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"Heya Carlos!"

"Hi Kat..."

"Don't sound so glum, I finally got it working! Also notice anything different?"


"Oh come on! That's what was taking me so long and it didn't work?"

"Well we can just talk I guess."

"ARGGGH And I thought I finally fixed it!" Kat sulked for a few more minutes as she looked through the discord add ons she had tried, some offshoot of those snapchat filters that replaced people's faces with dogs or whatever, but this one promised full anime replacement and some of the options had included girls from Hands Off Eizouken which she figured would be a fun lil gift for Carlos and her, to both get to look and maybe(She wasn't all that sure if it did voice amidst the paragraphs of download information) sound like girls for the day.

Of course, it was a glitchy mess and too good to be true and after an hour of delays and broken calls she had finally gotten it downloaded and integrated. But it did nothing! This was a bigger disappointment than the Sonic movie!

"...fine I guess." She clicked the fullscreen button and gasped slightly, a small shock jolting her that she wrote off as static friction, not noticing Carlos rubbing his own hand. Shaking their hands they began talking, not noticing their skin beginning to flatten and smooth out, though they both definitely felt warm.

"So working on anything fun? Draw anything cool recently?" Kat swung her legs carefree, something not sitting right about that question for some reason. It was strange, but she suddenly felt energetic, like she'd drunk a few cups of coffee and her white socks felt oddly large as they dropped, or wait were they white? they seemed grey now and if she didn't know any better it almost looked like they were crawling up her ankles, the looseness gone as they hugged her tiny, cute feet. But then Carlos responded and she forgot all about that.

"Yeah I was trying out a few new things, but the style wasn't quite there for me."

"Oh nonsense I bet they're awesome! I wish I could draw half as well as you..." Kat trailed off as Carlos showed off a few pieces, all of them excellent according to Kat and most of the other people who had seen them, but he still had doubt. Why had he gotten into drawing? It seemed so much easier to be someone like Kat who could just appraise and praise in equal measure, helping him with price setting and all of the details. He was never all that good with money, though he guessed he could try more to be on top of things. Carlos brushed a few locks of growing hair out of his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose and pushing his glasses up to his forehead... Wait did his eyesight actually... improve? He usually needed his glasses on all the time, but now he was seeing pretty clearly, just occasionally having trouble with the really small print and close up stuff which was different, wasn't it? Casually scratching at his face, there were a few bright spots of sudden itchiness, a cascade of freckles popping onto his face as sweat ran down his body, fat burning up like his internals had been set ablaze, but something about the warmth and weight loss felt really nice to him, almost freeing in a way of anything that was dragging him down. But he had to set the record straight.

"Don't be silly Kat, you're at least as good as me, if not better... I wish I could be more like you."

"H-Huh?" Kat blushed, wondering where that had come from, the intense heat in her face past just bashfulness as her nose melted down to a cute button, her cheekbones refining down to super model levels while her chin cropped itself to a tidy point. What did he mean she was as good as him? She didn't even draw? Or well not backgrounds or cool things like those at least... Suddenly she felt very self conscious, twiddling her thumbs as the fingers stretched out to slender little digits, the palms cute and soft while her arms gained a springy layer of fat while rounding down. She supposed she was getting pretty good at this art stuff, even if it was only allowed to be a hobby by her parents. But god they could be so demanding about it! Demanding her to do this, to do that, to not date, not to do anything! And she just wanted to get out of this squalor before... no wait, when had she been hard for cash? Looking around her room seemed different, a little larger, somewhat cleaner, it was strange, but like all the changes going around, she quickly just forgot about them, deciding to take the compliment as she struck her best cute face, said face quickly crunching and feminizing to perfection as she posed for the low quality camera.

"Awww thanks Carlos! But don't sell yourself short. You might not draw the most, but you're like, amazing at managing money. I don't even know what we'd be doing if you didn't show me how to manage my allowance! And hey if you wanted to be a model I think you'd be perrrrrfect~! You do have to be tall for that kind of thing and you've got more presence than half those Milan mooks!" Now Carlos was blushing, and grunting a bit, the tall comment sending a bout of stiffness up his spine as the vertebrae crackled, suddenly shooting upwards as his rather squat appearance suddenly turned lanky, inches quickly piling on as his gut receded, leaving a toned tummy that arced forwards as his back snapped inwards. More embarrassed than he'd liked to admit he just turned away, brushing black locks that fell straight down out of his eyes once more, his nose a sharp knife now that split the sea of freckles on his condensing cheeks.

"Well one of us has to be responsible..." Crap was that a bit too forceful? Kat didn't seem to mind, doing a few cute stretches while working out her own aches, her reducing shoulders popping in fairly easy but still being a bit painful. Compared to a model like her, Carlos could feel his own insecurities acting up, staring nervously at his body, his cheap, ill-fitting clothes now thoroughly soaked with sweat and the way his body didn't quite seem to fit together, though that specific worry was getting worked out with every passing second. Sure his spine was a good start to the tall comment, but his legs and arms were next to match the lankiness, a few confused moans accompanying the sudden increase in flexibility and softness as his thighs swelled out slightly, calves curving down to cute sticks that sat atop a dainty pair of feet with unadornished toes. After all, polish was money and she could do her own pedicures as well as any pro, though maybe it would be nice to be cute for once, especially with how ugly her current outfit was.

Kat didn't notice anything strange from her end past Carlos shifting the camera to better suit his newfound height, wrapped up in her own changes as a cascade of coos and giggles accompanied her growing carefree attitude. Sure her parents were kind of strict, but with her weekly allowance she really didn't have much to care about, plus her legs were trained for all kinds of rigorous activity whether it be on the runway or standing for hours in photoshoots yada yada. She did wonder when she had put her shoes on, the tailored brown leather of her school loafers working well with the black, almost knee socks that now hugged her curvy calves tightly, squeezing all that useless fat and muscle up to her thighs to fill them out nicely. Not too thick, but enticing enough to garner her her fair share of perverted looks from the guys and comfortably rubbing against the equipment between them that now seemed even more out of place than usual, but when it felt this nice she supposed she could  deal with it.

But what really got her heart racing was Carlos stripping, his sopping wet clothes looking ill fitting on his gracefully tall body, though he always argued over the graceful bit when she tried sending a compliment his way. Carlos himself was just feeling too warm, his ensemble more ill fitting by the second as his arms finished popping from the joints, stretching out to proportional matches for his new frame as he pulled at the collar, fanning some cold air at his sweaty collarbone. Well he wasn't going to turn the ac on, that'd be a waste of his savings when there was a simpler solution available, plus it wasn't like Kat would mind all that much, though his heart was pounding in his chest as he began to loosen his belt and slip the waist of his shirt up.

The thoroughly soaked fabric released mini streams of sweat, some of it running down his nipples as he couldn't help but gasp, an odd soreness beginning to strike them as it felt like part of his shirt was almost clinging to the slowly puckering pecs. It took a few shimmies to get his pants off while he stood from his chair, still trying to yank his shirt up while ignoring the subtle pops and snaps that accompanied each wiggle, his hips slowly surging outwards as they curved with every sway to the side. With one fluid motion both sets flopped off, his pants pooling to the floor along with his oversized socks as he kicked them off to the side, throwing his soaked shirt carelessly to the top of the discarded pile. Looking down, he silently cursed to himself, wondering why he had worn his plain neglige instead of a more conservative pair of bra and panties, especially with his groin so clearly tenting the latter and his nipples making themselves known with a clear outline.

Something seemed really wrong about his choice of undergarments past being more revealing than he intended, but he couldn't quite figure out what. It wasn't like they were anything too racy, not that he'd buy anything like that since that shit was far too much money and if a boy wanted her to wear something lacy and silk fringed, they'd better buy it for her. Or a girl... Carlos closed that train of thought and tried to ignore his own rapidly beating heart as he looked back at Kat, shifting awkwardly as he defended his actions in response to her obsessive staring.

"L-Look it's just getting too hot in here and unlike you I don't have the money for such luxuries as five butlers or air conditioning. We're all professionals here, so lets go back to business okay?"

At the corner of Carlos's camera, if Kat had been paying attention, the discarded clothes were turning varying shades of blue and navy blue with some white thrown in for good mix, forming a large, Japanese school girl uniform, the same that she was now wearing in fact, her boxers turned to panties, sweatshirt stretched down and separated into the skirt, undershirt and tie while she fidgeted around, hoping her moans weren't being picked up on camera as the fabric brushed and aroused her pinkening nipples. To be honest it was hard to focus on anything at all with Kana- err Carlos standing there just short of being nude, her heart racing as a strange sensation built up within her groin.

"U-Uh... of course! Wh-What else would we talk about business even if you are gorgeous! I-I mean uh... s-sorry I don't know what's c-coming over me I just feel so f-flustered all of a sudden and I mean you know I'd be happy to pay your ac bill since you're my girl- I mean my friend! M-My good friend okay?!"  Her jittery, herky-jerky work around her stupid slip made her want to die. It also rose in pitch with the increased intensity, her tone turning smooth and silky with an elegance that completely failed her as she tried not to moan, unable to stop imagining what Carlos looked like without anything at all. She could feel her groin stiffening, tenting her skirt as the tip of it grew hot and sensitive, that heat oozing down the shaft and back into her abdominal cavity. Unable to help herself, a few aroused moans leaked out, her slowly shrinking bulge sucking into something warm, muscled and wonderful, her panties dampening as they grew flush with her groin, one loud shriek announcing the finished formation of her womanhood as her balls slid upwards, pumping estrogen throughout her body as she was helpless to moan, wanting to die of embarrassment, but instead getting validated as Carlos joined her in a clearly aroused groan.

Carlos didn't really know what he was feeling at first when his cheap speakers began playing Kat's aroused moaning, already a bit shocked from what sounded almost like a confession to her... no him? Eh it didn't really matter, a hand sliding under the loose bra to tweak at his nipples, throwing all caution to the wind as his self doubt and embarrassment were draining from his head, replaced with a more tested confidence and somewhat cynical world view, though no cynicism could lead him to mistake Katusaki's moans for anything other than what a part of him had been hoping for when they'd met up at school. No that wasn't right there was discord and deviantart and years of uh... oh fuck it. 

Karlamori just enjoyed the moment, his moans only rising slightly to a brash tenor that imposed its way through a room, sounding vaguely agitated even when he was completely lost in pleasure. His heart was thumping, seemingly about to burst out his collarbone and explode from how excited he was becoming, though blood wasn't the only thing pumping around his chest. With a few soft gurgles, fat surged up behind his nipples, his fingers digging into the admittedly small lumps, yet what would once have brought shame and insecurity, only made him more confident in his appeal, knowing that everyone these days had boob jobs and chiropractors for the accompanied back pain. He loved his body, even finding his slightly exposed ribs a point of pride, proof of his moderation and self control while his waist snicked inwards, accenting his entire figure perfectly as he grinned at Mizusakat, unable to help himself from teasing her a little.

"Oh, our club's princess wants to see some of the goods eh? You know it's gonna cost you-OOOH, right?" He couldn't hold back the moan, his ass swelling in similar fashion to his breasts, the loose strings of his panties now tightly hugged to her figure and compressing her clear erection as uncomfortable pressure began to build.

"B-But Kan-AHH-m-mori c-can't you forget about mon-EEEEE f-for a just a second?" She was still embarrassed, but with the surprising reciprocation of her accidental confession, she also couldn't help but feel giddy and more than a little aroused, that rush of estrogen from between her hips sending fat to surge from her seat, the pressure uniquely pleasant as she squirmed a bit, aiding in the way her panties now rode up a little on her forming figure. The final changes washed over her in a wave of easy ecstasy, her hips wobbling out in tandem with the reduction of her waist to perfection, breasts surging out in a wonderful spike of pleasure as she screamed, hoping none of the servants heard her as her room finished growing, her phone now a large drawing tablet and her desk littered with expensive tools and pen attachments.

Kanamori grinned, sliding a hand over her bulge, the last thing separating her from her new life barely even caring as the view outside her window rapidly changed from Ecaudor to Japan, trees turning to cherry blossoms in bloom, the stuccoed building merging into tall, cubist apartments.

"Easy for you to say Mizusaki. Besides I'm not the one wasting time right now when they're supposed to be drawing for our behind schedule pilot, though I suppose those fingers could be put to a different use if you want to have some fun... AFTER you finish." She had been joking before, but she couldn't let her forget that she was in charge, even if she was completely adorable, that talk of finishing and imagining all the money this relationship could bring sending her over the edge as her balls squeezed inwards.

It was a slow push in, dragging out the fun as she grunted and groaned, moaning as she felt them get funneled deeper into a developing chasm, splitting off and being squished into two estrogen factories as her ovaries went into overtime, converting and clearing away any traces of testosterone in her system. All of that estrogen was forcing her ass out more, dragging the panties closer as her cock was forced inside at a snail's pace. She squealed and panted now, but was growing frustrated as it barely made any progress, its slow collapse taking too long for her tastes as time was money. With little ceremony she flattened her palm and pressed down on the stubborn lump, sighing and squeaking as she forced it in, a pleased gasp leaving her as she removed her hand, revealing a fresh pair of lips tenting her panties as she wiped her hand on her thigh, a few sticky juices clinging to her fingers.

It felt nice, but what was even nicer was seeing just how flustered Mizusaki was from the whole thing, the fact of the bulges an afterthought that soon fell into the back of their subconsciousnesses before getting deleted in a haze of new memories.

"Hmmph fine! But you better make it worth it after I finish these stills."

"When have I ever not made full use of our time?" The two laughed at that, both blushing at how many new thoughts and memories that brought up in their heads.

"Though bring me a few bottles of milk since you're going to have to head past the station anyways. I'm not doing this just cause you're pretty Mizusaki."

"sigh Work! Money! Work! When we're together I'll make sure you lighten up and learn to have some fun with things! And hey, at least when I get to that conversation with my parents, the whole animation club thing won't seem nearly as bad. Besides, it's not like they can kick out the world famous model who earns them their money!" 

Kanamori grinned at that, quite liking the idea of being in the lap of luxury, and what a lap it was! Sure they had to keep it a secret from Asakusa,  not cause she'd be against it, but more cause her mind was even more hyperactive than Mizusaki's and she loved shipping so the chance of any work being done would go out the window. Speaking of...

"Now if you want to do something before I get too tired, get back to work." And so she did, furiously drawing on her tablet and occasionally sneaking glances at her girlfriend, blushing and giggling the whole way through. Lust was a pretty good work incentive Kanamori had found, and while they often wanted everyone to keep their hands off their film club, she was sure that at this rate things would get very hands on tonight.


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