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She had been training for weeks, practicing her falls, hand placements, using her fire powers to alter her momentum until it was pitch perfect. Most days she’d collapse exhausted from all the concentration and finesse she used with her powers, then she’d get back up and train some more. Yes Tamaki Kotatsu would finally put a stop to her embarrassing gift, her magnetic attraction. Today Tamaki Kotatsu would not get groped.

It still galled her every time she thought about it, her luck starting off bad somewhere in middle school. Lucky Lecher Lure is what the guidance counselors had called it, making sure to stay ten feet away to avoid any accidents that would get them fired and since then barely a day had gone by where she hadn’t slipped, tripped, stumbled, fell or positioned herself into a risque position with someone around her. It wasn’t even the other guys’ fault, each one its own unfortunate accident that sent her crying with shame at her luck. The one time a guy actually DID do it on purpose she made sure they wouldn’t have eyebrows for months, but it wasn’t even the groping that was getting to her.

After a few weeks of this happening many of her fellow teammates avoided her whenever they could, some having girlfriends and not wanting to risk the ire of them, or others just scared of someone unfamiliar with her situation seeing them being perverted. Even the other girls in her department kept their distance, mostly because she scared the guys away and another with some severe fetishes that disliked her for having such a “wondrous ability wasted on the likes of you.” Tamaki needed contact dammit! And not the kind that led to her ass being grabbed or her nipples getting tweaked! Though she was embarrassed to admit the latter did feel good despite her shame.

Shaking her head of the impure thought, Tamaki held herself proud, sticking her ample chest out almost like a dare for someone to grab it, though she avoided going to the bad parts of town where perverts hanged since it’d defeat the purpose of her training. It was a rookie meetup, to better foster relationships between the other rookies, though she didn’t really care too much about the reason why, she was just happy to be around people that didn’t flee at the sight of her.

It started off slow, one of the guys reaching to shake her hand when she tripped, her left breast falling towards his outstretched hand. With a quick pivot and angle correction with her fire ability she smoothly dodged it, gladly shaking the stunned rookie’s hand once she had righted herself. The next came a half hour later, a near thing by the drinks table where a person mid conversation randomly grabbed at the ladle, missing it and almost snagging the ventilated gap that led to her ass. That one they never even noticed how close they’d come to violating her, which was even better in her books.

Then things picked up. Tamaki almost swore her Lucky Lecher Lure was spiking up on purpose, as if her probability wouldn’t let up until she’d been embarrassed at least once. Conversations and idle chatter faded to background noise as her eyes scanned the room for hands, tripping hazards, anything that could hook around and tear at her clothes. After getting through a gauntlet of people tripping during a game of twister, she felt tired and decided to get some alone time. Whistling a cheery tune at her success, Tamaki quickly vaulted over the snack table, earning her some strange looks, but no gropes. It was all very satisfying to know with enough effort she could defy fate and make it out unsca-

“H-Hey watch out!”

Her smile froze as her legs tangled up with someone else. They had just suddenly appeared as she was rounding the corner, Tamaki cursing herself for rounding it so close to the edge. She tried to backstep but they both had the same idea and it made their tangle worse as she started falling backwards. 

Time slowed to a crawl, her eyes widening as she realized what was about to happen. It was just an instinctual thing, the guy’s hands rising up as he tilted, the standard harm prevention angle being just in line with her breasts. She almost gave up then, deciding it was hopeless, the groping was a foregone conclusion and she would never beat her Lure, but she had to dash that thought, her body reacting before she could even think about the potential harm she was about to do. Fire spurted out from the back of her hips like a tail, spinning them 180 degrees while making their legs even more tangled. Raising her hands up defensively, fire poured out of her and into the guy’s chest, a confused grunt all the reaction he could make before the sudden gust that accompanied the sharp change in temperature blasted his hands away from her chest, his shirt smoldering as the floor knocked the breath out of him, Tamaki closing her eyes as they made impact.

She could feel the warm pulsing beat of flesh on her, though it didn’t seem to be accompanied by the usual shameful spike of pleasure that followed. Tamaki breathed in deeply before opening them again, her eyes looking down to see that despite the absolute tangle their legs were in, her body remained unmolested. Looking down she saw that for once she’d been the groper, her hands having slipped through the charred remains of his shirt. Now that she could relax she let her eyes actually focus on his face, wondering just who she’d crashed into and ready to apologize until she saw his red eyes, those shark teeth and that damned smile.

The apology died halfway out her throat, decaying to anger as she yelled out “Shinra you perv! I bet you’re enjoying this aren’t you? Wipe that stupid smirk off your face!” At least the other guys acted ashamed or disjointed whenever they’d groped her, but he was one of the few to smile happily the pervert! If she’d known his smirk was an involuntary gesture she might have seen him as the kindred spirit with an unfortunate social tic she’d been desperately needing in her life. Instead her anger flared up at him for almost ruining her streak, her hands clenching into fists, only to find his nipples instead. She was caught off guard by the texture at first, the soft nubs feeling harder and thicker by the second as the skin under her fingertips grew more pebbled, but that was soon far from her mind once Shinra reacted, the expected yelp of pain instead a confused moan.

Both their faces turned bright hues of scarlet, Tamaki confused by his arousal. Was Shinra a masochist? And why did his moan sound so… familiar? Actually, was his chest a little… spongier than before? She looked down, noticing for the first time the odd thing her fire had done to his clothes, the unburnt pieces of his fire uniform charred black and in the perfect shape of a bikini. It had to be a coincidence, but a worried thought nagged at her as she looked at her position on him, a few more aroused gurgles leaving his lips as sweat began streaming from his pores. Wasn’t Shinra in her usual position when these kinds of things happened? But this kind of thing only happened to her, unless…

“Th-That’s ridiculous he’s just a pervert my Lucky Lecher Lure doesn’t-” She tried to push herself off, denying the lumps that were slowly pushing against her hands, firmer every second, but she was interrupted by another moan, this one lustier and shriller than the last. The lump in his throat bobbed up and down wildly as he wriggled from the sensations, his voice rising in squeaks whenever his Adam’s Apple pushed in.

For Shinra everything since they’d fallen in a tangle was arousing and confusing in equal measures, his body not used to the sudden spike in sensation around his nipples while his cock hardened almost instantly. It was hard to talk once the feelings had begun, an alien buzz filling his nipples when Tamaki fell on them, the inert flesh going from a pale brown to a dark pink as it hardened into nubs. The real flood gates opened though when she pinched them, twin surges of pleasure 


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