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Mineta awoke to an endless void, confused and lost. Also naked apparently though his uniform was off to the side, suspended seemingly in midair. When he went to grab it though he ended up smacking headfirst into a translucent layer, like a bird into a window. Rubbing his nose he tried to find an exit while resting on the glass, wondering if this was a quirk or something. Had the villains attacked again? What had he been doing before this? Wracking his mind he remembered that he had snuck into Momo's room and was hiding in her closet, enjoying the view it offered. Did one of the girls do this to him? No he knew their quirks and this didn't match any. Now that he thought about it, it was right before he got to the really good parts too, Momo stripping down to just her panties and bra, the memories titillating as drool pooled at the corners of his mouth. Man he wished he had seen her fully undress befor-


"Holy shit!" Mineta nearly jumped out of his birthday suit, the sudden booming voice making him shake in his... well his boots were in the invisible case still, but either way he was pretty damn freaked out, his head flitting about trying to figure out who the hell was talking and from where.

"WHO I AM MATTERS LITTLE AND AS FOR WHERE I AM ALL AROUND YOU!" So it could read his mind, great. What the hell kind of a quirk was this?

"I DO NOT HAVE A QUIRK!" Shit was this... was this god? Mineta had to hold his ears as laughter ricocheted off the endless confines in oppressively loud fashion.

"C-Could you at least talk softer!" He had the courage to yell that out before cowering once more as the voice spoke.

"Oh yeah sure. Oh and I'm not god, though I guess when you're in the meta void the powers are similar. I've basically been hired to rewrite you into a more deserving character for your universe." Hired? But that'd mean...

"Wait who hates me enough to do whatever the hell this thing is?!"

"Pffft seriously? Lets run down the list. Womanizer, pervert, attempted sexual assault, yada yada. You're a toxic influence on all those around you and after all that sowing it's time to reap the results. Anyways I wouldn't worry too much about it, you're going to enjoy this I can tell."

This was all obviously freaking the hell out of Mineta as he tried to figure a way out, not even sure what he could do in the middle of an endless void.

"Wh-What the hell're you going to do?!"

"Oh right, well do you see your outfit? Observe." Looking at his hero costume, the material began to warp and shift, the full body purple skinsuit exchanging its inky purple for a brighter emerald coloring, the yellow of his cape leeching out into the latex turning the inner third of it all yellow as the garment stretched out to a far more mature looking size.The yellow gloves and boots remained the same for the most part, though they seemed to be stretching out, the stretched out shapes looking kind of girly in Mineta's eyes while his cape, fully drained of yellow, fluttered in browning folds, the sleek material thickening and turning into a light jacket. His mask and pants were the last to shift, both shrinking down to slips of fabric, the mask a green headband, the pants a brown belt with a decorative x on it. His eyes instantly zeroed in on the subtle looseness at the chest area, the curves sown into the lines, his confusion only growing as he stared at it.

"Did you just turn my hero outfit into some random girl's?!"

"Not just any random girl's, they're yours... well for the soon to be new you at least." That menacing statement hung in the air, Mineta stumbling backwards as the barrier keeping his clothes up that he had been propping himself on vanished, his body entangling with the drifting folds of his old uniform. Like some kind of slime out of hell, the edges of the latex suddenly opened up along the colored seams, covering his nakedness as the folds began to buzz against his skin, the joints all clinging tightly along with the extremities while large folds of loose fabric bunched up. While he couldn't see it, the buzzing costume was polishing his skin, erasing the paltry hairs and lotioning it into something smooth and frictionless, but of course the added sensitivity was hard to notice when the too large suit was gripping his petite frame and stretching it past its limits.

"AHHH AHHH FUCK S-STOP!" His joints were creaking, painful pops sounding out as inches were winched into his spine, his arms and legs stretching out as the bunches unfolded.

"Don't worry Mineta it's just some growing pains. First steps to being reformed. Soon you'll be too horny to care about any of this." And almost as if on cue the stretching stopped, Mineta panting as he stared in shock at his now lanky frame before his cock was clamped down on by the suit.

Suddenly all of that pain was turned to pleasure, Mineta's body being groped every which way by the outfit, two folds pinching his nipples, the ass crack wedging itself in deep as it buzzed, his moans trading the pipsqueak tones for sultrier registers. He felt half choked, then comfortable again, his sexier voice kerosene to the fire in his loins, each pleased whine turning him on further.

"See I told you you'd enjoy it, doesn't it feel wonderful to let go of that old, creepy self? Just let her take over." What made it uniquely hard for Mineta to fight against the changes was his low constitution for self denial, his life always lived giving into most of his base desires, so as his nipples started to spark with pleasure and the sensual rubbings of his increasingly form fitting outfit kicked things up a notch, how could he say no? His hands certainly weren't no matter how much his mind protested, his stubby fingers being strained through the tight yellow gloves to turn long and elegant as they groped his burgeoning chest.

"Ohhh fuuuuuuck~!" Groping breasts was great, but even with the small beestings he had so far, he could tell that there was something way more gratifying about playing with his own.

"Yes why mess with other girls when you have a perfect body of your own?" He groaned happily in agreement, his chest swelling to fill out the loose gaps. They weren't the only things swelling either, his thighs and ass joining in on the fun as luscious fat rose his feebly wriggling body up and smothered his cock between two thick pillows. It didn't take much time at all for his limits to be broken, his cock trembling as it shot out loads of sperm, his identity pouring out with his testosterone. Everything was getting ejected, baby fat, some muscle and structure in his waist as it toned down to a sleek curve, the volume of his hair deflating with every release. Yes his signature spherical do was straightening, the color shifting to a brown that lost none of its luster, though some of the pigment in the bangs up front drained out as white fringed his brown mop. And the balls on his hair weren't the only balls deflating.

He scrabbled at his junk with one hand, a desperate need filling him as tension wracked the area behind his groin, the other hand still latched on his breasts, the large, sensitive melons jiggling in their well defined swells, some tactical padding in his suit hiding the nipples from any perverts despite outlining his goods very prominently. Mineta could tell that his balls were ready to pop in, a new barrier of ecstasy just waiting to be explored by his spent cock with a push, the only thing stopping him from shoving it in right then and there was his pride in masculinity. He didn't care how good it felt, he didn't want to lose his-

"You know you can play with your pussy whenever you want, and besides the unlimited orgasms you'll be allowed into the women's bath..." It didn't take long for their words to reach through, his hand clamping down on his balls, each testicular inversion accented by a wet pop and a long moan.

It wasn't just physical stuff spurting from his cock anymore, but memories, his personality. He could feel the new her expanding its reach in his brain, forcing him down and out with every spurt. His childish face was gaining refined edges, teeth fondling his lips as they turned pouty, red lipstick smearing across them evenly in a pucker. His small nose popped out, the tip upturning while the bridge gained more prominence, mixing better with the slants of his smaller eyes, lashes fluttering about in the wind as a new face, a new woman stared out from the old, a growing empathy making her past actions unthinkable.

"Yes I think this is for the best, you've never been one to care much about what others think and now when you use your powers you'll be forced to reckon with their personalities. Now give in. Give in and be reborn as Rogue." The name sent a shiver down her spine, the sound of it just feeling right as she moaned her new name aloud, clear spurts running down her legs, her hands now both on her erect cock, pushing it in.

There was a voice in her mind trying to resist this, some whiny brat that seemed far removed from who she was now. She had dealt with these before, her ability to copy powers always bringing in some of their personality into her mind and after years of having identity issues she had learned how to deal with foreign parts of her, crushing them. She firmly felt for that whiny pervert in her mind and forced it out, cooing as it streamed out her shrinking cock. Rogue rubbed the area above her cock, an empty vacuum hungry to be filled, her tight grip slowly forcing in the wriggling worm, the tip hardening as she pressed it deeper, her fingers probing into a new hole as she felt the last of it flush straight into her hips, an ecstatic shriek announcing her rebirth as Rogue as liquid dribbled down from her new lips. And with that last glorious release, the excess amounts of perversion that had been purposefully left in there to fuel her transformation, her libido falling as the last aftershocks of her orgasm left Rogue lying on the floor of her containment.

And like that the void was receding, color returning to the world around her as Rogue found herself deaging slightly, her memories retrofitting to the world of MHA, her room now more that of an edgy punk girl's than the perverted torture chamber it had resembled previously, and it had also changed locations, now on the girl's floor of the dorms. There was a bit of queasiness as her mind raced, having to acclimate and space and time bending felt similar to a rollercoaster drop after a particularly large climb, but it was over soon enough and she could enjoy her classmate's company. She had originally been a wannabe villain until Eraserhead had helped turn off the varying personalities her ability absorption had slowly driven her mad with and he had helped get her life back on track. While she had definitely been incredibly edgy and angry at the start of the school year, having friends like Momo and Tsuyu supporting her had slowly softened her edges. And throughout the dorms all the other girls were feeling refreshed, like a dark cloud was cleared from their lives. And then it was forgotten as the bell rang and Rogue and the rest went to their classes like always, as if nothing had ever changed.


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