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(This is a sequel to a series started by DancingSpartan and continued by Kaiza-Tg and Sentinel00)


Heeeeeeeeeey, Charo~! Sorry for going off the radar for so long, just been a little busy, ya know? ;) Hipefully this song will make up for up! I know how you like music recs. <3


Hey Dancing! What genre is it? I've been listening to some African UK Jazz fusion and you know I'm always looking for new stuff. What've you been doing anyways?


Oh, you know...school and stuff. Nothing too weird. :P And it's J-pop! But, like, super awesome J-pop~! Positively life-changing~ ;)


Oh... yeah I really only like Ringo Sheena. The big studio production doesn't do it for me, but I'll definitely give it a listen at some point. I just have a bunch of albums i'm going through rn and you know my Classical Playlist is also a priority to get through. Got to Debussy!


No, but you gotta trust me! This is, like, reaaaaaally life-changing! And c'mon, it's only one song! Just one little quick listen, pleeeeeeeeeease?


In a bit, gotta go now.

One Week Passes


Hey Charo! Just checking in again. Didja listen to that thing I sent ya~? ;)


It's on my list, but I've just been busy. Haven't forgotten about it. On Glazunov now and damn his SYmphonies are gooood! You should hear number 7.

Ah crap gotta go, hope the rest of your day is awesome!

Two Weeks Pass

Oh sorry for the radio silence, just been busy. I'm here to check in though. How've you been? I just got to Satie's Vexations and that's some crazy shit.


Hey, I listened to your Symphony! Super good and junk! Very moving. How about you finally give my one less than 4-minute song a lesson?


I mean I'm going to, I just don't like that music scene. Besides I'm still waiting on you to finish Tower of God. I'm sure we can both be patient lol, it's not like this song is some magical shit that grants wishes.


No, but it's magical in it's own way! C'mon, you totally owe me! Here's the MP3 file in case you wanna listen to it on the go! I know you have time on your commute. Just give it a listen!


Fine but I usually try to sleep on the commute. I'll definitely let you know my thoughts when I listen to it.

One Month Passes


....did you listen to it?


Yeah I listened to that Transformer podcast you posted in the main channel it was a good way to pass the time in bed.


Really? It's pretty nice, right? I mean, THE SONG! DID YOU LISTEN TO THE SONG?!


I can't really use headphones right now I'm just pretty sick. Like everything is just achy. I need to get some tea soon cause I've ran through my supply lol.

Excuse me, gotta go cough out half a lung. Type out whatever you're typing I'll read it when I'm back


Oh, let me take care of that! I've found this awesome new blend imported all the way from Japan! I'll send you some ASAP!



Uh, I don't know isn't that expensive? You know I don't like being a schnerrer.

Yiddish for moocher


Don't worry, I got plenty of money to spare at the moment. It'll be nothing~ ;)


Okay thanks man! My Address is *4 #### #### #### ####, ########, ##, #####. Need anything else?


No...I think that'll be all~


(I'd say after this message you can start with your plan and frustrations and I'll take over once you send me the tea)

Kay thanks! I'm tired so I'm gonna sleep a bit more. Got to Janecik and his stuff is great for that.


Are you could listen to that song I sent ya! It's great for sleeping too!

Miyuki(Dancing) watched as Charo's discord status went from green to a dull black, not even a response to her last message. The Japanese woman couldn't help but groan as she slumped her head against her hand, staring back at the laptop on her desk. For the past month, she'd been attempting to share the magical music that changed both her and so many of her friends' lives for the better. Charo was an amazing friend before her massive change into one of Japan's biggest up and coming idols. But he was just so goshdarn stubborn!

Still...at least there was Plan B! Her friend Kiyori managed to whip up a little concoction with the ability to induce the same effects as audial metamorphosis. Essentially, she made little teabags that could turn that lazy procrastinator into the cute little idol Miyuki was hoping for! And at least he was kind enough to trust her with his address. All she had to do now was send him a package full of Idol Grey! Hopefully her English penmanship hadn't deteriorated too harshly...

Luckily it hadn't! Unluckily for her though, the customs agent that was in charge of handling and sending it overseas was less so inclined towards neat handwriting, their 4's having the unfortunate writing tick of losing the extended nub and whenever he was in a rush, all his straight lines would gain a little curve and so once they put the second label on for overseas shipping, the Postal Service workers that had to deliver the damn thing after bomb checks and multiple dings warping the 4's bottom further couldn't truly be blamed for their misunderstanding. Honestly most people would be hard pressed to see that digit as anything other than a 9.

So as the boxes were shipped out, Charo's neighborhood mailman only had bills and spam mail for Miyuki's target. After a pass round the outside of the cul-de-sac, the mailman went back to cover the inner circle, shoving the small box roughly into a partially rusted mailbox, only for a small child to come running out of the house, more than happy to take the mail off his hands before running back in, excited to see what could be inside the box.

The house was in an odd state, the inside furnished and cluttered and the outside still unfinished, the siding meant for it years ago never delivered after a check bounced, and grandpa Atticus never saw a reason to finish it. For most adults it looked like a house straight out of a horror film and it still skeeved the neighbors out some despite knowing that the owner was just a somewhat crotchety, but kind old man. For a kid though, it was the ultimate fantasy getaway, plenty of odds and ends to play with, knick knacks to imagine battles of and the cluttered nature made it seem like a playground of lost things, something he'd never seen before always materializing whenever mom dropped him off for a weekend. Plus it had one of those old oversized televisions with knobs for volume and channels and Tommy thought that was way more fun than a stupid, boring remote. It was far more fun to crank on a wheel and play with the tv color buttons that made a solid thunk noise every time he pressed them. The 7 year old bounded in with the hyperactive energy of most young kids and yelled up "Grampy! Grampy! Package!"

"Coming!" Atticus shook the rust off his bones and started down the stairs, deliberately placing each foot to avoid the bits of junk that Tommy had left lying about. He wasn't expecting any packages, so he figured it was another "gift" from his kids to try and modernize him. He didn't know how many times they needed him to tell them he didn't care for whatever newest fad or invention was out and it was frankly embarrassing to admit that he just didn't understand all the new crap. He'd just sell it and add it to his growing Christmas fund for the holidays. Unfortunately the lil squirt had gotten it and sure enough he was looking up at him expectantly, waiting for him to get a knife to open the box. It was nice to see he'd taken his "no sharp objects" rule to heart after a close call with his dear Judith's sewing scissors. He knew that the kid wouldn't be satisfied until he cut open a hold for him to pull the box apart and it wasn't like he cared about whatever kind of phone or doohickey he was being offloaded. He was fine with his flip phone thank you very much.

Grudges against technology aside, Atticus was still curious what the box may have entailed. In hindsight, he probably should have checked the return address before slicing the box open, but Tommy's enthusiasm made him feel rather rushed "What the hell...". Upon finally opening its contents, however, the elderly man was met not by some manner of useless technology, but a simple box of tea. The only thing strange was the Japanese text on the font and the cute Japanese girl holding a cup of the stuff on the front. Those damn Japanese sure liked to advertise their old man stuff in creepy ways. Though now he was simply left wondering who was sending him imported tea. Oh well, he figured there was no use looking a gift horse in the mouth.

"That's it?" little Tommy asked, visibly disappointed by the underwhelming reveal. "Man, I was hoping for some sorta robot! Or a...or a Switch? Ooh, can you get me a Switch for my birthday, Grampy?"

"I don't know what that is," was Atticus' immediate response as he simply waved the question away and stared back at the tea. "Always been more of a coffee man, but might as well try it out." That said, he took the box and headed into the kitchen, ready to create a fresh brew. "You want any, tyke?"

"Ew, no!" the boy immediately rejected with his tongue popped out in disgust. "Tea is nasty! I want Coke!"

"Have at it then..." the older man groaned as he started a hot pot of water. He knew he'd have to contend with an even more hyperactive kid later, but being able to consume bottomless amounts of sugar was a treasure of youth he couldn't deny. "Just lemme know if you ever change your mind! Tea's a whole lot healthier for ya."

As the pot began brewing a heavenly aroma filled the room, sweet steam releasing an invigorating smell. Usually Atticus was quite congested, but as he breathed in the flowery tones his nose twitched, a sneeze coming on as he quickly grabbed a napkin, a mighty ACHOO vacating his nose of all sinus issues and nose hair, another quick one shaking the cartilage loose, the bridge of his nose reducing as he wiggled it. Even though he was reeling from the sneeze, it was nice not to be blocked up and he took a nice whiff, his head swimming a bit from the aroma. In all his years he'd never sniffed anything that was this enticing. There wasn't something fishy in it was there?

Sighing he took out the one piece of tech he was unable to offload, a semi newish Macbook he just kept plugged in on the kitchen table to show his kids that 'yes I am using it, I'm trying.' It didn't even have a password and his typing technique could be likened to a brain damaged caveman, both having a similar aptitude to tech as he logged on. It took him a minute to find the safari icon before he clicked it, taking another minute of typing to realize he hadn't even clicked on the search bar. Eventually he found a few articles on it, skipping over the ones that talked about its exclusivity and rumors on whether it existed or not until he found a page with what seemed like a list of ingredients surrounded by a bunch of asian girls in miniskirts. It was a good thing auto translate was on by default or else he'd be looking all day, his eyes straining as he moved closer, the tip of his nose touching the screen, the extra pressure compressing the tip of it down a tad as he scanned the list.

While he was reading the scent was wafting through the house, Tommy's sugar addled senses unable to ignore something that delicious smelling, the coca cola bottle a distant memory as his little feet trudged towards the kitchen. It was so delicious his eyes were tearing up, flecks of green popping up amidst the brown as they turned hazel, his eyes tearing up a bit as they squinted towards the kettle. He rubbed his eyes, the edges feeling a bit strange, but all his brain could focus on was getting some of that tea stuff. Grampa said it was healthy too? Maybe he could convince mom to let him have some every dinner!

Eventually his grandpa noticed the little rascal staring at the kettle and he stopped his reading. He doubted anything in the tea could be as bad as that soda shit and there was something heartwarming about seeing his grandson clearly interested in something he could relate to.

"Ya want some squirt?" Tommy nodded eagerly, taking a seat while Atticus washed some dust from a spare tea mug at the top of his cupboard. The kettle started whistling just as he set it down. Perfect timing too!

"Now don't hold the cup and wait for it to cool down before you sip it."

He poured for Tommy first, intrigued by the colors as an odd mix of yellow and pink ran out of the stem in swirls of bright colors, excited to see how it'd taste as he motioned to pour into his own mug. Despite the warnings, Tommy was still just a kid and self control went out the window once he saw how good it looked. Grasping with both hands he brought the mug up to his face and took a big gulp, the scalding water making him shriek as he spit most of it out, the mug sizzling out of his tenuous grip as it hit the table's edge and sprayed all over his Grandpa's pants. The feeling of boiling water filling your shoes wasn't exactly pleasant, Atticus's arms flinging upwards in pain as he screeched. He looked down as Tommy's mug shattered on the ground, clasping his hands together before realizing his right hand should have been holding something. He looked up and saw the full hunk of heated iron twirling in the air, a spiral of scalding liquid streaming down in arcs as the colors sparkled brilliantly in the light as if in slow motion before coming to a halt, a small sea of glimmering pink and yellow hanging in the air over their heads.

Then it came down.

It came down hard.

Atticus barely dodged the empty teapot, but a torrent of scalding scented rain poured down on him and his laptop, a large splash arcing perfectly towards his wall outlet. With an electric hiss the lights flickered for a few seconds, the sounds of an electrical short building up before fizzling out, the lights back to normal as multicolored stains puddled down towards the corner. Once the burning had settled down some and he could gather his thoughts once more, Atticus realized he had forgotten about Tommy and turned his head, afraid to see if he was-

...perfectly alright apparently. He was scared obviously, but miraculously besides his burnt mouth, not a drop or shard of anything had even touched him. With the tension gone, Tommy began to cry.

"I'm sowwy gwanpa! I didn mean ta- ta-"

"Shhh shhh it's okay. It was an accident." He carefully ruffled Tommy's hair, putting on a happy face despite his burns.

"Now carefully, go to the living room and watch something while Grandpa cleans up the mess." To avoid the glass he picked Tommy up and only put him down once he crossed the threshold, shooing him into the living room before giving a reserved sigh and trudging back into the kitchen to clean up the mess. If his ears had been as responsive as in their prime he might have been able to notice the low humming that buzzed from every outlet as the voltage went from a standard 120 to 100, the 3rd prong filling in as his appliances were irradiated with a strange energy, their plugs shedding any incompatible pieces with a series of small clinks, not that he'd notice anything that small, he could hardly see the mug pieces floating on the small puddle that was his floor now. He just set himself to work, ignorant of the changes beginning to manifest in his house and on him.

Tommy frowned as he watched his grandfather leave to start cleaning up. He really wanted to help, but he knew he'd probably get hurt and that was the last thing Grandpa would want. With a sigh, he decided to follow Grandpa's orders and go to the living room to watch TV. Normally, watching TV was his favorite thing to do, but Grandpa's TV was just so...old! It was all small and square, like some TV from George Washington times! Everything was a lot blurrier and most of his shows had weird black bars that weren't usually there. But it was all the little boy had at the moment, so he could do little but sit down on Grandpa's uncomfortable corduroy couch and use the "clicker" as the old man always called it. It was kinda like a remote, only it wouldn't do what he told it to do.

Luckily, the day was not completely ruined as Tommy's favorite show happened to be on at the time: Sesame Street! The boy got as comfortable as the couch allowed him as he laid down and let all of his worries melt away. It would have been enough to distract him for a full hour had the tea did its work on the outlet the TV was plugged into. Elmo's antics were very suddenly cut short as the old CRTV short-circuited out. "What?! NO!" The boy quickly jolted out of his seat and began punching the dinosaur of a TV with all of his might. "C'mon, turn on! Turn on, dang it!"

Sure enough, it did eventually switch back on, same channel and everything. The boy let out a sigh of relief over his nearly lost puppet pals, only to realize something...the characters were speaking a completely different language. He couldn't tell you what since it was all gibberish to him.  He figured Spanish, though it was in truth a Japanese dub. "Great, what happened now?" he asked as he climbed back onto the couch to reach for the remote. One of these buttons had to change the language back, right? He barely knew how his own TV worked, much less this artifact.

Meanwhile Atticus was grumbling to himself, two rolls of paper towels elevated on a chair nearby that'd only needed a quick wipe down to be dry, though a few colored spots stained the bottoms of the rolls. He carefully dived into the puddle, his fingers already poked a few times by the shards of mug that hadn't floated to the top, though even some of those had nicked his wrists a bit. Though he swore some of them had cut deep, whenever he squinted to check, not a single drop of blood could be seen, just a small dark line to show where it'd happened. Despite his care it was still arduous on his back, though the one piece of luck was that the arthritis in his hands and feet seemed to be taking a day off.

Tea was meant to have anti-inflammatory properties, so he wrote it off, but if he'd been paying proper attention he'd be hard pressed to write off what was happening to him as any old provincial cure. The inflamed joints were definitely losing their swelling, but it was more than that, the joints shrinking and popping into tighter, refined formations. The cuts helped, bits of tea entering to soothe the old muscle and bone. He was used to small spasms at his age, so even as the joints of his fingers tensed and shrank under the tea, it was just part and parcel of getting older. What he appreciated was the relief that'd flush through his digits afterwords, rheumy joints and bony fingers replaced with younger, dainty little things, the yellow of the tea starting to dye the flesh with a barely noticeable, but darkening golden hue.

As he pulled more sheets to drape and soak up the mess, the hands that reached up seemed to lose a year with every tear.

RIIIP~ There went a wart that always bothered him on the back of his left.

RIIIP~ Gone were the sunspots, his wrinkles barely evident.

RIIIP~ And now they were gone completely, a few more tears removing scar tissue, adding muscle, compressing muscle, even the tan line on his ring finger fading to the same golden glow as his ring subtly slipped off, far too large for such a slim finger. It was too quick to even notice, one wipe of the towels sending it rolling halfway across the room before falling with a water dampened clink. In fact he probably would have noticed the changes if it wasn't for how long his hands were under the tea as he mopped at it. Sure the new skin was supple and young, but it was still human, wrinkling under the water soon enough to trick his  bad eyes whenever he glanced down at them. They were still two wrinkly blurs, who the hell'd notice that the blur's outlines were smaller?

After using up both rolls there was still a decent chunk of the floor damp and covered, though most of the mug pieces had been safely dumped into the trash can he'd dragged over to the outskirts of the mess. Sighing he pushed himself up, enjoying the lack of any pain when he applied pressure to his wrists to stand. He wished his knees felt as good, taking another minute to properly align his knees, back and shoulders up before he could take a step to the laundry room for more towels. He cursed his old age, drying his hands a bit and pausing as the towels felt... just wrong on his skin, the abrasiveness standing out against his palms, but when he slid it up to his arms, it felt the same, though the tea soaked sections pulled off spots of grey hair wherever they landed. Well they were probably just used to being wet was all and he had to finish cleaning this mess before the lil rascal got bored with the tv and started getting into trouble some place.

Feeling a bit more spry than usual he took a confident first step towards the laundry room and almost immediately tripped, his shoe nearly falling off once it was suspended in the air, making his poor balance shift awkwardly once placed down. His knees landed on the edge of the puddle, his hands bracing against the floor as his life shot before his eyes, one bad fall deadly to a man his age. His hands took most of the damage, though for a few seconds his knees pained him something fierce, the brittle bone flaring up in pain as he swore he felt them shatter.

But as they soaked, the bone hardened, cartilage actually reforming and propagating as the knobs of bone shifted, awkwardly pressed between two male bones, but by and large that discomfort was nothing compared to the pain earlier and the usual arthritic stiffness that surged to pain when bent. It was nothing short of miraculous to Atticus. He'd basically treated his knees like a bad electrician treated a remote or doo dad, the five-inch method not meant to help out with humans, especially not old ones. But before he could inspect them he had to figure out what had caused him to slip, he hadn't even stepped on the slick sections!

Like every other strange occurrence that had happened and was going to happen, the answer was the tea, the scalding cascade that had filled up his shoes had only rested there as he got to work, his feet steeped in the liquid as they'd been changed. The skin had been burnt badly all around, yet he'd forgotten about the pain quickly after the initial shock and hadn't even thought to check them as the muscles were soothed. Burnt flesh peeled away in strips that dissolved to leave behind fresh youthful skin, the paleness similarly dyed as every last pore was slowly flushed clean of any hair, age wrinkles replaced with moisture as the two appendages were melted down to a much more appealing design.

It'd started in his toenails, the clouded, uncut nails regaining their pink chitinous glow of youth as they were cut down to just above the ridges. Said toes were gnarled and misshapen, but not for long as the hardened callous that encompassed both of his soles was melted away leaving behind soft, smooth flesh. With a few wriggles the toes had receded and straightened out, slimming as his feet lost a few sizes causing the treacherous looseness that'd nearly been his undoing. The rest had followed soon after, arches exaggerated and heels eroded down into something daintier until he was left with two positively girly feet stewing in his boots; boots he pried off in annoyance, the soggy socks sliding off with two wet squishes as well from their undersized holdings.

Deciding he ought to just take the pain relief as is and not to look a gift horse in the mouth, Atticus rose to his knees once more, faster than before even if he was still mostly creaky, and took smaller steps barefooted to the back room cupboard. Tea ran down from his knees in hairless tanned rivulets, sliding off shifting ankles as he held onto the counter, waiting for the odd discomfort to leave him as he walked off with renewed vigor. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a spring to his step and even bending his knees to reach two fresh rolls of paper towels was easier. He didn't think anything could spoil the pleasant mood when he heard the electronic buzz of sparks, that blasted laptop his kids'd gotten him sparking and glitching from the water damage. The screen was freaking out, colors saturating and desaturating as the different apps and commands lost their english names and lettering for something foreign, iTunes opening up as a song began to blast from the speakers.

Back in the living room, Tommy was forced to endure a similarly painful experience: watching public access television in Japanese. How was he supposed to learn from Cookie Monster if he couldn't even understand him?! The kid's frustration ramped, causing him to grasp his head and ruffle his hair in exasperation. Gosh, he just wished he could understand Spanish or whatever the puppets were speaking now. Maybe then he could...huh, was that brown hair. He could've sworn it was blond before. Did hair color just change like that? Mommy's hair seemed to always change color, so why couldn't his? Though, that didn't quite explain why his skin looked a good deal darker than before. Maybe it was from being out in the hot country in the middle of the summer? Mommy did say their family tanned pretty easily, he just didn't expect it to be that easily. Granted, most people didn't spontaneously turn Japanese, as his new set of facial features clearly made him out to be.


"Hai," Tommy nodded in agreement to Big Bird, only to pause once he realized what just happened. He...he actually understood the TV! He was understanding Spanish! No...Japanese? How did he know that? Oh, who cared! He could understand what was going on now and that's all that mattered. Yet despite now being able to understand everything, Tommy found himself growing increasingly disinterested with the proceedings. Elmo's antics weren't entertaining him nearly as much as they used to and the fact that such a small-minded creature with a tenuous grasp on basic concepts was given responsibility over a goldfish started getting on his nerves. Luckily, the TV chose that moment to start shifting channels on its own, the magic tea managing to bypass Atticus' limited TV catalog to pop up yet another channel in Japanese. Though, this one looked to be native to Japan, portraying what seemed to be a bunch of costumed heroes fighting monsters in giant robots. Man, this was awesome! Was this what he was missing out on this entire time? Tommy leaned in closer to the screen, entranced by this new genre of amazing adult action! "So cool..."

It wasn't much longer before Tommy's body began maturing along with his taste in entertainment. Limbs began stretching and bulking out as his overall size doubled and eventually tripled. His legs became long and slender, gaining a hefty amount of previously nonexistent muscle and black body hair. Same went with his arms, extending out as his tubby boy tummy very quickly expanded into hardened set of abs. As puberty raged, the usual stuff grew out as well, feeling Tommy's body and especially his brain with previously untold levels of testosterone. Sweet, confusing testosterone that messed with his also rapidly changing head, which was in the midst of losing all of his previous baby fat to form the visage a mature, classically handsome young Japanese man. All the while, Takuro remained glued to the TV set, paying no heed to his outrageous growth or the fact that his previous little boy clothes constricted before ripping apart entirely. It wasn't long before there was simply a handsome nude man watching Sentai, fully engrossed in the action and drama rather than his own extreme transmogrification.


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