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The cavern was untouched by light for centuries, phosphorescent algae thankfully leaving the area bathed in a mysterious blue hue as Sasuke carefully entered what could be the answer to all of his prayers if Orochimaru's scrolls could be believed. It was just like that snake to purposefully hide the information he was looking for for two years, not wanting to spoil his next body with any actual wishes before he could consume his soul, but of course he was never going to let that happen. Only a fool would sacrifice their body for to another for vengeance, though at least he had learned a lot from his master, no matter how many of his friends he had had to step over to get to this point.

It had been left in one of the many rooms in disrepair in Orochimaru's hideout, it's inconspicuousness very noteworthy given how rarely his master let any kind of rare scroll be left uncatalogued and ignored. He would have taken it then, but he could feel eyes on him, only making him more suspicious. It took a week to properly spirit it away and before dawn he was gone. The text spoke of a great power offered to those who desired justice for great betrayals. He doubted anyone could have a greater need for vengeance than him, the potential of instantly eclipsing Itachi spurring him on. It was shockingly easy to figure out where to go, which was a blessing considering how many agents would be after him, likely knowing exactly where he was going. All he had given up was for the sake of killing his brother and what was Orochimaru's resources to him when he had already used all of them only to find what he needed hidden away. If the scroll was to be believed all he had to do was prove the justice of his cause and he would gain all of Kalista's legendary powers.

The scroll was very adamant about her abilities to deliver absolute vengeance on those who had betrayed others, her Spear of Vengeance said to strike down the very souls of all who fell under her wrath, leaving them as just her playthings for further retribution. If one were to wear her helm on the altar of her temple and prove their cause to be just then she would share her power and give all those under her true justice. Compared to everything else he had done to try and kill his brother, bowing to some forgotten goddess or spirit of vengeance seemed almost comically simple. It wasn't like the altar was hard to spot either, slightly submerged but overgrown with the algea leading to the whole marble slab looking otherworldly in its glow, vibrant blues and aquamarines pulsing slowly, as if beckoning him into a portal to another world.

That's where the helm was, almost suspended in the waters, oddly still. It was made of a firm black metal that showed no signs of rust despite the centuries it must have spent submerged. A good sign. The only other feature of note was a great purple plume that wavered in the eerily still water, the whole thing reflecting the glow to give it a ghostly look. There was a moment of hesitation at the pedestal, Sasuke waving his way towards it and trying to remember if there were any warnings in the scroll. The altar was bright enough to read in, but it still only revealed what he knew, no talk about what happened if you weren't chosen. There weren't even bones around the altar so it didn't seem deadly, and it would do him no good now to give up without trying. He was a proud Uchiha, he had nothing to fear.

"I am Uchiha Sasuke, the only survivor of my clan's massacre at the hands of my brother. I implore you to share your power with me and avenge the women, children and families slain by my brother Itachi! I vow to be a faithful servant and give my all if it means vengeance!" He waited for something to happen, no sign of a change in the water or the helm. Oh right wasn't he supposed to put it on? It was a tight fit, glowing water running over his head and leaving a slightly salty taste on his lips. He repeated himself once more, adding in a few more details like the illusory torture he had gone through and the many other crimes Itachi had done as a member of the Akatsuki. Still nothing. Was the scroll missing a step? Why wasn't anything happening?! There was no way nothing would happen in a place this obviously magical, brimming with secrets. Unless, was she saying his cause wasn't worthy? Was this third tier rumor judging his pain and sorrow as insignificant?! Fine he'd slink back to Orochimaru and feign ignorance. It wasn't like that creep would do anything past slither a bit more around him.

Thoroughly disgusted with this place getting his hopes up, he spat out into the clear waters as he went to remove the helm, surprised to find it stuck tight. That was enough of a distraction to keep his focus away from where his spit had hit, the water silently bubbling, algae mixing in to form something solid under the depths. Sasuke struggled to pry the helm off, grunting out of annoyance as the helm seemed to be sticking straight to his temples, actively resisting his attempts to remove it. The moment was instant and devastating, his guard lowering as he pried at the jagged metalwork, the silent whirlpool forming in front of him shooting out in a spear of condensed water and light, piercing his chest, straight through his heart, the Uchiha boy gasping as pain filled his body.

"Wh-What is-" He was in shock, the spear throbbing as it pumped its spiritual essence into him. It was hard to describe the following sensations, his blood not running out, but being consumed by liquid spiritual energy, two more silent whirlpools forming from either side as they struck. He was now pincered by the spears, their shapes stabbing out his sides and sending more of their watery energy into him, the phosphorescent algae throbbing in his veins, making his blood feel sluggish, the skin beginning to discolor from the invasion. There was a numbing agent that made the throbbing almost calming after a while, that ability to slip away peacefully far more frightening than the initial pain of their volleys. In vain he tried to pull them out, feeling his strength leaving him. He couldn't die like this, ignorant and alone in the depths of a forgotten spirit. And then he heard the voice.

"You will not die." It sounded distorted, harsh, as if a goddess was screaming from years past and these were her echoes.

"I am merely taking over. You offered your all to me and I was content to ignore you. But you had to ignore my mercy for your own ego." Sasuke grunted then, the spears pulsating with every word, his pale skin turning noticeably bluer around the spears as the affected areas shed their hair. The spears were turning, almost winding up the bones in his side as he screamed, the slow turning winching his sides inwards to toned slenderness that sent fear racing through his mind. The blue overtook his stomach, its abs flattening, belly button stretching out to a cute line, one final, violent twist sending his spine arcing inwards, the world shrinking slightly while his screams filled the altar room.

At a glance Sasuke could already tell his stomach was not one he'd see on a man any time soon, the pain fading to an almost throbbing nothingness, erring on the side of light pleasure

"Wh-Why are you doing this? I came to you pure of heart in need of vengeance!"

"Oh did you now?" There was a hint of humor to her voice, as if this was all some sort of large joke.

"What of your friends you abandoned? The countless people you've betrayed and stepped over for a cause you only half understood? Your form of vengeance is petty and misinformed you spoiled brat. But I am not without my own form of mercy even now. Instead of letting you bumble your way through life, destroying everyone who bothers you in your twisted sense of justice, I shall take over. You already had planned to give up your body to a snake, why not a specter? Might as well enjoy this, I know I will." As if to convince him the spear in his heart did a half turn, sending further waves of energy through him, though these were of a more arousing nature.

"W-Waaait~!" Sasuke could barely utter a word without it trailing off into a moan now, the energy pouring into him carrying a tantalizing strength. Sure his stomach looked slender enough, but it was hiding its musculature behind a thin layer of appealing fat, the rest all compacted into steel like formations. The next two spears that entered him did so from behind, shocking the Uchiha as their tips slotted perfectly into his internals, poking right behind his nipples. They were hardening under the pressure, each spear tip continuing to assault his pecs as their lengths started inverting. All of their spiritual pressure was traveling up the ethereal shafts, solidifying as they exited the pointed tips as fat, sending waves of otherworldly pleasure through Sasuke in a continuous pool of growth. Soon the sunk shafts were no longer visible, Sasuke's chest bouncing ecstatically as tender breast meat absorbed what was left, midnight nipples erect on cerulean mounds.

"S-NNGH-S-TOP IT! I W-OHHN'T S-SUCCUHHHMB TO AYEEEE~!" Kalista didn't even respond, laughing at his resistant ministrations, trying to deny the pleasure even as his cock stiffened clearly. The help was clamping down now hard on his head, treating his insolence with punishment. The black metal dug into his cheekbones, the already high, haughty shape of his face extending to greater heights, his scowls nearly as deadly as his weapons as the bones finished crunching into their new shapes. The well lubricated metal sent a mixture of algae and water down his struggling head, bits of it stinging his eyes, dribbling into his mouth, moisturizing his hair. The drowned follicles seemed to stutter under their watery prison, coughing out more and more hair as his short cut hairdo slithered out the base of the helm, slapping against his back in messy formations.

The water burned, the dribbling offshoots bleaching his pupils and croneas to a uniform blue, the same spirited colors as the algael glow filling Kalista's spears. His temples throbbed as they compacted, large stretches of his face giving in to their new form, lips plumping to thick blue worms that pouted out, sending more fluid down his throat. It was dizzying him, Kalista's power now an aphrodisiac, the sour curdling to sweetness in his throat. Speaking of his throat, his resistant groans were rising, the sharp taste running down his tongue scraping away bits and pieces of his Adam's Apple, the lump eroding under the small stream like a boulder over centuries ina  current. As his squeals reverberated and spread through the cavern, its pitch darkened to a husky, almost angry tone even in pleasure. It was hers, Kalista's voice overtaking his own, and as her tones serenaded his ears, he could feel her thoughts the next thing to overrun his will.

Some of his longer hair was tickling his nipples, his cock clenching as he tried to retain some type of control, moaning as a small stream of white shot out. It was like he was giving in, his shoulders rounding down, arms compacting their muscle as his heart throbbed, sending the corrupting influence of Kalista down to his fingertips. It wasn't like his tugging was doing much against the spears embedded in his body, yet it still felt like a crushing defeat when his grip slackened, the blue coloring overtaking each joint, spreading his fingers apart and drawing them in. His palms felt completely frictionless, perfect for thrusting a spear with full power at an enemy, though under Kalista's influence his right hand seemed to be aiming for a different spear, one of meat between his legs.

He squealed as another stabbing thrust hit him, midway between navel and cock, the tip poking his pelvis back as his spine arched further. It pounded pleasure into him, stiffening his groin while spinning, tearing a hole in his undergarments. Sasuke tried to gain control back over his groping hand, unable to slow its progress as it undid the rope he used as a decorative belt, letting his outfit slip to the holy waters, the fibers smoking as they disintegrated. Left naked he could feel tendrils wrapping around his legs, spreading them wide despite his attempts to keep them shut. What made it all much worse was how perfect it felt once the hand began working on his cock, it's slippery, soft fingers doing things to him he had never felt before, his mind clouding as pleasure pooled in his tip. All the while the spear above began to coalesce like the two in his breasts, pounding itself deeper into his body as the water turned to fat. Much like his breasts, his ass jostled and smacked, sending pleasureful pulses to his cumming cock as it swelled with muscle, fat and Kalista's booty, one long arc of cum draining him as his fingers stopped jerking his spent shaft.

Three spears formed then, the struggling Uchiha gasping as his thighs were speared, the final one going slower, aimed right for his drooping dick. It was too late to use eye jutsu, his eyes scoured of all ability from the helm, his attempts to redirect chakra or do anything failing as this wasn't chakra. The spears were pushing into him, filling his thighs with plump fat, every wobble mixing with the pleasure of his ass and breasts as his whole body shook, splashing about wildly as he felt his calves curve, toes shrink, feet turn dainty. It was only when he felt the tip of her spear press against his own remaining tip, that he truly grew hopeless.

"P-Please." He was crying through the pleasure, feeling the tip insert into his urethra, pressure building against the length of his shaft. There was no pride left in him, just desperation, begging the only option left to him.

"I'll do anything for you, serve you as my queen, destroy your enemies, just please leave my NNGH p-pride OHHH~ a-a-" The power was pouring down his cock, pooling in his testicles as they were washed clean, both sacs soon dragging upwards into his body in horrifying spurts of ecstasy, the sensations of his balls crumbling making a few watery shots of cum dribble out the sides of the penetrating spear.

The spear was thickening, rounding on the spots below his cock as it turned into a thick oval shaped device that grappled his cock relentlessly. Sasuke wasn't even allowed to finish his pathetic final pleas for respite, his shaft finally crumbling under Kalista's will, his restructuring pleasure centers reducing anything he wanted to say to shrieks and screams of pure pleasure. His mind was shattering as his cock compressed, the spear thrusting it flush between his legs before giving one final push, a torrent of fluids gushing into the pool below, her knees quaking as she came.

It wasn't enough to just take away her cock though, the thickened portion of the spear now ramming deep into her forming crevice, fucking her brains out while Kalista poured into her shaking pink matter. The two of them screamed as one, gasping as their body was probed, groped and satisfied, one final watery slosh sending the last of their Uchiha pride down their legs, Kalista gasping from the strength of her rebirth as the spears faded save for the very first one that had pierced her body. It had been ages since she had last been summoned, and a corporeal form felt amazing to her, each sensation new again after the long lapse between her last touchdown to the mortal coil. It felt great to be back, though she couldn't just stay here in the cavern, naked.

Without looking she spread an arm out to the side, the walls of the cave trembling as her armor withdrew from their rocky prisons, her breastplate, chainmail, bracelets and greaves all accounted for. Each one slipped on without hassle, perfectly tailored for her body, snug as if they were a part of her, for they were. There was so much injustice in this world since the time she had last been summoned, so many pure hearts crying for vengeance, justice. And now she had a whole lifetime to serve it to the oppressors of this world, be they ninja, politician or commoner alike. Strangely she could sense others approaching her cavern, their power high. She hadn't expected any more visitors, but looking at the soggy remains of the scroll, the twerp must have had tails or others who knew of her sanctum. Good. She could use the practice, her armor clean but her skills a tad rusty after disuse. The water swirled around her, spears rising and orbiting around her like some kind of weapons planet, each one reactive to the slightest twitch of her finger. Testing, she threw five out to the depths, hearing a few screams. Perhaps she was less rusty than she thought. Their fear was palpable, their sins laid bare. Vengeance was hers.


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