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"Before we start do you have the pen near you?" Joey looked confusedly at the pink thing. It was certainly a pretty color, one he wished his body could bathe in and take in the feminine brightness of, but what it had to do with an online rp session with audio enabled he didn't know.
"Yes um, but what does this have to do with th-"
"Just trust me. I wanted to do this for your birthday, but you know how delayed shipping can get and I had to steal it from Charoset so eh, what can you do? Now please just write the following on a piece of paper with the pen. Eh hem, 'I Joey vow to be truthful and let my friend spoil me with no resistance. Also anything my friend says on the chat goes." Joey felt stupid as he wrote it down, having to ask, "Do I include the 'Also' in there as well?"
"Yes! Please just trust me and write it exactly how I said it. This'll matter soon."

Joey sighed, feeling stupid and wondering why this pen was so important. Plus he felt incredibly self conscious in just an undershirt, pantyhose and girly tight white shorts which fit awkwardly since they weren't made for his hips. He was fine if a little miffed when his friend hadn't done anything for his birthday, but it was okay as long as they could just talk, but all this convoluted dumbassery was starting to get on his last nerves as there was no way the payoff would match this idiotic buil-
"Though I'm not there you can feel my presence, my hot breath on your neck, let it ease you as your body relaxes and when you're fully calm, tell me what you want to be." The effect was instantaneous, Joey's stress and anger fading as he felt the warm embrace of a friend around him. It wasn't like he could suddenly see anyone, yet he felt it all the same, the pressure, the support, his neck hairs bristling as he swore he could feel the gentle wind of their breath. Before he knew it, every muscle in his body was relaxed and open, a doped up smile on his face as desires that normally would have taken months to coax, slipped from his mouth so easily.
"I want to be Tayelle, I want to be loved, I want to be a cute cuddly cat girl and snuggle with someone every night."

"Ahh let me google her I don't actually know that character that well." And like that the spell was broken, ashamed panic and confusion over what had just happened making Joey almost shut off the call right then and there.
"Wh-What the hell was that?! I don't know what that was I don't-"
"Hey hey Joey relax. Take a few deep breaths and relax you're with a close friend right now, enjoy it. Can't you feel Tayelle deep inside you, yearning to break free?" For a second Joey's body was completely different, his mind imagining the curves, the pink, the rightness of being Tayelle, but when he opened his eyes he wasn't normal anymore he was Joey. Wait did he just refer to himself in the third person? And why did he feel so calm despite the growing urge that there was something off with his body, well more than usual at least.

"Ohh~ h-how?"
"Shh don't ask questions my cute little catgirl, though I do need you to answer some. Remember you're with a friend, only answer if you feel comfortable. What would you like me to do for you now if I could do anything?" Joey felt nervous as the desire welled up inside, horrified at what his answer was going to be, but the more he thought about it the harder it was to convince himself their friend would betray him or mock his desires.
"I-I want you to change me, to make me right, to make me your pet." The last part had slipped through, another round of shame flaring up, though thankfully there was no mocking in the words that followed, just inquisitiveness.
"Do you mean permanently or just for a bit for some fun?"
"For fun, I'd like to feel protected and small and, just belong to someone for a bit ohh that'd be great." There was a smile on his face, but it slowly faded. Sure he could say that, but would it was just fantasy. Their friend noticed it right away.
"What's wrong Joey?"
"It's just that these are all only fantasies and I'll just never-"
"Are you sure?" There was something terribly enticing in his tone then.
"Can't you feel it starting yet?"

Joey groaned, hooked on every word, the air charged as if reality was about to shatter around him.
"Can't you feel the weight of my body pressing down on your shoulders, my hands rolling down your spine to rub your tail?"
"Ohhhh~..." He really could feel it, his weight pressing down, the completely relaxed muscles buckling under it as his shirt grew roomy. It was massaging them down, wonderful pressure compacting the bone, sculpting the square juts to something round and petite. But however good that felt it was nothing compared to the imaginary hands slowly rubbing down the notches of his spine in waves, hot, pleasureful sparks rolling down each vertebrae as he could feel height being rubbed out. Every time the hands reached the top of where his hipbones began, Joey squealed, a sensitive nub of spine sprouting out as inches forced out from the massage were springing from his backside.

It was like a fantasy coming true, his dick instantly erect as pink fur tingled along the growing appendage, his skin suddenly sensitive as the massage turned even more erotic to him.
"Oh you like that Joey? Your mewls were always so cute and your back is so huggable."
"Ahh ohh ohhhhhhh yes please!" Joey didn't even notice when he had started moaning so spiritedly, yet he couldn't stop, rejoicing at the rising pitch as his own hands felt his receding Adam's Apple. Soon his voice was as perky and girly as he always felt inside, pleased mewls turning to purrs as another spine massage paused mid back, pinching the straight column of bone and pounding on it till it snapped inwards, Joey screaming as he came, his long pink tail flitting side to side as it popped out an extra two feet, the sensitivity blinding.

He wriggled around a bit cum dribbling down his thighs as he undid his pants, the bunching of his tail at the base painfully arousing as his cock stayed erect, the pure sensitivity of his tail writhing as it slapped left and right, his hands feeling up the wonderfully pink, fluffy appendage that was like a better cock, as a few strokes already had him ready to burst, desperate for more changes.
"What would you like next my cute little neko?" What did he want to lose next? No not lose, gain. Should he ask to gain a pussy to his pussycat next? Or maybe that'd be the perfect capper, yes the final barrier to cross after the rest of the changes struck home, accompanied by a chorus of mewls. Rubbing his back and chin at the same time showed the difference in skin there, the former smooth to the latter's scruffy, silky vs greasy.

"mmmm ch-change my head, my face! M-Make me cute please!" There was a bit of silence, Joey's body trembling, worried he had somehow crossed a line though that didn't make sense.
"But Tayelle..." Crap did he somehow disappoint his friend? Did he want to go more sexual? Did he just fuck u-
"You're already so cute. Your green and blue eyes, your adorable face, your bright pink hair in her style, that red streak, and your ears. Can't you feel my hands on the, giving you headpats? Helping you feel good?" Tayelle thought he'd cum again right then, pleased cries rising as a series of crunchy pops and snaps resounded through his face, his lips squishing together to feel their plumper shapes, his softer jaw, his cute nose of which its soft skin was only marred by a slight scar on the bridge, a soft pop curving it up.
"Yeeeeessss! YEEEEEESSSS~!"

His entire face was being massaged into a dream girl, the contours of his cheeks popping in, white marks etching into the skin under his right eye as the pupil started to turn green. Even though he couldn't see it, he could feel the color changing, the soft flesh of his eyes buzzing as they expanded in the socket, his left Iris now a bright spring blue. The fringes of his vision were being encroached by cotton candy strands, his black hair being spun into a colorful frock of candied delight, some strands automatically braiding, yet the joy of his hair was eclipsed by what was happening to his ears.

First came the shaping, strong fingers gripping the fleshy middle of both ears, thumbs gradually pressing the tops in while the rest pulled the floppy fringes out. It was a slow, fulfilling process, Tayelle mewling as he felt the ridged insides flatten to uniformity, pink hairs sprouting on the flattened conical edges. Some of the invisible fingers were probing his ears, encouraging white fluff to sprout, cream accents to the candy colored cat ears as their sensitive edges at the base were firmly grasped and tugged. Tayelle tried his best to hold on to his lust, yowling as both ears were tugged in sync, slowly sliding up the sides of his head until they slotted into place on the top sides of his forehead. Finally finished, Tayelle felt the ghost hands do the final part of their orders, unending head pats. They tickled his ear tips, brushed the sides, ruffled his hair and scratched his scalp. The sensation was orgasmic for his new sensibilities, his cock pumping out more cum as each tender touch was like an orgasm in his brain.

"AHHH AHHH NYAAAH Master more! MORE!!"
"Of course, anything for my cute little kitty..." Tayelle doubted that those words were supposed to spark a barrage of changes, yet the sudden declaration of "cute" made all of the uncute things from his body soften and feminize. It felt so good to give in to the wave of weakness, a strengthening desire to be submissive rolling through every patch of skin and muscle, making it all pliable and receptive to whoever his master was. His arms weakened considerably, the muscle liquifying to plush fat, giving his entire body a toned femininity that he had always admired, his fingers dancing over his own ears and tail as they stretched out to slender, curious digits.

Of course there was so much more that wasn't cute in his eyes. His squat, linear legs, his flat, wide waist that made hugging and snuggling a hassle even if the added thrust from his arched back did lend it a bit of a nice curve. But a bit wouldn't cut it any more, his newly slenderized hands rubbing along his muscles, feeling them compact and tenderly grasping his sides in a self hug. The spectral hands glomped on top of his own and together they squished his core into a curvy, thrilling wonder, his body gyrating happily as he suddenly felt just so darn flexible and wiry, his arms bending further than they ever could before to feel the soft stretches of his abdomen, the dips of his curves, the swell of his tail sticking out. And speaking of swelling, his legs were next, the tender meat of his thighs tenderizing as they swelled around his cock.

"OH! AH! GOOD! SO GOOOOOD~!" There were small tearing noises as Tayelle's thighs swelled thicker and thicker, the tight pantyhose that had mostly been for a fun textural feel splitting apart the black coverings in patches, giving the curious catboy plenty of spots to rub, mewling over how soft and plush the patches were. Lower it seemed more like the pantyhose were breaking his legs than the other way around, his calves rounding and shrinking, feet turned dainty and cute under the tight grip.
"Ohh f-finish me Master nyoow~! M-Make me your little p-HOOOssy cat!" He flexed his tiny toes, rubbed his slender body and squeezed his thighs tightly, smothering his cock like he wanted to squeeze it out of existence, awaiting for his master to free him of this masculine torture.

"I don't get what you mean Tayelle you're already so perfect. Your tight tush, your perfect, squeezable breasts and of course, your pretty pussy. All ready to be snuggled and loved. You've always been my cute lil catgirl haven't you?"
Now she was screaming, her cock pumping out every last drop of semen as her balls shrunk into her, unimaginable ecstasy pounding into her ad it seemed far too much pleasure to contain in just her dick. So it spread, her skin prickling with pleasure and her nipples swelling with lust as her ass throbbed. One hand groped her breasts, the other on her ass as she played with her swelling curves, cumming hard as she pinched a ripe nipple and slapped her perky ass. Both of her testicles slurped inside as her breasts jiggled out to their full heft, her cock's releases running clear as the last of her old self was shot out in wonderfully messy spurts, her prostate wiggling warmly in between her womanly hips as the whole organ distended into a womb.

All that was left standing was her cock, the great throbbing organ wobbling as the base puckered, a strong muscular cavern carving its way deep into her body, the split remnants of her scrotum wrapping around to form lips.
"Ohh?" There was a playfulness to the way he said that that perked up her ears, her body bristling with excitement, ready for the last blow as he spoke.
"But Tayelle, can't you feel me inside you?" Tayelle's body writhed now, the tip of her cock opening, urethra expanding as she could feel the tip of something warm and hard begin to probe the opening. She couldn't take such new, forceful pleasure, her hips bucking up as all the muscles in her body suddenly went slack, her hard cock feeling soft even as it stood straight up.

Her master's cock was pushing against it, forcing its way into her resistanceless penis as the softened muscles pushed in, her pussy being fucked into existence. Tayelle wasn't prepared for such wondrous ecstasy, mewls, yowls, yelps, whatever sound she could make screamed from the top of her lungs as her cock was pressed deeper inside of her trembling pussy, clear squirts accompanying every inch thrust into her until it disappeared from sight, a few more thrusts into her trembling snatch sending her over the edge as something popped, the phantom cock pushing in one last thrust as her freshly minted clit orgasmed.

The world went white, something ringing merrily as she came and came with her whole body, everything she hated about herself fucked away by her master, his cock shoving in further as it scraped her womb. She didn't care that the room she was in was changing, that the phantom was becoming corporeal, she had never been this happy before and could only focus on the searing pleasure pounding her pussy. Eventually she collapsed, unable to take it anymore, every muscle sore as she felt the last of her stamina dribble out from her body, wondering when she had even fallen into a bed as Master's arms wrapped around her waist, his nose nuzzling against her neck as she cooed, drifting off into a cuddle.

Giggling she played with her bell a little, a loving gift from her master as proof that she was his and that he'd take no other for his pet/partner. Of course even with her body spent, there was plenty of heavy petting and warm snuggling and when she woke up, it was wrapped in his arms. She felt warm; she felt held; she felt... loved. Tayelle just laid in bed with her master, sniffling a little at how happy she felt. The sunlight glinted on something on Master's desk, a pink pen that seemed strangely familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. All she wanted to do was stay in her bed with Master and enjoy the day. It was her birthday after all and Master always knew how to spoil her. For now she'd just drift back to sleep in his arms and never have to worry about a thing ever again.


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