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In a secure storage room in the Shrouded Mountain Sect, two Inquisitors worked in grim silence, dissecting a ruined corpse. Their bodies were completely covered in cloth, faces covered with protective masks, and defensive talismans on their bodies, just in case. Notes were written down. Hypotheses created. Counter techniques devised and discarded.

They worked with precision, their eyes completely focused upon the subject, for they could produce only the best results for their Masters and the Sect.

When they were done, they placed seals upon the corpse and called in their relief. Two new Inquisitors entered the room as the others exited, standing guard.

The room was silent and cold, but they were unaffected. They had the utmost vigilance in their duties. Lightning crackling around their bodies intermittently, ready to dispel illusions.

Until suddenly, their eyes went blank, though they still stood at attention, their lightning crackling.

The shadows of the room started to bubble, and a woman slid out of them. Clad entirely in black, with a veil over her face, Qi suppressors worn upon her body. She took a moment to look at the guards and smirk in satisfaction. What was lightning against poison? Though it only worked for a short time, if she wanted to remain undetected, any heavy Qi use would disrupt it immediately.

She carefully approached the corpse, acting with the utmost subtlety. Her fingers flashed through arcane signs, and one of the seals peeled back slightly.

The woman let out a breath. The most delicate stage of the operation was over.

It was time to collect the wayward disciple.

The woman pressed her fingers against the corpse, directing her Qi to gather the remnants of Lu Ban, and shake what was left of him out of his torpor—the woman paused as her sense extended through the corpse. It felt… odd. She pushed her ghostly Qi further into the body.

Pulling her fingers back, the woman stared at the tiny motes of oil and blood clinging to them.

“You’re… actually dead?” she asked, half amused, and half incredulous. Really, he hadn’t internalized even the basest of Master’s abilities. Dead from some cultivator in the Azure Hills?

There was only a tiny, lingering feeling, a grudge, and nothing more. Not enough to reconstruct anything. No true part of what was once Lu Ban.

The woman sighed in irritation. At first she had gone to Yellow Rock Plateau, the site of the impact. There had been nothing there but scorched rock. She had then checked the populace in the immediate surrounding area… and no peasant had suddenly decided to up and leave after coming back from the mountain, Lu Ban’s essence having taken them over.

She had expected that, even if captured, he would be able to survive after feigning his own death. One who had learned the Twilight Cuckoo’s Triumph was said to have a hundred lives.

The woman scoffed. A waste of resources and time.

She placed the little piece of grudge residue in a vial. Perhaps it could still be useful. A poison for a father? Zang Zeng of the Shrouded Mountain Sect, poked and prodded to avenge the wrongful death of his son? That could work. Still, how utterly disappointing, to come all this way for what amounted to nothing more than a simple ingredient. She placed the vial within her robes. Master would have been disappointed.

He had once had high hopes for Lu Ban.

It took over an hour to replace the broken seals to perfection, exactly as they had been upon the corpse. She swept the room for any sign of her passing. Then, she melted back into the shadows.

The men’s eyes returned to focus. Their watch resumed, uninterrupted. Then, six hours later, they were relieved in turn.


The village of Hong Yaowu was beginning to bring in the last of the harvest. The trees looked to be starting to turn, and the air had notes of cold in it. Mist clung to everything. Summer was finally ending.

Xong Ten Ren and his wife worked together, without their sons for the first time in twenty years. They dressed the hides, and sorted out cuts of dried meat.

It was a bit lonely, but their boys had said that they would be around soon.

And that was enough.

The day had been a quiet one so far, a routine that they had done for decades.

Then there was a bit of commotion at the road, leading to Verdant Hill. The children noticed the stranger first, but unlike when Jin had arrived, they were apprehensive. A form slid out of the mists, gliding like a wraith along the ground. A large hat on her head, like fishermen wore, contrasted heavily with the robes of finest silk draped over her frame, yet the strangest thing about the mist-clad woman was the bulbous contraption on her back, the vents on it glowing with heat.

She strode in without hesitation, unstoppable and indomitable, moving with absolute purpose much like an incoming fogbank.

The people stared with trepidation at this stranger, and she paused in the center of the village. She pulled off her hat, revealing beautiful, sharp features and wavy hair.

Several people gasped at her beauty, as her eyes scanned the villagers. Ten Ren watched curiously… until her searching gaze landed on him.

The woman’s eyes narrowed, and her march resumed, striding directly towards him and his wife. She ignored absolutely everybody else, and several people stepped out of her way as she neared Ten Ren’s house.

The woman stopped in front of them.

“Are you Xong Ten Ren and Nezin Hu Li?” The woman asked imperiously. “The parents of Xong Gou Ren?”

Ten Ren swallowed at the haughty expression on the cultivator, and the blunt question. She had a presence about her. A physical weight that could not be denied. He noticed one of the villagers start to slink in the direction of the road to Jin’s house.

Ten Ren licked his lips. He made a motion to his wife; should things go wrong, she would attempt to run. “I am Ten Ren. Who asks for me?”

The woman nodded… and then bowed at ninety degrees.

“This Liu Xianghua asks to court your son!” Her voice boomed. “Allow me to call you mother and father!”

There was silence in the village.

Hu Li dropped the hides she was holding.

Pandemonium erupted.


Two old men stood upon a mountain. Their faces were carved from stone, as they rested together.

Shen Yu handed Brother Ge a scroll.

“Unfortunate,” the man muttered, staring at the crossed off locations.

Even with Shen Yu cutting loose, the Demons were annoyingly tenacious.and they’d gotten good at hiding. From inhospitable mountaintops to poisonous bogs, the two had ventured everywhere they could think of, laying waste to their enemies as they went.

It had been surprisingly liberating, almost like old times. Ge by his side, going on a grand adventure.

They had even found a Silver Yin Lotus! They had shared a cup of its dew together, finding a treasure that had eluded them all those years ago. Shen Yu chuckled. To think that failed quest would be a mere side note on this one.

It was still taking a very, very long time. Too long, Shen Yu worried.

“Are you sure your man will find him?” Shen Yu asked.

“I have faith in the Senior Disciple. He withstood the full force of my intent, without flinching. He will not rest until he finds him—”

There was a swirl of shadow and a messenger stepped forth, dropping to one knee before them and raising up a message tube.

“Masters. This one brings word from a Disciple Lu Ri. He has accomplished his mission, and returns with a missive from Jin Rou.”

Shen Yu’s eyes widened. Elder Ge nodded, vindicated.

“See? Speak of a man, and he shall appear.”

“Lu Ri, you said his name was? I shall reward him personally for this.” Shen Yu declared.

He held out his hand, and the message tube was carefully placed in his hand.

Shen Yu wondered what it would say. Rou had been injured badly as a result of Shen Yu’s advice and the Cloudy Sword Sect. Would the letter be full of vitriol? Would it be a condemnation? He would not blame Little Rou if it was. Shen Yu opened the tube—

And horse dung popped out, some trick causing it to spray all over his robes.

Elder Ge and the messenger froze, as Shen Yu stared at the droppings. The smell hit his nose, as he picked up a scrap of paper that had come out with the dung, a stylized smiling face upon it.

His stern facade cracked.

Shen Yu began to howl with laughter.



And thats a wrap for volume two.

Thanks to the edit squad! Shahidul “Oshi” Kabir, Chris Shaw, Brandon “Philosophysics” Zhang-Leong

As I said, a few Alternate universe posts remain, but as of now, Volume 2 is finished. its probably going to be split in two, because it kind of got away from me, but we'll see what happens.

Book stuff is progressing. a physical copy seems promising at the moment, and I'll keep everybody informed as to the status of the book/audiobook for Volume 1.

Thank you, everybody for reading. It got a bit scuffed towards the end there, I know. But I couldn't have done this without your help and support.


riley st john

For the written book version of the story where do you think you will end up having it sold ? Amazon or something like that ?


I loved every scene of this chapp



Sebastian Rubin

Hah! Jin, you absolute madlad! Way to make your old grandpa proud!


Very good.


Very wholesome, loved everything - other than the implied looming negativity from the twilight cuckoo folks, but it couldn’t be so easy in Xianxia right? Edit: Don’t you guys think, Webtoon adaptation possibilities aside, an anime adaptation of this could just be so amazing? I’m just mentally picturing the opening and it’s warming my heart.


Thank you for the story! I look forward to finding out what the future has in store. :)

Arnon Parenti

Golden grade horse shit!


That was the perfect ending to the volume.

Arnon Parenti

Dem demons would never know what hit them, this shitstorm will be of epic proportions. Emperor; where is Shen Yu? I said he must clear the eastern valley of demonic influence and instead I hear reports of a demon laughter causing the farmers to fling dung all over the place and light floating lanterns in winter nights. Advisor; my liege there are no demons in the eastern valley, Shen Yu is a farmer now.

Isaac Boyles

This story does not disappoint, I can't thank you enough for bringing it to us

Arnon Parenti

I love Liu Xianghua in everything she does, a true young mistress but with a heart of gold.

Canadian Tick

Hot damn that ending was great!


This entire chapter was just gold KEKW

Kawika Myers

Portents of the future indeed. This has been a wild ride so far and I'm glad to have been here for it. Can't wait to see what comes in volume 3


The ending was full of crap. Horse crap. Thanks for the chapter and the book. It was an awesome ride so far.


"Its impossible for someone in the Azure Hills to kill him". Proceeds to completely ignore how it has already happened, nothing more than an annoyance. Sure, don't even bother to think more about. Friggin Cultivatiors man


Good stuff, can't wait for more!

Arnon Parenti

Jin isn't technically from the Azure Hills, at least we know some intelligence security works in the Shrouded Mountain sect, as she doesn't know Jin is Cloudy Sword desciple.

The Lost Pages

I laughed so hard at this epilogue. Especially at Liu Xianghua asking for permission to court Gou Ren. But also the horse poop surprise at the end. Well done. Enjoy your month off. I'll remain a supporter. Thanks for the amazing story.

Arnon Parenti

New Villain is 🔥, I love how she is an older, villainous MeiMei, with some fox in the mix. It gives me hope to see some poison master duels in later parts of vol 3.


Xianghua is growing on me more and more. Like fungus, but the good kind


Love it. Just so much good stuff


I love the call back to Tigu asking if Xianghua would ask Jin for his blessing to court Gou.


When Lu Ban got punched, I was skeptical he would die after so much work building him up as a foe, but transitioning from him to some sort of sect works well, though there are still a few unanswered questions about him, like him referring to himself as a dragon early on. That said, I love the way this ties things up for now. Enjoy your break, time for me to reread everything!


Lol, love it. Thanks for the chapter!

Matt DiMeo

Hah, Chunky called it. I love xianghua. She’s my favorite (formerly?) minor character.

Eric Hicks

Loved it, the final touch with the letter was wonderful. Xianghua is growing on me I may well end up liking her more than Xiulan.


Hahahah! A fun ending. Could have asked for a little more, as an interested reader, but honestly it ended on a great note.


i can PICTURE Xianhua bowing anime style..


Hah! The results of that prank had me laughing like a lunatic.


HA! OH GOD THAT WAS GREAT! My mother is asking me why I'm laughing and I can't explain why this book is making me howl with laughter like Shen Yu!


The dragon thing just sounds like the stereotypical cultivator arrogance, comparing himself to something powerful.


Oh god i dont want to wait a month or more for more of this amazing story 😭, but i hope you wnjoy your break and can get everything you want and need done, done. That k




What a fucking legend 🤣🤣



Lord Felidae

At least he knows the return was genuine!


Bloody hell what a perfect end!


I feel like I'll like Shen Yu a lot

Hamasake Gagf

well that one way to make sure message was not tampered whit


I mean that the horse dung is part of the message. Shen Yu knows that not only is Rou Jin safe but his personality has not been too badly affected by his experience. If you recall, Rou Jin already tried to replace his grandpa's wine with horse urine before.

Quentin Long

[nods at Shen Yu's reaction to The letter] Yep, that bloke should be completely okay with Jin's post-sect life choices.


I am buying paper copies the instant you make them available! A thousand blessings to your house!

Chad Hagner

Oh now I can’t wait for Shen Yu to find his way to Fa Ram!

Demian Buckle

Thank you for all the hard work. Enjoy your break, it is deserved.


I wonder if Lu Ri will ever find out that Rou Jin made him carry a scroll full of horse dung across the entire region. I do not think Lu Ri's social training will help him from howling in rage.

Undead Writer

YEEEEEESSSS!!! Oh I love how she is the one courting him! Hahahaha!! Oh he will never be able to live that down. I can’t wait for the next volume!! I loved every moment of it!! Volume 3 here we come!(in March)

Undead Writer

Or was he taking a break all of March and returning in April. I can’t remember but enjoy the break!


hahaha really nice chapter

Nicholas Grey

“You’re… actually dead?” she asked, half amused, and half incredulous. Oh, thank f__k... Once again, you have subverted tropes in the best of ways. I read that scene with rising dread, surely CF isn't going to pull this overdone plot, please, don't... Oh, nice!


Xianghua's entry was nothing short of masterful. For a moment I thought it is the ghostly woman that evaded the Shrouded Mountain inquisitors now visiting village. She keeps delivering almost as much fun as Lord Magistrate. End is great - Shen Yu recognized that his disciple (Jin) might be upset with him but door is still open

Winston Smith

Great ending. I feel like this epilogue is a perfect wrap to the book. I wasn't feeling it from the last chapter, but this is the ending where you close the back cover after finish and just sigh in contentment and think "what a good book."


The scene with gramps and the letter was perfection. I really hope he makes it to Fa Ram soon.


this is a great chapter.


yeah, but not we have to worry about scary shadow women. Course I'd rather than than having that guy come back from the dead.

Fiery Diamond

And the second volume comes to a close! CasualFarmer, get some rest, recuperate, take all the time you need to get the fiddly details of various things in order. I look forward to the next volume. BoC is one of my all-time favorite stories. Thanks for all your hard work!

Bonifacio Mario Peña Jr.

Oof. I wonder if the evil shadow woman will hear about the CSS elder living in Azure Hills.





David Giles

Never change Xianghua, never change.


I wonder of that shadowy poison woman is better at poisons than our favorite Medicine Fairy.


Damn good chapter




Poor Lu Ri. Lmao


I’d say it might be different. The fairy being a more natural agent and the shadow woman’s being demonic and unnatural?

Whale A

Giving a new definition to Shit post.


Fantastic writing, keep us posted on the book. Thanks for the amazing story. ❤️

David Bean

Lmao, I’m embarrassed of the full 3 seconds it took my brain to get that but I certainly laughed once it did.


Can't wait to read what you have in store for vol. 3


Me too, can't wait to see how gramps reacts to Fa Ram. Looking forward to Volume 2!


Thanks for the great series so far! If you need to take a rest at this point please take one, we can wait a bit before more chapters.


It sounds to me like he’s already got the AU stuff more or less done. Hopefully he has fun with the what ifs and the blank check for continuity, he’s certainly earned as much with his character writing thus far.

Some person

No one ever complains about having too much of a good book


The little shit sent him shit. Still I would like to know the contents of the letter.


Jin proceeds to accidentally prepare for the return of the blood art sects and convice others to do likewise, all thanks to a misunderstanding of his "grand wisdom". Someone check if CF isn't cribbing from Youjo Senki.

Nicholas Grey

You know, now that you mention it, that’s a very apt comparison for the MC’s actions being continually misinterpreted to powerful effect.

Nicholas Grey

The scene with Xianghua’s approach to the village came across fully animated in my mind, *perfectly* suited to the art style from Ninja Scroll - that movie did “ominous” to dramatic perfection.


I am picturing the bow anime style her getting the big eyes then SLAM into the bow, and the parents having the huge eyes amazed HUH!?!?! look after with the mom dropping the hides sort of like https://tenor.com/view/shocked-naruto-anime-gif-8539535 that


As much as I'd love it, I'd be worried they'd rush through the slower bits to get to the "exciting action" despite that being the opposite of the point here.

Andrew Fox

Xianghua's proposal was funny but the shit spraying all over one of the most powerful cultivators in existence was fucking hilarious


Nice, confirmation of even an ego death. Boy is dead and became what all cultivators fear from what demonic cultivators do to them, an ingredient

Adam Albright

Awesome! Loved it :D Thank you sir your effort!

Doctor Xerox

Great chapter, like everyone before me said. Have a great break. Hope you get all your publishing chickens in a row with plenty of time for restful recharging too!


Thanks for the chapter and great ending for volume 2! What a shitty message from a shitty brat -Granpa


That bit at the start is a dark bummer way to end the vol on, would reccomend moving it to the start of the relevant arc after more slice of life stuff, it really ruins the happy relaxed feel the homecoming represented.

John Brady Anderson

While only my opinion, I feel like the full chapter nicely goes from dark and setting up the next/further threat to happy and lighthearted, the ramp up and slight ridiculousness leaving me personally quite happy with it.

Dale Tucker

Thanks for all your hard work CF. You have created something special. Slice of Life Xianxia hahahaha

Leaf Bug

I'm glad gramps can take a joke, hahaha


Hmm. Love the chapter. One thing I would maybe build up a bit more is Gramps fears of Rou hating him. Though we don't have a good grasp Gramps character yet so that might not be a big deal to him. But even though the readers know Jin isn't mad having the elder and messenger act more worried about the prank and putting more emphasis on Shen Yu's worries would make the catharsis of Gramps laughing all the more potent.


With so many open ends of the plot, will there be a book 3?


Considering how much of the story is slice of life character development over action driven plot, you could easily cover major events like the demon invasion and Lu Ban’s master in a couple more books.

Michael Fannon

I really want to know what the letter says. I'm hoping there will be mention of Jin having a kid soon and Gramps literally fighting through a demon army to rush to the farm in time. Great job, can't wait for this to resume

Jan Alexander

Hahaha. It was horse dung? I thought Yin's poop was added. Hahaha.


"i couldn't ask a lady to do that" he didn't use yin's poop cuz she is intelligent and a friend. plus as a bonus horse manure is more "liquid" than rabbit pellets are.


Damnit now I have to wait for book 2