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"Sun, Beach, Sand, Sun, Beach, Sand. How about we liven things up a bit eh?" Azula's tone got the vacationing fire nation citizens' interest, knowing better than to ignore the temperamental princess, well besides Ty Lee who was still just enjoying the summer sun.

"I think we've had enough of these boring rests, I propose that we do a test of-"

"Zu's just mad that she struck out with those guys yesterday I bet. Besides we'll have like a bunch of war and stuff in a few days when the comet hits. Can't we just relax in the sun?" Even her carefree nonchalance puckered up a bit as Azula's forehead veins flexed, a gritty grinding sound filling the air as she grinded her teeth, barely suppressing her rage at the very public refusal some commoners had subjected her to. Zuko and Mai at least knew enough to not poke a sleeping dragon as they were slowly inching away, though Zuko did have his chi prepared to firebend away the brunt of whatever Azula might send towards her friend.

But since this was Ty Lee and she almost never took anything too seriously, she skipped back up to her feet and embraced Azula in a tight little hug.

"Awww I was just joking Zuzu! Here, why don't I volunteer for whatever you had in mind? Besides I'm sure whatever our g-looooorious leader has in mind must be amazing! Am I right? Am I right?" Azula was always one to be a sucker for sucking up, the bubbly girl's personality a perfect counter to her anger, though one of these days she would probably cross the line.

"Well I was planning to do this with me and my dear brother Zuko, but I suppose you both could test it out and come back for us. Lo and Li did say this was meant to be between members of the opposite sex."

"Yaaaay~! Y'hear that Zooks? We're going on an adventure!" She did a few flips to comfortably grip his arm, the emo fire bender's worries now moving from his crazy sister to his angry girlfriend who yanked him away.

"Azula, I swear this two person thing better not have even a sliver of romanticism involved." Every word was spat out like a dagger, her grip tightening around Zuko's arm as he bit his tongue to keep quiet, knowing better than to say anything when Mai was like this and silently cursing Ty Lee's confused stares, as if she didn't know what she was doing.

"Oh my Mai. That wouldn't be jealousy I'm seeing now would it? Besides Ty Lee has a thing for that water tribe boy isn't that right? The lame one with the boomerang?"


"Besides Lo and Li said nothing about this being romantic or sexual. If it was do you really think I'd be bringing my brother in the initial plan?" Mai relented, Zuko breathing out easily as tensions finally resolved. Though that still left the question of what those two ancient crones had told Azula about.

"Well Zuko, will you do it?"

"You haven't even told us what it is yet. Talk first, then I'll say yes." She pouted, "Awww you're no fun Zuko. I thought you of all people would enjoy a surprise but fine. Remember how Lo and Li said that Ember Island tends to cause its visitors to undergo self-discovery? That apparently wasn't just some old wives tale. There's also an old fisherman's folk fantasy included. They said there was a cavern on the rockier side of the beach away from the usual hangout spots and resorts that is a hub for the old spirits that helped great warriors discover unusual strength and women reveal hidden beauty. Well they switched those two, but they were rather drunk and when they awoke they said not to go there no matter what. Of course they should know by now to never refuse me, but alas, shall you two show your bravery and enter this cavern? See what's in there."

From the stars in Ty Lee's eyes over the mystery, Zuko could tell he wouldn't have much choice and he didn't want to wimp out in front of Mai, especially not after being a fugitive for the last few months. So he gave a reserved, "fine" and the group was off, trekking across the beach until the soft sand was speckled with hard pebbles, then large, flat stones. Mai grumbled about footing as she carefully stepped around the stony clusters, Azula and Zuko both had trained enough where this was nothing compared to their usual search and destroy missions and Ty Lee was acrobatically flipping and twirling to each clear patch of sand, expertly avoiding the stones except for leverage when her hands needed something solid to skip off of. Eventually Azula signalled them to halt, the group turning to the right to see the wide mouth of a cavern before them, the beach wind making eerie whistling noises come from the entrance like a horde of ghosts was wailing at them.

"Well then brother, Ty Lee, this is your cue to enter."

They started to enter, Mai pulling Zuko back a second to monotonously threaten, "If I find out anything happened between you two in ther-"

"Mai was I ever the type to cheat?"

"I don't know were you ever the type to go fugitive?"

"I came back... eventually."

"sigh Fine I trust you just don't take too long in there."

"If you two lovebirds are quite finished, make sure to report on if there's anything of interest in there." Azula ushered them on as the emo prince and the bubbly acrobat both entered the windy entrance and disappeared into the darkness, not realizing this would be the last the world would ever see of them... at least as they were.

"Hey Zuko could ya put a flame on or something? It's getting kinda dark."

"Huh? Oh sure sure." He honestly didn't mind the dark, quite liking the solitude it provided and how he could be alone with his thoughts. But he'd rather not have Ty trip and damage her ankle, a nervous shudder passing through him as he could only imagine Mai's reaction to him exiting the cavern with Ty Lee in his arms. A decent sized flame sparked up from his palm and the hand torch led their path easily through the cavern. It was a surprisingly easy walk through it, the floor barely tarnished with rubble or detritus that'd usually pile up in an unused cavern and he couldn't help but feel like his chi was a bit stronger, though that could easily just be his imagination playing tricks on him. Of course while he'd be fine just exploring in silence, Ty Lee was not one to just walk silently, especially when the limited visibility meant she couldn't expend her endless energy on acrobatics.

"Sooo how's things with you and Mai?"


"Good? Don't you mean great?! Isn't she the best?! C'mon you can do better than just one word can't you?"

"...pretty good."

"Hmmph!" She kicked at the floor, brushing a loose pebble to the side. "Well what about Ba Sing Se? Didn't you set up a tea shop and immerse yourself in the culture? What was that like?!"




"SAY MORE! What was the food like?!"


"How were the girls?"


"What did you do most days?"


"How was the secret police?!"

"You met them."

"I KNOW THAT! But what did you think?! I'm trying to start a conversation here but you're giving me nothing! Even Mai at least talks in sentences..."

"Well I like to watch what I say carefully as the prince of-"

"Yeah yeah prince of the fire nation, eternally tortured, endlessly brooding. The only person who can outsulk Mai."

"Hey don't say that!"

"Oooh four words that's a record." Before he had a chance to respond, the flame flickered violently, a gust of wind announcing that they had entered the inner chamber, water pooling along the floor in crystal clear puddles that reminded him of... well he didn't really want to think of that underground earth kingdom pit, the betrayal still annoyingly bitter in his mind despite being the right thing for the Fire Nation. The sound of whispers was even louder here, echoing into a rising hum as Ty Lee continued to shout.


"MAYBE IF YOU HAD GONE THROUGH WHAT I DID YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO STAY QUIET FOR MORE THAN A FEW SECONDS!" Their echoes amplified, building into a cacophonous roar as the chamber resonated, the waters bubbling around their feet. Of course the spirits had amplified their tempers the second they had stepped into the cavern, waiting for the humans to speak their wishes. There was no real hostility amongst them, or trickery, the newer generations having forgotten the purpose of the switching cave ages ago, yet Ember Island was small enough to give the spirits plenty of worship from visitors.

It had been built ages ago, meant as a spiritual commune to truly see what one's essence was like in another. Many times worshippers would get what they wanted while bemoaning what they had while others had a deep want with no path forward. Since the island had always been a popular vacation spot, the spirits would get tons of travelers seeking to have their needs met, wishes granted, but it was so much more efficient to take two people with opposing wants and switch them. And so rich became poor, men became women, the old became young and the feeble became strong, with the right partner of course. It never made sense to the spirits, but as the years stretched to decades and centuries, as long as no one was forced into the chamber they would respect their wishes. Unfortunately, like water to a hard rock, the waves of time had slowly eroded its purpose, falling to fable, then myth and finally obscurity. Yet time held little meaning to the spirits, so despite time forgetting them, they were still oblivious as they went to work, preparing to swap their two newest acolytes essences.

Their screams had drowned out all further conversation, Zuko and Ty Lee both covering their ears with their hands, Zuko's flames extinguished as the churning waters began to rise around their feet. Their panic screams further echoed as tendrils of spiritual energy mixed with water slathered up their bodies, the writhing masses coiling around both with the consistency of jello, Zuko's flames sputtering against the watery creatures, Ty Lee firmly rooted in place as any attempt to launch herself from the ground was thwarted by the tendrils as they began to probe. They both squealed as their clothes were untied, discarded, their naked bodies gleaming in the moonlit cavern.

Their reverberating yells were turning their bodies into large tuning forks, their essence jittering as chi began to congregate at their extremities and orifices. And then their screams were plugged shut, a few groans equal parts confused, horrified and embarrassingly aroused as the tendrils attacked. Their squirming forms proceeded to be invaded thoroughly, the enhanced water shoving down their throats, covering their eyes, piercing their asses and wrapping around their genitalia while pumping vigorously. The water on their skin meanwhile was randomly shocking against seemingly random parts of their body. For Zuko he was utterly confused, wondering how a water bender could have snuck in here with them and wondering what perverted bastard was making the water pulsate and suck his hardening cock. Ty Lee meanwhile was horrified for different reasons, her extensive pressure point training giving her insight into the seemingly random presses. Something was targeting their chi centers and making sure every last drop would shoot out at once which concerned her even as her body was getting turned on by the slowly accelerating thrusting down below, her nipples rock hard as two tendrils encased her breasts and pulsated, the two trapped teens twisting as climax approached.

As the water worked both of their bodies into a frenzy, pumping and thrusting aggressively as they both tried to not look at each other despite the forces turning them face to face, two tubes were emerging from their confined states. Sprouting from their abdominal areas, they reached out towards the other, by passing each other to connect to the opposite person, their two restrained forms now one connected system. In tandem their bodies were stimulated, their stifled moans almost in sync as their chi was opened, their genitals groped, their internals thoroughly filled until both were ready to burst. And then they came, the mouth tendrils bubbling violently as Zuko's chi, blue with large flecks of black mixed in, shot out from his cock in fitful spurts while Ty Lee's came in a torrent of pink sparkles.

Both of them came again and again until their bodies felt empty, their eyes dropping as they fearfully watched the two oppositely colored masses slowly siphon towards their respective connecting tubes, both trying to weakly resist against their otherworldly bindings, the current dragging both chis quickly to the other, the colorful stains in the crystalline liquid starting to separate as they mingled with the varying currents, their essences now streaming into their bodies. They both gurgled as they could feel the foreign substances enter them, then suddenly stopped fighting it, euphoric bursts of pleasure overwhelming them, the world turning fuzzy, then black as their minds faltered in the oncoming changes, their history replaying in their heads as their bodies slowly shifted.

Zuko groaned through the maddening pleasure, his cock throbbing as the pink essence flowed into him through his tip, pressure building as something gave internally, a pleased cry accompanying its thrust inwards. Suddenly he was thinking of when he was a boy again, before the scar, before the bad days. He had been so happy then, why had he never held onto that? It felt so good to be happ-

"MMPH! HGGGHK!" Zuko trembled as he came once more, feeling strange as the trembling releases only pulled in more pink aura, his recently cut hair turning shaggy, oils washed away by the spirits, the strands spurting with new life. Something was dribbling out of him every time more pink was shoved in he could feel it, unaware that he was shrinking, his vertebrae compressing, collapsing inward with a series of small cricks. Yes he was losing something, but he was finding it harder to care his mind racing as he slipped back into the past.

His father's anger was less severe at the start now that he thought about it, remembering how he would sneak at night with Azula and listen to him complain to mother about when she'd give him a male heir-

"AHHHN~!" The pleasure was supreme, his cock convulsing happily as the tip slipped open, ushering more of Ty Lee's chi in, such bubbly feminine energy slowly eroding his cock as it bubbled in his balls, the whole male instrument beginning to shrink. His balls filled to bursting, the chi pouring in as it forced the brimming sacs back until there was no room, his groin convulsing as the energetic energy tore channels into his muscled innards, wet, floppy spurts accompanying his balls slow suck into his newly opened womb, some of the chi converting to estrogen that ransacked his shaft as the invading chi circulated throughout his body. It felt so warm, bubbly, giggly, Zuko couldn't help but love it as his cock collapsed into his body, an ecstatic gurgle bubbling out as the tip split inside him, a wide wet opening begging to be filled with new chi.

Ty Lee had no such delays, the full brunt of Zuko's essence ramming into her still aching pussy, her resistant grumbles transitioning to pleased blurbs as every inch of her was filled with the emo prince's chi. The pleasure did falter once it all slipped in, a strange thrust making her writhe as it dug in deep in her body, dripping into every orifice and inch of her body. Her clit was buzzing, swelling with a new kind of pleasure, the hard lump throbbing against the walls of her pussy before rising a little, a surprised cry accompanying the impossible motion. Acceptance didn't come as easy for her though as it did for Zuko, the pleasure overwhelming, but the wrongness even moreso as she could feel the alien chi slowly corrupting her, a queasy resignation falling over her as he clit throbbed once more, thrusting out a few more centimeters up her vagina.

Suddenly she felt so stupid, not for anything she had done recently, but for her childhood choices. Her carefree bubbliness wasn't unique, it was exactly like her sisters! All of them were acrobatic, all of them were peppy, cheerful, "quirky" so they could get attention. How was she ever different from them? Just cause they chose something besides acrobatics? No! If she really wanted to be different she shouldn't have been so cheery she should've been, been...

"Ugh~" It wasn't just her clit swelling anymore, her spine popping bak straight, arms tingling as the soft fat was hardening, her thighs draining. Her skin buzzed as her scalp hungrily sucked at her long hair, the follicles retracting while her pores opened, filled with goosebumps as small dark hairs marred the smooth perfection she was used to. If she wasn't so consumed by dark thoughts she might have screeched at how coarse her skin was getting, callouses she had scrubbed away returning to her fingers her toes, her femininity curdling as the negatives of her past seemed so much more prominent, her habitual smile fading to indifference.

Meanwhile Zuko's negativity was being simmered away, his outlook losing the self inflicted dourness as his memories were tweaked. It wasn't hard to seep in Ty Lee's outlook, Iroh's carefree happiness actually breaking through his angsty shell now, more memories of him ignoring Iroh's lessons replaced by them enjoying the exile. And it gave him time to stretch and practice some tumbling too! Despite his bound state, Zuko's lips were twitching to smiles, his hands and feet flexing as they shrank, softened slenderized. 

Their whole body was shaking now, the hardened muscles of their training toning down and increasing in flexibility, his joints prickling as they grew double jointed in most places. Everything about his body was compressing to acrobatic perfection, one of the many hobbies he had taken up during exile. With a muscular shudder his waist collapsed into an adorable midriff, all that flexibility showing off as his cute core writhed and gyrated. Even his broad shoulders were collapsing to a diminutive frame, his arms slender and sleek, legs thickening in all the right places as they stretched out to long, sexy tools of poise and power. His thighs rubbed against each other, squeezing the central tendril that was pounding his pussy, shoving the last of Ty Lee's essence into her quaking, cumming body.

The past was growing bleaker, Ty Lee's forced cheerful outlook that had been ingrained for years turning dour the longer her body was soaked in Zuko's essence. The angst was calling to her, an escape from the bubbly world of her sister, just like how the circus had been an escape from school which had bored her. Before the circus had just been a flight of fancy in her mind, another way to stand out, but now she remembered being actively scouted by the ringmaster, after all there weren't many men as flexible as... her? Ty Lee shrieked, her clit throbbing as it pulled out, not stopping as it swelled into a mushroom head, the rest of her vaginal track solidifying as it thrust out from between her thighs, the shaft of a balless cock swinging. The chi pooled in her fallopians, dragging her ovaries up and out, parts of the tube separating to form a protective sac as with two dry FLLLPS his balls flopped out.

The alien sensations quickly became standard, the pleasure of his new cock aiding his growing body, fat hardening to muscle, his frame not exactly broad as the rounded shoulders flattened upwards to blockier shapes, but his form was more lanky than muscular, sacrificing almost none of his flexibility. What was sacrificed however was his fat, both his ass and hefty breasts trembling as they flattened, his waist sucking the mass down greedily to fill in his curves with muscled flatness. With no need to support his shrinking chest and hardening glutes, with a harsh crackle Ty's spine straightened, shooting his height up a few more inches, siphoning the last of his fat away as the only thing bulging about his pecs and ass were the muscles behind them, not an ounce of fat left. With a shudder two of the water tendrils detached from his nipples, the once ripely pink nubs fading to a dull brown, completely inert.

While Ty Lee's body was losing pleasure centers, Zuko's body was suddenly brimming with them, his skin lighting up with pleasure conducting nerves, nipples throbbing with desire. It felt so utterly wonderful that it was hard to remain sad through any of it, a philosophy that was being ingrained with every spiritual thrust into her lips. Being exiled just meant she didn't have to go and kill a bunch of people like her sister, and being stuck on a boat with tons of fire soldiers meant she could make a bunch of lifelong friendships with, cute, muscly men. So many memories were popping into her head now of fun with her compatriots, both on missions and in the sleeping quarters, which bestest Uncle Iroh always turned a blind eye to, never judging her and just telling her to enjoy youth. And enjoy it she did.

A cascade of lewd drenched her thoughts, each perverted reminiscence causing a swell in her nipples, her chest steadily inflating under the rough, but thorough groping of the spirits, her pleased gurgles rising to a chirpy, bubbly fervor as the tendril in her mouth washed away her Adam's Apple. Thick bags of swollen fat now lay on her chest, nipples erect as they were tweaked and buffeted by the currents. She giggled through the pleasure, dark days alone replaced with the joys of a sunny day at sea, the thought of staying cramped up by choice when there was so much beauty around her now a foreign concept, her body almost complete as the spiritual reconfiguring moved towards the last roadblock of her transition, the trauma that scarred her.

Meanwhile old issues that Ty had thought he'd gotten past years ago were resurging, a childhood surrounded by twin sisters leading to him appreciating the quiet even more, always loving any brief bit of isolation he could find. The best parts of his circus life was the singular trailer they had arranged for him, his hopes that the spotlight of entertainment could drag him out of his shell proven to be wrong. If anything it was even lonelier, a crowd of people reacting, laughing, watching at you but never with you and the most he'd get out of it were a few autographs now and then after the show. Of course there were also bandits that attacked their traveling circus every now and then, which was when he started taking lessons for pressure point techniques, his natural abilities making it a perfect fit.

Most people would be thrilled to have such a powerful tool against benders and lesser trained men, but of course Ty's mind took it far too seriously. This wasn't just a martial art, it was taking the inner workings of the human body and disrupting them. He held life in his fists and one small mistake could be the difference between incapacitation and death. There was no room for carefreeness with such a specific ability. Of course he said no when Azula tried to get to him, first with threats, then her crappy version of seduction, her battle prowess high, romantic ability non existent. The only reason Ty had come was cause Mai had asked the third time... Mai...

Yes now there was a woman who understood him, happy to sit in silence with him, share his dourness, respect his sadness. He had always had a soft spot in his heart for her, but wasn't she dating Prince Zuk- AHHHN Princess Zuka? Pfft of course not they were best friends, the one she always wanted was, was Ty Lu! He moaned, his throat thickening as a throbbing in his balls led to his cock hardening, testosterone running rampant in his muscular body. Some of it clumped up in his throat, a noticeable bulge pushing out as his bright airy voice darkened to a low bass, perfect for his inner angst and reading out his and Mai's depressed poetry in private. The final changes hit him like a truck, everything cute and soft about his old face now hard and lined as he came for the first time as a man, the spiritual bonds dissolving back to water as he collapsed into the puddle, exhausted.

Zuka's mind was still running off the high of her new breasts, the final source of her pain and frustration, the Agni Kai with her father playing through her mind. She screamed feeling the blow that scarred her once more, her face melting in the remembered heat, nose softening, chin rounding, eyes growing and hair floofing out down to her ass. Of course ever the proud warrior, not even as a girl did her father show her any mercy, and with the disappearance of her mother those negative emotions threatened to overwhelm her once more and undo all the good ones that had been implanted. Yet it was cause of the good memories that she was able to snuff it out.

Yes her father was horrible and that moment had been traumatizing, but without it she'd have never gone through the journey she did, meet the avatar, have fun with her uncle, spend a year in Ba Sing Se! She had helped make Uncle Iroh's tea store bloom with her serving she remembered, gripping the teapot with her feet and carefully pouring, which always was a hit with the crowds. Though now she was sad again. Why did she ever betray her uncle? And the avatar group was cute too with Aang, Sokka, Katara...

"KYAAA~!" Zuka squealed as she came one final time, the watery prison dissolving as both Zuka and Ty Lu lay in their respective puddles, naked and satisfied beyond belief.

While they were in their dazed states, the spirits carefully clothed them, their old clothes having swapped in color palletes and gone to their new respective owner, though Ty Lu's bikini top wasn't quite large enough to properly helm up Zuka's full chest. It was amazing she could do flips with those things, yet her balance had been honed over the years. Once both were fully clothed they began to stir, dazed and confused their memories shaky, the last few minutes a blur. Ty felt like he was forgetting something important, but the thought fell away once the chatty fire princess began talking.

"Oh no we're dripping wet! We must have fallen into the caverns here. Good news is I learned this trick from the invasion of the Northern Water Tribes where your chi- oh did I ever tell you about the Northern Water Tribes and the elemental fish and th-"




"Well you're no fun!"

"Lets just leave before Mai's imagination runs wild. We'll let them know it's just a boring cave."

"It isn't boring! It's pretty and-"

"Just dry off and get a torch going." Ty wasn't going to have the ditzy fire princess breaking a leg on his watch if he could help it, shivering at the thought of Mai seeing him carrying her in his arms, both wet. It was gonna be a loooong walk back to the entrance.

"What's taking them so long?"

"Patience Mai, you know Ty Lee plays the flirt but wouldn't do that to a friend. Look, here they come out... now?" For once in her life Azula stood shocked, her guard lowered as her and Mai balked at the much changed pair that exited, Zuko's facial scar now on a well endowed, bubbly girl while the man who Azula assumed was Ty Lee from process of elimination now a brooding, handsomely tall gentlemen who seemed to already be missing the darkness of the cave.

"We explored it sis! There wasn't anything special in there, but it was really pretty! There was this big cavern filled with water and it looked like those mines in the Earth Kingdom when I was with Ka-"

"We know!"

"Hmmph meanie!" Zuka stuck her tongue out at Ty Lu before cartwheeling over to her sister.

"Zuzu won't be mean to me now will you?"

"Uhm... what... Z-Zuko you're-"

"It's Zuka sis! And don't worry Mai your man was a perfect gentlemen in there, you two are so cute together~." Mai was a bit slower than Azula on the uptake, mostly out of sheer confusion over how to deal with this sex pot of a girl with her boyfriend's face scar. And she only grew more flustered once Ty reached them, wrapping a hand around her waist and drawing her in protectively, like a doting boyfriend.

"GET OFF ME!" She pushed him away much to his confusion, Azula's composure reasserting itself as she shut down all emotion, focusing on figuring out the facts.

"You're Zuko and Ty Lee correct?"

"WHAT?!" Mai looked at her like she was insane, the other two confused and hurt.

"I didn't want to say anything before sis, but you did it again. I'm Zuka! C'mon how could you forget your own sister's name? Are both of you pulling a prank on me and Ty Lu?"

"We've known each other for years and yet the princess doesn't even remember my name. And now I've pissed off Mai. Why did I go into that stupid cavern?!" Ty Lu was sulking. Mai was clearly about to go ballistic, but Azula shushed her, clamping a hand over her mouth before asking, "Do you remember what happened in that big cavern you mentioned? Anything strange?" While Ty was still sulking, Zuka seemed far more happy to talk.

"Huh now that you mention it not really, but eh I guess it just didn't stick in my mind. We went in, came out. Sadly no weird spirits or ancient warriors lying around. Mmm I bet those ancient warriors were ripped, though I could still beat em with my bending!"

"Ahhh I see." Mai tore Azula's hand from her face.


"Ohh I thought it would be obvious by now. Clearly Ty Lee and Zuko must have fallen victim to spirits and had their essence shifted. Obviously." The other three looked at her for a few seconds before erupting into synchronous shouts of, "WHAT?!"

On the way back Mai kept quizzing them, refusing to accept any of this bullshit as real. Growing more desperate as they rattled off answers to personal questions and secrets with ease. Azula would have stopped her after the first few, but she found it very informative of how their memories had been altered, determining that while the basics were still there for both, their personalities and outlooks had fully swapped, though both were still skilled in their original techniques.

Sure they could have just sent them back in, but Azula never liked leaving these things to chance and found it more prudent to ask Lo and Li about it since they clearly knew something about it, though it wasn't like she hated having a sister like this. There were so many fun spying opportunities that could be opened, including seduction. Besides it wasn't like anyone would guess off that scar what had happened. Yes there were tons of possibilities that were open to her with her new sister in tow. The next few days would be fu-

"Oh hey Azula that guy you striked out with at the party asked me to go out tonight! And a few other guys! Though it was weird when I asked if you could come along they changed their mind. Weird, anyways it's weird, why does no one remember me? I think something messed with all of your heads or something."

On second thought, she needed to undo this as soon as possible and just rub it in Zuko's ugly depressed face, how the hell that scarred fake woman could so easily snag a guy made absolutely no sense, NO SENSE AT ALL!

"No dear sis- brother you and Ty Lee-"


"YOUR FAKE NAME DOES NOT MATTER! You two must have angered the spirits and in their wrath they cursed you and switched who you used to be. Don't worry Zuka soon you'll be back to your old, moody, unappealing self and Ty Lee will be the only airhead in our group once more." Over the course of their walk back, Azula regaled Zuka of her real history with plenty of barely hidden barbs laced in, Mai occasionally pushing her clingy quasi boyfriend away, desperate to get her real best friend and boy friend back.

Soon enough they arrived, Azula relegating Zuka and Ty to stay in one room after Lo and Li greeted them at the door, the two twins's faces shocked at their ward's changes, which for them meant an  eyebrow slightly raised itself. Closing the doors behind them the ancient twins sighed and stared at Azula and Mai.

"So you ignored our warnings and went to the change caverns did you?"

"No we picked up two people exactly like Zuko and Ty Lee for fun. Of course we went to the caverns! How do we turn them back?"

"There is no way to turn them back-"

"Oh there better be!" Mai was sharpening a few of her torture instruments, glaring daggers at both Azula and the twins.

Even Azula was a bit concerned about Mai's potential actions so she upped the pressure as well, having quickly gotten sick of her sister's charms and preferring things back to how they were. "I'll remind you that our father will not take news of his heir becoming... well you saw her now."

"You need to be patient, we weren't done talking. There is no way to turn them back for twenty four hours. That is how long it takes for the spiritual energy to return. Though if you had just listened to us in the first place-"

"Yes yes very irresponsible of me. Well you hear that Mai? I'm sure you can have some fun stories to share with them once they're back to normal.

"...fine but I don't want to talk to you for a week once it's done."

"Understood. Oh Zuka, good news!" They barged into the room to find Ty Lu sulking in a corner, Zuka nowhere to be found.

"Zuka?" This was strange, where could she possibly have gone off to?

"Oh she left to go be with those guys from earlier."

"WHAT?!" Azula repeated that 'what' hours later when they finally found the dying embers of the party, multiple drunk fire benders passed out on the sand or making out with other drunk people, one of the guys passing them a note from Zuka.

"Heya sis. Decided I don't want to be fixed. Also might defect to the Avatar's group. Kay bye luv ya.


"We'll find her!"

"MMMPH MMM MMMPH!" Mai was currently restrained, mouth gagged as to prevent her from saying anything stupid. Ty Lu had to restrain her with pressure point strikes when Azula had shared the news, not wanting her to do anything rash that would get her killed or thrown in prison and she had been reaching for her knives before the interception. Besides maybe with some time she'd come around to him. Azula meanwhile was confident they'd find her brother soon... wait she did give her guards the correct gender right?

Miles away by the time Azula had found the note, Zuka smiled as she stared at the approaching coastline of the fire nation, having made a few realizations about herself on the way back to their beach house. She didn't want to be some dour little emo wreck, it was much more fun to be how she was now, plus Azula really made her old self sound unappealing to her. And how could he betray Uncle Iroh, what a flying lemur turd! Her itinerary was pretty solid though. Break out Iroh if she could get there fast enough, split paths after apologizing to her bestest uncle and then find the avatar and be his fire bending tutor. That little bald guy was adorable, and she wondered how they'd react to the new her, especially Sokka who she found very cute all of a sudden, though Katara wasn't bad either. She'd make sure to go on some fun 'field trips' with them, excited at what the future would bring and flirting with some of the crewmen on her journey to her new life.



I assume Zuka wandered for a few weeks, until she was able to track the Gaang after The Day of Black Sun...