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"Geez Tiger at least take the suit off before you get going!"

Peter had been ravenous the last few weeks ever since he changed into his black suit. He wasn't exactly timid before but he was a lot more off the cuff. He got angry easier, laughed harder and seemed to be a creature of his id. Mary Jane felt a tad concerned, but she had to admit their sex life had never been better either and it wasn't like he was going too far yet. He was toeing the line but not crossing it so for now she was enjoying this wild side of him as she started to undress.


Peter had never felt better, his initial panic when the black goop had merged with his suit vanishing once the endorphins had kicked in. He felt freer than before, able to do what he wanted without the same kind of guilt and worries that had held him back before. That confidence boosted everything, from his strength to his virility, and it all came from the suit. Sometimes he had to reign back his aggression, but the constant chemical high of the suit had him happy to give into his id, and every time he saw Mary Jane he could hardly hold himself back. Usually he took the suit off, but he just undid the central seam, his cock popping out as he waited impatiently for Mary Jane to finish taking off her dress.


The symbiote itself was frustrated, eager only for combat and further evolution, not this wasteful mating obsession its bond had. It was getting in the way of its central purpose, of becoming one with its host, that frustrating desire coming to an end today it decided. It had come up with a novel way of lowering its host's mind and granting the desires for oneness with his mate, the sides of the suit squirming into writhing black tentacles as strands of symbiote goo erupted, Peter giving a horrified cry as it formed hands, the suit launching him towards Mary Jane. The suit gurgled victoriously as it wrapped around its host's mate, grabbing her before slamming them together.

"I'm not too sure about this one Pet-ERMMPH!"

Neither was Peter, both of them confused as the suit slammed them together, the mass of the symbiote spreading to wrap them as it forced their mouths against one another, forming a coccoon around the two struggling hosts. Despite the surge of panic and horror, it knew what it was doing was for the best, more of its strands liquifying inside the suit as it surrounded them with a warm bath, tired of being subservient to its host.

Its first target was their resistance, liquids sloshing into their ears as a black ichor rolled over, the gaps sparking as their thoughts began to flow through the symbiote, its embrace gradually upping the pressure as strands poked Peter's cock, shifting it upwards to perfectly slot into Mary Jane's slit. The general panicked jerkiness of them trying to break out of the symbiote's coccoon gradually settled down to a more sensual rocking, even their muffled groans getting hungrier as the symbiote pushed them tighter and tighter.

Peter was struggling but there was only so little he could do with Mary Jane pressed up against him, the symbiote acting like an aphrodisiac as their tangled bodies lit up with pleasure across every inch of their squeezed skin. Peter had never felt anything like it, his skin alight as if every nerve had been refashioned for pleasure, the intensity of it already having him on edge as his cock pulsed within his girlfriend's folds. But that wasn't the weirdest thing, his cock throbbing harder as the symbiote fluid sloshed around it, Peter groaning as Peter's cock throbbed inside her folds almost like she was fucking himself?

They both groaned as they came, Peter's cock unloading load after load as the squeezing touch of the symbiote plugged into his ass, more black fluids spurting out as the unique threesome throbbed as one. That was the purpose of it after all, Peter and Mary Jane's skin beginning to throb as the warmth merged with them, spreading its influence…

Their skin puckered like hungry mouths as they rubbed together, body hair melting in the symbiote's embrace as it came to a decision. Pleasure was the easiest way to merge without resistance, pleasure was how it would overwhelm and convert, but Peter's cock was already spent from the initial thrust. In this way it could see merit in Mary Jane's morphology, her folds much better for the overload it was planning. It was a simple change, more of its influence merging into their genetics, their DNA bound by its control as it flooded into them both, Peter's cock spilling out corruption as his balls swelled and tried to resist the foreign substance taking over.


Even with their mouths locked Peter was screaming, hips trying and failing to separate as more than cum gushed out his cock as his balls folded inwards, nerves and all gushing out like his webbing as the symbiote-addled organs merged with Mary Jane's own internals, their nerves linking as both sets of pleasure flooded their minds.

Resistance became impossible as they merged, skin beginning to join, mouths like one singular tube as Peter felt himself truly inside her, and himself inside himself, two sets of thoughts trying to move different limbs and parts, their nerve endings overwhelmed with commands that were canceling out as their softening bodies were shuffled together. Originally the symbiote had planned to make Peter the base, but it too was falling into the same grasp of pleasure, the signals from Mary Jane much more enjoyable as it linked their nerves together, skin trembling like tan strands of itself as their thrusting forms were drawn together.

They were sinking into one another, Peter feeling their thrusts gradually meld, his cock the first tip off of what was to come as it felt like it was getting bigger, wider, wetter.

Peter could feel it, the excited trembling of the symbiote's fluids rumbling inside his cock, hollowing the balless sheath as it turned spongy and soft. It hadn't lost any of its sensations, in fact the nerves were all sparking as they multiplied. He was filling Mary Jane more thoroughly than ever, but the pleasure felt like it was swallowing him, her slit throbbing as his cock rubbed against the trembling folds, merging as the softened shaft throbbed in tandem.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK OHHH FUUUUUUCK~!"

There was a wet rip, their pleasure hastening the merge, Peter and Mary's eyes rolling to the back of their heads as they both felt the sensation of his cock becoming one with her pussy, a hungry aching gap left as the suit continued to push him deeper, his bottom half having a hollowness to it as the endless orgasms took its toll on his muscle.

It continued from the extremities, their hands squashed flat as the mold of fingers squeezed, Peter's nails growing into Mary's as they lengthened further, their palms smashed together as the slender ends to their arms spasmed wildly, three wills animating as the feminine shapes housed impossibly dense muscle in each joint. Next were their feet, Peter swallowed into MJ's mold toe by toe, the pleasure impossible to resist as each scrunch from the raw bliss made his heels bubble. It was like his ankle was inverting, pulling in as her toes poked out the back, an added dexterity and flexible poise gained as they pointed down. Each piece merge was like it's own bizarre form of fucking as Peter was shoved into Mary Jane, dense muscle and smooth skin singing as their nerves melded, their combined slit rumbling as Peter's hips began to crumple, his form crumbling like a water bottle sucked dry as their psyche's recoiled amidst the mind-breaking bliss.

It was slowing down the merge, the symbiote feeling their realizations once their hands were empty, no partner for footsies as their shoddily-merged masses squirmed. It was loud, two voices screaming in a garbled mess inside its reformations, their lips and chin merged but their thoughts were as clear as day.


Their tongues were like a bridge as the symbiote slowly began to pulse shocks of its own thoughts through their minds, having long since learned from its struggles with Peter the best way to make someone do what you want. Compromise and force common ground. It started with their pasts while they were distracted, a tomboyish mix of rooms, their address mostly the same as their low rent rooms from their upbringing collapsed into a bizarre mess of a person. Posters in their memories shifted to combined interests, Marie Curie, Hedy Lamarr and Natalie Portman bridging the acting science gap, neither aware of their passions corrupted, their bases shifting as their skulls creased.


The mental lapse made it easier for the symbiote to squeeze, noses breaking into shapeless forms, their eyes leaking as they merged together, the world going truly dark as their foreheads embraced into a singular figure 8. Now it could truly begin to piece together a singular form, tentacles squeezing their minds together as it began to form a singular mold for what they'd keep.

Mary Jane had dance rehearsals for plenty of her shows, the symbiote finding the pleasure from a workout easy enough to mix with thoughts of being a hero. One wanted all eyes on her, the other had them. It just had to amplify that desire, all eyes on them, on their thick juicy figure in that tight tight suit. All the attention in the world on them as the serotonin fired all-


Even without a mouth, their pleasured screaming echoed out as Peter's ass bubbled and shifted, Mary Jane's pussy throbbing as their desire sucked them together, thighs bloating with muscle and fat as his ass flattened all at once into their new combined lower half. Their new legs thrashed, superhuman strength flooding in and making their figure thicker than ever as any spare material from the merge gushed out their gleaming slit. The symbiote happily slotted more strands inside the half-merged host's pleasure centers, making their tangled bodies throb faster and faster as the memories poured in.

It was much easier creating a singular identity from this point on, their blended pasts already colliding their behavior, and the symbiote was well used to dissecting its hosts' worst urges and amplifying them. Mary Jane always tempered down Peter's anger, and Peter always gave MJ a much needed boost in confidence and support in her acting. It removed the roadblocks one by one, letting MJ's narcissistic impulses flourish, toxically blown out of proportion by the adoration Spider-Man would get, a nascent diva forming in the cocoon as it rewarded every self-serving thought with a thicker thrust inside their pussy. Add in Peter's smarts to the mix and soon all of their internal thoughts could only think of how good she'd look when this was over, gurgling with need as Peter's skull deflated.

Their moans sounded more like thick liquid gargling, arms tensing together as the joints popped in lockstep to their building desires, hands pulling at the brown curtain on the mush of a former head, pulling it tight like a latex mask as the brown began to part, features struggling to emerge against the blockage. First a nose as a bald spot formed, the hands tearing as strands of hair began to pull from the roots, red flaring up as their hips thrust mindlessly against the symbiote, soon lips pressing too, their brains thrumming as they slurped into a single cavity with a moist pop.


Legible noises were starting to pulse at the tightly drawn skin, bones firming as Peter's neck was absorbed, most of it extrenuous as it was sucked down and out, gushing from their slit as their brains easily slotted into the new mold. The force sucked the former scalp even tighter, the hands pulling on red locks long enough to trail down their midbacks as the contours rounded on the shape, nostrils flaring, a hungry mouth moaning as it tried to break free.


There was a ripping noise as a slender nose broke through the mask followed by pout lips, shrieks of bliss echoing inside the dark cocoon. There was still a bit of a bulge at the forehead, but further pleasure below sent a great sucking pulse, their new face bursting out in a mask of complete nirvana, the symbiote crushing all resistance as their brains merged into one complete whole. It hurt when they resisted, but every moment of deference was rewarded with pleasure till their goopy thoughts eagerly merged, her squeals eager for the grand finish.


It was like she was collapsing into herself, Petra Jane Parkson's front back sucking at a point, muscle slithering to bolster her perfect core to superhuman levels of density, her hips grinding against the bottom of the cocoon as it felt like she was dry humping herself the way her old torso squeezed and grinded itself into her curvy core. She helped it along, the hands that had torn off the fleshy cover to her perfect face now pushing against the manly back half melted, digging around the flattening mess of a torso till she moaned. It seemed the bottom juts of his shoulder blades were where her new tits would emerge so her thumbs flicked and pinched as she pulled, Petra experiencing the fucking of a lifetime as it all sunk into her eager body.

She knew what her body was supposed to be, not caring at all as a navel caved into a notch of a former spine, the sensations impossibly thorough in pleasuring her as she tried to stay conscious. Muscle and fat slipping into her most intimate of gaps, her hands molding perfection from the lesser clay of her former half, she could barely contain her own orgasmic wailing as a particularly harsh thrust sent her legs kicking, tearing open the first hole in her cocoon as she continued to cum.

It all swirled into her toned core as her flailing limbs ripped greater slashes into her mushy prison, Petra feeling as her breasts swelled from the deflated husk of what had been attached, her nipples the last thing to pucker as her hands felt her navel pop inside, her innards churning as she could feel excess organs melting and pumping straight into her snatch, one final explosive release finishing her off as she broke free from her cocoon, screaming as she came over and over till every last useless part of her had been expunged like a line in one of her plays she didn't like.

When Petra crawled out she was still slimy, though thankfully her partner was more than happy to clothe her as a red bikini pulled tight against her breasts, panties snug and buzzing against her clit as she sighed. The pantyhose was still forming as she tested her new body out, though why she called it new was forgotten with one tactical squeeze of her panties, everything perfectly natural for the diva superhero of New York's wet dreams.

Really it was almost a shame how successful her new memories of acting were, not because she hated the attention but how hard it made her secret identity stuff. A part of her did always consider revealing who she was, but then again no one would believe her since she had taken a rather drastic measure to ensure her identity would always remain a secret.

Hearing a call from one of her police scanners made her shudder, a few moans eking out as her living lingerie got to work. Though the fact she used to be two people had been hardwired out of her thoughts, the symbiote knew the advantages of that density, Petra always enjoying when she let it take over, feeling as if all her acting instincts were freed. There wasn't any of that worried moralizing or inner turmoil, just pleasure as her breasts surged, her figure maturing as her red hair turned black.

Truthfully it could be a massive pain in the ass doing goody two shoes shit but the adoration and adrenaline always kept her coming back for more... at least till she got bored that is. For Petra it all felt like business as usual, unaware how unprepared her villains gallery was for the significantly more sadistic and domineering Spider- For some reason it was hard to remember her hero name, the suit deciding for her as it slid around her shifting body, enjoying the depth of its new host's emotions as Recluse prepared herself for another day of fighting crime.

Sure some would be horrified at the idea of their entire body and face changing, but it only made Petra aroused as she stared at herself. Truly the symbiote had been a blessing, her body not needing to age, her tits never sagging and whenever she needed an emotion she could force her brain to emote. She was perfection and she was glad to have such a willing partner inside. Now, time to face her fans offstage. She had a city to protect.


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