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Endlessly it wandered, without need, the passage of time meaningless to its travels. One home replaced another, all temporary, its memories constantly shrouded, confused by the desires and rituals of the once living and more cognizant of spirits. It had spent the last stretch of time with a large headed witch after a fun bit at her sister's bathhouse, but as more time passed it grew harder to even care to remember the names of those it passed on its journey. The only part that truly stood out had been its merging with a spirit, the tangibility of its desires almost cracking through the separation No Face always felt amongst others, but that too was fading, its flavor an afterthought as it looked for a new place, not even sure why it had been forced out of the last as it always was.

Despite its lack of needs, it did have a singular want, to be accepted wherever it was. It's not like it hated being alone, in fact much of its time was spent alone, wandering the endless spaces of the afterlife. Nor did it necessarily have a strong attachment to its singular want, the abstract idea merely an entertaining differential of its time through infinity. Still it was all so very confusing, these emotions and opinions other creatures spoke of as if they were obvious. A few times some spirits had heard of No Face's existence from a brief merging and had said it made them sad. When it asked what that meant, the other spirits always did something odd with their faces as a leak must have opened up in their incorporeal form, its expression unchanging even when they tried to explain how much sadder that made them. It merely existed, with no compulsion for joy past an innate desire to be accepted or useful to those around him. It was looking for a distraction from existing and that is what brought it to the massive radiance coming from the new bathhouse.

It did not know the actual age of the building, yet it was certain the more alien architecture and devices throughout were of a modern era, the light not from gas or a wick or oil, but odd spheres of glass. The light itself was tremendous, clogging the night sky with its intrusive glow, a beacon for all wanderers, though surprisingly as it grew closer to the building, the standout part wasn't the light but the wall of noise growing with every meter it moved closer. From far enough it seemed like a solid mass of chatter, the tone wavering from alto to soprano, the indistinct mass soon separating into endless individual titters, groans and giggles.

When the steam began to condense around its mask and form droplets that dripped down into its mass, it knew that it was finally close, the great walls of the jaggedly built bathhouse all right angles colliding with each other, the walls all glassy and fogged over from the heated water within. It was good that the glass was steamed, the walls of it so alien a concept that surely it would have walked into it accidentally and possibly damage its mask. Instead it began circling the perimeter, looking for an entrance and an invitation inside. After a short walk of six hours it had found it, large sliding doors teeming with life and music, the people all young and clearly... what was the term for beings with large lumps of mass on the chest and behind and with entrances between their legs? It didn't really matter it supposed, though what was more curious were the glowing rectangles of light each one held in their hands, thumbs moving at miraculous speeds as they seemingly buffeted the light receptacles for no reason. A twitch perhaps? It must learn what this meant.

For a while its slow movement remained undetected as it huddled around the outskirts, calmly surveying the scene as it tried to figure out the new customs of this place, clearly separate from the usual cities it was accustomed to. It could now see that the rectangles of light were actually floating menus of some kind, their confines constantly changing to match the pattering of the user's thumbs. Many were inputting orders or reacting to strange creatures trapped in the small boxes. Many were endlessly scrolling through a series of still images and lines of text, always more appearing when they flicked their thumbs. Eventually one of the throng looked up and gasped, seeing it looming over them as it struggled to make out more details of their devices. She made eye contact with the blank eye holes of its mask and covered the bare masses on her chest before screaming, alerting the rest to its existence. Now they were all screaming.

Of course this did not worry No-Face as it had seen various forms of screaming throughout its time and not wanting to seem out of place amongst the cowering, feminine group it began doing it's loudest "ahh, ahh" sounds though it was rather hard to make out. Sadly they began throwing items at it with some fleeing. While the individual messages of rejection were too intermixed to make out, it knew enough from the tone that this would not be a new home unfortunately. Right as it began to slink off and begin its search anew, the yelling stopped, a hushed sound of deference replacing it as a most impressive woman began making her way through the crowd.

She was bedecked in jewelry and heavily tanned with absurdly large masses on her chest that threatened to burst free from her loose fitting outfit, though it supposed that it was held in place by the two obvious protrusions in the center of each mass that surely must have acted as some kind of pin. On the sash and sides of her bathrobe ensemble were multiple pink jeweled rectangles, each one buzzing and flashing messages in a dizzying array as she sized up the spirit before her and smiled.
"Pffft this is the pervert you were all worked up about?" Even the rectangles went silent when she spoke, their buzzing incessant buzzing taking leave for a few seconds as one timid girl spoke up.
"B-But O-Nee-Sama he's cree-" All it took to shush her was the raising of a single manicured finger, the other hand busy tapping away at the screen of one of her phones, its case sapphire with pink jewels forming a strange circle on top of a plus sign.

"That's no way to talk to our guest! Besides, it is quite adaptable, and not one of those icky interlopers who try to break into our haven. In fact it's soooo~ adaptable that I think..." She trailed off, spending another minute tapping before giving a dramatic press with her thumb, the crowd's silent phones all buzzing like a horde of cicadas coming to feast. Suddenly the mood changed, the hostile crowd of girls now alight with giggles and blushes, the crowd moving to encompass it as they led it inside, though it was so amazed by the change in reaction that by the time it thought of reading their devices every girl's receptacle held a different image again, though it was intrigued by how fluid the images moved and how they controlled them.

Slowly the alien became more routine as it stood and stared, occasionally being moved around by a group of girls, all laughing about some type of gossip as they randomly asked No-Face for input, the confused spirit going "aaa, aaa" enthusiastically to mirror the others as they all chattered away. It wasn't sure where to look, used to staring in other creatures' eyes, but here it seemed it was more polite to look down at the "phones," a term it was delighted to learn along with screen, feed, social media, updates, texts, gossip, and something referred to as a lowell that each girl insisted was hilarious. At a certain time each night the bath house would close and the girls would go to their own futons, though it would be a few more hours until the residents actually went to bed.

It was still trying to understand the concept of gossip, assuming it was some sort of fruit picked at night as that was when it was the juiciest. There was some confusion over how they never ate it at first, but that only made it more comfortable as eating had always seemed like a strange ritual whose appeal had never made sense to No-Face. Though the girls had their own strange rituals here too. It would happen after the special gossip and the talk of boys, which many seemed paradoxically repulsed and entranced by in equal measures. The girls would separate and lie down, hiding underneath the blankets, but a few each night would have rectangles of light pop through their thin sheets, a strange ritual of writhing beginning as something jerked up and down slightly from the middle of the bag while they would make noises similar to No-Face's speech, soft "aaah aaah" sounds coming out as they did this unknown process. No-Face tried to respond the first few nights with his own aaaahs, but the girls would inevitably pop out and politely ask it to stop ruining the mood. After three nights it had stopped responding, sensing it was personal, but wondering what it was.

"What is it? Hmm... it's hard to explain, but how about you come to my office and I can show you instead." Rie(who preferred to be referred to as RiRi or Rachel when she wanted to feel more 'American' which meant nothing to it) tried to lay on a teasingly playful tone, but it was largely lost on No-Face who was far more concerned with this daily occurrence that seemed communal and individual at the same time. Riri always had an air of command over the place without ever being overbearing, and No-Face appreciated her help as she took it under her wing, patiently deciphering its gestures and answering its questions day in and day out. She would meet up with it at least once a day to have a little "girl talk," though this was the first time it had been turned private. On the way to her lavish offices, it noticed many of the girls whispering and giggling as they passed, though on what it could not begin to guess.

Once inside, Riri drew the curtains and began disrobing until her form was naked.
"Aaah aaah?" She laughed.
"No you don't always have to remove your clothes, it just makes explaining it easier." No-Face nodded and watched attentively as she gingerly placed a hand between her legs, spreading the slit opening  and positioning her free hand in front of the exposed entrance to something wet and pink.
"Now watch closely, cause I won't do this again in front of you... unless you really want me to." She already knew her own joke wouldn't land and began probing her fingers into the slit, clear juices running out as she began to moan. Her moaning matched that of the other girls almost to a T, though her motions grew more exaggerated and faster in conjunction with her noises getting louder and harsher. It was a strange sight to behold, though not much stranger than eating. It seemed most creatures enjoyed shoving objects into their holes. Riri shrieked as a torrent of fluid spilled from her slit and was left panting, slowly withdrawing her hand and smiling at No-Face.
"You should try it No-Chan. I think you'll find it helps the night pass faster, though please do it under covers as it's more personal than public."

Later that night the same ritual repeated itself until all the girls had gone to bed, the tell tale lights flickering on as the quiet aaahs filled the room. Seeing as everyone else was lying down it joined them, with its own futon now as it tried to get used to lying down instead of standing. Going over the motions of what it saw before, it pressed a hand against it's lower mid section and pushed into the shapeless mass of its innards, pushing in and out in varying intensities and occasionally going "aaah aaah" to make sure it was doing it right. Nothing really happened of note, yet it seemed to be another thing to fit in and so it became part of its nightly ritual over the next week.

Over the next few days, No-Face noticed a few of the girls wanting to ask it something, their faces always turning red after stumbling over a few "No-Chan"s before eventually giggling and saying "no forget it." Sometimes it would try to ask a question, but the girls weren't like RiRi, they couldn't understand what his continuous "aaahs" meant and thought it was asking for more of their usual chatter on boys, fashion, skin routines etc. Finally a girl had gotten past their shyness and asked it a question while the girls had been fussing over some strange black strands that had begun popping out of the upper middle part of its forehead. They had started growing once it had joined in on the ritual, yet it was of no concern to No-Face as it had subconsciously altered its form many times in the past, though the other girls loved brushing the strange tangles the more they grew out.

"N-No-Chan..." squeaked the girl named Kumiko who had originally called it creepy and was the most scared of it at first, yet now clung the tightest to it among all the other girls besides Riri.
"Uh, i-is it true that Riri showed you uh... things?" It tried its best to explain, but after realizing none of them were getting it, it remembered how Riri had shown it and began to plunge its fingers in and out of the spot it had chosen as the closest approximation to where Riri's entrance had been. The entire room stopped and stared, some horrified, others in disbelief, most of them feeling second hand embarrassment until Kumiko piped in quickly for it to, "STOP STOP STOP! P-Please that's indecent!" No-Face quickly stopped, barely noticing the extra inch its head strands had drooped, caring more about the strange atmosphere of the room. As always though, Kumiko broke the silence.
"You seemed so robotic No-Chan... D-Do you even like doing it?" The confused aaahs left its response completely clear to the room as suddenly it burst into laughter, the girls now hounding him with advice.

"Lol I can't believe how clueless you are No-Chan."
"Pfft and this one thought you were a pervert when she saw you lurking."
"Sh-Shut up Satomi! You thought so too!"
"Aww we just need to help our little No-Chan blossom, isn't that right girls? I mean we can't leave everything to Riri, she already does enough-"
"Plus she always hogs all the fun!"
"Oh gawd yes! No-Chan I bet you must be getting tired of her by now. Isn't Kumiko much cuter?"
"S-Stop it Hikari!" Confused on why it would tire of a person No-Face shook its head to Hikari, another eruption of giggling confusing it all the more.
"Well who do you think of when you do... that thing you were showing us earlier? Wait did Riri ever teach you the word for that? Eh it doesn't matter, who do you think of?" This completely baffled the poor spirit. It was supposed to think of a person when it did this ritual? Riri had never explained that part of it. Perhaps that would help make it clearer to it what made it so fun for the others.

Copying a move it had seen from the other girls when asked a question they didn't know, it shrugged its shoulders up then down in quick succession, hoping they would elaborate.
"No one? No wonder you aren't feeling it! We need to find you a mantasy and quick." Enjoying the attention but not sure how to respond or what that word meant, it nodded leading to a furious rush of conversation. They all began browsing their phones, pulling up websites of men in various outfits and stages of undress, making fun of each other's tastes while yelling at No-Face to pick someone they liked. With so many options and the wonder of if there was a wrong option, No-Face just went with its gut and picked an extremely well muscled one, enjoying the geometry of his abs and the angles the muscles made on his rigorously trained body. The room approved.
"Sorry Kumiko, looks like No-Chan isn't interested in someone like you."
"Nooo~ It's not like that!"
"Let's leave them alone and let No-Chan have fun."

The lights turned off, the gossip ended and No-Face once more returned to its futon, still unused to lying flat. Curious as to what kind of difference it would make, No-Face began its nightly routine, keeping the image of the man it had picked out and probing its innards once more, not noticing much of a difference at first besides its hand being a bit rougher than usual as its mind wandered away from the task itself and focused on the man. After a few minutes though, it began to feel something new and strange as its hand stirred up its insides, finding a bit more resistance than it expected. Perhaps it was imagining the entire thing and it was just wishful thinking, which would be odd in and of itself for No-Face, yet its amorphous mass seemed to be almost... thickening a bit?

Yes that stirring analogy seemed apt, almost like its hand was a liaison or the source of a simmer, it's frictionless innards not quite hardening so much as turning slightly soupy. It wasn't much, yet the more it probed the more viscous each push inwards felt, the speed increasing as it grew excited at what was happening, yet after an hour of continuous pumping it stopped, vaguely unsatisfied, yet that dissatisfaction was proof of progress towards some mysterious end goal. Removing its hand, it couldn't help but feel strangely heavy, for the first time feeling some discomfort in the middle of its back area. Dipping its head out from the blankets it noticed how the other girls seemed to be comfortable with their midsections slightly raised, and so it too settled down and kept it's back somewhat arched. When dawn came again, it barely noticed  how the subtle arch had become ingrained in its mass, even as it stood up. A new week was approaching.

The following week became one of the strangest No-Face could remember in its entire existence, no small feat, starting with Riri perking up the second she saw it.
"Oh you're progressing so well No-Chan! I'd text you for more updates, buuut~" She tapped her phone against its mask, a pleasant tinking sound accenting each hit, "Well one of these days I could give you one I guess, but most of these girls find them too personal in this place at least. I'm sure when the time is right you'll know." She gave its stringy growths a few twirls, the strands now brushing past the bottom purple eye marks and giggled at something she refused to explain. And with that she had left it to roam the bathhouse.

The true oddness came from a vague feeling of understanding beginning to permeate No-Face's being. It couldn't put it in concrete terms nor properly feel the things others were feeling, yet slowly the odd reactions, the conduct, the proper times to laugh and interject were coming into focus, and every night it did its ritual, the picture became that much clearer. It was definitely feeling its form changing, its amorphous body more set in its shape as it imagined the man each night. It had always been amorphous besides the times it consumed living beings to absorb their traits, and this was its own transformation, something indescribably satisfying about triggering its own change, not a single worry as it's form thickened and grew heavier, the once solid blob that was its lower half gaining a noticeable line down the middle that deepened every night it stirred itself up, excited to continue changing further, understanding more.

On the third night it was going at it especially hard, it's innards now thick and puddingy, its hips beginning to thrust a bit upwards as it remembered Riri doing something similar in her demonstration. Gradually its thoughts shifted more from the man to Riri, finding both now interesting as it replayed her demonstration over and over, now finding its mind focusing on details it hadn't noticed before. How perfectly curved her body had been, its makeup a series of interconnected arches that accented each other, truly reaching a harmonious zenith when she wriggled from her work. It had never really thought about how her sweat had travelled either, the trails forming these amazing geometric matrices that were truly intriguing as it thrusted up harder.

Naturally its hand was probing in deeper, the thickened internals beginning to hum slightly, growing to a buzz as No-Face stuck it's fingers in up through the joints, then the knuckles, eventually plunging the entire hand in up slightly past the wrist. For the first time its aaahs weren't perfunctory or robotic, there was a slight confusion as the urge to do them occasionally overtook the thought, those instinctual ones coming out sharper, higher, clearer. It's motions were less stirring as much as churning now, a queer rise in body temperature flowing out slowly as the internal hum became a more grating buzz that vibrated against its probing hand. It was really getting into it now, unsure of what this building strangeness was, but embracing it as thoughts of Riri and the man now overlayed on top of each other, the thick mass twitching at the thought as something at its core was turning hard, it's wrist probing deeper until suddenly it found it, accidentally ramming into the hard lump as a hot spike shot through it's body with a heated groan, a velvety tearing noise breaking it from its fantasy as it looked below.

What was that? What was that strange sensation? For a second it began to feel the beginnings of a craving taking shape as it's body shook, every inch of it tense as it was on the verge of breaking through to something crucial, life-shattering... but the tenseness faded as its insides softened. It was still thicker than it had been when it started the night, but nowhere close to that tantalizing solidity, whatever it had found dissolving back into the once again amorphous whole. What didn't return was the source of that sleek shearing sound, the developing line in its lower half finally tearing through to reveal two differentiated sections, rudimentary legs formed from the once singular floating support. It was moved them, confused at how to properly maneuver the blocks of inky black and wondering why they weren't recombining when it pressed them back together. For the first time it pondered whether the cumulation of these changes were alright when a harsh buzzing filled its head.

The mask wobbled with its head, two quick jolts shaking it as the room spun, the comforting darkness closing in. In one eye it thought it saw the number one, a finger poking into the socket as it swore it could hear Riri whisper "good night" into its ear as the darkness fell in. And suddenly it was somewhere else, trapped in a black void of nothingness. In the distance it saw a spark of light and began walking, for the first time feeling a sense of longing as it hoped the light was for the bathhouse. For hours it seemed to travel, the speck now a solid beacon on the horizon, the sounds of something beginning to reach its-

"No-Chan? A-Are you okay?" Kumiko was staring down at it worried, though No-Face was happy to find itself back in the bathhouse, though strangely it had gone from dark to day in an instant, the entire experience unsettling and intriguing as it sat up. It bent back a tad, no sound accompanying the further angle to the arch as it tried to stand, stumbling for the first time as Kumiko lent her shoulder to it, finding it's new base odd and clumsy. It staggered its way through the rest of the day, observing intensely how the other girls moved on such strange protuberances as it focused on the small details of their feet, their legs, their hips. It had expected there to be some reaction to the change in appearance, yet instead of shock or confusion, the bathhouse seemed excited, the girls more than happy to lend a shoulder or demonstrate proper walking technique to their cute lil No-Chan.

Riri was the most excited at all, poking at its mass in a way that felt strange, her finger finding some resistance in its usually billowy state. There was a delighted purr that followed her appraisal of its body, the timbre and tone of it stirring... something within No-Face, though like last night it dissatisfyingly discorporated back into its body.
"Yes I think you're really taking it all to heart now, though you might need another special lesson when you're ready for it." She winked on the word "special" and again that same strange flutter pushed its way into existence before fading. There was no better way to describe it as it continued, No-Face so used to existing and never truly changing that these transient sensations were completely new territory for it to consider. After a full day of being immersed with the bathhouse girls once more, it barely noticed how its hips were swaying, or at least attempting to, the rest of the day fairly uneventful past one peculiar incident.

It had been walking down the pool when it stumbled, the girls unable to catch it as it fell right into the water, writhing around like a landlocked fish until realizing the water was shallow enough to stand in. Before anyone could even titter or crack a smile, No-Face felt the humor flow through it, its "haa haa haa" sounding concise, mirthful and strangely high pitched, though it guessed its voice had been slowly changing since it got here, not chirpy like many of the other girls, but definitely containing a softness to it it didn't have before. And then the outburst was gone, most of the room taken off guard by the laugh, the ones who weren't smiling gladly as the announcement for the bathhouse closing rang through the building, the girls all helping No-Face to it's legs as they half dragged it back to the sleeping area.

After the girls had tried braiding its lengthened strands and failing, No-Face shifted about uncomfortably, trying to get used to its differentiated limbs below as it thought of how the girls had made it seem so easy, almost second nature. It wondered if the nightly ritual would help tonight, but a part of it was scared that it would only make it worse as it decided to forego its usual procedure. Strangely though, the longer it went without doing it, the more agitated it became, the consistency of it having ingrained it as habit as it felt a need for the first time developing between its legs. Unused to such a thing, it made a few distressed aaahs before giving in to the desire, never before having desires strong enough to require training it to say no to itself. It probed nervously at first, still worried at the effect it would have, but then that thickening buzz permeated its innards once more, that tantalizing solidity coming to it much faster now as its hips slowly gyrated, its finger pressing deeper. It wasn't just the man or Riri in its thoughts now, but the various women of the bathhouse, their shapely hips and curvy legs running through in a montage as it zeroed in on the details. The inward buzz was permeating its legs as it continued thrusting in and out, aahing uncontrollably as the formless flow inside the two branches slowed and began to press, shaping into the subjects of its thoughts as the blocks began budding at the very bottom.

Hot spurts of roiling mass sprouted out, the two blocks seeming to melt as their geometric shapes turned stranger, No Face's imagination carving out more shapely supports for its body as the blocks both snapped in the middle, the sprouting lumps at the bottom turning ovular and differentiating into five separate stubs on each. This brought an onslaught of instinctual additions to the ritual, a natural progression from the initial clumsy insertions to the moderate, but mostly conscious hip thrusts. In contrast to these two sets of semi controlled movements, its legs were a tangle of twitching confusion and joy, tossing up a fuss under the blankets to the pleased ignorance of No Face, its mind fully occupied with the now steadily forming channel between its legs.

It had never felt this solid before, the thickening mass remaining pliable, but becoming constricting, its forearm deep thrusts receding as its body pushed back. The shapeless innards were finally gaining a rudimentary purpose, some chunks of its body still liquidy and now starting to pump between the forming pieces, sending a wondrous warmth as the constant purposeful movement continued to churn its insides, hardening them further as its quickened thrusts found themselves enclosed in a channel, its hand still inside of itself, but it was no longer enough to call its insides just a singular inside. The more its hand was pushed out, the more gratifying its thrusts became, the resistance adding a strange friction that sent pleased sparks through its body as it felt that core element it had been waiting for finally solidifying, it's fingers unable to fully wrap around it, but grind against it as its entire body began slowing the tempo to drive hard, violent shocks of ecstasy through its body, that heat simmering to a boil.

It's legs were thrashing now, the blocky thighs now cylindrical and thick in a way that wasn't just sturdy. Their nice swell arced nicely down to its new knees, the still forming joints getting a hard workout as any creakiness in their unfinished insides was worked out in their pinioned bending. Below the knees were slender calves now, all sense of bulkiness shaving away with every kick they made, adding to the diminishing curves that ended at the heels of its feet. Said feet were twitching and rotating around the unfinished ankles, bulging out as the lumps at the end swelled into wriggling toes, each one a dainty delight. The whole bottom section looked like a wondrous work of femininity, cloaked in a sheer black substance, the contours of its legs and feet fully outlined behind the inky black layer of its skin as it thrust harder, aahing higher and louder as its body shook.

It was lost in the ritual now, images of Kumiko and Riri's bodies doing the ritual with each other all it was thinking of as it continued prodding the hardening lump, strange pressure mounting behind the lump and around its throat. In the corners of its mind it noticed how much higher its voice was as the pressure beared down, forcing its mask to slope up higher as the indistinguishable shape of its shoulders and head fully separated, its mask rising as a thin, sloping connecting cylinder now hefted the weight of its mask, its real mouth grunting as the tongue lolligagged out, the black strands tickling the lowered slopes of its shoulders. It gave a few high moans in the tones of its new voice, the feminine tones intermingling with its imagined fantasy as its hand stuck hard at the fully solid lump, a wail leaving it as its entire body spasmed, a hot treacle of inky fluids shooting out with its fingers as it felt bliss encompass its being.

"Ahh AHH AHH!" No Face collapsed in a mess, a strange, pleasant ache running through its shivering form as it withdrew its fingers, a moist, quivering pop accompanying the slight pull it felt as the tips were pulled out. Confused, it felt around its usual spot, surprised to find that the area was now impermeable and merely throbbed painfully if he pushed too hard against it instead of parting for his fingers. No, now he had a specific entrance, a soft warm slit that had stayed open from his fingers retreat that led into a strange channel that throbbed with rhythmic pulses, the walls lined with responsive groups of pliable, but solid mass that seemed to breathe faster when it rubbed a finger against the ribbed walls, one more surprised eek leaking from its mouth as another small spurt pooled down below.

There was something overwhelmingly wrong about this, or perhaps it was just from how alien it all felt, its body never having released anything of its own volition like that. Anxiety raced through it as it poked at the leaked juices, finding them stagnant and lifeless now, no longer a part of it and showing no signs of ever rejoining the whole of its body. But it could only keep up the worry for a bit, the vast changes to its body taking its toll as suddenly it felt like it could no longer move, its body completely worn out and ready to fall to... something that it didn't quite understand yet. It fought for as long as it could to stay conscious, barely making it ten minutes before like the night before, its mask suddenly buzzed twice, Riri's voice whispering in its head again. "It's time to give you a sex talk girl. I know this all must be like soooo~ confusing to you, but just relax and let Riri take care of you. Now lets talk masterbation!" Her words carried the hushed tones of an excited sleepover gossip round, yet it slowly calmed No Face the longer it droned on, talks of sex and privates and other things lulling it back to the dimly lit void.

It was back where it had left, the world black beyond the bright glow far off in the distance. Something throbbed in its chest. It couldn't stay here, it needed the light, yet as it walked towards the light, No Face couldn't help but notice a slight dripping sensation falling from its body. Whenever it stopped moving the drip would pause, yet with every step it was more sure of what it was feeling, a minuscule piece of itself dislodging every time it moved to the light. And yet there was nowhere else to go, the darkness feeling oppressive as it began to walk, then run to the light, stumbling at first on its new legs, yet growing used to their dependent support as it desperately ran for comfort, hoping it would still have some of itself left as the light now enveloped the horizon, the sweet chatter of the bathhouse slowly coming to focus as it called for help, but all the voices said in response was-

"Wake up No-Chan! C-C'mon you're being weird..." No Face awoke with a startle, aahing in distress as it found it had once again teleported back to the bathhouse, the night skipping to day with no warning. Kumiko was staring down at him, her face a deep red as she pooled up the soiled sheets and futon as it stretched and worked its new appendages, confused by the changes its body had undergone and trying to wrap its head around how natural moving now came to it like this.
"D-Don't worry No-Chan I'll take care of these for you, though uh... y-you could try to be a bit more uh, q-quiet if you, you... n-nevermind." Kumiko walked off quickly, her face redder than ever while No Face began its usual routine of roaming around the bathhouse, trying to ignore how sensitive its new opening was or how strange its skin felt, almost like it was beginning to chafe and separate from some other layer underneath.

The growing understanding of social cues in No Face made it come to a startling realization over the course of the day, the once comforting stares and giggles from the girls now taking a slightly darker turn as it ran their reactions through its mind. Everyone seemed to be studying it, the gossip and talk quickly hushing whenever it passed by a group, changing gears or remaining quiet until it had passed them leading to a further round of giggles and shushed chatter. They all knew something that No Face didn't, or maybe it was just being paranoid. It ended up going to Riri's office to try and calm down, feeling warmth pool in its opening as the busty boss hugged it in and listened attentively to its ahhs.

"Oh that's what you're worried about silly? No one here hates you No-Chan, you're too cute for that. Everyone's just impressed with your progress! You've really become a staple of this bath house in record time and everyone is excited to see you blossom." "Aaah Aah?!"
"Oh that other stuff is normal, you just aren't used to it yet. Why would I be lying to my cute lil No-Chan? Though if you're worried I did promise you another special lesson if you needed-" Riri had been leaning closer to No Face, her large breasts rubbing against it as she put on that playfully aroused tone that brought that strange flutter to its body, a groan eking out as No Face felt pressure build in between its legs and release, another spurt of black liquid leaving it as its skin felt oddly... tighter. Panic and shame rushed through No Face as it stared at the stain, again feeling heavier, yet missing something as it rushed out of the room, Riri's earnest cries for it to come back not slowing it down in the slightest.

The rest of the day found No Face a bundle of nerves and arousal, trying to ignore its growing urges and growing increasingly worried that through the strong, positive feelings it was going through, it was losing itself in something, though how it could feel so hollow when it had never been so solid was a mystery to it. It just wasn't feeling like itself anymore, those bizarre, unplanned giggles and peeps randomly popping from its mouth as it found itself subconsciously joining in more to the chatter, the weeks and months of the bathhouse having ingrained their ways onto its behavior. It wondered if it should leave, yet the thought was now painful, a part of it needing the bath house like it had never needed anything before. As night came it found its inner turmoil no more quelled than it had been at the start of the day, yet it had come to one decision. Tonight it would not do the ritual no matter what.

It went to bed early, trying to ignore the need between its legs as it ignored the gossip, playing dead when one of the girls tapped its shoulder repeatedly to join in until the lights finally went out. It slept with its hands behind its back, tossing and turning as it tried to get used to having a bodily need and desperately resisting it. It figured with the lights going out the worst was behind it, looking forward to the strange dark void it found itself at each night that it knew would soon swallow its consciousne-


