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Waver twirled the pen around his fingers, wondering what mystical features he could use it for since he was stuck at home for his birthday. Charo had talked it up and down as the future of tf or something like that, but all he could see was a fancy pink pen with nothing all that special to it. Trying to think back on the explanation, most of it was already gone, mostly cause they had been pretty drunk when he had taken out a case of similar pink pens, warning him to use it carefully. Of course Waver just wrote this off as more of his friend’s hyper imagination and probably just him trying to share that writing it on paper instead of typing out tg’s was more effective or something along those lines. And now that he was stuck home with little to do he had wrangled up an anime character personality questionnaire he had accidentally kept in his tote bag from the last convention. It’d all be a bit of good fun and he’d send the finished worksheet out to Charo when he was done with some dumb caption. And with little fanfare he started filling it out, not as he was, but what he liked for fun.

Q: I would describe my personality as___

Hmm kind of a basic question all things considered, but what character type did he usually like? Hmm… well if he was going off his favorite characters…

A: flirty, teasing and perceptive despite being entertainingly oblivious to obvious things. Definitely horny as well though they would enjoy playing it off.

There was an odd chill that rushed through Waver’s body, nothing changing past his cock subtly sensitizing, growing hard as he finished, but more importantly was the fact he barely noticed the horny. This was just the first of many changes he was about to thrust onto himself, and now he wouldn’t notice a single one, though he’d definitely be enjoying the changes through the focused haze of ignorance.

Q: What color is your hair?

There were a few good candidates for that since raven locks, red heads, there were plenty of great colors and styles to choose from, but of course there was one clear answer from Chika to his absolute fav, Astolfo.

A: Pink, specifically in Astolfo’s style.

For some reason his scalp really tingled all of a sudden, the usually short cropped cut of his hair not so subtly sprouting in waves, though with the obliviousness in full effect, even when locks began falling into his eyesight, he didn’t really let it bother him, just ignoring it, though it was nice to see how pink they were… wait was his hair pink? Nah he must have just put a wig on at some point. Yeah that’d explain how silky it felt, and the impossible crown they formed of angles like a widow’s peak made of hair, the front and sides tickling his collarbone and shoulders, the rest falling past the seat of his chair in absurdly long locks. The next question was rather simple so he did two at once. Besides with Astolfo as his ideal it made things a lot easier and he did love purple.

Q: What color are your eyes?

A: Like Amethysts, a deep purple with varying degrees of darkness that would entice anyone.

Q: How would you describe your looks?

A: Androgynous leaning towards girly but with a hint of boyishness to it. Completely cute.

As he answered he swatted away some hair, the pink strands probably poking his eyes which is why they felt so irritated, or maybe it was the slowly widening sclera, crow’s eyes from lack of sleep ironed out as his eyelashes looked heavily mascaraed in their thickness. The makeup wasn’t the only thing adding to his face’s new look, the ovular shape slowly compressing down, Waver’s tongue rolling along his teeth absent mindedly as his mouth shrank, his round chin now ending in a sharp point. Really everything was just softening and getting paler around his face, not fully girlish, but enough to make you look twice and debate about it with your friends later, all stubble plucked and there was a clear tan line between his new facial complexion and the rest of his body.

Q: What does your voice sound like?

Now this one was a personal point of pride for him, so answering different was a bit hard at first, after all he was very proud of the instrument he had developed over the years, yet it was all in good fun, so…

A: High and bubbly, very energetic. Not quite a soprano, but bordering above an alto.

Ah he wished, he always wanted his trap voices to sound a bit higher like if he said, “Hi cutie~!” Actually… that was pretty damn good. Maybe all those steamer sessions were finally paying off. Whatever the answer, he goofed off a bit with his higher range, his Adam’s Apple fading a bit to just under the surface of his throat. It wasn’t going anywhere, but like some reclusive celebrity it didn’t want to be spotted that easily. The higher tones also turned him on some, one of his hands giving his erection a cheeky rub before checking the next one.

Q: What is your body type?

Hoo boy this’d be a long answer, his ideal form made up of a bunch of factors.

A: Sporty and athletic with lots of toned muscles, but in a slim build like a sprinter over a weightlifter. All of this would be in a demure frame and would again lean more towards androgyny with lots of smooth, girly limbs and delicate dips, but I’d still be big where it counted.

The more he wrote the hornier he got, moaning as pale, hairless skin covered the rest of his body, his large frame shuddering as it began to compress. What made it so pleasureful was how much strength it added on top of the fat it burned and repurposed, his slimming arms and legs looking petite from the outside, yet felt more powerful than they had ever been before. His thighs especially beefed up, any swell that might have been mistaken for feminine curves merely a thick cropping of muscles, said thighs slowly teasing his cock. Feeling hot, Waver decided to strip down to just his underwear, giggling a little at his core as he felt a wonderful shudder go through his whole abdomen.

His waist dipped in a little, perfect for adding to the ambiguity in a tight crop top while that extra bit of fat he wanted gone burnt away in the blink of an eye. Before his eyes was the core of his dreams, a tight, toned tummy that flexed appreciatively as he rubbed it with his cute little fingers, the nails glossy atop each slender digit and decalloused palm. Even his toes were a delight, a similar level of polish adding to their more delicate shapes, his toned buttocks tensing as he suddenly couldn’t help himself staring at his own body. Waver slid a hand under his black bike shorts and began pumping away at his manhood, pleased, quivery cries filling the room as the softened pads of his fingers made the masturbation all the more exciting, his cock growing an extra two inches while the small ball hairs and tightly manscaped patch above were waxed away. With his slender new hands, larger cock and higher voice moaning in harmony he reached climax far sooner than he had expected, load after load of cum shooting out with a surprising amount of propulsion, draping his computer screen and desk in cum, some spots dribbling lazily onto the sheet as he moaned, quietly recuperating as the hard rod slowly softened to a more reasonable size, retreating under the tight confines of his bike shorts to a respectable bulge even while spent.

Wasn’t he doing something before he got, heh, distracted? Hmm, what was it what was it… Oh right! The sheet! Looking over the slightly cum dampened paper he realized he had made a dumb mistake. He hadn’t even signed his name! Humming a cheery tune, he suddenly had a brain fart. What was his name? It had an a in it right? Yes that’s right duh! Of course it was, “Astolfo~!” He half cheered it as he wrote it down, continuing to hum his theme music as he looked over his previous answers, a frown crossing his face. What was wrong with him? How could he be so… so… BORING?! Why even take this stupid quiz if he didn’t live out his fantasies, enjoy himself a little. He never had much use for documentaries anyway, fiction so much more enticing and fun, like him! Though maybe if there was someone cute nearby, boy or girl, that could be more enticing yet.

But alas, Astolfo was alone with a boring questionnaire though the pen at least was stylish and matched his charms well. But what would be fun to imagine? Maybe a few aesthetic differences! Looking at the questions he crossed out “pink” and “amethysts” and replaced them with just “blonde” and “sapphires,” his hair flopping down from its gravity defying state while becoming vastly less complicated, silky golden strands like sunbeams on an august morning brushing against his ass, his doey eyes a deep cerulean that sparkled. Surely there was more he could do right? Looking down the other past answers nothing really stood out past the last one he had done, a smug grin on his face as he added two words, “massive cock” to the answer, the moans that followed almost immediate.

His already large cock throbbed as it extended, hardening instantly as testosterone was force pumped into it, his balls swollen in record time, the tight confines of his bike shorts ensuring he could see every subtle shift in his monster cock as it happened, just through a spandex veneer. Oh he definitely was horny now, and excited to play with his… new toy? No wasn’t it always like this? Well he could always have fun later. Scanning down the next few questions were too boring to answer, one hand using the pen as a pointer while the other slowly teased his erection. Finally his eyes landed on one with potential for fun.

Q: What race are you?

Did they mean what class? Perhaps it would be fun to be a saber or an archer class servant for a bit, but that was too obtuse thinking. It either meant ethnicity or fantasy race, and considering how much pride Astolfo took in his skin care regiment, only one of those options held any fun for him. After all, he did like to think of himself as god’s naughty gift to mankind.

A: An angel fallen from heaven.

He giggled at that answer until the strange pressure started pushing against his back. It was hard to describe, not exactly painful, but very uncomfortable, like two sneezes threatening to go but not quite reaching realness as the edges of his shoulder blades grew swollen. If he hadn’t been so caught up in the strange swelling there he might have noticed the air above his head solidifying in a donut shape almost, one segment missing as the chunk solidified and goldened into a broken halo. Feeling the sprouting objects from his shoulder blades, suddenly a heavenly pleasure washed over him, his hands falling to his sides as white, ethereal blades slid out, the shapes separating completely, yet the two white wings held an ethereal bond with his body that lifted him off the chair, his face blushing hard as he touched one of them, a calm love filling his gut as he floated back down into his seat.

“Ohh~ these are nice but I should finish up this questionnaire. Lets see boring, boring, who cares, lol who even wrote that, and yaaay~! Finally a fun one!” It was the last question on the sheet, a rather common question for any quiz of this type yet the possibilities were very tempting as Astolfo wracked his mind for an answer.

Q: Are you male or female?

He could answer female, a part of him curious about how that’d feel, though he’d be greatly saddened by the loss of his androgynous charm, his girly appearance making it all the more exciting when he seduced someone, having a bit of both for everyone. Wait… a bit of both? Of course! That was the fun answer, the only one that’d suit a person of his stature and fluidity and it’d make the teasing and sex all the more fun as he answered before flipping to the back and circling a name.

A: Both.

None of the previous answers could compare to this one, the sudden changes obvious even with the oblivious nature in effect as Astolfo’s body erupted in ecstasy. A few times he had rubbed his nipples in the heat of things, but never had they begged for it before, the usually inert lumps spiking in sensitivity as they felt like two separate dicks on his body, his hands tweaking them introspectively at first before groping the swollen pink lumps mindlessly. This had never felt half as good as it did now, the pleasure almost corruptive as his moans altered slightly in pitch and tone, his facial features shifting slightly from the teasing ambiguity to a more cherubic facial style, his lily white skin tanning slightly to a smooth cream color. As he tweaked at his needy nipples, pockets of fat formed to make it even better, small a cups tenting out from his chest as adorably arousing pleasure zones, his cock seizing up as it shot out thick ropes of cum.

His mind was swimming, yet this was only the start, an entire new world coming to life between the base of his balls and his asshole. The horny angel moaned and squealed, unable to take in the pure bliss of their doubling genitalia, another spurt rocketing out as the tender skin turned puffy before parting with a slight puff of hot air.

“OH GAAAAWWWDD~!” They were praying to whichever deity was making them feel so good, maddening pressure digging through the opened pussy lips to carve a chasm through the muscles there, a spiderwebbed network of tubes and hormones worming their way through the cumming angel’s bucking body, their hips popping out to make room for double the sets of genitalia. Their balls throbbed as they grew even larger, tubes connecting to their base as one ball remained the same while the other rolled about their scrotum, shooting out all of its cum as it curdled into an ovary, one of each pulsing pleasantly in their thickened sack.

Eventually the carved out force scraped against their prostate, part of it siphoning off as the organ swelled a bit, adding plumpness to her left ass cheek and an increased g spot that went off multiple times in the reformation. As part of it separated they both solidified into separate structures, though the small sphere of torn off prostate was soon punctured by a tube that connected directly to their pussy lips, outside air flowing as the organ began to inflate. Crim could feel every inch of it, screaming in heavenly euphoria as the triangular channel that had been carved out for them was stuffed by the organ, every inch throbbing as she felt it brush against her prostate, realizing that any sort of hard fucking would send them over the edge, a large cock sure to shake their womb and trigger their g spot with ease. With one final strained cry, Crim came from both at once, white shots smearing against her desk while their chair was drenched in vaginal juices that piled up and spilled along the cushioned seat.

Gasping for breath, Crimvael looked at the mess they made suddenly horrified, realizing they’d have to clean this up since this wasn’t a succubus joint. Actually wait, where was this? There was a sheet of paper that oddly had their name circled in the neatest most uniform handwriting they had ever seen under a header that read: “I am ___” Gasping as they noticed the computer and lights and other technology, Crim groaned and wondered how this could have happened. They had been isekaid! Drat they must have gotten separated from Stunk and Zel and the gang on that last mission and fallen through a portal. Now they’d have to find a way back before the residents of this planet freaked out over an angel in their midst, a hung, horny angel. God they were horny, err, sorry god you probably didn’t need to know that. Well there were some memories strangely swimming around their head from someone who was similarly gender fluid, including a strip club that offered more hands on service only a few minutes flight from here. Well… they could always write the review first and then tackle the return home mission with a clear mind. Yeah that’s why he was going to fuck a stripper, for the mission. Embarrassed at how far they had fallen, Crim flew defeated, knowing they were most certainly a pervert and hoping that the place would accept missions for sexual favors. Maybe the world would have need of her resistance to all the elements and diseases of the world. Nah that was wishful thinking. Before they left for ‘work’ something buzzed freaking Crim out as they looked for some beast or thing that made the noise, but all they found was a small black rectangle that flashed a message, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” from someone named Charoset. Well uh, good for them Crim supposed as they flew off, just hoping for a good fuck and then a one way trip back home. Crim had hard work to do.


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