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I will be taking the month of march off. I need time to recuperate and plan the next volume. I'm sure you've caught me slowing down a bit. I need some time to reset, finish figuring out a physical release and all that stuff, and all in all solidify things. 

There may be art posts, and possibly what a sample script for a webtoon would look like, but there will be no mainline chapters. Theres too much stuff to finalize.. and I need to sleep for a solid week. 

So this is just informing everybody in good time before the end of the month. Thank you for understanding.



No problem, take care of yourself brother.


Thanks for the heads up! Can't wait to see you rested and ready for the next volume!

Leaf Bug

It's fine, you've got a lot of balls in the air, and you just reached a big milestone. Take some time to yourself

Weird 3dud

Take all the time you need man, you totally deserve it.


I'll miss the chapters, but you've been rocking it lately. Take the time you need!


Enjoy your break!

John Repass

You've more than earned it! Go get your zen on!!!


See you after your hibernation, will still be here supporting you throughout the month, since I believe you'll be back and better than ever!


March is a fine month for relaxation! Let the stirrings of spring rejuvenate your qi and rest well!

Davvy chappie

So then you already took your break

Nicholas Roberts

You earned it man! Thank you so so much for the story so far, and I'm already really excited to see you again in April!

Sebastian Rubin

No worries; as Fa Ram teaches us, even the most fertile soil must be allowed to rest, or it will inevitably be depleted.


Not a problem. Take care of yourself.


Nooooooo, but also take all the rest you need, but also noooooooo.

Awdyr Storm

Take all the rest you need, you're really a trooper for managing so much in this period! :) Thanks for the amazing story you've been sharing with us.


Should we expect the end of volume 2 to be posted on Royal Road before the break?


If he's going to take a month-long break, then he should pause payments.


Patreon is about supporting creators. You're free to unsub for a month and you've been given plenty of notice to do so. Don't try and speak for everyone else.


Have a good break! I'm good for 10 bucks to show my appreciation of your work while you recover. I'll be looking forward to the story resuming in april.


Enjoy your break, and all the best I won't pretend I'm not sad, or that I won't miss the story, but you do what you have and/or want to do

zoli bassoff

I hope you have a great break this march. Hope you can have some fun and relaxing time. I hope you are relaxed and recharge when you get back and write the story I enjoy.

Demian Buckle

Thank you for all the hard work on a great story. Enjoy your break and come back refreshed.

Justin Portie

Take your time and recuperate you’ve done a great job. Enjoy the break and relax


It's better to take a break when you need one then suffer burn out. Too many good stories die that way. Have a nice March and I look forward to April.


Enjoy your break! Thank you for everything you've given us!


The last day of March is my birthday so it would be amazing if we could get V3 ch1 then 😂🤞


Have a nice break!! And could you make sure the volume number is written on the side of the books. I just received two books that wasnt written from the same story so a little hard to share the right book.

Ashlee Jacobsen

No such thing as character bloat, as long as it all works cohesively. I like the little snipping of what's happening in the world sprinkled through the story. It builds on the overall story. The world doesn't stop turning cause 1 person is doing something. And the follow on effect is good to


character bloat..this story has a lot of characters, but no way NEAR "bloat" look at some of the longer series of books and then we are talking BLOAT. Wheel of time series, that has bloat- we start with the "basic characters" rand perrin mat egwene lan moraine nynaeve, bella (the horse), the parents of said kids, THEN we add secondary characters as the story progresses, several of which become major characters. verin, morgase elayne, gawyn, galadred, then add in the "bad guy" characters, the forsaken, etc. you end up with well over 250 secondary characters.