired to even do some Ecchi conversation. Though why was she so tired recently? It seemed to be a reoccurring issue the last few weeks, Megumin always blushing as she ran off to practice something alone in the woods, saying it would be a surprise for the party. If he didn't know any better, he'd have guessed she was grinding out a new skill or spell, but surely not. This was Megumin! If she had been sane enough to do that, then she wouldn't have her dumb explosion magic get to the black hole state it currently was. No it had to be somethi-

Megumin stirred, her body rolling over, a hand wrapping around Kazuma as she seemed unconsciously drawn to the warmth of his body, snuggling close. Suddenly all the complaints were gone, Kazuma intensely aware of her breathing on his neck, her hands on his shoulders. Thank the weeb lord.

After hours of nothing but boredom, the next few minutes seemed to happen at half speed, his breathing quickening as Megumin continued to mumble something, rubbing her body closer to him as her right hand traveled down. Past his shoulder, past his chest, sliding across his abdomen. This was about to become the best moment of his life, Megumin's cute murmurings growing increasingly more understandable as her pinky brushed his cock. Th-This was okay right? It wasn't like he was taking advantage of her, and technically wasn't this her taking advantage of him? And what was she going to do with that hand in her dream? Kazuma prayed for dreams  of rowing or staff crafting, surprised when instead her hand felt around, grabbing his right testicle, her muttering getting louder until she finally said one word, Kazuma ready to blow if it was something erotic.


Nothing in Kazuma's perverted fantasies or adult life prepared him for what happened next, in fact the main things he felt were confusion and pleasure, so much overwhelming pleasure that it actually stunned him, a few gasped cries barely audible as he felt his body shoot his load out violently, the orgasm less one release as much as a series of successive aftershocks, making him writhe and gasp on the ground  as he forced himself to his knees, his pants drenched in cum. Stumbling to the bathroom and shutting the door, he finally made an audible noise, a moan so terribly lust filled and satisfied it sounded more pained than satisfied. He just didn't know what had happened, an odd sensation of something slithering up into him, alien pleasure pounding away in the side of his hip as he felt that something tremendous had just happened, even if he still couldn't tell what.

Kazuma winced as he pulled his soaked pants down, the tip of his cock incredibly tender as just one accidental brush sent him cumming, his cock abnormally hard after having just had the orgasm of his life. It took him a few moments to figure out what had happened through his pleasure squinted view, his cock looking relatively normal if feeling very... he guessed the best word would be tight at the base. It didn't really describe it well, but there was definitely tension down there that he wasn't used to in his balls. Wait he had two of those didn't he? In a bit of a panic he grasped his cock and shifted it backwards, grunting as another shot of cum propelled out, but it seemed clearer than usual, less milky and more sudsy, not that that mattered much compared to the fact he only had a singular ball now, his scrotum half imploded and the area around the crater seemed to be pulsating, almost like a small vacuum that was drawing more of his scrotum in, but not enough to force his remaining ball in.

It definitely took Kazuma a few minutes to calm down, especially as he felt what he assumed to be his right testicle throb against his hip, blissfully warm pulsations grinding his hip bone out, the bony jut rounding with fat as he found himself cumming once more, moaning as his seat turned lopsided from the swelling of his right butt cheek. If it wasn't so terrifying to him, he'd probably have been impossibly turned on, but there was little he could do but moan and grunt as his ass finished half inflating, the plushness stopping about halfway down his thigh. He could still feel the organ pumping, but at least the effects of the spell seemed to be ebbing, though he held onto his remaining testicle out of paranoia, worried the entire scrotum would be drawn in if he lost his vigilance, the other hand on his cock, worried about why it was still standing tall.

What the hell had Megumin used on him?! Actually wait Megumin was learning something besides Explosion?! No triple wait, how the fuck was he going to fix this?! Oh god he knew Aqua was always useless but this time she had to come through for him, her healing spells his only shot at undoing this. What the hell had Megumin said again? He'd probably have to give Aqua as much info as possible to avoid her turning it into a rubber ball or a gorgon head or something only her awful luck stat could bring about. Shit what did she say? It was close like, collusion, no Typhlosion, uh...

"IMPLOSION!" His sense of victory was fleeting as his high luck stat rolled the dice, deciding if a novice could use a complicated spell. It decided he could.

"GAAAH AHHHH F-FUUUUCK~! OHH OH!" Words failed to cover the pure bliss that overran his body, pleasures not meant for a male ramming through him as the magic coursed down his shaft and ball. What had been a noticeable, if weak tug at the balls became a suck hole that slid his testicle down a slippery shaft that seemed far too small for it to fit. This just meant it felt even better as he felt every massaging shift in its form as it rammed into the other side of his hips, a fountain of cum spraying out as his hip popped outwards to matching plumpness, his testosterone being jettisoned from his body in painfully pleasant shots. He was feverish with ecstasy, his face fully flushed as his ass finished bloating to a sensitive cushion, the two ovaries working overtime as they sent sweet corruption down his legs, thighs bloating as they wrapped around his cock in a final sendoff jerking.

One of his perverted fantasies had always been a thighjob, Kazuma guessing a monkey paw somewhere was closing its fingers to leave the middle one up, a low, building whine bunching in his throat as his already spell shocked cock began to submerge itself. His body couldn't take the power of its self fucking, Kazuma experiencing the last moments of his cock in fits and burst, his screams the only constant as it pushed down the channel his balls had fallen. Drool caked his chin, clear cum made his dick ungrabbable in the moments of lucidity as he felt every inch puncture and throb as it inverted, forcefully fucking his muscled abdomen into submission as he came like he never had before. There was a small moment of reprieve where he saw the tip slide down, pressure building as he wriggled his thighs together, feeling the tip press deeper and deeper until there was a strange gurgle followed by blinding hot pleasure.

Kazuma was left gasping from the exertion, pleased coos pouring out as he felt more of the estrogen doing its work, his calves wobbling as they curved out slightly, his arches popping into higher positions while the individual toes extended, slimming down as his feet shrank multiple sizes to delightful daintiness. Rubbing them together brought a new form of wetness from their silky smooth contours while his nipples hardened in respponse, a cry rising again as he came, something clear and hot dribbling out. It had been an explosive series of climaxes, that term lodging itself into his mind as he smiled, feeling another hot rush run through him when he thought of them.

"Though why ruin the sanctity of Explosion with Implosion?" Again he said it out loud, the first spell summoning a small puff of smoke, the second backfiring as his hands jerked and reformed, shrinking to dextrous digits that looked almost familiar to him.

Before he knew it, both hands were topped with glossy nails, his silky skin traveling up his arms and replacing the bit of muscle he had gained with slim, feminine fat. As if that wasn't bad enough, he realized he no longer had control, one hand circling his new pussy, the other on his neck. He realized what they wanted him to say, the magic taking a mind of its own as it probed his vagina and fingered his clit. The longer he fought against it, the harder the hand dug in, his other fingers resting on his Adam's Apple, his body a convulsing, cumming mess. Finally his will broke, "IMPLOSION!" His throat rocketed back instantly, a ball of fluids coughing out as his voice rose to a familiar cadence, gaining smugness, cutesy sopranic qualities and above all an abiding love for explosions. It was Megumin's voice.

Kazuma stopped fighting it once he realized he couldn't control her voice either, his hands leaving his pussy for his face and back.

"IMPLOSION!" At least it felt amazing, the Megumification spreading fast as his spine snapped, jiggling his ass out into the air while his burning nipples grew to cute, pink discs. His face was changing too, but any pain was lost behind the pleasure, his mouth actually smiling as his jaw crunched down, his eyes the only thing getting larger as minus his hair, his cutesy mouth, button nose and red eyes all screamed Megumin to all who saw her. As a change of pace, the face hand moved to her hair, the other spreading its palm as wide as it could go as her thumb and pinkie felt his nipples, a new, but also familiar urge building inside as he chanted, "EXPLOSION!"

Of course there was some change to his hair, his black roots browning, chaotic bangs of chocolate brown tickling his cheeks and neck in an adorable style, but it was hard for Kazuma to care about something that small when his chest was an eruption zone for unrivaled ecstasy. He had always wondered why the girls in pornos moaned so much whenever their partner played with their nipples, his crippling virginity and laziness to google leaving him to make assumptions, all of which didn't really matter as fat pushed out, leaving her with small, but tender breasts that were more responsive than even his dick, one curious tweak leading him down another chain of orgasms, his mind lost in the explosions of ecstasy.

Oh explosions what an amazing word, what a perfect word, what a word he wanted to encompass her being and blow her apart and make her cum ten times over. Kazumin smiled as his hands went to their last areas, his right wrapped around his waist, his left aiming to probe her fresh vagina.

"MMM~ MMM~ IMPLOSION!" There went her unseemly muscles and flatness, a pleased sigh leaving as her waist caved in like a miner excavation gone wrong, or in this case horribly right, her cute curves finally returned to her dynamite body. Yes that what she had, a small red cute container holding an absurd amount of firepower in its stores. She had to give herself over to the explosions, become one with them, her hand shoving into her own leaking snatch without grace as she screamed what would be the nail in Kazuma's identity coffin.


Like the first Implosion, what followed was pure sensory overload, hot jets pouring from her pussy as she came relentlessly, the synapses in her brain firing blanks as they reconfigured, Megumin replacing every last bit of Kazuma as his old clothes were drenched in her juices. It didn't take long for the thoughts of Kazuma holding on for dear life in her brain to be replaced with different thoughs of Kazuma and holding. She wanted to hold hands, to sleep with him, to do things she never had the urge to do before meeting him.

Her fingers soon reverted to slicking in and out, her body trembling as the releases slowly weakened though her continued screams of "KAZUMAAAA!!!" Seemed to entail no sign of her stopping until with a final spurt her excess libido pooled under her. Finally she could drift off to sleep, basking in his scent. Kazuma's discarded outfit wasn't spared from the changes either, magical cum mixing into the fabric to resew it, parts separating into a hat and cloak, others into Megumin's trademark outfit. Her socks were soaked till near bursting, one of them darkening to pantyhose that crawled up her left while the other actually burst apart into rolls of bandages, slowly wrapping their way around their new master, Megumin giggling in her sleep as she felt one bandage touch her lips before it rolled away, her dreams peaceful and content.

The first thing Megumin expected to see when she woke up was Kazuma's face, her mind still muddled from the intensity of the changes, yet she felt victorious, the ache in her groin surely a sign of them having done something amazing last night. What she hadn't expected was a twin of herself, staring down in equal parts shock and disgust.


"HMM?! Where is Kazuma?! Wait who are you?!" That question seemed to nearly collapse her clone, a look of despair on her face.

"Oh god I'd been practicing that spell for so long to make my explosions even cooler for the team and I must have infused too much mana in my unconscious state and-"

"Wh-Whoa slow down there what are you talking abouAYYEEE I'M NOT DRESSED!" Megumin tried to hide herself in her cloak, then the blanket, not wanting anyone to see her this exposed unless they were a certain Brown Haired adventurer.

"YOU IDIOT YOU'RE KAZUMA!" Megumin almost yelled back at how dumb of an idea this was coming from someone who was clearly just a doppelganger trying to turn them against each other when some of what happened the previous night replayed in her head, an even darker blush replacing her current one. Sh-She was Kazuma? But then that meant the ache down there- and all of their progress...

"C-Can Aqua restore him? I mean me? We kind of need his luck for the next few missions." Original megumin looked sad, obviously bearing bad news which made it surprising when she said, "Yes she can fix this in a day or two."

"Oh thank the goddesses the way you were looking I thought this might be perma-"

"But he'll remember all of it. All of our memories, our feelings and uhm... h-how graphic were the changes? I couldn't help but notice the bathroom and uh... was he at least passed out from pleasure before he became you?" Meguma huddled into a tighter ball, not wanting to even look herself in the face.

"How bad was it?"



"NOO~!" It turned out to be a long day.


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