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"Ugggh not her again..."

James was rewatching RWBY, unsure how far he'd get this time through. It had been years since his last go through one of his early animated loves, not that he hated it still finding Ruby and most of the team fun, but then there was his enemy, his true barrier to having a good time.

"Guess you need more... Yang for your buck!"


James already disliked puns, a fact his friends consistently harped on as they did their own watch throughs on his server, all of them having some good fun over his frustrations over this "waste of a good design." He didn't think there was anything odd about hating her, all her jokes just half-assed plot interruptions that often deflated the mood, not a single one of her subpar dad jokes amusing him in the slightest. After one season he began groaning just seeing her on screen, his rants getting more and more joking reactions as even offline became a punfest. After two he was tempted to just skip whenever she was onscreen. Halfway through season three and his eyes were glazing over, imagining Yang annoying him with a donut joke as she continued to do nothing but joke inappropriately.

"I don't remember her being this bad! I swear she's made to annoy me!"

This late into the marathon only his friend Jack was still up, who was just enjoying his misery on the rewatch.

"Could be worse. At least she has a character unlike Blake's whole nothing of a plotline."

"You take that back! Besides, you know I like her!"

"Sorry, just guess I'm being... CATTY"

James cursed, frustrated to find no escape from the groan-worthy stupidities even in his DM's, shuddering as Yang kept talking, rolling his eyes.

"Siiiigh... I'm in hell. Pun hell. Ugh knowing her she'd probably say it's my PUN-ishment or something- Nggguh~?"

A more violent shudder ran through him at the utterance, his skeleton shaking as his head shot back, the dark roots bleaching blonde as it spilled down to his shoulders.

James didn't know what had happened, only aware of an acute tingly itch in his scalp as he squirmed, the edges of his lips twitching up as he tried to figure out what had happened. It didn't feel bad, just odd, his body feeling warm as he felt up his scalp, finding a lot more hair than he should have. Grabbing a forelock he could only watch it grow, mesmerized by the slowly lengthening locks, the blonde not yet visible. This was confirmation something was wrong, the horror of it leaving his mouth slackly open as neurons fired, the tingly feeling diving into his brain as he gave an excited giggle.

"Heh I guess I know who my MANE girl is now~! Huh why did I- NNGHFF~!"

Some invisible force tore at every strand, James's head bobbing against the headrest of his couch as he groaned, the shoulder-length hair unfolding in long, golden curtains down past his hips, his brain alight with giggly dopamine and habit-forming bursts of pleasure for such simple wordplay. The room seemed brighter, though that was probably just a side effect of the gleaming golden mane curtaining his body, James flushing as he felt how silky it was against his skin.


Skin... maybe an in joke or a-


No complexion had more stuff to bounce off of, especially as he looked at the various dark hairs still on his body, a few sunspots and scraggly hairs getting the gears turning, ‘cause after all, "I don't know why it's called a COMPLEXion when my silky skin's more like a SIMPLExion hah that's a g-hooOOOD OOOH NOO OHH~!"

The pleasure wasn't just a simple throb in his brain, it was skin deep, which meant it should be shallow but there was nothing shallow about the warmth flooding through, ridding every mole, hair and skin tag as it felt kind of like hundreds of mouths giving him a full body hickey. Soon he was rubbing himself all over, the compulsion to feel his new skin almost as strong as his puns as he looked at his smooth stiffy, ready to make a dick joke only to choke himself.

Was he stupid? Completely oblivious to what was happening?! It didn't help how much his subconscious was being rewired into a chatterbug, his thoughts difficult to keep back, though it worried him how little panic he felt over such obvious changes.

"Don't be stupid, you hate puns! Sure she's got you in a JOKEhold but as long as you don't give any more LIP service you can stop being so CHEEKY. Really gotta be careful dotting those T's and crahhhssing thohhhse EEEEEEEEYES~!"

He couldn't even reprimand himself, his lips too busy moaning as they bloated, his cheeks softening up as the JOKEhold painlessly mashed his Adam's apple to sauce, his smooth thighs rubbing needily against his cock as his shorts dampened with precum. The puns were like a pleasurable itch radiating from his brain, jostling the jelly of his eyes as they turned violet, his moans turning him on as the desire to hear his own sexy voice magnified.

"Oooh~ my voice sounds so sexy. Fuuuck I'm so turned on hearing it NOStrill up so- SHIT!"

With a wet-sounding crunch James squealed, his voice getting even sultrier with his nose now popped to a cute button. Now when he forced his lips shut there was a plush smacking, his own frustrated groans making his hips squirm back and forth. Worse was his dotting T's bit that pinpricked his nipples, making them slowly harden as the pins and needles dove in like the puns in his brain. Even doing nothing couldn't stop the arousal as he groaned, feeling a pressure build behind his cock.


He was clenching his teeth, knowing if he opened his mouth he'd cause more of himself to change, but-


His chin was chattering, moans eeping out as the most obvious single word non-joke sprang to mind. It was ASSinine, but-


His cock was on fire, golden pubes twinkling under a stream of precum, James's resistance breaking as he rolled off the couch, grunting on the floor as he screamed out, "BUUUUUUUUUTT~!"

Fuck why did he scream that out, "Soon there won't even be a SEMBLANCE of me lehhhhhft~!"

The rewired subconscious urge to say every thought really fucked him over, literally feeling like it as violent spanks speared through the muscle in his ass, his eyes glowing purple as each smack was rewarded with a surge in muscle and fat as his body thrust him against the bottom of the couch over and over. Soon he was raising it up in the air, squealing as his cock unloaded with each ramming thrust, the pressure unloading as his hips splintered to make more room for his muscled bottom to spread.


His eyes were like burning amethysts, the rough magic changing him rebounding as plush pillowy mass in his thighs, his balls draining as they pulled tighter and tighter. They stuck in between like a sneeze half-held, his cock offering no sense of release as he knew what was cumming hehe- rrgh shit no even if he wanted it he couldn't, h-he really shouldn't but it was such a good pun it'd feel incredible if she could just ask-


His upwards spread widened as muscle parted, his balls slurping inside easily as he came again and again. It was like a constant double orgasm as both thrust and split inside, ramming internally as his thighs continued to bloat, cum and semblance pouring out as his cock nestled tight under his shorts, stretched to their limits wrapped around such a thick ass.

Yames giggled, still pent-up but his balls collapsing had felt incredible, the added flexibility stretching the new muscles as clear fluids began running down his cock, the punster perking up like her nipples as she joked, "Oooh~ hehe estrogen more like BESTrogen~! See splIT wasn't that har- ahhhrd OOOH~!"

By saying the word "hard" his cock was doing anything but, limply pushed around by the tight latex of his shorts while losing none of the sensitivity. What was getting hard though was his muscle, small rumblings of growth slowly spreading from his core on, his calves curving as his arousal spiked. He did wonder if he was overthinking though, it wasn't like "hard" was much of a pun though he did also have enough estrogen running through him to make Jaune look like his namesake. Mmm~ Jaune...

His slit deepened, Yame moaning as he realized guys were turning him on as his mind drifted towards muscles, his core churning as he felt the strength cultivate. Did this mean he wasn't into girls anymore? His mind drifted to Blake, imagining her ears twitching as she played with her curvy, perfect...

"Looks like I'm bi now, or maybe I'm tri cause the bis and tris I want are these babies~! Or wait no since everything has guhhhhns in mmgh ooh yeah..."

His joking paused as the muscle growth hastened in his arms, biceps and triceps going through years worth of heavy workouts in seconds, the burn keeping his nipples rock hard as his cock throbbed, just more appealing bumps to him as he flexed his arms, watching the surge of strength swell it further. It was a workout high on a magnitude beyond anything, dopamine blasting as his flexed hands shrank, Yame giving his new arms a kiss, though shouldn't he be fighting... uh... something?

His mind was a bit cloudy, filled with puns and jokes and Blake, everything such a turn on right now for him as he tried to remember what he was supposed to be scared of. Seeing his phone tossed on the couch cushion and buzzing relentlessly he wondered if his friend could help. Apparently he missed something big cause he had a hundred dm's from... Blake? Wasn't she Jack? No HE was the jacked one or maybe he was jacking off Blake? Blake his catty catgirl hehe. Yeah of course his bestie and more.

It started up talking about their team or something followed by a few messages on feeling weird and something being wrong. It didn't take long to catch up though, most of the messages being confusing keymashes, a few that were just "EARS MY EARS OH GOD" and a few voice messages. Hitting play made Yame flinch as it started mid-scream, a kind of raspy guy voice moaning? No wait, the longer she listened the girlier it sounded, though it was hard to make sense of any of them with that weird wet sound playing over it like someone fingering a cup of tapioca. Yame felt silly by the end when there was a popping noise, Blake's cries obvious as he realized she was trying to get him in the mood. The final message was just a question asking if she should come over, Yame smirking as he typed up, "Abs-olutely babe."

If he was turned on before, that switch must have been a dimmer cause it was flicking up hard as he moaned. Clutching his waist he could feel the muscle rumbling, his longer nails rubbing against deepening lines of muscular bliss.

"Mmm~ I think I'm forgetting some CORE things, but at least I'll have a SIX PACK for Blake when she comes over..."

He was sweating, the muscles in his brain rewiring as fast as the ones in his stomach, his spine forcibly arching as the dense layers worked it to a new shape, making his ass really perk out as he rubbed the soft bulge there, pressing on it gently as his other traced the well-defined ridges of his six pack abs.

"Yeah she's such a OOOH MMM~ good BREASTie~! Maybe I should give her a PEC on the cheek, or twooooo OOOOH~!"

Yane's eyes were glowing as he subconsciously pressed on his erection, her semblance working as slivers of cock pumped inside, inverting and tearing as her power took it as an attack, erupting behind her nipples as Yane's masturbation reached the next level as her hand moved up to fulfill its new AREOLA in life.

Her cock might have been soft but it was more like rubber, so it took some firm pounding to work it in, her semblance giving it as good as it got as her nips pressed against her groping hand, pushing it back as it rewarded her with some TITillating action.

"Mmmm~ fuuuuck ahh B-Blake gave me sucha purrrty gift with those OOH Ohhh~ meow's so I should really ahhhn AHH give her something juicy in return..."

She kept working at the sinking cock below, the fat ramming under her nipples already feeling like she was being groped so she might as well use her free hand for something that'd turn Blake on in a SNAP. Of course, it was a lot harder than it looked fingering a resistant cock inside while snapping a selfie, the first few coming out blurry till she finally took one that looked okay.

"Ugh I know they call us Bumblebee but that doesn't mean I want Bumblebeestings! These need some support. How F-LAAAAAAAME~!"

Her cock sucked in till it stabbed something equally as rubbery, Yane grunting as it firmly filled her slit, clear fluids throbbing out her tip as her half-sunken cock struggled to invert. Soon her fingers were really getting rough, trying to cram it in like it was the night before a big test, her flame pun making her t-shirt suck against her throbbing chest as it surged out to b-cups. Her shirt rubbed against her nipples, turning orange as a yellow flame insignia appeared on it, loosely cupping her BumbleB's as she looked at the next photo.

"Nngh behhhtter but AHHNNGH~! There's some UHHHN W-WOOOOMB for imprOOOOHVEment~!"

Suddenly it was like the base of her cock was in one of those extra powerful massage chairs, Yane gurgling incoherently as something spread open inside, the rubbery squeeze turning into a moist sucking as clear jets shot out her sinking cock, her semblance bursting her buDDing breasts to full bloom as her cock shrank out her fingers, Yane moaning in success as she pulled her top tight for a perfect saucy selfie.

"Like what you see? Hurry (DD C)up. I'm waiting~!"

She hit send, watching the pic load in till she noticed that in her failed selfieing she had clicked on the wrong profile, seeing Blake's name pop under the new recipient, Jaune.


Well maybe she could delete it before he- The read icon popped up, Jaune's status going from online to busy only a moment after.


Maybe he'd see a follow-up apology? Now him and Blake would- Wait where even was Blake, they shared the same room? Ugh now she'd have to- Midthought her forming womb finished connecting to her shrunken cock, suddenly giving it a harsh tug as the lubed up inch outside rammed against her lips, her phone falling from her hands as it tumbled outside her cou- Her bed? Ugh she was so horny it was like reality was all caving in around her as her hands fumbled between her thighs, her mind racing with puns and moves and history as her tip was slowly tugged in twenty directions internally all making her feel like she was on the Shorgasm of the world's biggest pleasure tsunami.

Her hands didn't know what to do, trying to stroke and finger her tip at the same time, her memories confused as she tried to pick one. So many good memories of dicks and slits asking for attention, pounding and being pounded merging into one as she screamed. Her fingers inside her slit felt incredible but so did the tip and measly shaft plugging in deeper, feeling her own pussy throb as all the kinks not in her blonde bush rolled about her mind as it sank deeper.

Such pornographilsophic quandaries were a bit too much for her, her confusion mounting as she heard two sets of voices outside her door, banging to get in, both of them firing her up as she let instinct kick in, her breasts swelling one final time as she thrust her fingers in screaming, "JUST SHUT UP AND CUHHHM IHHHHHHNSIIIIIIIDE~!"


The wave crashed and Yang felt the whole world turn yellow, or was it black? Much like the quandary she was pondering just before the answer was both as a huffy-looking Blake and a nervous-looking Jaune were hovering over her, Yang still unbearably aroused as her stuck in tip sealed shut, barely a nub squashed by her shorts.

"Don't worry I'm alright. Or maybe I'm all left? Either way I've got two arms so... er- Oh whatever you know what I'm trying to say riiiiiight?"

A bit of numbness rolled through part of her but she didn't care, both Jaune and Blake blushing as she slowly rubbed her hands over her body, moaning openly and lewdly as she winked.

"Beside's it's all in the name. You know I go Long and hard. Xiao's about the three of us Yang out and see where things go? Clit's not too- OHHHH~!"

One final pop as she squealed, palming her crotch as it grew damp and warm, her nips hard enough to cut diamond as she blushed towards her horny partners who were both mid-undress.

"Mmm that's the stuff. I like the cut of your JYB! Hehe get it cause it's me stuffed between the two of- MMPH MMM~! OHHH FUUUUCK YES~!"

It seemed like her kitty and her prince were both tired of her puns, finding the one surefire way to keep her mouth shut as theirs attacked both, Yang left gasping as Blake and Jaune both finished undressing.

"Mmm~ I hope you both've been getting your squats in cause I'm looking to... Pelviscerate? Hmm... Genitally up some- Take a dip in a Blake and catch some Jaundick? Ugh even I think that one's..."

The two of them stared, the mood partially ruined as she sighed. Well her pun game needed some work but her game game was firing on all gencylinders.

"Aww my wordplay not up to snuff? Why don't ya both Pun-ish me. The mood's dying and it could use some mouth to mouth..."

Needless to say they made sure to stop her puns all night long as the only things leaving her mouth were squeals of joy.


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